
176 lines
6.2 KiB

event_news: Event News
custom_fields_title: Custom Fields Title
custom_carousel_image_width_hint: "If blank, width will be default value."
carousel_image_width: Carousel Image Width
default_carousel_image_width: Default Carousel Image Width
place: Place
cover_image_display_setting: Cover Image display setting
full_width: Full width
up_left_corner: Up-left corner
up_right_corner: Up-right corner
all_tabs_setting: '"All" tab setting'
the_same_as_data_count: The same as data count
display_all_in_other_tabs: Display all contents in other tabs
read_more_position_options: '"read more" button position'
default: Default
upper_left: Upper left
lower_left: Lower left
upper_right: Upper right
lower_right: Lower right
tabs_options: Tabs options
not_enable_tabs: Not enable tabs
enable_tabs_with_categories_include_all: Enable tabs with categories(include all)
enable_tabs_with_categories: Enable tabs with categories
notes: Notes
speaker: Speaker
host: Host
event_date: Event Date
event_end_date: Event End Date
start_date: Start date
end_date: End date
add_to_calendar: Add to calendar
blank_to_set: (blank to use event news setting)
stime: start time
etime: end time
select_prompt: --select category--
all: All
keywords: Keywords
enable_search: Enable search feature
'yes': 'Yes'
'no': 'No'
image: Cover Image
carousel_image: Carousel Image
carousel_image_title: Carousel Image(display at the bottom of show page)
picture_showing_size: Picture Showing Size
orignal_size: Original Size
small_size: Small Size
medium_size: Medium Size
showing_back_and_next: Show back and next
not_show: Not show
show_top: Show at top
show_bottom: Show at bottom
prev: previous
next: next
title : Title
date : Date
status : Status
sub_title: Sub Title
category: Category
author: Author
link: Link
file: File
view_count: View Count
department: Department
add_new: Add New
export_to_excel: Export to Excel
export_all_anns: Export all Event News
import_from_excel: Import from Excel
download_example_sheet_here: Download example sheet here
please_create_tags_cats: Please create all the tags and categories before hand. Only excel file is allowed
create_atleast_one_cat: Please create atleast one category before importing.
import_from_wp_xml: Import from WordPress XML
click_on_submit: Click on Submit to save the changes
approvers_list: Approvers List
click_set_sub_manager: Click here to set Sub Managers for this module
approver: Approver
top_limit: Top Limit
for_unlimited: Put 0 for unlimited
feed_name: Feed Name
rssfeed: RSS Feed Link
jsonfeed: JSON Feed Link
feed_list: Feed List
approve: Approve
all_articles: All Articles
settings: Settings
import: Import / Export
event_news_module: Event News
approval_setting: Approval Setting
approve_event_news_fail: Approval Fail
approve_event_news_success: Approve Successfully
approval_waiting: Approval
submitted_new_event_news: "%{poster} submitted a new event news waiting for your approval."
click_here_to_see: Please click the link below to view the event news.
rejected_annoucement: has rejected your event news, because
updated_annoucement: "%{poster} updated the rejected event news."
event_news_subject: New event news waiting for approval
approval_site: Site
approval_mail_hi: Hello %{name},
approval_event_news_title: Event News Title
event_news: Event News
categories: Categories
create_event_news_success: Create Bulletin Successfully
create_event_news_category_success: Create Category Successfully
date: Event News Date
event_news_category_with_title: Bulletin Category with Title
postdate: Post Date
subtitle: Subtitle
title: Title
editing_event_news: Edit event news
editing_event_news_category: Edit Category
file: Attachment
file_description: File Description
file_name: File Name
event_news: Event News front-end
search_result: Search result
link_name: Link Name
new_event_news_category: New Bulletin Category
picture: Cover Picture
search: Search
selected_file: Select File
update_event_news_category_success: Update Category Successfully
url: URL
event_news_and_web_links: Differential Nav.
index: Index
search: Search
more_: "More "
more: More
email_reminder: Email Reminder
activate_email_reminder: Activate Email Reminder
email_sentdate: Email Time
email_to: Email To
mail_subject: this is an event news reminder from【%{site_title}】
view_count: View Counts
other_mailaddress: Other Email
other_mailaddress_note: Divide different email accounts with ","
mail_hi: Hi
mail_url_view: This email is the reminder of an event news, please click the link for the details
mail_source: Source
mail_time: Time
image_upload_size_note: The following recommendations %{image_upload_size} upload size
resend_mail: Re-send Email
is_external_link: Enable External Link
external_link: External Link
external_link_hint: "Make sure URL starts with http://"
display_subtitle: Display Subtitle in Content Page
display_img: Display Cover Image in Content Page
is_display_edit_only: Only display editable event news
only_manager_can_edit_status: Only manager can edit status of event news
layout_type: Layout type
event_news_setting_for_iframe: Event News settings for iframe
url_generate: Url Generate
show_page: Show pagination
copy: Copy
'1': 'January'
'2': 'February'
'3': 'March'
'4': 'April'
'5': 'May'
'6': 'June'
'7': 'July'
'8': 'August'
'9': 'September'
'10': 'October'
'11': 'November'
'12': 'December'
calendar_title: "%{month} %{year}"
ad_banner_location: Ad Banner Location(Need to Upload in Edit Page)