class EventNews include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include OrbitModel::Status include OrbitModel::Impression # encoding: utf-8 include OrbitTag::Taggable include OrbitCategory::Categorizable include Slug require 'event_news_model/cache' include EventNewsModel::Cache attr_accessor :org_tag_ids def tags=(ids) self.org_tag_ids = self.tag_ids super(ids) end def []=(index,value) if index.to_s=='tags' self.org_tag_ids = self.tag_ids end super(index,value) end SubPart.class_eval { include EventNewsModel::Cache } Page.class_eval { include EventNewsModel::Cache } before_destroy do EventNewsCache.all.destroy end Week_day_trans = {:en=>["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"], :zh_tw=>["(日)","(一)","(二)","(三)","(四)","(五)","(六)"]} field :event_date_use_default_setting, type: Boolean, default: true field :including_day_of_the_week, type: Boolean, default: true field :including_time, type: Boolean, default: true field :hour_clock_24, type: Boolean, default: true field :is_edit, type: Boolean, default: false #use to check whether the preview record changed field :copy_id field :custom_carousel_image_width, type: String, default: "" field :image_display_class, type: String, default: "full-size-img" #3 choices: full-size-img , pull-left , pull-right field :add_to_calendar,type: Boolean,default: false field :calendar_start_date, :type => DateTime field :calendar_end_date, :type => DateTime field :calendar_all_day,type: Boolean,default: false field :all_day,type: Boolean,default: false #old field field :calendar_type_id field :event_id field :place, type: String, localize: true field :title, as: :slug_title, type: String, localize: true field :speaker, type: String, localize: true field :host, type: String, localize: true field :subtitle, localize: true field :text, localize: true, default: '' field :notes, localize: true field :create_user_id field :update_user_id field :public, :type => Boolean, :default => true field :event_date , :type => DateTime, :default => field :event_end_date , :type => DateTime field :postdate , :type => DateTime, :default => field :deadline , :type => DateTime field :rss2_sn field :approved, :type => Boolean, :default => false field :is_preview, :type => Boolean, :default => false field :expirable_created_at, type: DateTime field :rejected, :type => Boolean, :default => false field :reapproval, :type => Boolean, :default => false field :rejection_reason field :is_external_link, :type => Boolean, :default => false field :external_link field :display_subtitle, :type => Boolean, :default => false field :display_img, :type => Boolean, :default => false field :email_id field :email_sent, :type => Boolean, :default => false field :email_sentdate , :type => DateTime field :email_member_ids field :other_mailaddress field :image_description, localize: true field :top_end_date, :type => DateTime mount_uploader :image, ImageUploader has_many :event_news_links, :autosave => true, :dependent => :destroy has_many :event_news_files, :autosave => true, :dependent => :destroy has_many :event_carousel_images, :autosave => true, :dependent => :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :event_news_files, :allow_destroy => true accepts_nested_attributes_for :event_news_links, :allow_destroy => true accepts_nested_attributes_for :event_carousel_images, :allow_destroy => true before_destroy :destroy_email scope :open_in_future, ->{where(>true, => true,> :asc)} scope :can_display_and_sorted, ->{where(>true, => true).any_of({:postdate.lte=>, :deadline.gte=>},{:postdate.lte=>, :deadline=>nil},{:postdate=>nil}).order(is_top: :desc, event_date: :desc,postdate: :desc,id: :desc)} scope :can_display_and_sorted_according_today, ->{where(>true, => true).any_of({:postdate.lte=>, :deadline.gte=>},{:postdate.lte=>, :deadline=>nil},{:postdate=>nil}).order(is_top: :desc, event_date: :asc,postdate: :desc,id: :desc).where(:event_date.gte =>} scope :is_approved, ->{where(:approved => true)} scope :is_approved_and_show, ->{where(:approved => true,>true, => true)} scope :filter_cats_and_tags, ->(cats,tags) {filter_by_widget_categories(cats,false).filter_by_tags(tags)} before_create :set_expire before_save :check_limit index({postdate: 1}, { unique: false, background: true }) index({is_top: -1, postdate: -1, event_date: -1, _id: -1}, { unique: false, background: true }) index({is_top: -1, event_date: 1, postdate: -1, _id: -1}, { unique: false, background: true }) def get_org_model if self.is_preview org_model = nil if self.copy_id org_model = self.class.find(self.copy_id) rescue nil else org_model = self.class.where(:title=>self.title,>true).desc(:updated_at).first end org_model.nil? ? self : org_model else self end end def date_parse_format #all_day ? '%Y-%m-%d' : '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' event_date_format end def get_weekday(w) trans = self.class::Week_day_trans if trans.keys.include?