Examples have been moved out into their own repository.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
# Buzz Ruby Sample
This is a simple starter project written in Ruby which provides a minimal
example of Buzz integration within a Sinatra web application.
Once you've run the starter project and played with the features it provides,
this starter project provides a great place to start your experimentation into
the API.
## Prerequisites
Please make sure that all of these are installed before you try to run the
- Ruby 1.8.7+
- Ruby Gems 1.3.7+
- Are you on a Mac? If so, be sure you have XCode 3.2+
- A few gems (run 'sudo gem install <gem name>' to install)
- sinatra
- httpadapter
- extlib
- dm-sqlite-adapter
- google-api-ruby-client
## Setup Authentication
This API uses OAuth 2.0. Learn more about Google APIs and OAuth 2.0 here:
Or, if you'd like to dive right in, follow these steps.
- Visit https://code.google.com/apis/console/ to register your application.
- From the "Project Home" screen, activate access to "Buzz API".
- Click on "API Access" in the left column
- Click the button labeled "Create an OAuth2 client ID"
- Give your application a name and click "Next"
- Select "Web Application" as the "Application type"
- Under "Your Site or Hostname" select "http://" as the protocol and enter
"localhost" for the domain name
- click "Create client ID"
Edit the buzz.rb file and enter the values for the following properties that
you retrieved from the API Console:
- `oauth_client_id`
- `oauth_client_secret`
Or, include them in the command line as the first two arguments.
## Running the Sample
I'm assuming you've checked out the code and are reading this from a local
directory. If not check out the code to a local directory.
1. Start up the embedded Sinatra web server
$ ruby buzz.rb
2. Open your web browser and see your activities! Go to `http://localhost:4567/`
3. Be inspired and start hacking an amazing new web app!
@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
# Copyright:: Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
# License:: All Rights Reserved.
# Original Author:: Bob Aman
# Maintainer:: Daniel Dobson (mailto:wolff@google.com)
# Maintainer:: Jenny Murphy (mailto:mimming@google.com)
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'google/api_client'
require 'httpadapter/adapters/net_http'
require 'pp'
use Rack::Session::Pool, :expire_after => 86400 # 1 day
# Configuration
# See README for getting API id and secret
if (ARGV.size < 2)
set :oauth_client_id, 'oauth_client_id'
set :oauth_client_secret, 'oauth_client_secret'
if (settings.oauth_client_id == 'oauth_client_id')
puts 'See README for getting API id and secret. Server terminated.'
set :oauth_client_id, ARGV[0]
set :oauth_client_secret, ARGV[1]
# Configuration that you probably don't have to change
set :oauth_scopes, 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/buzz'
class TokenPair
def update_token!(object)
@refresh_token = object.refresh_token
@access_token = object.access_token
@expires_in = object.expires_in
@issued_at = object.issued_at
def to_hash
return {
:refresh_token => @refresh_token,
:access_token => @access_token,
:expires_in => @expires_in,
:issued_at => Time.at(@issued_at)
# At the beginning of any request, make sure the OAuth token is available.
# If it's not available, kick off the OAuth 2 flow to authorize.
before do
@client = Google::APIClient.new(
:authorization => :oauth_2,
:host => 'www.googleapis.com',
:http_adapter => HTTPAdapter::NetHTTPAdapter.new
@client.authorization.client_id = settings.oauth_client_id
@client.authorization.client_secret = settings.oauth_client_secret
@client.authorization.scope = settings.oauth_scopes
@client.authorization.redirect_uri = to('/oauth2callback')
@client.authorization.code = params[:code] if params[:code]
if session[:token]
# Load the access token here if it's available
@buzz = @client.discovered_api('buzz')
unless @client.authorization.access_token || request.path_info =~ /^\/oauth2/
redirect to('/oauth2authorize')
# Part of the OAuth flow
get '/oauth2authorize' do
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Google Ruby API Buzz Sample</title>
<header><h1>Google Ruby API Buzz Sample</h1></header>
<div class="box">
<a class='login' href='#{@client.authorization.authorization_uri.to_s}'>Connect Me!</a>
# Part of the OAuth flow
get '/oauth2callback' do
unless session[:token]
token_pair = TokenPair.new
# Persist the token here
session[:token] = token_pair
redirect to('/')
# The method you're probably actually interested in. This one lists a page of your
# most recent activities
get '/' do
response = @client.execute(
'userId' => '@me', 'scope' => '@consumption', 'alt'=> 'json'
status, headers, body = response
[status, {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}, body]
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
APIs Console Project Setup
If you have not yet, you must set your APIs Console project to enable Prediction
API and Google Storage. Go to APIs Console https://code.google.com/apis/console/
and select the project you want to use. Next, go to Services, and enable both
Prediction API and Google Storage. You may also need to enable Billing (Billing)
in the left menu.
