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2015-06-23 23:05:46 +00:00
# Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
require 'date'
require 'google/apis/core/base_service'
require 'google/apis/core/json_representation'
require 'google/apis/core/hashable'
require 'google/apis/errors'
module Google
module Apis
module AppsactivityV1
# An Activity resource is a combined view of multiple events. An activity has a
# list of individual events and a combined view of the common fields among all
# events.
class Activity
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# Represents the changes associated with an action taken by a user.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `combinedEvent`
# @return [Google::Apis::AppsactivityV1::Event]
attr_accessor :combined_event
# A list of all the Events that make up the Activity.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `singleEvents`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::AppsactivityV1::Event>]
attr_accessor :single_events
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
2016-01-29 22:32:46 +00:00
@combined_event = args[:combined_event] if args.key?(:combined_event)
@single_events = args[:single_events] if args.key?(:single_events)
2015-06-23 23:05:46 +00:00
# Represents the changes associated with an action taken by a user.
class Event
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# Additional event types. Some events may have multiple types when multiple
# actions are part of a single event. For example, creating a document, renaming
# it, and sharing it may be part of a single file-creation event.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `additionalEventTypes`
# @return [Array<String>]
attr_accessor :additional_event_types
# The time at which the event occurred formatted as Unix time in milliseconds.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `eventTimeMillis`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :event_time_millis
# Whether this event is caused by a user being deleted.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `fromUserDeletion`
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :from_user_deletion
alias_method :from_user_deletion?, :from_user_deletion
# Contains information about changes in an object's parents as a result of a
# move type event.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `move`
# @return [Google::Apis::AppsactivityV1::Move]
attr_accessor :move
# Extra information for permissionChange type events, such as the user or group
# the new permission applies to.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `permissionChanges`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::AppsactivityV1::PermissionChange>]
attr_accessor :permission_changes
# The main type of event that occurred.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `primaryEventType`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :primary_event_type
# Contains information about a renametype event.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `rename`
# @return [Google::Apis::AppsactivityV1::Rename]
attr_accessor :rename
# Information about the object modified by the event.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `target`
# @return [Google::Apis::AppsactivityV1::Target]
attr_accessor :target
# A representation of a user.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `user`
# @return [Google::Apis::AppsactivityV1::User]
attr_accessor :user
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
2016-01-29 22:32:46 +00:00
@additional_event_types = args[:additional_event_types] if args.key?(:additional_event_types)
@event_time_millis = args[:event_time_millis] if args.key?(:event_time_millis)
@from_user_deletion = args[:from_user_deletion] if args.key?(:from_user_deletion)
@move = args[:move] if args.key?(:move)
@permission_changes = args[:permission_changes] if args.key?(:permission_changes)
@primary_event_type = args[:primary_event_type] if args.key?(:primary_event_type)
@rename = args[:rename] if args.key?(:rename)
@target = args[:target] if args.key?(:target)
@user = args[:user] if args.key?(:user)
2015-06-23 23:05:46 +00:00
# The response from the list request. Contains a list of activities and a token
# to retrieve the next page of results.
class ListActivitiesResponse
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# List of activities.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `activities`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::AppsactivityV1::Activity>]
attr_accessor :activities
# Token for the next page of results.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :next_page_token
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
2016-01-29 22:32:46 +00:00
@activities = args[:activities] if args.key?(:activities)
@next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token)
2015-06-23 23:05:46 +00:00
# Contains information about changes in an object's parents as a result of a
# move type event.
class Move
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The added parent(s).
# Corresponds to the JSON property `addedParents`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::AppsactivityV1::Parent>]
attr_accessor :added_parents
# The removed parent(s).
# Corresponds to the JSON property `removedParents`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::AppsactivityV1::Parent>]
attr_accessor :removed_parents
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
2016-01-29 22:32:46 +00:00
@added_parents = args[:added_parents] if args.key?(:added_parents)
@removed_parents = args[:removed_parents] if args.key?(:removed_parents)