(I18n.locale) trans[I18n.locale][w] else trans[:en][w] end end def event_date_format @event_date_format ||= (self.event_date_use_default_setting ? EventNewsSetting.event_date_default_format : self.event_date_custom_format) end def event_date_custom_format datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d" if self.including_day_of_the_week datetime_format += " %a" end if self.including_time if self.hour_clock_24 datetime_format += " %H:%M" else datetime_format += " %I:%M %P" end end datetime_format end def custom_strftime(dt, datetime_format) if dt dt.strftime(datetime_format.sub("%a","%%a")).sub("%a",get_weekday(dt.wday)) else "" end end def event_time_formated_for_frontend st,ed = self.event_time_formated.split("~") if st.nil? st = "" else st = "#{st}" end if ed.nil? st else ed = "#{ed}" "#{st} ~ #{ed}" end end def event_time_formated s = self.event_date.in_time_zone( / 3600) rescue nil e = self.event_end_date.in_time_zone( / 3600) rescue nil if s.blank? && e.blank? "" elsif e.blank? custom_strftime(s, self.date_parse_format) elsif s.blank? "~ " + custom_strftime(e, self.date_parse_format) else parse_format = self.date_parse_format if s.to_date == e.to_date parse_format_arr = parse_format.split(/(%d %a|%d) /) parse_format_arr = parse_format_arr[0..-2].join(""), parse_format_arr[-1] date_str = custom_strftime(s, parse_format_arr[0]) s_time = s.strftime(parse_format_arr[1]) e_time = e.strftime(parse_format_arr[1]) "#{date_str} #{s_time} ~ #{e_time}" else custom_strftime(s, self.date_parse_format) + " ~ " + custom_strftime(e, self.date_parse_format) end end end def to_calendar_param self.to_param end def calendar_type CalendarType.where( => self.calendar_type_id) end def event if !self.event_id.nil? Event.where(:id => self.event_id).first else nil end end def check_limit check_status_limit(update_user) end def check_status_limit(user,check_only=false) role_ids = rescue [] status_settings = (role_ids.collect do |role_id|{|v| v.role_id.to_s == role_id.to_s} end.flatten rescue []) reach_limit = [] if status_settings.count != 0 reach_limit = status_settings.collect do |status_setting| status = status_setting.status if status_setting.top_limit.to_i <= self.class.where(>true, => Role.find(status_setting.role_id).member_profiles.collect(&:user){|v|},status => true).count if !check_only if self[status] && !self.class.where([status] self[status] = false nil end else status end else nil end end.compact reach_limit = reach_limit.group_by{|v| v}.collect do |k,v| if v.count >= user.member_profile.roles.count k else nil end end.compact end reach_limit end def set_expire self.expirable_created_at = if self.is_preview return true end def update_user User.find(update_user_id) rescue nil end def update_user=(user) self.update_user_id = end def email_members MemberProfile.find(self.email_member_ids) rescue [] end def email_addresses addresses = self.email_members.collect{|member|} rescue [] addresses = addresses +[self.other_mailaddress] if !self.other_mailaddress.blank? addresses.flatten end def email mail = Email.find(self.email_id) rescue nil end def expired? (self.deadline < rescue false end def destroy_email mail = Email.find(self.email_id) rescue nil mail.destroy if !mail.nil? end def self.remove_expired_status self.where(:is_top => true, => nil, => do |b| b.is_top = false b.top_end_date = nil end end def display_subtitle? self.display_subtitle rescue false end def display_img? self.display_img rescue false end def statuses statuses = [] statuses << top_text if is_top? statuses << hot_text if is_hot? statuses << hidden_text if is_hidden? statuses end def statuses_with_classname statuses = [] statuses << {"name" => top_text, "classname" => "top"} if is_top? statuses << {"name" => hot_text, "classname" => "hot"} if is_hot? statuses << {"name" => hidden_text, "classname" => "hidden"} if is_hidden? statuses end def status_for_table status = "" status << "#{top_text} " if self.is_top status << "#{hot_text} " if self.is_hot status << "#{hidden_text}"if self.is_hidden status.html_safe end def top_text I18n.t("") end def hot_text I18n.t("") end def hidden_text I18n.t("announcement.status.hidden") end def carousel_image_width (self.custom_carousel_image_width.blank? ? AnnouncementSetting.last.carousel_image_width : self.custom_carousel_image_width) end def self.agenda_events(agenda_start, agenda_end,read_more_url) events = self.monthly_event(agenda_start, agenda_end).convert_front(read_more_url) end def self.monthly_event(start_date,end_date) self.any_of({:event_date.lte => start_date,:event_end_date.gte => start_date},{:event_date.gte => start_date,:event_end_date.lte => end_date},{:event_date.lte => end_date,:event_end_date.gte => end_date}).asc(:event_date) end def self.convert_front(read_more_url) self.all.collect do |re| {:id =>, :title=>re.title, :note=>re.subtitle || "", :allDay => false, :color => nil, :url_linked => (re.is_external_link ? re.external_link : "#{read_more_url}/#{re.to_param}" rescue ""), :start => re.event_date, :end => re.event_end_date} end end end