Data Setup
Before you can run the prediction sample prediction.rb, you must load some csv
formatted data into Google Storage.
1 - You must first create the bucket you want to use. This can be done
with the gsutil function or via the web UI (Storage Access) in the Google
APIs Console. i.e.
$ gsutil mb gs://BUCKET
Go to APIs Console -> Storage Access (on left) and the Google Storage Manager,
and create your bucket there.
2 - We now load the data you want to use to Google Storage. We have supplied a
basic language identification dataset in the sample for testing.
$ chmod 744 setup.sh
$ ./setup.sh BUCKET/OBJECT
Note you need gsutil in your path for this to work.
If you have your own dataset, you can do this manually as well.
$ gsutil cp your_dataset.csv gs://BUCKET/your_dataset.csv
In the script, you must then modify the datafile string. This must correspond with the
bucket/object of your dataset (if you are using your own dataset). We have
provided a setup.sh which will upload some basic sample data. The section is
near the bottom of the script, under 'FILL IN DATAFILE'
API Setup
We need to allow the application to use your API access. Go to APIs Console
https://code.google.com/apis/console, and select the project you want, go to API
Access, and create an OAuth2 client if you have not yet already. You should
generate a client ID and secret.
This example will run through the server-side example, where the application
gets authorization ahead of time, which is the normal use case for Prediction
API. You can also set it up so the user can grant access.
First, run the google-api script to generate access and refresh tokens. Ex.
$ cd google-api-ruby-client
$ google-api oauth-2-login --scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/prediction --client-id=NUMBER.apps.googleusercontent.com --client-secret=CLIENT_SECRET
Fill in your client-id and client-secret from the API Access page. You will
probably have to set a redirect URI in your client ID
(ex. http://localhost:12736/). You can do this by hitting 'Edit settings' in the
API Access / Client ID section, and adding it to Authorized Redirect URIs. Not
that this has to be exactly the same URI, http://localhost:12736 and
http://localhost:12736/ are not the same in this case.
This should pop up a browser window, where you grant access. This will then
generate a ~/.google-api.yaml file. You have two options here, you can either
copy the the information directly in your code, or you can store this as a file
and load it in the sample as a yaml. In this example we do the latter. NOTE: if
you are loading it as a yaml, ensure you rename/move the file, as the
~/.google-api.yaml file can get overwritten. The script will work as is if you
move the .google-api.yaml file to the sample directory.
At this, point, you should have
- Enabled your APIs Console account
- Created a storage bucket, if required
- Uploaded some data to Google Storage
- Modified the script to point the 'datafile' variable to the BUCKET/OBJECT name
- Modified the script to put your credentials in, either in the code or by
loading the generated .yaml file
We can now run the service!
$ ruby prediction.rb
This should start a service on `http://localhost:4567`. When you hit the service,
your ruby logs should show the Prediction API calls, and print the prediction
output in the debug.
This sample currently does not cover some newer features of Prediction API such
as streaming training, hosted models or class weights. If there are any
questions or suggestions to improve the script please email us at
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright:: Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
# License:: All Rights Reserved.
# Original Author:: Bob Aman, Winton Davies, Robert Kaplow
# Maintainer:: Robert Kaplow (mailto:rkaplow@google.com)
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'datamapper'
require 'google/api_client'
require 'yaml'
use Rack::Session::Pool, :expire_after => 86400 # 1 day
# Set up our token store
DataMapper.setup(:default, 'sqlite::memory:')
class TokenPair
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :refresh_token, String
property :access_token, String
property :expires_in, Integer
property :issued_at, Integer
def update_token!(object)
self.refresh_token = object.refresh_token
self.access_token = object.access_token
self.expires_in = object.expires_in
self.issued_at = object.issued_at
def to_hash
return {
:refresh_token => refresh_token,
:access_token => access_token,
:expires_in => expires_in,
:issued_at => Time.at(issued_at)
before do
# This will work if your yaml file is stored as ./google-api.yaml
# ------------------------
oauth_yaml = YAML.load_file('.google-api.yaml')
@client = Google::APIClient.new
@client.authorization.client_id = oauth_yaml["client_id"]
@client.authorization.client_secret = oauth_yaml["client_secret"]
@client.authorization.scope = oauth_yaml["scope"]
@client.authorization.refresh_token = oauth_yaml["refresh_token"]
@client.authorization.access_token = oauth_yaml["access_token"]
# -----------------------
@client.authorization.redirect_uri = to('/oauth2callback')
# Workaround for now as expires_in may be nil, but when converted to int it becomes 0.
@client.authorization.expires_in = 1800 if @client.authorization.expires_in.to_i == 0
if session[:token_id]
# Load the access token here if it's available
token_pair = TokenPair.get(session[:token_id])
if @client.authorization.refresh_token && @client.authorization.expired?