2015-06-23 23:05:46 +00:00
# Contains information about a parent object. For example, a folder in Drive is
# a parent for all files within it.
class Parent
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The parent's ID.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `id`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :id
# Whether this is the root folder.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `isRoot`
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :is_root
alias_method :is_root?, :is_root
# The parent's title.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `title`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :title
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
2016-01-29 22:32:46 +00:00
@id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id)
@is_root = args[:is_root] if args.key?(:is_root)
@title = args[:title] if args.key?(:title)
2015-06-23 23:05:46 +00:00
# Contains information about the permissions and type of access allowed with
# regards to a Google Drive object. This is a subset of the fields contained in
# a corresponding Drive Permissions object.
class Permission
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The name of the user or group the permission applies to.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `name`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :name
# The ID for this permission. Corresponds to the Drive API's permission ID
# returned as part of the Drive Permissions resource.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `permissionId`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :permission_id
# Indicates the Google Drive permissions role. The role determines a user's
# ability to read, write, or comment on the file.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `role`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :role
# Indicates how widely permissions are granted.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `type`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :type
# A representation of a user.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `user`
# @return [Google::Apis::AppsactivityV1::User]
attr_accessor :user
# Whether the permission requires a link to the file.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `withLink`
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :with_link
alias_method :with_link?, :with_link
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
2016-01-29 22:32:46 +00:00
@name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name)
@permission_id = args[:permission_id] if args.key?(:permission_id)
@role = args[:role] if args.key?(:role)
@type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type)
@user = args[:user] if args.key?(:user)
@with_link = args[:with_link] if args.key?(:with_link)
2015-06-23 23:05:46 +00:00
# Contains information about a Drive object's permissions that changed as a
# result of a permissionChange type event.
class PermissionChange
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# Lists all Permission objects added.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `addedPermissions`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::AppsactivityV1::Permission>]
attr_accessor :added_permissions
# Lists all Permission objects removed.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `removedPermissions`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::AppsactivityV1::Permission>]
attr_accessor :removed_permissions
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
2016-01-29 22:32:46 +00:00
@added_permissions = args[:added_permissions] if args.key?(:added_permissions)
@removed_permissions = args[:removed_permissions] if args.key?(:removed_permissions)
2015-06-23 23:05:46 +00:00
# Photo information for a user.
class Photo
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The URL of the photo.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `url`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :url
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
2016-01-29 22:32:46 +00:00
@url = args[:url] if args.key?(:url)
2015-06-23 23:05:46 +00:00
# Contains information about a renametype event.
class Rename
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The new title.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `newTitle`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :new_title
# The old title.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `oldTitle`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :old_title
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
2016-01-29 22:32:46 +00:00
@new_title = args[:new_title] if args.key?(:new_title)
@old_title = args[:old_title] if args.key?(:old_title)
2015-06-23 23:05:46 +00:00
# Information about the object modified by the event.
class Target
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The ID of the target. For example, in Google Drive, this is the file or folder
# ID.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `id`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :id
# The MIME type of the target.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `mimeType`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :mime_type
# The name of the target. For example, in Google Drive, this is the title of the
# file.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `name`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :name
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
2016-01-29 22:32:46 +00:00
@id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id)
@mime_type = args[:mime_type] if args.key?(:mime_type)
@name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name)
2015-06-23 23:05:46 +00:00
# A representation of a user.
class User
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
2016-03-11 22:41:20 +00:00
# A boolean which indicates whether the specified User was deleted. If true,
# name, photo and permission_id will be omitted.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `isDeleted`
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :is_deleted
alias_method :is_deleted?, :is_deleted
2016-11-08 23:43:14 +00:00
# Whether the user is the authenticated user.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `isMe`
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :is_me
alias_method :is_me?, :is_me
2015-06-23 23:05:46 +00:00
# The displayable name of the user.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `name`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :name
2016-03-11 22:41:20 +00:00
# The permission ID associated with this user. Equivalent to the Drive API's
# permission ID for this user, returned as part of the Drive Permissions
# resource.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `permissionId`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :permission_id
2015-06-23 23:05:46 +00:00
# Photo information for a user.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `photo`
# @return [Google::Apis::AppsactivityV1::Photo]
attr_accessor :photo
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
2016-03-11 22:41:20 +00:00
@is_deleted = args[:is_deleted] if args.key?(:is_deleted)
2016-11-08 23:43:14 +00:00
@is_me = args[:is_me] if args.key?(:is_me)
2016-01-29 22:32:46 +00:00
@name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name)
2016-03-11 22:41:20 +00:00
@permission_id = args[:permission_id] if args.key?(:permission_id)
2016-01-29 22:32:46 +00:00
@photo = args[:photo] if args.key?(:photo)
2015-06-23 23:05:46 +00:00