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+"/adexchangebuyer2:v2beta1/adexchangebuyer2.bidders.filterSets.nonBillableWinningBids.list/filterSetId": filter_set_id +"/adexchangebuyer2:v2beta1/adexchangebuyer2.bidders.filterSets.nonBillableWinningBids.list/filterSetName": filter_set_name +"/adexchangebuyer2:v2beta1/adexchangebuyer2.bidders.filterSets.nonBillableWinningBids.list/pageSize": page_size +"/adexchangebuyer2:v2beta1/adexchangebuyer2.bidders.filterSets.nonBillableWinningBids.list/pageToken": page_token "/adexchangebuyer2:v2beta1/fields": fields "/adexchangebuyer2:v2beta1/key": key "/adexchangebuyer2:v2beta1/quotaUser": quota_user @@ -30333,6 +30511,7 @@ "/dataflow:v1b3/CounterStructuredName/name": name "/dataflow:v1b3/CounterStructuredName/origin": origin "/dataflow:v1b3/CounterStructuredName/originNamespace": origin_namespace +"/dataflow:v1b3/CounterStructuredName/originalRequestingStepName": original_requesting_step_name "/dataflow:v1b3/CounterStructuredName/originalShuffleStepName": original_shuffle_step_name "/dataflow:v1b3/CounterStructuredName/originalStepName": original_step_name "/dataflow:v1b3/CounterStructuredName/portion": portion @@ -30749,7 +30928,11 @@ "/dataflow:v1b3/SourceMetadata/producesSortedKeys": produces_sorted_keys "/dataflow:v1b3/SourceOperationRequest": source_operation_request "/dataflow:v1b3/SourceOperationRequest/getMetadata": get_metadata +"/dataflow:v1b3/SourceOperationRequest/name": name +"/dataflow:v1b3/SourceOperationRequest/originalName": original_name "/dataflow:v1b3/SourceOperationRequest/split": split +"/dataflow:v1b3/SourceOperationRequest/stageName": stage_name +"/dataflow:v1b3/SourceOperationRequest/systemName": system_name "/dataflow:v1b3/SourceOperationResponse": source_operation_response "/dataflow:v1b3/SourceOperationResponse/getMetadata": get_metadata "/dataflow:v1b3/SourceOperationResponse/split": split @@ -32030,6 +32213,11 @@ "/datastore:v1/ReadOptions/transaction": transaction "/datastore:v1/ReadWrite": read_write "/datastore:v1/ReadWrite/previousTransaction": previous_transaction +"/datastore:v1/ReserveIdsRequest": reserve_ids_request +"/datastore:v1/ReserveIdsRequest/databaseId": database_id +"/datastore:v1/ReserveIdsRequest/keys": keys +"/datastore:v1/ReserveIdsRequest/keys/key": key +"/datastore:v1/ReserveIdsResponse": reserve_ids_response "/datastore:v1/RollbackRequest": rollback_request "/datastore:v1/RollbackRequest/transaction": transaction "/datastore:v1/RollbackResponse": rollback_response @@ -32083,6 +32271,8 @@ "/datastore:v1/datastore.projects.operations.list/name": name "/datastore:v1/datastore.projects.operations.list/pageSize": page_size "/datastore:v1/datastore.projects.operations.list/pageToken": page_token +"/datastore:v1/datastore.projects.reserveIds": reserve_project_ids +"/datastore:v1/datastore.projects.reserveIds/projectId": project_id "/datastore:v1/datastore.projects.rollback": rollback_project "/datastore:v1/datastore.projects.rollback/projectId": project_id "/datastore:v1/datastore.projects.runQuery": run_project_query @@ -32307,6 +32497,11 @@ "/datastore:v1beta3/ReadOptions/transaction": transaction "/datastore:v1beta3/ReadWrite": read_write "/datastore:v1beta3/ReadWrite/previousTransaction": previous_transaction +"/datastore:v1beta3/ReserveIdsRequest": reserve_ids_request +"/datastore:v1beta3/ReserveIdsRequest/databaseId": database_id +"/datastore:v1beta3/ReserveIdsRequest/keys": keys +"/datastore:v1beta3/ReserveIdsRequest/keys/key": key +"/datastore:v1beta3/ReserveIdsResponse": reserve_ids_response "/datastore:v1beta3/RollbackRequest": rollback_request "/datastore:v1beta3/RollbackRequest/transaction": transaction "/datastore:v1beta3/RollbackResponse": rollback_response @@ -32343,6 +32538,8 @@ "/datastore:v1beta3/datastore.projects.commit/projectId": project_id "/datastore:v1beta3/datastore.projects.lookup": lookup_project "/datastore:v1beta3/datastore.projects.lookup/projectId": project_id +"/datastore:v1beta3/datastore.projects.reserveIds": reserve_project_ids +"/datastore:v1beta3/datastore.projects.reserveIds/projectId": project_id "/datastore:v1beta3/datastore.projects.rollback": rollback_project "/datastore:v1beta3/datastore.projects.rollback/projectId": project_id "/datastore:v1beta3/datastore.projects.runQuery": run_project_query @@ -41538,6 +41735,9 @@ "/firestore:v1beta1/LatLng": lat_lng "/firestore:v1beta1/LatLng/latitude": latitude "/firestore:v1beta1/LatLng/longitude": longitude +"/firestore:v1beta1/ListCollectionIdsRequest": list_collection_ids_request +"/firestore:v1beta1/ListCollectionIdsRequest/pageSize": page_size +"/firestore:v1beta1/ListCollectionIdsRequest/pageToken": page_token "/firestore:v1beta1/ListCollectionIdsResponse": list_collection_ids_response "/firestore:v1beta1/ListCollectionIdsResponse/collectionIds": collection_ids "/firestore:v1beta1/ListCollectionIdsResponse/collectionIds/collection_id": collection_id diff --git a/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer2_v2beta1.rb b/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer2_v2beta1.rb index c3ed19a28..5a8a3e408 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer2_v2beta1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer2_v2beta1.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/ad-exchange/buyer-rest/reference/rest/ module Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1 VERSION = 'V2beta1' - REVISION = '20171005' + REVISION = '20171016' # Manage your Ad Exchange buyer account configuration AUTH_ADEXCHANGE_BUYER = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/adexchange.buyer' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer2_v2beta1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer2_v2beta1/classes.rb index 72f51ef72..a4ecadb3a 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer2_v2beta1/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer2_v2beta1/classes.rb @@ -1183,8 +1183,7 @@ module Google # A token to retrieve the next page of results. # Pass this value in the # ListBidMetricsRequest.pageToken - # field in the subsequent call to the - # accounts.filterSets.bidMetrics.list + # field in the subsequent call to the bidMetrics.list # method to retrieve the next page of results. # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` # @return [String] @@ -1214,8 +1213,7 @@ module Google # A token to retrieve the next page of results. # Pass this value in the # ListBidResponseErrorsRequest.pageToken - # field in the subsequent call to the - # accounts.filterSets.bidResponseErrors.list + # field in the subsequent call to the bidResponseErrors.list # method to retrieve the next page of results. # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` # @return [String] @@ -1246,8 +1244,7 @@ module Google # A token to retrieve the next page of results. # Pass this value in the # ListBidResponsesWithoutBidsRequest.pageToken - # field in the subsequent call to the - # accounts.filterSets.bidResponsesWithoutBids.list + # field in the subsequent call to the bidResponsesWithoutBids.list # method to retrieve the next page of results. # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` # @return [String] @@ -1370,8 +1367,7 @@ module Google # A token to retrieve the next page of results. # Pass this value in the # ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByCreativeRequest.pageToken - # field in the subsequent call to the - # accounts.filterSets.filteredBids.creatives.list + # field in the subsequent call to the filteredBids.creatives.list # method to retrieve the next page of results. # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` # @return [String] @@ -1407,8 +1403,7 @@ module Google # A token to retrieve the next page of results. # Pass this value in the # ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByDetailRequest.pageToken - # field in the subsequent call to the - # accounts.filterSets.filteredBids.details.list + # field in the subsequent call to the filteredBids.details.list # method to retrieve the next page of results. # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` # @return [String] @@ -1528,8 +1523,7 @@ module Google # A token to retrieve the next page of results. # Pass this value in the # ListFilteredBidRequestsRequest.pageToken - # field in the subsequent call to the - # accounts.filterSets.filteredBidRequests.list + # field in the subsequent call to the filteredBidRequests.list # method to retrieve the next page of results. # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` # @return [String] @@ -1560,8 +1554,7 @@ module Google # A token to retrieve the next page of results. # Pass this value in the # ListFilteredBidsRequest.pageToken - # field in the subsequent call to the - # accounts.filterSets.filteredBids.list + # field in the subsequent call to the filteredBids.list # method to retrieve the next page of results. # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` # @return [String] @@ -1591,8 +1584,7 @@ module Google # A token to retrieve the next page of results. # Pass this value in the # ListImpressionMetricsRequest.pageToken - # field in the subsequent call to the - # accounts.filterSets.impressionMetrics.list + # field in the subsequent call to the impressionMetrics.list # method to retrieve the next page of results. # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` # @return [String] @@ -1622,8 +1614,7 @@ module Google # A token to retrieve the next page of results. # Pass this value in the # ListLosingBidsRequest.pageToken - # field in the subsequent call to the - # accounts.filterSets.losingBids.list + # field in the subsequent call to the losingBids.list # method to retrieve the next page of results. # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` # @return [String] @@ -1648,8 +1639,7 @@ module Google # A token to retrieve the next page of results. # Pass this value in the # ListNonBillableWinningBidsRequest.pageToken - # field in the subsequent call to the - # accounts.filterSets.nonBillableWinningBids.list + # field in the subsequent call to the nonBillableWinningBids.list # method to retrieve the next page of results. # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` # @return [String] diff --git a/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer2_v2beta1/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer2_v2beta1/service.rb index 277aaf558..f7cd645e1 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer2_v2beta1/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer2_v2beta1/service.rb @@ -835,9 +835,17 @@ module Google end # Creates the specified filter set for the account with the given account ID. + # @param [String] owner_name + # Name of the owner (bidder or account) of the filter set to be created. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: "bidders/123" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456" + # @param [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::FilterSet] filter_set_object # @param [Fixnum] account_id # Account ID of the buyer. - # @param [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::FilterSet] filter_set_object # @param [Boolean] is_transient # Whether the filter set is transient, or should be persisted indefinitely. # By default, filter sets are not transient. @@ -859,13 +867,14 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def create_account_filter_set(account_id, filter_set_object = nil, is_transient: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) - command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2beta1/accounts/{accountId}/filterSets', options) + def create_bidder_account_filter_set(owner_name, filter_set_object = nil, account_id: nil, is_transient: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2beta1/{+ownerName}/filterSets', options) command.request_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::FilterSet::Representation command.request_object = filter_set_object command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::FilterSet::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::FilterSet - command.params['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.params['ownerName'] = owner_name unless owner_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? command.query['isTransient'] = is_transient unless is_transient.