package cmd import ( "fmt" "" "" ) func init() { configCmd.AddCommand(configInitCmd) addConfigFlags(configInitCmd.Flags()) } var configInitCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "init", Short: "Initialize a new database", Long: `Initialize a new database to use with File Browser. All of this options can be changed in the future with the command 'filebrowser config set'. The user related flags apply to the defaults when creating new users and you don't override the options.`, Args: cobra.NoArgs, Run: python(func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, d pythonData) { defaults := settings.UserDefaults{} flags := cmd.Flags() getUserDefaults(flags, &defaults, true) _, auther := getAuthentication() ser := &settings.GlobalConfiguration.Server err := checkErr(err) err = checkErr(err) err = checkErr(err) fmt.Printf(` Congratulations! You've set up your database to use with File Browser. Now add your first user via 'filebrowser users add' and then you just need to call the main command to boot up the server. `) printSettings(ser, &settings.GlobalConfiguration, auther) }, pythonConfig{noDB: true}), }