# .goreleaser.yaml project_name: filebrowser version: 2 builds: # Build configuration for darwin and linux - id: default ldflags: &ldflags - -s -w -X github.com/gtsteffaniak/filebrowser/backend/version.Version={{ .Version }} -X github.com/gtsteffaniak/filebrowser/backend/version.CommitSHA={{ .ShortCommit }} main: main.go binary: filebrowser goos: - darwin - linux goarch: - amd64 - arm - arm64 goarm: - "6" - "7" hooks: post: - upx {{ .Path }} # Compress the binary with UPX # Build configuration for windows without arm # - id: windows # ldflags: *ldflags # main: main.go # binary: filebrowser # goos: # - windows # goarch: # - amd64 archives: - name_template: "{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}{{if .Arm}}v{{.Arm}}{{end}}-{{ .ProjectName }}" format: binary checksum: disable: true