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? @@ -874,6 +883,15 @@ module Google # Deletes the requested filter set from the account with the given account # ID. + # @param [String] name + # Full name of the resource to delete. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" # @param [Fixnum] account_id # Account ID of the buyer. # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id @@ -895,12 +913,13 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def delete_account_filter_set(account_id, filter_set_id, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) - command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'v2beta1/accounts/{accountId}/filterSets/{filterSetId}', options) + def delete_bidder_account_filter_set(name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'v2beta1/{+name}', options) command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::Empty::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::Empty - command.params['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? - command.params['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) @@ -908,6 +927,15 @@ module Google # Retrieves the requested filter set for the account with the given account # ID. + # @param [String] name + # Full name of the resource being requested. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" # @param [Fixnum] account_id # Account ID of the buyer. # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id @@ -929,18 +957,27 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def get_account_filter_set(account_id, filter_set_id, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) - command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/accounts/{accountId}/filterSets/{filterSetId}', options) + def get_bidder_account_filter_set(name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+name}', options) command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::FilterSet::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::FilterSet - command.params['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? - command.params['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) end # Lists all filter sets for the account with the given account ID. + # @param [String] owner_name + # Name of the owner (bidder or account) of the filter sets to be listed. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: "bidders/123" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456" # @param [Fixnum] account_id # Account ID of the buyer. # @param [Fixnum] page_size @@ -970,11 +1007,12 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def list_account_filter_sets(account_id, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) - command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/accounts/{accountId}/filterSets', options) + def list_bidder_account_filter_sets(owner_name, account_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+ownerName}/filterSets', options) command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilterSetsResponse::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilterSetsResponse - command.params['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.params['ownerName'] = owner_name unless owner_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? @@ -983,6 +1021,15 @@ module Google end # Lists all metrics that are measured in terms of number of bids. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" # @param [Fixnum] account_id # Account ID of the buyer. # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id @@ -994,8 +1041,7 @@ module Google # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. # Typically, this is the value of # ListBidMetricsResponse.nextPageToken - # returned from the previous call to the - # accounts.filterSets.bidMetrics.list + # returned from the previous call to the bidMetrics.list # method. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. @@ -1014,12 +1060,13 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def list_account_filter_set_bid_metrics(account_id, filter_set_id, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) - command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/accounts/{accountId}/filterSets/{filterSetId}/bidMetrics', options) + def list_bidder_account_filter_set_bid_metrics(filter_set_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/bidMetrics', options) command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidMetricsResponse::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidMetricsResponse - command.params['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? - command.params['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? @@ -1029,6 +1076,15 @@ module Google # List all errors that occurred in bid responses, with the number of bid # responses affected for each reason. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" # @param [Fixnum] account_id # Account ID of the buyer. # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id @@ -1040,8 +1096,7 @@ module Google # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. # Typically, this is the value of # ListBidResponseErrorsResponse.nextPageToken - # returned from the previous call to the - # accounts.filterSets.bidResponseErrors.list + # returned from the previous call to the bidResponseErrors.list # method. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. @@ -1060,12 +1115,13 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def list_account_filter_set_bid_response_errors(account_id, filter_set_id, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) - command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/accounts/{accountId}/filterSets/{filterSetId}/bidResponseErrors', options) + def list_bidder_account_filter_set_bid_response_errors(filter_set_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/bidResponseErrors', options) command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidResponseErrorsResponse::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidResponseErrorsResponse - command.params['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? - command.params['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? @@ -1075,6 +1131,15 @@ module Google # List all reasons for which bid responses were considered to have no # applicable bids, with the number of bid responses affected for each reason. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" # @param [Fixnum] account_id # Account ID of the buyer. # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id @@ -1086,8 +1151,7 @@ module Google # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. # Typically, this is the value of # ListBidResponsesWithoutBidsResponse.nextPageToken - # returned from the previous call to the - # accounts.filterSets.bidResponsesWithoutBids.list + # returned from the previous call to the bidResponsesWithoutBids.list # method. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. @@ -1106,12 +1170,13 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def list_account_filter_set_bid_responses_without_bids(account_id, filter_set_id, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) - command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/accounts/{accountId}/filterSets/{filterSetId}/bidResponsesWithoutBids', options) + def list_bidder_account_filter_set_bid_responses_without_bids(filter_set_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/bidResponsesWithoutBids', options) command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidResponsesWithoutBidsResponse::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidResponsesWithoutBidsResponse - command.params['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? - command.params['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? @@ -1121,6 +1186,15 @@ module Google # List all reasons that caused a bid request not to be sent for an # impression, with the number of bid requests not sent for each reason. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" # @param [Fixnum] account_id # Account ID of the buyer. # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id @@ -1132,8 +1206,7 @@ module Google # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. # Typically, this is the value of # ListFilteredBidRequestsResponse.nextPageToken - # returned from the previous call to the - # accounts.filterSets.filteredBidRequests.list + # returned from the previous call to the filteredBidRequests.list # method. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. @@ -1152,12 +1225,13 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def list_account_filter_set_filtered_bid_requests(account_id, filter_set_id, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) - command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/accounts/{accountId}/filterSets/{filterSetId}/filteredBidRequests', options) + def list_bidder_account_filter_set_filtered_bid_requests(filter_set_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/filteredBidRequests', options) command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilteredBidRequestsResponse::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilteredBidRequestsResponse - command.params['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? - command.params['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? @@ -1167,6 +1241,15 @@ module Google # List all reasons for which bids were filtered, with the number of bids # filtered for each reason. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" # @param [Fixnum] account_id # Account ID of the buyer. # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id @@ -1178,8 +1261,7 @@ module Google # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. # Typically, this is the value of # ListFilteredBidsResponse.nextPageToken - # returned from the previous call to the - # accounts.filterSets.filteredBids.list + # returned from the previous call to the filteredBids.list # method. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. @@ -1198,12 +1280,13 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def list_account_filter_set_filtered_bids(account_id, filter_set_id, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) - command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/accounts/{accountId}/filterSets/{filterSetId}/filteredBids', options) + def list_bidder_account_filter_set_filtered_bids(filter_set_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/filteredBids', options) command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilteredBidsResponse::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilteredBidsResponse - command.params['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? - command.params['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? @@ -1213,16 +1296,25 @@ module Google # List all creatives associated with a specific reason for which bids were # filtered, with the number of bids filtered for each creative. - # @param [Fixnum] account_id - # Account ID of the buyer. - # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id - # The ID of the filter set to apply. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" # @param [Fixnum] creative_status_id # The ID of the creative status for which to retrieve a breakdown by # creative. # See # [creative-status-codes](https://developers.google.com/ad-exchange/rtb/ # downloads/creative-status-codes). + # @param [Fixnum] account_id + # Account ID of the buyer. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id + # The ID of the filter set to apply. # @param [Fixnum] page_size # Requested page size. The server may return fewer results than requested. # If unspecified, the server will pick an appropriate default. @@ -1230,8 +1322,7 @@ module Google # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. # Typically, this is the value of # ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByCreativeResponse.nextPageToken - # returned from the previous call to the - # accounts.filterSets.filteredBids.creatives.list + # returned from the previous call to the filteredBids.creatives.list # method. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. @@ -1250,13 +1341,14 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def list_account_filter_set_filtered_bid_creatives(account_id, filter_set_id, creative_status_id, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) - command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/accounts/{accountId}/filterSets/{filterSetId}/filteredBids/{creativeStatusId}/creatives', options) + def list_bidder_account_filter_set_filtered_bid_creatives(filter_set_name, creative_status_id, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/filteredBids/{creativeStatusId}/creatives', options) command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByCreativeResponse::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByCreativeResponse - command.params['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? - command.params['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? command.params['creativeStatusId'] = creative_status_id unless creative_status_id.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? @@ -1266,16 +1358,25 @@ module Google # List all details associated with a specific reason for which bids were # filtered, with the number of bids filtered for each detail. - # @param [Fixnum] account_id - # Account ID of the buyer. - # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id - # The ID of the filter set to apply. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" # @param [Fixnum] creative_status_id # The ID of the creative status for which to retrieve a breakdown by detail. # See # [creative-status-codes](https://developers.google.com/ad-exchange/rtb/ # downloads/creative-status-codes). # Details are only available for statuses 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 86, and 87. + # @param [Fixnum] account_id + # Account ID of the buyer. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id + # The ID of the filter set to apply. # @param [Fixnum] page_size # Requested page size. The server may return fewer results than requested. # If unspecified, the server will pick an appropriate default. @@ -1283,8 +1384,7 @@ module Google # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. # Typically, this is the value of # ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByDetailResponse.nextPageToken - # returned from the previous call to the - # accounts.filterSets.filteredBids.details.list + # returned from the previous call to the filteredBids.details.list # method. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. @@ -1303,13 +1403,14 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def list_account_filter_set_filtered_bid_details(account_id, filter_set_id, creative_status_id, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) - command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/accounts/{accountId}/filterSets/{filterSetId}/filteredBids/{creativeStatusId}/details', options) + def list_bidder_account_filter_set_filtered_bid_details(filter_set_name, creative_status_id, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/filteredBids/{creativeStatusId}/details', options) command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByDetailResponse::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByDetailResponse - command.params['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? - command.params['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? command.params['creativeStatusId'] = creative_status_id unless creative_status_id.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? @@ -1318,6 +1419,15 @@ module Google end # Lists all metrics that are measured in terms of number of impressions. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" # @param [Fixnum] account_id # Account ID of the buyer. # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id @@ -1329,8 +1439,7 @@ module Google # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. # Typically, this is the value of # ListImpressionMetricsResponse.nextPageToken - # returned from the previous call to the - # accounts.filterSets.impressionMetrics.list + # returned from the previous call to the impressionMetrics.list # method. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. @@ -1349,12 +1458,13 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def list_account_filter_set_impression_metrics(account_id, filter_set_id, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) - command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/accounts/{accountId}/filterSets/{filterSetId}/impressionMetrics', options) + def list_bidder_account_filter_set_impression_metrics(filter_set_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/impressionMetrics', options) command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListImpressionMetricsResponse::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListImpressionMetricsResponse - command.params['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? - command.params['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? @@ -1364,6 +1474,15 @@ module Google # List all reasons for which bids lost in the auction, with the number of # bids that lost for each reason. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" # @param [Fixnum] account_id # Account ID of the buyer. # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id @@ -1375,8 +1494,7 @@ module Google # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. # Typically, this is the value of # ListLosingBidsResponse.nextPageToken - # returned from the previous call to the - # accounts.filterSets.losingBids.list + # returned from the previous call to the losingBids.list # method. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. @@ -1395,12 +1513,13 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def list_account_filter_set_losing_bids(account_id, filter_set_id, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) - command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/accounts/{accountId}/filterSets/{filterSetId}/losingBids', options) + def list_bidder_account_filter_set_losing_bids(filter_set_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/losingBids', options) command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListLosingBidsResponse::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListLosingBidsResponse - command.params['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? - command.params['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? @@ -1410,6 +1529,15 @@ module Google # List all reasons for which winning bids were not billable, with the number # of bids not billed for each reason. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" # @param [Fixnum] account_id # Account ID of the buyer. # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id @@ -1421,8 +1549,7 @@ module Google # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. # Typically, this is the value of # ListNonBillableWinningBidsResponse.nextPageToken - # returned from the previous call to the - # accounts.filterSets.nonBillableWinningBids.list + # returned from the previous call to the nonBillableWinningBids.list # method. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. @@ -1441,12 +1568,841 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def list_account_filter_set_non_billable_winning_bids(account_id, filter_set_id, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) - command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/accounts/{accountId}/filterSets/{filterSetId}/nonBillableWinningBids', options) + def list_bidder_account_filter_set_non_billable_winning_bids(filter_set_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/nonBillableWinningBids', options) command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListNonBillableWinningBidsResponse::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListNonBillableWinningBidsResponse - command.params['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? - command.params['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Creates the specified filter set for the account with the given account ID. + # @param [String] owner_name + # Name of the owner (bidder or account) of the filter set to be created. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: "bidders/123" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456" + # @param [Fixnum] account_id + # Account ID of the buyer. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_absolute_date_range_end_date_day + # Day of month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 + # if specifying a year/month where the day is not significant. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_absolute_date_range_end_date_month + # Month of year. Must be from 1 to 12. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_absolute_date_range_end_date_year + # Year of date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 if specifying a date without + # a year. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_absolute_date_range_start_date_day + # Day of month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 + # if specifying a year/month where the day is not significant. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_absolute_date_range_start_date_month + # Month of year. Must be from 1 to 12. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_absolute_date_range_start_date_year + # Year of date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 if specifying a date without + # a year. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_buyer_account_id + # The ID of the buyer account on which to filter; optional. + # @param [String] filter_set_creative_id + # The ID of the creative on which to filter; optional. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_deal_id + # The ID of the deal on which to filter; optional. + # @param [String] filter_set_environment + # The environment on which to filter; optional. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_filter_set_id + # The ID of the filter set; unique within the account of the filter set + # owner. + # The value of this field is ignored in create operations. + # @param [String] filter_set_format + # The format on which to filter; optional. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # A user-defined name of the filter set. Filter set names must be unique + # globally and match one of the patterns: + # - `bidders/*/filterSets/*` (for accessing bidder-level troubleshooting + # data) + # - `bidders/*/accounts/*/filterSets/*` (for accessing buyer-level + # troubleshooting data) + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_owner_account_id + # The account ID of the buyer who owns this filter set. + # The value of this field is ignored in create operations. + # @param [Array, String] filter_set_platforms + # The list of platforms on which to filter; may be empty. The filters + # represented by multiple platforms are ORed together (i.e. if non-empty, + # results must match any one of the platforms). + # @param [String] filter_set_realtime_time_range_start_timestamp + # The start timestamp of the real-time RTB metrics aggregation. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_relative_date_range_duration_days + # The number of days in the requested date range. E.g. for a range spanning + # today, 1. For a range spanning the last 7 days, 7. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_relative_date_range_offset_days + # The end date of the filter set, specified as the number of days before + # today. E.g. for a range where the last date is today, 0. + # @param [Array, Fixnum] filter_set_seller_network_ids + # The list of IDs of the seller (publisher) networks on which to filter; + # may be empty. The filters represented by multiple seller network IDs are + # ORed together (i.e. if non-empty, results must match any one of the + # publisher networks). + # See [seller-network-ids](https://developers.google.com/ad-exchange/rtb/ + # downloads/seller-network-ids) + # file for the set of existing seller network IDs. + # @param [String] filter_set_time_series_granularity + # The granularity of time intervals if a time series breakdown is desired; + # optional. + # @param [Boolean] is_transient + # Whether the filter set is transient, or should be persisted indefinitely. + # By default, filter sets are not transient. + # If transient, it will be available for at least 1 hour after creation. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::FilterSet] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::FilterSet] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def create_bidder_filter_set(owner_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_absolute_date_range_end_date_day: nil, filter_set_absolute_date_range_end_date_month: nil, filter_set_absolute_date_range_end_date_year: nil, filter_set_absolute_date_range_start_date_day: nil, filter_set_absolute_date_range_start_date_month: nil, filter_set_absolute_date_range_start_date_year: nil, filter_set_buyer_account_id: nil, filter_set_creative_id: nil, filter_set_deal_id: nil, filter_set_environment: nil, filter_set_filter_set_id: nil, filter_set_format: nil, filter_set_name: nil, filter_set_owner_account_id: nil, filter_set_platforms: nil, filter_set_realtime_time_range_start_timestamp: nil, filter_set_relative_date_range_duration_days: nil, filter_set_relative_date_range_offset_days: nil, filter_set_seller_network_ids: nil, filter_set_time_series_granularity: nil, is_transient: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2beta1/{+ownerName}/filterSets', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::FilterSet::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::FilterSet + command.params['ownerName'] = owner_name unless owner_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSet.absoluteDateRange.endDate.day'] = filter_set_absolute_date_range_end_date_day unless filter_set_absolute_date_range_end_date_day.nil? + command.query['filterSet.absoluteDateRange.endDate.month'] = filter_set_absolute_date_range_end_date_month unless filter_set_absolute_date_range_end_date_month.nil? + command.query['filterSet.absoluteDateRange.endDate.year'] = filter_set_absolute_date_range_end_date_year unless filter_set_absolute_date_range_end_date_year.nil? + command.query['filterSet.absoluteDateRange.startDate.day'] = filter_set_absolute_date_range_start_date_day unless filter_set_absolute_date_range_start_date_day.nil? + command.query['filterSet.absoluteDateRange.startDate.month'] = filter_set_absolute_date_range_start_date_month unless filter_set_absolute_date_range_start_date_month.nil? + command.query['filterSet.absoluteDateRange.startDate.year'] = filter_set_absolute_date_range_start_date_year unless filter_set_absolute_date_range_start_date_year.nil? + command.query['filterSet.buyerAccountId'] = filter_set_buyer_account_id unless filter_set_buyer_account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSet.creativeId'] = filter_set_creative_id unless filter_set_creative_id.nil? + command.query['filterSet.dealId'] = filter_set_deal_id unless filter_set_deal_id.nil? + command.query['filterSet.environment'] = filter_set_environment unless filter_set_environment.nil? + command.query['filterSet.filterSetId'] = filter_set_filter_set_id unless filter_set_filter_set_id.nil? + command.query['filterSet.format'] = filter_set_format unless filter_set_format.nil? + command.query['filterSet.name'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['filterSet.ownerAccountId'] = filter_set_owner_account_id unless filter_set_owner_account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSet.platforms'] = filter_set_platforms unless filter_set_platforms.nil? + command.query['filterSet.realtimeTimeRange.startTimestamp'] = filter_set_realtime_time_range_start_timestamp unless filter_set_realtime_time_range_start_timestamp.nil? + command.query['filterSet.relativeDateRange.durationDays'] = filter_set_relative_date_range_duration_days unless filter_set_relative_date_range_duration_days.nil? + command.query['filterSet.relativeDateRange.offsetDays'] = filter_set_relative_date_range_offset_days unless filter_set_relative_date_range_offset_days.nil? + command.query['filterSet.sellerNetworkIds'] = filter_set_seller_network_ids unless filter_set_seller_network_ids.nil? + command.query['filterSet.timeSeriesGranularity'] = filter_set_time_series_granularity unless filter_set_time_series_granularity.nil? + command.query['isTransient'] = is_transient unless is_transient.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Deletes the requested filter set from the account with the given account + # ID. + # @param [String] name + # Full name of the resource to delete. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" + # @param [Fixnum] account_id + # Account ID of the buyer. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id + # The ID of the filter set to delete. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::Empty] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::Empty] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def delete_bidder_filter_set(name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'v2beta1/{+name}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::Empty::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::Empty + command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves the requested filter set for the account with the given account + # ID. + # @param [String] name + # Full name of the resource being requested. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" + # @param [Fixnum] account_id + # Account ID of the buyer. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id + # The ID of the filter set to get. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::FilterSet] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::FilterSet] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_bidder_filter_set(name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+name}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::FilterSet::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::FilterSet + command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Lists all filter sets for the account with the given account ID. + # @param [String] owner_name + # Name of the owner (bidder or account) of the filter sets to be listed. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: "bidders/123" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456" + # @param [Fixnum] account_id + # Account ID of the buyer. + # @param [Fixnum] page_size + # Requested page size. The server may return fewer results than requested. + # If unspecified, the server will pick an appropriate default. + # @param [String] page_token + # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. + # Typically, this is the value of + # ListFilterSetsResponse.nextPageToken + # returned from the previous call to the + # accounts.filterSets.list + # method. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilterSetsResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilterSetsResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_bidder_filter_sets(owner_name, account_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+ownerName}/filterSets', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilterSetsResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilterSetsResponse + command.params['ownerName'] = owner_name unless owner_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Lists all metrics that are measured in terms of number of bids. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" + # @param [Fixnum] account_id + # Account ID of the buyer. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id + # The ID of the filter set to apply. + # @param [Fixnum] page_size + # Requested page size. The server may return fewer results than requested. + # If unspecified, the server will pick an appropriate default. + # @param [String] page_token + # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. + # Typically, this is the value of + # ListBidMetricsResponse.nextPageToken + # returned from the previous call to the bidMetrics.list + # method. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidMetricsResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidMetricsResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_bidder_filter_set_bid_metrics(filter_set_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/bidMetrics', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidMetricsResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidMetricsResponse + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # List all errors that occurred in bid responses, with the number of bid + # responses affected for each reason. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" + # @param [Fixnum] account_id + # Account ID of the buyer. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id + # The ID of the filter set to apply. + # @param [Fixnum] page_size + # Requested page size. The server may return fewer results than requested. + # If unspecified, the server will pick an appropriate default. + # @param [String] page_token + # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. + # Typically, this is the value of + # ListBidResponseErrorsResponse.nextPageToken + # returned from the previous call to the bidResponseErrors.list + # method. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidResponseErrorsResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidResponseErrorsResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_bidder_filter_set_bid_response_errors(filter_set_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/bidResponseErrors', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidResponseErrorsResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidResponseErrorsResponse + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # List all reasons for which bid responses were considered to have no + # applicable bids, with the number of bid responses affected for each reason. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" + # @param [Fixnum] account_id + # Account ID of the buyer. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id + # The ID of the filter set to apply. + # @param [Fixnum] page_size + # Requested page size. The server may return fewer results than requested. + # If unspecified, the server will pick an appropriate default. + # @param [String] page_token + # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. + # Typically, this is the value of + # ListBidResponsesWithoutBidsResponse.nextPageToken + # returned from the previous call to the bidResponsesWithoutBids.list + # method. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidResponsesWithoutBidsResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidResponsesWithoutBidsResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_bidder_filter_set_bid_responses_without_bids(filter_set_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/bidResponsesWithoutBids', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidResponsesWithoutBidsResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListBidResponsesWithoutBidsResponse + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # List all reasons that caused a bid request not to be sent for an + # impression, with the number of bid requests not sent for each reason. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" + # @param [Fixnum] account_id + # Account ID of the buyer. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id + # The ID of the filter set to apply. + # @param [Fixnum] page_size + # Requested page size. The server may return fewer results than requested. + # If unspecified, the server will pick an appropriate default. + # @param [String] page_token + # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. + # Typically, this is the value of + # ListFilteredBidRequestsResponse.nextPageToken + # returned from the previous call to the filteredBidRequests.list + # method. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilteredBidRequestsResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilteredBidRequestsResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_bidder_filter_set_filtered_bid_requests(filter_set_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/filteredBidRequests', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilteredBidRequestsResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilteredBidRequestsResponse + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # List all reasons for which bids were filtered, with the number of bids + # filtered for each reason. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" + # @param [Fixnum] account_id + # Account ID of the buyer. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id + # The ID of the filter set to apply. + # @param [Fixnum] page_size + # Requested page size. The server may return fewer results than requested. + # If unspecified, the server will pick an appropriate default. + # @param [String] page_token + # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. + # Typically, this is the value of + # ListFilteredBidsResponse.nextPageToken + # returned from the previous call to the filteredBids.list + # method. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilteredBidsResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilteredBidsResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_bidder_filter_set_filtered_bids(filter_set_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/filteredBids', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilteredBidsResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListFilteredBidsResponse + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # List all creatives associated with a specific reason for which bids were + # filtered, with the number of bids filtered for each creative. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" + # @param [Fixnum] creative_status_id + # The ID of the creative status for which to retrieve a breakdown by + # creative. + # See + # [creative-status-codes](https://developers.google.com/ad-exchange/rtb/ + # downloads/creative-status-codes). + # @param [Fixnum] account_id + # Account ID of the buyer. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id + # The ID of the filter set to apply. + # @param [Fixnum] page_size + # Requested page size. The server may return fewer results than requested. + # If unspecified, the server will pick an appropriate default. + # @param [String] page_token + # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. + # Typically, this is the value of + # ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByCreativeResponse.nextPageToken + # returned from the previous call to the filteredBids.creatives.list + # method. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByCreativeResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByCreativeResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_bidder_filter_set_filtered_bid_creatives(filter_set_name, creative_status_id, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/filteredBids/{creativeStatusId}/creatives', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByCreativeResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByCreativeResponse + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.params['creativeStatusId'] = creative_status_id unless creative_status_id.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # List all details associated with a specific reason for which bids were + # filtered, with the number of bids filtered for each detail. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" + # @param [Fixnum] creative_status_id + # The ID of the creative status for which to retrieve a breakdown by detail. + # See + # [creative-status-codes](https://developers.google.com/ad-exchange/rtb/ + # downloads/creative-status-codes). + # Details are only available for statuses 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 86, and 87. + # @param [Fixnum] account_id + # Account ID of the buyer. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id + # The ID of the filter set to apply. + # @param [Fixnum] page_size + # Requested page size. The server may return fewer results than requested. + # If unspecified, the server will pick an appropriate default. + # @param [String] page_token + # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. + # Typically, this is the value of + # ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByDetailResponse.nextPageToken + # returned from the previous call to the filteredBids.details.list + # method. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByDetailResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByDetailResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_bidder_filter_set_filtered_bid_details(filter_set_name, creative_status_id, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/filteredBids/{creativeStatusId}/details', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByDetailResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListCreativeStatusBreakdownByDetailResponse + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.params['creativeStatusId'] = creative_status_id unless creative_status_id.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Lists all metrics that are measured in terms of number of impressions. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" + # @param [Fixnum] account_id + # Account ID of the buyer. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id + # The ID of the filter set to apply. + # @param [Fixnum] page_size + # Requested page size. The server may return fewer results than requested. + # If unspecified, the server will pick an appropriate default. + # @param [String] page_token + # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. + # Typically, this is the value of + # ListImpressionMetricsResponse.nextPageToken + # returned from the previous call to the impressionMetrics.list + # method. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListImpressionMetricsResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListImpressionMetricsResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_bidder_filter_set_impression_metrics(filter_set_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/impressionMetrics', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListImpressionMetricsResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListImpressionMetricsResponse + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # List all reasons for which bids lost in the auction, with the number of + # bids that lost for each reason. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" + # @param [Fixnum] account_id + # Account ID of the buyer. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id + # The ID of the filter set to apply. + # @param [Fixnum] page_size + # Requested page size. The server may return fewer results than requested. + # If unspecified, the server will pick an appropriate default. + # @param [String] page_token + # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. + # Typically, this is the value of + # ListLosingBidsResponse.nextPageToken + # returned from the previous call to the losingBids.list + # method. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListLosingBidsResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListLosingBidsResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_bidder_filter_set_losing_bids(filter_set_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/losingBids', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListLosingBidsResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListLosingBidsResponse + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? + command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # List all reasons for which winning bids were not billable, with the number + # of bids not billed for each reason. + # @param [String] filter_set_name + # Name of the filter set that should be applied to the requested metrics. + # For example: + # - For a bidder-level filter set for bidder 123: + # "bidders/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the buyer account representing bidder + # 123: "bidders/123/accounts/123/filterSets/abc" + # - For an account-level filter set for the child seat buyer account 456 + # whose bidder is 123: "bidders/123/accounts/456/filterSets/abc" + # @param [Fixnum] account_id + # Account ID of the buyer. + # @param [Fixnum] filter_set_id + # The ID of the filter set to apply. + # @param [Fixnum] page_size + # Requested page size. The server may return fewer results than requested. + # If unspecified, the server will pick an appropriate default. + # @param [String] page_token + # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. + # Typically, this is the value of + # ListNonBillableWinningBidsResponse.nextPageToken + # returned from the previous call to the nonBillableWinningBids.list + # method. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListNonBillableWinningBidsResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListNonBillableWinningBidsResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_bidder_filter_set_non_billable_winning_bids(filter_set_name, account_id: nil, filter_set_id: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+filterSetName}/nonBillableWinningBids', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListNonBillableWinningBidsResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::Adexchangebuyer2V2beta1::ListNonBillableWinningBidsResponse + command.params['filterSetName'] = filter_set_name unless filter_set_name.nil? + command.query['accountId'] = account_id unless account_id.nil? + command.query['filterSetId'] = filter_set_id unless filter_set_id.nil? command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? diff --git a/generated/google/apis/androidmanagement_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/androidmanagement_v1.rb index d37c8d73c..1a526070a 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/androidmanagement_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/androidmanagement_v1.