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# Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
require 'date'
require 'google/apis/core/base_service'
require 'google/apis/core/json_representation'
require 'google/apis/core/hashable'
require 'google/apis/errors'
module Google
module Apis
module StorageV1beta1
# A bucket.
class Bucket
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# Access controls on the bucket.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `acl`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::StorageV1beta1::BucketAccessControl>]
attr_accessor :acl
# Default access controls to apply to new objects when no ACL is provided.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `defaultObjectAcl`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::StorageV1beta1::ObjectAccessControl>]
attr_accessor :default_object_acl
# The name of the bucket.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `id`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :id
# The kind of item this is. For buckets, this is always storage#bucket.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `kind`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :kind
# The location of the bucket. Object data for objects in the bucket resides in
# physical storage in this location. Can be US or EU. Defaults to US.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `location`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :location
# The owner of the bucket. This will always be the project team's owner group.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `owner`
# @return [Google::Apis::StorageV1beta1::Bucket::Owner]
attr_accessor :owner
# The project the bucket belongs to.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `projectId`
# @return [Fixnum]
attr_accessor :project_id
# The URI of this bucket.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `selfLink`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :self_link
# Creation time of the bucket in RFC 3339 format.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `timeCreated`
# @return [DateTime]
attr_accessor :time_created
# The bucket's website configuration.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `website`
# @return [Google::Apis::StorageV1beta1::Bucket::Website]
attr_accessor :website
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@acl = args[:acl] if args.key?(:acl)
@default_object_acl = args[:default_object_acl] if args.key?(:default_object_acl)
@id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id)
@kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind)
@location = args[:location] if args.key?(:location)
@owner = args[:owner] if args.key?(:owner)
@project_id = args[:project_id] if args.key?(:project_id)
@self_link = args[:self_link] if args.key?(:self_link)
@time_created = args[:time_created] if args.key?(:time_created)
@website = args[:website] if args.key?(:website)
# The owner of the bucket. This will always be the project team's owner group.
class Owner
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The entity, in the form group-groupId.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `entity`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :entity
# The ID for the entity.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `entityId`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :entity_id
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@entity = args[:entity] if args.key?(:entity)
@entity_id = args[:entity_id] if args.key?(:entity_id)
# The bucket's website configuration.
class Website
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# Behaves as the bucket's directory index where missing objects are treated as
# potential directories.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `mainPageSuffix`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :main_page_suffix
# The custom object to return when a requested resource is not found.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `notFoundPage`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :not_found_page
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@main_page_suffix = args[:main_page_suffix] if args.key?(:main_page_suffix)
@not_found_page = args[:not_found_page] if args.key?(:not_found_page)
# An access-control entry.
class BucketAccessControl
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The name of the bucket.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `bucket`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :bucket
# The domain associated with the entity, if any.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `domain`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :domain
# The email address associated with the entity, if any.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `email`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :email
# The entity holding the permission, in one of the following forms:
# - user-userId
# - user-email
# - group-groupId
# - group-email
# - domain-domain
# - allUsers
# - allAuthenticatedUsers Examples:
# - The user would be
# - The group would be
# - To refer to all members of the Google Apps for Business domain,
# the entity would be
# Corresponds to the JSON property `entity`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :entity
# The ID for the entity, if any.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `entityId`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :entity_id
# The ID of the access-control entry.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `id`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :id
# The kind of item this is. For bucket access control entries, this is always
# storage#bucketAccessControl.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `kind`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :kind
# The access permission for the entity. Can be READER, WRITER, or OWNER.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `role`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :role
# The link to this access-control entry.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `selfLink`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :self_link
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@bucket = args[:bucket] if args.key?(:bucket)
@domain = args[:domain] if args.key?(:domain)
@email = args[:email] if args.key?(:email)
@entity = args[:entity] if args.key?(:entity)
@entity_id = args[:entity_id] if args.key?(:entity_id)
@id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id)
@kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind)
@role = args[:role] if args.key?(:role)
@self_link = args[:self_link] if args.key?(:self_link)
# An access-control list.
class BucketAccessControls
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The list of items.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `items`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::StorageV1beta1::BucketAccessControl>]
attr_accessor :items
# The kind of item this is. For lists of bucket access control entries, this is
# always storage#bucketAccessControls.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `kind`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :kind
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items)
@kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind)
# A list of buckets.
class Buckets
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The list of items.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `items`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::StorageV1beta1::Bucket>]
attr_accessor :items
# The kind of item this is. For lists of buckets, this is always storage#buckets.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `kind`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :kind
# The continuation token, used to page through large result sets. Provide this
# value in a subsequent request to return the next page of results.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :next_page_token
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items)
@kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind)
@next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token)
