
236 lines
8.9 KiB

"permanent": "永久",
"buttons": {
"shell": "切換 shell",
"cancel": "取消",
"close": "關閉",
"copy": "複製",
"copyFile": "複製檔案",
"copyToClipboard": "複製到剪貼簿",
"create": "建立",
"delete": "刪除",
"download": "下載",
"info": "資訊",
"more": "更多",
"move": "移動",
"moveFile": "移動檔案",
"new": "新",
"next": "下一個",
"ok": "確認",
"replace": "更換",
"previous": "上一個",
"rename": "重新命名",
"reportIssue": "報告問題",
"save": "儲存",
"search": "搜尋",
"select": "選擇",
"share": "分享",
"publish": "發佈",
"selectMultiple": "選擇多個",
"schedule": "計畫",
"switchView": "切換顯示方式",
"toggleSidebar": "切換側邊欄",
"update": "更新",
"upload": "上傳",
"permalink": "獲取永久連結"
"success": {
"linkCopied": "連結已複製!"
"errors": {
"forbidden": "您無權訪問。",
"internal": "伺服器出了點問題。",
"notFound": "找不到檔案。"
"files": {
"folders": "資料夾",
"files": "檔案",
"body": "内容",
"clear": "清空",
"closePreview": "關閉預覽",
"home": "主頁",
"lastModified": "最後修改",
"loading": "讀取中...",
"lonely": "這裡沒有任何檔案...",
"metadata": "詮釋資料",
"multipleSelectionEnabled": "多選模式已開啟",
"name": "名稱",
"size": "大小",
"sortByName": "按名稱排序",
"sortBySize": "按大小排序",
"sortByLastModified": "按最後修改時間排序"
"help": {
"click": "選擇檔案或目錄",
"ctrl": {
"click": "選擇多個檔案或目錄",
"f": "打開搜尋列",
"s": "儲存檔案或下載目前資料夾"
"del": "刪除所選的檔案/資料夾",
"doubleClick": "打開檔案/資料夾",
"esc": "清除已選項或關閉提示資訊",
"f1": "顯示該幫助資訊",
"f2": "重新命名檔案/資料夾",
"help": "幫助"
"login": {
"password": "密碼",
"passwordConfirm": "確認密碼",
"submit": "登入",
"createAnAccount": "新建賬戶",
"loginInstead": "已有賬戶登錄",
"passwordsDontMatch": "密碼不匹配",
"usernameTaken": "用戶名已存在",
"signup": "註冊",
"username": "帳號",
"wrongCredentials": "帳號或密碼錯誤"
"prompts": {
"copy": "複製",
"copyMessage": "請選擇欲複製至的目錄:",
"currentlyNavigating": "目前目錄:",
"deleteMessageMultiple": "你確定要刪除這 {count} 個檔案嗎?",
"deleteMessageSingle": "你確定要刪除這個檔案/資料夾嗎?",
"deleteTitle": "刪除檔案",
"displayName": "名稱:",
"download": "下載檔案",
"downloadMessage": "請選擇要下載的壓縮格式。",
"error": "發出了一點錯誤...",
"fileInfo": "檔案資訊",
"filesSelected": "已選擇 {count} 個檔案。",
"lastModified": "最後修改",
"move": "移動",
"moveMessage": "請選擇欲移動至的目錄:",
"newDir": "建立目錄",
"newDirMessage": "請輸入新目錄的名稱。",
"newFile": "建立檔案",
"newFileMessage": "請輸入新檔案的名稱。",
"numberDirs": "目錄數",
"numberFiles": "檔案數",
"replace": "替換",
"replaceMessage": "您嘗試上傳的檔案中有一個與現有檔案的名稱存在衝突。是否取代現有的同名檔案?",
"rename": "重新命名",
"renameMessage": "請輸入新名稱,舊名稱為:",
"show": "顯示",
"size": "大小",
"schedule": "計畫",
"scheduleMessage": "請選擇發佈這篇貼文的日期。",
"newArchetype": "建立一個基於原型的新貼文。您的檔案將會建立在內容資料夾中。"
"settings": {
"instanceName": "Instance name",
"brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path",
"documentation": "documentation",
"branding": "Branding",
"disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)",
"brandingHelp": "You can costumize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.",
