en: simple_captcha: placeholder: "" label: "" lists: markups: seminar_preferred_session: Preferred Session restful_actions: edit_seminar_review: Review copy: Copy act_signup: Sign Up Info #報名資料 seminar_submission_field: Seminar Submission Field seminar_signup_field: Seminar Signup Field seminar_signup: Signup Analyze enquiry_for_applicants: Enquiry for applicants reviewer_setting: Reviewer setting module_name: seminar: Seminar #研討會 recaptcha: errors: verification_failed: Verification Failed #驗證碼錯誤 helpers: label: seminar_review_result: abstract_number: Abstract number presentation_type: Presentation seminar: participant_list: Participant list back: Back please_login_first: "Please login first!" out_of_date: Out of date announcement_manage: Announcement Manage album_manage: Album Manage about: About edit_page_content: Edit page content footer_info: Footer info original_image: Original Image custom_feature: enable: Enable disable: Disable background_style: Background Style content_style: Content Style home_setting: Home Setting sub_page_setting: Sub Page Setting menu: introduction: Introduction news: News registration: Registration registered_participants: Registered Participants submission: Submission album: Album introduction: Introduction announcement_limit: Announcement ;imit album_limit: Album limit upload_banner: Upload Banner menu_setting: Menu Setting display_menu: Display Menu website_title: Website Title custom_template: Custom Template template_setting: Template Setting click_to_view_original_image: Click to view original image view_original_image: View original image assigned_session: Assigned Session abstract_number: Abstract number review: Review copy_mode_on: Copy mode on clone_signups: Clone Signups copy: Copy select_session: Select %{session} unassigned_session_signups: Unassigned %{session} Signups submitter_without_reviewer: Submitter without reviewer are_you_want_to_remove: "Are you really want to remove?" add_assign_fields: Add assign fields assign_fields: Assign fields organizer: Organizer reviewer_setting: Reviewer setting select_reviewer: Select reviewer enquiry_for_applicants_display_fields_setting: Enquiry for applicants display fields setting enquiry_for_applicants: Enquiry for applicants field_display_setting: Field display setting table: Table session_dashboard: Session Dashboard dashboard: Dashboard display_field: Display field note: Note email_signup_success: Signup success email_submission_success: Submission registration success email_add_file_success: Add file success email_edit_file_success: Edit file success email_signup_content: Signup success email_submission_content: Submission registration success email_add_file_content: Add file success email_edit_file_content: Edit file success email_title: Title email_content: Content email_signup: Signup email_submission: Submission email_edit_file: Edit file email_add_file: Add file auto_send_email_set: Auto send email setting click_to_contribute: Click here to contribute required: Required already_used: Already Used please_enter_email: Please enter email available: Available close_window: Close window custom_set: Custom Set field_name: Field Name placeholder: Placeholder name: Show Name disable: Disable hidden: Hidden(admin) submission_set: Submission Set signup_set: Signup Set reviewer: Reviewer #審查委員 review_end_date: Review End Date #審查結束日期 review_start_date: Review Start Date #審查開始日期 review: Reveiw #審稿 blank_no_limit: Allow Blank Value #空白無限制 export_csv: Export CSV #匯出CSV recaptcha: Recaptcha #驗證碼 yes_: Yes #是 no_: No #否 seminar: Seminar #研討會 title: Conference Name #研討會名稱 speaker: Speaker #主講者 content: Content #內容說明 act_place: Seminar Location #活動地點 registration_status: Attendee Role #報名身分 registration_status_C: Contributor #投稿者 registration_status_G: Attendee #Normal sign up #一般報名 seminar_start_date: Seminar Start Date #活動開始時間 seminar_end_date: Seminar End Date #活動結束時間 signup_start_date: Sign Up Start Date #報名開始時間 signup_end_date: Sign Up End Date #報名結束時間 contribute_start_date: Contribute Start Date #投稿開始時間 contribute_end_date: Contirbute End Date #投稿結束時間 event_during: Event During #活動期間 contribute_during: Contribute During #投稿期間 signup_during: Sign Up During #報名期間 signup_count: Sign Up Count #報名人數 signup: Sign Up #報名 export: Export #匯出 set_seminar_items: Items #項目 set_seminar_submission_field: Set Submission Field set_seminar_signup_field: Set Sign Up Field #圈選設定 set_seminar_item_content: Set Item Content #項目設定 set_seminar_agreements: Personal Data Usage Agreements #個資宣告設定 seminar_agreements_content: Content of Personal Data Usage Agreements #個資宣告內容 to_require: Should Be Filled? #是否必填 sign_up_not_yet: Does Not Yet Allow Sign Up #報名時間未開始 sign_up_not_open: Does Not Open Sign Up #未開放報名 sign_up_overdue: Sign Up Overdue #報名時間已過 contribute_file_count: Count of Contribute Files #投稿檔案數 frontend: seminar: Semianr #研討會前台 seminar_item: new_item: New Item #新增項目 edit_item: Edit Item #編輯項目 set_item: Set Item #設定項目 del_item: Delete Item #刪除項目 seminar_item_content: content: Content #內容 seminar_signup: serial_number: Sign-up No. status: Attendee Role title: File Name description: Summary file: Files signup_time: Sign Up Time #報名時間 name: Name unit: Institute #單位 tel: Tel phone: Mobile telephone fax: Fax address: Address #地址 email: Email #e-mail信箱 password: Password #密碼 password_message: '( This password is for uploading file when contributing. )' note: Note #註解 time: 'Start / End Time' #(開始/結束)時間 place: Place #地點 agree: "Accept Privacy and Personal Information Protection Policy of the Site" privacy_statement: 'Privacy and Personal Information Protection Policy of the Site' recaptcha: Verification code signup_field: Sign Up Field #圈選項目 uploads: Uploads #上傳檔案 con_login: Submission #投稿者登入 file_name: File Name #稿件名稱 file_note: Summary #摘要 files: Files #檔案 logout: Log Out #登出 logouting: Logging Out #登出中 success_message: 'Registration successful, thank you.' email_address: Email address _password: Password login: Login new_: 'Load abstract' load_file: load file enable_summary_choice: Enable summary choice summary_choice_type: Summary choice type select: Select box checkbox: Multiple choice radio: Single choice choices: Choices