@prediction = @client.discovered_api('prediction', 'v1.3')
unless @client.authorization.access_token || request.path_info =~ /^\/oauth2/
redirect to('/oauth2authorize')
get '/oauth2authorize' do
redirect @client.authorization.authorization_uri.to_s, 303
get '/oauth2callback' do
# Persist the token here
token_pair = if session[:token_id]
session[:token_id] = token_pair.id
redirect to('/')
get '/' do
# ----------------------------------------
datafile = "BUCKET/OBJECT"
# ----------------------------------------
# Train a predictive model.
# Check to make sure the training has completed.
if (is_done?(datafile))
# Do a prediction.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note, the input features should match the features of the dataset.
prediction,score = get_prediction(datafile, ["Alice noticed with some surprise."])
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# We currently just dump the results to output, but you can display them on the page if desired.
puts prediction
puts score
# Trains a predictive model.
# @param [String] filename The name of the file in Google Storage. NOTE: this do *not*
# include the gs:// part. If the Google Storage path is gs://bucket/object,
# then the correct string is "bucket/object"
def train(datafile)
input = "{\"id\" : \"#{datafile}\"}"
puts "training input: #{input}"
result = @client.execute(:api_method => @prediction.training.insert,
:merged_body => input,
:headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}
status, headers, body = result.response
# Returns the current training status
# @param [String] filename The name of the file in Google Storage. NOTE: this do *not*
# include the gs:// part. If the Google Storage path is gs://bucket/object,
# then the correct string is "bucket/object"
# @return [Integer] status The HTTP status code of the training job.
def get_training_status(datafile)
result = @client.execute(:api_method => @prediction.training.get,
:parameters => {'data' => datafile})
status, headers, body = result.response
return status
# Checks the training status until a model exists (will loop forever).
# @param [String] filename The name of the file in Google Storage. NOTE: this do *not*
# include the gs:// part. If the Google Storage path is gs://bucket/object,
# then the correct string is "bucket/object"
# @return [Bool] exists True if model exists and can be used for predictions.
def is_done?(datafile)
status = get_training_status(datafile)
# We use an exponential backoff approach here.
test_counter = 0
while test_counter < 10 do
puts "Attempting to check model #{datafile} - Status: #{status} "
return true if status == 200
sleep 5 * (test_counter + 1)
status = get_training_status(datafile)
test_counter += 1
return false
# Returns the prediction and most most likely class score if categorization.
# @param [String] filename The name of the file in Google Storage. NOTE: this do *not*
# include the gs:// part. If the Google Storage path is gs://bucket/object,
# then the correct string is "bucket/object"
# @param [List] input_features A list of input features.
# @return [String or Double] prediction The returned prediction, String if categorization,
# Double if regression
# @return [Double] trueclass_score The numeric score of the most likely label. (Categorical only).
def get_prediction(datafile,input_features)
# We take the input features and put it in the right input (json) format.
input="{\"input\" : { \"csvInstance\" : #{input_features}}}"
puts "Prediction Input: #{input}"
result = @client.execute(:api_method => @prediction.training.predict,
:parameters => {'data' => datafile},
:merged_body => input,
:headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'})
status, headers, body = result.response
prediction_data = result.data
puts status
puts body
puts prediction_data
# Categorical
if prediction_data["outputLabel"] != nil
# Pull the most likely label.
prediction = prediction_data["outputLabel"]
# Pull the class probabilities.
probs = prediction_data["outputMulti"]
puts probs
# Verify we are getting a value result.
puts ["ERROR", input_features].join("\t") if probs.nil?
return "error", -1.0 if probs.nil?
# Extract the score for the most likely class.
trueclass_score = probs.select{|hash|
hash["label"] == prediction
# Regression.
prediction = prediction_data["outputValue"]
# Class core unused.
trueclass_score = -1
puts [prediction,trueclass_score,input_features].join("\t")
return prediction,trueclass_score
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Author: rkaplow@google.com (Robert Kaplow)
# Uploads a training data set to Google Storage to be used by this sample
# application.
# Usage:
# setup.sh bucket/object
# Requirements:
# gsutil - a client application for interacting with Google Storage. It
# can be downloaded from https://code.google.com/apis/storage/docs/gsutil.html
gsutil cp data/language_id.txt gs://$OBJECT_NAME
Reference in New Issue