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/android/management module AndroidmanagementV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20170918' + REVISION = '20171009' # Manage Android devices and apps for your customers AUTH_ANDROIDMANAGEMENT = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/androidmanagement' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/androidmanagement_v1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/androidmanagement_v1/classes.rb index 9c499c8f3..819309835 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/androidmanagement_v1/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/androidmanagement_v1/classes.rb @@ -388,11 +388,11 @@ module Google alias_method :policy_compliant?, :policy_compliant # The name of the policy that is intended to be applied to the device. If empty, - # the policy with id default is applied. This field may be modified by an update - # request. The name of the policy is in the form enterprises/`enterpriseId`/ - # policies/`policyId`. It is also permissible to only specify the policyId when - # updating this field as long as the policyId contains no slashes since the rest - # of the policy name can be inferred from context. + # the policy_name for the user that owns this device is applied. This field may + # be modified by an update request. The name of the policy is in the form + # enterprises/`enterpriseId`/policies/`policyId`. It is also permissible to only + # specify the policyId when updating this field as long as the policyId contains + # no slashes since the rest of the policy name can be inferred from context. # Corresponds to the JSON property `policyName` # @return [String] attr_accessor :policy_name @@ -425,9 +425,8 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :state - # The resource name of the user of the device in the form enterprises/` - # enterpriseId`/users/`userId`. This is the name of the device account - # automatically created for this device. + # The resource name of the user that owns this device in the form enterprises/` + # enterpriseId`/users/`userId`. # Corresponds to the JSON property `userName` # @return [String] attr_accessor :user_name @@ -575,9 +574,11 @@ module Google # The name of the policy that will be initially applied to the enrolled device # in the form enterprises/`enterpriseId`/policies/`policyId`. If not specified, - # the policy with id default is applied. It is permissible to only specify the - # policyId when updating this field as long as the policyId contains no slashes - # since the rest of the policy name can be inferred from context. + # the policy_name for the user that owns the device is applied. If user_name + # also isn't specified, the policy defaults to enterprises/`enterpriseId`/ + # policies/default. It is permissible to only specify the policyId when updating + # this field as long as the policyId contains no slashes since the rest of the + # policy name can be inferred from context. # Corresponds to the JSON property `policyName` # @return [String] attr_accessor :policy_name diff --git a/generated/google/apis/cloudiot_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/cloudiot_v1.rb index deb2ded4d..814050ef1 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/cloudiot_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/cloudiot_v1.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Google # @see https://cloud.google.com/iot module CloudiotV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20170922' + REVISION = '20171011' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/cloudiot_v1beta1.rb b/generated/google/apis/cloudiot_v1beta1.rb index c27383b2c..996988fc2 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/cloudiot_v1beta1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/cloudiot_v1beta1.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Google # @see https://cloud.google.com/iot module CloudiotV1beta1 VERSION = 'V1beta1' - REVISION = '20170922' + REVISION = '20171011' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/dataflow_v1b3.rb b/generated/google/apis/dataflow_v1b3.rb index 023f985dd..5c3d248fb 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/dataflow_v1b3.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/dataflow_v1b3.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://cloud.google.com/dataflow module DataflowV1b3 VERSION = 'V1b3' - REVISION = '20170930' + REVISION = '20171014' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/dataflow_v1b3/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/dataflow_v1b3/classes.rb index a7a1ff2f8..26dbb730d 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/dataflow_v1b3/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/dataflow_v1b3/classes.rb @@ -442,10 +442,11 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :origin_namespace - # The GroupByKey step name from the original graph. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `originalShuffleStepName` + # The step name requesting an operation, such as GBK. + # I.e. the ParDo causing a read/write from shuffle to occur. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `originalRequestingStepName` # @return [String] - attr_accessor :original_shuffle_step_name + attr_accessor :original_requesting_step_name # System generated name of the original step in the user's graph, before # optimization. @@ -479,7 +480,7 @@ module Google @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) @origin = args[:origin] if args.key?(:origin) @origin_namespace = args[:origin_namespace] if args.key?(:origin_namespace) - @original_shuffle_step_name = args[:original_shuffle_step_name] if args.key?(:original_shuffle_step_name) + @original_requesting_step_name = args[:original_requesting_step_name] if args.key?(:original_requesting_step_name) @original_step_name = args[:original_step_name] if args.key?(:original_step_name) @portion = args[:portion] if args.key?(:portion) @side_input = args[:side_input] if args.key?(:side_input) @@ -3457,6 +3458,17 @@ module Google # @return [Google::Apis::DataflowV1b3::SourceGetMetadataRequest] attr_accessor :get_metadata + # User-provided name of the Read instruction for this source. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :name + + # System-defined name for the Read instruction for this source + # in the original workflow graph. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `originalName` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :original_name + # Represents the operation to split a high-level Source specification # into bundles (parts for parallel processing). # At a high level, splitting of a source into bundles happens as follows: @@ -3473,6 +3485,18 @@ module Google # @return [Google::Apis::DataflowV1b3::SourceSplitRequest] attr_accessor :split + # System-defined name of the stage containing the source operation. + # Unique across the workflow. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `stageName` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :stage_name + + # System-defined name of the Read instruction for this source. + # Unique across the workflow. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `systemName` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :system_name + def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end @@ -3480,7 +3504,11 @@ module Google # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @get_metadata = args[:get_metadata] if args.key?(:get_metadata) + @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) + @original_name = args[:original_name] if args.key?(:original_name) @split = args[:split] if args.key?(:split) + @stage_name = args[:stage_name] if args.key?(:stage_name) + @system_name = args[:system_name] if args.key?(:system_name) end end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/dataflow_v1b3/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/dataflow_v1b3/representations.rb index 31ed69b9a..892a49d66 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/dataflow_v1b3/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/dataflow_v1b3/representations.rb @@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ module Google property :name, as: 'name' property :origin, as: 'origin' property :origin_namespace, as: 'originNamespace' - property :original_shuffle_step_name, as: 'originalShuffleStepName' + property :original_requesting_step_name, as: 'originalRequestingStepName' property :original_step_name, as: 'originalStepName' property :portion, as: 'portion' property :side_input, as: 'sideInput', class: Google::Apis::DataflowV1b3::SideInputId, decorator: Google::Apis::DataflowV1b3::SideInputId::Representation @@ -1716,8 +1716,12 @@ module Google class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :get_metadata, as: 'getMetadata', class: Google::Apis::DataflowV1b3::SourceGetMetadataRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::DataflowV1b3::SourceGetMetadataRequest::Representation + property :name, as: 'name' + property :original_name, as: 'originalName' property :split, as: 'split', class: Google::Apis::DataflowV1b3::SourceSplitRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::DataflowV1b3::SourceSplitRequest::Representation + property :stage_name, as: 'stageName' + property :system_name, as: 'systemName' end end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1.rb index e76798b9d..2083e3078 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Google # @see https://cloud.google.com/datastore/ module DatastoreV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20170904' + REVISION = '20171010' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1/classes.rb index 9743a5801..ae7c8e5ce 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1/classes.rb @@ -1475,6 +1475,45 @@ module Google end end + # The request for Datastore.ReserveIds. + class ReserveIdsRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # If not empty, the ID of the database against which to make the request. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `databaseId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :database_id + + # A list of keys with complete key paths whose numeric IDs should not be + # auto-allocated. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `keys` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :keys + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @database_id = args[:database_id] if args.key?(:database_id) + @keys = args[:keys] if args.key?(:keys) + end + end + + # The response for Datastore.ReserveIds. + class ReserveIdsResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + end + end + # The request for Datastore.Rollback. class RollbackRequest include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable diff --git a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1/representations.rb index b723dc031..dcd65117d 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1/representations.rb @@ -262,6 +262,18 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class ReserveIdsRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ReserveIdsResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class RollbackRequest class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -692,6 +704,21 @@ module Google end end + class ReserveIdsRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :database_id, as: 'databaseId' + collection :keys, as: 'keys', class: Google::Apis::DatastoreV1::Key, decorator: Google::Apis::DatastoreV1::Key::Representation + + end + end + + class ReserveIdsResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + end + end + class RollbackRequest # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation diff --git a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1/service.rb index 042887e14..38e9a5a3c 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1/service.rb @@ -182,6 +182,40 @@ module Google execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) end + # Prevents the supplied keys' IDs from being auto-allocated by Cloud + # Datastore. + # @param [String] project_id + # The ID of the project against which to make the request. + # @param [Google::Apis::DatastoreV1::ReserveIdsRequest] reserve_ids_request_object + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DatastoreV1::ReserveIdsResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::DatastoreV1::ReserveIdsResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def reserve_project_ids(project_id, reserve_ids_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v1/projects/{projectId}:reserveIds', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DatastoreV1::ReserveIdsRequest::Representation + command.request_object = reserve_ids_request_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DatastoreV1::ReserveIdsResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::DatastoreV1::ReserveIdsResponse + command.params['projectId'] = project_id unless project_id.