# An object.
class Object
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# Access controls on the object.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `acl`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::StorageV1beta1::ObjectAccessControl>]
attr_accessor :acl
# The bucket containing this object.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `bucket`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :bucket
# Cache-Control directive for the object data.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `cacheControl`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :cache_control
# Content-Disposition of the object data.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `contentDisposition`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :content_disposition
# Content-Encoding of the object data.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `contentEncoding`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :content_encoding
# Content-Language of the object data.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `contentLanguage`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :content_language
# The ID of the object.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `id`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :id
# The kind of item this is. For objects, this is always storage#object.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `kind`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :kind
# Object media data. Provided on your behalf when uploading raw media or
# multipart/related with an auxiliary media part.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `media`
# @return [Google::Apis::StorageV1beta1::Object::Media]
attr_accessor :media
# User-provided metadata, in key/value pairs.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `metadata`
# @return [Hash<String,String>]
attr_accessor :metadata
# The name of this object. Required if not specified by URL parameter.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `name`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :name
# The owner of the object. This will always be the uploader of the object.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `owner`
# @return [Google::Apis::StorageV1beta1::Object::Owner]
attr_accessor :owner
# The link to this object.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `selfLink`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :self_link
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@acl = args[:acl] if args.key?(:acl)
@bucket = args[:bucket] if args.key?(:bucket)
@cache_control = args[:cache_control] if args.key?(:cache_control)
@content_disposition = args[:content_disposition] if args.key?(:content_disposition)
@content_encoding = args[:content_encoding] if args.key?(:content_encoding)
@content_language = args[:content_language] if args.key?(:content_language)
@id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id)
@kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind)
@media = args[:media] if args.key?(:media)
@metadata = args[:metadata] if args.key?(:metadata)
@name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name)
@owner = args[:owner] if args.key?(:owner)
@self_link = args[:self_link] if args.key?(:self_link)
# Object media data. Provided on your behalf when uploading raw media or
# multipart/related with an auxiliary media part.
class Media
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# Hash algorithm used. Currently only MD5 is supported. Required if a hash is
# provided.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `algorithm`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :algorithm
# Content-Type of the object data.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `contentType`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :content_type
# URL-safe Base64-encoded data. This property can be used to insert objects
# under 64KB in size, and will only be returned in response to the get method
# for objects so created. When this resource is returned in response to the list
# method, this property is omitted.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `data`
# NOTE: Values are automatically base64 encoded/decoded in the client library.
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :data
# Hash of the data. Required if a hash algorithm is provided.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `hash`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :hash_prop
# Content-Length of the data in bytes.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `length`
# @return [Fixnum]
attr_accessor :length
# Media download link.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `link`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :link
# Creation time of the data in RFC 3339 format.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `timeCreated`
# @return [DateTime]
attr_accessor :time_created
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@algorithm = args[:algorithm] if args.key?(:algorithm)
@content_type = args[:content_type] if args.key?(:content_type)
@data = args[:data] if args.key?(:data)
@hash_prop = args[:hash_prop] if args.key?(:hash_prop)
@length = args[:length] if args.key?(:length)
@link = args[:link] if args.key?(:link)
@time_created = args[:time_created] if args.key?(:time_created)
# The owner of the object. This will always be the uploader of the object.
class Owner
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The entity, in the form user-userId.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `entity`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :entity
# The ID for the entity.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `entityId`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :entity_id
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@entity = args[:entity] if args.key?(:entity)
@entity_id = args[:entity_id] if args.key?(:entity_id)
# An access-control entry.
class ObjectAccessControl
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The name of the bucket.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `bucket`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :bucket
# The domain associated with the entity, if any.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `domain`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :domain
# The email address associated with the entity, if any.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `email`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :email
# The entity holding the permission, in one of the following forms:
# - user-userId
# - user-email
# - group-groupId
# - group-email
# - domain-domain
# - allUsers
# - allAuthenticatedUsers Examples:
# - The user would be
# - The group would be
# - To refer to all members of the Google Apps for Business domain,
# the entity would be
# Corresponds to the JSON property `entity`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :entity
# The ID for the entity, if any.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `entityId`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :entity_id
# The ID of the access-control entry.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `id`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :id
# The kind of item this is. For object access control entries, this is always
# storage#objectAccessControl.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `kind`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :kind
# The name of the object.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `object`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :object
# The access permission for the entity. Can be READER or OWNER.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `role`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :role
# The link to this access-control entry.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `selfLink`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :self_link
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@bucket = args[:bucket] if args.key?(:bucket)
@domain = args[:domain] if args.key?(:domain)
@email = args[:email] if args.key?(:email)
@entity = args[:entity] if args.key?(:entity)
@entity_id = args[:entity_id] if args.key?(:entity_id)
@id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id)
@kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind)
@object = args[:object] if args.key?(:object)
@role = args[:role] if args.key?(:role)
@self_link = args[:self_link] if args.key?(:self_link)
# An access-control list.
class ObjectAccessControls
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The list of items.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `items`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::StorageV1beta1::ObjectAccessControl>]
attr_accessor :items
# The kind of item this is. For lists of object access control entries, this is
# always storage#objectAccessControls.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `kind`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :kind
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items)
@kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind)
# A list of objects.
class Objects
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The list of items.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `items`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::StorageV1beta1::Object>]
attr_accessor :items
# The kind of item this is. For lists of objects, this is always storage#objects.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `kind`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :kind
# The continuation token, used to page through large result sets. Provide this
# value in a subsequent request to return the next page of results.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :next_page_token
# The list of prefixes of objects matching-but-not-listed up to and including
# the requested delimiter.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `prefixes`
# @return [Array<String>]
attr_accessor :prefixes
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items)
@kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind)
@next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token)
@prefixes = args[:prefixes] if args.key?(:prefixes)