"admin": "管理員",
"administrator": "管理員",
"allowCommands": "執行命令",
"allowEdit": "編輯、重命名或刪除檔案/目錄",
"allowNew": "創建新檔案和目錄",
"allowPublish": "發佈新的貼文與頁面",
"avoidChanges": "(留空以避免更改)",
"changePassword": "更改密碼",
"commandRunner": "Command runner",
"commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.",
"commandsUpdated": "命令已更新!",
"customStylesheet": "自定義樣式表",
"examples": "範例",
"globalSettings": "全域設定",
"language": "語言",
"lockPassword": "禁止使用者修改密碼",
"newPassword": "您的新密碼",
"newPasswordConfirm": "重輸一遍新密碼",
"newUser": "建立使用者",
"password": "密碼",
"passwordUpdated": "密碼已更新!",
"permissions": "權限",
"permissionsHelp": "您可以將該使用者設置為管理員,也可以單獨選擇各項權限。如果選擇了“管理員”,則其他的選項會被自動勾上,同時該使用者可以管理其他使用者。",
"profileSettings": "個人設定",
"ruleExample1": "封鎖使用者存取所有資料夾下任何以 . 開頭的檔案(隱藏文件, 例如: .git, .gitignore)。",
"ruleExample2": "封鎖使用者存取其目錄範圍的根目錄下名為 Caddyfile 的檔案。",
"rules": "規則",
"rulesHelp": "您可以為該使用者製定一組黑名單或白名單式的規則,被屏蔽的檔案將不會顯示在清單中,使用者也無權限存取,支持相對於目錄範圍的路徑。",
"scope": "目錄範圍",
"settingsUpdated": "設定已更新!",
"user": "使用者",
"userCommands": "使用者命令",
"userCommandsHelp": "指定該使用者可以執行的命令,用空格分隔。例如:",
"userCreated": "使用者已建立!",
"userDeleted": "使用者已刪除!",
"userManagement": "使用者管理",
"username": "使用者名稱",
"users": "使用者",
"globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.",
"allowSignup": "Allow users to signup",
"createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user",
"insertRegex": "Insert regex expression",
"insertPath": "Insert the path",
"userUpdated": "使用者已更新!",
"userDefaults": "User default settings",
"defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.",
"executeOnShell": "Execute on shell",
"executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.",
"perm": {
"create": "建立檔案和資料夾",
"delete": "刪除檔案和資料夾",
"download": "下載",
"modify": "編輯檔案",
"execute": "Execute commands",
"rename": "重命名或移動檔案/資料夾",
"share": "分享檔案"
"sidebar": {
"help": "幫助",
"login": "登入",
"signup": "註冊",
"logout": "登出",
"myFiles": "我的檔案",
"newFile": "建立檔案",
"newFolder": "建立資料夾",
"settings": "設定",
"siteSettings": "網站設定",
"hugoNew": "Hugo New",
"preview": "預覽"
"search": {
"images": "影像",
"music": "音樂",
"pdf": "PDF",
"types": "類型",
"video": "影片",
"search": "搜尋...",
"typeToSearch": "Type to search...",
"pressToSearch": "Press enter to search..."
"languages": {
"ar": "العربية",
"en": "English",
"it": "Italiano",
"fr": "Français",
"pt": "Português",
"ptBR": "Português (Brasil)",
"ja": "日本語",
"zhCN": "中文 (简体)",
"zhTW": "中文 (繁體)",
"es": "Español",
"de": "Deutsch",
"ru": "Русский",
"pl": "Polski",
"ko": "한국어"
"time": {
"unit": "時間單位",
"seconds": "秒",
"minutes": "分鐘",
"hours": "小時",
"days": "天"
"download": {
"downloadFile": "下載檔案",
"downloadFolder": "下載資料夾"