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + # Rolls back a transaction. # @param [String] project_id # The ID of the project against which to make the request. diff --git a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta3.rb b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta3.rb index b46859050..d58fbb5b1 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta3.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta3.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Google # @see https://cloud.google.com/datastore/ module DatastoreV1beta3 VERSION = 'V1beta3' - REVISION = '20170904' + REVISION = '20171010' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta3/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta3/classes.rb index 9fba1baba..9bb8af6ec 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta3/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta3/classes.rb @@ -1334,6 +1334,45 @@ module Google end end + # The request for Datastore.ReserveIds. + class ReserveIdsRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # If not empty, the ID of the database against which to make the request. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `databaseId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :database_id + + # A list of keys with complete key paths whose numeric IDs should not be + # auto-allocated. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `keys` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :keys + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @database_id = args[:database_id] if args.key?(:database_id) + @keys = args[:keys] if args.key?(:keys) + end + end + + # The response for Datastore.ReserveIds. + class ReserveIdsResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + end + end + # The request for Datastore.Rollback. class RollbackRequest include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable diff --git a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta3/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta3/representations.rb index cf6bf66fa..bfaaecdd5 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta3/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta3/representations.rb @@ -244,6 +244,18 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class ReserveIdsRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ReserveIdsResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class RollbackRequest class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -641,6 +653,21 @@ module Google end end + class ReserveIdsRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :database_id, as: 'databaseId' + collection :keys, as: 'keys', class: Google::Apis::DatastoreV1beta3::Key, decorator: Google::Apis::DatastoreV1beta3::Key::Representation + + end + end + + class ReserveIdsResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + end + end + class RollbackRequest # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation diff --git a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta3/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta3/service.rb index bddb10121..d84f71fe3 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta3/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta3/service.rb @@ -182,6 +182,40 @@ module Google execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) end + # Prevents the supplied keys' IDs from being auto-allocated by Cloud + # Datastore. + # @param [String] project_id + # The ID of the project against which to make the request. + # @param [Google::Apis::DatastoreV1beta3::ReserveIdsRequest] reserve_ids_request_object + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DatastoreV1beta3::ReserveIdsResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::DatastoreV1beta3::ReserveIdsResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def reserve_project_ids(project_id, reserve_ids_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v1beta3/projects/{projectId}:reserveIds', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DatastoreV1beta3::ReserveIdsRequest::Representation + command.request_object = reserve_ids_request_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DatastoreV1beta3::ReserveIdsResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::DatastoreV1beta3::ReserveIdsResponse + command.params['projectId'] = project_id unless project_id.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + # Rolls back a transaction. # @param [String] project_id # The ID of the project against which to make the request. diff --git a/generated/google/apis/firestore_v1beta1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/firestore_v1beta1/classes.rb index 91fca0f26..db0dd462e 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/firestore_v1beta1/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/firestore_v1beta1/classes.rb @@ -210,8 +210,7 @@ module Google class CommitRequest include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - # If non-empty, applies all writes in this transaction, and commits it. - # Otherwise, applies the writes as if they were in their own transaction. + # If set, applies all writes in this transaction, and commits it. # Corresponds to the JSON property `transaction` # NOTE: Values are automatically base64 encoded/decoded in the client library. # @return [String] @@ -728,13 +727,13 @@ module Google attr_accessor :fields # The resource name of the index. + # Output only. # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` # @return [String] attr_accessor :name # The state of the index. - # The state is read-only. - # @OutputOnly + # Output only. # Corresponds to the JSON property `state` # @return [String] attr_accessor :state @@ -780,61 +779,6 @@ module Google end end - # Metadata for index operations. This metadata populates - # the metadata field of google.longrunning.Operation. - class IndexOperationMetadata - include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - - # True if the [google.longrunning.Operation] was cancelled. If the - # cancellation is in progress, cancelled will be true but - # google.longrunning.Operation.done will be false. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `cancelled` - # @return [Boolean] - attr_accessor :cancelled - alias_method :cancelled?, :cancelled - - # Measures the progress of a particular metric. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `documentProgress` - # @return [Google::Apis::FirestoreV1beta1::Progress] - attr_accessor :document_progress - - # The time the operation ended, either successfully or otherwise. Unset if - # the operation is still active. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `endTime` - # @return [String] - attr_accessor :end_time - - # The index resource that this operation is acting on. For example: - # `projects/`project_id`/databases/`database_id`/indexes/`index_id`` - # Corresponds to the JSON property `index` - # @return [String] - attr_accessor :index - - # The type of index operation. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `operationType` - # @return [String] - attr_accessor :operation_type - - # The time that work began on the operation. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `startTime` - # @return [String] - attr_accessor :start_time - - def initialize(**args) - update!(**args) - end - - # Update properties of this object - def update!(**args) - @cancelled = args[:cancelled] if args.key?(:cancelled) - @document_progress = args[:document_progress] if args.key?(:document_progress) - @end_time = args[:end_time] if args.key?(:end_time) - @index = args[:index] if args.key?(:index) - @operation_type = args[:operation_type] if args.key?(:operation_type) - @start_time = args[:start_time] if args.key?(:start_time) - end - end - # An object representing a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair # of doubles representing degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless # specified otherwise, this must conform to the @@ -894,6 +838,32 @@ module Google end end + # The request for Firestore.ListCollectionIds. + class ListCollectionIdsRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The maximum number of results to return. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pageSize` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :page_size + + # A page token. Must be a value from + # ListCollectionIdsResponse. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :page_token + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @page_size = args[:page_size] if args.key?(:page_size) + @page_token = args[:page_token] if args.key?(:page_token) + end + end + # The response from Firestore.ListCollectionIds. class ListCollectionIdsResponse include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -1229,33 +1199,6 @@ module Google end end - # Measures the progress of a particular metric. - class Progress - include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - - # An estimate of how much work has been completed. Note that this may be - # greater than `work_estimated`. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `workCompleted` - # @return [Fixnum] - attr_accessor :work_completed - - # An estimate of how much work needs to be performed. Zero if the - # work estimate is unavailable. May change as work progresses. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `workEstimated` - # @return [Fixnum] - attr_accessor :work_estimated - - def initialize(**args) - update!(**args) - end - - # Update properties of this object - def update!(**args) - @work_completed = args[:work_completed] if args.key?(:work_completed) - @work_estimated = args[:work_estimated] if args.key?(:work_estimated) - end - end - # The projection of document's fields to return. class Projection include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable diff --git a/generated/google/apis/firestore_v1beta1/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/firestore_v1beta1/representations.rb index e02fb15e9..1baf4532a 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/firestore_v1beta1/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/firestore_v1beta1/representations.rb @@ -172,13 +172,13 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end - class IndexOperationMetadata + class LatLng class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end - class LatLng + class ListCollectionIdsRequest class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport @@ -238,12 +238,6 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end - class Progress - class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end - - include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport - end - class Projection class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -576,19 +570,6 @@ module Google end end - class IndexOperationMetadata - # @private - class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation - property :cancelled, as: 'cancelled' - property :document_progress, as: 'documentProgress', class: Google::Apis::FirestoreV1beta1::Progress, decorator: Google::Apis::FirestoreV1beta1::Progress::Representation - - property :end_time, as: 'endTime' - property :index, as: 'index' - property :operation_type, as: 'operationType' - property :start_time, as: 'startTime' - end - end - class LatLng # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation @@ -597,6 +578,14 @@ module Google end end + class ListCollectionIdsRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :page_size, as: 'pageSize' + property :page_token, as: 'pageToken' + end + end + class ListCollectionIdsResponse # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation @@ -686,14 +675,6 @@ module Google end end - class Progress - # @private - class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation - property :work_completed, :numeric_string => true, as: 'workCompleted' - property :work_estimated, :numeric_string => true, as: 'workEstimated' - end - end - class Projection # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation diff --git a/generated/google/apis/firestore_v1beta1/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/firestore_v1beta1/service.rb index 8ba351a08..d416b5e38 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/firestore_v1beta1/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/firestore_v1beta1/service.rb @@ -352,11 +352,7 @@ module Google # `projects/`project_id`/databases/`database_id`/documents/`document_path``. # For example: # `projects/my-project/databases/my-database/documents/chatrooms/my-chatroom` - # @param [Fixnum] page_size - # The maximum number of results to return. - # @param [String] page_token - # A page token. Must be a value from - # ListCollectionIdsResponse. + # @param [Google::Apis::FirestoreV1beta1::ListCollectionIdsRequest] list_collection_ids_request_object # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -374,13 +370,13 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def list_project_database_document_collection_ids(parent, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + def list_project_database_document_collection_ids(parent, list_collection_ids_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v1beta1/{+parent}:listCollectionIds', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::FirestoreV1beta1::ListCollectionIdsRequest::Representation + command.request_object = list_collection_ids_request_object command.response_representation = Google::Apis::FirestoreV1beta1::ListCollectionIdsResponse::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::FirestoreV1beta1::ListCollectionIdsResponse command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil? - command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? - command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) diff --git a/generated/google/apis/storage_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/storage_v1.rb index 53076c0e5..fc777ed41 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/storage_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/storage_v1.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/ module StorageV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20170915' + REVISION = '20171004' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/storage_v1/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/storage_v1/service.rb index c650dd7ea..c1767883e 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/storage_v1/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/storage_v1/service.rb @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ module Google # The entity holding the permission. Can be user-userId, user-emailAddress, # group-groupId, group-emailAddress, allUsers, or allAuthenticatedUsers. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ module Google # The entity holding the permission. Can be user-userId, user-emailAddress, # group-groupId, group-emailAddress, allUsers, or allAuthenticatedUsers. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ module Google # Name of a bucket. # @param [Google::Apis::StorageV1::BucketAccessControl] bucket_access_control_object # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] bucket # Name of a bucket. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ module Google # group-groupId, group-emailAddress, allUsers, or allAuthenticatedUsers. # @param [Google::Apis::StorageV1::BucketAccessControl] bucket_access_control_object # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ module Google # group-groupId, group-emailAddress, allUsers, or allAuthenticatedUsers. # @param [Google::Apis::StorageV1::BucketAccessControl] bucket_access_control_object # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ module Google # If set, only deletes the bucket if its metageneration does not match this # value. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] projection # Set of properties to return. Defaults to noAcl. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] bucket # Name of a bucket. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ module Google # Set of properties to return. Defaults to noAcl, unless the bucket resource # specifies acl or defaultObjectAcl properties, when it defaults to full. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] projection # Set of properties to return. Defaults to noAcl. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] projection # Set of properties to return. Defaults to full. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ module Google # Name of a bucket. # @param [Google::Apis::StorageV1::Policy] policy_object # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ module Google # @param [Array, String] permissions # Permissions to test. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] projection # Set of properties to return. Defaults to full. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ module Google # The entity holding the permission. Can be user-userId, user-emailAddress, # group-groupId, group-emailAddress, allUsers, or allAuthenticatedUsers. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ module Google # The entity holding the permission. Can be user-userId, user-emailAddress, # group-groupId, group-emailAddress, allUsers, or allAuthenticatedUsers. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ module Google # Name of a bucket. # @param [Google::Apis::StorageV1::ObjectAccessControl] object_access_control_object # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ module Google # If present, only return default ACL listing if the bucket's current # metageneration does not match the given value. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ module Google # group-groupId, group-emailAddress, allUsers, or allAuthenticatedUsers. # @param [Google::Apis::StorageV1::ObjectAccessControl] object_access_control_object # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -999,7 +999,7 @@ module Google # group-groupId, group-emailAddress, allUsers, or allAuthenticatedUsers. # @param [Google::Apis::StorageV1::ObjectAccessControl] object_access_control_object # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] notification # ID of the notification to delete. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] notification # Notification ID # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ module Google # The parent bucket of the notification. # @param [Google::Apis::StorageV1::Notification] notification_object # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] bucket # Name of a Google Cloud Storage bucket. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@ module Google # If present, selects a specific revision of this object (as opposed to the # latest version, the default). # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ module Google # If present, selects a specific revision of this object (as opposed to the # latest version, the default). # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@ module Google # If present, selects a specific revision of this object (as opposed to the # latest version, the default). # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@ module Google # If present, selects a specific revision of this object (as opposed to the # latest version, the default). # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1404,7 +1404,7 @@ module Google # If present, selects a specific revision of this object (as opposed to the # latest version, the default). # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1457,7 +1457,7 @@ module Google # If present, selects a specific revision of this object (as opposed to the # latest version, the default). # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1517,7 +1517,7 @@ module Google # global/keyRings/my-kr/cryptoKeys/my-key, that will be used to encrypt the # object. Overrides the object metadata's kms_key_name value, if any. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1615,7 +1615,7 @@ module Google # If present, selects a specific revision of the source object (as opposed to # the latest version, the default). # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@ module Google # Makes the operation conditional on whether the object's current metageneration # does not match the given value. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1763,7 +1763,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] projection # Set of properties to return. Defaults to noAcl. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1821,7 +1821,7 @@ module Google # If present, selects a specific revision of this object (as opposed to the # latest version, the default). # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1897,7 +1897,7 @@ module Google # Set of properties to return. Defaults to noAcl, unless the object resource # specifies the acl property, when it defaults to full. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1974,7 +1974,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] projection # Set of properties to return. Defaults to noAcl. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [Boolean] versions # If true, lists all versions of an object as distinct results. The default is # false. For more information, see Object Versioning. @@ -2047,7 +2047,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] projection # Set of properties to return. Defaults to full. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -2160,7 +2160,7 @@ module Google # If present, selects a specific revision of the source object (as opposed to # the latest version, the default). # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -2224,7 +2224,7 @@ module Google # If present, selects a specific revision of this object (as opposed to the # latest version, the default). # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -2275,7 +2275,7 @@ module Google # If present, selects a specific revision of this object (as opposed to the # latest version, the default). # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -2342,7 +2342,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] projection # Set of properties to return. Defaults to full. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -2416,7 +2416,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] projection # Set of properties to return. Defaults to noAcl. # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. Required for Requester Pays buckets. # @param [Boolean] versions # If true, lists all versions of an object as distinct results. The default is # false. For more information, see Object Versioning. @@ -2465,7 +2465,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] project_id # Project ID # @param [String] user_project - # The project to be billed for this request, for Requester Pays buckets. + # The project to be billed for this request. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user diff --git a/generated/google/apis/toolresults_v1beta3.rb b/generated/google/apis/toolresults_v1beta3.rb index 289690331..98dde6cc2 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/toolresults_v1beta3.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/toolresults_v1beta3.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://firebase.google.com/docs/test-lab/ module ToolresultsV1beta3 VERSION = 'V1beta3' - REVISION = '20171006' + REVISION = '20171016' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform'