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"/identitytoolkit:v3/IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySetProjectConfigRequest/useEmailSending": use_email_sending "/identitytoolkit:v3/IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySetProjectConfigRequest/verifyEmailTemplate": verify_email_template @@ -22064,6 +23084,7 @@ "/identitytoolkit:v3/IdpConfig/enabled": enabled "/identitytoolkit:v3/IdpConfig/experimentPercent": experiment_percent "/identitytoolkit:v3/IdpConfig/provider": provider +"/identitytoolkit:v3/IdpConfig/secret": secret "/identitytoolkit:v3/Relyingparty": relyingparty "/identitytoolkit:v3/Relyingparty/captchaResp": captcha_resp "/identitytoolkit:v3/Relyingparty/challenge": challenge @@ -22083,6 +23104,7 @@ "/identitytoolkit:v3/SetAccountInfoResponse/idToken": id_token "/identitytoolkit:v3/SetAccountInfoResponse/kind": kind "/identitytoolkit:v3/SetAccountInfoResponse/newEmail": new_email +"/identitytoolkit:v3/SetAccountInfoResponse/passwordHash": password_hash "/identitytoolkit:v3/SetAccountInfoResponse/photoUrl": photo_url "/identitytoolkit:v3/SetAccountInfoResponse/providerUserInfo": provider_user_info "/identitytoolkit:v3/SetAccountInfoResponse/providerUserInfo/provider_user_info": provider_user_info @@ -22150,6 +23172,7 @@ "/identitytoolkit:v3/VerifyAssertionResponse/oauthAccessToken": oauth_access_token "/identitytoolkit:v3/VerifyAssertionResponse/oauthAuthorizationCode": oauth_authorization_code "/identitytoolkit:v3/VerifyAssertionResponse/oauthExpireIn": oauth_expire_in +"/identitytoolkit:v3/VerifyAssertionResponse/oauthIdToken": oauth_id_token "/identitytoolkit:v3/VerifyAssertionResponse/oauthRequestToken": oauth_request_token "/identitytoolkit:v3/VerifyAssertionResponse/oauthScope": oauth_scope "/identitytoolkit:v3/VerifyAssertionResponse/oauthTokenSecret": oauth_token_secret @@ -24019,6 +25042,7 @@ "/reseller:v1/Address/organizationName": organization_name "/reseller:v1/Address/postalCode": postal_code "/reseller:v1/Address/region": region +"/reseller:v1/ChangePlanRequest/dealCode": deal_code "/reseller:v1/ChangePlanRequest/kind": kind "/reseller:v1/ChangePlanRequest/planName": plan_name "/reseller:v1/ChangePlanRequest/purchaseOrderId": purchase_order_id @@ -24045,6 +25069,7 @@ "/reseller:v1/Subscription/creationTime": creation_time "/reseller:v1/Subscription/customerDomain": customer_domain "/reseller:v1/Subscription/customerId": customer_id +"/reseller:v1/Subscription/dealCode": deal_code "/reseller:v1/Subscription/kind": kind "/reseller:v1/Subscription/plan": plan "/reseller:v1/Subscription/plan/commitmentInterval": commitment_interval @@ -25807,6 +26832,7 @@ "/webmasters:v3/SearchAnalyticsQueryRequest/rowLimit": row_limit "/webmasters:v3/SearchAnalyticsQueryRequest/searchType": search_type "/webmasters:v3/SearchAnalyticsQueryRequest/startDate": start_date +"/webmasters:v3/SearchAnalyticsQueryRequest/startRow": start_row "/webmasters:v3/SearchAnalyticsQueryResponse": search_analytics_query_response "/webmasters:v3/SearchAnalyticsQueryResponse/responseAggregationType": 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"/youtube:v3/LiveChatMessageSnippet/hasDisplayContent": has_display_content "/youtube:v3/LiveChatMessageSnippet/liveChatId": live_chat_id +"/youtube:v3/LiveChatMessageSnippet/messageDeletedDetails": message_deleted_details +"/youtube:v3/LiveChatMessageSnippet/messageRetractedDetails": message_retracted_details "/youtube:v3/LiveChatMessageSnippet/publishedAt": published_at "/youtube:v3/LiveChatMessageSnippet/textMessageDetails": text_message_details "/youtube:v3/LiveChatMessageSnippet/type": type +"/youtube:v3/LiveChatMessageSnippet/userBannedDetails": user_banned_details "/youtube:v3/LiveChatModerator": live_chat_moderator "/youtube:v3/LiveChatModerator/etag": etag "/youtube:v3/LiveChatModerator/id": id @@ -26835,6 +27869,10 @@ "/youtube:v3/LiveChatModeratorSnippet/moderatorDetails": moderator_details "/youtube:v3/LiveChatTextMessageDetails": live_chat_text_message_details "/youtube:v3/LiveChatTextMessageDetails/messageText": message_text +"/youtube:v3/LiveChatUserBannedMessageDetails": live_chat_user_banned_message_details +"/youtube:v3/LiveChatUserBannedMessageDetails/banDurationSeconds": ban_duration_seconds +"/youtube:v3/LiveChatUserBannedMessageDetails/banType": ban_type +"/youtube:v3/LiveChatUserBannedMessageDetails/bannedUserDetails": banned_user_details "/youtube:v3/LiveStream": live_stream "/youtube:v3/LiveStream/cdn": cdn "/youtube:v3/LiveStream/contentDetails": content_details diff --git a/bin/generate-api b/bin/generate-api index f9a8111e6..ff600b452 100755 --- a/bin/generate-api +++ b/bin/generate-api @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module Google Google::Apis.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG if options[:verbose] generate_from_url(options[:url]) if options[:url] generate_from_file(options[:file]) if options[:file] - generate_from_discovery(preferred_only: options[:preferred_only], id: options[:id] ) if options[:from_discovery] + generate_from_discovery(preferred_only: options[:preferred_only], id: options[:id] ) if options[:id] || options[:from_discovery] create_file(options[:names_out]) { |*| generator.dump_api_names } if options[:names_out] end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer_v1_4.rb b/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer_v1_4.rb index 9b36f93eb..2680653c1 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer_v1_4.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer_v1_4.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/ad-exchange/buyer-rest module AdexchangebuyerV1_4 VERSION = 'V1_4' - REVISION = '20160229' + REVISION = '20160405' # Manage your Ad Exchange buyer account configuration AUTH_ADEXCHANGE_BUYER = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/adexchange.buyer' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer_v1_4/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer_v1_4/classes.rb index 0e5794cee..725032482 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer_v1_4/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer_v1_4/classes.rb @@ -1126,6 +1126,12 @@ module Google # @return [Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::DealTermsNonGuaranteedFixedPriceTerms] attr_accessor :non_guaranteed_fixed_price_terms + # For deals with Cost Per Day billing, defines the timezone used to mark the + # boundaries of a day (buyer-readonly) + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sellerTimeZone` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :seller_time_zone + def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end @@ -1139,6 +1145,7 @@ module Google @guaranteed_fixed_price_terms = args[:guaranteed_fixed_price_terms] if args.key?(:guaranteed_fixed_price_terms) @non_guaranteed_auction_terms = args[:non_guaranteed_auction_terms] if args.key?(:non_guaranteed_auction_terms) @non_guaranteed_fixed_price_terms = args[:non_guaranteed_fixed_price_terms] if args.key?(:non_guaranteed_fixed_price_terms) + @seller_time_zone = args[:seller_time_zone] if args.key?(:seller_time_zone) end end @@ -1338,6 +1345,58 @@ module Google end end + # This message carries publisher provided breakdown. E.g. `dimension_type: ' + # COUNTRY', [`dimension_value: `id: 1, name: 'US'``, `dimension_value: `id: 2, + # name: 'UK'``]` + class Dimension + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `dimensionType` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :dimension_type + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `dimensionValues` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :dimension_values + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @dimension_type = args[:dimension_type] if args.key?(:dimension_type) + @dimension_values = args[:dimension_values] if args.key?(:dimension_values) + end + end + + # Value of the dimension. + class DimensionDimensionValue + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Id of the dimension. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :id + + # Name of the dimension mainly for debugging purposes. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :name + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) + end + end + # class EditAllOrderDealsRequest include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -1956,10 +2015,7 @@ module Google end end - # The configuration data for an Ad Exchange performance report list. https:// - # sites.google.com/a/google.com/adx-integration/Home/engineering/binary-releases/ - # rtb-api-release https://cs.corp.google.com/#piper///depot/google3/contentads/ - # adx/tools/rtb_api/adxrtb.py + # The configuration data for an Ad Exchange performance report list. class PerformanceReportList include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -2470,6 +2526,14 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :product_id + # Id of the publisher profile for a given seller. A (seller.account_id, + # publisher_profile_id) pair uniquely identifies a publisher profile. Buyers can + # call the PublisherProfiles::List endpoint to get a list of publisher profiles + # for a given seller. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `publisherProfileId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :publisher_profile_id + # The revision number of the product. (readonly) # Corresponds to the JSON property `revisionNumber` # @return [String] @@ -2503,7 +2567,8 @@ module Google # @return [Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::DealTerms] attr_accessor :terms - # + # The web property code for the seller. This field is meant to be copied over as + # is when creating deals. # Corresponds to the JSON property `webPropertyCode` # @return [String] attr_accessor :web_property_code @@ -2528,6 +2593,7 @@ module Google @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) @private_auction_id = args[:private_auction_id] if args.key?(:private_auction_id) @product_id = args[:product_id] if args.key?(:product_id) + @publisher_profile_id = args[:publisher_profile_id] if args.key?(:publisher_profile_id) @revision_number = args[:revision_number] if args.key?(:revision_number) @seller = args[:seller] if args.key?(:seller) @shared_targetings = args[:shared_targetings] if args.key?(:shared_targetings) @@ -2710,11 +2776,31 @@ module Google class PublisherProfileApiProto include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + # The account id of the seller. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `accountId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :account_id + + # Publisher provided info on its audience. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `audience` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :audience + # A pitch statement for the buyer # Corresponds to the JSON property `buyerPitchStatement` # @return [String] attr_accessor :buyer_pitch_statement + # Direct contact for the publisher profile. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `directContact` + # @return [Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::ContactInformation] + attr_accessor :direct_contact + + # Exchange where this publisher profile is from. E.g. AdX, Rubicon etc... + # Corresponds to the JSON property `exchange` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :exchange + # Link to publisher's Google+ page. # Corresponds to the JSON property `googlePlusLink` # @return [String] @@ -2727,6 +2813,12 @@ module Google attr_accessor :is_parent alias_method :is_parent?, :is_parent + # True, if this profile is published. Deprecated for state. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `isPublished` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :is_published + alias_method :is_published?, :is_published + # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string " # adexchangebuyer#publisherProfileApiProto". # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` @@ -2753,17 +2845,33 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :overview - # Unique id for the publisher profile + # The pair of (seller.account_id, profile_id) uniquely identifies a publisher + # profile for a given publisher. # Corresponds to the JSON property `profileId` # @return [Fixnum] attr_accessor :profile_id + # Programmatic contact for the publisher profile. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `programmaticContact` + # @return [Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::ContactInformation] + attr_accessor :programmatic_contact + # The list of domains represented in this publisher profile. Empty if this is a # parent profile. # Corresponds to the JSON property `publisherDomains` # @return [Array] attr_accessor :publisher_domains + # Unique Id for publisher profile. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `publisherProfileId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :publisher_profile_id + + # This message carries publisher provided forecasting information. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `publisherProvidedForecast` + # @return [Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::PublisherProvidedForecast] + attr_accessor :publisher_provided_forecast + # Link to publisher rate card # Corresponds to the JSON property `rateCardInfoLink` # @return [String] @@ -2774,6 +2882,16 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :sample_page_link + # Seller of the publisher profile. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `seller` + # @return [Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::Seller] + attr_accessor :seller + + # State of the publisher profile. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `state` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :state + # Publisher provided key metrics and rankings. # Corresponds to the JSON property `topHeadlines` # @return [Array] @@ -2785,22 +2903,63 @@ module Google # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) + @account_id = args[:account_id] if args.key?(:account_id) + @audience = args[:audience] if args.key?(:audience) @buyer_pitch_statement = args[:buyer_pitch_statement] if args.key?(:buyer_pitch_statement) + @direct_contact = args[:direct_contact] if args.key?(:direct_contact) + @exchange = args[:exchange] if args.key?(:exchange) @google_plus_link = args[:google_plus_link] if args.key?(:google_plus_link) @is_parent = args[:is_parent] if args.key?(:is_parent) + @is_published = args[:is_published] if args.key?(:is_published) @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) @logo_url = args[:logo_url] if args.key?(:logo_url) @media_kit_link = args[:media_kit_link] if args.key?(:media_kit_link) @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) @overview = args[:overview] if args.key?(:overview) @profile_id = args[:profile_id] if args.key?(:profile_id) + @programmatic_contact = args[:programmatic_contact] if args.key?(:programmatic_contact) @publisher_domains = args[:publisher_domains] if args.key?(:publisher_domains) + @publisher_profile_id = args[:publisher_profile_id] if args.key?(:publisher_profile_id) + @publisher_provided_forecast = args[:publisher_provided_forecast] if args.key?(:publisher_provided_forecast) @rate_card_info_link = args[:rate_card_info_link] if args.key?(:rate_card_info_link) @sample_page_link = args[:sample_page_link] if args.key?(:sample_page_link) + @seller = args[:seller] if args.key?(:seller) + @state = args[:state] if args.key?(:state) @top_headlines = args[:top_headlines] if args.key?(:top_headlines) end end + # This message carries publisher provided forecasting information. + class PublisherProvidedForecast + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Publisher provided dimensions. E.g. geo, sizes etc... + # Corresponds to the JSON property `dimensions` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :dimensions + + # Publisher provided weekly impressions. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `weeklyImpressions` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :weekly_impressions + + # Publisher provided weekly uniques. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `weeklyUniques` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :weekly_uniques + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @dimensions = args[:dimensions] if args.key?(:dimensions) + @weekly_impressions = args[:weekly_impressions] if args.key?(:weekly_impressions) + @weekly_uniques = args[:weekly_uniques] if args.key?(:weekly_uniques) + end + end + # class Seller include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -3020,6 +3179,44 @@ module Google @width = args[:width] if args.key?(:width) end end + + # + class UpdatePrivateAuctionProposalRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The externalDealId of the deal to be updated. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `externalDealId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :external_deal_id + + # A proposal is associated with a bunch of notes which may optionally be + # associated with a deal and/or revision number. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `note` + # @return [Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::MarketplaceNote] + attr_accessor :note + + # The current revision number of the proposal to be updated. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `proposalRevisionNumber` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :proposal_revision_number + + # The proposed action on the private auction proposal. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `updateAction` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :update_action + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @external_deal_id = args[:external_deal_id] if args.key?(:external_deal_id) + @note = args[:note] if args.key?(:note) + @proposal_revision_number = args[:proposal_revision_number] if args.key?(:proposal_revision_number) + @update_action = args[:update_action] if args.key?(:update_action) + end + end end end end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer_v1_4/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer_v1_4/representations.rb index d6af8cdeb..0236eb516 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer_v1_4/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer_v1_4/representations.rb @@ -238,6 +238,18 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class Dimension + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DimensionDimensionValue + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class EditAllOrderDealsRequest class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -388,6 +400,12 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class PublisherProvidedForecast + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class Seller class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -430,6 +448,12 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class UpdatePrivateAuctionProposalRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class Account # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation @@ -740,6 +764,7 @@ module Google property :non_guaranteed_fixed_price_terms, as: 'nonGuaranteedFixedPriceTerms', class: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::DealTermsNonGuaranteedFixedPriceTerms, decorator: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::DealTermsNonGuaranteedFixedPriceTerms::Representation + property :seller_time_zone, as: 'sellerTimeZone' end end @@ -807,6 +832,23 @@ module Google end end + class Dimension + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :dimension_type, as: 'dimensionType' + collection :dimension_values, as: 'dimensionValues', class: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::DimensionDimensionValue, decorator: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::DimensionDimensionValue::Representation + + end + end + + class DimensionDimensionValue + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :id, as: 'id' + property :name, as: 'name' + end + end + class EditAllOrderDealsRequest # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation @@ -1098,6 +1140,7 @@ module Google property :name, as: 'name' property :private_auction_id, as: 'privateAuctionId' property :product_id, as: 'productId' + property :publisher_profile_id, as: 'publisherProfileId' property :revision_number, as: 'revisionNumber' property :seller, as: 'seller', class: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::Seller, decorator: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::Seller::Representation @@ -1150,22 +1193,46 @@ module Google class PublisherProfileApiProto # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :account_id, as: 'accountId' + property :audience, as: 'audience' property :buyer_pitch_statement, as: 'buyerPitchStatement' + property :direct_contact, as: 'directContact', class: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::ContactInformation, decorator: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::ContactInformation::Representation + + property :exchange, as: 'exchange' property :google_plus_link, as: 'googlePlusLink' property :is_parent, as: 'isParent' + property :is_published, as: 'isPublished' property :kind, as: 'kind' property :logo_url, as: 'logoUrl' property :media_kit_link, as: 'mediaKitLink' property :name, as: 'name' property :overview, as: 'overview' property :profile_id, as: 'profileId' + property :programmatic_contact, as: 'programmaticContact', class: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::ContactInformation, decorator: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::ContactInformation::Representation + collection :publisher_domains, as: 'publisherDomains' + property :publisher_profile_id, as: 'publisherProfileId' + property :publisher_provided_forecast, as: 'publisherProvidedForecast', class: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::PublisherProvidedForecast, decorator: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::PublisherProvidedForecast::Representation + property :rate_card_info_link, as: 'rateCardInfoLink' property :sample_page_link, as: 'samplePageLink' + property :seller, as: 'seller', class: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::Seller, decorator: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::Seller::Representation + + property :state, as: 'state' collection :top_headlines, as: 'topHeadlines' end end + class PublisherProvidedForecast + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :dimensions, as: 'dimensions', class: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::Dimension, decorator: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::Dimension::Representation + + property :weekly_impressions, as: 'weeklyImpressions' + property :weekly_uniques, as: 'weeklyUniques' + end + end + class Seller # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation @@ -1235,6 +1302,17 @@ module Google property :width, as: 'width' end end + + class UpdatePrivateAuctionProposalRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :external_deal_id, as: 'externalDealId' + property :note, as: 'note', class: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::MarketplaceNote, decorator: Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::MarketplaceNote::Representation + + property :proposal_revision_number, as: 'proposalRevisionNumber' + property :update_action, as: 'updateAction' + end + end end end end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer_v1_4/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer_v1_4/service.rb index f514b4adb..d65904d69 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer_v1_4/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/adexchangebuyer_v1_4/service.rb @@ -817,6 +817,42 @@ module Google execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) end + # Update a given private auction proposal + # @param [String] private_auction_id + # The private auction id to be updated. + # @param [Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::UpdatePrivateAuctionProposalRequest] update_private_auction_proposal_request_object + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [NilClass] No result returned for this method + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [void] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def update_marketplace_private_auction_proposal(private_auction_id, update_private_auction_proposal_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'privateauction/{privateAuctionId}/updateproposal', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::AdexchangebuyerV1_4::UpdatePrivateAuctionProposalRequest::Representation + command.request_object = update_private_auction_proposal_request_object + command.params['privateAuctionId'] = private_auction_id unless private_auction_id.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + # Retrieves the authenticated user's list of performance metrics. # @param [String] account_id # The account id to get the reports. diff --git a/generated/google/apis/admin_directory_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/admin_directory_v1.rb index c417e11c6..0b6654f13 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/admin_directory_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/admin_directory_v1.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/ module AdminDirectoryV1 VERSION = 'DirectoryV1' - REVISION = '20151208' + REVISION = '20160323' # View and manage customer related information AUTH_ADMIN_DIRECTORY_CUSTOMER = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.customer' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/adsense_v1_4.rb b/generated/google/apis/adsense_v1_4.rb index ff545a5b7..d57373843 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/adsense_v1_4.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/adsense_v1_4.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/adsense/management/ module AdsenseV1_4 VERSION = 'V1_4' - REVISION = '20160309' + REVISION = '20160411' # View and manage your AdSense data AUTH_ADSENSE = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/adsense' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/adsensehost_v4_1.rb b/generated/google/apis/adsensehost_v4_1.rb index b0d702f35..f2f4a7b7f 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/adsensehost_v4_1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/adsensehost_v4_1.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/adsense/host/ module AdsensehostV4_1 VERSION = 'V4_1' - REVISION = '20160309' + REVISION = '20160411' # View and manage your AdSense host data and associated accounts AUTH_ADSENSEHOST = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/adsensehost' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/androidenterprise_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/androidenterprise_v1.rb index 02fd55082..676e0eb45 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/androidenterprise_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/androidenterprise_v1.rb @@ -20,13 +20,12 @@ module Google module Apis # Google Play EMM API # - # Allows MDMs/EMMs and enterprises to manage the deployment of apps to Android - # for Work users. + # Manages the deployment of apps to Android for Work users. # # @see https://developers.google.com/android/work/play/emm-api module AndroidenterpriseV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20160302' + REVISION = '20160408' # Manage corporate Android devices AUTH_ANDROIDENTERPRISE = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/androidenterprise' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/androidenterprise_v1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/androidenterprise_v1/classes.rb index f062cabc7..d5c6dd9d8 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/androidenterprise_v1/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/androidenterprise_v1/classes.rb @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ module Google end end - # An enterprise resource represents a binding between an organisation and their + # An enterprise resource represents a binding between an organization and their # EMM. # To create an enterprise, an admin of the enterprise must first go through a # Play for Work sign-up flow. At the end of this the admin will be presented @@ -962,7 +962,8 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :distribution_channel - # A link to an image that can be used as an icon for the product. + # A link to an image that can be used as an icon for the product. This image is + # suitable for use at up to 512px x 512px. # Corresponds to the JSON property `iconUrl` # @return [String] attr_accessor :icon_url @@ -991,6 +992,12 @@ module Google attr_accessor :requires_container_app alias_method :requires_container_app?, :requires_container_app + # A link to a smaller image that can be used as an icon for the product. This + # image is suitable for use at up to 128px x 128px. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `smallIconUrl` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :small_icon_url + # The name of the product. # Corresponds to the JSON property `title` # @return [String] @@ -1017,6 +1024,7 @@ module Google @product_id = args[:product_id] if args.key?(:product_id) @product_pricing = args[:product_pricing] if args.key?(:product_pricing) @requires_container_app = args[:requires_container_app] if args.key?(:requires_container_app) + @small_icon_url = args[:small_icon_url] if args.key?(:small_icon_url) @title = args[:title] if args.key?(:title) @work_details_url = args[:work_details_url] if args.key?(:work_details_url) end @@ -1359,8 +1367,7 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :kind - # The user's primary email, e.g. "jsmith@example.com". Will always be set for - # Google managed users and not set for EMM managed users. + # The user's primary email, e.g. "jsmith@example.com". # Corresponds to the JSON property `primaryEmail` # @return [String] attr_accessor :primary_email diff --git a/generated/google/apis/androidenterprise_v1/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/androidenterprise_v1/representations.rb index 96524b943..cfe5f42f4 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/androidenterprise_v1/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/androidenterprise_v1/representations.rb @@ -488,6 +488,7 @@ module Google property :product_id, as: 'productId' property :product_pricing, as: 'productPricing' property :requires_container_app, as: 'requiresContainerApp' + property :small_icon_url, as: 'smallIconUrl' property :title, as: 'title' property :work_details_url, as: 'workDetailsUrl' end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/androidenterprise_v1/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/androidenterprise_v1/service.rb index 7330bae80..6739c530b 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/androidenterprise_v1/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/androidenterprise_v1/service.rb @@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ module Google module AndroidenterpriseV1 # Google Play EMM API # - # Allows MDMs/EMMs and enterprises to manage the deployment of apps to Android - # for Work users. + # Manages the deployment of apps to Android for Work users. # # @example # require 'google/apis/androidenterprise_v1' @@ -1036,7 +1035,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] user_id # The ID of the user. # @param [String] entitlement_id - # The ID of the entitlement, e.g. "app:com.google.android.gm". + # The ID of the entitlement (a product ID), e.g. "app:com.google.android.gm". # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1075,7 +1074,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] user_id # The ID of the user. # @param [String] entitlement_id - # The ID of the entitlement, e.g. "app:com.google.android.gm". + # The ID of the entitlement (a product ID), e.g. "app:com.google.android.gm". # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -1155,7 +1154,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] user_id # The ID of the user. # @param [String] entitlement_id - # The ID of the entitlement, e.g. "app:com.google.android.gm". + # The ID of the entitlement (a product ID), e.g. "app:com.google.android.gm". # @param [Google::Apis::AndroidenterpriseV1::Entitlement] entitlement_object # @param [Boolean] install # Set to true to also install the product on all the user's devices where @@ -1205,7 +1204,7 @@ module Google # @param [String] user_id # The ID of the user. # @param [String] entitlement_id - # The ID of the entitlement, e.g. "app:com.google.android.gm". + # The ID of the entitlement (a product ID), e.g. "app:com.google.android.gm". # @param [Google::Apis::AndroidenterpriseV1::Entitlement] entitlement_object # @param [Boolean] install # Set to true to also install the product on all the user's devices where diff --git a/generated/google/apis/androidpublisher_v2.rb b/generated/google/apis/androidpublisher_v2.rb index e79176317..4ebc0216c 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/androidpublisher_v2.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/androidpublisher_v2.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/android-publisher module AndroidpublisherV2 VERSION = 'V2' - REVISION = '20160221' + REVISION = '20160324' # View and manage your Google Play Developer account AUTH_ANDROIDPUBLISHER = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/androidpublisher' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/androidpublisher_v2/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/androidpublisher_v2/classes.rb index f458d7430..62f8c22d4 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/androidpublisher_v2/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/androidpublisher_v2/classes.rb @@ -1232,6 +1232,27 @@ module Google attr_accessor :auto_renewing alias_method :auto_renewing?, :auto_renewing + # The cancel reason of the subscription, if the subscription is not auto + # renewing. Possible values are: + # - User cancelled the subscription + # - Subscription was cancelled by the system, for example because of a billing + # problem + # Corresponds to the JSON property `cancelReason` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :cancel_reason + + # ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 billing country/region code of the user at the time the + # subscription was granted. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `countryCode` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :country_code + + # A developer-specified string that contains supplemental information about an + # order. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `developerPayload` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :developer_payload + # Time at which the subscription will expire, in milliseconds since Epoch. # Corresponds to the JSON property `expiryTimeMillis` # @return [String] @@ -1243,6 +1264,26 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :kind + # The payment state of the subscription. Possible values are: + # - Payment pending + # - Payment received + # Corresponds to the JSON property `paymentState` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :payment_state + + # Price of the subscription, not including tax. Price is expressed in micro- + # units, where 1,000,000 micro-units equal one unit of the currency. For example, + # if the subscription price is €1.99, price_amount_micros is 1990000. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `priceAmountMicros` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :price_amount_micros + + # ISO 4217 currency code for the subscription price. For example, if the price + # is specified in British pounds sterling, price_currency_code is "GBP". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `priceCurrencyCode` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :price_currency_code + # Time at which the subscription was granted, in milliseconds since Epoch. # Corresponds to the JSON property `startTimeMillis` # @return [String] @@ -1255,8 +1296,14 @@ module Google # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @auto_renewing = args[:auto_renewing] if args.key?(:auto_renewing) + @cancel_reason = args[:cancel_reason] if args.key?(:cancel_reason) + @country_code = args[:country_code] if args.key?(:country_code) + @developer_payload = args[:developer_payload] if args.key?(:developer_payload) @expiry_time_millis = args[:expiry_time_millis] if args.key?(:expiry_time_millis) @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @payment_state = args[:payment_state] if args.key?(:payment_state) + @price_amount_micros = args[:price_amount_micros] if args.key?(:price_amount_micros) + @price_currency_code = args[:price_currency_code] if args.key?(:price_currency_code) @start_time_millis = args[:start_time_millis] if args.key?(:start_time_millis) end end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/androidpublisher_v2/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/androidpublisher_v2/representations.rb index 7244510ce..4b148d48d 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/androidpublisher_v2/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/androidpublisher_v2/representations.rb @@ -679,8 +679,14 @@ module Google # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :auto_renewing, as: 'autoRenewing' + property :cancel_reason, as: 'cancelReason' + property :country_code, as: 'countryCode' + property :developer_payload, as: 'developerPayload' property :expiry_time_millis, as: 'expiryTimeMillis' property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :payment_state, as: 'paymentState' + property :price_amount_micros, as: 'priceAmountMicros' + property :price_currency_code, as: 'priceCurrencyCode' property :start_time_millis, as: 'startTimeMillis' end end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/appengine_v1beta5.rb b/generated/google/apis/appengine_v1beta5.rb index d25d0a7dd..c60d225f2 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/appengine_v1beta5.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/appengine_v1beta5.rb @@ -20,13 +20,12 @@ module Google module Apis # Google App Engine Admin API # - # The Google App Engine Admin API enables developers to provision and manage - # their App Engine applications. + # Provisions and manages App Engine applications. # # @see https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/admin-api/ module AppengineV1beta5 VERSION = 'V1beta5' - REVISION = '20160223' + REVISION = '20160407' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/appengine_v1beta5/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/appengine_v1beta5/classes.rb index 49b7bb8ca..1edfc6cd4 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/appengine_v1beta5/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/appengine_v1beta5/classes.rb @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same service that - # originally returns it. If you use the default HTTP mapping above, the `name` - # should have the format of `operations/some/unique/name`. + # originally returns it. If you use the default HTTP mapping, the `name` should + # have the format of `operations/some/unique/name`. # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` # @return [String] attr_accessor :name @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ module Google attr_accessor :id # HTTP path dispatch rules for requests to the app that do not explicitly target - # a service or version. The rules are order-dependent. + # a service or version. The rules are order-dependent. @OutputOnly # Corresponds to the JSON property `dispatchRules` # @return [Array] attr_accessor :dispatch_rules @@ -229,10 +229,11 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :auth_domain - # The location from which the application will be run. Choices are "us" for - # United States and "eu" for European Union. Application instances will run out - # of data centers in the chosen location and all of the application's End User - # Content will be stored at rest in the chosen location. The default is "us". + # The location from which the application will be run. Application instances + # will run out of data centers in the chosen location and all of the application' + # s End User Content will be stored at rest. The default is "us-central". + # Choices are: "us-central" - Central US "europe-west" - Western Europe "us- + # east1" - Eastern US # Corresponds to the JSON property `location` # @return [String] attr_accessor :location @@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :code_bucket - # Determines the cookie expiration policy for the application. + # Determines the cookie expiration policy for the application. @OutputOnly # Corresponds to the JSON property `defaultCookieExpiration` # @return [String] attr_accessor :default_cookie_expiration @@ -1441,6 +1442,140 @@ module Google end end + # Response message for `Instances.ListInstances`. + class ListInstancesResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The instances belonging to the requested version. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `instances` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :instances + + # Continuation token for fetching the next page of results. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :next_page_token + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @instances = args[:instances] if args.key?(:instances) + @next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token) + end + end + + # Instances are the computing units that App Engine uses to automatically scale + # an application. + class Instance + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The full path to the Instance resource in the API. Example: "apps/myapp/ + # services/default/versions/v1/instances/instance-1" @OutputOnly + # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :name + + # The relative name/path of the instance within the version. Example: "instance- + # 1" @OutputOnly + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The App Engine release the instance is running on. @OutputOnly + # Corresponds to the JSON property `appEngineRelease` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :app_engine_release + + # Availability of instance. @OutputOnly + # Corresponds to the JSON property `availability` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :availability + + # For VMEngines instances, the name of GCE VM where the instance lives. @ + # OutputOnly + # Corresponds to the JSON property `vmName` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :vm_name + + # For VMEngines instances, the zone where the GCE VM is located. @OutputOnly + # Corresponds to the JSON property `vmZoneName` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :vm_zone_name + + # For VMEngines instances, the GCE VM ID of the instance. @OutputOnly + # Corresponds to the JSON property `vmId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :vm_id + + # Time when instance was started. @OutputOnly + # Corresponds to the JSON property `startTimestamp` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :start_timestamp + + # Number of requests (since the clone was started). @OutputOnly + # Corresponds to the JSON property `requests` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :requests + + # Number of errors since the instance was started. @OutputOnly + # Corresponds to the JSON property `errors` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :errors + + # QPS for this instance (averaged over the last minute). @OutputOnly + # Corresponds to the JSON property `qps` + # @return [Float] + attr_accessor :qps + + # Latency in milliseconds (averaged over the last minute). @OutputOnly + # Corresponds to the JSON property `averageLatency` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :average_latency + + # Memory usage (in bytes). @OutputOnly + # Corresponds to the JSON property `memoryUsage` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :memory_usage + + # For VMEngines instances, the status of GCE VM where the instance lives. @ + # OutputOnly + # Corresponds to the JSON property `vmStatus` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :vm_status + + # For VMEngines instances, whether the instance has been unlocked. @OutputOnly + # Corresponds to the JSON property `vmUnlocked` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :vm_unlocked + alias_method :vm_unlocked?, :vm_unlocked + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @app_engine_release = args[:app_engine_release] if args.key?(:app_engine_release) + @availability = args[:availability] if args.key?(:availability) + @vm_name = args[:vm_name] if args.key?(:vm_name) + @vm_zone_name = args[:vm_zone_name] if args.key?(:vm_zone_name) + @vm_id = args[:vm_id] if args.key?(:vm_id) + @start_timestamp = args[:start_timestamp] if args.key?(:start_timestamp) + @requests = args[:requests] if args.key?(:requests) + @errors = args[:errors] if args.key?(:errors) + @qps = args[:qps] if args.key?(:qps) + @average_latency = args[:average_latency] if args.key?(:average_latency) + @memory_usage = args[:memory_usage] if args.key?(:memory_usage) + @vm_status = args[:vm_status] if args.key?(:vm_status) + @vm_unlocked = args[:vm_unlocked] if args.key?(:vm_unlocked) + end + end + # Metadata for the given google.longrunning.Operation. class OperationMetadata include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable diff --git a/generated/google/apis/appengine_v1beta5/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/appengine_v1beta5/representations.rb index 7ae2aa3a9..63ddde39e 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/appengine_v1beta5/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/appengine_v1beta5/representations.rb @@ -208,6 +208,18 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class ListInstancesResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Instance + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class OperationMetadata class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -567,6 +579,36 @@ module Google end end + class ListInstancesResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :instances, as: 'instances', class: Google::Apis::AppengineV1beta5::Instance, decorator: Google::Apis::AppengineV1beta5::Instance::Representation + + property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' + end + end + + class Instance + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :name, as: 'name' + property :id, as: 'id' + property :app_engine_release, as: 'appEngineRelease' + property :availability, as: 'availability' + property :vm_name, as: 'vmName' + property :vm_zone_name, as: 'vmZoneName' + property :vm_id, as: 'vmId' + property :start_timestamp, as: 'startTimestamp' + property :requests, as: 'requests' + property :errors, as: 'errors' + property :qps, as: 'qps' + property :average_latency, as: 'averageLatency' + property :memory_usage, as: 'memoryUsage' + property :vm_status, as: 'vmStatus' + property :vm_unlocked, as: 'vmUnlocked' + end + end + class OperationMetadata # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation diff --git a/generated/google/apis/appengine_v1beta5/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/appengine_v1beta5/service.rb index ab91ab12f..33689f0e6 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/appengine_v1beta5/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/appengine_v1beta5/service.rb @@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ module Google module AppengineV1beta5 # Google App Engine Admin API # - # The Google App Engine Admin API enables developers to provision and manage - # their App Engine applications. + # Provisions and manages App Engine applications. # # @example # require 'google/apis/appengine_v1beta5' @@ -486,10 +485,10 @@ module Google # Request-specific options # # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied - # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::AppengineV1beta5::Version] parsed result object + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::AppengineV1beta5::Operation] parsed result object # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed # - # @return [Google::Apis::AppengineV1beta5::Version] + # @return [Google::Apis::AppengineV1beta5::Operation] # # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification @@ -498,8 +497,8 @@ module Google command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'v1beta5/apps/{appsId}/services/{servicesId}/versions/{versionsId}', options) command.request_representation = Google::Apis::AppengineV1beta5::Version::Representation command.request_object = version_object - command.response_representation = Google::Apis::AppengineV1beta5::Version::Representation - command.response_class = Google::Apis::AppengineV1beta5::Version + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::AppengineV1beta5::Operation::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::AppengineV1beta5::Operation command.params['appsId'] = apps_id unless apps_id.nil? command.params['servicesId'] = services_id unless services_id.nil? command.params['versionsId'] = versions_id unless versions_id.nil? @@ -508,6 +507,49 @@ module Google command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) end + + # Lists the instances of a version. + # @param [String] apps_id + # Part of `name`. Name of the resource requested. For example: "apps/myapp/ + # services/default/versions/v1". + # @param [String] services_id + # Part of `name`. See documentation of `appsId`. + # @param [String] versions_id + # Part of `name`. See documentation of `appsId`. + # @param [Fixnum] page_size + # Maximum results to return per page. + # @param [String] page_token + # Continuation token for fetching the next page of results. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::AppengineV1beta5::ListInstancesResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::AppengineV1beta5::ListInstancesResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_app_service_version_instances(apps_id, services_id, versions_id, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v1beta5/apps/{appsId}/services/{servicesId}/versions/{versionsId}/instances', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::AppengineV1beta5::ListInstancesResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::AppengineV1beta5::ListInstancesResponse + command.params['appsId'] = apps_id unless apps_id.nil? + command.params['servicesId'] = services_id unless services_id.nil? + command.params['versionsId'] = versions_id unless versions_id.nil? + command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end protected diff --git a/generated/google/apis/appstate_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/appstate_v1.rb index b62fe74a9..32019aff3 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/appstate_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/appstate_v1.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/games/services/web/api/states module AppstateV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20160310' + REVISION = '20160407' # View and manage your data for this application AUTH_APPSTATE = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/appstate' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/bigquery_v2.rb b/generated/google/apis/bigquery_v2.rb index 8eb263ea4..a28219a42 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/bigquery_v2.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/bigquery_v2.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/ module BigqueryV2 VERSION = 'V2' - REVISION = '20160304' + REVISION = '20160408' # View and manage your data in Google BigQuery AUTH_BIGQUERY = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/bigquery_v2/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/bigquery_v2/classes.rb index 8425b007a..bbaddf067 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/bigquery_v2/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/bigquery_v2/classes.rb @@ -283,16 +283,16 @@ module Google # @return [Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::DatasetReference] attr_accessor :dataset_reference - # [Experimental] The default lifetime of all tables in the dataset, in - # milliseconds. The minimum value is 3600000 milliseconds (one hour). Once this - # property is set, all newly-created tables in the dataset will have an - # expirationTime property set to the creation time plus the value in this - # property, and changing the value will only affect new tables, not existing - # ones. When the expirationTime for a given table is reached, that table will be - # deleted automatically. If a table's expirationTime is modified or removed - # before the table expires, or if you provide an explicit expirationTime when - # creating a table, that value takes precedence over the default expiration time - # indicated by this property. + # [Optional] The default lifetime of all tables in the dataset, in milliseconds. + # The minimum value is 3600000 milliseconds (one hour). Once this property is + # set, all newly-created tables in the dataset will have an expirationTime + # property set to the creation time plus the value in this property, and + # changing the value will only affect new tables, not existing ones. When the + # expirationTime for a given table is reached, that table will be deleted + # automatically. If a table's expirationTime is modified or removed before the + # table expires, or if you provide an explicit expirationTime when creating a + # table, that value takes precedence over the default expiration time indicated + # by this property. # Corresponds to the JSON property `defaultTableExpirationMs` # @return [String] attr_accessor :default_table_expiration_ms @@ -879,6 +879,31 @@ module Google end end + # + class IntervalPartitionConfiguration + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `expirationMs` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :expiration_ms + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @expiration_ms = args[:expiration_ms] if args.key?(:expiration_ms) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + end + end + # class Job include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -1204,7 +1229,8 @@ module Google # [Optional] The format of the data files. For CSV files, specify "CSV". For # datastore backups, specify "DATASTORE_BACKUP". For newline-delimited JSON, - # specify "NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON". The default value is CSV. + # specify "NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON". For Avro, specify "AVRO". The default value + # is CSV. # Corresponds to the JSON property `sourceFormat` # @return [String] attr_accessor :source_format @@ -2172,6 +2198,13 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :num_rows + # [Experimental] List of partition configurations for this table. Currently only + # one configuration can be specified and it can only be an interval partition + # with type daily. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `partitionConfigurations` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :partition_configurations + # [Optional] Describes the schema of this table. # Corresponds to the JSON property `schema` # @return [Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::TableSchema] @@ -2225,6 +2258,7 @@ module Google @location = args[:location] if args.key?(:location) @num_bytes = args[:num_bytes] if args.key?(:num_bytes) @num_rows = args[:num_rows] if args.key?(:num_rows) + @partition_configurations = args[:partition_configurations] if args.key?(:partition_configurations) @schema = args[:schema] if args.key?(:schema) @self_link = args[:self_link] if args.key?(:self_link) @streaming_buffer = args[:streaming_buffer] if args.key?(:streaming_buffer) @@ -2456,9 +2490,9 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :name - # [Required] The field data type. Possible values include STRING, INTEGER, FLOAT, - # BOOLEAN, TIMESTAMP or RECORD (where RECORD indicates that the field contains - # a nested schema). + # [Required] The field data type. Possible values include STRING, BYTES, INTEGER, + # FLOAT, BOOLEAN, TIMESTAMP or RECORD (where RECORD indicates that the field + # contains a nested schema). # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` # @return [String] attr_accessor :type @@ -2563,6 +2597,26 @@ module Google end end + # [Required] A partition configuration. Only one type of partition should be + # configured. + class TablePartitionConfiguration + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # [Pick one] Configures an interval partition. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `interval` + # @return [Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::IntervalPartitionConfiguration] + attr_accessor :interval + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @interval = args[:interval] if args.key?(:interval) + end + end + # class TableReference include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable diff --git a/generated/google/apis/bigquery_v2/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/bigquery_v2/representations.rb index 439542af0..8cd3f16f9 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/bigquery_v2/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/bigquery_v2/representations.rb @@ -106,6 +106,12 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class IntervalPartitionConfiguration + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class Job class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -292,6 +298,12 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class TablePartitionConfiguration + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class TableReference class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -507,6 +519,14 @@ module Google end end + class IntervalPartitionConfiguration + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :expiration_ms, as: 'expirationMs' + property :type, as: 'type' + end + end + class Job # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation @@ -816,6 +836,8 @@ module Google property :location, as: 'location' property :num_bytes, as: 'numBytes' property :num_rows, as: 'numRows' + collection :partition_configurations, as: 'partitionConfigurations', class: Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::TablePartitionConfiguration, decorator: Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::TablePartitionConfiguration::Representation + property :schema, as: 'schema', class: Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::TableSchema, decorator: Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::TableSchema::Representation property :self_link, as: 'selfLink' @@ -922,6 +944,14 @@ module Google end end + class TablePartitionConfiguration + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :interval, as: 'interval', class: Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::IntervalPartitionConfiguration, decorator: Google::Apis::BigqueryV2::IntervalPartitionConfiguration::Representation + + end + end + class TableReference # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation diff --git a/generated/google/apis/books_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/books_v1.rb index d47c40ac8..681ba32a0 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/books_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/books_v1.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/books/docs/v1/getting_started module BooksV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20160226' + REVISION = '20160411' # Manage your books AUTH_BOOKS = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/books' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/books_v1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/books_v1/classes.rb index be3d26e97..49d361031 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/books_v1/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/books_v1/classes.rb @@ -1995,6 +1995,21 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :body + # The list of crm experiment ids. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `crmExperimentIds` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :crm_experiment_ids + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `doc_id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :doc_id + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `doc_type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :doc_type + # # Corresponds to the JSON property `dont_show_notification` # @return [Boolean] @@ -2049,6 +2064,9 @@ module Google # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @body = args[:body] if args.key?(:body) + @crm_experiment_ids = args[:crm_experiment_ids] if args.key?(:crm_experiment_ids) + @doc_id = args[:doc_id] if args.key?(:doc_id) + @doc_type = args[:doc_type] if args.key?(:doc_type) @dont_show_notification = args[:dont_show_notification] if args.key?(:dont_show_notification) @icon_url = args[:icon_url] if args.key?(:icon_url) @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) @@ -3191,6 +3209,11 @@ module Google # @return [Fixnum] attr_accessor :entitlement_type + # Information on the ability to share with the family. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `familySharing` + # @return [Google::Apis::BooksV1::Volume::UserInfo::FamilySharing] + attr_accessor :family_sharing + # Whether or not the user shared this volume with the family. # Corresponds to the JSON property `isFamilySharedFromUser` # @return [Boolean] @@ -3203,14 +3226,18 @@ module Google attr_accessor :is_family_shared_to_user alias_method :is_family_shared_to_user?, :is_family_shared_to_user - # Whether or not this volume can be shared with the family by the user. This - # includes sharing eligibility of both the volume and the user. If the value is - # true, the user can initiate a family sharing action. + # Deprecated: Replaced by familySharing. # Corresponds to the JSON property `isFamilySharingAllowed` # @return [Boolean] attr_accessor :is_family_sharing_allowed alias_method :is_family_sharing_allowed?, :is_family_sharing_allowed + # Deprecated: Replaced by familySharing. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `isFamilySharingDisabledByFop` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :is_family_sharing_disabled_by_fop + alias_method :is_family_sharing_disabled_by_fop?, :is_family_sharing_disabled_by_fop + # Whether or not this volume is currently in "my books." # Corresponds to the JSON property `isInMyBooks` # @return [Boolean] @@ -3280,9 +3307,11 @@ module Google @acquisition_type = args[:acquisition_type] if args.key?(:acquisition_type) @copy = args[:copy] if args.key?(:copy) @entitlement_type = args[:entitlement_type] if args.key?(:entitlement_type) + @family_sharing = args[:family_sharing] if args.key?(:family_sharing) @is_family_shared_from_user = args[:is_family_shared_from_user] if args.key?(:is_family_shared_from_user) @is_family_shared_to_user = args[:is_family_shared_to_user] if args.key?(:is_family_shared_to_user) @is_family_sharing_allowed = args[:is_family_sharing_allowed] if args.key?(:is_family_sharing_allowed) + @is_family_sharing_disabled_by_fop = args[:is_family_sharing_disabled_by_fop] if args.key?(:is_family_sharing_disabled_by_fop) @is_in_my_books = args[:is_in_my_books] if args.key?(:is_in_my_books) @is_preordered = args[:is_preordered] if args.key?(:is_preordered) @is_purchased = args[:is_purchased] if args.key?(:is_purchased) @@ -3332,6 +3361,42 @@ module Google end end + # Information on the ability to share with the family. + class FamilySharing + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The role of the user in the family. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `familyRole` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :family_role + + # Whether or not this volume can be shared with the family by the user. This + # includes sharing eligibility of both the volume and the user. If the value is + # true, the user can initiate a family sharing action. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `isSharingAllowed` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :is_sharing_allowed + alias_method :is_sharing_allowed?, :is_sharing_allowed + + # Whether or not sharing this volume is temporarily disabled due to issues with + # the Family Wallet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `isSharingDisabledByFop` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :is_sharing_disabled_by_fop + alias_method :is_sharing_disabled_by_fop?, :is_sharing_disabled_by_fop + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @family_role = args[:family_role] if args.key?(:family_role) + @is_sharing_allowed = args[:is_sharing_allowed] if args.key?(:is_sharing_allowed) + @is_sharing_disabled_by_fop = args[:is_sharing_disabled_by_fop] if args.key?(:is_sharing_disabled_by_fop) + end + end + # Period during this book is/was a valid rental. class RentalPeriod include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable diff --git a/generated/google/apis/books_v1/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/books_v1/representations.rb index 011d215b4..123fccd75 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/books_v1/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/books_v1/representations.rb @@ -520,6 +520,12 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class FamilySharing + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class RentalPeriod class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -1188,6 +1194,9 @@ module Google # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :body, as: 'body' + collection :crm_experiment_ids, as: 'crmExperimentIds' + property :doc_id, as: 'doc_id' + property :doc_type, as: 'doc_type' property :dont_show_notification, as: 'dont_show_notification' property :icon_url, as: 'iconUrl' property :kind, as: 'kind' @@ -1529,9 +1538,12 @@ module Google property :copy, as: 'copy', class: Google::Apis::BooksV1::Volume::UserInfo::Copy, decorator: Google::Apis::BooksV1::Volume::UserInfo::Copy::Representation property :entitlement_type, as: 'entitlementType' + property :family_sharing, as: 'familySharing', class: Google::Apis::BooksV1::Volume::UserInfo::FamilySharing, decorator: Google::Apis::BooksV1::Volume::UserInfo::FamilySharing::Representation + property :is_family_shared_from_user, as: 'isFamilySharedFromUser' property :is_family_shared_to_user, as: 'isFamilySharedToUser' property :is_family_sharing_allowed, as: 'isFamilySharingAllowed' + property :is_family_sharing_disabled_by_fop, as: 'isFamilySharingDisabledByFop' property :is_in_my_books, as: 'isInMyBooks' property :is_preordered, as: 'isPreordered' property :is_purchased, as: 'isPurchased' @@ -1560,6 +1572,15 @@ module Google end end + class FamilySharing + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :family_role, as: 'familyRole' + property :is_sharing_allowed, as: 'isSharingAllowed' + property :is_sharing_disabled_by_fop, as: 'isSharingDisabledByFop' + end + end + class RentalPeriod # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation diff --git a/generated/google/apis/calendar_v3.rb b/generated/google/apis/calendar_v3.rb index 48e83c85c..5eb970978 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/calendar_v3.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/calendar_v3.rb @@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ module Google module Apis # Calendar API # - # Lets you manipulate events and other calendar data. + # Manipulates events and other calendar data. # # @see https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/firstapp module CalendarV3 VERSION = 'V3' - REVISION = '20160306' + REVISION = '20160410' # Manage your calendars AUTH_CALENDAR = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/calendar_v3/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/calendar_v3/service.rb index c32c3fd2e..b3815d710 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/calendar_v3/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/calendar_v3/service.rb @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Google module CalendarV3 # Calendar API # - # Lets you manipulate events and other calendar data. + # Manipulates events and other calendar data. # # @example # require 'google/apis/calendar_v3' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/cloudbuild_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/cloudbuild_v1.rb index 7d21bd36a..3cb790241 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/cloudbuild_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/cloudbuild_v1.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://cloud.google.com/container-builder/docs/ module CloudbuildV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20160310' + REVISION = '20160413' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/cloudmonitoring_v2beta2.rb b/generated/google/apis/cloudmonitoring_v2beta2.rb index 83e30cc02..131a1acbc 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/cloudmonitoring_v2beta2.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/cloudmonitoring_v2beta2.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/v2beta2/ module CloudmonitoringV2beta2 VERSION = 'V2beta2' - REVISION = '20160228' + REVISION = '20160403' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1.rb index d7fdebd9a..1dd6e8f62 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Google # @see https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager module CloudresourcemanagerV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20160225' + REVISION = '20160316' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1/service.rb index 039d02361..1a7e14086 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1/service.rb @@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ module Google # require 'google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1' # # Cloudresourcemanager = Google::Apis::CloudresourcemanagerV1 # Alias the module - # service = Cloudresourcemanager::CloudresourcemanagerService.new + # service = Cloudresourcemanager::CloudResourceManagerService.new # # @see https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager - class CloudresourcemanagerService < Google::Apis::Core::BaseService + class CloudResourceManagerService < Google::Apis::Core::BaseService # @return [String] # API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, # quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token. diff --git a/generated/google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1beta1.rb b/generated/google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1beta1.rb index 13a195b6d..b99594383 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1beta1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1beta1.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Google # @see https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager module CloudresourcemanagerV1beta1 VERSION = 'V1beta1' - REVISION = '20160225' + REVISION = '20160316' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1beta1/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1beta1/service.rb index dd30bee10..c29b9b15b 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1beta1/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1beta1/service.rb @@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ module Google # require 'google/apis/cloudresourcemanager_v1beta1' # # Cloudresourcemanager = Google::Apis::CloudresourcemanagerV1beta1 # Alias the module - # service = Cloudresourcemanager::CloudresourcemanagerService.new + # service = Cloudresourcemanager::CloudResourceManagerService.new # # @see https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager - class CloudresourcemanagerService < Google::Apis::Core::BaseService + class CloudResourceManagerService < Google::Apis::Core::BaseService # @return [String] # API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, # quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token. diff --git a/generated/google/apis/clouduseraccounts_beta.rb b/generated/google/apis/clouduseraccounts_beta.rb index 28226079d..c40cf72c9 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/clouduseraccounts_beta.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/clouduseraccounts_beta.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Google # @see https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/access/user-accounts/api/latest/ module ClouduseraccountsBeta VERSION = 'Beta' - REVISION = '20160301' + REVISION = '20160316' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/clouduseraccounts_beta/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/clouduseraccounts_beta/classes.rb index cbd6a6f00..4aefde05e 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/clouduseraccounts_beta/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/clouduseraccounts_beta/classes.rb @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :insert_time - # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#operation for operation + # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#operation for Operation # resources. # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` # @return [String] diff --git a/generated/google/apis/compute_beta.rb b/generated/google/apis/compute_beta.rb index db3d3bb1a..2cdd95d1a 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/compute_beta.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/compute_beta.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/compute/docs/reference/latest/ module ComputeBeta VERSION = 'Beta' - REVISION = '20160302' + REVISION = '20160407' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/compute_beta/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/compute_beta/classes.rb index 42836ae04..72fb24b2b 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/compute_beta/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/compute_beta/classes.rb @@ -485,16 +485,21 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :disk_type - # A source image used to create the disk. You can provide a private (custom) - # image, and Compute Engine will use the corresponding image from your project. - # For example: + # The source image used to create this disk. If the source image is deleted, + # this field will not be set. + # To create a disk with one of the public operating system images, specify the + # image by its family name. For example, specify family/debian-8 to use the + # latest Debian 8 image: + # projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-8 + # Alternatively, use a specific version of a public operating system image: + # projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-8-jessie-vYYYYMMDD + # To create a disk with a private image that you created, specify the image name + # in the following format: # global/images/my-private-image - # Or you can provide an image from a publicly-available project. For example, to - # use a Debian image from the debian-cloud project, make sure to include the - # project in the URL: - # projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-7-wheezy-vYYYYMMDD - # where vYYYYMMDD is the image version. The fully-qualified URL will also work - # in both cases. + # You can also specify a private image by its image family, which returns the + # latest version of the image in that family. Replace the image name with family/ + # family-name: + # global/images/family/my-private-family # Corresponds to the JSON property `sourceImage` # @return [String] attr_accessor :source_image @@ -1092,6 +1097,12 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :protocol + # [Output Only] URL of the region where the regional backend service resides. + # This field is not applicable to global backend services. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `region` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :region + # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource. # Corresponds to the JSON property `selfLink` # @return [String] @@ -1121,6 +1132,7 @@ module Google @port = args[:port] if args.key?(:port) @port_name = args[:port_name] if args.key?(:port_name) @protocol = args[:protocol] if args.key?(:protocol) + @region = args[:region] if args.key?(:region) @self_link = args[:self_link] if args.key?(:self_link) @timeout_sec = args[:timeout_sec] if args.key?(:timeout_sec) end @@ -1346,16 +1358,20 @@ module Google # A fingerprint for the labels being applied to this disk, which is essentially # a hash of the labels set used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is # initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to - # modify or update metadata. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint + # modify or update labels. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint # hash in order to update or change labels. - # To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the disk. + # To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve a disk. # Corresponds to the JSON property `labelFingerprint` # @return [String] attr_accessor :label_fingerprint - # Labels to apply to this disk. These can be later modified by the setLabels - # method. Each label key & value must comply with RFC1035. Label values may be - # empty. + # Labels to apply to this disk. These can be later modified by the setLabels() + # method. Each label key & value must comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the + # name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression [a-z]([-a- + # z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, + # and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, + # except the last character, which cannot be a dash. A label value can also be + # empty (e.g. "example-label": ""). # Corresponds to the JSON property `labels` # @return [Hash] attr_accessor :labels @@ -1405,26 +1421,21 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :size_gb - # The source image used to create this disk. If the source image is deleted from - # the system, this field will not be set, even if an image with the same name - # has been re-created. - # When creating a disk, you can provide a private (custom) image using the - # following input, and Compute Engine will use the corresponding image from your - # project. For example: + # The source image used to create this disk. If the source image is deleted, + # this field will not be set. + # To create a disk with one of the public operating system images, specify the + # image by its family name. For example, specify family/debian-8 to use the + # latest Debian 8 image: + # projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-8 + # Alternatively, use a specific version of a public operating system image: + # projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-8-jessie-vYYYYMMDD + # To create a disk with a private image that you created, specify the image name + # in the following format: # global/images/my-private-image - # Or you can provide an image from a publicly-available project. For example, to - # use a Debian image from the debian-cloud project, make sure to include the - # project in the URL: - # projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-7-wheezy-vYYYYMMDD - # where vYYYYMMDD is the image version. The fully-qualified URL will also work - # in both cases. - # You can also specify the latest image for a private image family by replacing - # the image name suffix with family/family-name. For example: + # You can also specify a private image by its image family, which returns the + # latest version of the image in that family. Replace the image name with family/ + # family-name: # global/images/family/my-private-family - # Or you can specify an image family from a publicly-available project. For - # example, to use the latest Debian 7 from the debian-cloud project, make sure - # to include the project in the URL: - # projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-7 # Corresponds to the JSON property `sourceImage` # @return [String] attr_accessor :source_image @@ -2478,13 +2489,16 @@ module Google class GlobalSetLabelsRequest include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - # Fingerprint of the previous set of labels for this resource, used to detect - # conflicts. + # The fingerprint of the previous set of labels for this resource, used to + # detect conflicts. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and + # changes after every request to modify or update labels. You must always + # provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash when updating or changing labels. Make + # a get() request to the resource to get the latest fingerprint. # Corresponds to the JSON property `labelFingerprint` # @return [String] attr_accessor :label_fingerprint - # The new labels for the resource. + # The labels to set for this resource. # Corresponds to the JSON property `labels` # @return [Hash] attr_accessor :labels @@ -2933,8 +2947,9 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :disk_size_gb - # Image family for the resource; provided by the client when the resource is - # created. + # The name of the image family to which this image belongs. You can create disks + # by specifying an image family instead of a specific image name. The image + # family always returns its latest image that is not deprecated. # Corresponds to the JSON property `family` # @return [String] attr_accessor :family @@ -2956,18 +2971,22 @@ module Google attr_accessor :kind # A fingerprint for the labels being applied to this image, which is essentially - # a hash of the labels set used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is - # initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to - # modify or update metadata. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint - # hash in order to update or change labels. - # To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to retrieve the image. + # a hash of the labels used for optimistic locking. The fingerprint is initially + # generated by Compute Engine and changes after every request to modify or + # update labels. You must always provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order + # to update or change labels. + # To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve an image. # Corresponds to the JSON property `labelFingerprint` # @return [String] attr_accessor :label_fingerprint - # Labels to apply to this image. These can be later modified by the setLabels - # method. Each label key & value must comply with RFC1035. Label values may be - # empty. + # Labels to apply to this image. These can be later modified by the setLabels() + # method. Each label key & value must comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the + # name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression [a-z]([-a- + # z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, + # and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, + # except the last character, which cannot be a dash. A label value can also be + # empty (e.g. "example-label": ""). # Corresponds to the JSON property `labels` # @return [Hash] attr_accessor :labels @@ -3706,6 +3725,14 @@ module Google # @return [Fixnum] attr_accessor :creating + # [Output Only] The number of instances that the managed instance group will + # attempt to create. The group attempts to create each instance only once. If + # the group fails to create one of these instances, it decreases the group's + # target_size value accordingly. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `creatingWithoutRetries` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :creating_without_retries + # [Output Only] The number of instances in the managed instance group that are # scheduled to be deleted or are currently being deleted. # Corresponds to the JSON property `deleting` @@ -3747,6 +3774,7 @@ module Google def update!(**args) @abandoning = args[:abandoning] if args.key?(:abandoning) @creating = args[:creating] if args.key?(:creating) + @creating_without_retries = args[:creating_without_retries] if args.key?(:creating_without_retries) @deleting = args[:deleting] if args.key?(:deleting) @none = args[:none] if args.key?(:none) @recreating = args[:recreating] if args.key?(:recreating) @@ -3960,6 +3988,46 @@ module Google end end + # + class InstanceGroupManagersResizeAdvancedRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # If this flag is true, we will attempt to create all instances resized up with + # this request only once. In case of an error during creation, we will not + # create this instance, and we will decrease the target_size. If the flag is + # false, we will keep trying to create each instance until we succeed. + # This flag matters only in the first attempt of creation of an instance. If an + # instance creation with this flag succeeds, the instance behaves the same way + # as all the other instances created with the flag set to false. In particular, + # consecutive instance creations (in case an instance dies and needs to be + # recreated) will not fail after the first attempt. + # This flag is applicable only to the current resize request. It does not + # influence other resize requests in any way. + # You can see which instances is being creating in which mode by calling the + # listManagedInstances API. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `noCreationRetries` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :no_creation_retries + alias_method :no_creation_retries?, :no_creation_retries + + # The number of running instances that the managed instance group should + # maintain at any given time. The group automatically adds or removes instances + # to maintain the number of instances specified by this parameter. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `targetSize` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :target_size + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @no_creation_retries = args[:no_creation_retries] if args.key?(:no_creation_retries) + @target_size = args[:target_size] if args.key?(:target_size) + end + end + # class InstanceGroupManagersScopedList include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -5591,7 +5659,7 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :insert_time - # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#operation for operation + # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#operation for Operation # resources. # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` # @return [String] @@ -6729,10 +6797,9 @@ module Google class RouterBgp include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - # Local BGP Autonomous System Number (ASN). Can be a constant public ASN value - # for Google, or a customer-specified private ASN. In either case, the value - # will be fixed for this router resource. All VPN tunnels that link to this - # router will have the same local ASN. + # Local BGP Autonomous System Number (ASN). Must be an RFC6996 private ASN, + # either 16-bit or 32-bit. The value will be fixed for this router resource. All + # VPN tunnels that link to this router will have the same local ASN. # Corresponds to the JSON property `asn` # @return [Fixnum] attr_accessor :asn @@ -6807,9 +6874,10 @@ module Google class RouterInterface include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - # IP address and range of the interface. The value should be a CIDR-formatted - # string, for example: NOTE: Do NOT truncate address, as it - # represents IP address of interface. + # IP address and range of the interface. The IP range must be in the RFC3927 + # link-local IP space. The value must be a CIDR-formatted string, for example: + # NOTE: Do not truncate the address as it represents the IP + # address of the interface. # Corresponds to the JSON property `ipRange` # @return [String] attr_accessor :ip_range @@ -6936,7 +7004,7 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :linked_vpn_tunnel - # Name of this BGP peer. Unique within the routes resource. + # Name of this BGP peer. Unique within the Routers resource. # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` # @return [String] attr_accessor :name @@ -7254,16 +7322,20 @@ module Google # A fingerprint for the labels being applied to this snapshot, which is # essentially a hash of the labels set used for optimistic locking. The # fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and changes after every - # request to modify or update metadata. You must always provide an up-to-date + # request to modify or update labels. You must always provide an up-to-date # fingerprint hash in order to update or change labels. - # To see the latest fingerprint, make get() request to the snapshot. + # To see the latest fingerprint, make a get() request to retrieve a snapshot. # Corresponds to the JSON property `labelFingerprint` # @return [String] attr_accessor :label_fingerprint - # Labels to apply to this snapshot. These can be later modified by the setLabels - # method. Each label key & value must comply with RFC1035. Label values may be - # empty. + # Labels to apply to this snapshot. These can be later modified by the setLabels( + # ) method. Each label key & value must comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the + # name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression [a-z]([-a- + # z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, + # and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, + # except the last character, which cannot be a dash. A label value can also be + # empty (e.g. "example-label": ""). # Corresponds to the JSON property `labels` # @return [Hash] attr_accessor :labels @@ -7585,7 +7657,7 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :network - # [Output Only] URL of the region where the Subnetwork resides. + # URL of the region where the Subnetwork resides. # Corresponds to the JSON property `region` # @return [String] attr_accessor :region @@ -9804,13 +9876,6 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :kind - # [Output Only] Any scheduled maintenance windows for this zone. When the zone - # is in a maintenance window, all resources which reside in the zone will be - # unavailable. For more information, see Maintenance Windows - # Corresponds to the JSON property `maintenanceWindows` - # @return [Array] - attr_accessor :maintenance_windows - # [Output Only] Name of the resource. # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` # @return [String] @@ -9842,49 +9907,11 @@ module Google @description = args[:description] if args.key?(:description) @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) - @maintenance_windows = args[:maintenance_windows] if args.key?(:maintenance_windows) @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) @region = args[:region] if args.key?(:region) @self_link = args[:self_link] if args.key?(:self_link) @status = args[:status] if args.key?(:status) end - - # - class MaintenanceWindow - include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - - # [Output Only] Starting time of the maintenance window, in RFC3339 format. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `beginTime` - # @return [String] - attr_accessor :begin_time - - # [Output Only] Textual description of the maintenance window. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `description` - # @return [String] - attr_accessor :description - - # [Output Only] Ending time of the maintenance window, in RFC3339 format. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `endTime` - # @return [String] - attr_accessor :end_time - - # [Output Only] Name of the maintenance window. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` - # @return [String] - attr_accessor :name - - def initialize(**args) - update!(**args) - end - - # Update properties of this object - def update!(**args) - @begin_time = args[:begin_time] if args.key?(:begin_time) - @description = args[:description] if args.key?(:description) - @end_time = args[:end_time] if args.key?(:end_time) - @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) - end - end end # Contains a list of zone resources. @@ -9938,13 +9965,16 @@ module Google class ZoneSetLabelsRequest include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - # Fingerprint of the previous set of labels for this resource, used to detect - # conflicts. + # The fingerprint of the previous set of labels for this resource, used to + # detect conflicts. The fingerprint is initially generated by Compute Engine and + # changes after every request to modify or update labels. You must always + # provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash in order to update or change labels. + # Make a get() request to the resource to get the latest fingerprint. # Corresponds to the JSON property `labelFingerprint` # @return [String] attr_accessor :label_fingerprint - # The new labels for the resource. + # The labels to set for this resource. # Corresponds to the JSON property `labels` # @return [Hash] attr_accessor :labels diff --git a/generated/google/apis/compute_beta/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/compute_beta/representations.rb index f25f4446a..18eb962c2 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/compute_beta/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/compute_beta/representations.rb @@ -460,6 +460,12 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class InstanceGroupManagersResizeAdvancedRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class InstanceGroupManagersScopedList class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -1272,12 +1278,6 @@ module Google class Zone class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end - - class MaintenanceWindow - class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end - - include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport - end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end @@ -1540,6 +1540,7 @@ module Google property :port, as: 'port' property :port_name, as: 'portName' property :protocol, as: 'protocol' + property :region, as: 'region' property :self_link, as: 'selfLink' property :timeout_sec, as: 'timeoutSec' end @@ -2126,6 +2127,7 @@ module Google class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :abandoning, as: 'abandoning' property :creating, as: 'creating' + property :creating_without_retries, as: 'creatingWithoutRetries' property :deleting, as: 'deleting' property :none, as: 'none' property :recreating, as: 'recreating' @@ -2195,6 +2197,14 @@ module Google end end + class InstanceGroupManagersResizeAdvancedRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :no_creation_retries, as: 'noCreationRetries' + property :target_size, as: 'targetSize' + end + end + class InstanceGroupManagersScopedList # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation @@ -3684,23 +3694,11 @@ module Google property :description, as: 'description' property :id, as: 'id' property :kind, as: 'kind' - collection :maintenance_windows, as: 'maintenanceWindows', class: Google::Apis::ComputeBeta::Zone::MaintenanceWindow, decorator: Google::Apis::ComputeBeta::Zone::MaintenanceWindow::Representation - property :name, as: 'name' property :region, as: 'region' property :self_link, as: 'selfLink' property :status, as: 'status' end - - class MaintenanceWindow - # @private - class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation - property :begin_time, as: 'beginTime' - property :description, as: 'description' - property :end_time, as: 'endTime' - property :name, as: 'name' - end - end end class ZoneList diff --git a/generated/google/apis/compute_beta/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/compute_beta/service.rb index ac1185236..80890e6ec 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/compute_beta/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/compute_beta/service.rb @@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@ module Google # Creates a persistent disk in the specified project using the data in the # request. You can create a disk with a sourceImage, a sourceSnapshot, or create - # an empty 200 GB data disk by omitting all properties. You can also create a + # an empty 500 GB data disk by omitting all properties. You can also create a # disk that is larger than the default size by specifying the sizeGb property. # @param [String] project # Project ID for this request. @@ -4041,7 +4041,7 @@ module Google execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) end - # Returns the latest undeprecated image for an image family. + # Returns the latest image that is part of an image family and is not deprecated. # @param [String] project # Project ID for this request. # @param [String] family @@ -4824,6 +4824,56 @@ module Google execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) end + # Resizes the managed instance group. If you increase the size, the group + # creates new instances using the current instance template. If you decrease the + # size, the group deletes instances. The resize operation is marked DONE when + # the resize actions are scheduled even if the group has not yet added or + # deleted any instances. You must separately verify the status of the creating + # or deleting actions with the listmanagedinstances method. This method is an + # extended version of Resize and it supports more advanced options. + # @param [String] project + # Project ID for this request. + # @param [String] zone + # The name of the zone where the managed instance group is located. + # @param [String] instance_group_manager + # The name of the managed instance group. + # @param [Google::Apis::ComputeBeta::InstanceGroupManagersResizeAdvancedRequest] instance_group_managers_resize_advanced_request_object + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::ComputeBeta::Operation] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::ComputeBeta::Operation] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def resize_instance_group_manager_advanced(project, zone, instance_group_manager, instance_group_managers_resize_advanced_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, '{project}/zones/{zone}/instanceGroupManagers/{instanceGroupManager}/resizeAdvanced', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::ComputeBeta::InstanceGroupManagersResizeAdvancedRequest::Representation + command.request_object = instance_group_managers_resize_advanced_request_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::ComputeBeta::Operation::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::ComputeBeta::Operation + command.params['project'] = project unless project.nil? + command.params['zone'] = zone unless zone.nil? + command.params['instanceGroupManager'] = instance_group_manager unless instance_group_manager.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + # Modifies the autohealing policies. # @param [String] project # Project ID for this request. diff --git a/generated/google/apis/compute_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/compute_v1.rb index 36ec3aa94..2d20d71aa 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/compute_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/compute_v1.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/compute/docs/reference/latest/ module ComputeV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20160302' + REVISION = '20160407' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/compute_v1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/compute_v1/classes.rb index 95cc03500..a59eea80b 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/compute_v1/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/compute_v1/classes.rb @@ -474,16 +474,21 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :disk_type - # A source image used to create the disk. You can provide a private (custom) - # image, and Compute Engine will use the corresponding image from your project. - # For example: + # The source image used to create this disk. If the source image is deleted, + # this field will not be set. + # To create a disk with one of the public operating system images, specify the + # image by its family name. For example, specify family/debian-8 to use the + # latest Debian 8 image: + # projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-8 + # Alternatively, use a specific version of a public operating system image: + # projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-8-jessie-vYYYYMMDD + # To create a disk with a private image that you created, specify the image name + # in the following format: # global/images/my-private-image - # Or you can provide an image from a publicly-available project. For example, to - # use a Debian image from the debian-cloud project, make sure to include the - # project in the URL: - # projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-7-wheezy-vYYYYMMDD - # where vYYYYMMDD is the image version. The fully-qualified URL will also work - # in both cases. + # You can also specify a private image by its image family, which returns the + # latest version of the image in that family. Replace the image name with family/ + # family-name: + # global/images/family/my-private-family # Corresponds to the JSON property `sourceImage` # @return [String] attr_accessor :source_image @@ -1068,6 +1073,12 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :protocol + # [Output Only] URL of the region where the regional backend service resides. + # This field is not applicable to global backend services. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `region` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :region + # [Output Only] Server-defined URL for the resource. # Corresponds to the JSON property `selfLink` # @return [String] @@ -1096,6 +1107,7 @@ module Google @port = args[:port] if args.key?(:port) @port_name = args[:port_name] if args.key?(:port_name) @protocol = args[:protocol] if args.key?(:protocol) + @region = args[:region] if args.key?(:region) @self_link = args[:self_link] if args.key?(:self_link) @timeout_sec = args[:timeout_sec] if args.key?(:timeout_sec) end @@ -1299,26 +1311,21 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :size_gb - # The source image used to create this disk. If the source image is deleted from - # the system, this field will not be set, even if an image with the same name - # has been re-created. - # When creating a disk, you can provide a private (custom) image using the - # following input, and Compute Engine will use the corresponding image from your - # project. For example: + # The source image used to create this disk. If the source image is deleted, + # this field will not be set. + # To create a disk with one of the public operating system images, specify the + # image by its family name. For example, specify family/debian-8 to use the + # latest Debian 8 image: + # projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-8 + # Alternatively, use a specific version of a public operating system image: + # projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-8-jessie-vYYYYMMDD + # To create a disk with a private image that you created, specify the image name + # in the following format: # global/images/my-private-image - # Or you can provide an image from a publicly-available project. For example, to - # use a Debian image from the debian-cloud project, make sure to include the - # project in the URL: - # projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-7-wheezy-vYYYYMMDD - # where vYYYYMMDD is the image version. The fully-qualified URL will also work - # in both cases. - # You can also specify the latest image for a private image family by replacing - # the image name suffix with family/family-name. For example: + # You can also specify a private image by its image family, which returns the + # latest version of the image in that family. Replace the image name with family/ + # family-name: # global/images/family/my-private-family - # Or you can specify an image family from a publicly-available project. For - # example, to use the latest Debian 7 from the debian-cloud project, make sure - # to include the project in the URL: - # projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-7 # Corresponds to the JSON property `sourceImage` # @return [String] attr_accessor :source_image @@ -1795,6 +1802,25 @@ module Google end end + # + class DisksResizeRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The new size of the persistent disk, which is specified in GB. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sizeGb` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :size_gb + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @size_gb = args[:size_gb] if args.key?(:size_gb) + end + end + # class DisksScopedList include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -5379,7 +5405,7 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :insert_time - # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#operation for operation + # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#operation for Operation # resources. # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` # @return [String] @@ -6804,7 +6830,7 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :network - # [Output Only] URL of the region where the Subnetwork resides. + # URL of the region where the Subnetwork resides. # Corresponds to the JSON property `region` # @return [String] attr_accessor :region @@ -8978,13 +9004,6 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :kind - # [Output Only] Any scheduled maintenance windows for this zone. When the zone - # is in a maintenance window, all resources which reside in the zone will be - # unavailable. For more information, see Maintenance Windows - # Corresponds to the JSON property `maintenanceWindows` - # @return [Array] - attr_accessor :maintenance_windows - # [Output Only] Name of the resource. # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` # @return [String] @@ -9016,49 +9035,11 @@ module Google @description = args[:description] if args.key?(:description) @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) - @maintenance_windows = args[:maintenance_windows] if args.key?(:maintenance_windows) @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) @region = args[:region] if args.key?(:region) @self_link = args[:self_link] if args.key?(:self_link) @status = args[:status] if args.key?(:status) end - - # - class MaintenanceWindow - include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - - # [Output Only] Starting time of the maintenance window, in RFC3339 format. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `beginTime` - # @return [String] - attr_accessor :begin_time - - # [Output Only] Textual description of the maintenance window. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `description` - # @return [String] - attr_accessor :description - - # [Output Only] Ending time of the maintenance window, in RFC3339 format. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `endTime` - # @return [String] - attr_accessor :end_time - - # [Output Only] Name of the maintenance window. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` - # @return [String] - attr_accessor :name - - def initialize(**args) - update!(**args) - end - - # Update properties of this object - def update!(**args) - @begin_time = args[:begin_time] if args.key?(:begin_time) - @description = args[:description] if args.key?(:description) - @end_time = args[:end_time] if args.key?(:end_time) - @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) - end - end end # Contains a list of zone resources. diff --git a/generated/google/apis/compute_v1/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/compute_v1/representations.rb index c108078e2..6adefbfb7 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/compute_v1/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/compute_v1/representations.rb @@ -226,6 +226,12 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class DisksResizeRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class DisksScopedList class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -1164,12 +1170,6 @@ module Google class Zone class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end - - class MaintenanceWindow - class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end - - include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport - end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end @@ -1420,6 +1420,7 @@ module Google property :port, as: 'port' property :port_name, as: 'portName' property :protocol, as: 'protocol' + property :region, as: 'region' property :self_link, as: 'selfLink' property :timeout_sec, as: 'timeoutSec' end @@ -1583,6 +1584,13 @@ module Google end end + class DisksResizeRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :size_gb, as: 'sizeGb' + end + end + class DisksScopedList # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation @@ -3354,23 +3362,11 @@ module Google property :description, as: 'description' property :id, as: 'id' property :kind, as: 'kind' - collection :maintenance_windows, as: 'maintenanceWindows', class: Google::Apis::ComputeV1::Zone::MaintenanceWindow, decorator: Google::Apis::ComputeV1::Zone::MaintenanceWindow::Representation - property :name, as: 'name' property :region, as: 'region' property :self_link, as: 'selfLink' property :status, as: 'status' end - - class MaintenanceWindow - # @private - class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation - property :begin_time, as: 'beginTime' - property :description, as: 'description' - property :end_time, as: 'endTime' - property :name, as: 'name' - end - end end class ZoneList diff --git a/generated/google/apis/compute_v1/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/compute_v1/service.rb index d9e5997c6..373394c0e 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/compute_v1/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/compute_v1/service.rb @@ -1371,7 +1371,7 @@ module Google # Creates a persistent disk in the specified project using the data in the # request. You can create a disk with a sourceImage, a sourceSnapshot, or create - # an empty 200 GB data disk by omitting all properties. You can also create a + # an empty 500 GB data disk by omitting all properties. You can also create a # disk that is larger than the default size by specifying the sizeGb property. # @param [String] project # Project ID for this request. @@ -1488,6 +1488,50 @@ module Google execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) end + # Resizes the specified persistent disk. + # @param [String] project + # Project ID for this request. + # @param [String] zone + # The name of the zone for this request. + # @param [String] disk + # The name of the persistent disk. + # @param [Google::Apis::ComputeV1::DisksResizeRequest] disks_resize_request_object + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::ComputeV1::Operation] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::ComputeV1::Operation] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def resize_disk(project, zone, disk, disks_resize_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, '{project}/zones/{zone}/disks/{disk}/resize', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::ComputeV1::DisksResizeRequest::Representation + command.request_object = disks_resize_request_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::ComputeV1::Operation::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::ComputeV1::Operation + command.params['project'] = project unless project.nil? + command.params['zone'] = zone unless zone.nil? + command.params['disk'] = disk unless disk.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + # Deletes the specified firewall. # @param [String] project # Project ID for this request. diff --git a/generated/google/apis/container_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/container_v1.rb index 536a064b0..b4f8bfcb7 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/container_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/container_v1.rb @@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ module Google module Apis # Google Container Engine API # - # The Google Container Engine API is used for building and managing container - # based applications, powered by the open source Kubernetes technology. + # Builds and manages clusters that run container-based applications, powered by + # open source Kubernetes technology. # # @see https://cloud.google.com/container-engine/ module ContainerV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20150603' + REVISION = '20160321' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/container_v1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/container_v1/classes.rb index 69304c2b1..8d35c68a2 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/container_v1/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/container_v1/classes.rb @@ -31,6 +31,12 @@ module Google # @return [Array] attr_accessor :clusters + # If any zones are listed here, the list of clusters returned may be missing + # those zones. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `missingZones` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :missing_zones + def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end @@ -38,6 +44,7 @@ module Google # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @clusters = args[:clusters] if args.key?(:clusters) + @missing_zones = args[:missing_zones] if args.key?(:missing_zones) end end @@ -59,14 +66,16 @@ module Google attr_accessor :description # The number of nodes to create in this cluster. You must ensure that your - # Compute Engine [resource quota](/compute/docs/resource-quotas) is sufficient - # for this number of instances. You must also have available firewall and routes - # quota. + # Compute Engine resource quota is sufficient for this number of instances. You + # must also have available firewall and routes quota. For requests, this field + # should only be used in lieu of a "node_pool" object, since this configuration ( + # along with the "node_config") will be used to create a "NodePool" object with + # an auto-generated name. Do not use this and a node_pool at the same time. # Corresponds to the JSON property `initialNodeCount` # @return [Fixnum] attr_accessor :initial_node_count - # Per-node parameters. + # Parameters that describe the nodes in a cluster. # Corresponds to the JSON property `nodeConfig` # @return [Google::Apis::ContainerV1::NodeConfig] attr_accessor :node_config @@ -77,25 +86,25 @@ module Google # @return [Google::Apis::ContainerV1::MasterAuth] attr_accessor :master_auth - # The logging service that the cluster should write logs to. Currently available - # options: * "logging.googleapis.com" - the Google Cloud Logging service * "none" - # - no logs will be exported from the cluster * "" - default value; the default - # is "logging.googleapis.com" + # The logging service the cluster should use to write logs. Currently available + # options: * `logging.googleapis.com` - the Google Cloud Logging service. * ` + # none` - no logs will be exported from the cluster. * if left as an empty + # string,`logging.googleapis.com` will be used. # Corresponds to the JSON property `loggingService` # @return [String] attr_accessor :logging_service - # The monitoring service that the cluster should write metrics to. Currently - # available options: * "monitoring.googleapis.com" - the Google Cloud Monitoring - # service * "none" - no metrics will be exported from the cluster * "" - default - # value; the default is "monitoring.googleapis.com" + # The monitoring service the cluster should use to write metrics. Currently + # available options: * `monitoring.googleapis.com` - the Google Cloud Monitoring + # service. * `none` - no metrics will be exported from the cluster. * if left as + # an empty string, `monitoring.googleapis.com` will be used. # Corresponds to the JSON property `monitoringService` # @return [String] attr_accessor :monitoring_service - # The name of the Google Compute Engine [network](/compute/docs/networking# - # networks_1) to which the cluster is connected. If left unspecified, the " - # default" network will be used. + # The name of the Google Compute Engine [network](/compute/docs/networks-and- + # firewalls#networks) to which the cluster is connected. If left unspecified, + # the `default` network will be used. # Corresponds to the JSON property `network` # @return [String] attr_accessor :network @@ -108,6 +117,18 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :cluster_ipv4_cidr + # Configuration for the addons that can be automatically spun up in the cluster, + # enabling additional functionality. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `addonsConfig` + # @return [Google::Apis::ContainerV1::AddonsConfig] + attr_accessor :addons_config + + # The name of the Google Compute Engine [subnetwork](/compute/docs/subnetworks) + # to which the cluster is connected. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `subnetwork` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :subnetwork + # [Output only] Server-defined URL for the resource. # Corresponds to the JSON property `selfLink` # @return [String] @@ -119,15 +140,15 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :zone - # [Output only] The IP address of this cluster's Kubernetes master endpoint. The - # endpoint can be accessed from the internet at `https://username:password@ - # endpoint/`. See the `masterAuth` property of this resource for username and - # password information. + # [Output only] The IP address of this cluster's master endpoint. The endpoint + # can be accessed from the internet at `https://username:password@endpoint/`. + # See the `masterAuth` property of this resource for username and password + # information. # Corresponds to the JSON property `endpoint` # @return [String] attr_accessor :endpoint - # [Output only] The software version of Kubernetes master and kubelets used in + # [Output only] The software version of the master endpoint and kubelets used in # the cluster when it was first created. The version can be upgraded over time. # Corresponds to the JSON property `initialClusterVersion` # @return [String] @@ -139,8 +160,8 @@ module Google attr_accessor :current_master_version # [Output only] The current version of the node software components. If they are - # currently at different versions because they're in the process of being - # upgraded, this reflects the minimum version of any of them. + # currently at multiple versions because they're in the process of being + # upgraded, this reflects the minimum version of all nodes. # Corresponds to the JSON property `currentNodeVersion` # @return [String] attr_accessor :current_node_version @@ -163,15 +184,15 @@ module Google attr_accessor :status_message # [Output only] The size of the address space on each node for hosting - # containers. This is provisioned from within the container_ipv4_cidr range. + # containers. This is provisioned from within the `container_ipv4_cidr` range. # Corresponds to the JSON property `nodeIpv4CidrSize` # @return [Fixnum] attr_accessor :node_ipv4_cidr_size # [Output only] The IP address range of the Kubernetes services in this cluster, # in [CIDR](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing) - # notation (e.g. ``). Service addresses are typically put in the last / - # 16 from the container CIDR. + # notation (e.g. ``). Service addresses are typically put in the last ` + # /16` from the container CIDR. # Corresponds to the JSON property `servicesIpv4Cidr` # @return [String] attr_accessor :services_ipv4_cidr @@ -182,6 +203,11 @@ module Google # @return [Array] attr_accessor :instance_group_urls + # [Output only] The number of nodes currently in the cluster. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `currentNodeCount` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :current_node_count + def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end @@ -197,6 +223,8 @@ module Google @monitoring_service = args[:monitoring_service] if args.key?(:monitoring_service) @network = args[:network] if args.key?(:network) @cluster_ipv4_cidr = args[:cluster_ipv4_cidr] if args.key?(:cluster_ipv4_cidr) + @addons_config = args[:addons_config] if args.key?(:addons_config) + @subnetwork = args[:subnetwork] if args.key?(:subnetwork) @self_link = args[:self_link] if args.key?(:self_link) @zone = args[:zone] if args.key?(:zone) @endpoint = args[:endpoint] if args.key?(:endpoint) @@ -209,10 +237,11 @@ module Google @node_ipv4_cidr_size = args[:node_ipv4_cidr_size] if args.key?(:node_ipv4_cidr_size) @services_ipv4_cidr = args[:services_ipv4_cidr] if args.key?(:services_ipv4_cidr) @instance_group_urls = args[:instance_group_urls] if args.key?(:instance_group_urls) + @current_node_count = args[:current_node_count] if args.key?(:current_node_count) end end - # Per-node parameters. + # Parameters that describe the nodes in a cluster. class NodeConfig include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -234,11 +263,26 @@ module Google # required, and by default are not included: * `https://www.googleapis.com/auth/ # compute` is required for mounting persistent storage on your nodes. * `https:// # www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only` is required for communicating - # with *gcr.io*. If unspecified, no scopes are added. + # with **gcr.io** (the [Google Container Registry](/container-registry/)). If + # unspecified, no scopes are added, unless Cloud Logging or Cloud Monitoring are + # enabled, in which case their required scopes will be added. # Corresponds to the JSON property `oauthScopes` # @return [Array] attr_accessor :oauth_scopes + # The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster. Keys must + # conform to the regexp [a-zA-Z0-9-_]+ and be less than 128 bytes in length. + # These are reflected as part of a URL in the metadata server. Additionally, to + # avoid ambiguity, keys must not conflict with any other metadata keys for the + # project or be one of the four reserved keys: "instance-template", "kube-env", " + # startup-script", and "user-data" Values are free-form strings, and only have + # meaning as interpreted by the image running in the instance. The only + # restriction placed on them is that each value's size must be less than or + # equal to 32 KB. The total size of all keys and values must be less than 512 KB. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `metadata` + # @return [Hash] + attr_accessor :metadata + def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end @@ -248,6 +292,7 @@ module Google @machine_type = args[:machine_type] if args.key?(:machine_type) @disk_size_gb = args[:disk_size_gb] if args.key?(:disk_size_gb) @oauth_scopes = args[:oauth_scopes] if args.key?(:oauth_scopes) + @metadata = args[:metadata] if args.key?(:metadata) end end @@ -256,32 +301,31 @@ module Google class MasterAuth include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - # The username to use for HTTP basic authentication when accessing the - # Kubernetes master endpoint. + # The username to use for HTTP basic authentication to the master endpoint. # Corresponds to the JSON property `username` # @return [String] attr_accessor :username - # The password to use for HTTP basic authentication when accessing the - # Kubernetes master endpoint. Because the master endpoint is open to the - # internet, you should create a strong password. + # The password to use for HTTP basic authentication to the master endpoint. + # Because the master endpoint is open to the Internet, you should create a + # strong password. # Corresponds to the JSON property `password` # @return [String] attr_accessor :password - # [Output only] Base64 encoded public certificate that is the root of trust for + # [Output only] Base64-encoded public certificate that is the root of trust for # the cluster. # Corresponds to the JSON property `clusterCaCertificate` # @return [String] attr_accessor :cluster_ca_certificate - # [Output only] Base64 encoded public certificate used by clients to + # [Output only] Base64-encoded public certificate used by clients to # authenticate to the cluster endpoint. # Corresponds to the JSON property `clientCertificate` # @return [String] attr_accessor :client_certificate - # [Output only] Base64 encoded private key used by clients to authenticate to + # [Output only] Base64-encoded private key used by clients to authenticate to # the cluster endpoint. # Corresponds to the JSON property `clientKey` # @return [String] @@ -301,6 +345,81 @@ module Google end end + # Configuration for the addons that can be automatically spun up in the cluster, + # enabling additional functionality. + class AddonsConfig + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Configuration options for the HTTP (L7) load balancing controller addon, which + # makes it easy to set up HTTP load balancers for services in a cluster. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `httpLoadBalancing` + # @return [Google::Apis::ContainerV1::HttpLoadBalancing] + attr_accessor :http_load_balancing + + # Configuration options for the horizontal pod autoscaling feature, which + # increases or decreases the number of replica pods a replication controller has + # based on the resource usage of the existing pods. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `horizontalPodAutoscaling` + # @return [Google::Apis::ContainerV1::HorizontalPodAutoscaling] + attr_accessor :horizontal_pod_autoscaling + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @http_load_balancing = args[:http_load_balancing] if args.key?(:http_load_balancing) + @horizontal_pod_autoscaling = args[:horizontal_pod_autoscaling] if args.key?(:horizontal_pod_autoscaling) + end + end + + # Configuration options for the HTTP (L7) load balancing controller addon, which + # makes it easy to set up HTTP load balancers for services in a cluster. + class HttpLoadBalancing + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Whether the HTTP Load Balancing controller is enabled in the cluster. When + # enabled, it runs a small pod in the cluster that manages the load balancers. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `disabled` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :disabled + alias_method :disabled?, :disabled + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @disabled = args[:disabled] if args.key?(:disabled) + end + end + + # Configuration options for the horizontal pod autoscaling feature, which + # increases or decreases the number of replica pods a replication controller has + # based on the resource usage of the existing pods. + class HorizontalPodAutoscaling + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Whether the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling feature is enabled in the cluster. When + # enabled, it ensures that a Heapster pod is running in the cluster, which is + # also used by the Cloud Monitoring service. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `disabled` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :disabled + alias_method :disabled?, :disabled + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @disabled = args[:disabled] if args.key?(:disabled) + end + end + # CreateClusterRequest creates a cluster. class CreateClusterRequest include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -320,7 +439,8 @@ module Google end end - # Defines the operation resource. All fields are output only. + # This operation resource represents operations that may have happened or are + # happening on the cluster. All fields are output only. class Operation include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -345,6 +465,11 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :status + # Detailed operation progress, if available. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `detail` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :detail + # If an error has occurred, a textual description of the error. # Corresponds to the JSON property `statusMessage` # @return [String] @@ -370,17 +495,19 @@ module Google @zone = args[:zone] if args.key?(:zone) @operation_type = args[:operation_type] if args.key?(:operation_type) @status = args[:status] if args.key?(:status) + @detail = args[:detail] if args.key?(:detail) @status_message = args[:status_message] if args.key?(:status_message) @self_link = args[:self_link] if args.key?(:self_link) @target_link = args[:target_link] if args.key?(:target_link) end end - # UpdateClusterRequest updates a cluster. + # UpdateClusterRequest updates the settings of a cluster. class UpdateClusterRequest include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - # ClusterUpdate describes an update to the cluster. + # ClusterUpdate describes an update to the cluster. Exactly one update can be + # applied to a cluster with each request, so at most one field can be provided. # Corresponds to the JSON property `update` # @return [Google::Apis::ContainerV1::ClusterUpdate] attr_accessor :update @@ -395,16 +522,37 @@ module Google end end - # ClusterUpdate describes an update to the cluster. + # ClusterUpdate describes an update to the cluster. Exactly one update can be + # applied to a cluster with each request, so at most one field can be provided. class ClusterUpdate include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - # The Kubernetes version to change the nodes to (typically an upgrade). Use "-" + # The Kubernetes version to change the nodes to (typically an upgrade). Use `-` # to upgrade to the latest version supported by the server. # Corresponds to the JSON property `desiredNodeVersion` # @return [String] attr_accessor :desired_node_version + # The monitoring service the cluster should use to write metrics. Currently + # available options: * "monitoring.googleapis.com" - the Google Cloud Monitoring + # service * "none" - no metrics will be exported from the cluster + # Corresponds to the JSON property `desiredMonitoringService` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :desired_monitoring_service + + # Configuration for the addons that can be automatically spun up in the cluster, + # enabling additional functionality. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `desiredAddonsConfig` + # @return [Google::Apis::ContainerV1::AddonsConfig] + attr_accessor :desired_addons_config + + # The Kubernetes version to change the master to. The only valid value is the + # latest supported version. Use "-" to have the server automatically select the + # latest version. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `desiredMasterVersion` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :desired_master_version + def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end @@ -412,6 +560,9 @@ module Google # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @desired_node_version = args[:desired_node_version] if args.key?(:desired_node_version) + @desired_monitoring_service = args[:desired_monitoring_service] if args.key?(:desired_monitoring_service) + @desired_addons_config = args[:desired_addons_config] if args.key?(:desired_addons_config) + @desired_master_version = args[:desired_master_version] if args.key?(:desired_master_version) end end @@ -424,6 +575,12 @@ module Google # @return [Array] attr_accessor :operations + # If any zones are listed here, the list of operations returned may be missing + # the operations from those zones. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `missingZones` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :missing_zones + def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end @@ -431,14 +588,15 @@ module Google # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @operations = args[:operations] if args.key?(:operations) + @missing_zones = args[:missing_zones] if args.key?(:missing_zones) end end - # Container Engine Server configuration. + # Container Engine service configuration. class ServerConfig include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - # What version this server deploys by default. + # Version of Kubernetes the service deploys by default. # Corresponds to the JSON property `defaultClusterVersion` # @return [String] attr_accessor :default_cluster_version diff --git a/generated/google/apis/container_v1/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/container_v1/representations.rb index 2fb586cc9..b174eed07 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/container_v1/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/container_v1/representations.rb @@ -46,6 +46,24 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class AddonsConfig + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class HttpLoadBalancing + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class HorizontalPodAutoscaling + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class CreateClusterRequest class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -87,6 +105,7 @@ module Google class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation collection :clusters, as: 'clusters', class: Google::Apis::ContainerV1::Cluster, decorator: Google::Apis::ContainerV1::Cluster::Representation + collection :missing_zones, as: 'missingZones' end end @@ -104,6 +123,9 @@ module Google property :monitoring_service, as: 'monitoringService' property :network, as: 'network' property :cluster_ipv4_cidr, as: 'clusterIpv4Cidr' + property :addons_config, as: 'addonsConfig', class: Google::Apis::ContainerV1::AddonsConfig, decorator: Google::Apis::ContainerV1::AddonsConfig::Representation + + property :subnetwork, as: 'subnetwork' property :self_link, as: 'selfLink' property :zone, as: 'zone' property :endpoint, as: 'endpoint' @@ -116,6 +138,7 @@ module Google property :node_ipv4_cidr_size, as: 'nodeIpv4CidrSize' property :services_ipv4_cidr, as: 'servicesIpv4Cidr' collection :instance_group_urls, as: 'instanceGroupUrls' + property :current_node_count, as: 'currentNodeCount' end end @@ -125,6 +148,7 @@ module Google property :machine_type, as: 'machineType' property :disk_size_gb, as: 'diskSizeGb' collection :oauth_scopes, as: 'oauthScopes' + hash :metadata, as: 'metadata' end end @@ -139,6 +163,30 @@ module Google end end + class AddonsConfig + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :http_load_balancing, as: 'httpLoadBalancing', class: Google::Apis::ContainerV1::HttpLoadBalancing, decorator: Google::Apis::ContainerV1::HttpLoadBalancing::Representation + + property :horizontal_pod_autoscaling, as: 'horizontalPodAutoscaling', class: Google::Apis::ContainerV1::HorizontalPodAutoscaling, decorator: Google::Apis::ContainerV1::HorizontalPodAutoscaling::Representation + + end + end + + class HttpLoadBalancing + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :disabled, as: 'disabled' + end + end + + class HorizontalPodAutoscaling + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :disabled, as: 'disabled' + end + end + class CreateClusterRequest # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation @@ -154,6 +202,7 @@ module Google property :zone, as: 'zone' property :operation_type, as: 'operationType' property :status, as: 'status' + property :detail, as: 'detail' property :status_message, as: 'statusMessage' property :self_link, as: 'selfLink' property :target_link, as: 'targetLink' @@ -172,6 +221,10 @@ module Google # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :desired_node_version, as: 'desiredNodeVersion' + property :desired_monitoring_service, as: 'desiredMonitoringService' + property :desired_addons_config, as: 'desiredAddonsConfig', class: Google::Apis::ContainerV1::AddonsConfig, decorator: Google::Apis::ContainerV1::AddonsConfig::Representation + + property :desired_master_version, as: 'desiredMasterVersion' end end @@ -180,6 +233,7 @@ module Google class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation collection :operations, as: 'operations', class: Google::Apis::ContainerV1::Operation, decorator: Google::Apis::ContainerV1::Operation::Representation + collection :missing_zones, as: 'missingZones' end end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/container_v1/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/container_v1/service.rb index f0521eeda..6ff88e9ea 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/container_v1/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/container_v1/service.rb @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ module Google module ContainerV1 # Google Container Engine API # - # The Google Container Engine API is used for building and managing container - # based applications, powered by the open source Kubernetes technology. + # Builds and manages clusters that run container-based applications, powered by + # open source Kubernetes technology. # # @example # require 'google/apis/container_v1' @@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ module Google # Returns configuration info about the Container Engine service. # @param [String] project_id - # The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number](https:// - # developers.google.com/console/help/new/#projectnumber). + # The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number](https://support. + # google.com/cloud/answer/6158840). # @param [String] zone # The name of the Google Compute Engine [zone](/compute/docs/zones#available) to - # return operations for, or "-" for all zones. + # return operations for. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ module Google # Lists all clusters owned by a project in either the specified zone or all # zones. # @param [String] project_id - # The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number](https:// - # developers.google.com/console/help/new/#projectnumber). + # The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number](https://support. + # google.com/cloud/answer/6158840). # @param [String] zone # The name of the Google Compute Engine [zone](/compute/docs/zones#available) in # which the cluster resides, or "-" for all zones. @@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ module Google execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) end - # Gets a specific cluster. + # Gets the details of a specific cluster. # @param [String] project_id - # The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number](https:// - # developers.google.com/console/help/new/#projectnumber). + # The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number](https://support. + # google.com/cloud/answer/6158840). # @param [String] zone # The name of the Google Compute Engine [zone](/compute/docs/zones#available) in # which the cluster resides. @@ -157,16 +157,15 @@ module Google end # Creates a cluster, consisting of the specified number and type of Google - # Compute Engine instances, plus a Kubernetes master endpoint. By default, the - # cluster is created in the project's [default network](/compute/docs/networking# - # networks_1). One firewall is added for the cluster. After cluster creation, - # the cluster creates routes for each node to allow the containers on that node - # to communicate with all other instances in the cluster. Finally, an entry is - # added to the project's global metadata indicating which CIDR range is being - # used by the cluster. + # Compute Engine instances. By default, the cluster is created in the project's [ + # default network](/compute/docs/networks-and-firewalls#networks). One firewall + # is added for the cluster. After cluster creation, the cluster creates routes + # for each node to allow the containers on that node to communicate with all + # other instances in the cluster. Finally, an entry is added to the project's + # global metadata indicating which CIDR range is being used by the cluster. # @param [String] project_id - # The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number](https:// - # developers.google.com/console/help/new/#projectnumber). + # The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number](https://support. + # google.com/cloud/answer/6158840). # @param [String] zone # The name of the Google Compute Engine [zone](/compute/docs/zones#available) in # which the cluster resides. @@ -201,10 +200,10 @@ module Google execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) end - # Update settings of a specific cluster. + # Updates the settings of a specific cluster. # @param [String] project_id - # The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number](https:// - # developers.google.com/console/help/new/#projectnumber). + # The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number](https://support. + # google.com/cloud/answer/6158840). # @param [String] zone # The name of the Google Compute Engine [zone](/compute/docs/zones#available) in # which the cluster resides. @@ -244,10 +243,12 @@ module Google # Deletes the cluster, including the Kubernetes endpoint and all worker nodes. # Firewalls and routes that were configured during cluster creation are also - # deleted. + # deleted. Other Google Compute Engine resources that might be in use by the + # cluster (e.g. load balancer resources) will not be deleted if they weren't + # present at the initial create time. # @param [String] project_id - # The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number](https:// - # developers.google.com/console/help/new/#projectnumber). + # The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number](https://support. + # google.com/cloud/answer/6158840). # @param [String] zone # The name of the Google Compute Engine [zone](/compute/docs/zones#available) in # which the cluster resides. @@ -284,11 +285,11 @@ module Google # Lists all operations in a project in a specific zone or all zones. # @param [String] project_id - # The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number](https:// - # developers.google.com/console/help/new/#projectnumber). + # The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number](https://support. + # google.com/cloud/answer/6158840). # @param [String] zone # The name of the Google Compute Engine [zone](/compute/docs/zones#available) to - # return operations for, or "-" for all zones. + # return operations for, or `-` for all zones. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -319,8 +320,8 @@ module Google # Gets the specified operation. # @param [String] project_id - # The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number](https:// - # developers.google.com/console/help/new/#projectnumber). + # The Google Developers Console [project ID or project number](https://support. + # google.com/cloud/answer/6158840). # @param [String] zone # The name of the Google Compute Engine [zone](/compute/docs/zones#available) in # which the cluster resides. diff --git a/generated/google/apis/content_v2.rb b/generated/google/apis/content_v2.rb index 338cb5498..48d12530b 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/content_v2.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/content_v2.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/shopping-content module ContentV2 VERSION = 'V2' - REVISION = '20160303' + REVISION = '20160331' # Manage your product listings and accounts for Google Shopping AUTH_CONTENT = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/content' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta2.rb b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta2.rb index 71e17e70b..8ad39f378 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta2.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta2.rb @@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ module Google module Apis # Google Cloud Datastore API # - # API for accessing Google Cloud Datastore. + # Stores and queries data in Google Cloud Datastore. # # @see https://developers.google.com/datastore/ module DatastoreV1beta2 VERSION = 'V1beta2' - REVISION = '20151008' + REVISION = '20160314' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta2/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta2/service.rb index 3d39453f0..72e37e3e1 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta2/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/datastore_v1beta2/service.rb @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Google module DatastoreV1beta2 # Google Cloud Datastore API # - # API for accessing Google Cloud Datastore. + # Stores and queries data in Google Cloud Datastore. # # @example # require 'google/apis/datastore_v1beta2' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2.rb b/generated/google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2.rb index ab6ed3549..5fc37a473 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2.rb @@ -20,13 +20,12 @@ module Google module Apis # Google Cloud Deployment Manager API # - # The Deployment Manager API allows users to declaratively configure, deploy and - # run complex solutions on the Google Cloud Platform. + # Declares, configures, and deploys complex solutions on Google Cloud Platform. # # @see https://cloud.google.com/deployment-manager/ module DeploymentmanagerV2 VERSION = 'V2' - REVISION = '20160301' + REVISION = '20160406' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2/classes.rb index a67ccd438..47ba26732 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2/classes.rb @@ -103,6 +103,11 @@ module Google # @return [Google::Apis::DeploymentmanagerV2::Operation] attr_accessor :operation + # [Output Only] Self link for the deployment. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `selfLink` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :self_link + # # Corresponds to the JSON property `target` # @return [Google::Apis::DeploymentmanagerV2::TargetConfiguration] @@ -127,6 +132,7 @@ module Google @manifest = args[:manifest] if args.key?(:manifest) @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) @operation = args[:operation] if args.key?(:operation) + @self_link = args[:self_link] if args.key?(:self_link) @target = args[:target] if args.key?(:target) @update = args[:update] if args.key?(:update) end @@ -462,7 +468,7 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :insert_time - # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#operation for operation + # [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#operation for Operation # resources. # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` # @return [String] diff --git a/generated/google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2/representations.rb index bf94675d9..b0b40627e 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2/representations.rb @@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ module Google property :name, as: 'name' property :operation, as: 'operation', class: Google::Apis::DeploymentmanagerV2::Operation, decorator: Google::Apis::DeploymentmanagerV2::Operation::Representation + property :self_link, as: 'selfLink' property :target, as: 'target', class: Google::Apis::DeploymentmanagerV2::TargetConfiguration, decorator: Google::Apis::DeploymentmanagerV2::TargetConfiguration::Representation property :update, as: 'update', class: Google::Apis::DeploymentmanagerV2::DeploymentUpdate, decorator: Google::Apis::DeploymentmanagerV2::DeploymentUpdate::Representation diff --git a/generated/google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2/service.rb index 32da96be2..f550901f9 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2/service.rb @@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ module Google module DeploymentmanagerV2 # Google Cloud Deployment Manager API # - # The Deployment Manager API allows users to declaratively configure, deploy and - # run complex solutions on the Google Cloud Platform. + # Declares, configures, and deploys complex solutions on Google Cloud Platform. # # @example # require 'google/apis/deploymentmanager_v2' @@ -234,11 +233,11 @@ module Google # must match the entire field. # For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example- # instance, you would use filter=name ne example-instance. - # Compute Engine Beta API Only: If you use filtering in the Beta API, you can - # also filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that - # have set the scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. In particular, use - # filtering on nested fields to take advantage of instance labels to organize - # and filter results based on label values. + # Compute Engine Beta API Only: When filtering in the Beta API, you can also + # filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have + # set the scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested + # fields to take advantage of labels to organize and search for results based on + # label values. # The Beta API also supports filtering on multiple expressions by providing each # separate expression within parentheses. For example, (scheduling. # automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are @@ -506,11 +505,11 @@ module Google # must match the entire field. # For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example- # instance, you would use filter=name ne example-instance. - # Compute Engine Beta API Only: If you use filtering in the Beta API, you can - # also filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that - # have set the scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. In particular, use - # filtering on nested fields to take advantage of instance labels to organize - # and filter results based on label values. + # Compute Engine Beta API Only: When filtering in the Beta API, you can also + # filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have + # set the scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested + # fields to take advantage of labels to organize and search for results based on + # label values. # The Beta API also supports filtering on multiple expressions by providing each # separate expression within parentheses. For example, (scheduling. # automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are @@ -614,11 +613,11 @@ module Google # must match the entire field. # For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example- # instance, you would use filter=name ne example-instance. - # Compute Engine Beta API Only: If you use filtering in the Beta API, you can - # also filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that - # have set the scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. In particular, use - # filtering on nested fields to take advantage of instance labels to organize - # and filter results based on label values. + # Compute Engine Beta API Only: When filtering in the Beta API, you can also + # filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have + # set the scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested + # fields to take advantage of labels to organize and search for results based on + # label values. # The Beta API also supports filtering on multiple expressions by providing each # separate expression within parentheses. For example, (scheduling. # automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are @@ -726,11 +725,11 @@ module Google # must match the entire field. # For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example- # instance, you would use filter=name ne example-instance. - # Compute Engine Beta API Only: If you use filtering in the Beta API, you can - # also filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that - # have set the scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. In particular, use - # filtering on nested fields to take advantage of instance labels to organize - # and filter results based on label values. + # Compute Engine Beta API Only: When filtering in the Beta API, you can also + # filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have + # set the scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested + # fields to take advantage of labels to organize and search for results based on + # label values. # The Beta API also supports filtering on multiple expressions by providing each # separate expression within parentheses. For example, (scheduling. # automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are @@ -796,11 +795,11 @@ module Google # must match the entire field. # For example, to filter for instances that do not have a name of example- # instance, you would use filter=name ne example-instance. - # Compute Engine Beta API Only: If you use filtering in the Beta API, you can - # also filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that - # have set the scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. In particular, use - # filtering on nested fields to take advantage of instance labels to organize - # and filter results based on label values. + # Compute Engine Beta API Only: When filtering in the Beta API, you can also + # filter on nested fields. For example, you could filter on instances that have + # set the scheduling.automaticRestart field to true. Use filtering on nested + # fields to take advantage of labels to organize and search for results based on + # label values. # The Beta API also supports filtering on multiple expressions by providing each # separate expression within parentheses. For example, (scheduling. # automaticRestart eq true) (zone eq us-central1-f). Multiple expressions are diff --git a/generated/google/apis/dfareporting_v2_3.rb b/generated/google/apis/dfareporting_v2_3.rb index 2f2c560fa..b6796942a 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/dfareporting_v2_3.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/dfareporting_v2_3.rb @@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ module Google module Apis # DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking API # - # Manage your DoubleClick Campaign Manager ad campaigns and reports. + # Manages your DoubleClick Campaign Manager ad campaigns and reports. # # @see https://developers.google.com/doubleclick-advertisers/reporting/ module DfareportingV2_3 VERSION = 'V2_3' - REVISION = '20160128' + REVISION = '20160323' # View and manage DoubleClick for Advertisers reports AUTH_DFAREPORTING = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/dfareporting' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/dfareporting_v2_3/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/dfareporting_v2_3/classes.rb index d18bfb08e..c8a81bc04 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/dfareporting_v2_3/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/dfareporting_v2_3/classes.rb @@ -7290,7 +7290,7 @@ module Google # Placement compatibility. WEB and WEB_INTERSTITIAL refer to rendering either on # desktop or on mobile devices for regular or interstitial ads, respectively. - # APP and APP_INTERSTITIAL are for rendering in mobile apps.IN_STREAM_VIDEO + # APP and APP_INTERSTITIAL are for rendering in mobile apps. IN_STREAM_VIDEO # refers to rendering in in-stream video ads developed with the VAST standard. # This field is required on insertion. # Corresponds to the JSON property `compatibility` diff --git a/generated/google/apis/dfareporting_v2_3/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/dfareporting_v2_3/service.rb index 4d61bc6b1..db5e9155f 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/dfareporting_v2_3/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/dfareporting_v2_3/service.rb @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Google module DfareportingV2_3 # DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking API # - # Manage your DoubleClick Campaign Manager ad campaigns and reports. + # Manages your DoubleClick Campaign Manager ad campaigns and reports. # # @example # require 'google/apis/dfareporting_v2_3' @@ -6197,7 +6197,7 @@ module Google # Select only placements that are associated with these compatibilities. WEB and # WEB_INTERSTITIAL refer to rendering either on desktop or on mobile devices for # regular or interstitial ads respectively. APP and APP_INTERSTITIAL are for - # rendering in mobile apps.IN_STREAM_VIDEO refers to rendering in in-stream + # rendering in mobile apps. IN_STREAM_VIDEO refers to rendering in in-stream # video ads developed with the VAST standard. # @param [Array, String] content_category_ids # Select only placements that are associated with these content categories. diff --git a/generated/google/apis/dns_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/dns_v1.rb index 4b621b605..0b9197413 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/dns_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/dns_v1.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/cloud-dns module DnsV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20160209' + REVISION = '20160224' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/doubleclicksearch_v2.rb b/generated/google/apis/doubleclicksearch_v2.rb index 0f939d9b0..c0deac93e 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/doubleclicksearch_v2.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/doubleclicksearch_v2.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/doubleclick-search/ module DoubleclicksearchV2 VERSION = 'V2' - REVISION = '20160302' + REVISION = '20160407' # View and manage your advertising data in DoubleClick Search AUTH_DOUBLECLICKSEARCH = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/doubleclicksearch' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/doubleclicksearch_v2/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/doubleclicksearch_v2/classes.rb index a1bf9f5de..fc40ac5eb 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/doubleclicksearch_v2/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/doubleclicksearch_v2/classes.rb @@ -98,7 +98,8 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :agency_id - # This field is ignored. + # Available to advertisers only after contacting DoubleClick Search customer + # support. # Corresponds to the JSON property `attributionModel` # @return [String] attr_accessor :attribution_model @@ -138,7 +139,8 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :conversion_timestamp - # This field is ignored. + # Available to advertisers only after contacting DoubleClick Search customer + # support. # Corresponds to the JSON property `countMillis` # @return [String] attr_accessor :count_millis @@ -219,8 +221,8 @@ module Google attr_accessor :quantity_millis # The revenue amount of this TRANSACTION conversion, in micros (value multiplied - # by 1000, no decimal). For example, to specify a revenue value of "10" enter " - # 10000" in your request. + # by 1000000, no decimal). For example, to specify a revenue value of "10" enter + # "10000000" (10 million) in your request. # Corresponds to the JSON property `revenueMicros` # @return [String] attr_accessor :revenue_micros diff --git a/generated/google/apis/drive_v2.rb b/generated/google/apis/drive_v2.rb index 8e07393c1..fc3dea112 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/drive_v2.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/drive_v2.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/drive/ module DriveV2 VERSION = 'V2' - REVISION = '20160303' + REVISION = '20160408' # View and manage the files in your Google Drive AUTH_DRIVE = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/drive_v2/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/drive_v2/classes.rb index 971e32ac7..9b7cfe88f 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/drive_v2/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/drive_v2/classes.rb @@ -1332,6 +1332,12 @@ module Google # @return [Google::Apis::DriveV2::File::IndexableText] attr_accessor :indexable_text + # Whether the file was created or opened by the requesting app. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `isAppAuthorized` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :is_app_authorized + alias_method :is_app_authorized?, :is_app_authorized + # The type of file. This is always drive#file. # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` # @return [String] @@ -1395,10 +1401,9 @@ module Google # @return [Hash] attr_accessor :open_with_links - # The original filename if the file was uploaded manually, or the original title - # if the file was inserted through the API. Note that renames of the title will - # not change the original filename. This field is only populated for files with - # content stored in Drive; it is not populated for Google Docs or shortcut files. + # The original filename of the uploaded content if available, or else the + # original value of the title field. This is only available for files with + # binary content in Drive. # Corresponds to the JSON property `originalFilename` # @return [String] attr_accessor :original_filename @@ -1558,6 +1563,7 @@ module Google @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) @image_media_metadata = args[:image_media_metadata] if args.key?(:image_media_metadata) @indexable_text = args[:indexable_text] if args.key?(:indexable_text) + @is_app_authorized = args[:is_app_authorized] if args.key?(:is_app_authorized) @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) @labels = args[:labels] if args.key?(:labels) @last_modifying_user = args[:last_modifying_user] if args.key?(:last_modifying_user) diff --git a/generated/google/apis/drive_v2/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/drive_v2/representations.rb index d5fa4f88a..8616c78fd 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/drive_v2/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/drive_v2/representations.rb @@ -587,6 +587,7 @@ module Google property :indexable_text, as: 'indexableText', class: Google::Apis::DriveV2::File::IndexableText, decorator: Google::Apis::DriveV2::File::IndexableText::Representation + property :is_app_authorized, as: 'isAppAuthorized' property :kind, as: 'kind' property :labels, as: 'labels', class: Google::Apis::DriveV2::File::Labels, decorator: Google::Apis::DriveV2::File::Labels::Representation diff --git a/generated/google/apis/drive_v3.rb b/generated/google/apis/drive_v3.rb index b5dfad09e..aa998d65d 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/drive_v3.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/drive_v3.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/drive/ module DriveV3 VERSION = 'V3' - REVISION = '20160303' + REVISION = '20160408' # View and manage the files in your Google Drive AUTH_DRIVE = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb index 758c19d80..1b22841bf 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/drive_v3/classes.rb @@ -525,6 +525,12 @@ module Google # @return [Google::Apis::DriveV3::File::ImageMediaMetadata] attr_accessor :image_media_metadata + # Whether the file was created or opened by the requesting app. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `isAppAuthorized` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :is_app_authorized + alias_method :is_app_authorized?, :is_app_authorized + # This is always drive#file. # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` # @return [String] @@ -728,6 +734,7 @@ module Google @icon_link = args[:icon_link] if args.key?(:icon_link) @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) @image_media_metadata = args[:image_media_metadata] if args.key?(:image_media_metadata) + @is_app_authorized = args[:is_app_authorized] if args.key?(:is_app_authorized) @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) @last_modifying_user = args[:last_modifying_user] if args.key?(:last_modifying_user) @md5_checksum = args[:md5_checksum] if args.key?(:md5_checksum) diff --git a/generated/google/apis/drive_v3/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/drive_v3/representations.rb index a2d415628..867697cec 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/drive_v3/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/drive_v3/representations.rb @@ -308,6 +308,7 @@ module Google property :id, as: 'id' property :image_media_metadata, as: 'imageMediaMetadata', class: Google::Apis::DriveV3::File::ImageMediaMetadata, decorator: Google::Apis::DriveV3::File::ImageMediaMetadata::Representation + property :is_app_authorized, as: 'isAppAuthorized' property :kind, as: 'kind' property :last_modifying_user, as: 'lastModifyingUser', class: Google::Apis::DriveV3::User, decorator: Google::Apis::DriveV3::User::Representation diff --git a/generated/google/apis/fusiontables_v2.rb b/generated/google/apis/fusiontables_v2.rb index 37094e9ea..8400a1a9a 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/fusiontables_v2.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/fusiontables_v2.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/fusiontables module FusiontablesV2 VERSION = 'V2' - REVISION = '20160212' + REVISION = '20160317' # Manage your Fusion Tables AUTH_FUSIONTABLES = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/fusiontables' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/games_configuration_v1configuration.rb b/generated/google/apis/games_configuration_v1configuration.rb index 15c0b02bd..154a9c955 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/games_configuration_v1configuration.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/games_configuration_v1configuration.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/games/services module GamesConfigurationV1configuration VERSION = 'V1configuration' - REVISION = '20160309' + REVISION = '20160407' # View and manage your Google Play Developer account AUTH_ANDROIDPUBLISHER = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/androidpublisher' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/games_management_v1management.rb b/generated/google/apis/games_management_v1management.rb index 9e335a2cf..32c4f9e77 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/games_management_v1management.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/games_management_v1management.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/games/services module GamesManagementV1management VERSION = 'V1management' - REVISION = '20160309' + REVISION = '20160407' # Share your Google+ profile information and view and manage your game activity AUTH_GAMES = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/games' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/games_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/games_v1.rb index 9a9fc2b4b..340b9584b 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/games_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/games_v1.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/games/services/ module GamesV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20160309' + REVISION = '20160407' # View and manage its own configuration data in your Google Drive AUTH_DRIVE_APPDATA = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appdata' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/genomics_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/genomics_v1.rb index ad3834781..5325eeb57 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/genomics_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/genomics_v1.rb @@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ module Google # Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) v0.5.1 API as well as several # extensions. # - # @see + # @see https://cloud.google.com/genomics/ module GenomicsV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20160309' + REVISION = '20160411' # View and manage your data in Google BigQuery AUTH_BIGQUERY = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/genomics_v1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/genomics_v1/classes.rb index 379365fce..d099dcdce 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/genomics_v1/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/genomics_v1/classes.rb @@ -22,6 +22,761 @@ module Google module Apis module GenomicsV1 + # An annotation set is a logical grouping of annotations that share consistent + # type information and provenance. Examples of annotation sets include 'all + # genes from refseq', and 'all variant annotations from ClinVar'. + class AnnotationSet + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The server-generated annotation set ID, unique across all annotation sets. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The dataset to which this annotation set belongs. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `datasetId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :dataset_id + + # The ID of the reference set that defines the coordinate space for this set's + # annotations. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `referenceSetId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :reference_set_id + + # The display name for this annotation set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :name + + # The source URI describing the file from which this annotation set was + # generated, if any. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sourceUri` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :source_uri + + # The type of annotations contained within this set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + # A map of additional read alignment information. This must be of the form map ( + # string key mapping to a list of string values). + # Corresponds to the JSON property `info` + # @return [Hash>] + attr_accessor :info + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @dataset_id = args[:dataset_id] if args.key?(:dataset_id) + @reference_set_id = args[:reference_set_id] if args.key?(:reference_set_id) + @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) + @source_uri = args[:source_uri] if args.key?(:source_uri) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + @info = args[:info] if args.key?(:info) + end + end + + # A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty + # messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request or the + # response type of an API method. For instance: service Foo ` rpc Bar(google. + # protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); ` The JSON representation for + # `Empty` is empty JSON object ````. + class Empty + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + end + end + + # + class SearchAnnotationSetsRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Required. The dataset IDs to search within. Caller must have `READ` access to + # these datasets. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `datasetIds` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :dataset_ids + + # If specified, only annotation sets associated with the given reference set are + # returned. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `referenceSetId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :reference_set_id + + # Only return annotations sets for which a substring of the name matches this + # string (case insensitive). + # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :name + + # If specified, only annotation sets that have any of these types are returned. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `types` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :types + + # The continuation token, which is used to page through large result sets. To + # get the next page of results, set this parameter to the value of ` + # nextPageToken` from the previous response. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :page_token + + # The maximum number of results to return in a single page. If unspecified, + # defaults to 128. The maximum value is 1024. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pageSize` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :page_size + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @dataset_ids = args[:dataset_ids] if args.key?(:dataset_ids) + @reference_set_id = args[:reference_set_id] if args.key?(:reference_set_id) + @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) + @types = args[:types] if args.key?(:types) + @page_token = args[:page_token] if args.key?(:page_token) + @page_size = args[:page_size] if args.key?(:page_size) + end + end + + # + class SearchAnnotationSetsResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The matching annotation sets. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `annotationSets` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :annotation_sets + + # The continuation token, which is used to page through large result sets. + # Provide this value in a subsequent request to return the next page of results. + # This field will be empty if there aren't any additional results. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :next_page_token + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @annotation_sets = args[:annotation_sets] if args.key?(:annotation_sets) + @next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token) + end + end + + # An annotation describes a region of reference genome. The value of an + # annotation may be one of several canonical types, supplemented by arbitrary + # info tags. An annotation is not inherently associated with a specific sample + # or individual (though a client could choose to use annotations in this way). + # Example canonical annotation types are `GENE` and `VARIANT`. + class Annotation + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The server-generated annotation ID, unique across all annotations. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The annotation set to which this annotation belongs. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `annotationSetId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :annotation_set_id + + # The display name of this annotation. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :name + + # The ID of the Google Genomics reference associated with this range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `referenceId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :reference_id + + # The display name corresponding to the reference specified by `referenceId`, + # for example `chr1`, `1`, or `chrX`. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `referenceName` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :reference_name + + # The start position of the range on the reference, 0-based inclusive. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `start` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :start + + # The end position of the range on the reference, 0-based exclusive. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `end` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :end + + # Whether this range refers to the reverse strand, as opposed to the forward + # strand. Note that regardless of this field, the start/end position of the + # range always refer to the forward strand. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `reverseStrand` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :reverse_strand + alias_method :reverse_strand?, :reverse_strand + + # The data type for this annotation. Must match the containing annotation set's + # type. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + # A variant annotation, which describes the effect of a variant on the genome, + # the coding sequence, and/or higher level consequences at the organism level e. + # g. pathogenicity. This field is only set for annotations of type `VARIANT`. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `variant` + # @return [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::VariantAnnotation] + attr_accessor :variant + + # A transcript represents the assertion that a particular region of the + # reference genome may be transcribed as RNA. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `transcript` + # @return [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Transcript] + attr_accessor :transcript + + # A map of additional read alignment information. This must be of the form map ( + # string key mapping to a list of string values). + # Corresponds to the JSON property `info` + # @return [Hash>] + attr_accessor :info + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @annotation_set_id = args[:annotation_set_id] if args.key?(:annotation_set_id) + @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) + @reference_id = args[:reference_id] if args.key?(:reference_id) + @reference_name = args[:reference_name] if args.key?(:reference_name) + @start = args[:start] if args.key?(:start) + @end = args[:end] if args.key?(:end) + @reverse_strand = args[:reverse_strand] if args.key?(:reverse_strand) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + @variant = args[:variant] if args.key?(:variant) + @transcript = args[:transcript] if args.key?(:transcript) + @info = args[:info] if args.key?(:info) + end + end + + # + class VariantAnnotation + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Type has been adapted from ClinVar's list of variant types. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + # Effect of the variant on the coding sequence. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `effect` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :effect + + # The alternate allele for this variant. If multiple alternate alleles exist at + # this location, create a separate variant for each one, as they may represent + # distinct conditions. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `alternateBases` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :alternate_bases + + # Google annotation ID of the gene affected by this variant. This should be + # provided when the variant is created. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `geneId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :gene_id + + # Google annotation IDs of the transcripts affected by this variant. These + # should be provided when the variant is created. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `transcriptIds` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :transcript_ids + + # The set of conditions associated with this variant. A condition describes the + # way a variant influences human health. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `conditions` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :conditions + + # Describes the clinical significance of a variant. It is adapted from the + # ClinVar controlled vocabulary for clinical significance described at: http:// + # www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/docs/clinsig/ + # Corresponds to the JSON property `clinicalSignificance` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :clinical_significance + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + @effect = args[:effect] if args.key?(:effect) + @alternate_bases = args[:alternate_bases] if args.key?(:alternate_bases) + @gene_id = args[:gene_id] if args.key?(:gene_id) + @transcript_ids = args[:transcript_ids] if args.key?(:transcript_ids) + @conditions = args[:conditions] if args.key?(:conditions) + @clinical_significance = args[:clinical_significance] if args.key?(:clinical_significance) + end + end + + # + class ClinicalCondition + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A set of names for the condition. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `names` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :names + + # The set of external IDs for this condition. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `externalIds` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :external_ids + + # The MedGen concept id associated with this gene. Search for these IDs at http:/ + # /www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/medgen/ + # Corresponds to the JSON property `conceptId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :concept_id + + # The OMIM id for this condition. Search for these IDs at http://omim.org/ + # Corresponds to the JSON property `omimId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :omim_id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @names = args[:names] if args.key?(:names) + @external_ids = args[:external_ids] if args.key?(:external_ids) + @concept_id = args[:concept_id] if args.key?(:concept_id) + @omim_id = args[:omim_id] if args.key?(:omim_id) + end + end + + # + class ExternalId + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The name of the source of this data. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sourceName` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :source_name + + # The id used by the source of this data. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @source_name = args[:source_name] if args.key?(:source_name) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + end + end + + # A transcript represents the assertion that a particular region of the + # reference genome may be transcribed as RNA. + class Transcript + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The annotation ID of the gene from which this transcript is transcribed. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `geneId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :gene_id + + # The exons that compose this transcript. This field should be unset for genomes + # where transcript splicing does not occur, for example prokaryotes. Introns are + # regions of the transcript that are not included in the spliced RNA product. + # Though not explicitly modeled here, intron ranges can be deduced; all regions + # of this transcript that are not exons are introns. Exonic sequences do not + # necessarily code for a translational product (amino acids). Only the regions + # of exons bounded by the codingSequence correspond to coding DNA sequence. + # Exons are ordered by start position and may not overlap. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `exons` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :exons + + # The range of the coding sequence for this transcript, if any. To determine the + # exact ranges of coding sequence, intersect this range with those of the exons, + # if any. If there are any exons, the codingSequence must start and end within + # them. Note that in some cases, the reference genome will not exactly match the + # observed mRNA transcript e.g. due to variance in the source genome from + # reference. In these cases, exon.frame will not necessarily match the expected + # reference reading frame and coding exon reference bases cannot necessarily be + # concatenated to produce the original transcript mRNA. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `codingSequence` + # @return [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::CodingSequence] + attr_accessor :coding_sequence + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @gene_id = args[:gene_id] if args.key?(:gene_id) + @exons = args[:exons] if args.key?(:exons) + @coding_sequence = args[:coding_sequence] if args.key?(:coding_sequence) + end + end + + # + class Exon + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The start position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence, 0- + # based inclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and **not** + # the containing annotation start. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `start` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :start + + # The end position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence, 0-based + # exclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and *not* the + # containing annotation start. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `end` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :end + + # The frame of this exon. Contains a value of 0, 1, or 2, which indicates the + # offset of the first coding base of the exon within the reading frame of the + # coding DNA sequence, if any. This field is dependent on the strandedness of + # this annotation (see Annotation.reverse_strand). For forward stranded + # annotations, this offset is relative to the exon.start. For reverse strand + # annotations, this offset is relative to the exon.end `- 1`. Unset if this exon + # does not intersect the coding sequence. Upon creation of a transcript, the + # frame must be populated for all or none of the coding exons. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `frame` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :frame + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @start = args[:start] if args.key?(:start) + @end = args[:end] if args.key?(:end) + @frame = args[:frame] if args.key?(:frame) + end + end + + # + class CodingSequence + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The start of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence, 0- + # based inclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference start, + # and *not* the containing annotation start. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `start` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :start + + # The end of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence, 0- + # based exclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference start, + # and *not* the containing annotation start. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `end` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :end + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @start = args[:start] if args.key?(:start) + @end = args[:end] if args.key?(:end) + end + end + + # + class BatchCreateAnnotationsRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The annotations to be created. At most 4096 can be specified in a single + # request. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `annotations` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :annotations + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @annotations = args[:annotations] if args.key?(:annotations) + end + end + + # + class BatchCreateAnnotationsResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The resulting per-annotation entries, ordered consistently with the original + # request. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `entries` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :entries + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @entries = args[:entries] if args.key?(:entries) + end + end + + # + class Entry + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different + # programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [ + # gRPC](https://github.com/grpc). The error model is designed to be: - Simple to + # use and understand for most users - Flexible enough to meet unexpected needs # + # Overview The `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error + # message, and error details. The error code should be an enum value of google. + # rpc.Code, but it may accept additional error codes if needed. The error + # message should be a developer-facing English message that helps developers * + # understand* and *resolve* the error. If a localized user-facing error message + # is needed, put the localized message in the error details or localize it in + # the client. The optional error details may contain arbitrary information about + # the error. There is a predefined set of error detail types in the package ` + # google.rpc` which can be used for common error conditions. # Language mapping + # The `Status` message is the logical representation of the error model, but it + # is not necessarily the actual wire format. When the `Status` message is + # exposed in different client libraries and different wire protocols, it can be + # mapped differently. For example, it will likely be mapped to some exceptions + # in Java, but more likely mapped to some error codes in C. # Other uses The + # error model and the `Status` message can be used in a variety of environments, + # either with or without APIs, to provide a consistent developer experience + # across different environments. Example uses of this error model include: - + # Partial errors. If a service needs to return partial errors to the client, it + # may embed the `Status` in the normal response to indicate the partial errors. - + # Workflow errors. A typical workflow has multiple steps. Each step may have a ` + # Status` message for error reporting purpose. - Batch operations. If a client + # uses batch request and batch response, the `Status` message should be used + # directly inside batch response, one for each error sub-response. - + # Asynchronous operations. If an API call embeds asynchronous operation results + # in its response, the status of those operations should be represented directly + # using the `Status` message. - Logging. If some API errors are stored in logs, + # the message `Status` could be used directly after any stripping needed for + # security/privacy reasons. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `status` + # @return [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Status] + attr_accessor :status + + # An annotation describes a region of reference genome. The value of an + # annotation may be one of several canonical types, supplemented by arbitrary + # info tags. An annotation is not inherently associated with a specific sample + # or individual (though a client could choose to use annotations in this way). + # Example canonical annotation types are `GENE` and `VARIANT`. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `annotation` + # @return [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation] + attr_accessor :annotation + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @status = args[:status] if args.key?(:status) + @annotation = args[:annotation] if args.key?(:annotation) + end + end + + # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different + # programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [ + # gRPC](https://github.com/grpc). The error model is designed to be: - Simple to + # use and understand for most users - Flexible enough to meet unexpected needs # + # Overview The `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error + # message, and error details. The error code should be an enum value of google. + # rpc.Code, but it may accept additional error codes if needed. The error + # message should be a developer-facing English message that helps developers * + # understand* and *resolve* the error. If a localized user-facing error message + # is needed, put the localized message in the error details or localize it in + # the client. The optional error details may contain arbitrary information about + # the error. There is a predefined set of error detail types in the package ` + # google.rpc` which can be used for common error conditions. # Language mapping + # The `Status` message is the logical representation of the error model, but it + # is not necessarily the actual wire format. When the `Status` message is + # exposed in different client libraries and different wire protocols, it can be + # mapped differently. For example, it will likely be mapped to some exceptions + # in Java, but more likely mapped to some error codes in C. # Other uses The + # error model and the `Status` message can be used in a variety of environments, + # either with or without APIs, to provide a consistent developer experience + # across different environments. Example uses of this error model include: - + # Partial errors. If a service needs to return partial errors to the client, it + # may embed the `Status` in the normal response to indicate the partial errors. - + # Workflow errors. A typical workflow has multiple steps. Each step may have a ` + # Status` message for error reporting purpose. - Batch operations. If a client + # uses batch request and batch response, the `Status` message should be used + # directly inside batch response, one for each error sub-response. - + # Asynchronous operations. If an API call embeds asynchronous operation results + # in its response, the status of those operations should be represented directly + # using the `Status` message. - Logging. If some API errors are stored in logs, + # the message `Status` could be used directly after any stripping needed for + # security/privacy reasons. + class Status + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `code` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :code + + # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing + # error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details + # field, or localized by the client. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `message` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :message + + # A list of messages that carry the error details. There will be a common set of + # message types for APIs to use. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `details` + # @return [Array>] + attr_accessor :details + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @code = args[:code] if args.key?(:code) + @message = args[:message] if args.key?(:message) + @details = args[:details] if args.key?(:details) + end + end + + # + class SearchAnnotationsRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Required. The annotation sets to search within. The caller must have `READ` + # access to these annotation sets. All queried annotation sets must have the + # same type. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `annotationSetIds` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :annotation_set_ids + + # The ID of the reference to query. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `referenceId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :reference_id + + # The name of the reference to query, within the reference set associated with + # this query. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `referenceName` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :reference_name + + # The start position of the range on the reference, 0-based inclusive. If + # specified, referenceId or referenceName must be specified. Defaults to 0. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `start` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :start + + # The end position of the range on the reference, 0-based exclusive. If + # referenceId or referenceName must be specified, Defaults to the length of the + # reference. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `end` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :end + + # The continuation token, which is used to page through large result sets. To + # get the next page of results, set this parameter to the value of ` + # nextPageToken` from the previous response. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :page_token + + # The maximum number of results to return in a single page. If unspecified, + # defaults to 256. The maximum value is 2048. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pageSize` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :page_size + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @annotation_set_ids = args[:annotation_set_ids] if args.key?(:annotation_set_ids) + @reference_id = args[:reference_id] if args.key?(:reference_id) + @reference_name = args[:reference_name] if args.key?(:reference_name) + @start = args[:start] if args.key?(:start) + @end = args[:end] if args.key?(:end) + @page_token = args[:page_token] if args.key?(:page_token) + @page_size = args[:page_size] if args.key?(:page_size) + end + end + + # + class SearchAnnotationsResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The matching annotations. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `annotations` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :annotations + + # The continuation token, which is used to page through large result sets. + # Provide this value in a subsequent request to return the next page of results. + # This field will be empty if there aren't any additional results. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :next_page_token + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @annotations = args[:annotations] if args.key?(:annotations) + @next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token) + end + end + # The dataset list response. class ListDatasetsResponse include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -88,23 +843,6 @@ module Google end end - # A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty - # messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request or the - # response type of an API method. For instance: service Foo ` rpc Bar(google. - # protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); ` The JSON representation for - # `Empty` is empty JSON object ````. - class Empty - include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - - def initialize(**args) - update!(**args) - end - - # Update properties of this object - def update!(**args) - end - end - # class UndeleteDatasetRequest include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -368,71 +1106,6 @@ module Google end end - # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different - # programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [ - # gRPC](https://github.com/grpc). The error model is designed to be: - Simple to - # use and understand for most users - Flexible enough to meet unexpected needs # - # Overview The `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error - # message, and error details. The error code should be an enum value of google. - # rpc.Code, but it may accept additional error codes if needed. The error - # message should be a developer-facing English message that helps developers * - # understand* and *resolve* the error. If a localized user-facing error message - # is needed, put the localized message in the error details or localize it in - # the client. The optional error details may contain arbitrary information about - # the error. There is a predefined set of error detail types in the package ` - # google.rpc` which can be used for common error conditions. # Language mapping - # The `Status` message is the logical representation of the error model, but it - # is not necessarily the actual wire format. When the `Status` message is - # exposed in different client libraries and different wire protocols, it can be - # mapped differently. For example, it will likely be mapped to some exceptions - # in Java, but more likely mapped to some error codes in C. # Other uses The - # error model and the `Status` message can be used in a variety of environments, - # either with or without APIs, to provide a consistent developer experience - # across different environments. Example uses of this error model include: - - # Partial errors. If a service needs to return partial errors to the client, it - # may embed the `Status` in the normal response to indicate the partial errors. - - # Workflow errors. A typical workflow has multiple steps. Each step may have a ` - # Status` message for error reporting purpose. - Batch operations. If a client - # uses batch request and batch response, the `Status` message should be used - # directly inside batch response, one for each error sub-response. - - # Asynchronous operations. If an API call embeds asynchronous operation results - # in its response, the status of those operations should be represented directly - # using the `Status` message. - Logging. If some API errors are stored in logs, - # the message `Status` could be used directly after any stripping needed for - # security/privacy reasons. - class Status - include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - - # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `code` - # @return [Fixnum] - attr_accessor :code - - # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing - # error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details - # field, or localized by the client. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `message` - # @return [String] - attr_accessor :message - - # A list of messages that carry the error details. There will be a common set of - # message types for APIs to use. - # Corresponds to the JSON property `details` - # @return [Array>] - attr_accessor :details - - def initialize(**args) - update!(**args) - end - - # Update properties of this object - def update!(**args) - @code = args[:code] if args.key?(:code) - @message = args[:message] if args.key?(:message) - @details = args[:details] if args.key?(:details) - end - end - # The response message for Operations.ListOperations. class ListOperationsResponse include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -1792,6 +2465,13 @@ module Google attr_accessor :normalize_reference_names alias_method :normalize_reference_names?, :normalize_reference_names + # A mapping between info field keys and the InfoMergeOperations to be performed + # on them. This is plumbed down to the MergeVariantRequests generated by the + # resulting import job. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `infoMergeConfig` + # @return [Hash] + attr_accessor :info_merge_config + def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end @@ -1802,6 +2482,7 @@ module Google @source_uris = args[:source_uris] if args.key?(:source_uris) @format = args[:format] if args.key?(:format) @normalize_reference_names = args[:normalize_reference_names] if args.key?(:normalize_reference_names) + @info_merge_config = args[:info_merge_config] if args.key?(:info_merge_config) end end @@ -2352,6 +3033,12 @@ module Google # @return [Array] attr_accessor :variants + # A mapping between info field keys and the InfoMergeOperations to be performed + # on them. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `infoMergeConfig` + # @return [Hash] + attr_accessor :info_merge_config + def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end @@ -2360,6 +3047,7 @@ module Google def update!(**args) @variant_set_id = args[:variant_set_id] if args.key?(:variant_set_id) @variants = args[:variants] if args.key?(:variants) + @info_merge_config = args[:info_merge_config] if args.key?(:info_merge_config) end end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/genomics_v1/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/genomics_v1/representations.rb index 9b9419cbd..1294c5607 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/genomics_v1/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/genomics_v1/representations.rb @@ -22,6 +22,108 @@ module Google module Apis module GenomicsV1 + class AnnotationSet + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Empty + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class SearchAnnotationSetsRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class SearchAnnotationSetsResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Annotation + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class VariantAnnotation + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ClinicalCondition + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ExternalId + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Transcript + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Exon + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class CodingSequence + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class BatchCreateAnnotationsRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class BatchCreateAnnotationsResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Entry + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Status + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class SearchAnnotationsRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class SearchAnnotationsResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class ListDatasetsResponse class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -34,12 +136,6 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end - class Empty - class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end - - include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport - end - class UndeleteDatasetRequest class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -88,12 +184,6 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end - class Status - class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end - - include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport - end - class ListOperationsResponse class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -388,6 +478,192 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class AnnotationSet + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :id, as: 'id' + property :dataset_id, as: 'datasetId' + property :reference_set_id, as: 'referenceSetId' + property :name, as: 'name' + property :source_uri, as: 'sourceUri' + property :type, as: 'type' + hash :info, as: 'info', :class => Array do + include Representable::JSON::Collection + items + end + + end + end + + class Empty + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + end + end + + class SearchAnnotationSetsRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :dataset_ids, as: 'datasetIds' + property :reference_set_id, as: 'referenceSetId' + property :name, as: 'name' + collection :types, as: 'types' + property :page_token, as: 'pageToken' + property :page_size, as: 'pageSize' + end + end + + class SearchAnnotationSetsResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :annotation_sets, as: 'annotationSets', class: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet, decorator: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet::Representation + + property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' + end + end + + class Annotation + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :id, as: 'id' + property :annotation_set_id, as: 'annotationSetId' + property :name, as: 'name' + property :reference_id, as: 'referenceId' + property :reference_name, as: 'referenceName' + property :start, as: 'start' + property :end, as: 'end' + property :reverse_strand, as: 'reverseStrand' + property :type, as: 'type' + property :variant, as: 'variant', class: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::VariantAnnotation, decorator: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::VariantAnnotation::Representation + + property :transcript, as: 'transcript', class: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Transcript, decorator: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Transcript::Representation + + hash :info, as: 'info', :class => Array do + include Representable::JSON::Collection + items + end + + end + end + + class VariantAnnotation + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :type, as: 'type' + property :effect, as: 'effect' + property :alternate_bases, as: 'alternateBases' + property :gene_id, as: 'geneId' + collection :transcript_ids, as: 'transcriptIds' + collection :conditions, as: 'conditions', class: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::ClinicalCondition, decorator: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::ClinicalCondition::Representation + + property :clinical_significance, as: 'clinicalSignificance' + end + end + + class ClinicalCondition + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :names, as: 'names' + collection :external_ids, as: 'externalIds', class: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::ExternalId, decorator: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::ExternalId::Representation + + property :concept_id, as: 'conceptId' + property :omim_id, as: 'omimId' + end + end + + class ExternalId + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :source_name, as: 'sourceName' + property :id, as: 'id' + end + end + + class Transcript + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :gene_id, as: 'geneId' + collection :exons, as: 'exons', class: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Exon, decorator: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Exon::Representation + + property :coding_sequence, as: 'codingSequence', class: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::CodingSequence, decorator: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::CodingSequence::Representation + + end + end + + class Exon + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :start, as: 'start' + property :end, as: 'end' + property :frame, as: 'frame' + end + end + + class CodingSequence + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :start, as: 'start' + property :end, as: 'end' + end + end + + class BatchCreateAnnotationsRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :annotations, as: 'annotations', class: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation, decorator: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation::Representation + + end + end + + class BatchCreateAnnotationsResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :entries, as: 'entries', class: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Entry, decorator: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Entry::Representation + + end + end + + class Entry + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :status, as: 'status', class: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Status, decorator: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Status::Representation + + property :annotation, as: 'annotation', class: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation, decorator: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation::Representation + + end + end + + class Status + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :code, as: 'code' + property :message, as: 'message' + collection :details, as: 'details' + end + end + + class SearchAnnotationsRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :annotation_set_ids, as: 'annotationSetIds' + property :reference_id, as: 'referenceId' + property :reference_name, as: 'referenceName' + property :start, as: 'start' + property :end, as: 'end' + property :page_token, as: 'pageToken' + property :page_size, as: 'pageSize' + end + end + + class SearchAnnotationsResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :annotations, as: 'annotations', class: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation, decorator: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation::Representation + + property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' + end + end + class ListDatasetsResponse # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation @@ -407,12 +683,6 @@ module Google end end - class Empty - # @private - class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation - end - end - class UndeleteDatasetRequest # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation @@ -477,15 +747,6 @@ module Google end end - class Status - # @private - class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation - property :code, as: 'code' - property :message, as: 'message' - collection :details, as: 'details' - end - end - class ListOperationsResponse # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation @@ -812,6 +1073,7 @@ module Google collection :source_uris, as: 'sourceUris' property :format, as: 'format' property :normalize_reference_names, as: 'normalizeReferenceNames' + hash :info_merge_config, as: 'infoMergeConfig' end end @@ -952,6 +1214,7 @@ module Google property :variant_set_id, as: 'variantSetId' collection :variants, as: 'variants', class: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Variant, decorator: Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Variant::Representation + hash :info_merge_config, as: 'infoMergeConfig' end end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/genomics_v1/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/genomics_v1/service.rb index f2b343b93..959ec89c7 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/genomics_v1/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/genomics_v1/service.rb @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module Google # Genomics = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1 # Alias the module # service = Genomics::GenomicsService.new # - # @see + # @see https://cloud.google.com/genomics/ class GenomicsService < Google::Apis::Core::BaseService # @return [String] # API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, @@ -48,6 +48,386 @@ module Google super('https://genomics.googleapis.com/', '') end + # Creates a new annotation set. Caller must have WRITE permission for the + # associated dataset. The following fields are required: * datasetId * + # referenceSetId All other fields may be optionally specified, unless documented + # as being server-generated (for example, the `id` field). + # @param [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet] annotation_set_object + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def create_annotation_set(annotation_set_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v1/annotationsets', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet::Representation + command.request_object = annotation_set_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Gets an annotation set. Caller must have READ permission for the associated + # dataset. + # @param [String] annotation_set_id + # The ID of the annotation set to be retrieved. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_annotation_set(annotation_set_id, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v1/annotationsets/{annotationSetId}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet + command.params['annotationSetId'] = annotation_set_id unless annotation_set_id.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Updates an annotation set. The update must respect all mutability restrictions + # and other invariants described on the annotation set resource. Caller must + # have WRITE permission for the associated dataset. + # @param [String] annotation_set_id + # The ID of the annotation set to be updated. + # @param [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet] annotation_set_object + # @param [String] update_mask + # An optional mask specifying which fields to update. Mutable fields are name, + # source_uri, and info. If unspecified, all mutable fields will be updated. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def update_annotationset(annotation_set_id, annotation_set_object = nil, update_mask: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:put, 'v1/annotationsets/{annotationSetId}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet::Representation + command.request_object = annotation_set_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::AnnotationSet + command.params['annotationSetId'] = annotation_set_id unless annotation_set_id.nil? + command.query['updateMask'] = update_mask unless update_mask.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Deletes an annotation set. Caller must have WRITE permission for the + # associated annotation set. + # @param [String] annotation_set_id + # The ID of the annotation set to be deleted. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Empty] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Empty] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def delete_annotationset(annotation_set_id, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'v1/annotationsets/{annotationSetId}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Empty::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Empty + command.params['annotationSetId'] = annotation_set_id unless annotation_set_id.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Searches for annotation sets that match the given criteria. Annotation sets + # are returned in an unspecified order. This order is consistent, such that two + # queries for the same content (regardless of page size) yield annotation sets + # in the same order across their respective streams of paginated responses. + # Caller must have READ permission for the queried datasets. + # @param [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::SearchAnnotationSetsRequest] search_annotation_sets_request_object + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::SearchAnnotationSetsResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::SearchAnnotationSetsResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def search_annotationset_annotation_sets(search_annotation_sets_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v1/annotationsets/search', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::SearchAnnotationSetsRequest::Representation + command.request_object = search_annotation_sets_request_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::SearchAnnotationSetsResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::SearchAnnotationSetsResponse + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Creates a new annotation. Caller must have WRITE permission for the associated + # annotation set. The following fields are required: * annotationSetId * + # referenceName or referenceId ### Transcripts For annotations of type + # TRANSCRIPT, the following fields of transcript must be provided: * exons.start + # * exons.end All other fields may be optionally specified, unless documented as + # being server-generated (for example, the `id` field). The annotated range must + # be no longer than 100Mbp (mega base pairs). See the Annotation resource for + # additional restrictions on each field. + # @param [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation] annotation_object + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def create_annotation(annotation_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v1/annotations', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation::Representation + command.request_object = annotation_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Creates one or more new annotations atomically. All annotations must belong to + # the same annotation set. Caller must have WRITE permission for this annotation + # set. For optimal performance, batch positionally adjacent annotations together. + # If the request has a systemic issue, such as an attempt to write to an + # inaccessible annotation set, the entire RPC will fail accordingly. For lesser + # data issues, when possible an error will be isolated to the corresponding + # batch entry in the response; the remaining well formed annotations will be + # created normally. For details on the requirements for each individual + # annotation resource, see CreateAnnotation. + # @param [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::BatchCreateAnnotationsRequest] batch_create_annotations_request_object + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::BatchCreateAnnotationsResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::BatchCreateAnnotationsResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def batch_create_annotations(batch_create_annotations_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v1/annotations:batchCreate', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::BatchCreateAnnotationsRequest::Representation + command.request_object = batch_create_annotations_request_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::BatchCreateAnnotationsResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::BatchCreateAnnotationsResponse + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Gets an annotation. Caller must have READ permission for the associated + # annotation set. + # @param [String] annotation_id + # The ID of the annotation to be retrieved. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_annotation(annotation_id, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v1/annotations/{annotationId}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation + command.params['annotationId'] = annotation_id unless annotation_id.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Updates an annotation. Caller must have WRITE permission for the associated + # dataset. + # @param [String] annotation_id + # The ID of the annotation to be updated. + # @param [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation] annotation_object + # @param [String] update_mask + # An optional mask specifying which fields to update. Mutable fields are name, + # variant, transcript, and info. If unspecified, all mutable fields will be + # updated. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def update_annotation(annotation_id, annotation_object = nil, update_mask: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:put, 'v1/annotations/{annotationId}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation::Representation + command.request_object = annotation_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Annotation + command.params['annotationId'] = annotation_id unless annotation_id.nil? + command.query['updateMask'] = update_mask unless update_mask.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Deletes an annotation. Caller must have WRITE permission for the associated + # annotation set. + # @param [String] annotation_id + # The ID of the annotation to be deleted. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Empty] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Empty] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def delete_annotation(annotation_id, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'v1/annotations/{annotationId}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Empty::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::Empty + command.params['annotationId'] = annotation_id unless annotation_id.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Searches for annotations that match the given criteria. Results are ordered by + # genomic coordinate (by reference sequence, then position). Annotations with + # equivalent genomic coordinates are returned in an unspecified order. This + # order is consistent, such that two queries for the same content (regardless of + # page size) yield annotations in the same order across their respective streams + # of paginated responses. Caller must have READ permission for the queried + # annotation sets. + # @param [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::SearchAnnotationsRequest] search_annotations_request_object + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::SearchAnnotationsResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::SearchAnnotationsResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def search_annotations(search_annotations_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v1/annotations/search', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::SearchAnnotationsRequest::Representation + command.request_object = search_annotations_request_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::SearchAnnotationsResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::SearchAnnotationsResponse + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + # Lists datasets within a project. For the definitions of datasets and other # genomics resources, see [Fundamentals of Google Genomics](https://cloud.google. # com/genomics/fundamentals-of-google-genomics) @@ -193,9 +573,12 @@ module Google execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) end - # Deletes a dataset. For the definitions of datasets and other genomics - # resources, see [Fundamentals of Google Genomics](https://cloud.google.com/ - # genomics/fundamentals-of-google-genomics) + # Deletes a dataset and all of its contents (all read group sets, reference sets, + # variant sets, call sets, annotation sets, etc.) This is reversible (up to one + # week after the deletion) via the datasets.undelete operation. For the + # definitions of datasets and other genomics resources, see [Fundamentals of + # Google Genomics](https://cloud.google.com/genomics/fundamentals-of-google- + # genomics) # @param [String] dataset_id # The ID of the dataset to be deleted. # @param [String] fields @@ -1046,13 +1429,11 @@ module Google # any existing variant that matches its reference sequence, start, end, # reference bases, and alternative bases. If no such variant exists, a new one # will be created. When variants are merged, the call information from the new - # variant is added to the existing variant, and other fields (such as key/value - # pairs) are discarded. In particular, this means for merged VCF variants that - # have conflicting INFO fields, some data will be arbitrarily discarded. As a - # special case, for single-sample VCF files, QUAL and FILTER fields will be - # moved to the call level; these are sometimes interpreted in a call-specific - # context. Imported VCF headers are appended to the metadata already in a - # variant set. + # variant is added to the existing variant, and Variant info fields are merged + # as specified in infoMergeConfig. As a special case, for single-sample VCF + # files, QUAL and FILTER fields will be moved to the call level; these are + # sometimes interpreted in a call-specific context. Imported VCF headers are + # appended to the metadata already in a variant set. # @param [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::ImportVariantsRequest] import_variants_request_object # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. @@ -1259,8 +1640,26 @@ module Google # variant will be merged with an existing variant that matches its reference # sequence, start, end, reference bases, and alternative bases. If no such # variant exists, a new one will be created. When variants are merged, the call - # information from the new variant is added to the existing variant, and other - # fields (such as key/value pairs) are discarded. + # information from the new variant is added to the existing variant. Variant + # info fields are merged as specified in the infoMergeConfig field of the + # MergeVariantsRequest. Please exercise caution when using this method! It is + # easy to introduce mistakes in existing variants and difficult to back out of + # them. For example, suppose you were trying to merge a new variant with an + # existing one and both variants contain calls that belong to callsets with the + # same callset ID. // Existing variant - irrelevant fields trimmed for clarity ` + # "variantSetId": "10473108253681171589", "referenceName": "1", "start": "10582", + # "referenceBases": "G", "alternateBases": [ "A" ], "calls": [ ` "callSetId": " + # 10473108253681171589-0", "callSetName": "CALLSET0", "genotype": [ 0, 1 ], ` ] ` + # // New variant with conflicting call information ` "variantSetId": " + # 10473108253681171589", "referenceName": "1", "start": "10582", "referenceBases" + # : "G", "alternateBases": [ "A" ], "calls": [ ` "callSetId": " + # 10473108253681171589-0", "callSetName": "CALLSET0", "genotype": [ 1, 1 ], ` ] ` + # The resulting merged variant would overwrite the existing calls with those + # from the new variant: ` "variantSetId": "10473108253681171589", "referenceName" + # : "1", "start": "10582", "referenceBases": "G", "alternateBases": [ "A" ], " + # calls": [ ` "callSetId": "10473108253681171589-0", "callSetName": "CALLSET0", " + # genotype": [ 1, 1 ], ` ] ` This may be the desired outcome, but it is up to + # the user to determine if if that is indeed the case. # @param [Google::Apis::GenomicsV1::MergeVariantsRequest] merge_variants_request_object # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. diff --git a/generated/google/apis/gmail_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/gmail_v1.rb index 79fe568fe..891b11ebe 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/gmail_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/gmail_v1.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/ module GmailV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20160301' + REVISION = '20160316' # View and manage your mail AUTH_SCOPE = 'https://mail.google.com/' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/groupssettings_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/groupssettings_v1.rb index f9c196999..5392d7afa 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/groupssettings_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/groupssettings_v1.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/google-apps/groups-settings/get_started module GroupssettingsV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20140428' + REVISION = '20160323' # View and manage the settings of a Google Apps Group AUTH_APPS_GROUPS_SETTINGS = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/apps.groups.settings' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/groupssettings_v1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/groupssettings_v1/classes.rb index 63ad780bf..b6b7004f7 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/groupssettings_v1/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/groupssettings_v1/classes.rb @@ -136,15 +136,21 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :spam_moderation_level - # Permission to contact owner of the group via web UI. Possbile values are: + # Permissions to add members. Possible values are: ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_ADD + # ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_ADD NONE_CAN_ADD + # Corresponds to the JSON property `whoCanAdd` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :who_can_add + + # Permission to contact owner of the group via web UI. Possible values are: # ANYONE_CAN_CONTACT ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_CONTACT ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_CONTACT # ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_CONTACT # Corresponds to the JSON property `whoCanContactOwner` # @return [String] attr_accessor :who_can_contact_owner - # Permissions to invite members. Possbile values are: ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_INVITE - # ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_INVITE + # Permissions to invite members. Possible values are: ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_INVITE + # ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_INVITE NONE_CAN_INVITE # Corresponds to the JSON property `whoCanInvite` # @return [String] attr_accessor :who_can_invite @@ -156,7 +162,7 @@ module Google attr_accessor :who_can_join # Permission to leave the group. Possible values are: ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_LEAVE - # ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_LEAVE + # ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_LEAVE NONE_CAN_LEAVE # Corresponds to the JSON property `whoCanLeaveGroup` # @return [String] attr_accessor :who_can_leave_group @@ -168,13 +174,13 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :who_can_post_message - # Permissions to view group. Possbile values are: ANYONE_CAN_VIEW + # Permissions to view group. Possible values are: ANYONE_CAN_VIEW # ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_VIEW ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_VIEW ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_VIEW # Corresponds to the JSON property `whoCanViewGroup` # @return [String] attr_accessor :who_can_view_group - # Permissions to view membership. Possbile values are: ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_VIEW + # Permissions to view membership. Possible values are: ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_VIEW # ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_VIEW ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_VIEW # Corresponds to the JSON property `whoCanViewMembership` # @return [String] @@ -207,6 +213,7 @@ module Google @send_message_deny_notification = args[:send_message_deny_notification] if args.key?(:send_message_deny_notification) @show_in_group_directory = args[:show_in_group_directory] if args.key?(:show_in_group_directory) @spam_moderation_level = args[:spam_moderation_level] if args.key?(:spam_moderation_level) + @who_can_add = args[:who_can_add] if args.key?(:who_can_add) @who_can_contact_owner = args[:who_can_contact_owner] if args.key?(:who_can_contact_owner) @who_can_invite = args[:who_can_invite] if args.key?(:who_can_invite) @who_can_join = args[:who_can_join] if args.key?(:who_can_join) diff --git a/generated/google/apis/groupssettings_v1/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/groupssettings_v1/representations.rb index 7d01bcbbd..d5d2d062c 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/groupssettings_v1/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/groupssettings_v1/representations.rb @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ module Google property :send_message_deny_notification, as: 'sendMessageDenyNotification' property :show_in_group_directory, as: 'showInGroupDirectory' property :spam_moderation_level, as: 'spamModerationLevel' + property :who_can_add, as: 'whoCanAdd' property :who_can_contact_owner, as: 'whoCanContactOwner' property :who_can_invite, as: 'whoCanInvite' property :who_can_join, as: 'whoCanJoin' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/identitytoolkit_v3.rb b/generated/google/apis/identitytoolkit_v3.rb index 89214f7a2..e77da216e 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/identitytoolkit_v3.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/identitytoolkit_v3.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/identity-toolkit/v3/ module IdentitytoolkitV3 VERSION = 'V3' - REVISION = '20160304' + REVISION = '20160407' end end end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/identitytoolkit_v3/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/identitytoolkit_v3/classes.rb index 5295dd28e..69c74afe1 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/identitytoolkit_v3/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/identitytoolkit_v3/classes.rb @@ -479,11 +479,22 @@ module Google # @return [Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate] attr_accessor :change_email_template + # Whether anonymous user is enabled. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `enableAnonymousUser` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :enable_anonymous_user + alias_method :enable_anonymous_user?, :enable_anonymous_user + # OAuth2 provider configuration. # Corresponds to the JSON property `idpConfig` # @return [Array] attr_accessor :idp_config + # Template for an email template. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `legacyResetPasswordTemplate` + # @return [Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate] + attr_accessor :legacy_reset_password_template + # Project ID of the relying party. # Corresponds to the JSON property `projectId` # @return [String] @@ -515,7 +526,9 @@ module Google @api_key = args[:api_key] if args.key?(:api_key) @authorized_domains = args[:authorized_domains] if args.key?(:authorized_domains) @change_email_template = args[:change_email_template] if args.key?(:change_email_template) + @enable_anonymous_user = args[:enable_anonymous_user] if args.key?(:enable_anonymous_user) @idp_config = args[:idp_config] if args.key?(:idp_config) + @legacy_reset_password_template = args[:legacy_reset_password_template] if args.key?(:legacy_reset_password_template) @project_id = args[:project_id] if args.key?(:project_id) @reset_password_template = args[:reset_password_template] if args.key?(:reset_password_template) @use_email_sending = args[:use_email_sending] if args.key?(:use_email_sending) @@ -707,6 +720,11 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :api_key + # Authorized domains for widget redirect. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `authorizedDomains` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :authorized_domains + # Template for an email template. # Corresponds to the JSON property `changeEmailTemplate` # @return [Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate] @@ -718,11 +736,22 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :delegated_project_number + # Whether to enable anonymous user. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `enableAnonymousUser` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :enable_anonymous_user + alias_method :enable_anonymous_user?, :enable_anonymous_user + # Oauth2 provider configuration. # Corresponds to the JSON property `idpConfig` # @return [Array] attr_accessor :idp_config + # Template for an email template. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `legacyResetPasswordTemplate` + # @return [Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate] + attr_accessor :legacy_reset_password_template + # Template for an email template. # Corresponds to the JSON property `resetPasswordTemplate` # @return [Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate] @@ -747,9 +776,12 @@ module Google def update!(**args) @allow_password_user = args[:allow_password_user] if args.key?(:allow_password_user) @api_key = args[:api_key] if args.key?(:api_key) + @authorized_domains = args[:authorized_domains] if args.key?(:authorized_domains) @change_email_template = args[:change_email_template] if args.key?(:change_email_template) @delegated_project_number = args[:delegated_project_number] if args.key?(:delegated_project_number) + @enable_anonymous_user = args[:enable_anonymous_user] if args.key?(:enable_anonymous_user) @idp_config = args[:idp_config] if args.key?(:idp_config) + @legacy_reset_password_template = args[:legacy_reset_password_template] if args.key?(:legacy_reset_password_template) @reset_password_template = args[:reset_password_template] if args.key?(:reset_password_template) @use_email_sending = args[:use_email_sending] if args.key?(:use_email_sending) @verify_email_template = args[:verify_email_template] if args.key?(:verify_email_template) @@ -1134,6 +1166,11 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :provider + # OAuth2 client secret. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `secret` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :secret + def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end @@ -1144,6 +1181,7 @@ module Google @enabled = args[:enabled] if args.key?(:enabled) @experiment_percent = args[:experiment_percent] if args.key?(:experiment_percent) @provider = args[:provider] if args.key?(:provider) + @secret = args[:secret] if args.key?(:secret) end end @@ -1269,6 +1307,11 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :new_email + # The user's hashed password. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `passwordHash` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :password_hash + # The photo url of the user. # Corresponds to the JSON property `photoUrl` # @return [String] @@ -1296,6 +1339,7 @@ module Google @id_token = args[:id_token] if args.key?(:id_token) @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) @new_email = args[:new_email] if args.key?(:new_email) + @password_hash = args[:password_hash] if args.key?(:password_hash) @photo_url = args[:photo_url] if args.key?(:photo_url) @provider_user_info = args[:provider_user_info] if args.key?(:provider_user_info) @refresh_token = args[:refresh_token] if args.key?(:refresh_token) @@ -1719,6 +1763,11 @@ module Google # @return [Fixnum] attr_accessor :oauth_expire_in + # The OIDC id token. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `oauthIdToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :oauth_id_token + # The user approved request token for the OpenID OAuth extension. # Corresponds to the JSON property `oauthRequestToken` # @return [String] @@ -1800,6 +1849,7 @@ module Google @oauth_access_token = args[:oauth_access_token] if args.key?(:oauth_access_token) @oauth_authorization_code = args[:oauth_authorization_code] if args.key?(:oauth_authorization_code) @oauth_expire_in = args[:oauth_expire_in] if args.key?(:oauth_expire_in) + @oauth_id_token = args[:oauth_id_token] if args.key?(:oauth_id_token) @oauth_request_token = args[:oauth_request_token] if args.key?(:oauth_request_token) @oauth_scope = args[:oauth_scope] if args.key?(:oauth_scope) @oauth_token_secret = args[:oauth_token_secret] if args.key?(:oauth_token_secret) diff --git a/generated/google/apis/identitytoolkit_v3/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/identitytoolkit_v3/representations.rb index c41f34bfd..0c4e75d2a 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/identitytoolkit_v3/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/identitytoolkit_v3/representations.rb @@ -360,8 +360,11 @@ module Google collection :authorized_domains, as: 'authorizedDomains' property :change_email_template, as: 'changeEmailTemplate', class: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate, decorator: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate::Representation + property :enable_anonymous_user, as: 'enableAnonymousUser' collection :idp_config, as: 'idpConfig', class: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::IdpConfig, decorator: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::IdpConfig::Representation + property :legacy_reset_password_template, as: 'legacyResetPasswordTemplate', class: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate, decorator: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate::Representation + property :project_id, as: 'projectId' property :reset_password_template, as: 'resetPasswordTemplate', class: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate, decorator: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate::Representation @@ -411,11 +414,15 @@ module Google class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :allow_password_user, as: 'allowPasswordUser' property :api_key, as: 'apiKey' + collection :authorized_domains, as: 'authorizedDomains' property :change_email_template, as: 'changeEmailTemplate', class: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate, decorator: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate::Representation property :delegated_project_number, as: 'delegatedProjectNumber' + property :enable_anonymous_user, as: 'enableAnonymousUser' collection :idp_config, as: 'idpConfig', class: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::IdpConfig, decorator: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::IdpConfig::Representation + property :legacy_reset_password_template, as: 'legacyResetPasswordTemplate', class: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate, decorator: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate::Representation + property :reset_password_template, as: 'resetPasswordTemplate', class: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate, decorator: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::EmailTemplate::Representation property :use_email_sending, as: 'useEmailSending' @@ -520,6 +527,7 @@ module Google property :enabled, as: 'enabled' property :experiment_percent, as: 'experimentPercent' property :provider, as: 'provider' + property :secret, as: 'secret' end end @@ -554,6 +562,7 @@ module Google property :id_token, as: 'idToken' property :kind, as: 'kind' property :new_email, as: 'newEmail' + property :password_hash, :base64 => true, as: 'passwordHash' property :photo_url, as: 'photoUrl' collection :provider_user_info, as: 'providerUserInfo', class: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::SetAccountInfoResponse::ProviderUserInfo, decorator: Google::Apis::IdentitytoolkitV3::SetAccountInfoResponse::ProviderUserInfo::Representation @@ -659,6 +668,7 @@ module Google property :oauth_access_token, as: 'oauthAccessToken' property :oauth_authorization_code, as: 'oauthAuthorizationCode' property :oauth_expire_in, as: 'oauthExpireIn' + property :oauth_id_token, as: 'oauthIdToken' property :oauth_request_token, as: 'oauthRequestToken' property :oauth_scope, as: 'oauthScope' property :oauth_token_secret, as: 'oauthTokenSecret' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/logging_v2beta1.rb b/generated/google/apis/logging_v2beta1.rb index e58423c1a..bb57f99fd 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/logging_v2beta1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/logging_v2beta1.rb @@ -20,13 +20,12 @@ module Google module Apis # Google Cloud Logging API # - # The Google Cloud Logging API lets you write log entries and manage your logs, - # log sinks and logs-based metrics. + # Writes log entries and manages your logs, log sinks, and logs-based metrics. # # @see https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/ module LoggingV2beta1 VERSION = 'V2beta1' - REVISION = '20160104' + REVISION = '20160322' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/logging_v2beta1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/logging_v2beta1/classes.rb index 95acada92..f7ece3eb0 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/logging_v2beta1/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/logging_v2beta1/classes.rb @@ -50,7 +50,16 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :log_name - # A specific monitored resource or a group of monitored resources. + # An object representing a resource that can be used for monitoring, logging, + # billing, or other purposes. Examples include virtual machine instances, + # databases, and storage devices such as disks. The `type` field identifies a + # MonitoredResourceDescriptor object that describes the resource's schema. + # Information in the `labels` field identifies the actual resource and its + # attributes according to the schema. For example, a particular Compute Engine + # VM instance could be represented by the following object, because the + # MonitoredResourceDescriptor for `"gce_instance"` has labels `"instance_id"` + # and `"zone"`: ` "type": "gce_instance", "labels": ` "instance_id": "my- + # instance", "zone": "us-central1-a" `` # Corresponds to the JSON property `resource` # @return [Google::Apis::LoggingV2beta1::MonitoredResource] attr_accessor :resource @@ -68,6 +77,16 @@ module Google # @return [Array] attr_accessor :entries + # Optional. Whether valid entries should be written even if some other entries + # fail due to INVALID_ARGUMENT or PERMISSION_DENIED errors. If any entry is not + # written, the response status will be the error associated with one of the + # failed entries and include error details in the form of + # WriteLogEntriesPartialErrors. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `partialSuccess` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :partial_success + alias_method :partial_success?, :partial_success + def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end @@ -78,25 +97,33 @@ module Google @resource = args[:resource] if args.key?(:resource) @labels = args[:labels] if args.key?(:labels) @entries = args[:entries] if args.key?(:entries) + @partial_success = args[:partial_success] if args.key?(:partial_success) end end - # A specific monitored resource or a group of monitored resources. + # An object representing a resource that can be used for monitoring, logging, + # billing, or other purposes. Examples include virtual machine instances, + # databases, and storage devices such as disks. The `type` field identifies a + # MonitoredResourceDescriptor object that describes the resource's schema. + # Information in the `labels` field identifies the actual resource and its + # attributes according to the schema. For example, a particular Compute Engine + # VM instance could be represented by the following object, because the + # MonitoredResourceDescriptor for `"gce_instance"` has labels `"instance_id"` + # and `"zone"`: ` "type": "gce_instance", "labels": ` "instance_id": "my- + # instance", "zone": "us-central1-a" `` class MonitoredResource include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - # The type of monitored resource. This field must match the value of the `type` - # field in a MonitoredResourceDescriptor object. For example, `" - # cloudsql_database"` represents Cloud SQL databases. + # Required. The monitored resource type. This field must match the `type` field + # of a MonitoredResourceDescriptor object. For example, the type of a Cloud SQL + # database is `"cloudsql_database"`. # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` # @return [String] attr_accessor :type - # Values for some or all of the labels listed in the associated monitored - # resource descriptor. For example, specify a specific Cloud SQL database by - # supplying values for both the `"database_id"` and `"zone"` labels. Specify the - # set of all Cloud SQL databases in a particular location by supplying a value - # for only the `"zone"` label. + # Required. Values for all of the labels listed in the associated monitored + # resource descriptor. For example, Cloud SQL databases use the labels `" + # database_id"` and `"zone"`. # Corresponds to the JSON property `labels` # @return [Hash] attr_accessor :labels @@ -117,18 +144,27 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # Required. The resource name of the log to which this log entry belongs. The - # format of the name is `projects//logs/] attr_accessor :entries - # If there are more results than were returned, then `nextPageToken` is given a - # value in the response. To get the next batch of results, call this method - # again using the value of `nextPageToken` as `pageToken`. + # If there are more results than were returned, then `nextPageToken` is included + # in the response. To get the next set of results, call this method again using + # the value of `nextPageToken` as `pageToken`. # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` # @return [String] attr_accessor :next_page_token + # If partial_success is true, contains the project ids that had errors and the + # associated errors. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `projectIdErrors` + # @return [Hash] + attr_accessor :project_id_errors + def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end @@ -429,6 +492,72 @@ module Google def update!(**args) @entries = args[:entries] if args.key?(:entries) @next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token) + @project_id_errors = args[:project_id_errors] if args.key?(:project_id_errors) + end + end + + # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different + # programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by [ + # gRPC](https://github.com/grpc). The error model is designed to be: - Simple to + # use and understand for most users - Flexible enough to meet unexpected needs # + # Overview The `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error + # message, and error details. The error code should be an enum value of google. + # rpc.Code, but it may accept additional error codes if needed. The error + # message should be a developer-facing English message that helps developers * + # understand* and *resolve* the error. If a localized user-facing error message + # is needed, put the localized message in the error details or localize it in + # the client. The optional error details may contain arbitrary information about + # the error. There is a predefined set of error detail types in the package ` + # google.rpc` which can be used for common error conditions. # Language mapping + # The `Status` message is the logical representation of the error model, but it + # is not necessarily the actual wire format. When the `Status` message is + # exposed in different client libraries and different wire protocols, it can be + # mapped differently. For example, it will likely be mapped to some exceptions + # in Java, but more likely mapped to some error codes in C. # Other uses The + # error model and the `Status` message can be used in a variety of environments, + # either with or without APIs, to provide a consistent developer experience + # across different environments. Example uses of this error model include: - + # Partial errors. If a service needs to return partial errors to the client, it + # may embed the `Status` in the normal response to indicate the partial errors. - + # Workflow errors. A typical workflow has multiple steps. Each step may have a ` + # Status` message for error reporting purpose. - Batch operations. If a client + # uses batch request and batch response, the `Status` message should be used + # directly inside batch response, one for each error sub-response. - + # Asynchronous operations. If an API call embeds asynchronous operation results + # in its response, the status of those operations should be represented directly + # using the `Status` message. - Logging. If some API errors are stored in logs, + # the message `Status` could be used directly after any stripping needed for + # security/privacy reasons. + class Status + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `code` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :code + + # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing + # error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details + # field, or localized by the client. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `message` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :message + + # A list of messages that carry the error details. There will be a common set of + # message types for APIs to use. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `details` + # @return [Array>] + attr_accessor :details + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @code = args[:code] if args.key?(:code) + @message = args[:message] if args.key?(:message) + @details = args[:details] if args.key?(:details) end end @@ -441,9 +570,9 @@ module Google # @return [Array] attr_accessor :resource_descriptors - # If there are more results than were returned, then `nextPageToken` is returned - # in the response. To get the next batch of results, call this method again - # using the value of `nextPageToken` as `pageToken`. + # If there are more results than were returned, then `nextPageToken` is included + # in the response. To get the next set of results, call this method again using + # the value of `nextPageToken` as `pageToken`. # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` # @return [String] attr_accessor :next_page_token @@ -459,31 +588,47 @@ module Google end end - # A description of a type of monitored resource. + # An object that describes the schema of a MonitoredResource object using a type + # name and a set of labels. For example, the monitored resource descriptor for + # Google Compute Engine VM instances has a type of `"gce_instance"` and + # specifies the use of the labels `"instance_id"` and `"zone"` to identify + # particular VM instances. Different APIs can support different monitored + # resource types. APIs generally provide a `list` method that returns the + # monitored resource descriptors used by the API. class MonitoredResourceDescriptor include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - # The monitored resource type. For example, the type `"cloudsql_database"` - # represents databases in Google Cloud SQL. + # Optional. The resource name of the monitored resource descriptor: `"projects/` + # project_id`/monitoredResourceDescriptors/`type`"` where `type` is the value of + # the `type` field in this object and `project_id` is a project ID that provides + # API-specific context for accessing the type. APIs that do not use project + # information can use the resource name format `"monitoredResourceDescriptors/` + # type`"`. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :name + + # Required. The monitored resource type. For example, the type `" + # cloudsql_database"` represents databases in Google Cloud SQL. # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` # @return [String] attr_accessor :type - # A concise name for the monitored resource type, which is displayed in user - # interfaces. For example, `"Cloud SQL Database"`. + # Optional. A concise name for the monitored resource type that might be + # displayed in user interfaces. For example, `"Google Cloud SQL Database"`. # Corresponds to the JSON property `displayName` # @return [String] attr_accessor :display_name - # A detailed description of the monitored resource type, which is used in - # documentation. + # Optional. A detailed description of the monitored resource type that might be + # used in documentation. # Corresponds to the JSON property `description` # @return [String] attr_accessor :description - # A set of labels that can be used to describe instances of this monitored - # resource type. For example, Cloud SQL databases can be labeled with their `" - # database_id"` and their `"zone"`. + # Required. A set of labels used to describe instances of this monitored + # resource type. For example, an individual Google Cloud SQL database is + # identified by values for the labels `"database_id"` and `"zone"`. # Corresponds to the JSON property `labels` # @return [Array] attr_accessor :labels @@ -494,6 +639,7 @@ module Google # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) + @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) @display_name = args[:display_name] if args.key?(:display_name) @description = args[:description] if args.key?(:description) @@ -541,9 +687,9 @@ module Google # @return [Array] attr_accessor :sinks - # If there are more results than were returned, then `nextPageToken` is given a - # value in the response. To get the next batch of results, call this method - # again using the value of `nextPageToken` as `pageToken`. + # If there are more results than were returned, then `nextPageToken` is included + # in the response. To get the next set of results, call this method again using + # the value of `nextPageToken` as `pageToken`. # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` # @return [String] attr_accessor :next_page_token @@ -578,16 +724,17 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :destination - # An [advanced logs filter](/logging/docs/view/advanced_filters) that defines - # the log entries to be exported. The filter must be consistent with the log - # entry format designed by the `outputVersionFormat` parameter, regardless of - # the format of the log entry that was originally written to Cloud Logging. - # Example: `"logName:syslog AND severity>=ERROR"`. + # An [advanced logs filter](/logging/docs/view/advanced_filters). Only log + # entries matching that filter are exported. The filter must be consistent with + # the log entry format specified by the `outputVersionFormat` parameter, + # regardless of the format of the log entry that was originally written to Cloud + # Logging. Example (V2 format): `"logName=projects/my-projectid/logs/syslog AND + # severity>=ERROR"`. # Corresponds to the JSON property `filter` # @return [String] attr_accessor :filter - # The log entry version used when exporting log entries from this sink. This + # The log entry version to use for this sink's exported log entries. This # version does not have to correspond to the version of the log entry when it # was written to Cloud Logging. # Corresponds to the JSON property `outputVersionFormat` @@ -616,9 +763,9 @@ module Google # @return [Array] attr_accessor :metrics - # If there are more results than were returned, then `nextPageToken` is given a - # value in the response. To get the next batch of results, call this method - # again using the value of `nextPageToken` as `pageToken`. + # If there are more results than were returned, then `nextPageToken` is included + # in the response. To get the next set of results, call this method again using + # the value of `nextPageToken` as `pageToken`. # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` # @return [String] attr_accessor :next_page_token @@ -818,6 +965,14 @@ module Google attr_accessor :finished alias_method :finished?, :finished + # Whether this is the first RequestLog entry for this request. If an active + # request has several RequestLog entries written to Cloud Logging, this field + # will be set for one of them. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `first` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :first + alias_method :first?, :first + # An identifier for the instance that handled the request. # Corresponds to the JSON property `instanceId` # @return [String] @@ -877,6 +1032,7 @@ module Google @pending_time = args[:pending_time] if args.key?(:pending_time) @instance_index = args[:instance_index] if args.key?(:instance_index) @finished = args[:finished] if args.key?(:finished) + @first = args[:first] if args.key?(:first) @instance_id = args[:instance_id] if args.key?(:instance_id) @line = args[:line] if args.key?(:line) @app_engine_release = args[:app_engine_release] if args.key?(:app_engine_release) diff --git a/generated/google/apis/logging_v2beta1/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/logging_v2beta1/representations.rb index e287e52f1..12f9e0c73 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/logging_v2beta1/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/logging_v2beta1/representations.rb @@ -76,6 +76,12 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class Status + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class ListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsResponse class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -157,6 +163,7 @@ module Google hash :labels, as: 'labels' collection :entries, as: 'entries', class: Google::Apis::LoggingV2beta1::LogEntry, decorator: Google::Apis::LoggingV2beta1::LogEntry::Representation + property :partial_success, as: 'partialSuccess' end end @@ -199,8 +206,10 @@ module Google property :user_agent, as: 'userAgent' property :remote_ip, as: 'remoteIp' property :referer, as: 'referer' + property :cache_lookup, as: 'cacheLookup' property :cache_hit, as: 'cacheHit' - property :validated_with_origin_server, as: 'validatedWithOriginServer' + property :cache_validated_with_origin_server, as: 'cacheValidatedWithOriginServer' + property :cache_fill_bytes, as: 'cacheFillBytes' end end @@ -228,6 +237,7 @@ module Google property :order_by, as: 'orderBy' property :page_size, as: 'pageSize' property :page_token, as: 'pageToken' + property :partial_success, as: 'partialSuccess' end end @@ -237,6 +247,17 @@ module Google collection :entries, as: 'entries', class: Google::Apis::LoggingV2beta1::LogEntry, decorator: Google::Apis::LoggingV2beta1::LogEntry::Representation property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' + hash :project_id_errors, as: 'projectIdErrors', class: Google::Apis::LoggingV2beta1::Status, decorator: Google::Apis::LoggingV2beta1::Status::Representation + + end + end + + class Status + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :code, as: 'code' + property :message, as: 'message' + collection :details, as: 'details' end end @@ -252,6 +273,7 @@ module Google class MonitoredResourceDescriptor # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :name, as: 'name' property :type, as: 'type' property :display_name, as: 'displayName' property :description, as: 'description' @@ -335,6 +357,7 @@ module Google property :pending_time, as: 'pendingTime' property :instance_index, as: 'instanceIndex' property :finished, as: 'finished' + property :first, as: 'first' property :instance_id, as: 'instanceId' collection :line, as: 'line', class: Google::Apis::LoggingV2beta1::LogLine, decorator: Google::Apis::LoggingV2beta1::LogLine::Representation diff --git a/generated/google/apis/logging_v2beta1/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/logging_v2beta1/service.rb index 94b62aeec..5457e31bc 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/logging_v2beta1/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/logging_v2beta1/service.rb @@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ module Google module LoggingV2beta1 # Google Cloud Logging API # - # The Google Cloud Logging API lets you write log entries and manage your logs, - # log sinks and logs-based metrics. + # Writes log entries and manages your logs, log sinks, and logs-based metrics. # # @example # require 'google/apis/logging_v2beta1' @@ -82,19 +81,17 @@ module Google # Lists sinks. # @param [String] project_name # Required. The resource name of the project containing the sinks. Example: `" - # projects/my-logging-project"`, `"projects/01234567890"`. + # projects/my-logging-project"`. # @param [String] page_token - # Optional. If the `pageToken` request parameter is supplied, then the next page - # of results in the set are retrieved. The `pageToken` parameter must be set - # with the value of the `nextPageToken` result parameter from the previous - # request. The value of `projectName` must be the same as in the previous - # request. + # Optional. If the `pageToken` parameter is supplied, then the next page of + # results is retrieved. The `pageToken` parameter must be set to the value of + # the `nextPageToken` from the previous response. The value of `projectName` + # must be the same as in the previous request. # @param [Fixnum] page_size - # Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request. Fewer - # results might be returned. You must check for the `nextPageToken` result to - # determine if additional results are available, which you can retrieve by - # passing the `nextPageToken` value in the `pageToken` parameter to the next - # request. + # Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request. You must + # check for presence of `nextPageToken` to determine if additional results are + # available, which you can retrieve by passing the `nextPageToken` value as the ` + # pageToken` parameter in the next request. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -261,17 +258,15 @@ module Google # Required. The resource name of the project containing the metrics. Example: `" # projects/my-project-id"`. # @param [String] page_token - # Optional. If the `pageToken` request parameter is supplied, then the next page - # of results in the set are retrieved. The `pageToken` parameter must be set - # with the value of the `nextPageToken` result parameter from the previous - # request. The value of `projectName` must be the same as in the previous - # request. + # Optional. If the `pageToken` parameter is supplied, then the next page of + # results is retrieved. The `pageToken` parameter must be set to the value of + # the `nextPageToken` from the previous response. The value of `projectName` + # must be the same as in the previous request. # @param [Fixnum] page_size - # Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request. Fewer - # results might be returned. You must check for the `nextPageToken` result to - # determine if additional results are available, which you can retrieve by - # passing the `nextPageToken` value in the `pageToken` parameter to the next - # request. + # Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request. You must + # check for presence of `nextPageToken` to determine if additional results are + # available, which you can retrieve by passing the `nextPageToken` value as the ` + # pageToken` parameter in the next request. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -497,16 +492,14 @@ module Google # Lists monitored resource descriptors that are used by Cloud Logging. # @param [Fixnum] page_size - # Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request. Fewer - # results might be returned. You must check for the `nextPageToken` result to - # determine if additional results are available, which you can retrieve by - # passing the `nextPageToken` value in the `pageToken` parameter to the next - # request. + # Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request. You must + # check for presence of `nextPageToken` to determine if additional results are + # available, which you can retrieve by passing the `nextPageToken` value as the ` + # pageToken` parameter in the next request. # @param [String] page_token - # Optional. If the `pageToken` request parameter is supplied, then the next page - # of results in the set are retrieved. The `pageToken` parameter must be set - # with the value of the `nextPageToken` result parameter from the previous - # request. + # Optional. If the `pageToken` parameter is supplied, then the next page of + # results is retrieved. The `pageToken` parameter must be set to the value of + # the `nextPageToken` from the previous response. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user diff --git a/generated/google/apis/oauth2_v2.rb b/generated/google/apis/oauth2_v2.rb index 38e3fa014..d922c7c61 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/oauth2_v2.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/oauth2_v2.rb @@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ module Google module Apis # Google OAuth2 API # - # Lets you access OAuth2 protocol related APIs. + # Obtains end-user authorization grants for use with other Google APIs. # # @see https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2 module Oauth2V2 VERSION = 'V2' - REVISION = '20160217' + REVISION = '20160330' # Know the list of people in your circles, your age range, and language AUTH_PLUS_LOGIN = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/oauth2_v2/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/oauth2_v2/service.rb index 6645fb507..0f96918db 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/oauth2_v2/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/oauth2_v2/service.rb @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Google module Oauth2V2 # Google OAuth2 API # - # Lets you access OAuth2 protocol related APIs. + # Obtains end-user authorization grants for use with other Google APIs. # # @example # require 'google/apis/oauth2_v2' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/plus_domains_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/plus_domains_v1.rb index 868e901d2..942084653 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/plus_domains_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/plus_domains_v1.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/+/domains/ module PlusDomainsV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20160309' + REVISION = '20160412' # View your circles and the people and pages in them AUTH_PLUS_CIRCLES_READ = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.circles.read' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/plus_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/plus_v1.rb index f2f0de3fb..de165c28a 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/plus_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/plus_v1.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/+/api/ module PlusV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20160309' + REVISION = '20160412' # Know the list of people in your circles, your age range, and language AUTH_PLUS_LOGIN = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/pubsub_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/pubsub_v1.rb index 7e2450f18..5eff2c4b3 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/pubsub_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/pubsub_v1.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs module PubsubV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20151103' + REVISION = '20160317' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/pubsub_v1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/pubsub_v1/classes.rb index 41c708182..84ed56fe5 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/pubsub_v1/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/pubsub_v1/classes.rb @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module Google # accounts. A `role` is a named list of permissions defined by IAM. **Example** ` # "bindings": [ ` "role": "roles/owner", "members": [ "user:mike@example.com", " # group:admins@example.com", "domain:google.com", "serviceAccount:my-other-app@ - # appspot.gserviceaccount.com"] `, ` "role": "roles/viewer", "members": ["user: + # appspot.gserviceaccount.com", ] `, ` "role": "roles/viewer", "members": ["user: # sean@example.com"] ` ] ` For a description of IAM and its features, see the [ # IAM developer's guide](https://cloud.google.com/iam). # Corresponds to the JSON property `policy` @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ module Google # accounts. A `role` is a named list of permissions defined by IAM. **Example** ` # "bindings": [ ` "role": "roles/owner", "members": [ "user:mike@example.com", " # group:admins@example.com", "domain:google.com", "serviceAccount:my-other-app@ - # appspot.gserviceaccount.com"] `, ` "role": "roles/viewer", "members": ["user: + # appspot.gserviceaccount.com", ] `, ` "role": "roles/viewer", "members": ["user: # sean@example.com"] ` ] ` For a description of IAM and its features, see the [ # IAM developer's guide](https://cloud.google.com/iam). class Policy @@ -75,7 +75,14 @@ module Google # @return [Array] attr_accessor :bindings - # Can be used to perform a read-modify-write. + # `etag` is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help prevent + # simultaneous updates of a policy from overwriting each other. It is strongly + # suggested that systems make use of the `etag` in the read-modify-write cycle + # to perform policy updates in order to avoid race conditions: An `etag` is + # returned in the response to `getIamPolicy`, and systems are expected to put + # that etag in the request to `setIamPolicy` to ensure that their change will be + # applied to the same version of the policy. If no `etag` is provided in the + # call to `setIamPolicy`, then the existing policy is overwritten blindly. # Corresponds to the JSON property `etag` # @return [String] attr_accessor :etag @@ -103,7 +110,7 @@ module Google attr_accessor :role # Specifies the identities requesting access for a Cloud Platform resource. ` - # members` can have the following formats: * `allUsers`: A special identifier + # members` can have the following values: * `allUsers`: A special identifier # that represents anyone who is on the internet; with or without a Google # account. * `allAuthenticatedUsers`: A special identifier that represents # anyone who is authenticated with a Google account or a service account. * ` @@ -134,7 +141,8 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # The set of permissions to check for the `resource`. Permissions with wildcards - # (such as '*' or 'storage.*') are not allowed. + # (such as '*' or 'storage.*') are not allowed. For more information see IAM + # Overview. # Corresponds to the JSON property `permissions` # @return [Array] attr_accessor :permissions @@ -373,13 +381,13 @@ module Google # the subscriber should acknowledge the message. After message delivery but # before the ack deadline expires and before the message is acknowledged, it is # an outstanding message and will not be delivered again during that time (on a - # best-effort basis). For pull delivery this value is used as the initial value - # for the ack deadline. To override this value for a given message, call ` - # ModifyAckDeadline` with the corresponding `ack_id`. For push delivery, this - # value is also used to set the request timeout for the call to the push - # endpoint. If the subscriber never acknowledges the message, the Pub/Sub system - # will eventually redeliver the message. If this parameter is not set, the - # default value of 10 seconds is used. + # best-effort basis). For pull subscriptions, this value is used as the initial + # value for the ack deadline. To override this value for a given message, call ` + # ModifyAckDeadline` with the corresponding `ack_id` if using pull. For push + # delivery, this value is also used to set the request timeout for the call to + # the push endpoint. If the subscriber never acknowledges the message, the Pub/ + # Sub system will eventually redeliver the message. If this parameter is not set, + # the default value of 10 seconds is used. # Corresponds to the JSON property `ackDeadlineSeconds` # @return [Fixnum] attr_accessor :ack_deadline_seconds diff --git a/generated/google/apis/pubsub_v1/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/pubsub_v1/service.rb index 96bca2709..c7442c084 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/pubsub_v1/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/pubsub_v1/service.rb @@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ module Google # Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any # existing policy. # @param [String] resource - # REQUIRED: The resource for which policy is being specified. `resource` is - # usually specified as a path, such as, `projects/`project`/zones/`zone`/disks/` - # disk``. The format for the path specified in this value is resource specific - # and is specified in the documentation for the respective SetIamPolicy rpc. + # REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being specified. `resource` is + # usually specified as a path, such as `projects/*project*/zones/*zone*/disks/* + # disk*`. The format for the path specified in this value is resource specific + # and is specified in the `setIamPolicy` documentation. # @param [Google::Apis::PubsubV1::SetIamPolicyRequest] set_iam_policy_request_object # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. @@ -83,13 +83,13 @@ module Google execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) end - # Gets the access control policy for a `resource`. Is empty if the policy or the - # resource does not exist. + # Gets the access control policy for a `resource`. Returns an empty policy if + # the resource exists and does not have a policy set. # @param [String] resource - # REQUIRED: The resource for which policy is being requested. `resource` is - # usually specified as a path, such as, `projects/`project`/zones/`zone`/disks/` - # disk``. The format for the path specified in this value is resource specific - # and is specified in the documentation for the respective GetIamPolicy rpc. + # REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested. `resource` is + # usually specified as a path, such as `projects/*project*/zones/*zone*/disks/* + # disk*`. The format for the path specified in this value is resource specific + # and is specified in the `getIamPolicy` documentation. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -119,11 +119,10 @@ module Google # Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. # @param [String] resource - # REQUIRED: The resource for which policy detail is being requested. `resource` - # is usually specified as a path, such as, `projects/`project`/zones/`zone`/ - # disks/`disk``. The format for the path specified in this value is resource - # specific and is specified in the documentation for the respective - # TestIamPermissions rpc. + # REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested. ` + # resource` is usually specified as a path, such as `projects/*project*/zones/* + # zone*/disks/*disk*`. The format for the path specified in this value is + # resource specific and is specified in the `testIamPermissions` documentation. # @param [Google::Apis::PubsubV1::TestIamPermissionsRequest] test_iam_permissions_request_object # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. @@ -369,10 +368,10 @@ module Google # Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any # existing policy. # @param [String] resource - # REQUIRED: The resource for which policy is being specified. `resource` is - # usually specified as a path, such as, `projects/`project`/zones/`zone`/disks/` - # disk``. The format for the path specified in this value is resource specific - # and is specified in the documentation for the respective SetIamPolicy rpc. + # REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being specified. `resource` is + # usually specified as a path, such as `projects/*project*/zones/*zone*/disks/* + # disk*`. The format for the path specified in this value is resource specific + # and is specified in the `setIamPolicy` documentation. # @param [Google::Apis::PubsubV1::SetIamPolicyRequest] set_iam_policy_request_object # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. @@ -403,13 +402,13 @@ module Google execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) end - # Gets the access control policy for a `resource`. Is empty if the policy or the - # resource does not exist. + # Gets the access control policy for a `resource`. Returns an empty policy if + # the resource exists and does not have a policy set. # @param [String] resource - # REQUIRED: The resource for which policy is being requested. `resource` is - # usually specified as a path, such as, `projects/`project`/zones/`zone`/disks/` - # disk``. The format for the path specified in this value is resource specific - # and is specified in the documentation for the respective GetIamPolicy rpc. + # REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested. `resource` is + # usually specified as a path, such as `projects/*project*/zones/*zone*/disks/* + # disk*`. The format for the path specified in this value is resource specific + # and is specified in the `getIamPolicy` documentation. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -439,11 +438,10 @@ module Google # Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. # @param [String] resource - # REQUIRED: The resource for which policy detail is being requested. `resource` - # is usually specified as a path, such as, `projects/`project`/zones/`zone`/ - # disks/`disk``. The format for the path specified in this value is resource - # specific and is specified in the documentation for the respective - # TestIamPermissions rpc. + # REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested. ` + # resource` is usually specified as a path, such as `projects/*project*/zones/* + # zone*/disks/*disk*`. The format for the path specified in this value is + # resource specific and is specified in the `testIamPermissions` documentation. # @param [Google::Apis::PubsubV1::TestIamPermissionsRequest] test_iam_permissions_request_object # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. @@ -474,11 +472,10 @@ module Google execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) end - # Creates a subscription to a given topic for a given subscriber. If the - # subscription already exists, returns `ALREADY_EXISTS`. If the corresponding - # topic doesn't exist, returns `NOT_FOUND`. If the name is not provided in the - # request, the server will assign a random name for this subscription on the - # same project as the topic. + # Creates a subscription to a given topic. If the subscription already exists, + # returns `ALREADY_EXISTS`. If the corresponding topic doesn't exist, returns ` + # NOT_FOUND`. If the name is not provided in the request, the server will assign + # a random name for this subscription on the same project as the topic. # @param [String] name # The name of the subscription. It must have the format `"projects/`project`/ # subscriptions/`subscription`"`. ``subscription`` must start with a letter, and diff --git a/generated/google/apis/reseller_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/reseller_v1.rb index 462dedfb7..f9a9facdd 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/reseller_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/reseller_v1.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/google-apps/reseller/ module ResellerV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20160229' + REVISION = '20160329' # Manage users on your domain AUTH_APPS_ORDER = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/apps.order' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/reseller_v1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/reseller_v1/classes.rb index fcf14ba93..d493c5dbc 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/reseller_v1/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/reseller_v1/classes.rb @@ -102,6 +102,12 @@ module Google class ChangePlanRequest include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + # External name of the deal code applicable for the subscription. This field is + # optional. If missing, the deal price plan won't be used. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `dealCode` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :deal_code + # Identifies the resource as a subscription change plan request. # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` # @return [String] @@ -128,6 +134,7 @@ module Google # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) + @deal_code = args[:deal_code] if args.key?(:deal_code) @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) @plan_name = args[:plan_name] if args.key?(:plan_name) @purchase_order_id = args[:purchase_order_id] if args.key?(:purchase_order_id) @@ -286,6 +293,12 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :customer_id + # External name of the deal, if this subscription was provisioned under one. + # Otherwise this field will be empty. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `dealCode` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :deal_code + # Identifies the resource as a Subscription. # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` # @return [String] @@ -331,17 +344,17 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :subscription_id - # field listing all current reasons the subscription is suspended. It is - # possible for a subscription to have multiple suspension reasons. A - # subscription's status is SUSPENDED until all pending suspensions are removed. - # Possible options include: - # - PENDING_TOS_ACCEPTANCE — The customer has not logged in and accepted the + # Read-only field containing an enumerable of all the current suspension reasons + # for a subscription. It is possible for a subscription to have many concurrent, + # overlapping suspension reasons. A subscription's STATUS is SUSPENDED until all + # pending suspensions are removed. Possible options include: + # - PENDING_TOS_ACCEPTANCE - The customer has not logged in and accepted the # Google Apps Resold Terms of Services. - # - RENEWAL_WITH_TYPE_CANCEL — The customer's commitment ended and their service + # - RENEWAL_WITH_TYPE_CANCEL - The customer's commitment ended and their service # was cancelled at the end of their term. - # - RESELLER_INITIATED — A manual suspension invoked by a Reseller. - # - TRIAL_ENDED — The customer's trial expired without a plan selected. - # - OTHER — The customer is suspended for an internal Google reason (e.g. abuse + # - RESELLER_INITIATED - A manual suspension invoked by a Reseller. + # - TRIAL_ENDED - The customer's trial expired without a plan selected. + # - OTHER - The customer is suspended for an internal Google reason (e.g. abuse # or otherwise). # Corresponds to the JSON property `suspensionReasons` # @return [Array] @@ -367,6 +380,7 @@ module Google @creation_time = args[:creation_time] if args.key?(:creation_time) @customer_domain = args[:customer_domain] if args.key?(:customer_domain) @customer_id = args[:customer_id] if args.key?(:customer_id) + @deal_code = args[:deal_code] if args.key?(:deal_code) @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) @plan = args[:plan] if args.key?(:plan) @purchase_order_id = args[:purchase_order_id] if args.key?(:purchase_order_id) diff --git a/generated/google/apis/reseller_v1/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/reseller_v1/representations.rb index 575e083e8..58ca2af80 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/reseller_v1/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/reseller_v1/representations.rb @@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ module Google class ChangePlanRequest # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :deal_code, as: 'dealCode' property :kind, as: 'kind' property :plan_name, as: 'planName' property :purchase_order_id, as: 'purchaseOrderId' @@ -155,6 +156,7 @@ module Google property :creation_time, as: 'creationTime' property :customer_domain, as: 'customerDomain' property :customer_id, as: 'customerId' + property :deal_code, as: 'dealCode' property :kind, as: 'kind' property :plan, as: 'plan', class: Google::Apis::ResellerV1::Subscription::Plan, decorator: Google::Apis::ResellerV1::Subscription::Plan::Representation diff --git a/generated/google/apis/sheets_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/sheets_v1.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ddb74baef --- /dev/null +++ b/generated/google/apis/sheets_v1.rb @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +require 'google/apis/sheets_v1/service.rb' +require 'google/apis/sheets_v1/classes.rb' +require 'google/apis/sheets_v1/representations.rb' + +module Google + module Apis + # Google Sheets API + # + # An API for reading and modifying Google Sheets. + # + # @see + module SheetsV1 + VERSION = 'V1' + REVISION = '20160328' + + # View the files in your Google Drive + AUTH_DRIVE_READONLY = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly' + + # View your Google Spreadsheets + AUTH_SPREADSHEETS_READONLY = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets.readonly' + + # View and manage your spreadsheets in Google Drive + AUTH_SPREADSHEETS = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets' + + # View and manage the files in your Google Drive + AUTH_DRIVE = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive' + end + end +end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/sheets_v1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/sheets_v1/classes.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f7f5c2692 --- /dev/null +++ b/generated/google/apis/sheets_v1/classes.rb @@ -0,0 +1,4542 @@ +# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +require 'date' +require 'google/apis/core/base_service' +require 'google/apis/core/json_representation' +require 'google/apis/core/hashable' +require 'google/apis/errors' + +module Google + module Apis + module SheetsV1 + + # The result of moving an embedded object to a sheet. + class MoveEmbeddedObjectToSheetResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Properties of a sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `properties` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties] + attr_accessor :properties + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @properties = args[:properties] if args.key?(:properties) + end + end + + # The result of adding a named range. + class AddNamedRangeResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A named range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `namedRange` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::NamedRange] + attr_accessor :named_range + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @named_range = args[:named_range] if args.key?(:named_range) + end + end + + # Updates an existing protected range with the specified protected range id. + class UpdateProtectedRangeRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A protected range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `protectedRange` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ProtectedRange] + attr_accessor :protected_range + + # The fields that should be updated. At least one field must be specified. + # The root 'protectedRange' is implied and should not be specified. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `fields` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :fields + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @protected_range = args[:protected_range] if args.key?(:protected_range) + @fields = args[:fields] if args.key?(:fields) + end + end + + # The amount of padding around the cell, in pixels. + # When updating padding, every field must be specified. + class Padding + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The left padding of the cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `left` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :left + + # The right padding of the cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `right` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :right + + # The top padding of the cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `top` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :top + + # The bottom padding of the cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `bottom` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :bottom + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @left = args[:left] if args.key?(:left) + @right = args[:right] if args.key?(:right) + @top = args[:top] if args.key?(:top) + @bottom = args[:bottom] if args.key?(:bottom) + end + end + + # Merges all cells in the range. + class MergeCellsRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # How the cells should be merged. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `mergeType` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :merge_type + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :range + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @merge_type = args[:merge_type] if args.key?(:merge_type) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + end + end + + # The result of adding a sheet. + class AddSheetResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Properties of a sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `properties` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties] + attr_accessor :properties + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @properties = args[:properties] if args.key?(:properties) + end + end + + # Updates a conditional format rule at the given index, + # or moves a conditional format rule to another index. + class UpdateConditionalFormatRuleRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The sheet of the rule to move. Required if newIndex is set, + # unused otherwise. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sheetId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :sheet_id + + # The 0-based index of the rule that should be replaced or moved. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `index` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :index + + # A rule describing a conditional format. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `rule` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ConditionalFormatRule] + attr_accessor :rule + + # The 0-based new index the rule should end up at. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `newIndex` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :new_index + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @sheet_id = args[:sheet_id] if args.key?(:sheet_id) + @index = args[:index] if args.key?(:index) + @rule = args[:rule] if args.key?(:rule) + @new_index = args[:new_index] if args.key?(:new_index) + end + end + + # The format of a run of text in a cell. + # Absent values indicate that the field isn't specified. + class TextFormat + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # True if the text is bold. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `bold` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :bold + alias_method :bold?, :bold + + # True if the text is italicized. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `italic` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :italic + alias_method :italic?, :italic + + # Represents a color in the RGBA color space. This representation is designed + # for simplicity of conversion to/from color representations in various + # languages over compactness; for example, the fields of this representation + # can be trivially provided to the constructor of "java.awt.Color" in Java; it + # can also be trivially provided to UIColor's "+colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha" + # method in iOS; and, with just a little work, it can be easily formatted into + # a CSS "rgba()" string in JavaScript, as well. Here are some examples: + # Example (Java): + # import com.google.type.Color; + # // ... + # public static java.awt.Color fromProto(Color protocolor) ` + # float alpha = protocolor.hasAlpha() + # ? protocolor.getAlpha().getValue() + # : 1.0; + # return new java.awt.Color( + # protocolor.getRed(), + # protocolor.getGreen(), + # protocolor.getBlue(), + # alpha); + # ` + # public static Color toProto(java.awt.Color color) ` + # float red = (float) color.getRed(); + # float green = (float) color.getGreen(); + # float blue = (float) color.getBlue(); + # float denominator = 255.0; + # Color.Builder resultBuilder = + # Color + # .newBuilder() + # .setRed(red / denominator) + # .setGreen(green / denominator) + # .setBlue(blue / denominator); + # int alpha = color.getAlpha(); + # if (alpha != 255) ` + # result.setAlpha( + # FloatValue + # .newBuilder() + # .setValue(((float) alpha) / denominator) + # .build()); + # ` + # return resultBuilder.build(); + # ` + # // ... + # Example (iOS / Obj-C): + # // ... + # static UIColor* fromProto(Color* protocolor) ` + # float red = [protocolor red]; + # float green = [protocolor green]; + # float blue = [protocolor blue]; + # FloatValue* alpha_wrapper = [protocolor alpha]; + # float alpha = 1.0; + # if (alpha_wrapper != nil) ` + # alpha = [alpha_wrapper value]; + # ` + # return [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:alpha]; + # ` + # static Color* toProto(UIColor* color) ` + # CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha; + # if (![color getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha]) ` + # return nil; + # ` + # Color* result = [Color alloc] init]; + # [result setRed:red]; + # [result setGreen:green]; + # [result setBlue:blue]; + # if (alpha <= 0.9999) ` + # [result setAlpha:floatWrapperWithValue(alpha)]; + # ` + # [result autorelease]; + # return result; + # ` + # // ... + # Example (JavaScript): + # // ... + # var protoToCssColor = function(rgb_color) ` + # var redFrac = rgb_color.red || 0.0; + # var greenFrac = rgb_color.green || 0.0; + # var blueFrac = rgb_color.blue || 0.0; + # var red = Math.floor(redFrac * 255); + # var green = Math.floor(greenFrac * 255); + # var blue = Math.floor(blueFrac * 255); + # if (!('alpha' in rgb_color)) ` + # return rgbToCssColor_(red, green, blue); + # ` + # var alphaFrac = rgb_color.alpha.value || 0.0; + # var rgbParams = [red, green, blue].join(','); + # return ['rgba(', rgbParams, ',', alphaFrac, ')'].join(''); + # `; + # var rgbToCssColor_ = function(red, green, blue) ` + # var rgbNumber = new Number((red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue); + # var hexString = rgbNumber.toString(16); + # var missingZeros = 6 - hexString.length; + # var resultBuilder = ['#']; + # for (var i = 0; i < missingZeros; i++) ` + # resultBuilder.push('0'); + # ` + # resultBuilder.push(hexString); + # return resultBuilder.join(''); + # `; + # // ... + # Corresponds to the JSON property `foregroundColor` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Color] + attr_accessor :foreground_color + + # The font family. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `fontFamily` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :font_family + + # True if the text has a strikethrough. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `strikethrough` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :strikethrough + alias_method :strikethrough?, :strikethrough + + # The size of the font. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `fontSize` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :font_size + + # True if the text is underlined. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `underline` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :underline + alias_method :underline?, :underline + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @bold = args[:bold] if args.key?(:bold) + @italic = args[:italic] if args.key?(:italic) + @foreground_color = args[:foreground_color] if args.key?(:foreground_color) + @font_family = args[:font_family] if args.key?(:font_family) + @strikethrough = args[:strikethrough] if args.key?(:strikethrough) + @font_size = args[:font_size] if args.key?(:font_size) + @underline = args[:underline] if args.key?(:underline) + end + end + + # A coordinate in a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + class GridCoordinate + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The sheet this coordinate is on. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sheetId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :sheet_id + + # The row index of the coordinate. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `rowIndex` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :row_index + + # The column index of the coordinate. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `columnIndex` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :column_index + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @sheet_id = args[:sheet_id] if args.key?(:sheet_id) + @row_index = args[:row_index] if args.key?(:row_index) + @column_index = args[:column_index] if args.key?(:column_index) + end + end + + # Deletes a particular filter view. + class DeleteFilterViewRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The ID of the filter to delete. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `filterId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :filter_id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @filter_id = args[:filter_id] if args.key?(:filter_id) + end + end + + # Updates properties of the named range with the specified named range id. + # It is an error to specify read only fields in the field mask. + class UpdateNamedRangeRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The fields that should be updated. At least one field must be specified. + # The root 'namedRange' is implied and should not be specified. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `fields` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :fields + + # A named range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `namedRange` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::NamedRange] + attr_accessor :named_range + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @fields = args[:fields] if args.key?(:fields) + @named_range = args[:named_range] if args.key?(:named_range) + end + end + + # Properties of a spreadsheet. + class SpreadsheetProperties + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The time zone of the spreadsheet, in CLDR format such as + # "America/New_York". If the time zone isn't recognized, this may be a + # custom time zone such as "GMT-07:00". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `timeZone` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :time_zone + + # The amount of time to wait before volatile functions are recalculated. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `autoRecalc` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :auto_recalc + + # The locale of the spreadsheet in the format of an ISO 639-1 language code + # (e.g. "en"), an ISO 639-2 language code (e.g. "fil") if no 639-1 code + # exists, or a combination of the ISO language code and country code + # (e.g. "en_US"). + # Note: when updating this field, not all locales/languages are supported. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `locale` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :locale + + # The title of the spreadsheet + # Corresponds to the JSON property `title` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :title + + # The format of a cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `defaultFormat` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellFormat] + attr_accessor :default_format + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @time_zone = args[:time_zone] if args.key?(:time_zone) + @auto_recalc = args[:auto_recalc] if args.key?(:auto_recalc) + @locale = args[:locale] if args.key?(:locale) + @title = args[:title] if args.key?(:title) + @default_format = args[:default_format] if args.key?(:default_format) + end + end + + # Data about a specific cell. + class CellData + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A hyperlink this cell points to, if any. + # This field is read-only. (To set it, use a =HYPERLINK formula.) + # Corresponds to the JSON property `hyperlink` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :hyperlink + + # The format of a cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `effectiveFormat` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellFormat] + attr_accessor :effective_format + + # Any note on the cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `note` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :note + + # The formatted value of the cell. + # This is the value as it's shown to the user. + # This field is read-only. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `formattedValue` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :formatted_value + + # A data validation rule. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `dataValidation` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DataValidationRule] + attr_accessor :data_validation + + # Each kind of value a cell in a spreadsheet can have. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `userEnteredValue` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ExtendedValue] + attr_accessor :user_entered_value + + # The format of a cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `userEnteredFormat` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellFormat] + attr_accessor :user_entered_format + + # Runs of rich text applied to subsections of the cell. + # Runs start at specific indexes in the text and continue until the next + # run. Properties of a run will continue unless explicitly changed + # in a subsequent run (and properties of the first run will continue + # the properties of the cell unless explicitly changed). + # When writing, the new runs will overwrite any prior runs. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `textFormatRuns` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :text_format_runs + + # Each kind of value a cell in a spreadsheet can have. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `effectiveValue` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ExtendedValue] + attr_accessor :effective_value + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @hyperlink = args[:hyperlink] if args.key?(:hyperlink) + @effective_format = args[:effective_format] if args.key?(:effective_format) + @note = args[:note] if args.key?(:note) + @formatted_value = args[:formatted_value] if args.key?(:formatted_value) + @data_validation = args[:data_validation] if args.key?(:data_validation) + @user_entered_value = args[:user_entered_value] if args.key?(:user_entered_value) + @user_entered_format = args[:user_entered_format] if args.key?(:user_entered_format) + @text_format_runs = args[:text_format_runs] if args.key?(:text_format_runs) + @effective_value = args[:effective_value] if args.key?(:effective_value) + end + end + + # Unmerges cells in the given range. + class UnmergeCellsRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :range + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + end + end + + # Splits a column of text into multiple columns, + # based on a delimiter in each cell. + class TextToColumnsRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The delimiter type to use. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `delimiterType` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :delimiter_type + + # The delimiter to use. Used only if delimiterType is CUSTOM. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `delimiter` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :delimiter + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `source` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :source + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @delimiter_type = args[:delimiter_type] if args.key?(:delimiter_type) + @delimiter = args[:delimiter] if args.key?(:delimiter) + @source = args[:source] if args.key?(:source) + end + end + + # The result of adding a new protected range. + class AddProtectedRangeResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A protected range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `protectedRange` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ProtectedRange] + attr_accessor :protected_range + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @protected_range = args[:protected_range] if args.key?(:protected_range) + end + end + + # A condition that can evaluate to true or false. + # BooleanConditions are used by conditional formatting, + # data validation, and the criteria in filters. + class BooleanCondition + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The values of the condition. The number of supported values depends + # on the condition type. Some support zero values, others one or two values, + # and ONE_OF_LIST supports an arbitrary number of values. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `values` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :values + + # The type of condition. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @values = args[:values] if args.key?(:values) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + end + end + + # Deletes the protected range with the given id. + class DeleteProtectedRangeRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The ID of the protected range to delete. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `protectedRangeId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :protected_range_id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @protected_range_id = args[:protected_range_id] if args.key?(:protected_range_id) + end + end + + # A range along a single dimension on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + class DimensionRange + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The end (exclusive) of the span, or not set if unbounded. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `endIndex` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :end_index + + # The sheet this span is on. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sheetId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :sheet_id + + # The start (inclusive) of the span, or not set if unbounded. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `startIndex` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :start_index + + # The dimension of the span. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `dimension` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :dimension + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @end_index = args[:end_index] if args.key?(:end_index) + @sheet_id = args[:sheet_id] if args.key?(:sheet_id) + @start_index = args[:start_index] if args.key?(:start_index) + @dimension = args[:dimension] if args.key?(:dimension) + end + end + + # A single response from an update. + class Response + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The result of adding a filter view. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `addFilterView` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddFilterViewResponse] + attr_accessor :add_filter_view + + # The result of moving an embedded object to a sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `moveEmbeddedObjectToSheet` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::MoveEmbeddedObjectToSheetResponse] + attr_accessor :move_embedded_object_to_sheet + + # The result of adding a sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `addSheet` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddSheetResponse] + attr_accessor :add_sheet + + # The result of the find/replace. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `findReplace` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FindReplaceResponse] + attr_accessor :find_replace + + # The result of adding a new protected range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `addProtectedRange` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddProtectedRangeResponse] + attr_accessor :add_protected_range + + # The result of updating a conditional format rule. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `updateConditionalFormatRule` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateConditionalFormatRuleResponse] + attr_accessor :update_conditional_format_rule + + # The result of deleting a conditional format rule. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `deleteConditionalFormatRule` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteConditionalFormatRuleResponse] + attr_accessor :delete_conditional_format_rule + + # The result of duplicating a sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `duplicateSheet` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DuplicateSheetResponse] + attr_accessor :duplicate_sheet + + # The result of a filter view being duplicated. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `duplicateFilterView` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DuplicateFilterViewResponse] + attr_accessor :duplicate_filter_view + + # The result of adding a named range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `addNamedRange` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddNamedRangeResponse] + attr_accessor :add_named_range + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @add_filter_view = args[:add_filter_view] if args.key?(:add_filter_view) + @move_embedded_object_to_sheet = args[:move_embedded_object_to_sheet] if args.key?(:move_embedded_object_to_sheet) + @add_sheet = args[:add_sheet] if args.key?(:add_sheet) + @find_replace = args[:find_replace] if args.key?(:find_replace) + @add_protected_range = args[:add_protected_range] if args.key?(:add_protected_range) + @update_conditional_format_rule = args[:update_conditional_format_rule] if args.key?(:update_conditional_format_rule) + @delete_conditional_format_rule = args[:delete_conditional_format_rule] if args.key?(:delete_conditional_format_rule) + @duplicate_sheet = args[:duplicate_sheet] if args.key?(:duplicate_sheet) + @duplicate_filter_view = args[:duplicate_filter_view] if args.key?(:duplicate_filter_view) + @add_named_range = args[:add_named_range] if args.key?(:add_named_range) + end + end + + # Adds a new conditional format rule at the given index. + # All subsequent rules' indexes are incremented. + class AddConditionalFormatRuleRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The 0-based index where the rule should be inserted. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `index` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :index + + # A rule describing a conditional format. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `rule` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ConditionalFormatRule] + attr_accessor :rule + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @index = args[:index] if args.key?(:index) + @rule = args[:rule] if args.key?(:rule) + end + end + + # A filter view. + class FilterView + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The name of the filter view. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `title` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :title + + # The named range this filter view is backed by, if any. + # When writing, only one of range or namedRangeId may be set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `namedRangeId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :named_range_id + + # The sort order per column. Later specifications are used when values + # are equal in the earlier specifications. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sortSpecs` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :sort_specs + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :range + + # The criteria for showing/hiding values per column. + # The map's key is the column index, and the value is the criteria for + # that column. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `criteria` + # @return [Hash] + attr_accessor :criteria + + # The ID of the filter view. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `filterViewId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :filter_view_id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @title = args[:title] if args.key?(:title) + @named_range_id = args[:named_range_id] if args.key?(:named_range_id) + @sort_specs = args[:sort_specs] if args.key?(:sort_specs) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + @criteria = args[:criteria] if args.key?(:criteria) + @filter_view_id = args[:filter_view_id] if args.key?(:filter_view_id) + end + end + + # Sorts data in rows based on a sort order per column. + class SortRangeRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The sort order per column. Later specifications are used when values + # are equal in the earlier specifications. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sortSpecs` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :sort_specs + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :range + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @sort_specs = args[:sort_specs] if args.key?(:sort_specs) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + end + end + + # A run of a text format. The format of this run continues until explicitly + # overridden in the next run. + # When updating, all fields must be set. + class TextFormatRun + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The character index where this run starts. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `startIndex` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :start_index + + # The format of a run of text in a cell. + # Absent values indicate that the field isn't specified. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `format` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::TextFormat] + attr_accessor :format + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @start_index = args[:start_index] if args.key?(:start_index) + @format = args[:format] if args.key?(:format) + end + end + + # Updates properties of the filter view. + class UpdateFilterViewRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The fields that should be updated. At least one field must be specified. + # The root 'filter' is implied and should not be specified. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `fields` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :fields + + # A filter view. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `filter` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterView] + attr_accessor :filter + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @fields = args[:fields] if args.key?(:fields) + @filter = args[:filter] if args.key?(:filter) + end + end + + # The result of updating a conditional format rule. + class UpdateConditionalFormatRuleResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A rule describing a conditional format. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `rule` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ConditionalFormatRule] + attr_accessor :rule + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @rule = args[:rule] if args.key?(:rule) + end + end + + # Criteria for showing/hiding rows in a filter or filter view. + class FilterCriteria + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A condition that can evaluate to true or false. + # BooleanConditions are used by conditional formatting, + # data validation, and the criteria in filters. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `condition` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BooleanCondition] + attr_accessor :condition + + # Values that should be hidden. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `hiddenValues` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :hidden_values + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @condition = args[:condition] if args.key?(:condition) + @hidden_values = args[:hidden_values] if args.key?(:hidden_values) + end + end + + # Deletes the dimensions from the sheet. + class DeleteDimensionRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A range along a single dimension on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionRange] + attr_accessor :range + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + end + end + + # A data validation rule. + class DataValidationRule + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A condition that can evaluate to true or false. + # BooleanConditions are used by conditional formatting, + # data validation, and the criteria in filters. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `condition` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BooleanCondition] + attr_accessor :condition + + # A message to show the user when adding data to the cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `inputMessage` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :input_message + + # True if the UI should be customized based on the kind of condition. + # If true, "List" conditions will show a dropdown. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `showCustomUi` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :show_custom_ui + alias_method :show_custom_ui?, :show_custom_ui + + # True if invalid data should be rejected. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `strict` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :strict + alias_method :strict?, :strict + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @condition = args[:condition] if args.key?(:condition) + @input_message = args[:input_message] if args.key?(:input_message) + @show_custom_ui = args[:show_custom_ui] if args.key?(:show_custom_ui) + @strict = args[:strict] if args.key?(:strict) + end + end + + # Updates properties of a spreadsheet. + # It is an error to specify read only fields in the field mask. + class UpdateSpreadsheetPropertiesRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The fields that should be updated. At least one field must be specified. + # The root 'properties' is implied and should not be specified. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `fields` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :fields + + # Properties of a spreadsheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `properties` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SpreadsheetProperties] + attr_accessor :properties + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @fields = args[:fields] if args.key?(:fields) + @properties = args[:properties] if args.key?(:properties) + end + end + + # The request for updating more than one range of values in a spreadsheet. + class BatchUpdateValuesRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The new values to apply to the spreadsheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `data` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :data + + # How the input data should be interpreted. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `valueInputOption` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :value_input_option + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @data = args[:data] if args.key?(:data) + @value_input_option = args[:value_input_option] if args.key?(:value_input_option) + end + end + + # Clears the basic filter, if any exists on the sheet. + class ClearBasicFilterRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The sheet ID on which the basic filter should be cleared. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sheetId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :sheet_id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @sheet_id = args[:sheet_id] if args.key?(:sheet_id) + end + end + + # A rule describing a conditional format. + class ConditionalFormatRule + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A rule that applies a gradient color scale format, based on + # the interpolation points listed. The format of a cell will vary + # based on its contents as compared to the values of the interpolation + # points. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `gradientRule` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GradientRule] + attr_accessor :gradient_rule + + # A rule that may or may not match, depending on the condition. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `booleanRule` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BooleanRule] + attr_accessor :boolean_rule + + # The ranges that will be formatted if the condition is true. + # All the ranges must be on the same grid. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `ranges` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :ranges + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @gradient_rule = args[:gradient_rule] if args.key?(:gradient_rule) + @boolean_rule = args[:boolean_rule] if args.key?(:boolean_rule) + @ranges = args[:ranges] if args.key?(:ranges) + end + end + + # Updates the borders of a range. + # If a field is not set in the request, that means the border remains as-is. + # For example, with two subsequent SetBorderRequests: + # 1) range: A1:A5 `` top: RED, bottom: WHITE `` + # 2) range: A1:A5 `` left: BLUE `` + # That would result in A1:A5 having a borders of + # `` top: RED, bottom: WHITE, left: BLUE ``. + # If you want to clear a border, explicitly set the style to `NONE`. + class UpdateBordersRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A border along a cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `right` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border] + attr_accessor :right + + # A border along a cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `innerVertical` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border] + attr_accessor :inner_vertical + + # A border along a cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `top` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border] + attr_accessor :top + + # A border along a cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `innerHorizontal` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border] + attr_accessor :inner_horizontal + + # A border along a cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `bottom` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border] + attr_accessor :bottom + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :range + + # A border along a cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `left` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border] + attr_accessor :left + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @right = args[:right] if args.key?(:right) + @inner_vertical = args[:inner_vertical] if args.key?(:inner_vertical) + @top = args[:top] if args.key?(:top) + @inner_horizontal = args[:inner_horizontal] if args.key?(:inner_horizontal) + @bottom = args[:bottom] if args.key?(:bottom) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + @left = args[:left] if args.key?(:left) + end + end + + # The borders of the cell. + class Borders + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A border along a cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `right` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border] + attr_accessor :right + + # A border along a cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `left` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border] + attr_accessor :left + + # A border along a cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `top` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border] + attr_accessor :top + + # A border along a cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `bottom` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border] + attr_accessor :bottom + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @right = args[:right] if args.key?(:right) + @left = args[:left] if args.key?(:left) + @top = args[:top] if args.key?(:top) + @bottom = args[:bottom] if args.key?(:bottom) + end + end + + # Represents a color in the RGBA color space. This representation is designed + # for simplicity of conversion to/from color representations in various + # languages over compactness; for example, the fields of this representation + # can be trivially provided to the constructor of "java.awt.Color" in Java; it + # can also be trivially provided to UIColor's "+colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha" + # method in iOS; and, with just a little work, it can be easily formatted into + # a CSS "rgba()" string in JavaScript, as well. Here are some examples: + # Example (Java): + # import com.google.type.Color; + # // ... + # public static java.awt.Color fromProto(Color protocolor) ` + # float alpha = protocolor.hasAlpha() + # ? protocolor.getAlpha().getValue() + # : 1.0; + # return new java.awt.Color( + # protocolor.getRed(), + # protocolor.getGreen(), + # protocolor.getBlue(), + # alpha); + # ` + # public static Color toProto(java.awt.Color color) ` + # float red = (float) color.getRed(); + # float green = (float) color.getGreen(); + # float blue = (float) color.getBlue(); + # float denominator = 255.0; + # Color.Builder resultBuilder = + # Color + # .newBuilder() + # .setRed(red / denominator) + # .setGreen(green / denominator) + # .setBlue(blue / denominator); + # int alpha = color.getAlpha(); + # if (alpha != 255) ` + # result.setAlpha( + # FloatValue + # .newBuilder() + # .setValue(((float) alpha) / denominator) + # .build()); + # ` + # return resultBuilder.build(); + # ` + # // ... + # Example (iOS / Obj-C): + # // ... + # static UIColor* fromProto(Color* protocolor) ` + # float red = [protocolor red]; + # float green = [protocolor green]; + # float blue = [protocolor blue]; + # FloatValue* alpha_wrapper = [protocolor alpha]; + # float alpha = 1.0; + # if (alpha_wrapper != nil) ` + # alpha = [alpha_wrapper value]; + # ` + # return [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:alpha]; + # ` + # static Color* toProto(UIColor* color) ` + # CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha; + # if (![color getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha]) ` + # return nil; + # ` + # Color* result = [Color alloc] init]; + # [result setRed:red]; + # [result setGreen:green]; + # [result setBlue:blue]; + # if (alpha <= 0.9999) ` + # [result setAlpha:floatWrapperWithValue(alpha)]; + # ` + # [result autorelease]; + # return result; + # ` + # // ... + # Example (JavaScript): + # // ... + # var protoToCssColor = function(rgb_color) ` + # var redFrac = rgb_color.red || 0.0; + # var greenFrac = rgb_color.green || 0.0; + # var blueFrac = rgb_color.blue || 0.0; + # var red = Math.floor(redFrac * 255); + # var green = Math.floor(greenFrac * 255); + # var blue = Math.floor(blueFrac * 255); + # if (!('alpha' in rgb_color)) ` + # return rgbToCssColor_(red, green, blue); + # ` + # var alphaFrac = rgb_color.alpha.value || 0.0; + # var rgbParams = [red, green, blue].join(','); + # return ['rgba(', rgbParams, ',', alphaFrac, ')'].join(''); + # `; + # var rgbToCssColor_ = function(red, green, blue) ` + # var rgbNumber = new Number((red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue); + # var hexString = rgbNumber.toString(16); + # var missingZeros = 6 - hexString.length; + # var resultBuilder = ['#']; + # for (var i = 0; i < missingZeros; i++) ` + # resultBuilder.push('0'); + # ` + # resultBuilder.push(hexString); + # return resultBuilder.join(''); + # `; + # // ... + class Color + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The amount of green in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1]. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `green` + # @return [Float] + attr_accessor :green + + # The amount of blue in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1]. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `blue` + # @return [Float] + attr_accessor :blue + + # The amount of red in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1]. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `red` + # @return [Float] + attr_accessor :red + + # The fraction of this color that should be applied to the pixel. That is, + # the final pixel color is defined by the equation: + # pixel color = alpha * (this color) + (1.0 - alpha) * (background color) + # This means that a value of 1.0 corresponds to a solid color, whereas + # a value of 0.0 corresponds to a completely transparent color. This + # uses a wrapper message rather than a simple float scalar so that it is + # possible to distinguish between a default value and the value being unset. + # If omitted, this color object is to be rendered as a solid color + # (as if the alpha value had been explicitly given with a value of 1.0). + # Corresponds to the JSON property `alpha` + # @return [Float] + attr_accessor :alpha + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @green = args[:green] if args.key?(:green) + @blue = args[:blue] if args.key?(:blue) + @red = args[:red] if args.key?(:red) + @alpha = args[:alpha] if args.key?(:alpha) + end + end + + # Adds a new sheet. + # When a sheet is added at a given index, + # all subsequent sheets' indexes are incremented. + class AddSheetRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Properties of a sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `properties` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties] + attr_accessor :properties + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @properties = args[:properties] if args.key?(:properties) + end + end + + # Adds a new protected range. + class AddProtectedRangeRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A protected range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `protectedRange` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ProtectedRange] + attr_accessor :protected_range + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @protected_range = args[:protected_range] if args.key?(:protected_range) + end + end + + # Data within a range of the spreadsheet. + class ValueRange + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The data that was read or to be written. This is an array of arrays, + # the outer array representing all the data and each inner array + # representing a major dimension. Each item in the inner array + # corresponds with one cell. + # For output, empty trailing rows and columns will not be included. + # For input, supported value types are: bool, string, and double. + # Null and empty values will be skipped. + # To set a cell to an empty value, set the string value to an empty string. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `values` + # @return [Array>] + attr_accessor :values + + # The range the values cover, in A1 notation. + # For output, this range indicates the entire requested range, + # even though the values will exclude trailing rows and columns. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :range + + # The major dimension of the values. + # For output, if the spreadsheet data is: A1=1,B1=2,A2=3,B2=4, + # then requesting range=A1:B2,majorDimension=ROWS will return [[1,2],[3,4]], + # whereas requesting range=A1:B2,majorDimension=COLUMNS will return + # [[1,3],[2,4]]. + # For input, with range=A1:B2,majorDimension=ROWS then [[1,2],[3,4]] + # will set A1=1,B1=2,A2=3,B2=4. With range=A1:B2,majorDimension=COLUMNS + # then [[1,2],[3,4]] will set A1=1,B1=3,A2=2,B2=4. + # When writing, if this field is not set, it defaults to ROWS. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `majorDimension` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :major_dimension + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @values = args[:values] if args.key?(:values) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + @major_dimension = args[:major_dimension] if args.key?(:major_dimension) + end + end + + # The result of the find/replace. + class FindReplaceResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The number of non-formula cells changed. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `valuesChanged` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :values_changed + + # The number of rows changed. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `rowsChanged` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :rows_changed + + # The number of occurrences (possibly multiple within a cell) changed. + # For example, if replacing "e" with o" in "Google Sheets", this would + # be "3" because "Google Sheets" -> "Googlo Shoots". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `occurrencesChanged` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :occurrences_changed + + # The number of sheets changed. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sheetsChanged` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :sheets_changed + + # The number of formula cells changed. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `formulasChanged` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :formulas_changed + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @values_changed = args[:values_changed] if args.key?(:values_changed) + @rows_changed = args[:rows_changed] if args.key?(:rows_changed) + @occurrences_changed = args[:occurrences_changed] if args.key?(:occurrences_changed) + @sheets_changed = args[:sheets_changed] if args.key?(:sheets_changed) + @formulas_changed = args[:formulas_changed] if args.key?(:formulas_changed) + end + end + + # The format of a cell. + class CellFormat + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The horizontal alignment of the value in cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `horizontalAlignment` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :horizontal_alignment + + # How a hyperlink, if it exists, should be displayed in the cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `hyperlinkDisplayType` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :hyperlink_display_type + + # The borders of the cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `borders` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Borders] + attr_accessor :borders + + # The direction of the text in the cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `textDirection` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :text_direction + + # The format of a run of text in a cell. + # Absent values indicate that the field isn't specified. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `textFormat` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::TextFormat] + attr_accessor :text_format + + # The amount of padding around the cell, in pixels. + # When updating padding, every field must be specified. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `padding` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Padding] + attr_accessor :padding + + # The number format of a cell. + # When updating, all fields must be set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `numberFormat` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::NumberFormat] + attr_accessor :number_format + + # The wrap strategy for the value in the cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `wrapStrategy` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :wrap_strategy + + # Represents a color in the RGBA color space. This representation is designed + # for simplicity of conversion to/from color representations in various + # languages over compactness; for example, the fields of this representation + # can be trivially provided to the constructor of "java.awt.Color" in Java; it + # can also be trivially provided to UIColor's "+colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha" + # method in iOS; and, with just a little work, it can be easily formatted into + # a CSS "rgba()" string in JavaScript, as well. Here are some examples: + # Example (Java): + # import com.google.type.Color; + # // ... + # public static java.awt.Color fromProto(Color protocolor) ` + # float alpha = protocolor.hasAlpha() + # ? protocolor.getAlpha().getValue() + # : 1.0; + # return new java.awt.Color( + # protocolor.getRed(), + # protocolor.getGreen(), + # protocolor.getBlue(), + # alpha); + # ` + # public static Color toProto(java.awt.Color color) ` + # float red = (float) color.getRed(); + # float green = (float) color.getGreen(); + # float blue = (float) color.getBlue(); + # float denominator = 255.0; + # Color.Builder resultBuilder = + # Color + # .newBuilder() + # .setRed(red / denominator) + # .setGreen(green / denominator) + # .setBlue(blue / denominator); + # int alpha = color.getAlpha(); + # if (alpha != 255) ` + # result.setAlpha( + # FloatValue + # .newBuilder() + # .setValue(((float) alpha) / denominator) + # .build()); + # ` + # return resultBuilder.build(); + # ` + # // ... + # Example (iOS / Obj-C): + # // ... + # static UIColor* fromProto(Color* protocolor) ` + # float red = [protocolor red]; + # float green = [protocolor green]; + # float blue = [protocolor blue]; + # FloatValue* alpha_wrapper = [protocolor alpha]; + # float alpha = 1.0; + # if (alpha_wrapper != nil) ` + # alpha = [alpha_wrapper value]; + # ` + # return [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:alpha]; + # ` + # static Color* toProto(UIColor* color) ` + # CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha; + # if (![color getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha]) ` + # return nil; + # ` + # Color* result = [Color alloc] init]; + # [result setRed:red]; + # [result setGreen:green]; + # [result setBlue:blue]; + # if (alpha <= 0.9999) ` + # [result setAlpha:floatWrapperWithValue(alpha)]; + # ` + # [result autorelease]; + # return result; + # ` + # // ... + # Example (JavaScript): + # // ... + # var protoToCssColor = function(rgb_color) ` + # var redFrac = rgb_color.red || 0.0; + # var greenFrac = rgb_color.green || 0.0; + # var blueFrac = rgb_color.blue || 0.0; + # var red = Math.floor(redFrac * 255); + # var green = Math.floor(greenFrac * 255); + # var blue = Math.floor(blueFrac * 255); + # if (!('alpha' in rgb_color)) ` + # return rgbToCssColor_(red, green, blue); + # ` + # var alphaFrac = rgb_color.alpha.value || 0.0; + # var rgbParams = [red, green, blue].join(','); + # return ['rgba(', rgbParams, ',', alphaFrac, ')'].join(''); + # `; + # var rgbToCssColor_ = function(red, green, blue) ` + # var rgbNumber = new Number((red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue); + # var hexString = rgbNumber.toString(16); + # var missingZeros = 6 - hexString.length; + # var resultBuilder = ['#']; + # for (var i = 0; i < missingZeros; i++) ` + # resultBuilder.push('0'); + # ` + # resultBuilder.push(hexString); + # return resultBuilder.join(''); + # `; + # // ... + # Corresponds to the JSON property `backgroundColor` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Color] + attr_accessor :background_color + + # The vertical alignment of the value in cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `verticalAlignment` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :vertical_alignment + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @horizontal_alignment = args[:horizontal_alignment] if args.key?(:horizontal_alignment) + @hyperlink_display_type = args[:hyperlink_display_type] if args.key?(:hyperlink_display_type) + @borders = args[:borders] if args.key?(:borders) + @text_direction = args[:text_direction] if args.key?(:text_direction) + @text_format = args[:text_format] if args.key?(:text_format) + @padding = args[:padding] if args.key?(:padding) + @number_format = args[:number_format] if args.key?(:number_format) + @wrap_strategy = args[:wrap_strategy] if args.key?(:wrap_strategy) + @background_color = args[:background_color] if args.key?(:background_color) + @vertical_alignment = args[:vertical_alignment] if args.key?(:vertical_alignment) + end + end + + # Moves one or more rows or columns. + class MoveDimensionRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The 0-based start index of where to move the source data to, + # based on the coordinates *before* the source data is removed + # from the grid. Existing data will be shifted down or right + # (depending on the dimension) to make room for the moved dimensions. + # The source dimensions are removed from the grid, so the + # the data may end up in a different index than specified. + # For example, given A1..A5 of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and wanting to move + # "1" and "2" to between "3" and "4", the source would be `ROWS [1..3)`, + # and the destination index would be '4' (the 0-based index of row 5). + # The end result would be A1..A5 of 0, 3, 1, 2, 4. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `destinationIndex` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :destination_index + + # A range along a single dimension on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `source` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionRange] + attr_accessor :source + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @destination_index = args[:destination_index] if args.key?(:destination_index) + @source = args[:source] if args.key?(:source) + end + end + + # Properties about a dimension. + class DimensionProperties + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The height (if a row) or width (if a column) of the dimension in pixels. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pixelSize` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :pixel_size + + # True if this dimension is explicitly hidden. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `hiddenByUser` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :hidden_by_user + alias_method :hidden_by_user?, :hidden_by_user + + # True if this dimension is being filtered. + # This field is read-only. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `hiddenByFilter` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :hidden_by_filter + alias_method :hidden_by_filter?, :hidden_by_filter + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @pixel_size = args[:pixel_size] if args.key?(:pixel_size) + @hidden_by_user = args[:hidden_by_user] if args.key?(:hidden_by_user) + @hidden_by_filter = args[:hidden_by_filter] if args.key?(:hidden_by_filter) + end + end + + # A single interpolation point a gradient conditional format. + # These pin the gradient color scale according to the color, + # type and value chosen. + class InterpolationPoint + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The value this interpolation point uses. May be a formula. + # Unused if pointType is MIN or MAX. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `value` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :value + + # Represents a color in the RGBA color space. This representation is designed + # for simplicity of conversion to/from color representations in various + # languages over compactness; for example, the fields of this representation + # can be trivially provided to the constructor of "java.awt.Color" in Java; it + # can also be trivially provided to UIColor's "+colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha" + # method in iOS; and, with just a little work, it can be easily formatted into + # a CSS "rgba()" string in JavaScript, as well. Here are some examples: + # Example (Java): + # import com.google.type.Color; + # // ... + # public static java.awt.Color fromProto(Color protocolor) ` + # float alpha = protocolor.hasAlpha() + # ? protocolor.getAlpha().getValue() + # : 1.0; + # return new java.awt.Color( + # protocolor.getRed(), + # protocolor.getGreen(), + # protocolor.getBlue(), + # alpha); + # ` + # public static Color toProto(java.awt.Color color) ` + # float red = (float) color.getRed(); + # float green = (float) color.getGreen(); + # float blue = (float) color.getBlue(); + # float denominator = 255.0; + # Color.Builder resultBuilder = + # Color + # .newBuilder() + # .setRed(red / denominator) + # .setGreen(green / denominator) + # .setBlue(blue / denominator); + # int alpha = color.getAlpha(); + # if (alpha != 255) ` + # result.setAlpha( + # FloatValue + # .newBuilder() + # .setValue(((float) alpha) / denominator) + # .build()); + # ` + # return resultBuilder.build(); + # ` + # // ... + # Example (iOS / Obj-C): + # // ... + # static UIColor* fromProto(Color* protocolor) ` + # float red = [protocolor red]; + # float green = [protocolor green]; + # float blue = [protocolor blue]; + # FloatValue* alpha_wrapper = [protocolor alpha]; + # float alpha = 1.0; + # if (alpha_wrapper != nil) ` + # alpha = [alpha_wrapper value]; + # ` + # return [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:alpha]; + # ` + # static Color* toProto(UIColor* color) ` + # CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha; + # if (![color getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha]) ` + # return nil; + # ` + # Color* result = [Color alloc] init]; + # [result setRed:red]; + # [result setGreen:green]; + # [result setBlue:blue]; + # if (alpha <= 0.9999) ` + # [result setAlpha:floatWrapperWithValue(alpha)]; + # ` + # [result autorelease]; + # return result; + # ` + # // ... + # Example (JavaScript): + # // ... + # var protoToCssColor = function(rgb_color) ` + # var redFrac = rgb_color.red || 0.0; + # var greenFrac = rgb_color.green || 0.0; + # var blueFrac = rgb_color.blue || 0.0; + # var red = Math.floor(redFrac * 255); + # var green = Math.floor(greenFrac * 255); + # var blue = Math.floor(blueFrac * 255); + # if (!('alpha' in rgb_color)) ` + # return rgbToCssColor_(red, green, blue); + # ` + # var alphaFrac = rgb_color.alpha.value || 0.0; + # var rgbParams = [red, green, blue].join(','); + # return ['rgba(', rgbParams, ',', alphaFrac, ')'].join(''); + # `; + # var rgbToCssColor_ = function(red, green, blue) ` + # var rgbNumber = new Number((red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue); + # var hexString = rgbNumber.toString(16); + # var missingZeros = 6 - hexString.length; + # var resultBuilder = ['#']; + # for (var i = 0; i < missingZeros; i++) ` + # resultBuilder.push('0'); + # ` + # resultBuilder.push(hexString); + # return resultBuilder.join(''); + # `; + # // ... + # Corresponds to the JSON property `color` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Color] + attr_accessor :color + + # How the value should be interpreted. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @value = args[:value] if args.key?(:value) + @color = args[:color] if args.key?(:color) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + end + end + + # An error in a cell. + class ErrorValue + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The type of error. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + # A message with more information about the error + # (in the spreadsheet's locale). + # Corresponds to the JSON property `message` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :message + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + @message = args[:message] if args.key?(:message) + end + end + + # Duplicates a particular filter view. + class DuplicateFilterViewRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The ID of the filter being duplicated. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `filterId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :filter_id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @filter_id = args[:filter_id] if args.key?(:filter_id) + end + end + + # The request for updating any aspect of a spreadsheet. + class BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of updates to apply to the spreadsheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `requests` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :requests + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @requests = args[:requests] if args.key?(:requests) + end + end + + # Properties of a sheet. + class SheetProperties + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The name of the sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `title` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :title + + # The index of the sheet within the spreadsheet. + # This uses a wrapper message rather than simple int32 value + # so that adding a new sheet can distinguish between adding + # it at index 0 and adding it at the default (end) location. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `index` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :index + + # True if the sheet is hidden in the UI, false if it's visible. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `hidden` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :hidden + alias_method :hidden?, :hidden + + # Properties of a grid. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `gridProperties` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridProperties] + attr_accessor :grid_properties + + # The ID of the sheet. + # This field cannot be changed once set. + # This uses a wrapper message rather than simple int32 value because + # the sheet_id '0' is very common and we want the ID to be explicit. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sheetId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :sheet_id + + # True if the sheet is an RTL sheet instead of an LTR sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `rightToLeft` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :right_to_left + alias_method :right_to_left?, :right_to_left + + # Represents a color in the RGBA color space. This representation is designed + # for simplicity of conversion to/from color representations in various + # languages over compactness; for example, the fields of this representation + # can be trivially provided to the constructor of "java.awt.Color" in Java; it + # can also be trivially provided to UIColor's "+colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha" + # method in iOS; and, with just a little work, it can be easily formatted into + # a CSS "rgba()" string in JavaScript, as well. Here are some examples: + # Example (Java): + # import com.google.type.Color; + # // ... + # public static java.awt.Color fromProto(Color protocolor) ` + # float alpha = protocolor.hasAlpha() + # ? protocolor.getAlpha().getValue() + # : 1.0; + # return new java.awt.Color( + # protocolor.getRed(), + # protocolor.getGreen(), + # protocolor.getBlue(), + # alpha); + # ` + # public static Color toProto(java.awt.Color color) ` + # float red = (float) color.getRed(); + # float green = (float) color.getGreen(); + # float blue = (float) color.getBlue(); + # float denominator = 255.0; + # Color.Builder resultBuilder = + # Color + # .newBuilder() + # .setRed(red / denominator) + # .setGreen(green / denominator) + # .setBlue(blue / denominator); + # int alpha = color.getAlpha(); + # if (alpha != 255) ` + # result.setAlpha( + # FloatValue + # .newBuilder() + # .setValue(((float) alpha) / denominator) + # .build()); + # ` + # return resultBuilder.build(); + # ` + # // ... + # Example (iOS / Obj-C): + # // ... + # static UIColor* fromProto(Color* protocolor) ` + # float red = [protocolor red]; + # float green = [protocolor green]; + # float blue = [protocolor blue]; + # FloatValue* alpha_wrapper = [protocolor alpha]; + # float alpha = 1.0; + # if (alpha_wrapper != nil) ` + # alpha = [alpha_wrapper value]; + # ` + # return [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:alpha]; + # ` + # static Color* toProto(UIColor* color) ` + # CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha; + # if (![color getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha]) ` + # return nil; + # ` + # Color* result = [Color alloc] init]; + # [result setRed:red]; + # [result setGreen:green]; + # [result setBlue:blue]; + # if (alpha <= 0.9999) ` + # [result setAlpha:floatWrapperWithValue(alpha)]; + # ` + # [result autorelease]; + # return result; + # ` + # // ... + # Example (JavaScript): + # // ... + # var protoToCssColor = function(rgb_color) ` + # var redFrac = rgb_color.red || 0.0; + # var greenFrac = rgb_color.green || 0.0; + # var blueFrac = rgb_color.blue || 0.0; + # var red = Math.floor(redFrac * 255); + # var green = Math.floor(greenFrac * 255); + # var blue = Math.floor(blueFrac * 255); + # if (!('alpha' in rgb_color)) ` + # return rgbToCssColor_(red, green, blue); + # ` + # var alphaFrac = rgb_color.alpha.value || 0.0; + # var rgbParams = [red, green, blue].join(','); + # return ['rgba(', rgbParams, ',', alphaFrac, ')'].join(''); + # `; + # var rgbToCssColor_ = function(red, green, blue) ` + # var rgbNumber = new Number((red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue); + # var hexString = rgbNumber.toString(16); + # var missingZeros = 6 - hexString.length; + # var resultBuilder = ['#']; + # for (var i = 0; i < missingZeros; i++) ` + # resultBuilder.push('0'); + # ` + # resultBuilder.push(hexString); + # return resultBuilder.join(''); + # `; + # // ... + # Corresponds to the JSON property `tabColor` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Color] + attr_accessor :tab_color + + # The type of sheet. + # This field is read-only. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sheetType` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :sheet_type + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @title = args[:title] if args.key?(:title) + @index = args[:index] if args.key?(:index) + @hidden = args[:hidden] if args.key?(:hidden) + @grid_properties = args[:grid_properties] if args.key?(:grid_properties) + @sheet_id = args[:sheet_id] if args.key?(:sheet_id) + @right_to_left = args[:right_to_left] if args.key?(:right_to_left) + @tab_color = args[:tab_color] if args.key?(:tab_color) + @sheet_type = args[:sheet_type] if args.key?(:sheet_type) + end + end + + # A protected range. + class ProtectedRange + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The list of unprotected ranges within a protected sheet. + # Unprotected ranges are only supported on protected sheets. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `unprotectedRanges` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :unprotected_ranges + + # The description of this protected range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `description` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :description + + # The named range this protected range is backed by, if any. + # When writing, only one of range or namedRangeId may be set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `namedRangeId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :named_range_id + + # True if the user who requested this protected range can edit the + # protected area. + # This field is read-only. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `requestingUserCanEdit` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :requesting_user_can_edit + alias_method :requesting_user_can_edit?, :requesting_user_can_edit + + # The editors of a protected range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `editors` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Editors] + attr_accessor :editors + + # The ID of the protected range. + # This field is read-only. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `protectedRangeId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :protected_range_id + + # True if this this protected range will show a warning when editing. + # Warning-based protection means that every user can edit data in the + # protected range, except editing will prompt a warning asking the user + # to confirm the edit. + # When warning: if this field is true, then `editors` is ignored. + # Additionally, if this field is changed from true to false and the + # editors field is not set (nor included in the field mask), then + # the editors will be set to all the editors in the document. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `warningOnly` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :warning_only + alias_method :warning_only?, :warning_only + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :range + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @unprotected_ranges = args[:unprotected_ranges] if args.key?(:unprotected_ranges) + @description = args[:description] if args.key?(:description) + @named_range_id = args[:named_range_id] if args.key?(:named_range_id) + @requesting_user_can_edit = args[:requesting_user_can_edit] if args.key?(:requesting_user_can_edit) + @editors = args[:editors] if args.key?(:editors) + @protected_range_id = args[:protected_range_id] if args.key?(:protected_range_id) + @warning_only = args[:warning_only] if args.key?(:warning_only) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + end + end + + # Deletes a conditional format rule at the given index. + # All subsequent rules' indexes are decremented. + class DeleteConditionalFormatRuleRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The sheet the rule is being deleted from. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sheetId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :sheet_id + + # The 0-based index of the rule to be deleted. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `index` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :index + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @sheet_id = args[:sheet_id] if args.key?(:sheet_id) + @index = args[:index] if args.key?(:index) + end + end + + # A combination of a source range and how to extend that source. + class SourceAndDestination + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The number of rows or columns that data should be filled into. + # Positive numbers expand beyond the last row or last column + # of the source. Negative numbers expand before the first row + # or first column of the source. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `fillLength` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :fill_length + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `source` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :source + + # The dimension that data should be filled into. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `dimension` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :dimension + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @fill_length = args[:fill_length] if args.key?(:fill_length) + @source = args[:source] if args.key?(:source) + @dimension = args[:dimension] if args.key?(:dimension) + end + end + + # The value of the condition. + class ConditionValue + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A relative date (based on the current date). + # Valid only if the type is DATE_BEFORE, DATE_AFTER, + # DATE_ON_OR_BEFORE or DATE_ON_OR_AFTER. + # Relative dates are not supported in data validation. + # They are supported only in conditional formatting and + # conditional filters. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `relativeDate` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :relative_date + + # A value the condition is based on. + # The value will be parsed as if the user typed into a cell. + # Formulas are supported (and must begin with an '='). + # Corresponds to the JSON property `userEnteredValue` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :user_entered_value + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @relative_date = args[:relative_date] if args.key?(:relative_date) + @user_entered_value = args[:user_entered_value] if args.key?(:user_entered_value) + end + end + + # Inserts data into the spreadsheet starting at the specified coordinate. + class PasteDataRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The data to insert. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `data` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :data + + # A coordinate in a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `coordinate` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridCoordinate] + attr_accessor :coordinate + + # The delimiter in the data. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `delimiter` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :delimiter + + # How the data should be pasted. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + # True if the data is HTML. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `html` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :html + alias_method :html?, :html + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @data = args[:data] if args.key?(:data) + @coordinate = args[:coordinate] if args.key?(:coordinate) + @delimiter = args[:delimiter] if args.key?(:delimiter) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + @html = args[:html] if args.key?(:html) + end + end + + # Finds and replaces data in cells over a range, sheet, or all sheets. + class FindReplaceRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The value to search. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `find` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :find + + # The value to use as the replacement. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `replacement` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :replacement + + # True if the find value is a regex. + # The regular expression and replacement should follow Java regex rules + # at https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html. + # The replacement string is allowed to refer to capturing groups. + # For example, with cells "Google Sheets" and "Google Docs", + # searching for "o.* (.*)" with a replacement of "$1 Rocks" would create + # "GSheets Rocks" and "GDocs Rocks" respectively. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `searchByRegex` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :search_by_regex + alias_method :search_by_regex?, :search_by_regex + + # The sheet to find/replace over. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sheetId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :sheet_id + + # True to find/replace over all sheets. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `allSheets` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :all_sheets + alias_method :all_sheets?, :all_sheets + + # True if the search is case sensitive. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `matchCase` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :match_case + alias_method :match_case?, :match_case + + # True if the search should include cells with formulas. + # False to skip cells with formulas. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `includeFormulas` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :include_formulas + alias_method :include_formulas?, :include_formulas + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :range + + # True if the find value should match the entire cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `matchEntireCell` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :match_entire_cell + alias_method :match_entire_cell?, :match_entire_cell + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @find = args[:find] if args.key?(:find) + @replacement = args[:replacement] if args.key?(:replacement) + @search_by_regex = args[:search_by_regex] if args.key?(:search_by_regex) + @sheet_id = args[:sheet_id] if args.key?(:sheet_id) + @all_sheets = args[:all_sheets] if args.key?(:all_sheets) + @match_case = args[:match_case] if args.key?(:match_case) + @include_formulas = args[:include_formulas] if args.key?(:include_formulas) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + @match_entire_cell = args[:match_entire_cell] if args.key?(:match_entire_cell) + end + end + + # A sort order associated with a specific column or row. + class SortSpec + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The order data should be sorted. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sortOrder` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :sort_order + + # The dimension the sort should be applied to. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `dimensionIndex` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :dimension_index + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @sort_order = args[:sort_order] if args.key?(:sort_order) + @dimension_index = args[:dimension_index] if args.key?(:dimension_index) + end + end + + # The request to copy a sheet across spreadsheets. + class CopySheetToAnotherSpreadsheetRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The ID of the spreadsheet to copy the sheet to. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `destinationSpreadsheetId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :destination_spreadsheet_id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @destination_spreadsheet_id = args[:destination_spreadsheet_id] if args.key?(:destination_spreadsheet_id) + end + end + + # The number format of a cell. + # When updating, all fields must be set. + class NumberFormat + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Pattern string used for formatting. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pattern` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :pattern + + # The type of the number format. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @pattern = args[:pattern] if args.key?(:pattern) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + end + end + + # Updates properties of dimensions within the specified range. + # It is an error to specify read only fields in the field mask. + class UpdateDimensionPropertiesRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The fields that should be updated. At least one field must be specified. + # The root 'properties' is implied and should not be specified. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `fields` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :fields + + # Properties about a dimension. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `properties` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionProperties] + attr_accessor :properties + + # A range along a single dimension on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionRange] + attr_accessor :range + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @fields = args[:fields] if args.key?(:fields) + @properties = args[:properties] if args.key?(:properties) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + end + end + + # The editors of a protected range. + class Editors + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # True if anyone in the document's domain has edit access to the protected + # range. Domain protection is only supported on documents within a domain. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `domainUsersCanEdit` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :domain_users_can_edit + alias_method :domain_users_can_edit?, :domain_users_can_edit + + # The email addresses of groups with edit access to the protected range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `groups` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :groups + + # The email addresses of users with edit access to the protected range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `users` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :users + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @domain_users_can_edit = args[:domain_users_can_edit] if args.key?(:domain_users_can_edit) + @groups = args[:groups] if args.key?(:groups) + @users = args[:users] if args.key?(:users) + end + end + + # A spreadsheet. + class Spreadsheet + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The ID of the spreadsheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `spreadsheetId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :spreadsheet_id + + # Properties of a spreadsheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `properties` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SpreadsheetProperties] + attr_accessor :properties + + # The named ranges in the spreadsheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `namedRanges` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :named_ranges + + # Each sheet in the spreadsheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sheets` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :sheets + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @spreadsheet_id = args[:spreadsheet_id] if args.key?(:spreadsheet_id) + @properties = args[:properties] if args.key?(:properties) + @named_ranges = args[:named_ranges] if args.key?(:named_ranges) + @sheets = args[:sheets] if args.key?(:sheets) + end + end + + # Data in the grid, as well as metadata about the dimensions. + class GridData + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Metadata about the requested columns in the grid, starting with the column + # in startColumn. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `columnMetadata` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :column_metadata + + # The data in the grid, one entry per row, + # starting with the row in startRow. + # The values in RowData will correspond to columns starting + # at start_column. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `rowData` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :row_data + + # Metadata about the requested rows in the grid, starting with the row + # in startRow. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `rowMetadata` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :row_metadata + + # The first row this GridData refers to, 0-based. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `startRow` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :start_row + + # The first column this GridData refers to, 0-based. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `startColumn` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :start_column + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @column_metadata = args[:column_metadata] if args.key?(:column_metadata) + @row_data = args[:row_data] if args.key?(:row_data) + @row_metadata = args[:row_metadata] if args.key?(:row_metadata) + @start_row = args[:start_row] if args.key?(:start_row) + @start_column = args[:start_column] if args.key?(:start_column) + end + end + + # The default filter associated with a sheet. + class BasicFilter + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The criteria for showing/hiding values per column. + # The map's key is the column index, and the value is the criteria for + # that column. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `criteria` + # @return [Hash] + attr_accessor :criteria + + # The sort order per column. Later specifications are used when values + # are equal in the earlier specifications. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sortSpecs` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :sort_specs + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :range + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @criteria = args[:criteria] if args.key?(:criteria) + @sort_specs = args[:sort_specs] if args.key?(:sort_specs) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + end + end + + # Duplicates the contents of a sheet. + class DuplicateSheetRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # If set, the ID of the new sheet. If not set, an ID is chosen. + # If set, the ID must not conflict with any existing sheet ID. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `newSheetId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :new_sheet_id + + # The sheet to duplicate. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sourceSheetId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :source_sheet_id + + # The name of the new sheet. If empty, a new name is chosen for you. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `newSheetName` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :new_sheet_name + + # The 0-based index the new sheet should be inserted at. + # The index of all sheets after this are incremented. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `insertSheetIndex` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :insert_sheet_index + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @new_sheet_id = args[:new_sheet_id] if args.key?(:new_sheet_id) + @source_sheet_id = args[:source_sheet_id] if args.key?(:source_sheet_id) + @new_sheet_name = args[:new_sheet_name] if args.key?(:new_sheet_name) + @insert_sheet_index = args[:insert_sheet_index] if args.key?(:insert_sheet_index) + end + end + + # The result of adding a filter view. + class AddFilterViewResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A filter view. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `filter` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterView] + attr_accessor :filter + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @filter = args[:filter] if args.key?(:filter) + end + end + + # The result of duplicating a sheet. + class DuplicateSheetResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Properties of a sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `properties` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties] + attr_accessor :properties + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @properties = args[:properties] if args.key?(:properties) + end + end + + # A border along a cell. + class Border + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The width of the border, in pixels. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `width` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :width + + # The style of the border. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `style` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :style + + # Represents a color in the RGBA color space. This representation is designed + # for simplicity of conversion to/from color representations in various + # languages over compactness; for example, the fields of this representation + # can be trivially provided to the constructor of "java.awt.Color" in Java; it + # can also be trivially provided to UIColor's "+colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha" + # method in iOS; and, with just a little work, it can be easily formatted into + # a CSS "rgba()" string in JavaScript, as well. Here are some examples: + # Example (Java): + # import com.google.type.Color; + # // ... + # public static java.awt.Color fromProto(Color protocolor) ` + # float alpha = protocolor.hasAlpha() + # ? protocolor.getAlpha().getValue() + # : 1.0; + # return new java.awt.Color( + # protocolor.getRed(), + # protocolor.getGreen(), + # protocolor.getBlue(), + # alpha); + # ` + # public static Color toProto(java.awt.Color color) ` + # float red = (float) color.getRed(); + # float green = (float) color.getGreen(); + # float blue = (float) color.getBlue(); + # float denominator = 255.0; + # Color.Builder resultBuilder = + # Color + # .newBuilder() + # .setRed(red / denominator) + # .setGreen(green / denominator) + # .setBlue(blue / denominator); + # int alpha = color.getAlpha(); + # if (alpha != 255) ` + # result.setAlpha( + # FloatValue + # .newBuilder() + # .setValue(((float) alpha) / denominator) + # .build()); + # ` + # return resultBuilder.build(); + # ` + # // ... + # Example (iOS / Obj-C): + # // ... + # static UIColor* fromProto(Color* protocolor) ` + # float red = [protocolor red]; + # float green = [protocolor green]; + # float blue = [protocolor blue]; + # FloatValue* alpha_wrapper = [protocolor alpha]; + # float alpha = 1.0; + # if (alpha_wrapper != nil) ` + # alpha = [alpha_wrapper value]; + # ` + # return [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:alpha]; + # ` + # static Color* toProto(UIColor* color) ` + # CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha; + # if (![color getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha]) ` + # return nil; + # ` + # Color* result = [Color alloc] init]; + # [result setRed:red]; + # [result setGreen:green]; + # [result setBlue:blue]; + # if (alpha <= 0.9999) ` + # [result setAlpha:floatWrapperWithValue(alpha)]; + # ` + # [result autorelease]; + # return result; + # ` + # // ... + # Example (JavaScript): + # // ... + # var protoToCssColor = function(rgb_color) ` + # var redFrac = rgb_color.red || 0.0; + # var greenFrac = rgb_color.green || 0.0; + # var blueFrac = rgb_color.blue || 0.0; + # var red = Math.floor(redFrac * 255); + # var green = Math.floor(greenFrac * 255); + # var blue = Math.floor(blueFrac * 255); + # if (!('alpha' in rgb_color)) ` + # return rgbToCssColor_(red, green, blue); + # ` + # var alphaFrac = rgb_color.alpha.value || 0.0; + # var rgbParams = [red, green, blue].join(','); + # return ['rgba(', rgbParams, ',', alphaFrac, ')'].join(''); + # `; + # var rgbToCssColor_ = function(red, green, blue) ` + # var rgbNumber = new Number((red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue); + # var hexString = rgbNumber.toString(16); + # var missingZeros = 6 - hexString.length; + # var resultBuilder = ['#']; + # for (var i = 0; i < missingZeros; i++) ` + # resultBuilder.push('0'); + # ` + # resultBuilder.push(hexString); + # return resultBuilder.join(''); + # `; + # // ... + # Corresponds to the JSON property `color` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Color] + attr_accessor :color + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @width = args[:width] if args.key?(:width) + @style = args[:style] if args.key?(:style) + @color = args[:color] if args.key?(:color) + end + end + + # Adds a named range to the spreadsheet. + class AddNamedRangeRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A named range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `namedRange` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::NamedRange] + attr_accessor :named_range + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @named_range = args[:named_range] if args.key?(:named_range) + end + end + + # Adds new cells to the last row with data in a sheet, + # inserting new rows into the sheet if necessary. + class AppendCellsRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The sheet ID to append the data to. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sheetId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :sheet_id + + # The data to append. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `rows` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :rows + + # The fields of CellData to that should be updated. + # At least one field must be specified. + # The root is the CellData; 'row.values.' should not be specified. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `cellDataFields` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :cell_data_fields + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @sheet_id = args[:sheet_id] if args.key?(:sheet_id) + @rows = args[:rows] if args.key?(:rows) + @cell_data_fields = args[:cell_data_fields] if args.key?(:cell_data_fields) + end + end + + # Data about each cell in a row. + class RowData + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The values in the row, one per column. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `values` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :values + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @values = args[:values] if args.key?(:values) + end + end + + # Updates all cells in the range to the values in the given Cell object. + # Only the fields set in the fields will be updated. + # If writing a cell with a formula, the formula's ranges will automatically + # increment for each field in the range. + # For example, if writing a cell with formula `=A1` into range B2:C4, + # B2 would be `=A1`, B3 would be `=A2`, B4 would be `=A3`, + # C2 would be `=B1`, C3 would be `=B2`, C4 would be `=B3`. + # To keep the formula's ranges static, use the `$` indicator. + # For example, if the formula was `=$A$1`, then neither + # the row nor column would increment. + class RepeatCellRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The fields that should be updated. At least one field must be specified. + # The root 'cell' is implied and should not be specified. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `fields` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :fields + + # Data about a specific cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `cell` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellData] + attr_accessor :cell + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :range + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @fields = args[:fields] if args.key?(:fields) + @cell = args[:cell] if args.key?(:cell) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + end + end + + # A named range. + class NamedRange + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :range + + # The ID of the named range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `namedRangeId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :named_range_id + + # The name of the named range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :name + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + @named_range_id = args[:named_range_id] if args.key?(:named_range_id) + @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) + end + end + + # Sets the basic filter associated with a sheet. + class SetBasicFilterRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The default filter associated with a sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `filter` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BasicFilter] + attr_accessor :filter + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @filter = args[:filter] if args.key?(:filter) + end + end + + # Automatically resizes one or more dimensions based on the contents + # of the cells in that dimension. + class AutoResizeDimensionsRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A range along a single dimension on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `dimensions` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionRange] + attr_accessor :dimensions + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @dimensions = args[:dimensions] if args.key?(:dimensions) + end + end + + # The result of a filter view being duplicated. + class DuplicateFilterViewResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A filter view. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `filter` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterView] + attr_accessor :filter + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @filter = args[:filter] if args.key?(:filter) + end + end + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + class GridRange + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The start column (inclusive) of the range, or not set if unbounded. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `startColumnIndex` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :start_column_index + + # The sheet this range is on. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sheetId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :sheet_id + + # The end column (exclusive) of the range, or not set if unbounded. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `endColumnIndex` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :end_column_index + + # The end row (exclusive) of the range, or not set if unbounded. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `endRowIndex` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :end_row_index + + # The start row (inclusive) of the range, or not set if unbounded. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `startRowIndex` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :start_row_index + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @start_column_index = args[:start_column_index] if args.key?(:start_column_index) + @sheet_id = args[:sheet_id] if args.key?(:sheet_id) + @end_column_index = args[:end_column_index] if args.key?(:end_column_index) + @end_row_index = args[:end_row_index] if args.key?(:end_row_index) + @start_row_index = args[:start_row_index] if args.key?(:start_row_index) + end + end + + # Deletes the requested sheet. + class DeleteSheetRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The ID of the sheet to delete. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sheetId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :sheet_id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @sheet_id = args[:sheet_id] if args.key?(:sheet_id) + end + end + + # Moves an embedded object (such as a chart or image) to its own sheet. + class MoveEmbeddedObjectToSheetRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The sheet to move it to. If not set, a sheet ID is chosen for you. + # If set, the ID must not conflict with any existing sheet ID. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `newSheetId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :new_sheet_id + + # The id of the object to moved. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `objectId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :object_id_prop + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @new_sheet_id = args[:new_sheet_id] if args.key?(:new_sheet_id) + @object_id_prop = args[:object_id_prop] if args.key?(:object_id_prop) + end + end + + # Updates all cells in a range with new data. + class UpdateCellsRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The data to write. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `rows` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :rows + + # The fields of CellData to that should be updated. + # At least one field must be specified. + # The root is the CellData; 'row.values.' should not be specified. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `cellDataFields` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :cell_data_fields + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :range + + # A coordinate in a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `start` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridCoordinate] + attr_accessor :start + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @rows = args[:rows] if args.key?(:rows) + @cell_data_fields = args[:cell_data_fields] if args.key?(:cell_data_fields) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + @start = args[:start] if args.key?(:start) + end + end + + # Copies data from the source to the destination. + class CopyPasteRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # How that data should be oriented when pasting. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pasteOrientation` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :paste_orientation + + # What kind of data to paste. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pasteType` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :paste_type + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `source` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :source + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `destination` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :destination + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @paste_orientation = args[:paste_orientation] if args.key?(:paste_orientation) + @paste_type = args[:paste_type] if args.key?(:paste_type) + @source = args[:source] if args.key?(:source) + @destination = args[:destination] if args.key?(:destination) + end + end + + # A sheet in a spreadsheet. + class Sheet + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Properties of a sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `properties` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties] + attr_accessor :properties + + # The filter views in this sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `filterViews` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :filter_views + + # The conditional format rules in this sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `conditionalFormats` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :conditional_formats + + # The protected ranges in this sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `protectedRanges` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :protected_ranges + + # The default filter associated with a sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `basicFilter` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BasicFilter] + attr_accessor :basic_filter + + # The ranges that are merged together. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `merges` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :merges + + # Data in the grid, if this is a grid sheet. + # The number of GridData objects returned is dependent on the number of + # ranges requested on this sheet. For example, if this is representing + # Sheet1, and the spreadsheet was requested with ranges + # Sheet1!A1:C10 and Sheet1!D15:E20, then the first GridData will have a + # startRow/startColumn of 0, while the second one will have startRow of + # 14 (0-based row 15), and startColumn 3 (0-based column D). + # Corresponds to the JSON property `data` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :data + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @properties = args[:properties] if args.key?(:properties) + @filter_views = args[:filter_views] if args.key?(:filter_views) + @conditional_formats = args[:conditional_formats] if args.key?(:conditional_formats) + @protected_ranges = args[:protected_ranges] if args.key?(:protected_ranges) + @basic_filter = args[:basic_filter] if args.key?(:basic_filter) + @merges = args[:merges] if args.key?(:merges) + @data = args[:data] if args.key?(:data) + end + end + + # The reply for batch updating a spreadsheet. + class BatchUpdateSpreadsheetResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The spreadsheet the updates were applied to. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `spreadsheetId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :spreadsheet_id + + # The reply of the updates. This maps 1:1 with the updates, although + # replies to some requests may be empty. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `replies` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :replies + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @spreadsheet_id = args[:spreadsheet_id] if args.key?(:spreadsheet_id) + @replies = args[:replies] if args.key?(:replies) + end + end + + # Each kind of value a cell in a spreadsheet can have. + class ExtendedValue + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # An error in a cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `errorValue` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ErrorValue] + attr_accessor :error_value + + # Represents a formula. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `formulaValue` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :formula_value + + # Represents a boolean value. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `boolValue` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :bool_value + alias_method :bool_value?, :bool_value + + # Represents a string value. + # Leading single quotes are not included. For example, if the user typed + # '123 into the UI, this would be represented as a string_value of "123". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `stringValue` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :string_value + + # Represents a double value. + # Note: Dates, Times and DateTimes are represented as "serial numbers". + # See the note on GetValuesRequest.RenderedDateTimeOption.SERIAL_TIME for + # more information. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `numberValue` + # @return [Float] + attr_accessor :number_value + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @error_value = args[:error_value] if args.key?(:error_value) + @formula_value = args[:formula_value] if args.key?(:formula_value) + @bool_value = args[:bool_value] if args.key?(:bool_value) + @string_value = args[:string_value] if args.key?(:string_value) + @number_value = args[:number_value] if args.key?(:number_value) + end + end + + # Moves data from the source to the destination. + class CutPasteRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # What kind of data to paste. All the source data will be cut, regardless + # of what is pasted. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pasteType` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :paste_type + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `source` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :source + + # A coordinate in a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `destination` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridCoordinate] + attr_accessor :destination + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @paste_type = args[:paste_type] if args.key?(:paste_type) + @source = args[:source] if args.key?(:source) + @destination = args[:destination] if args.key?(:destination) + end + end + + # A rule that applies a gradient color scale format, based on + # the interpolation points listed. The format of a cell will vary + # based on its contents as compared to the values of the interpolation + # points. + class GradientRule + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A single interpolation point a gradient conditional format. + # These pin the gradient color scale according to the color, + # type and value chosen. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `maxpoint` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::InterpolationPoint] + attr_accessor :maxpoint + + # A single interpolation point a gradient conditional format. + # These pin the gradient color scale according to the color, + # type and value chosen. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `midpoint` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::InterpolationPoint] + attr_accessor :midpoint + + # A single interpolation point a gradient conditional format. + # These pin the gradient color scale according to the color, + # type and value chosen. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `minpoint` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::InterpolationPoint] + attr_accessor :minpoint + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @maxpoint = args[:maxpoint] if args.key?(:maxpoint) + @midpoint = args[:midpoint] if args.key?(:midpoint) + @minpoint = args[:minpoint] if args.key?(:minpoint) + end + end + + # Fills in more data based on existing data. + class AutoFillRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # True if we should generate data with the "alternate" series. + # This differs based on the type and amount of source data. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `useAlternateSeries` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :use_alternate_series + alias_method :use_alternate_series?, :use_alternate_series + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :range + + # A combination of a source range and how to extend that source. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sourceAndDestination` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SourceAndDestination] + attr_accessor :source_and_destination + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @use_alternate_series = args[:use_alternate_series] if args.key?(:use_alternate_series) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + @source_and_destination = args[:source_and_destination] if args.key?(:source_and_destination) + end + end + + # Updates properties of the sheet with the specified sheet id. + # It is an error to specify read only fields in the field mask. + class UpdateSheetPropertiesRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The fields that should be updated. At least one field must be specified. + # The root 'properties' is implied and should not be specified. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `fields` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :fields + + # Properties of a sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `properties` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties] + attr_accessor :properties + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @fields = args[:fields] if args.key?(:fields) + @properties = args[:properties] if args.key?(:properties) + end + end + + # Appends rows or columns to the end of a sheet. + class AppendDimensionRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The sheet to append rows or columns to. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sheetId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :sheet_id + + # The number of rows or columns to append. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `length` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :length + + # Whether rows or columns should be appended. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `dimension` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :dimension + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @sheet_id = args[:sheet_id] if args.key?(:sheet_id) + @length = args[:length] if args.key?(:length) + @dimension = args[:dimension] if args.key?(:dimension) + end + end + + # A rule that may or may not match, depending on the condition. + class BooleanRule + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A condition that can evaluate to true or false. + # BooleanConditions are used by conditional formatting, + # data validation, and the criteria in filters. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `condition` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BooleanCondition] + attr_accessor :condition + + # The format of a cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `format` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellFormat] + attr_accessor :format + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @condition = args[:condition] if args.key?(:condition) + @format = args[:format] if args.key?(:format) + end + end + + # Adds a filter view. + class AddFilterViewRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A filter view. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `filter` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterView] + attr_accessor :filter + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @filter = args[:filter] if args.key?(:filter) + end + end + + # Properties of a grid. + class GridProperties + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The number of columns in the grid. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `columnCount` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :column_count + + # The number of rows in the grid. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `rowCount` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :row_count + + # The number of rows that are frozen in the grid. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `frozenRowCount` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :frozen_row_count + + # True if the grid isn't showing gridlines in the UI. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `hideGridlines` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :hide_gridlines + alias_method :hide_gridlines?, :hide_gridlines + + # The number of columns that are frozen in the grid. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `frozenColumnCount` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :frozen_column_count + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @column_count = args[:column_count] if args.key?(:column_count) + @row_count = args[:row_count] if args.key?(:row_count) + @frozen_row_count = args[:frozen_row_count] if args.key?(:frozen_row_count) + @hide_gridlines = args[:hide_gridlines] if args.key?(:hide_gridlines) + @frozen_column_count = args[:frozen_column_count] if args.key?(:frozen_column_count) + end + end + + # A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated + # empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request + # or the response type of an API method. For instance: + # service Foo ` + # rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); + # ` + # The JSON representation for `Empty` is empty JSON object ````. + class Empty + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + end + end + + # Removes the named range with the given ID from the spreadsheet. + class DeleteNamedRangeRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The ID of the named range to delete. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `namedRangeId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :named_range_id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @named_range_id = args[:named_range_id] if args.key?(:named_range_id) + end + end + + # Sets a data validation rule to every cell in the range. + # To clear validation in a range, call this with no rule specified. + class SetDataValidationRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A data validation rule. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `rule` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DataValidationRule] + attr_accessor :rule + + # A range on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # For example, if "Sheet1" is grid ID 0, then: + # Sheet1!A1:A1 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 0, end_row_index: 1, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 1 + # Sheet1!A3:B4 == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 2, end_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1!A5:B == sheet_id: 0, + # start_row_index: 4, + # start_column_index: 0, end_column_index: 2 + # Sheet1 == sheet_id:0 + # The start index must always be less than or equal to the end index. + # If the start index equals the end index, then the range is empty. + # Empty ranges are typically not meaningful and are usually rendered in the + # UI as "#REF!". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange] + attr_accessor :range + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @rule = args[:rule] if args.key?(:rule) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + end + end + + # The response when retrieving more than one range of values in a spreadsheet. + class BatchGetValuesResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The requested values. The order of the ValueRanges is the same as the + # order of the requested ranges. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `valueRanges` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :value_ranges + + # The id of the spreadsheet to retrieve data from. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `spreadsheetId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :spreadsheet_id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @value_ranges = args[:value_ranges] if args.key?(:value_ranges) + @spreadsheet_id = args[:spreadsheet_id] if args.key?(:spreadsheet_id) + end + end + + # A single kind of update to apply to a spreadsheet. + class Request + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Removes the named range with the given ID from the spreadsheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `deleteNamedRange` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteNamedRangeRequest] + attr_accessor :delete_named_range + + # Updates properties of the named range with the specified named range id. + # It is an error to specify read only fields in the field mask. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `updateNamedRange` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateNamedRangeRequest] + attr_accessor :update_named_range + + # Adds a filter view. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `addFilterView` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddFilterViewRequest] + attr_accessor :add_filter_view + + # Updates properties of a spreadsheet. + # It is an error to specify read only fields in the field mask. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `updateSpreadsheetProperties` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateSpreadsheetPropertiesRequest] + attr_accessor :update_spreadsheet_properties + + # Appends rows or columns to the end of a sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `appendDimension` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AppendDimensionRequest] + attr_accessor :append_dimension + + # Moves an embedded object (such as a chart or image) to its own sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `moveEmbeddedObjectToSheet` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::MoveEmbeddedObjectToSheetRequest] + attr_accessor :move_embedded_object_to_sheet + + # Unmerges cells in the given range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `unmergeCells` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UnmergeCellsRequest] + attr_accessor :unmerge_cells + + # Updates an existing protected range with the specified protected range id. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `updateProtectedRange` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateProtectedRangeRequest] + attr_accessor :update_protected_range + + # Deletes a particular filter view. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `deleteFilterView` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteFilterViewRequest] + attr_accessor :delete_filter_view + + # Clears the basic filter, if any exists on the sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `clearBasicFilter` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ClearBasicFilterRequest] + attr_accessor :clear_basic_filter + + # Sorts data in rows based on a sort order per column. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sortRange` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SortRangeRequest] + attr_accessor :sort_range + + # Sets a data validation rule to every cell in the range. + # To clear validation in a range, call this with no rule specified. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `setDataValidation` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SetDataValidationRequest] + attr_accessor :set_data_validation + + # Updates all cells in the range to the values in the given Cell object. + # Only the fields set in the fields will be updated. + # If writing a cell with a formula, the formula's ranges will automatically + # increment for each field in the range. + # For example, if writing a cell with formula `=A1` into range B2:C4, + # B2 would be `=A1`, B3 would be `=A2`, B4 would be `=A3`, + # C2 would be `=B1`, C3 would be `=B2`, C4 would be `=B3`. + # To keep the formula's ranges static, use the `$` indicator. + # For example, if the formula was `=$A$1`, then neither + # the row nor column would increment. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `repeatCell` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::RepeatCellRequest] + attr_accessor :repeat_cell + + # Updates all cells in a range with new data. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `updateCells` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateCellsRequest] + attr_accessor :update_cells + + # Updates properties of the filter view. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `updateFilterView` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateFilterViewRequest] + attr_accessor :update_filter_view + + # Adds a new sheet. + # When a sheet is added at a given index, + # all subsequent sheets' indexes are incremented. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `addSheet` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddSheetRequest] + attr_accessor :add_sheet + + # Updates properties of the sheet with the specified sheet id. + # It is an error to specify read only fields in the field mask. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `updateSheetProperties` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateSheetPropertiesRequest] + attr_accessor :update_sheet_properties + + # Deletes the requested sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `deleteSheet` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteSheetRequest] + attr_accessor :delete_sheet + + # Updates properties of dimensions within the specified range. + # It is an error to specify read only fields in the field mask. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `updateDimensionProperties` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateDimensionPropertiesRequest] + attr_accessor :update_dimension_properties + + # Deletes the protected range with the given id. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `deleteProtectedRange` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteProtectedRangeRequest] + attr_accessor :delete_protected_range + + # Adds a new protected range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `addProtectedRange` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddProtectedRangeRequest] + attr_accessor :add_protected_range + + # Finds and replaces data in cells over a range, sheet, or all sheets. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `findReplace` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FindReplaceRequest] + attr_accessor :find_replace + + # Updates a conditional format rule at the given index, + # or moves a conditional format rule to another index. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `updateConditionalFormatRule` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateConditionalFormatRuleRequest] + attr_accessor :update_conditional_format_rule + + # Sets the basic filter associated with a sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `setBasicFilter` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SetBasicFilterRequest] + attr_accessor :set_basic_filter + + # Merges all cells in the range. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `mergeCells` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::MergeCellsRequest] + attr_accessor :merge_cells + + # Deletes a conditional format rule at the given index. + # All subsequent rules' indexes are decremented. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `deleteConditionalFormatRule` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteConditionalFormatRuleRequest] + attr_accessor :delete_conditional_format_rule + + # Deletes the dimensions from the sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `deleteDimension` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteDimensionRequest] + attr_accessor :delete_dimension + + # Inserts data into the spreadsheet starting at the specified coordinate. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pasteData` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::PasteDataRequest] + attr_accessor :paste_data + + # Deletes the embedded object with the given ID. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `deleteEmbeddedObject` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteEmbeddedObjectRequest] + attr_accessor :delete_embedded_object + + # Adds a new conditional format rule at the given index. + # All subsequent rules' indexes are incremented. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `addConditionalFormatRule` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddConditionalFormatRuleRequest] + attr_accessor :add_conditional_format_rule + + # Updates the borders of a range. + # If a field is not set in the request, that means the border remains as-is. + # For example, with two subsequent SetBorderRequests: + # 1) range: A1:A5 `` top: RED, bottom: WHITE `` + # 2) range: A1:A5 `` left: BLUE `` + # That would result in A1:A5 having a borders of + # `` top: RED, bottom: WHITE, left: BLUE ``. + # If you want to clear a border, explicitly set the style to `NONE`. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `updateBorders` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateBordersRequest] + attr_accessor :update_borders + + # Automatically resizes one or more dimensions based on the contents + # of the cells in that dimension. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `autoResizeDimensions` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AutoResizeDimensionsRequest] + attr_accessor :auto_resize_dimensions + + # Duplicates the contents of a sheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `duplicateSheet` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DuplicateSheetRequest] + attr_accessor :duplicate_sheet + + # Duplicates a particular filter view. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `duplicateFilterView` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DuplicateFilterViewRequest] + attr_accessor :duplicate_filter_view + + # Moves data from the source to the destination. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `cutPaste` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CutPasteRequest] + attr_accessor :cut_paste + + # Adds new cells to the last row with data in a sheet, + # inserting new rows into the sheet if necessary. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `appendCells` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AppendCellsRequest] + attr_accessor :append_cells + + # Fills in more data based on existing data. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `autoFill` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AutoFillRequest] + attr_accessor :auto_fill + + # Adds a named range to the spreadsheet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `addNamedRange` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddNamedRangeRequest] + attr_accessor :add_named_range + + # Splits a column of text into multiple columns, + # based on a delimiter in each cell. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `textToColumns` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::TextToColumnsRequest] + attr_accessor :text_to_columns + + # Moves one or more rows or columns. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `moveDimension` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::MoveDimensionRequest] + attr_accessor :move_dimension + + # Inserts rows or columns in a sheet at a particular index. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `insertDimension` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::InsertDimensionRequest] + attr_accessor :insert_dimension + + # Copies data from the source to the destination. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `copyPaste` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CopyPasteRequest] + attr_accessor :copy_paste + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @delete_named_range = args[:delete_named_range] if args.key?(:delete_named_range) + @update_named_range = args[:update_named_range] if args.key?(:update_named_range) + @add_filter_view = args[:add_filter_view] if args.key?(:add_filter_view) + @update_spreadsheet_properties = args[:update_spreadsheet_properties] if args.key?(:update_spreadsheet_properties) + @append_dimension = args[:append_dimension] if args.key?(:append_dimension) + @move_embedded_object_to_sheet = args[:move_embedded_object_to_sheet] if args.key?(:move_embedded_object_to_sheet) + @unmerge_cells = args[:unmerge_cells] if args.key?(:unmerge_cells) + @update_protected_range = args[:update_protected_range] if args.key?(:update_protected_range) + @delete_filter_view = args[:delete_filter_view] if args.key?(:delete_filter_view) + @clear_basic_filter = args[:clear_basic_filter] if args.key?(:clear_basic_filter) + @sort_range = args[:sort_range] if args.key?(:sort_range) + @set_data_validation = args[:set_data_validation] if args.key?(:set_data_validation) + @repeat_cell = args[:repeat_cell] if args.key?(:repeat_cell) + @update_cells = args[:update_cells] if args.key?(:update_cells) + @update_filter_view = args[:update_filter_view] if args.key?(:update_filter_view) + @add_sheet = args[:add_sheet] if args.key?(:add_sheet) + @update_sheet_properties = args[:update_sheet_properties] if args.key?(:update_sheet_properties) + @delete_sheet = args[:delete_sheet] if args.key?(:delete_sheet) + @update_dimension_properties = args[:update_dimension_properties] if args.key?(:update_dimension_properties) + @delete_protected_range = args[:delete_protected_range] if args.key?(:delete_protected_range) + @add_protected_range = args[:add_protected_range] if args.key?(:add_protected_range) + @find_replace = args[:find_replace] if args.key?(:find_replace) + @update_conditional_format_rule = args[:update_conditional_format_rule] if args.key?(:update_conditional_format_rule) + @set_basic_filter = args[:set_basic_filter] if args.key?(:set_basic_filter) + @merge_cells = args[:merge_cells] if args.key?(:merge_cells) + @delete_conditional_format_rule = args[:delete_conditional_format_rule] if args.key?(:delete_conditional_format_rule) + @delete_dimension = args[:delete_dimension] if args.key?(:delete_dimension) + @paste_data = args[:paste_data] if args.key?(:paste_data) + @delete_embedded_object = args[:delete_embedded_object] if args.key?(:delete_embedded_object) + @add_conditional_format_rule = args[:add_conditional_format_rule] if args.key?(:add_conditional_format_rule) + @update_borders = args[:update_borders] if args.key?(:update_borders) + @auto_resize_dimensions = args[:auto_resize_dimensions] if args.key?(:auto_resize_dimensions) + @duplicate_sheet = args[:duplicate_sheet] if args.key?(:duplicate_sheet) + @duplicate_filter_view = args[:duplicate_filter_view] if args.key?(:duplicate_filter_view) + @cut_paste = args[:cut_paste] if args.key?(:cut_paste) + @append_cells = args[:append_cells] if args.key?(:append_cells) + @auto_fill = args[:auto_fill] if args.key?(:auto_fill) + @add_named_range = args[:add_named_range] if args.key?(:add_named_range) + @text_to_columns = args[:text_to_columns] if args.key?(:text_to_columns) + @move_dimension = args[:move_dimension] if args.key?(:move_dimension) + @insert_dimension = args[:insert_dimension] if args.key?(:insert_dimension) + @copy_paste = args[:copy_paste] if args.key?(:copy_paste) + end + end + + # Inserts rows or columns in a sheet at a particular index. + class InsertDimensionRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Whether dimension properties should be extended from the dimensions + # before or after the newly inserted dimensions. + # True to inherit from the dimensions before (in which case the start + # index must be greater than 0), and false to inherit from the dimensions + # after. + # For example, if row index 0 has red background and row index 1 + # has a green background, then inserting 2 rows at index 1 can inherit + # either the green or red background. If inheritFromBefore is true, + # the two new rows will be red (because the row before the insertion point + # was red), whereas if inheritFromBefore is false, the two new rows will + # be green (because the rows after the insertion point were green). + # Corresponds to the JSON property `inheritFromBefore` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :inherit_from_before + alias_method :inherit_from_before?, :inherit_from_before + + # A range along a single dimension on a sheet. + # All indexes are 0-based. + # Indexes are half open, e.g the start index is inclusive + # and the end index is exclusive -- [start_index, end_index). + # Missing indexes indicate the range is unbounded on that side. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `range` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionRange] + attr_accessor :range + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @inherit_from_before = args[:inherit_from_before] if args.key?(:inherit_from_before) + @range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range) + end + end + + # Deletes the embedded object with the given ID. + class DeleteEmbeddedObjectRequest + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The ID of the embedded object to delete. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `objectId` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :object_id_prop + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @object_id_prop = args[:object_id_prop] if args.key?(:object_id_prop) + end + end + + # The result of deleting a conditional format rule. + class DeleteConditionalFormatRuleResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A rule describing a conditional format. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `deleted` + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ConditionalFormatRule] + attr_accessor :deleted + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @deleted = args[:deleted] if args.key?(:deleted) + end + end + end + end +end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/sheets_v1/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/sheets_v1/representations.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..df2ccb505 --- /dev/null +++ b/generated/google/apis/sheets_v1/representations.rb @@ -0,0 +1,1703 @@ +# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +require 'date' +require 'google/apis/core/base_service' +require 'google/apis/core/json_representation' +require 'google/apis/core/hashable' +require 'google/apis/errors' + +module Google + module Apis + module SheetsV1 + + class MoveEmbeddedObjectToSheetResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AddNamedRangeResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class UpdateProtectedRangeRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Padding + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class MergeCellsRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AddSheetResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class UpdateConditionalFormatRuleRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class TextFormat + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class GridCoordinate + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DeleteFilterViewRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class UpdateNamedRangeRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class SpreadsheetProperties + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class CellData + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class UnmergeCellsRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class TextToColumnsRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AddProtectedRangeResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class BooleanCondition + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DeleteProtectedRangeRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DimensionRange + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Response + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AddConditionalFormatRuleRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class FilterView + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class SortRangeRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class TextFormatRun + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class UpdateFilterViewRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class UpdateConditionalFormatRuleResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class FilterCriteria + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DeleteDimensionRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DataValidationRule + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class UpdateSpreadsheetPropertiesRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class BatchUpdateValuesRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ClearBasicFilterRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ConditionalFormatRule + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class UpdateBordersRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Borders + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Color + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AddSheetRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AddProtectedRangeRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ValueRange + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class FindReplaceResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class CellFormat + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class MoveDimensionRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DimensionProperties + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class InterpolationPoint + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ErrorValue + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DuplicateFilterViewRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class SheetProperties + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ProtectedRange + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DeleteConditionalFormatRuleRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class SourceAndDestination + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ConditionValue + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class PasteDataRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class FindReplaceRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class SortSpec + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class CopySheetToAnotherSpreadsheetRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class NumberFormat + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class UpdateDimensionPropertiesRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Editors + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Spreadsheet + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class GridData + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class BasicFilter + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DuplicateSheetRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AddFilterViewResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DuplicateSheetResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Border + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AddNamedRangeRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AppendCellsRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class RowData + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class RepeatCellRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class NamedRange + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class SetBasicFilterRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AutoResizeDimensionsRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DuplicateFilterViewResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class GridRange + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DeleteSheetRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class MoveEmbeddedObjectToSheetRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class UpdateCellsRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class CopyPasteRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Sheet + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class BatchUpdateSpreadsheetResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ExtendedValue + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class CutPasteRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class GradientRule + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AutoFillRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class UpdateSheetPropertiesRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AppendDimensionRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class BooleanRule + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AddFilterViewRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class GridProperties + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Empty + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DeleteNamedRangeRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class SetDataValidationRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class BatchGetValuesResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Request + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class InsertDimensionRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DeleteEmbeddedObjectRequest + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DeleteConditionalFormatRuleResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class MoveEmbeddedObjectToSheetResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :properties, as: 'properties', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties::Representation + + end + end + + class AddNamedRangeResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :named_range, as: 'namedRange', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::NamedRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::NamedRange::Representation + + end + end + + class UpdateProtectedRangeRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :protected_range, as: 'protectedRange', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ProtectedRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ProtectedRange::Representation + + property :fields, as: 'fields' + end + end + + class Padding + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :left, as: 'left' + property :right, as: 'right' + property :top, as: 'top' + property :bottom, as: 'bottom' + end + end + + class MergeCellsRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :merge_type, as: 'mergeType' + property :range, as: 'range', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + end + end + + class AddSheetResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :properties, as: 'properties', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties::Representation + + end + end + + class UpdateConditionalFormatRuleRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :sheet_id, as: 'sheetId' + property :index, as: 'index' + property :rule, as: 'rule', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ConditionalFormatRule, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ConditionalFormatRule::Representation + + property :new_index, as: 'newIndex' + end + end + + class TextFormat + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :bold, as: 'bold' + property :italic, as: 'italic' + property :foreground_color, as: 'foregroundColor', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Color, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Color::Representation + + property :font_family, as: 'fontFamily' + property :strikethrough, as: 'strikethrough' + property :font_size, as: 'fontSize' + property :underline, as: 'underline' + end + end + + class GridCoordinate + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :sheet_id, as: 'sheetId' + property :row_index, as: 'rowIndex' + property :column_index, as: 'columnIndex' + end + end + + class DeleteFilterViewRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :filter_id, as: 'filterId' + end + end + + class UpdateNamedRangeRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :fields, as: 'fields' + property :named_range, as: 'namedRange', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::NamedRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::NamedRange::Representation + + end + end + + class SpreadsheetProperties + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :time_zone, as: 'timeZone' + property :auto_recalc, as: 'autoRecalc' + property :locale, as: 'locale' + property :title, as: 'title' + property :default_format, as: 'defaultFormat', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellFormat, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellFormat::Representation + + end + end + + class CellData + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :hyperlink, as: 'hyperlink' + property :effective_format, as: 'effectiveFormat', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellFormat, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellFormat::Representation + + property :note, as: 'note' + property :formatted_value, as: 'formattedValue' + property :data_validation, as: 'dataValidation', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DataValidationRule, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DataValidationRule::Representation + + property :user_entered_value, as: 'userEnteredValue', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ExtendedValue, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ExtendedValue::Representation + + property :user_entered_format, as: 'userEnteredFormat', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellFormat, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellFormat::Representation + + collection :text_format_runs, as: 'textFormatRuns', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::TextFormatRun, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::TextFormatRun::Representation + + property :effective_value, as: 'effectiveValue', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ExtendedValue, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ExtendedValue::Representation + + end + end + + class UnmergeCellsRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :range, as: 'range', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + end + end + + class TextToColumnsRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :delimiter_type, as: 'delimiterType' + property :delimiter, as: 'delimiter' + property :source, as: 'source', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + end + end + + class AddProtectedRangeResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :protected_range, as: 'protectedRange', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ProtectedRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ProtectedRange::Representation + + end + end + + class BooleanCondition + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :values, as: 'values', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ConditionValue, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ConditionValue::Representation + + property :type, as: 'type' + end + end + + class DeleteProtectedRangeRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :protected_range_id, as: 'protectedRangeId' + end + end + + class DimensionRange + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :end_index, as: 'endIndex' + property :sheet_id, as: 'sheetId' + property :start_index, as: 'startIndex' + property :dimension, as: 'dimension' + end + end + + class Response + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :add_filter_view, as: 'addFilterView', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddFilterViewResponse, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddFilterViewResponse::Representation + + property :move_embedded_object_to_sheet, as: 'moveEmbeddedObjectToSheet', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::MoveEmbeddedObjectToSheetResponse, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::MoveEmbeddedObjectToSheetResponse::Representation + + property :add_sheet, as: 'addSheet', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddSheetResponse, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddSheetResponse::Representation + + property :find_replace, as: 'findReplace', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FindReplaceResponse, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FindReplaceResponse::Representation + + property :add_protected_range, as: 'addProtectedRange', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddProtectedRangeResponse, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddProtectedRangeResponse::Representation + + property :update_conditional_format_rule, as: 'updateConditionalFormatRule', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateConditionalFormatRuleResponse, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateConditionalFormatRuleResponse::Representation + + property :delete_conditional_format_rule, as: 'deleteConditionalFormatRule', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteConditionalFormatRuleResponse, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteConditionalFormatRuleResponse::Representation + + property :duplicate_sheet, as: 'duplicateSheet', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DuplicateSheetResponse, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DuplicateSheetResponse::Representation + + property :duplicate_filter_view, as: 'duplicateFilterView', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DuplicateFilterViewResponse, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DuplicateFilterViewResponse::Representation + + property :add_named_range, as: 'addNamedRange', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddNamedRangeResponse, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddNamedRangeResponse::Representation + + end + end + + class AddConditionalFormatRuleRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :index, as: 'index' + property :rule, as: 'rule', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ConditionalFormatRule, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ConditionalFormatRule::Representation + + end + end + + class FilterView + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :title, as: 'title' + property :named_range_id, as: 'namedRangeId' + collection :sort_specs, as: 'sortSpecs', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SortSpec, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SortSpec::Representation + + property :range, as: 'range', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + hash :criteria, as: 'criteria', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterCriteria, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterCriteria::Representation + + property :filter_view_id, as: 'filterViewId' + end + end + + class SortRangeRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :sort_specs, as: 'sortSpecs', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SortSpec, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SortSpec::Representation + + property :range, as: 'range', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + end + end + + class TextFormatRun + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :start_index, as: 'startIndex' + property :format, as: 'format', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::TextFormat, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::TextFormat::Representation + + end + end + + class UpdateFilterViewRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :fields, as: 'fields' + property :filter, as: 'filter', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterView, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterView::Representation + + end + end + + class UpdateConditionalFormatRuleResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :rule, as: 'rule', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ConditionalFormatRule, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ConditionalFormatRule::Representation + + end + end + + class FilterCriteria + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :condition, as: 'condition', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BooleanCondition, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BooleanCondition::Representation + + collection :hidden_values, as: 'hiddenValues' + end + end + + class DeleteDimensionRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :range, as: 'range', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionRange::Representation + + end + end + + class DataValidationRule + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :condition, as: 'condition', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BooleanCondition, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BooleanCondition::Representation + + property :input_message, as: 'inputMessage' + property :show_custom_ui, as: 'showCustomUi' + property :strict, as: 'strict' + end + end + + class UpdateSpreadsheetPropertiesRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :fields, as: 'fields' + property :properties, as: 'properties', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SpreadsheetProperties, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SpreadsheetProperties::Representation + + end + end + + class BatchUpdateValuesRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :data, as: 'data', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ValueRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ValueRange::Representation + + property :value_input_option, as: 'valueInputOption' + end + end + + class ClearBasicFilterRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :sheet_id, as: 'sheetId' + end + end + + class ConditionalFormatRule + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :gradient_rule, as: 'gradientRule', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GradientRule, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GradientRule::Representation + + property :boolean_rule, as: 'booleanRule', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BooleanRule, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BooleanRule::Representation + + collection :ranges, as: 'ranges', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + end + end + + class UpdateBordersRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :right, as: 'right', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border::Representation + + property :inner_vertical, as: 'innerVertical', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border::Representation + + property :top, as: 'top', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border::Representation + + property :inner_horizontal, as: 'innerHorizontal', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border::Representation + + property :bottom, as: 'bottom', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border::Representation + + property :range, as: 'range', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + property :left, as: 'left', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border::Representation + + end + end + + class Borders + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :right, as: 'right', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border::Representation + + property :left, as: 'left', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border::Representation + + property :top, as: 'top', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border::Representation + + property :bottom, as: 'bottom', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Border::Representation + + end + end + + class Color + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :green, as: 'green' + property :blue, as: 'blue' + property :red, as: 'red' + property :alpha, as: 'alpha' + end + end + + class AddSheetRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :properties, as: 'properties', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties::Representation + + end + end + + class AddProtectedRangeRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :protected_range, as: 'protectedRange', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ProtectedRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ProtectedRange::Representation + + end + end + + class ValueRange + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :values, as: 'values', :class => Array do + include Representable::JSON::Collection + items + end + + property :range, as: 'range' + property :major_dimension, as: 'majorDimension' + end + end + + class FindReplaceResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :values_changed, as: 'valuesChanged' + property :rows_changed, as: 'rowsChanged' + property :occurrences_changed, as: 'occurrencesChanged' + property :sheets_changed, as: 'sheetsChanged' + property :formulas_changed, as: 'formulasChanged' + end + end + + class CellFormat + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :horizontal_alignment, as: 'horizontalAlignment' + property :hyperlink_display_type, as: 'hyperlinkDisplayType' + property :borders, as: 'borders', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Borders, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Borders::Representation + + property :text_direction, as: 'textDirection' + property :text_format, as: 'textFormat', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::TextFormat, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::TextFormat::Representation + + property :padding, as: 'padding', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Padding, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Padding::Representation + + property :number_format, as: 'numberFormat', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::NumberFormat, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::NumberFormat::Representation + + property :wrap_strategy, as: 'wrapStrategy' + property :background_color, as: 'backgroundColor', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Color, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Color::Representation + + property :vertical_alignment, as: 'verticalAlignment' + end + end + + class MoveDimensionRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :destination_index, as: 'destinationIndex' + property :source, as: 'source', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionRange::Representation + + end + end + + class DimensionProperties + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :pixel_size, as: 'pixelSize' + property :hidden_by_user, as: 'hiddenByUser' + property :hidden_by_filter, as: 'hiddenByFilter' + end + end + + class InterpolationPoint + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :value, as: 'value' + property :color, as: 'color', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Color, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Color::Representation + + property :type, as: 'type' + end + end + + class ErrorValue + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :type, as: 'type' + property :message, as: 'message' + end + end + + class DuplicateFilterViewRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :filter_id, as: 'filterId' + end + end + + class BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :requests, as: 'requests', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Request, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Request::Representation + + end + end + + class SheetProperties + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :title, as: 'title' + property :index, as: 'index' + property :hidden, as: 'hidden' + property :grid_properties, as: 'gridProperties', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridProperties, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridProperties::Representation + + property :sheet_id, as: 'sheetId' + property :right_to_left, as: 'rightToLeft' + property :tab_color, as: 'tabColor', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Color, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Color::Representation + + property :sheet_type, as: 'sheetType' + end + end + + class ProtectedRange + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :unprotected_ranges, as: 'unprotectedRanges', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + property :description, as: 'description' + property :named_range_id, as: 'namedRangeId' + property :requesting_user_can_edit, as: 'requestingUserCanEdit' + property :editors, as: 'editors', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Editors, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Editors::Representation + + property :protected_range_id, as: 'protectedRangeId' + property :warning_only, as: 'warningOnly' + property :range, as: 'range', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + end + end + + class DeleteConditionalFormatRuleRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :sheet_id, as: 'sheetId' + property :index, as: 'index' + end + end + + class SourceAndDestination + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :fill_length, as: 'fillLength' + property :source, as: 'source', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + property :dimension, as: 'dimension' + end + end + + class ConditionValue + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :relative_date, as: 'relativeDate' + property :user_entered_value, as: 'userEnteredValue' + end + end + + class PasteDataRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :data, as: 'data' + property :coordinate, as: 'coordinate', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridCoordinate, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridCoordinate::Representation + + property :delimiter, as: 'delimiter' + property :type, as: 'type' + property :html, as: 'html' + end + end + + class FindReplaceRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :find, as: 'find' + property :replacement, as: 'replacement' + property :search_by_regex, as: 'searchByRegex' + property :sheet_id, as: 'sheetId' + property :all_sheets, as: 'allSheets' + property :match_case, as: 'matchCase' + property :include_formulas, as: 'includeFormulas' + property :range, as: 'range', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + property :match_entire_cell, as: 'matchEntireCell' + end + end + + class SortSpec + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :sort_order, as: 'sortOrder' + property :dimension_index, as: 'dimensionIndex' + end + end + + class CopySheetToAnotherSpreadsheetRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :destination_spreadsheet_id, as: 'destinationSpreadsheetId' + end + end + + class NumberFormat + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :pattern, as: 'pattern' + property :type, as: 'type' + end + end + + class UpdateDimensionPropertiesRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :fields, as: 'fields' + property :properties, as: 'properties', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionProperties, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionProperties::Representation + + property :range, as: 'range', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionRange::Representation + + end + end + + class Editors + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :domain_users_can_edit, as: 'domainUsersCanEdit' + collection :groups, as: 'groups' + collection :users, as: 'users' + end + end + + class Spreadsheet + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :spreadsheet_id, as: 'spreadsheetId' + property :properties, as: 'properties', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SpreadsheetProperties, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SpreadsheetProperties::Representation + + collection :named_ranges, as: 'namedRanges', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::NamedRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::NamedRange::Representation + + collection :sheets, as: 'sheets', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Sheet, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Sheet::Representation + + end + end + + class GridData + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :column_metadata, as: 'columnMetadata', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionProperties, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionProperties::Representation + + collection :row_data, as: 'rowData', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::RowData, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::RowData::Representation + + collection :row_metadata, as: 'rowMetadata', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionProperties, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionProperties::Representation + + property :start_row, as: 'startRow' + property :start_column, as: 'startColumn' + end + end + + class BasicFilter + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + hash :criteria, as: 'criteria', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterCriteria, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterCriteria::Representation + + collection :sort_specs, as: 'sortSpecs', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SortSpec, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SortSpec::Representation + + property :range, as: 'range', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + end + end + + class DuplicateSheetRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :new_sheet_id, as: 'newSheetId' + property :source_sheet_id, as: 'sourceSheetId' + property :new_sheet_name, as: 'newSheetName' + property :insert_sheet_index, as: 'insertSheetIndex' + end + end + + class AddFilterViewResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :filter, as: 'filter', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterView, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterView::Representation + + end + end + + class DuplicateSheetResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :properties, as: 'properties', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties::Representation + + end + end + + class Border + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :width, as: 'width' + property :style, as: 'style' + property :color, as: 'color', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Color, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Color::Representation + + end + end + + class AddNamedRangeRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :named_range, as: 'namedRange', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::NamedRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::NamedRange::Representation + + end + end + + class AppendCellsRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :sheet_id, as: 'sheetId' + collection :rows, as: 'rows', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::RowData, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::RowData::Representation + + property :cell_data_fields, as: 'cellDataFields' + end + end + + class RowData + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :values, as: 'values', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellData, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellData::Representation + + end + end + + class RepeatCellRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :fields, as: 'fields' + property :cell, as: 'cell', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellData, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellData::Representation + + property :range, as: 'range', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + end + end + + class NamedRange + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :range, as: 'range', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + property :named_range_id, as: 'namedRangeId' + property :name, as: 'name' + end + end + + class SetBasicFilterRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :filter, as: 'filter', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BasicFilter, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BasicFilter::Representation + + end + end + + class AutoResizeDimensionsRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :dimensions, as: 'dimensions', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionRange::Representation + + end + end + + class DuplicateFilterViewResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :filter, as: 'filter', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterView, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterView::Representation + + end + end + + class GridRange + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :start_column_index, as: 'startColumnIndex' + property :sheet_id, as: 'sheetId' + property :end_column_index, as: 'endColumnIndex' + property :end_row_index, as: 'endRowIndex' + property :start_row_index, as: 'startRowIndex' + end + end + + class DeleteSheetRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :sheet_id, as: 'sheetId' + end + end + + class MoveEmbeddedObjectToSheetRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :new_sheet_id, as: 'newSheetId' + property :object_id_prop, as: 'objectId' + end + end + + class UpdateCellsRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :rows, as: 'rows', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::RowData, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::RowData::Representation + + property :cell_data_fields, as: 'cellDataFields' + property :range, as: 'range', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + property :start, as: 'start', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridCoordinate, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridCoordinate::Representation + + end + end + + class CopyPasteRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :paste_orientation, as: 'pasteOrientation' + property :paste_type, as: 'pasteType' + property :source, as: 'source', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + property :destination, as: 'destination', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + end + end + + class Sheet + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :properties, as: 'properties', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties::Representation + + collection :filter_views, as: 'filterViews', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterView, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterView::Representation + + collection :conditional_formats, as: 'conditionalFormats', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ConditionalFormatRule, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ConditionalFormatRule::Representation + + collection :protected_ranges, as: 'protectedRanges', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ProtectedRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ProtectedRange::Representation + + property :basic_filter, as: 'basicFilter', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BasicFilter, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BasicFilter::Representation + + collection :merges, as: 'merges', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + collection :data, as: 'data', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridData, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridData::Representation + + end + end + + class BatchUpdateSpreadsheetResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :spreadsheet_id, as: 'spreadsheetId' + collection :replies, as: 'replies', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Response, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Response::Representation + + end + end + + class ExtendedValue + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :error_value, as: 'errorValue', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ErrorValue, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ErrorValue::Representation + + property :formula_value, as: 'formulaValue' + property :bool_value, as: 'boolValue' + property :string_value, as: 'stringValue' + property :number_value, as: 'numberValue' + end + end + + class CutPasteRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :paste_type, as: 'pasteType' + property :source, as: 'source', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + property :destination, as: 'destination', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridCoordinate, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridCoordinate::Representation + + end + end + + class GradientRule + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :maxpoint, as: 'maxpoint', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::InterpolationPoint, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::InterpolationPoint::Representation + + property :midpoint, as: 'midpoint', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::InterpolationPoint, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::InterpolationPoint::Representation + + property :minpoint, as: 'minpoint', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::InterpolationPoint, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::InterpolationPoint::Representation + + end + end + + class AutoFillRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :use_alternate_series, as: 'useAlternateSeries' + property :range, as: 'range', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + property :source_and_destination, as: 'sourceAndDestination', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SourceAndDestination, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SourceAndDestination::Representation + + end + end + + class UpdateSheetPropertiesRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :fields, as: 'fields' + property :properties, as: 'properties', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties::Representation + + end + end + + class AppendDimensionRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :sheet_id, as: 'sheetId' + property :length, as: 'length' + property :dimension, as: 'dimension' + end + end + + class BooleanRule + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :condition, as: 'condition', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BooleanCondition, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BooleanCondition::Representation + + property :format, as: 'format', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellFormat, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CellFormat::Representation + + end + end + + class AddFilterViewRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :filter, as: 'filter', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterView, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FilterView::Representation + + end + end + + class GridProperties + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :column_count, as: 'columnCount' + property :row_count, as: 'rowCount' + property :frozen_row_count, as: 'frozenRowCount' + property :hide_gridlines, as: 'hideGridlines' + property :frozen_column_count, as: 'frozenColumnCount' + end + end + + class Empty + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + end + end + + class DeleteNamedRangeRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :named_range_id, as: 'namedRangeId' + end + end + + class SetDataValidationRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :rule, as: 'rule', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DataValidationRule, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DataValidationRule::Representation + + property :range, as: 'range', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::GridRange::Representation + + end + end + + class BatchGetValuesResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :value_ranges, as: 'valueRanges', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ValueRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ValueRange::Representation + + property :spreadsheet_id, as: 'spreadsheetId' + end + end + + class Request + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :delete_named_range, as: 'deleteNamedRange', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteNamedRangeRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteNamedRangeRequest::Representation + + property :update_named_range, as: 'updateNamedRange', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateNamedRangeRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateNamedRangeRequest::Representation + + property :add_filter_view, as: 'addFilterView', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddFilterViewRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddFilterViewRequest::Representation + + property :update_spreadsheet_properties, as: 'updateSpreadsheetProperties', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateSpreadsheetPropertiesRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateSpreadsheetPropertiesRequest::Representation + + property :append_dimension, as: 'appendDimension', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AppendDimensionRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AppendDimensionRequest::Representation + + property :move_embedded_object_to_sheet, as: 'moveEmbeddedObjectToSheet', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::MoveEmbeddedObjectToSheetRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::MoveEmbeddedObjectToSheetRequest::Representation + + property :unmerge_cells, as: 'unmergeCells', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UnmergeCellsRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UnmergeCellsRequest::Representation + + property :update_protected_range, as: 'updateProtectedRange', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateProtectedRangeRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateProtectedRangeRequest::Representation + + property :delete_filter_view, as: 'deleteFilterView', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteFilterViewRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteFilterViewRequest::Representation + + property :clear_basic_filter, as: 'clearBasicFilter', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ClearBasicFilterRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ClearBasicFilterRequest::Representation + + property :sort_range, as: 'sortRange', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SortRangeRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SortRangeRequest::Representation + + property :set_data_validation, as: 'setDataValidation', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SetDataValidationRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SetDataValidationRequest::Representation + + property :repeat_cell, as: 'repeatCell', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::RepeatCellRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::RepeatCellRequest::Representation + + property :update_cells, as: 'updateCells', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateCellsRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateCellsRequest::Representation + + property :update_filter_view, as: 'updateFilterView', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateFilterViewRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateFilterViewRequest::Representation + + property :add_sheet, as: 'addSheet', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddSheetRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddSheetRequest::Representation + + property :update_sheet_properties, as: 'updateSheetProperties', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateSheetPropertiesRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateSheetPropertiesRequest::Representation + + property :delete_sheet, as: 'deleteSheet', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteSheetRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteSheetRequest::Representation + + property :update_dimension_properties, as: 'updateDimensionProperties', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateDimensionPropertiesRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateDimensionPropertiesRequest::Representation + + property :delete_protected_range, as: 'deleteProtectedRange', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteProtectedRangeRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteProtectedRangeRequest::Representation + + property :add_protected_range, as: 'addProtectedRange', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddProtectedRangeRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddProtectedRangeRequest::Representation + + property :find_replace, as: 'findReplace', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FindReplaceRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::FindReplaceRequest::Representation + + property :update_conditional_format_rule, as: 'updateConditionalFormatRule', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateConditionalFormatRuleRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateConditionalFormatRuleRequest::Representation + + property :set_basic_filter, as: 'setBasicFilter', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SetBasicFilterRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SetBasicFilterRequest::Representation + + property :merge_cells, as: 'mergeCells', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::MergeCellsRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::MergeCellsRequest::Representation + + property :delete_conditional_format_rule, as: 'deleteConditionalFormatRule', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteConditionalFormatRuleRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteConditionalFormatRuleRequest::Representation + + property :delete_dimension, as: 'deleteDimension', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteDimensionRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteDimensionRequest::Representation + + property :paste_data, as: 'pasteData', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::PasteDataRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::PasteDataRequest::Representation + + property :delete_embedded_object, as: 'deleteEmbeddedObject', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteEmbeddedObjectRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DeleteEmbeddedObjectRequest::Representation + + property :add_conditional_format_rule, as: 'addConditionalFormatRule', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddConditionalFormatRuleRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddConditionalFormatRuleRequest::Representation + + property :update_borders, as: 'updateBorders', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateBordersRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::UpdateBordersRequest::Representation + + property :auto_resize_dimensions, as: 'autoResizeDimensions', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AutoResizeDimensionsRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AutoResizeDimensionsRequest::Representation + + property :duplicate_sheet, as: 'duplicateSheet', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DuplicateSheetRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DuplicateSheetRequest::Representation + + property :duplicate_filter_view, as: 'duplicateFilterView', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DuplicateFilterViewRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DuplicateFilterViewRequest::Representation + + property :cut_paste, as: 'cutPaste', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CutPasteRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CutPasteRequest::Representation + + property :append_cells, as: 'appendCells', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AppendCellsRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AppendCellsRequest::Representation + + property :auto_fill, as: 'autoFill', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AutoFillRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AutoFillRequest::Representation + + property :add_named_range, as: 'addNamedRange', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddNamedRangeRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::AddNamedRangeRequest::Representation + + property :text_to_columns, as: 'textToColumns', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::TextToColumnsRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::TextToColumnsRequest::Representation + + property :move_dimension, as: 'moveDimension', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::MoveDimensionRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::MoveDimensionRequest::Representation + + property :insert_dimension, as: 'insertDimension', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::InsertDimensionRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::InsertDimensionRequest::Representation + + property :copy_paste, as: 'copyPaste', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CopyPasteRequest, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CopyPasteRequest::Representation + + end + end + + class InsertDimensionRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :inherit_from_before, as: 'inheritFromBefore' + property :range, as: 'range', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionRange, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::DimensionRange::Representation + + end + end + + class DeleteEmbeddedObjectRequest + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :object_id_prop, as: 'objectId' + end + end + + class DeleteConditionalFormatRuleResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :deleted, as: 'deleted', class: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ConditionalFormatRule, decorator: Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ConditionalFormatRule::Representation + + end + end + end + end +end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/sheets_v1/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/sheets_v1/service.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..08d0412fb --- /dev/null +++ b/generated/google/apis/sheets_v1/service.rb @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +require 'google/apis/core/base_service' +require 'google/apis/core/json_representation' +require 'google/apis/core/hashable' +require 'google/apis/errors' + +module Google + module Apis + module SheetsV1 + # Google Sheets API + # + # An API for reading and modifying Google Sheets. + # + # @example + # require 'google/apis/sheets_v1' + # + # Sheets = Google::Apis::SheetsV1 # Alias the module + # service = Sheets::SheetsService.new + # + # @see + class SheetsService < Google::Apis::Core::BaseService + # @return [String] + # API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, + # quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token. + attr_accessor :key + + # @return [String] + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + attr_accessor :quota_user + + def initialize + super('https://sheets.googleapis.com/', '') + end + + # Returns the spreadsheet at the given id. + # The caller must specify the spreadsheet ID. + # By default, data within grids will not be returned. + # You can include grid data one of two ways: specify a field mask listing + # your desired fields (using the ?fields URL parameter in HTTP, + # or FieldMaskContext.response_mask in the request extensions in an RPC), or + # by setting the 'includeGridData' parameter to true. If a field mask is + # set, the 'includeGridData' parameter is ignored. + # For large spreadsheets, it is recommended to retrieve only the specific + # fields of the spreadsheet that you want. + # To retrieve only subsets of the spreadsheet, use the ?range URL + # parameter. Multiple ranges can be specified. Limiting the range will + # return only the portions of the spreadsheet that intersect the requested + # ranges. Ranges are specified using A1 notation. + # @param [String] spreadsheet_id + # The spreadsheet to request. + # @param [Array, String] ranges + # The ranges to retrieve from the spreadsheet. + # @param [Boolean] include_grid_data + # True if grid data should be returned. + # This parameter is ignored if a field mask was set in the request. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Spreadsheet] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Spreadsheet] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_spreadsheet(spreadsheet_id, ranges: nil, include_grid_data: nil, quota_user: nil, fields: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v1/spreadsheets/{spreadsheetId}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Spreadsheet::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Spreadsheet + command.params['spreadsheetId'] = spreadsheet_id unless spreadsheet_id.nil? + command.query['ranges'] = ranges unless ranges.nil? + command.query['includeGridData'] = include_grid_data unless include_grid_data.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Applies one or more updates to the spreadsheet. + # Each request is validated before being applied. If any + # request is not valid then the entire request will fail and nothing + # will be applied. + # Some requests have "replies" to give you some information about how + # they applied. The replies will mirror the requests. For example, + # if you applied 4 updates and the 3rd one had a reply, then the + # response will have 2 empty replies, the actual reply, and another empty + # reply, in that order. + # Due to the collaborative nature of spreadsheets, it is not guaranteed that + # the spreadsheet will reflect exactly your changes after this completes, + # however it is guaranteed that all the updates in the request will be + # applied atomically. Your changes may be altered with respect to + # collaborator changes. If there are no collaborators, the spreadsheet + # should reflect your changes. + # @param [String] spreadsheet_id + # The spreadsheet to apply the updates to. + # @param [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest] batch_update_spreadsheet_request_object + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BatchUpdateSpreadsheetResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BatchUpdateSpreadsheetResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def batch_update_spreadsheet(spreadsheet_id, batch_update_spreadsheet_request_object = nil, quota_user: nil, fields: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v1/spreadsheets/{spreadsheetId}:batchUpdate', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest::Representation + command.request_object = batch_update_spreadsheet_request_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BatchUpdateSpreadsheetResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BatchUpdateSpreadsheetResponse + command.params['spreadsheetId'] = spreadsheet_id unless spreadsheet_id.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Sets values in a range of a spreadsheet. + # The caller must specify the spreadsheet ID, range, and valueInputOption. + # @param [String] spreadsheet_id + # The id of the spreadsheet to update. + # @param [String] range + # The A1 notation of the values to update. + # @param [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ValueRange] value_range_object + # @param [String] value_input_option + # How the input data should be interpreted. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Empty] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Empty] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def update_spreadsheet_value(spreadsheet_id, range, value_range_object = nil, value_input_option: nil, quota_user: nil, fields: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:put, 'v1/spreadsheets/{spreadsheetId}/values/{range}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ValueRange::Representation + command.request_object = value_range_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Empty::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Empty + command.params['spreadsheetId'] = spreadsheet_id unless spreadsheet_id.nil? + command.params['range'] = range unless range.nil? + command.query['valueInputOption'] = value_input_option unless value_input_option.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Returns one or more ranges of values from a spreadsheet. + # The caller must specify the spreadsheet ID and one or more ranges. + # @param [String] spreadsheet_id + # The id of the spreadsheet to retrieve data from. + # @param [String] date_time_render_option + # How dates, times, and durations should be represented in the output. + # This is ignored if valueRenderOption is FORMATTED_VALUE. + # @param [String] value_render_option + # How values should be represented in the output. + # @param [Array, String] ranges + # The A1 notation of the values to retrieve. + # @param [String] major_dimension + # The major dimension that results should use. + # For example, if the spreadsheet data is: A1=1,B1=2,A2=3,B2=4, + # then requesting range=A1:B2,majorDimension=ROWS will return [[1,2],[3,4]], + # whereas requesting range=A1:B2,majorDimension=COLUMNS will return + # [[1,3],[2,4]]. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BatchGetValuesResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BatchGetValuesResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def batch_spreadsheet_value_get(spreadsheet_id, date_time_render_option: nil, value_render_option: nil, ranges: nil, major_dimension: nil, quota_user: nil, fields: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v1/spreadsheets/{spreadsheetId}/values:batchGet', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BatchGetValuesResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BatchGetValuesResponse + command.params['spreadsheetId'] = spreadsheet_id unless spreadsheet_id.nil? + command.query['dateTimeRenderOption'] = date_time_render_option unless date_time_render_option.nil? + command.query['valueRenderOption'] = value_render_option unless value_render_option.nil? + command.query['ranges'] = ranges unless ranges.nil? + command.query['majorDimension'] = major_dimension unless major_dimension.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Returns a range of values from a spreadsheet. + # The caller must specify the spreadsheet ID and a range. + # @param [String] spreadsheet_id + # The id of the spreadsheet to retrieve data from. + # @param [String] range + # The A1 notation of the values to retrieve. + # @param [String] date_time_render_option + # How dates, times, and durations should be represented in the output. + # This is ignored if the valueRenderOption option is FORMATTED_VALUE. + # @param [String] value_render_option + # How values should be represented in the output. + # @param [String] major_dimension + # The major dimension that results should use. + # For example, if the spreadsheet data is: A1=1,B1=2,A2=3,B2=4, + # then requesting range=A1:B2,majorDimension=ROWS will return [[1,2],[3,4]], + # whereas requesting range=A1:B2,majorDimension=COLUMNS will return + # [[1,3],[2,4]]. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ValueRange] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ValueRange] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_spreadsheet_value(spreadsheet_id, range, date_time_render_option: nil, value_render_option: nil, major_dimension: nil, quota_user: nil, fields: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v1/spreadsheets/{spreadsheetId}/values/{range}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ValueRange::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::ValueRange + command.params['spreadsheetId'] = spreadsheet_id unless spreadsheet_id.nil? + command.params['range'] = range unless range.nil? + command.query['dateTimeRenderOption'] = date_time_render_option unless date_time_render_option.nil? + command.query['valueRenderOption'] = value_render_option unless value_render_option.nil? + command.query['majorDimension'] = major_dimension unless major_dimension.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Sets values in a range of a spreadsheet. + # The caller must specify the spreadsheet ID, valueInputOption, and one + # or more ValueRanges. + # @param [String] spreadsheet_id + # The id of the spreadsheet to update. + # @param [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BatchUpdateValuesRequest] batch_update_values_request_object + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Empty] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Empty] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def batch_update_values(spreadsheet_id, batch_update_values_request_object = nil, quota_user: nil, fields: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v1/spreadsheets/{spreadsheetId}/values:batchUpdate', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::BatchUpdateValuesRequest::Representation + command.request_object = batch_update_values_request_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Empty::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::Empty + command.params['spreadsheetId'] = spreadsheet_id unless spreadsheet_id.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Copies a single sheet from a spreadsheet to another spreadsheet. + # Returns the properties of the newly created sheet. + # @param [String] spreadsheet_id + # The id of the spreadsheet containing the sheet to copy. + # @param [Fixnum] sheet_id + # The ID of the sheet to copy. + # @param [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CopySheetToAnotherSpreadsheetRequest] copy_sheet_to_another_spreadsheet_request_object + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def copy_spreadsheet_sheet_to(spreadsheet_id, sheet_id, copy_sheet_to_another_spreadsheet_request_object = nil, quota_user: nil, fields: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v1/spreadsheets/{spreadsheetId}/sheets/{sheetId}:copyTo', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::CopySheetToAnotherSpreadsheetRequest::Representation + command.request_object = copy_sheet_to_another_spreadsheet_request_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::SheetsV1::SheetProperties + command.params['spreadsheetId'] = spreadsheet_id unless spreadsheet_id.nil? + command.params['sheetId'] = sheet_id unless sheet_id.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + protected + + def apply_command_defaults(command) + command.query['key'] = key unless key.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + end + end + end + end +end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/sqladmin_v1beta4.rb b/generated/google/apis/sqladmin_v1beta4.rb index 880971351..064ba5ebd 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/sqladmin_v1beta4.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/sqladmin_v1beta4.rb @@ -20,12 +20,13 @@ module Google module Apis # Cloud SQL Administration API # - # API for Cloud SQL database instance management. + # Creates and configures Cloud SQL instances, which provide fully-managed MySQL + # databases. # # @see https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/reference/latest module SqladminV1beta4 VERSION = 'V1beta4' - REVISION = '20160222' + REVISION = '20160321' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/sqladmin_v1beta4/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/sqladmin_v1beta4/classes.rb index 82292d3a3..04e833fd6 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/sqladmin_v1beta4/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/sqladmin_v1beta4/classes.rb @@ -386,8 +386,9 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :current_disk_size - # The database engine type and version. Can be MYSQL_5_5 or MYSQL_5_6. Defaults - # to MYSQL_5_6. The databaseVersion can not be changed after instance creation. + # The database engine type and version. The databaseVersion can not be changed + # after instance creation. Can be MYSQL_5_5, MYSQL_5_6 or MYSQL_5_7. Defaults to + # MYSQL_5_6. MYSQL_5_7 is applicable only to Second Generation instances. # Corresponds to the JSON property `databaseVersion` # @return [String] attr_accessor :database_version @@ -736,7 +737,7 @@ module Google attr_accessor :allowed_string_values # The database version this flag applies to. Can be MYSQL_5_5, MYSQL_5_6, or - # both. + # MYSQL_5_7. MYSQL_5_7 is applicable only to Second Generation instances. # Corresponds to the JSON property `appliesTo` # @return [Array] attr_accessor :applies_to diff --git a/generated/google/apis/sqladmin_v1beta4/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/sqladmin_v1beta4/service.rb index f8c25b3ac..919ad15a3 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/sqladmin_v1beta4/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/sqladmin_v1beta4/service.rb @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ module Google module SqladminV1beta4 # Cloud SQL Administration API # - # API for Cloud SQL database instance management. + # Creates and configures Cloud SQL instances, which provide fully-managed MySQL + # databases. # # @example # require 'google/apis/sqladmin_v1beta4' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/storage_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/storage_v1.rb index aff76f6ae..6184f6b21 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/storage_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/storage_v1.rb @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/ module StorageV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20160304' + REVISION = '20160330' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/vision_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/vision_v1.rb index e99404153..7f5598223 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/vision_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/vision_v1.rb @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ require 'google/apis/vision_v1/representations.rb' module Google module Apis - # Cloud Vision API + # Google Cloud Vision API # # The Google Cloud Vision API allows developers to easily integrate Google # vision features, including image labeling, face, logo, and landmark detection, @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module Google # @see https://cloud.google.com/vision/ module VisionV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20160308' + REVISION = '20160413' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/vision_v1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/vision_v1/classes.rb index cbc5593d5..a0bdcd763 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/vision_v1/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/vision_v1/classes.rb @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ module Google module Apis module VisionV1 - # External image source (i.e. Google Cloud Storage image location). + # External image source (Google Cloud Storage image location). class ImageSource include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable # Google Cloud Storage image URI. It must be in the following form: - # "gs://bucket_name/object_name". For more + # `gs://bucket_name/object_name`. For more # details, please see: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/reference-uris. # NOTE: Cloud Storage object versioning is not supported! # Corresponds to the JSON property `gcsImageUri` @@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ module Google end end - # Request for performing Vision tasks over a user-provided image, with - # user-requested features. + # Request for performing Google Cloud Vision API tasks over a user-provided + # image, with user-requested features. class AnnotateImageRequest include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - # Client image to perform Vision tasks over. + # Client image to perform Google Cloud Vision API tasks over. # Corresponds to the JSON property `image` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::Image] attr_accessor :image @@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ module Google end end - # A face annotation contains the results of face detection. + # A face annotation object contains the results of face detection. class FaceAnnotation include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -1053,11 +1053,11 @@ module Google end end - # Client image to perform Vision tasks over. + # Client image to perform Google Cloud Vision API tasks over. class Image include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable - # External image source (i.e. Google Cloud Storage image location). + # External image source (Google Cloud Storage image location). # Corresponds to the JSON property `source` # @return [Google::Apis::VisionV1::ImageSource] attr_accessor :source @@ -1098,9 +1098,9 @@ module Google end # The Feature indicates what type of image detection task to perform. - # Users describe the type of Vision tasks to perform over images by - # using Features. Features encode the Vision vertical to operate on - # and the number of top-scoring results to return. + # Users describe the type of Google Cloud Vision API tasks to perform over + # images by using Features. Features encode the Cloud Vision API + # vertical to operate on and the number of top-scoring results to return. class Feature include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable diff --git a/generated/google/apis/vision_v1/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/vision_v1/service.rb index ada5e794a..62f57c379 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/vision_v1/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/vision_v1/service.rb @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ require 'google/apis/errors' module Google module Apis module VisionV1 - # Cloud Vision API + # Google Cloud Vision API # # The Google Cloud Vision API allows developers to easily integrate Google # vision features, including image labeling, face, logo, and landmark detection, diff --git a/generated/google/apis/webmasters_v3.rb b/generated/google/apis/webmasters_v3.rb index af151f266..8324c6aa8 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/webmasters_v3.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/webmasters_v3.rb @@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ module Google module Apis # Search Console API # - # Lets you view Google Search Console data for your verified sites. + # View Google Search Console data for your verified sites. # # @see https://developers.google.com/webmaster-tools/ module WebmastersV3 VERSION = 'V3' - REVISION = '20151229' + REVISION = '20160317' # View and manage Search Console data for your verified sites AUTH_WEBMASTERS = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/webmasters' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/webmasters_v3/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/webmasters_v3/classes.rb index 3c65847a4..0db0d4e23 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/webmasters_v3/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/webmasters_v3/classes.rb @@ -181,6 +181,12 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :start_date + # [Optional; Default is 0] Zero-based index of the first row in the response. + # Must be a non-negative number. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `startRow` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :start_row + def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end @@ -194,6 +200,7 @@ module Google @row_limit = args[:row_limit] if args.key?(:row_limit) @search_type = args[:search_type] if args.key?(:search_type) @start_date = args[:start_date] if args.key?(:start_date) + @start_row = args[:start_row] if args.key?(:start_row) end end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/webmasters_v3/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/webmasters_v3/representations.rb index d09439684..a691a66a0 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/webmasters_v3/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/webmasters_v3/representations.rb @@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ module Google property :row_limit, as: 'rowLimit' property :search_type, as: 'searchType' property :start_date, as: 'startDate' + property :start_row, as: 'startRow' end end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/webmasters_v3/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/webmasters_v3/service.rb index 299bc0e1a..848a22d99 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/webmasters_v3/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/webmasters_v3/service.rb @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Google module WebmastersV3 # Search Console API # - # Lets you view Google Search Console data for your verified sites. + # View Google Search Console data for your verified sites. # # @example # require 'google/apis/webmasters_v3' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/youtube_partner_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/youtube_partner_v1.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0d0c8d60f --- /dev/null +++ b/generated/google/apis/youtube_partner_v1.rb @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +require 'google/apis/youtube_partner_v1/service.rb' +require 'google/apis/youtube_partner_v1/classes.rb' +require 'google/apis/youtube_partner_v1/representations.rb' + +module Google + module Apis + # Youtube Content ID API + # + # API for YouTube partners. To use this API YouTube CMS account is required. + # + # @see https://developers.google.com/youtube/partner/ + module YoutubePartnerV1 + VERSION = 'V1' + REVISION = '20160405' + + # View and manage your assets and associated content on YouTube + AUTH_YOUTUBEPARTNER = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtubepartner' + + # View content owner account details from YouTube. + AUTH_YOUTUBEPARTNER_CONTENT_OWNER_READONLY = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtubepartner-content-owner-readonly' + end + end +end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/youtube_partner_v1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/youtube_partner_v1/classes.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a337dc0fd --- /dev/null +++ b/generated/google/apis/youtube_partner_v1/classes.rb @@ -0,0 +1,3656 @@ +# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +require 'date' +require 'google/apis/core/base_service' +require 'google/apis/core/json_representation' +require 'google/apis/core/hashable' +require 'google/apis/errors' + +module Google + module Apis + module YoutubePartnerV1 + + # + class AdBreak + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The time of the ad break specified as the number of seconds after the start of + # the video when the break occurs. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `midrollSeconds` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :midroll_seconds + + # The point at which the break occurs during the video playback. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `position` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :position + + # A list of ad slots that occur in an ad break. Ad slots let you specify the + # number of ads that should run in each break. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `slot` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :slot + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @midroll_seconds = args[:midroll_seconds] if args.key?(:midroll_seconds) + @position = args[:position] if args.key?(:position) + @slot = args[:slot] if args.key?(:slot) + end + end + + # + class AdSlot + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A value that identifies the ad slot to the ad server. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The type of ad that runs in the slot. The value may affect YouTube's fallback + # behavior if the third-party platform does not return ads. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + end + end + + # + class AllowedAdvertisingOptions + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # This setting indicates whether the partner can display ads when videos run in + # an embedded player. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `adsOnEmbeds` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :ads_on_embeds + alias_method :ads_on_embeds?, :ads_on_embeds + + # This property identifies the resource type. Its value is youtubePartner# + # allowedAdvertisingOptions. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # A list of ad formats that the partner is allowed to use for its uploaded + # videos. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `licAdFormats` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :lic_ad_formats + + # A list of ad formats that the partner is allowed to use for claimed, user- + # uploaded content. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `ugcAdFormats` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :ugc_ad_formats + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @ads_on_embeds = args[:ads_on_embeds] if args.key?(:ads_on_embeds) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @lic_ad_formats = args[:lic_ad_formats] if args.key?(:lic_ad_formats) + @ugc_ad_formats = args[:ugc_ad_formats] if args.key?(:ugc_ad_formats) + end + end + + # + class Asset + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of asset IDs that can be used to refer to the asset. The list contains + # values if the asset represents multiple constituent assets that have been + # merged. In that case, any of the asset IDs originally assigned to the + # constituent assets could be used to update the master, or synthesized, asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `aliasId` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :alias_id + + # An ID that YouTube assigns and uses to uniquely identify the asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The type of the API resource. For asset resources, the value is youtubePartner# + # asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # A list of asset labels on the asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `label` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :label + + # The matchPolicy object contains information about the asset's match policy, + # which YouTube applies to user-uploaded videos that match the asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `matchPolicy` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy] + attr_accessor :match_policy + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `matchPolicyEffective` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy] + attr_accessor :match_policy_effective + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `matchPolicyMine` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy] + attr_accessor :match_policy_mine + + # The metadata object contains information that identifies and describes the + # asset. This information could be used to search for the asset or to eliminate + # duplication within YouTube's database. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `metadata` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Metadata] + attr_accessor :metadata + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `metadataEffective` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Metadata] + attr_accessor :metadata_effective + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `metadataMine` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Metadata] + attr_accessor :metadata_mine + + # The ownership object identifies an asset's owners and provides additional + # details about their ownership, such as the territories where they own the + # asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `ownership` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership] + attr_accessor :ownership + + # The ownershipConflicts object contains information about the asset's ownership + # conflicts. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `ownershipConflicts` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::OwnershipConflicts] + attr_accessor :ownership_conflicts + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `ownershipEffective` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership] + attr_accessor :ownership_effective + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `ownershipMine` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership] + attr_accessor :ownership_mine + + # The asset's status. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `status` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :status + + # The date and time the asset was created. The value is specified in RFC 3339 ( + # YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.000Z) format. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `timeCreated` + # @return [DateTime] + attr_accessor :time_created + + # The asset's type. This value determines the metadata fields that you can set + # for the asset. In addition, certain API functions may only be supported for + # specific types of assets. For example, composition assets may have more + # complex ownership data than other types of assets. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @alias_id = args[:alias_id] if args.key?(:alias_id) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @label = args[:label] if args.key?(:label) + @match_policy = args[:match_policy] if args.key?(:match_policy) + @match_policy_effective = args[:match_policy_effective] if args.key?(:match_policy_effective) + @match_policy_mine = args[:match_policy_mine] if args.key?(:match_policy_mine) + @metadata = args[:metadata] if args.key?(:metadata) + @metadata_effective = args[:metadata_effective] if args.key?(:metadata_effective) + @metadata_mine = args[:metadata_mine] if args.key?(:metadata_mine) + @ownership = args[:ownership] if args.key?(:ownership) + @ownership_conflicts = args[:ownership_conflicts] if args.key?(:ownership_conflicts) + @ownership_effective = args[:ownership_effective] if args.key?(:ownership_effective) + @ownership_mine = args[:ownership_mine] if args.key?(:ownership_mine) + @status = args[:status] if args.key?(:status) + @time_created = args[:time_created] if args.key?(:time_created) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + end + end + + # + class AssetLabel + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The type of the API resource. For assetLabel resources, this value is + # youtubePartner#assetLabel. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # Name of the asset label. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `labelName` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :label_name + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @label_name = args[:label_name] if args.key?(:label_name) + end + end + + # + class AssetLabelListResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of assetLabel resources that match the request criteria. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `items` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :items + + # The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # assetLabelList. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + end + end + + # + class AssetListResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of asset resources that match the request criteria. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `items` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :items + + # The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # assetList. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + end + end + + # + class AssetMatchPolicy + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The type of the API resource. Value: youtubePartner#assetMatchPolicy. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # A value that uniquely identifies the Policy resource that YouTube applies to + # user-uploaded videos that match the asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `policyId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :policy_id + + # A list of rules that collectively define the policy that the content owner + # wants to apply to user-uploaded videos that match the asset. Each rule + # specifies the action that YouTube should take and may optionally specify the + # conditions under which that action is enforced. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `rules` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :rules + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @policy_id = args[:policy_id] if args.key?(:policy_id) + @rules = args[:rules] if args.key?(:rules) + end + end + + # + class AssetRelationship + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The ID of the child (contained) asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `childAssetId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :child_asset_id + + # A value that YouTube assigns and uses to uniquely identify the asset + # relationship. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The type of the API resource. For this resource, the value is youtubePartner# + # assetRelationship. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The ID of the parent (containing) asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `parentAssetId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :parent_asset_id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @child_asset_id = args[:child_asset_id] if args.key?(:child_asset_id) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @parent_asset_id = args[:parent_asset_id] if args.key?(:parent_asset_id) + end + end + + # + class AssetRelationshipListResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of assetRelationship resources that match the request criteria. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `items` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :items + + # The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # assetRelationshipList. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The token that can be used as the value of the pageToken parameter to retrieve + # the next page of results. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :next_page_token + + # The pageInfo object encapsulates paging information for the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pageInfo` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo] + attr_accessor :page_info + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token) + @page_info = args[:page_info] if args.key?(:page_info) + end + end + + # + class AssetSearchResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of asset resources that match the request criteria. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `items` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :items + + # The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # assetSnippetList. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The token that can be used as the value of the pageToken parameter to retrieve + # the next page of results. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :next_page_token + + # The pageInfo object encapsulates paging information for the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pageInfo` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo] + attr_accessor :page_info + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token) + @page_info = args[:page_info] if args.key?(:page_info) + end + end + + # + class AssetSnippet + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Custom ID assigned by the content owner to this asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `customId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :custom_id + + # An ID that YouTube assigns and uses to uniquely identify the asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) for this asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `isrc` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :isrc + + # The ISWC (International Standard Musical Work Code) for this asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `iswc` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :iswc + + # The type of the API resource. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # assetSnippet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The date and time the asset was created. The value is specified in RFC 3339 ( + # YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.000Z) format. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `timeCreated` + # @return [DateTime] + attr_accessor :time_created + + # Title of this asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `title` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :title + + # The asset's type. This value determines which metadata fields might be + # included in the metadata object. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @custom_id = args[:custom_id] if args.key?(:custom_id) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @isrc = args[:isrc] if args.key?(:isrc) + @iswc = args[:iswc] if args.key?(:iswc) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @time_created = args[:time_created] if args.key?(:time_created) + @title = args[:title] if args.key?(:title) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + end + end + + # + class Campaign + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The campaignData object contains details like the campaign's start and end + # dates, target and source. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `campaignData` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CampaignData] + attr_accessor :campaign_data + + # The unique ID that YouTube uses to identify the campaign. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The type of the API resource. For campaign resources, this value is + # youtubePartner#campaign. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The status of the campaign. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `status` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :status + + # The time the campaign was created. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `timeCreated` + # @return [DateTime] + attr_accessor :time_created + + # The time the campaign was last modified. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `timeLastModified` + # @return [DateTime] + attr_accessor :time_last_modified + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @campaign_data = args[:campaign_data] if args.key?(:campaign_data) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @status = args[:status] if args.key?(:status) + @time_created = args[:time_created] if args.key?(:time_created) + @time_last_modified = args[:time_last_modified] if args.key?(:time_last_modified) + end + end + + # + class CampaignData + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The campaignSource object contains information about the assets for which the + # campaign will generate links. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `campaignSource` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CampaignSource] + attr_accessor :campaign_source + + # The time at which the campaign should expire. Do not specify a value if the + # campaign has no expiration time. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `expireTime` + # @return [DateTime] + attr_accessor :expire_time + + # The user-given name of the campaign. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :name + + # A list of videos or channels that will be linked to from claimed videos that + # are included in the campaign. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `promotedContent` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :promoted_content + + # The time at which the campaign should start. Do not specify a value if the + # campaign should start immediately. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `startTime` + # @return [DateTime] + attr_accessor :start_time + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @campaign_source = args[:campaign_source] if args.key?(:campaign_source) + @expire_time = args[:expire_time] if args.key?(:expire_time) + @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) + @promoted_content = args[:promoted_content] if args.key?(:promoted_content) + @start_time = args[:start_time] if args.key?(:start_time) + end + end + + # + class CampaignList + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of campaigns. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `items` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :items + + # The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # campaignList. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + end + end + + # + class CampaignSource + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The type of the campaign source. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sourceType` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :source_type + + # A list of values of the campaign source. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `sourceValue` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :source_value + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @source_type = args[:source_type] if args.key?(:source_type) + @source_value = args[:source_value] if args.key?(:source_value) + end + end + + # + class CampaignTargetLink + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The channel ID or video ID of the link target. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `targetId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :target_id + + # Indicates whether the link target is a channel or video. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `targetType` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :target_type + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @target_id = args[:target_id] if args.key?(:target_id) + @target_type = args[:target_type] if args.key?(:target_type) + end + end + + # + class Claim + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The applied policy for the viewing owner on the claim. This might not be the + # same as the final claim policy on the video as it does not consider other + # partners' policy of the same claim. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `appliedPolicy` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy] + attr_accessor :applied_policy + + # The unique YouTube asset ID that identifies the asset associated with the + # claim. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `assetId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :asset_id + + # Indicates whether or not the claimed video should be blocked anywhere it is + # not explicitly owned. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `blockOutsideOwnership` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :block_outside_ownership + alias_method :block_outside_ownership?, :block_outside_ownership + + # This value indicates whether the claim covers the audio, video, or audiovisual + # portion of the claimed content. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `contentType` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :content_type + + # The ID that YouTube assigns and uses to uniquely identify the claim. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # Indicates whether or not the claim is a partner uploaded claim. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `isPartnerUploaded` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :is_partner_uploaded + alias_method :is_partner_uploaded?, :is_partner_uploaded + + # The type of the API resource. For claim resources, this value is + # youtubePartner#claim. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # If this claim was auto-generated based on a provided reference, this section + # will provide details of the match that generated the claim. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `matchInfo` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::MatchInfo] + attr_accessor :match_info + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `origin` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::Origin] + attr_accessor :origin + + # The policy provided by the viewing owner on the claim. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `policy` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy] + attr_accessor :policy + + # The claim's status. When updating a claim, you can update its status from + # active to inactive to effectively release the claim, but the API does not + # support other updates to a claim's status. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `status` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :status + + # The time the claim was created. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `timeCreated` + # @return [DateTime] + attr_accessor :time_created + + # The unique YouTube video ID that identifies the video associated with the + # claim. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `videoId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :video_id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @applied_policy = args[:applied_policy] if args.key?(:applied_policy) + @asset_id = args[:asset_id] if args.key?(:asset_id) + @block_outside_ownership = args[:block_outside_ownership] if args.key?(:block_outside_ownership) + @content_type = args[:content_type] if args.key?(:content_type) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @is_partner_uploaded = args[:is_partner_uploaded] if args.key?(:is_partner_uploaded) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @match_info = args[:match_info] if args.key?(:match_info) + @origin = args[:origin] if args.key?(:origin) + @policy = args[:policy] if args.key?(:policy) + @status = args[:status] if args.key?(:status) + @time_created = args[:time_created] if args.key?(:time_created) + @video_id = args[:video_id] if args.key?(:video_id) + end + + # If this claim was auto-generated based on a provided reference, this section + # will provide details of the match that generated the claim. + class MatchInfo + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Details of the longest match between the reference and the user video. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `longestMatch` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::MatchInfo::LongestMatch] + attr_accessor :longest_match + + # Details about each match segment. Each item in the list contains information + # about one match segment associated with the claim. It is possible to have + # multiple match segments. For example, if the audio and video content of an + # uploaded video match that of a reference video, there would be two match + # segments. One segment would describe the audio match and the other would + # describe the video match. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `matchSegments` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :match_segments + + # The reference ID that generated this match. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `referenceId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :reference_id + + # Details of the total amount of reference and user video content which matched + # each other. Note these two values may differ if either the reference or the + # user video contains a loop. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `totalMatch` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::MatchInfo::TotalMatch] + attr_accessor :total_match + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @longest_match = args[:longest_match] if args.key?(:longest_match) + @match_segments = args[:match_segments] if args.key?(:match_segments) + @reference_id = args[:reference_id] if args.key?(:reference_id) + @total_match = args[:total_match] if args.key?(:total_match) + end + + # Details of the longest match between the reference and the user video. + class LongestMatch + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The duration of the longest match between the reference and the user video. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `durationSecs` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :duration_secs + + # The offset in seconds into the reference at which the longest match began. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `referenceOffset` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :reference_offset + + # The offset in seconds into the user video at which the longest match began. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `userVideoOffset` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :user_video_offset + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @duration_secs = args[:duration_secs] if args.key?(:duration_secs) + @reference_offset = args[:reference_offset] if args.key?(:reference_offset) + @user_video_offset = args[:user_video_offset] if args.key?(:user_video_offset) + end + end + + # Details of the total amount of reference and user video content which matched + # each other. Note these two values may differ if either the reference or the + # user video contains a loop. + class TotalMatch + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The total amount of content in the reference which matched the user video in + # seconds. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `referenceDurationSecs` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :reference_duration_secs + + # The total amount of content in the user video which matched the reference in + # seconds. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `userVideoDurationSecs` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :user_video_duration_secs + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @reference_duration_secs = args[:reference_duration_secs] if args.key?(:reference_duration_secs) + @user_video_duration_secs = args[:user_video_duration_secs] if args.key?(:user_video_duration_secs) + end + end + end + + # + class Origin + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `source` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :source + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @source = args[:source] if args.key?(:source) + end + end + end + + # + class ClaimEvent + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The type of the API resource. For claimEvent resources, this value is + # youtubePartner#claimEvent. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # Reason of the event. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `reason` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :reason + + # Data related to source of the event. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `source` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimEvent::Source] + attr_accessor :source + + # The time when the event occurred. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `time` + # @return [DateTime] + attr_accessor :time + + # Type of the event. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + # Details of event's type. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `typeDetails` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimEvent::TypeDetails] + attr_accessor :type_details + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @reason = args[:reason] if args.key?(:reason) + @source = args[:source] if args.key?(:source) + @time = args[:time] if args.key?(:time) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + @type_details = args[:type_details] if args.key?(:type_details) + end + + # Data related to source of the event. + class Source + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Id of content owner that initiated the event. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `contentOwnerId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :content_owner_id + + # Type of the event source. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + # Email of user who initiated the event. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `userEmail` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :user_email + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @content_owner_id = args[:content_owner_id] if args.key?(:content_owner_id) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + @user_email = args[:user_email] if args.key?(:user_email) + end + end + + # Details of event's type. + class TypeDetails + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Appeal explanations for dispute_appeal event. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `appealExplanation` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :appeal_explanation + + # Dispute notes for dispute_create events. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `disputeNotes` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :dispute_notes + + # Dispute reason for dispute_create and dispute_appeal events. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `disputeReason` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :dispute_reason + + # Status that was a result of update for claim_update event. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `updateStatus` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :update_status + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @appeal_explanation = args[:appeal_explanation] if args.key?(:appeal_explanation) + @dispute_notes = args[:dispute_notes] if args.key?(:dispute_notes) + @dispute_reason = args[:dispute_reason] if args.key?(:dispute_reason) + @update_status = args[:update_status] if args.key?(:update_status) + end + end + end + + # + class ClaimHistory + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of claim history events. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `event` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :event + + # The ID that YouTube assigns and uses to uniquely identify the claim. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The type of the API resource. For claimHistory resources, this value is + # youtubePartner#claimHistory. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The external channel id of claimed video's uploader. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `uploaderChannelId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :uploader_channel_id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @event = args[:event] if args.key?(:event) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @uploader_channel_id = args[:uploader_channel_id] if args.key?(:uploader_channel_id) + end + end + + # + class ClaimListResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of claims that match the request criteria. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `items` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :items + + # The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # claimList. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The token that can be used as the value of the pageToken parameter to retrieve + # the next page in the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :next_page_token + + # The pageInfo object encapsulates paging information for the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pageInfo` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo] + attr_accessor :page_info + + # The token that can be used as the value of the pageToken parameter to retrieve + # the previous page in the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `previousPageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :previous_page_token + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token) + @page_info = args[:page_info] if args.key?(:page_info) + @previous_page_token = args[:previous_page_token] if args.key?(:previous_page_token) + end + end + + # + class ClaimSearchResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of claims that match the request criteria. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `items` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :items + + # The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # claimSnippetList. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The token that can be used as the value of the pageToken parameter to retrieve + # the next page in the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :next_page_token + + # The pageInfo object encapsulates paging information for the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pageInfo` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo] + attr_accessor :page_info + + # The token that can be used as the value of the pageToken parameter to retrieve + # the previous page in the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `previousPageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :previous_page_token + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token) + @page_info = args[:page_info] if args.key?(:page_info) + @previous_page_token = args[:previous_page_token] if args.key?(:previous_page_token) + end + end + + # + class ClaimSnippet + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The unique YouTube asset ID that identifies the asset associated with the + # claim. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `assetId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :asset_id + + # This value indicates whether the claim covers the audio, video, or audiovisual + # portion of the claimed content. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `contentType` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :content_type + + # The ID that YouTube assigns and uses to uniquely identify the claim. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # Indicates whether or not the claim is a partner uploaded claim. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `isPartnerUploaded` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :is_partner_uploaded + alias_method :is_partner_uploaded?, :is_partner_uploaded + + # The type of the API resource. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # claimSnippet. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `origin` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimSnippet::Origin] + attr_accessor :origin + + # The claim's status. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `status` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :status + + # Indicates that this is a third party claim. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `thirdPartyClaim` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :third_party_claim + alias_method :third_party_claim?, :third_party_claim + + # The time the claim was created. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `timeCreated` + # @return [DateTime] + attr_accessor :time_created + + # The unique YouTube video ID that identifies the video associated with the + # claim. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `videoId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :video_id + + # The title of the claimed video. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `videoTitle` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :video_title + + # Number of views for the claimed video. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `videoViews` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :video_views + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @asset_id = args[:asset_id] if args.key?(:asset_id) + @content_type = args[:content_type] if args.key?(:content_type) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @is_partner_uploaded = args[:is_partner_uploaded] if args.key?(:is_partner_uploaded) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @origin = args[:origin] if args.key?(:origin) + @status = args[:status] if args.key?(:status) + @third_party_claim = args[:third_party_claim] if args.key?(:third_party_claim) + @time_created = args[:time_created] if args.key?(:time_created) + @video_id = args[:video_id] if args.key?(:video_id) + @video_title = args[:video_title] if args.key?(:video_title) + @video_views = args[:video_views] if args.key?(:video_views) + end + + # + class Origin + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `source` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :source + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @source = args[:source] if args.key?(:source) + end + end + end + + # + class ClaimedVideoDefaults + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Set this property to true to enable automatically generated breaks for a newly + # claimed video longer than 10 minutes. The first partner that claims the video + # sets its default advertising options to that video. claimedVideoOptions. + # auto_generated_breaks_default + # Corresponds to the JSON property `autoGeneratedBreaks` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :auto_generated_breaks + alias_method :auto_generated_breaks?, :auto_generated_breaks + + # Set this property to true to indicate that the channel's claimedVideoOptions + # can override the content owner's claimedVideoOptions. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `channelOverride` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :channel_override + alias_method :channel_override?, :channel_override + + # Identifies this resource as default options for newly claimed video. Value: " + # youtubePartner#claimedVideoDefaults". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # A list of ad formats that could be used as the default settings for a newly + # claimed video. The first partner that claims the video sets its default + # advertising options to that video. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `newVideoDefaults` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :new_video_defaults + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @auto_generated_breaks = args[:auto_generated_breaks] if args.key?(:auto_generated_breaks) + @channel_override = args[:channel_override] if args.key?(:channel_override) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @new_video_defaults = args[:new_video_defaults] if args.key?(:new_video_defaults) + end + end + + # + class Conditions + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # This match condition specifies whether the user- or partner-uploaded content + # needs to match the audio, video or audiovisual content of a reference file for + # the rule to apply. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `contentMatchType` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :content_match_type + + # This match condition specifies an amount of time that the user- or partner- + # uploaded content needs to match a reference file for the rule to apply. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `matchDuration` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :match_duration + + # This match condition specifies a percentage of the user- or partner-uploaded + # content that needs to match a reference file for the rule to apply. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `matchPercent` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :match_percent + + # This match condition indicates that the reference must be a certain duration + # for the rule to apply. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `referenceDuration` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :reference_duration + + # This match condition indicates that the specified percentage of a reference + # file must match the user- or partner-uploaded content for the rule to apply. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `referencePercent` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :reference_percent + + # This watch condition specifies where users are (or or not) allowed to watch ( + # or listen to) an asset. YouTube determines whether the condition is satisfied + # based on the user's location. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `requiredTerritories` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryCondition] + attr_accessor :required_territories + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @content_match_type = args[:content_match_type] if args.key?(:content_match_type) + @match_duration = args[:match_duration] if args.key?(:match_duration) + @match_percent = args[:match_percent] if args.key?(:match_percent) + @reference_duration = args[:reference_duration] if args.key?(:reference_duration) + @reference_percent = args[:reference_percent] if args.key?(:reference_percent) + @required_territories = args[:required_territories] if args.key?(:required_territories) + end + end + + # + class ConflictingOwnership + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The ID of the conflicting asset's owner. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `owner` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :owner + + # The percentage of the asset that the owner controls or administers. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `ratio` + # @return [Float] + attr_accessor :ratio + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @owner = args[:owner] if args.key?(:owner) + @ratio = args[:ratio] if args.key?(:ratio) + end + end + + # + class ContentOwner + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The email address visible to other partners for use in managing asset + # ownership conflicts. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `conflictNotificationEmail` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :conflict_notification_email + + # The content owner's display name. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `displayName` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :display_name + + # The email address(es) to which YouTube sends claim dispute notifications and + # possible claim notifications. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `disputeNotificationEmails` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :dispute_notification_emails + + # The email address(es) to which YouTube sends fingerprint reports. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `fingerprintReportNotificationEmails` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :fingerprint_report_notification_emails + + # A unique ID that YouTube uses to identify the content owner. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The type of the API resource. For content owner resources, the value is + # youtubePartner#contentOwner. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The email address(es) to which YouTube sends CMS account details and report + # notifications. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `primaryNotificationEmails` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :primary_notification_emails + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @conflict_notification_email = args[:conflict_notification_email] if args.key?(:conflict_notification_email) + @display_name = args[:display_name] if args.key?(:display_name) + @dispute_notification_emails = args[:dispute_notification_emails] if args.key?(:dispute_notification_emails) + @fingerprint_report_notification_emails = args[:fingerprint_report_notification_emails] if args.key?(:fingerprint_report_notification_emails) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @primary_notification_emails = args[:primary_notification_emails] if args.key?(:primary_notification_emails) + end + end + + # + class ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # This object identifies the ad formats that the content owner is allowed to use. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `allowedOptions` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AllowedAdvertisingOptions] + attr_accessor :allowed_options + + # This object identifies the advertising options used by default for the content + # owner's newly claimed videos. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `claimedVideoOptions` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimedVideoDefaults] + attr_accessor :claimed_video_options + + # The value that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the content owner. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The type of the API resource. For this resource, the value is youtubePartner# + # contentOwnerAdvertisingOption. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @allowed_options = args[:allowed_options] if args.key?(:allowed_options) + @claimed_video_options = args[:claimed_video_options] if args.key?(:claimed_video_options) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + end + end + + # + class ContentOwnerListResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of content owners that match the request criteria. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `items` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :items + + # The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # contentOwnerList. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + end + end + + # + class CountriesRestriction + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of ad formats that can be used in the specified countries. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `adFormats` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :ad_formats + + # A list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes that identify the countries where + # ads are enabled. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `territories` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :territories + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @ad_formats = args[:ad_formats] if args.key?(:ad_formats) + @territories = args[:territories] if args.key?(:territories) + end + end + + # + class CuepointSettings + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The cuepoint's type. See the Getting started guide for an explanation of the + # different types of cuepoints. Also see the Life of a broadcast document for + # best practices about inserting cuepoints during your broadcast. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `cueType` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :cue_type + + # The cuepoint's duration, in seconds. This value must be specified if the + # cueType is ad and is ignored otherwise. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `durationSecs` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :duration_secs + + # This value specifies a point in time in the video when viewers should see an + # ad or in-stream slate. The property value identifies a time offset, in + # milliseconds, from the beginning of the monitor stream. Though measured in + # milliseconds, the value is actually an approximation, and YouTube will insert + # the cuepoint as closely as possible to that time. You should not specify a + # value for this parameter if your broadcast does not have a monitor stream. + # This property's default value is 0, which indicates that the cuepoint should + # be inserted as soon as possible. If your broadcast stream is not delayed, then + # 0 is also the only valid value. However, if your broadcast stream is delayed, + # then the property value can specify the time when the cuepoint should be + # inserted. See the Getting started guide for more details. + # Note: If your broadcast had a testing phase, the offset is measured from the + # time that the testing phase began. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `offsetTimeMs` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :offset_time_ms + + # This value specifies the wall clock time at which the cuepoint should be + # inserted. The value is specified in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ) format. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `walltime` + # @return [DateTime] + attr_accessor :walltime + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @cue_type = args[:cue_type] if args.key?(:cue_type) + @duration_secs = args[:duration_secs] if args.key?(:duration_secs) + @offset_time_ms = args[:offset_time_ms] if args.key?(:offset_time_ms) + @walltime = args[:walltime] if args.key?(:walltime) + end + end + + # + class Date + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The date's day. The value should be an integer between 1 and 31. Note that + # some day-month combinations are not valid. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `day` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :day + + # The date's month. The value should be an integer between 1 and 12. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `month` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :month + + # The date's year in the Gregorian Calendar. Assumed to be A.D. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `year` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :year + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @day = args[:day] if args.key?(:day) + @month = args[:month] if args.key?(:month) + @year = args[:year] if args.key?(:year) + end + end + + # + class DateRange + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The end date (inclusive) for the date range. This value is required for video- + # on-demand (VOD) orders and optional for electronic sell-through (EST) orders. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `end` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date] + attr_accessor :end + + # Identifies this resource as order date range. Value: "youtubePartner#dateRange" + # . + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The start date for the date range. This value is required for all date ranges. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `start` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date] + attr_accessor :start + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @end = args[:end] if args.key?(:end) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @start = args[:start] if args.key?(:start) + end + end + + # + class ExcludedInterval + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The end (inclusive) time in seconds of the time window. The value can be any + # value greater than low. If high is greater than the length of the reference, + # the interval between low and the end of the reference will be excluded. Every + # interval must specify a value for this field. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `high` + # @return [Float] + attr_accessor :high + + # The start (inclusive) time in seconds of the time window. The value can be any + # value between 0 and high. Every interval must specify a value for this field. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `low` + # @return [Float] + attr_accessor :low + + # The source of the request to exclude the interval from Content ID matching. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `origin` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :origin + + # The date and time that the exclusion was created. The value is specified in + # RFC 3339 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.000Z) format. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `timeCreated` + # @return [DateTime] + attr_accessor :time_created + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @high = args[:high] if args.key?(:high) + @low = args[:low] if args.key?(:low) + @origin = args[:origin] if args.key?(:origin) + @time_created = args[:time_created] if args.key?(:time_created) + end + end + + # + class IntervalCondition + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The maximum (inclusive) allowed value for the condition to be satisfied. The + # default value is ∞. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `high` + # @return [Float] + attr_accessor :high + + # The minimum (inclusive) allowed value for the condition to be satisfied. The + # default value is -∞. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `low` + # @return [Float] + attr_accessor :low + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @high = args[:high] if args.key?(:high) + @low = args[:low] if args.key?(:low) + end + end + + # + class LiveCuepoint + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The ID that YouTube assigns to uniquely identify the broadcast into which the + # cuepoint is being inserted. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `broadcastId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :broadcast_id + + # A value that YouTube assigns to uniquely identify the cuepoint. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The type of the API resource. For liveCuepoint resources, the value is + # youtubePartner#liveCuepoint. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The settings object defines the cuepoint's settings. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `settings` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CuepointSettings] + attr_accessor :settings + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @broadcast_id = args[:broadcast_id] if args.key?(:broadcast_id) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @settings = args[:settings] if args.key?(:settings) + end + end + + # + class MatchSegment + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Identifies the manner in which the claimed video matches the reference video. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `channel` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :channel + + # The reference_segment object contains information about the matched portion of + # the reference content. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `reference_segment` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Segment] + attr_accessor :reference_segment + + # The video_segment object contains information about the matched portion of the + # claimed video. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `video_segment` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Segment] + attr_accessor :video_segment + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @channel = args[:channel] if args.key?(:channel) + @reference_segment = args[:reference_segment] if args.key?(:reference_segment) + @video_segment = args[:video_segment] if args.key?(:video_segment) + end + end + + # + class Metadata + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list that identifies actors associated with the asset. You can specify up to + # 50 actors for an asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `actor` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :actor + + # The album on which a sound recording asset is included. This field is only + # valid for sound recording assets and has a maximum length of 255 bytes. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `album` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :album + + # The artist associated with a music video or sound recording asset. This field + # is only valid for music video and sound recording assets. It is required for + # sound recordings included in the AudioSwap program. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `artist` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :artist + + # Identifies the network or channel that originally broadcast a show or a season + # of a show. This field should only be included for an asset if the broadcaster + # associated with the asset is different from the partner uploading the asset to + # YouTube. Note that a show may have multiple broadcasters; for example, a show + # may switch networks between seasons. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `broadcaster` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :broadcaster + + # Category of this asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `category` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :category + + # The type of video content that the asset represents. This field is only valid + # for movie and episode assets, and is required for the following types of those + # assets: + # - Episode assets that are linked to a show + # - Movie assets that appear in YouTube's Movies category + # Corresponds to the JSON property `contentType` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :content_type + + # The date copyright for this asset was established. * + # Corresponds to the JSON property `copyrightDate` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date] + attr_accessor :copyright_date + + # A unique value that you, the metadata provider, use to identify an asset. The + # value could be a unique ID that you created for the asset or a standard + # identifier, such as an ISRC. The value has a maximum length of 64 bytes and + # may contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), periods (.), + # "at" symbols (@), or forward slashes (/). + # Corresponds to the JSON property `customId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :custom_id + + # A description of the asset. The description may be displayed on YouTube or in + # CMS. This field has a maximum length of 5,000 bytes. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `description` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :description + + # A list that identifies directors associated with the asset. You can specify up + # to 50 directors for an asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `director` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :director + + # The Entertainment Identifier Registry (EIDR) assigned to an asset. This value + # is only used for episode and movie assets and is optional in both cases. The + # value contains a standard prefix for EIDR registry, followed by a forward + # slash, a 20-character hexadecimal string, and an alphanumeric (0-9A-Z) check + # character. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `eidr` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :eidr + + # The last year that a television show aired. This value is only used for show + # assets, for which it is optional. Do not specify a value if new show episodes + # are still being created. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `endYear` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :end_year + + # The episode number associated with an episode asset. This field is required + # for and only used for episode assets that are linked to show assets. It has a + # maximum length of 5 bytes. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `episodeNumber` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :episode_number + + # This value indicates that the episodes associated with a particular show asset + # or a particular season asset are untitled. An untitled show (or season) has + # episodes which are identified by their episode number or date. If this field + # is set to true, then YouTube will optimize the title displayed for associated + # episodes. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `episodesAreUntitled` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :episodes_are_untitled + alias_method :episodes_are_untitled?, :episodes_are_untitled + + # This field specifies a genre that can be used to categorize an asset. Assets + # may be categorized in more than one genre, and YouTube uses different sets of + # genres to categorize different types of assets. For example, Soaps might be a + # valid genre for a show but not for a movie or sound recording. + # - Show assets + # - Movie assets that appear in YouTube's Movies category + # - Sound recordings included in the AudioSwap program + # Corresponds to the JSON property `genre` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :genre + + # The GRID (Global Release Identifier) of a music video or sound recording. This + # field's value must contain exactly 18 alphanumeric characters. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `grid` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :grid + + # The six-character Harry Fox Agency (HFA) song code issued to uniquely identify + # a composition. This value is only valid for composition assets. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `hfa` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :hfa + + # An official URL associated with the asset. This field has a maximum length of + # 1536 bytes. Please do not submit a 1537-byte URL. Your efforts would be futile. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `infoUrl` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :info_url + + # The ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number) for the asset. This value + # is only used for episode and movie assets and is optional in both cases. The + # value contains 26 characters, which includes the 24 hexadecimal characters of + # the ISAN as well as two check characters, in the following format: + # - The first 16 characters in the tag value contain hexadecimal characters + # specifying the 'root' and 'episode' components of the ISAN. + # - The seventeenth character is a check character (a letter from A-Z). + # - Characters 18 to 25 are the remaining eight characters of the ISAN, which + # specify the 'version' component of the ISAN. + # - The twenty-sixth character is another check character (A-Z). + # Corresponds to the JSON property `isan` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :isan + + # The ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) of a music video or sound + # recording asset. This field's value must contain exactly 12 alphanumeric + # characters. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `isrc` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :isrc + + # The ISWC (International Standard Musical Work Code) for a composition asset. + # The field's value must contain exactly 11 characters in the format of a letter + # (T) followed by 10 digits. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `iswc` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :iswc + + # A list of up to 100 keywords associated with a show asset. This field is + # required for and also only used for show assets. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `keyword` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :keyword + + # The record label that released a sound recording asset. This field is only + # valid for sound recording assets and has a maximum length of 255 bytes. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `label` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :label + + # Additional information that does not map directly to one of the other metadata + # fields. This field has a maximum length of 255 bytes. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `notes` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :notes + + # The method by which people first had the opportunity to see a video asset. + # This value is only used for episode and movie assets. It is required for the + # assets listed below and otherwise optional: + # - Episode assets that are linked to a show + # - Movie assets that appear in YouTube's Movies category + # Corresponds to the JSON property `originalReleaseMedium` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :original_release_medium + + # A list that identifies producers of the asset. You can specify up to 50 + # producers for an asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `producer` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :producer + + # A list of ratings that an asset received. The rating must be valid under the + # specified rating system. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `ratings` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :ratings + + # The date that an asset was publicly released. For season assets, this value + # specifies the first date that the season aired. Dates prior to the year 1902 + # are not supported. This value is valid for episode, season, movie, music video, + # and sound recording assets. It is required for the assets listed below and + # otherwise optional: + # - Episode assets that are linked to a show + # - Movie assets that appear in YouTube's Movies category + # Corresponds to the JSON property `releaseDate` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date] + attr_accessor :release_date + + # The season number that identifies a season asset, or the season number that is + # associated with an episode asset. This field has a maximum length of 5 bytes. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `seasonNumber` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :season_number + + # The customId of the show asset that a season or episode asset is associated + # with. It is required for season and episode assets that appear in the Shows + # category on YouTube, and it is not valid for other types of assets. This field + # has a maximum length of 64 bytes and may contain alphanumeric characters, + # hyphens (-), underscores (_), periods (.), "at" symbols (@), or forward + # slashes (/). + # Corresponds to the JSON property `showCustomId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :show_custom_id + + # The name of the show that an episode asset is associated with. Note: This tag + # is only used for and valid for episodes that are not associated with show + # assets and enables those assets to still display a show title in the asset + # metadata section of CMS. This field has a maximum length of 120 bytes. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `showTitle` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :show_title + + # The video's primary spoken language. The value can be any ISO 639-1 two-letter + # language code. This value is only used for episode and movie assets and is not + # valid for other types of assets. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `spokenLanguage` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :spoken_language + + # The first year that a television show aired. This value is required for and + # also only used for show assets. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `startYear` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :start_year + + # A list of languages for which the video has either a separate caption track or + # burnt-in captions that are part of the video. Each value in the list should be + # an ISO 639-1 two-letter language code. This value is only used for episode and + # movie assets and is not valid for other types of assets. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `subtitledLanguage` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :subtitled_language + + # The asset's title or name. The value has a maximum length of 255 bytes. This + # value is required for the assets listed below and optional for all other + # assets: + # - Show assets + # - Episode assets that are linked to a show + # - Movie assets that appear in YouTube's Movies category + # - Sound recordings included in the AudioSwap program + # Corresponds to the JSON property `title` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :title + + # TMS (Tribune Media Systems) ID for the asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `tmsId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :tms_id + + # Specifies the total number of full-length episodes in the season. This value + # is used only for season assets. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `totalEpisodesExpected` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :total_episodes_expected + + # The UPC (Universal Product Code) associated with the asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `upc` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :upc + + # A list that identifies writers associated with the asset. You can specify up + # to 50 writers for an asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `writer` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :writer + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @actor = args[:actor] if args.key?(:actor) + @album = args[:album] if args.key?(:album) + @artist = args[:artist] if args.key?(:artist) + @broadcaster = args[:broadcaster] if args.key?(:broadcaster) + @category = args[:category] if args.key?(:category) + @content_type = args[:content_type] if args.key?(:content_type) + @copyright_date = args[:copyright_date] if args.key?(:copyright_date) + @custom_id = args[:custom_id] if args.key?(:custom_id) + @description = args[:description] if args.key?(:description) + @director = args[:director] if args.key?(:director) + @eidr = args[:eidr] if args.key?(:eidr) + @end_year = args[:end_year] if args.key?(:end_year) + @episode_number = args[:episode_number] if args.key?(:episode_number) + @episodes_are_untitled = args[:episodes_are_untitled] if args.key?(:episodes_are_untitled) + @genre = args[:genre] if args.key?(:genre) + @grid = args[:grid] if args.key?(:grid) + @hfa = args[:hfa] if args.key?(:hfa) + @info_url = args[:info_url] if args.key?(:info_url) + @isan = args[:isan] if args.key?(:isan) + @isrc = args[:isrc] if args.key?(:isrc) + @iswc = args[:iswc] if args.key?(:iswc) + @keyword = args[:keyword] if args.key?(:keyword) + @label = args[:label] if args.key?(:label) + @notes = args[:notes] if args.key?(:notes) + @original_release_medium = args[:original_release_medium] if args.key?(:original_release_medium) + @producer = args[:producer] if args.key?(:producer) + @ratings = args[:ratings] if args.key?(:ratings) + @release_date = args[:release_date] if args.key?(:release_date) + @season_number = args[:season_number] if args.key?(:season_number) + @show_custom_id = args[:show_custom_id] if args.key?(:show_custom_id) + @show_title = args[:show_title] if args.key?(:show_title) + @spoken_language = args[:spoken_language] if args.key?(:spoken_language) + @start_year = args[:start_year] if args.key?(:start_year) + @subtitled_language = args[:subtitled_language] if args.key?(:subtitled_language) + @title = args[:title] if args.key?(:title) + @tms_id = args[:tms_id] if args.key?(:tms_id) + @total_episodes_expected = args[:total_episodes_expected] if args.key?(:total_episodes_expected) + @upc = args[:upc] if args.key?(:upc) + @writer = args[:writer] if args.key?(:writer) + end + end + + # + class MetadataHistory + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The type of the API resource. For metadata history resources, the value is + # youtubePartner#metadataHistory. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The metadata object contains the metadata provided by the specified source ( + # origination) at the specified time (timeProvided). + # Corresponds to the JSON property `metadata` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Metadata] + attr_accessor :metadata + + # The origination object contains information that describes the metadata source. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `origination` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Origination] + attr_accessor :origination + + # The time the metadata was provided. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `timeProvided` + # @return [DateTime] + attr_accessor :time_provided + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @metadata = args[:metadata] if args.key?(:metadata) + @origination = args[:origination] if args.key?(:origination) + @time_provided = args[:time_provided] if args.key?(:time_provided) + end + end + + # + class MetadataHistoryListResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of metadata history (youtubePartner#metadataHistory) resources that + # match the request criteria. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `items` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :items + + # The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # metadataHistoryList. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + end + end + + # + class Order + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Links an order to the avails associated with it. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `availGroupId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :avail_group_id + + # Channel ID - identifies the channel this order and video are associated with + # Corresponds to the JSON property `channelId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :channel_id + + # Type of content possible values are + # - MOVIE + # - SHOW + # Corresponds to the JSON property `contentType` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :content_type + + # Two letter country code for the order only countries where YouTube does + # transactional business are allowed. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `country` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :country + + # Secondary id to be used to identify content in other systems like partner + # database + # Corresponds to the JSON property `customId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :custom_id + + # Date when this content was first made available on DVD + # Corresponds to the JSON property `dvdReleaseDate` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date] + attr_accessor :dvd_release_date + + # Range of time content is to be available for rental. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `estDates` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::DateRange] + attr_accessor :est_dates + + # History log of events for this order + # Corresponds to the JSON property `events` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :events + + # Order Id unique identifier for an order. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # Identifies this resource as order. Value: "youtubePartner#order". + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # Title if the order is type movie. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `movie` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :movie + + # Date when this content was first made available to the public + # Corresponds to the JSON property `originalReleaseDate` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date] + attr_accessor :original_release_date + + # The priority for the order in the QC review queue once the content is ready + # for QC. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `priority` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :priority + + # Post production house that is to process this order + # Corresponds to the JSON property `productionHouse` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :production_house + + # Youtube purchase order reference for the post production house. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `purchaseOrder` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :purchase_order + + # Minumim set of requirements for this order to be complete such as is a trailer + # required. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `requirements` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Requirements] + attr_accessor :requirements + + # Details of a show, show name, season number, episode etc. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `show` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ShowDetails] + attr_accessor :show + + # The order's status. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `status` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :status + + # Video ID the video that this order is associated with if any. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `videoId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :video_id + + # Range of time content is to be available for purchase. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `vodDates` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::DateRange] + attr_accessor :vod_dates + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @avail_group_id = args[:avail_group_id] if args.key?(:avail_group_id) + @channel_id = args[:channel_id] if args.key?(:channel_id) + @content_type = args[:content_type] if args.key?(:content_type) + @country = args[:country] if args.key?(:country) + @custom_id = args[:custom_id] if args.key?(:custom_id) + @dvd_release_date = args[:dvd_release_date] if args.key?(:dvd_release_date) + @est_dates = args[:est_dates] if args.key?(:est_dates) + @events = args[:events] if args.key?(:events) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @movie = args[:movie] if args.key?(:movie) + @original_release_date = args[:original_release_date] if args.key?(:original_release_date) + @priority = args[:priority] if args.key?(:priority) + @production_house = args[:production_house] if args.key?(:production_house) + @purchase_order = args[:purchase_order] if args.key?(:purchase_order) + @requirements = args[:requirements] if args.key?(:requirements) + @show = args[:show] if args.key?(:show) + @status = args[:status] if args.key?(:status) + @video_id = args[:video_id] if args.key?(:video_id) + @vod_dates = args[:vod_dates] if args.key?(:vod_dates) + end + end + + # + class OrderListResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of orders that match the request criteria. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `items` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :items + + # The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # orderList. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The token that can be used as the value of the pageToken parameter to retrieve + # the next page in the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :next_page_token + + # The pageInfo object encapsulates paging information for the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pageInfo` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo] + attr_accessor :page_info + + # The token that can be used as the value of the pageToken parameter to retrieve + # the previous page in the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `previousPageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :previous_page_token + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token) + @page_info = args[:page_info] if args.key?(:page_info) + @previous_page_token = args[:previous_page_token] if args.key?(:previous_page_token) + end + end + + # + class Origination + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The content owner who provided the metadata or ownership information. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `owner` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :owner + + # The mechanism by which the piece of metadata, ownership or relationship + # information was provided. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `source` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :source + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @owner = args[:owner] if args.key?(:owner) + @source = args[:source] if args.key?(:source) + end + end + + # + class OwnershipConflicts + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list that identifies ownership conflicts of an asset and the territories + # where conflicting ownership is inserted. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `general` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :general + + # The type of the API resource. For ownershipConflicts resources, the value is + # youtubePartner#ownershipConflicts. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # A list that identifies ownership conflicts of the mechanical rights for a + # composition asset and the territories where conflicting ownership is inserted. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `mechanical` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :mechanical + + # A list that identifies ownership conflicts of the performance rights for a + # composition asset and the territories where conflicting ownership is inserted. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `performance` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :performance + + # A list that identifies ownership conflicts of the synchronization rights for a + # composition asset and the territories where conflicting ownership is inserted. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `synchronization` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :synchronization + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @general = args[:general] if args.key?(:general) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @mechanical = args[:mechanical] if args.key?(:mechanical) + @performance = args[:performance] if args.key?(:performance) + @synchronization = args[:synchronization] if args.key?(:synchronization) + end + end + + # + class OwnershipHistoryListResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of ownership history (youtubePartner#ownershipHistory) resources that + # match the request criteria. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `items` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :items + + # The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # ownershipHistoryList. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + end + end + + # + class PageInfo + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The number of results included in the API response. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `resultsPerPage` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :results_per_page + + # The index of the first item in the API response. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `startIndex` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :start_index + + # The total number of results in the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `totalResults` + # @return [Fixnum] + attr_accessor :total_results + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @results_per_page = args[:results_per_page] if args.key?(:results_per_page) + @start_index = args[:start_index] if args.key?(:start_index) + @total_results = args[:total_results] if args.key?(:total_results) + end + end + + # + class Policy + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The policy's description. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `description` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :description + + # A value that YouTube assigns and uses to uniquely identify the policy. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # Identifies this as a policy. Value: "youtubePartner#policy" + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The policy's name. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :name + + # A list of rules that specify the action that YouTube should take and may + # optionally specify the conditions under which that action is enforced. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `rules` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :rules + + # The time the policy was updated. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `timeUpdated` + # @return [DateTime] + attr_accessor :time_updated + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @description = args[:description] if args.key?(:description) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) + @rules = args[:rules] if args.key?(:rules) + @time_updated = args[:time_updated] if args.key?(:time_updated) + end + end + + # + class PolicyList + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of saved policies. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `items` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :items + + # The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # policyList. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + end + end + + # + class PolicyRule + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The policy that YouTube should enforce if the rule's conditions are all valid + # for an asset or for an attempt to view that asset on YouTube. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `action` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :action + + # A set of conditions that must be met for the rule's action (and subactions) to + # be enforced. For a rule to be valid, all of its conditions must be met. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `conditions` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Conditions] + attr_accessor :conditions + + # A list of additional actions that YouTube should take if the conditions in the + # rule are met. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `subaction` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :subaction + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @action = args[:action] if args.key?(:action) + @conditions = args[:conditions] if args.key?(:conditions) + @subaction = args[:subaction] if args.key?(:subaction) + end + end + + # + class PromotedContent + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of link targets that will be used to generate the annotation link that + # appears on videos included in the campaign. If more than one link is + # specified, the link that is displayed to viewers will be randomly selected + # from the list. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `link` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :link + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @link = args[:link] if args.key?(:link) + end + end + + # + class Publisher + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The publisher's unique CAE (Compositeur, Auteur and Editeur) number. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `caeNumber` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :cae_number + + # A value that YouTube assigns and uses to uniquely identify the publisher. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The publisher's unique IPI (Interested Parties Information) code. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `ipiNumber` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :ipi_number + + # The type of the API resource. For this resource, the value is youtubePartner# + # publisher. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The publisher's name. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `name` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :name + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @cae_number = args[:cae_number] if args.key?(:cae_number) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @ipi_number = args[:ipi_number] if args.key?(:ipi_number) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) + end + end + + # + class PublisherList + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of publishers that match the request criteria. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `items` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :items + + # The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # publisherList. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The token that can be used as the value of the pageToken parameter to retrieve + # the next page in the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :next_page_token + + # The pageInfo object encapsulates paging information for the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pageInfo` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo] + attr_accessor :page_info + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token) + @page_info = args[:page_info] if args.key?(:page_info) + end + end + + # + class Rating + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The rating that the asset received. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `rating` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :rating + + # The rating system associated with the rating. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `ratingSystem` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :rating_system + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @rating = args[:rating] if args.key?(:rating) + @rating_system = args[:rating_system] if args.key?(:rating_system) + end + end + + # + class Reference + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The ID that uniquely identifies the asset that the reference is associated + # with. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `assetId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :asset_id + + # Set this field's value to true to indicate that the reference content should + # be included in YouTube's AudioSwap program. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `audioswapEnabled` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :audioswap_enabled + alias_method :audioswap_enabled?, :audioswap_enabled + + # This field is present if the reference was created by associating an asset + # with an existing YouTube video that was uploaded to a YouTube channel linked + # to your CMS account. In that case, this field contains the ID of the claim + # representing the resulting association between the asset and the video. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `claimId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :claim_id + + # The type of content that the reference represents. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `contentType` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :content_type + + # The ID that uniquely identifies the reference that this reference duplicates. + # This field is only present if the reference's status is duplicate_on_hold. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `duplicateLeader` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :duplicate_leader + + # The list of time intervals from this reference that will be ignored during the + # match process. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `excludedIntervals` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :excluded_intervals + + # When uploading a reference, set this value to true to indicate that the + # reference is a pre-generated fingerprint. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `fpDirect` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :fp_direct + alias_method :fp_direct?, :fp_direct + + # The MD5 hashcode of the reference content. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `hashCode` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :hash_code + + # A value that YouTube assigns and uses to uniquely identify a reference. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # Set this value to true to indicate that the reference should not be used to + # generate claims. This field is only used on AudioSwap references. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `ignoreFpMatch` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :ignore_fp_match + alias_method :ignore_fp_match?, :ignore_fp_match + + # The type of the API resource. For reference resources, the value is + # youtubePartner#reference. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The length of the reference in seconds. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `length` + # @return [Float] + attr_accessor :length + + # The origination object contains information that describes the reference + # source. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `origination` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Origination] + attr_accessor :origination + + # The reference's status. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `status` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :status + + # An explanation of how a reference entered its current state. This value is + # only present if the reference's status is either inactive or deleted. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `statusReason` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :status_reason + + # Set this value to true to indicate that YouTube should prioritize Content ID + # processing for a video file. YouTube processes urgent video files before other + # files that are not marked as urgent. This setting is primarily used for videos + # of live events or other videos that require time-sensitive processing. The + # sooner YouTube completes Content ID processing for a video, the sooner YouTube + # can match user-uploaded videos to that video. + # Note that marking all of your files as urgent could delay processing for those + # files. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `urgent` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :urgent + alias_method :urgent?, :urgent + + # This field is present if the reference was created by associating an asset + # with an existing YouTube video that was uploaded to a YouTube channel linked + # to your CMS account. In that case, this field contains the ID of the source + # video. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `videoId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :video_id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @asset_id = args[:asset_id] if args.key?(:asset_id) + @audioswap_enabled = args[:audioswap_enabled] if args.key?(:audioswap_enabled) + @claim_id = args[:claim_id] if args.key?(:claim_id) + @content_type = args[:content_type] if args.key?(:content_type) + @duplicate_leader = args[:duplicate_leader] if args.key?(:duplicate_leader) + @excluded_intervals = args[:excluded_intervals] if args.key?(:excluded_intervals) + @fp_direct = args[:fp_direct] if args.key?(:fp_direct) + @hash_code = args[:hash_code] if args.key?(:hash_code) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @ignore_fp_match = args[:ignore_fp_match] if args.key?(:ignore_fp_match) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @length = args[:length] if args.key?(:length) + @origination = args[:origination] if args.key?(:origination) + @status = args[:status] if args.key?(:status) + @status_reason = args[:status_reason] if args.key?(:status_reason) + @urgent = args[:urgent] if args.key?(:urgent) + @video_id = args[:video_id] if args.key?(:video_id) + end + end + + # + class ReferenceConflict + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # An id of a conflicting reference. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `conflictingReferenceId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :conflicting_reference_id + + # Conflict review expiry time. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `expiryTime` + # @return [DateTime] + attr_accessor :expiry_time + + # A value that YouTube assigns and uses to uniquely identify a reference + # conflict. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The type of the API resource. For referenceConflict resources, the value is + # youtubePartner#referenceConflict. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The list of matches between conflicting and original references at the time of + # conflict creation. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `matches` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :matches + + # An id of an original reference. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `originalReferenceId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :original_reference_id + + # The referenceConflict's status. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `status` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :status + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @conflicting_reference_id = args[:conflicting_reference_id] if args.key?(:conflicting_reference_id) + @expiry_time = args[:expiry_time] if args.key?(:expiry_time) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @matches = args[:matches] if args.key?(:matches) + @original_reference_id = args[:original_reference_id] if args.key?(:original_reference_id) + @status = args[:status] if args.key?(:status) + end + end + + # + class ReferenceConflictListResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of reference conflicts that match the request criteria. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `items` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :items + + # The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # referenceConflictList. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The token that can be used as the value of the pageToken parameter to retrieve + # the next page in the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :next_page_token + + # The pageInfo object encapsulates paging information for the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pageInfo` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo] + attr_accessor :page_info + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token) + @page_info = args[:page_info] if args.key?(:page_info) + end + end + + # + class ReferenceConflictMatch + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # Conflicting reference offset in milliseconds. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `conflicting_reference_offset_ms` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :conflicting_reference_offset_ms + + # Match length in milliseconds. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `length_ms` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :length_ms + + # Original reference offset in milliseconds. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `original_reference_offset_ms` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :original_reference_offset_ms + + # The referenceConflictMatch's type. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @conflicting_reference_offset_ms = args[:conflicting_reference_offset_ms] if args.key?(:conflicting_reference_offset_ms) + @length_ms = args[:length_ms] if args.key?(:length_ms) + @original_reference_offset_ms = args[:original_reference_offset_ms] if args.key?(:original_reference_offset_ms) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + end + end + + # + class ReferenceListResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of references that match the request criteria. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `items` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :items + + # The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # referenceList. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The token that can be used as the value of the pageToken parameter to retrieve + # the next page in the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :next_page_token + + # The pageInfo object encapsulates paging information for the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pageInfo` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo] + attr_accessor :page_info + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token) + @page_info = args[:page_info] if args.key?(:page_info) + end + end + + # + class Requirements + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # This value indicates whether the order requires closed captions. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `caption` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :caption + alias_method :caption?, :caption + + # This value indicates whether the order requires HD-quality video. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `hdTranscode` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :hd_transcode + alias_method :hd_transcode?, :hd_transcode + + # This value indicates whether the order requires poster artwork. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `posterArt` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :poster_art + alias_method :poster_art?, :poster_art + + # This value indicates whether the order requires spotlight artwork. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `spotlightArt` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :spotlight_art + alias_method :spotlight_art?, :spotlight_art + + # This value indicates whether the spotlight artwork for the order needs to be + # reviewed. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `spotlightReview` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :spotlight_review + alias_method :spotlight_review?, :spotlight_review + + # This value indicates whether the order requires a trailer. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `trailer` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :trailer + alias_method :trailer?, :trailer + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @caption = args[:caption] if args.key?(:caption) + @hd_transcode = args[:hd_transcode] if args.key?(:hd_transcode) + @poster_art = args[:poster_art] if args.key?(:poster_art) + @spotlight_art = args[:spotlight_art] if args.key?(:spotlight_art) + @spotlight_review = args[:spotlight_review] if args.key?(:spotlight_review) + @trailer = args[:trailer] if args.key?(:trailer) + end + end + + # + class RightsOwnership + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list that identifies the owners of an asset and the territories where each + # owner has ownership. General asset ownership is used for all types of assets + # and is the only type of ownership data that can be provided for assets that + # are not compositions. + # Note: You cannot specify general ownership rights and also specify either + # mechanical, performance, or synchronization rights. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `general` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :general + + # The type of the API resource. For rightsOwnership resources, the value is + # youtubePartner#rightsOwnership. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # A list that identifies owners of the mechanical rights for a composition asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `mechanical` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :mechanical + + # A list that identifies owners of the performance rights for a composition + # asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `performance` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :performance + + # A list that identifies owners of the synchronization rights for a composition + # asset. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `synchronization` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :synchronization + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @general = args[:general] if args.key?(:general) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @mechanical = args[:mechanical] if args.key?(:mechanical) + @performance = args[:performance] if args.key?(:performance) + @synchronization = args[:synchronization] if args.key?(:synchronization) + end + end + + # + class RightsOwnershipHistory + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The type of the API resource. For ownership history resources, the value is + # youtubePartner#rightsOwnershipHistory. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The origination object contains information that describes the metadata source. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `origination` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Origination] + attr_accessor :origination + + # The ownership object contains the ownership data provided by the specified + # source (origination) at the specified time (timeProvided). + # Corresponds to the JSON property `ownership` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership] + attr_accessor :ownership + + # The time that the ownership data was provided. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `timeProvided` + # @return [DateTime] + attr_accessor :time_provided + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @origination = args[:origination] if args.key?(:origination) + @ownership = args[:ownership] if args.key?(:ownership) + @time_provided = args[:time_provided] if args.key?(:time_provided) + end + end + + # + class Segment + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The duration of the segment in milliseconds. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `duration` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :duration + + # The type of the API resource. For segment resources, the value is + # youtubePartner#segment. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The start time of the segment, measured in milliseconds from the beginning. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `start` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :start + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @duration = args[:duration] if args.key?(:duration) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @start = args[:start] if args.key?(:start) + end + end + + # + class ShowDetails + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The episode number associated with the episode. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `episodeNumber` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :episode_number + + # The episode's title. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `episodeTitle` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :episode_title + + # The season number associated with the episode. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `seasonNumber` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :season_number + + # The show's title + # Corresponds to the JSON property `title` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :title + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @episode_number = args[:episode_number] if args.key?(:episode_number) + @episode_title = args[:episode_title] if args.key?(:episode_title) + @season_number = args[:season_number] if args.key?(:season_number) + @title = args[:title] if args.key?(:title) + end + end + + # + class StateCompleted + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The state that the order entered. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `state` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :state + + # The time that the state transition occurred. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `timeCompleted` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :time_completed + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @state = args[:state] if args.key?(:state) + @time_completed = args[:time_completed] if args.key?(:time_completed) + end + end + + # + class TerritoryCondition + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of territories. Each territory is an ISO 3166 two-letter country code.. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `territories` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :territories + + # This field indicates whether the associated policy rule is or is not valid in + # the specified territories. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @territories = args[:territories] if args.key?(:territories) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + end + end + + # + class TerritoryConflicts + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of conflicting ownerships. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `conflictingOwnership` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :conflicting_ownership + + # A territories where the ownership conflict is present. Territory is an ISO + # 3166 two-letter country code.. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `territory` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :territory + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @conflicting_ownership = args[:conflicting_ownership] if args.key?(:conflicting_ownership) + @territory = args[:territory] if args.key?(:territory) + end + end + + # + class TerritoryOwners + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The name of the asset's owner or rights administrator. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `owner` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :owner + + # The name of the asset's publisher. This field is only used for composition + # assets, and it is used when the asset owner is not known to have a formal + # relationship established with YouTube. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `publisher` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :publisher + + # The percentage of the asset that the owner controls or administers. For + # composition assets, the value can be any value between 0 and 100 inclusive. + # For all other assets, the only valid values are 100, which indicates that the + # owner completely owns the asset in the specified territories, and 0, which + # indicates that you are removing ownership of the asset in the specified + # territories. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `ratio` + # @return [Float] + attr_accessor :ratio + + # A list of territories where the owner owns (or does not own) the asset. Each + # territory is an ISO 3166 two-letter country code.. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `territories` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :territories + + # This field indicates whether the ownership data applies or does not apply in + # the specified territories. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `type` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :type + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @owner = args[:owner] if args.key?(:owner) + @publisher = args[:publisher] if args.key?(:publisher) + @ratio = args[:ratio] if args.key?(:ratio) + @territories = args[:territories] if args.key?(:territories) + @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + end + end + + # + class VideoAdvertisingOption + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of times when YouTube can show an in-stream advertisement during + # playback of the video. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `adBreaks` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :ad_breaks + + # A list of ad formats that the video is allowed to show. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `adFormats` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :ad_formats + + # Enables this video for automatically generated midroll breaks. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `autoGeneratedBreaks` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :auto_generated_breaks + alias_method :auto_generated_breaks?, :auto_generated_breaks + + # The point at which the break occurs during the video playback. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `breakPosition` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :break_position + + # The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video associated with the + # advertising settings. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The type of the API resource. For this resource, the value is youtubePartner# + # videoAdvertisingOption. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # A value that uniquely identifies the video to the third-party ad server. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `tpAdServerVideoId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :tp_ad_server_video_id + + # The base URL for a third-party ad server from which YouTube can retrieve in- + # stream ads for the video. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `tpTargetingUrl` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :tp_targeting_url + + # A parameter string to append to the end of the request to the third-party ad + # server. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `tpUrlParameters` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :tp_url_parameters + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @ad_breaks = args[:ad_breaks] if args.key?(:ad_breaks) + @ad_formats = args[:ad_formats] if args.key?(:ad_formats) + @auto_generated_breaks = args[:auto_generated_breaks] if args.key?(:auto_generated_breaks) + @break_position = args[:break_position] if args.key?(:break_position) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @tp_ad_server_video_id = args[:tp_ad_server_video_id] if args.key?(:tp_ad_server_video_id) + @tp_targeting_url = args[:tp_targeting_url] if args.key?(:tp_targeting_url) + @tp_url_parameters = args[:tp_url_parameters] if args.key?(:tp_url_parameters) + end + end + + # + class VideoAdvertisingOptionGetEnabledAdsResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of ad breaks that occur in a claimed YouTube video. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `adBreaks` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :ad_breaks + + # This field indicates whether YouTube can show ads when the video is played in + # an embedded player. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `adsOnEmbeds` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :ads_on_embeds + alias_method :ads_on_embeds?, :ads_on_embeds + + # A list that identifies the countries where ads can run and the types of ads + # allowed in those countries. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `countriesRestriction` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :countries_restriction + + # The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the claimed video. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The type of the API resource. For this resource, the value is youtubePartner# + # videoAdvertisingOptionGetEnabledAds. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @ad_breaks = args[:ad_breaks] if args.key?(:ad_breaks) + @ads_on_embeds = args[:ads_on_embeds] if args.key?(:ads_on_embeds) + @countries_restriction = args[:countries_restriction] if args.key?(:countries_restriction) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + end + end + + # + class Whitelist + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The YouTube channel ID that uniquely identifies the whitelisted channel. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `id` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :id + + # The type of the API resource. For whitelist resources, this value is + # youtubePartner#whitelist. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # Title of the whitelisted YouTube channel. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `title` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :title + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @title = args[:title] if args.key?(:title) + end + end + + # + class WhitelistListResponse + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # A list of whitelist resources that match the request criteria. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `items` + # @return [Array] + attr_accessor :items + + # The type of the API response. For this operation, the value is youtubePartner# + # whitelistList. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `kind` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :kind + + # The token that can be used as the value of the pageToken parameter to retrieve + # the next page of results. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :next_page_token + + # The pageInfo object encapsulates paging information for the result set. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `pageInfo` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo] + attr_accessor :page_info + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @items = args[:items] if args.key?(:items) + @kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind) + @next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token) + @page_info = args[:page_info] if args.key?(:page_info) + end + end + end + end +end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/youtube_partner_v1/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/youtube_partner_v1/representations.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..82fff1081 --- /dev/null +++ b/generated/google/apis/youtube_partner_v1/representations.rb @@ -0,0 +1,1452 @@ +# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +require 'date' +require 'google/apis/core/base_service' +require 'google/apis/core/json_representation' +require 'google/apis/core/hashable' +require 'google/apis/errors' + +module Google + module Apis + module YoutubePartnerV1 + + class AdBreak + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AdSlot + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AllowedAdvertisingOptions + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Asset + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AssetLabel + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AssetLabelListResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AssetListResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AssetMatchPolicy + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AssetRelationship + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AssetRelationshipListResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AssetSearchResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AssetSnippet + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Campaign + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class CampaignData + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class CampaignList + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class CampaignSource + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class CampaignTargetLink + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Claim + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + class MatchInfo + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + class LongestMatch + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class TotalMatch + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Origin + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ClaimEvent + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + class Source + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class TypeDetails + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ClaimHistory + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ClaimListResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ClaimSearchResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ClaimSnippet + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + class Origin + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ClaimedVideoDefaults + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Conditions + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ConflictingOwnership + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ContentOwner + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ContentOwnerListResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class CountriesRestriction + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class CuepointSettings + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Date + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class DateRange + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ExcludedInterval + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class IntervalCondition + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class LiveCuepoint + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class MatchSegment + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Metadata + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class MetadataHistory + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class MetadataHistoryListResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Order + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class OrderListResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Origination + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class OwnershipConflicts + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class OwnershipHistoryListResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class PageInfo + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Policy + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class PolicyList + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class PolicyRule + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class PromotedContent + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Publisher + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class PublisherList + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Rating + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Reference + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ReferenceConflict + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ReferenceConflictListResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ReferenceConflictMatch + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ReferenceListResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Requirements + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class RightsOwnership + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class RightsOwnershipHistory + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Segment + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class ShowDetails + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class StateCompleted + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class TerritoryCondition + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class TerritoryConflicts + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class TerritoryOwners + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class VideoAdvertisingOption + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class VideoAdvertisingOptionGetEnabledAdsResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class Whitelist + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class WhitelistListResponse + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + + class AdBreak + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :midroll_seconds, as: 'midrollSeconds' + property :position, as: 'position' + collection :slot, as: 'slot', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AdSlot, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AdSlot::Representation + + end + end + + class AdSlot + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :id, as: 'id' + property :type, as: 'type' + end + end + + class AllowedAdvertisingOptions + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :ads_on_embeds, as: 'adsOnEmbeds' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + collection :lic_ad_formats, as: 'licAdFormats' + collection :ugc_ad_formats, as: 'ugcAdFormats' + end + end + + class Asset + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :alias_id, as: 'aliasId' + property :id, as: 'id' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + collection :label, as: 'label' + property :match_policy, as: 'matchPolicy', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy::Representation + + property :match_policy_effective, as: 'matchPolicyEffective', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy::Representation + + property :match_policy_mine, as: 'matchPolicyMine', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy::Representation + + property :metadata, as: 'metadata', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Metadata, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Metadata::Representation + + property :metadata_effective, as: 'metadataEffective', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Metadata, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Metadata::Representation + + property :metadata_mine, as: 'metadataMine', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Metadata, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Metadata::Representation + + property :ownership, as: 'ownership', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership::Representation + + property :ownership_conflicts, as: 'ownershipConflicts', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::OwnershipConflicts, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::OwnershipConflicts::Representation + + property :ownership_effective, as: 'ownershipEffective', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership::Representation + + property :ownership_mine, as: 'ownershipMine', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership::Representation + + property :status, as: 'status' + property :time_created, as: 'timeCreated', type: DateTime + + property :type, as: 'type' + end + end + + class AssetLabel + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :label_name, as: 'labelName' + end + end + + class AssetLabelListResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :items, as: 'items', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetLabel, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetLabel::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + end + end + + class AssetListResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :items, as: 'items', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + end + end + + class AssetMatchPolicy + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :policy_id, as: 'policyId' + collection :rules, as: 'rules', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PolicyRule, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PolicyRule::Representation + + end + end + + class AssetRelationship + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :child_asset_id, as: 'childAssetId' + property :id, as: 'id' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :parent_asset_id, as: 'parentAssetId' + end + end + + class AssetRelationshipListResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :items, as: 'items', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetRelationship, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetRelationship::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' + property :page_info, as: 'pageInfo', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo::Representation + + end + end + + class AssetSearchResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :items, as: 'items', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetSnippet, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetSnippet::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' + property :page_info, as: 'pageInfo', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo::Representation + + end + end + + class AssetSnippet + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :custom_id, as: 'customId' + property :id, as: 'id' + property :isrc, as: 'isrc' + property :iswc, as: 'iswc' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :time_created, as: 'timeCreated', type: DateTime + + property :title, as: 'title' + property :type, as: 'type' + end + end + + class Campaign + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :campaign_data, as: 'campaignData', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CampaignData, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CampaignData::Representation + + property :id, as: 'id' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :status, as: 'status' + property :time_created, as: 'timeCreated', type: DateTime + + property :time_last_modified, as: 'timeLastModified', type: DateTime + + end + end + + class CampaignData + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :campaign_source, as: 'campaignSource', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CampaignSource, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CampaignSource::Representation + + property :expire_time, as: 'expireTime', type: DateTime + + property :name, as: 'name' + collection :promoted_content, as: 'promotedContent', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PromotedContent, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PromotedContent::Representation + + property :start_time, as: 'startTime', type: DateTime + + end + end + + class CampaignList + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :items, as: 'items', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + end + end + + class CampaignSource + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :source_type, as: 'sourceType' + collection :source_value, as: 'sourceValue' + end + end + + class CampaignTargetLink + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :target_id, as: 'targetId' + property :target_type, as: 'targetType' + end + end + + class Claim + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :applied_policy, as: 'appliedPolicy', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy::Representation + + property :asset_id, as: 'assetId' + property :block_outside_ownership, as: 'blockOutsideOwnership' + property :content_type, as: 'contentType' + property :id, as: 'id' + property :is_partner_uploaded, as: 'isPartnerUploaded' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :match_info, as: 'matchInfo', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::MatchInfo, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::MatchInfo::Representation + + property :origin, as: 'origin', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::Origin, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::Origin::Representation + + property :policy, as: 'policy', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy::Representation + + property :status, as: 'status' + property :time_created, as: 'timeCreated', type: DateTime + + property :video_id, as: 'videoId' + end + + class MatchInfo + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :longest_match, as: 'longestMatch', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::MatchInfo::LongestMatch, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::MatchInfo::LongestMatch::Representation + + collection :match_segments, as: 'matchSegments', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::MatchSegment, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::MatchSegment::Representation + + property :reference_id, as: 'referenceId' + property :total_match, as: 'totalMatch', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::MatchInfo::TotalMatch, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::MatchInfo::TotalMatch::Representation + + end + + class LongestMatch + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :duration_secs, as: 'durationSecs' + property :reference_offset, as: 'referenceOffset' + property :user_video_offset, as: 'userVideoOffset' + end + end + + class TotalMatch + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :reference_duration_secs, as: 'referenceDurationSecs' + property :user_video_duration_secs, as: 'userVideoDurationSecs' + end + end + end + + class Origin + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :source, as: 'source' + end + end + end + + class ClaimEvent + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :reason, as: 'reason' + property :source, as: 'source', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimEvent::Source, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimEvent::Source::Representation + + property :time, as: 'time', type: DateTime + + property :type, as: 'type' + property :type_details, as: 'typeDetails', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimEvent::TypeDetails, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimEvent::TypeDetails::Representation + + end + + class Source + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :content_owner_id, as: 'contentOwnerId' + property :type, as: 'type' + property :user_email, as: 'userEmail' + end + end + + class TypeDetails + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :appeal_explanation, as: 'appealExplanation' + property :dispute_notes, as: 'disputeNotes' + property :dispute_reason, as: 'disputeReason' + property :update_status, as: 'updateStatus' + end + end + end + + class ClaimHistory + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :event, as: 'event', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimEvent, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimEvent::Representation + + property :id, as: 'id' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :uploader_channel_id, as: 'uploaderChannelId' + end + end + + class ClaimListResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :items, as: 'items', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' + property :page_info, as: 'pageInfo', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo::Representation + + property :previous_page_token, as: 'previousPageToken' + end + end + + class ClaimSearchResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :items, as: 'items', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimSnippet, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimSnippet::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' + property :page_info, as: 'pageInfo', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo::Representation + + property :previous_page_token, as: 'previousPageToken' + end + end + + class ClaimSnippet + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :asset_id, as: 'assetId' + property :content_type, as: 'contentType' + property :id, as: 'id' + property :is_partner_uploaded, as: 'isPartnerUploaded' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :origin, as: 'origin', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimSnippet::Origin, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimSnippet::Origin::Representation + + property :status, as: 'status' + property :third_party_claim, as: 'thirdPartyClaim' + property :time_created, as: 'timeCreated', type: DateTime + + property :video_id, as: 'videoId' + property :video_title, as: 'videoTitle' + property :video_views, as: 'videoViews' + end + + class Origin + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :source, as: 'source' + end + end + end + + class ClaimedVideoDefaults + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :auto_generated_breaks, as: 'autoGeneratedBreaks' + property :channel_override, as: 'channelOverride' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + collection :new_video_defaults, as: 'newVideoDefaults' + end + end + + class Conditions + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :content_match_type, as: 'contentMatchType' + collection :match_duration, as: 'matchDuration', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::IntervalCondition, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::IntervalCondition::Representation + + collection :match_percent, as: 'matchPercent', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::IntervalCondition, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::IntervalCondition::Representation + + collection :reference_duration, as: 'referenceDuration', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::IntervalCondition, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::IntervalCondition::Representation + + collection :reference_percent, as: 'referencePercent', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::IntervalCondition, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::IntervalCondition::Representation + + property :required_territories, as: 'requiredTerritories', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryCondition, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryCondition::Representation + + end + end + + class ConflictingOwnership + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :owner, as: 'owner' + property :ratio, as: 'ratio' + end + end + + class ContentOwner + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :conflict_notification_email, as: 'conflictNotificationEmail' + property :display_name, as: 'displayName' + collection :dispute_notification_emails, as: 'disputeNotificationEmails' + collection :fingerprint_report_notification_emails, as: 'fingerprintReportNotificationEmails' + property :id, as: 'id' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + collection :primary_notification_emails, as: 'primaryNotificationEmails' + end + end + + class ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :allowed_options, as: 'allowedOptions', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AllowedAdvertisingOptions, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AllowedAdvertisingOptions::Representation + + property :claimed_video_options, as: 'claimedVideoOptions', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimedVideoDefaults, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimedVideoDefaults::Representation + + property :id, as: 'id' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + end + end + + class ContentOwnerListResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :items, as: 'items', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwner, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwner::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + end + end + + class CountriesRestriction + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :ad_formats, as: 'adFormats' + collection :territories, as: 'territories' + end + end + + class CuepointSettings + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :cue_type, as: 'cueType' + property :duration_secs, as: 'durationSecs' + property :offset_time_ms, as: 'offsetTimeMs' + property :walltime, as: 'walltime', type: DateTime + + end + end + + class Date + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :day, as: 'day' + property :month, as: 'month' + property :year, as: 'year' + end + end + + class DateRange + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :end, as: 'end', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :start, as: 'start', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date::Representation + + end + end + + class ExcludedInterval + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :high, as: 'high' + property :low, as: 'low' + property :origin, as: 'origin' + property :time_created, as: 'timeCreated', type: DateTime + + end + end + + class IntervalCondition + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :high, as: 'high' + property :low, as: 'low' + end + end + + class LiveCuepoint + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :broadcast_id, as: 'broadcastId' + property :id, as: 'id' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :settings, as: 'settings', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CuepointSettings, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CuepointSettings::Representation + + end + end + + class MatchSegment + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :channel, as: 'channel' + property :reference_segment, as: 'reference_segment', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Segment, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Segment::Representation + + property :video_segment, as: 'video_segment', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Segment, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Segment::Representation + + end + end + + class Metadata + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :actor, as: 'actor' + property :album, as: 'album' + collection :artist, as: 'artist' + collection :broadcaster, as: 'broadcaster' + property :category, as: 'category' + property :content_type, as: 'contentType' + property :copyright_date, as: 'copyrightDate', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date::Representation + + property :custom_id, as: 'customId' + property :description, as: 'description' + collection :director, as: 'director' + property :eidr, as: 'eidr' + property :end_year, as: 'endYear' + property :episode_number, as: 'episodeNumber' + property :episodes_are_untitled, as: 'episodesAreUntitled' + collection :genre, as: 'genre' + property :grid, as: 'grid' + property :hfa, as: 'hfa' + property :info_url, as: 'infoUrl' + property :isan, as: 'isan' + property :isrc, as: 'isrc' + property :iswc, as: 'iswc' + collection :keyword, as: 'keyword' + property :label, as: 'label' + property :notes, as: 'notes' + property :original_release_medium, as: 'originalReleaseMedium' + collection :producer, as: 'producer' + collection :ratings, as: 'ratings', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Rating, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Rating::Representation + + property :release_date, as: 'releaseDate', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date::Representation + + property :season_number, as: 'seasonNumber' + property :show_custom_id, as: 'showCustomId' + property :show_title, as: 'showTitle' + property :spoken_language, as: 'spokenLanguage' + property :start_year, as: 'startYear' + collection :subtitled_language, as: 'subtitledLanguage' + property :title, as: 'title' + property :tms_id, as: 'tmsId' + property :total_episodes_expected, as: 'totalEpisodesExpected' + property :upc, as: 'upc' + collection :writer, as: 'writer' + end + end + + class MetadataHistory + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :metadata, as: 'metadata', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Metadata, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Metadata::Representation + + property :origination, as: 'origination', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Origination, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Origination::Representation + + property :time_provided, as: 'timeProvided', type: DateTime + + end + end + + class MetadataHistoryListResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :items, as: 'items', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::MetadataHistory, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::MetadataHistory::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + end + end + + class Order + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :avail_group_id, as: 'availGroupId' + property :channel_id, as: 'channelId' + property :content_type, as: 'contentType' + property :country, as: 'country' + property :custom_id, as: 'customId' + property :dvd_release_date, as: 'dvdReleaseDate', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date::Representation + + property :est_dates, as: 'estDates', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::DateRange, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::DateRange::Representation + + collection :events, as: 'events', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::StateCompleted, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::StateCompleted::Representation + + property :id, as: 'id' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :movie, as: 'movie' + property :original_release_date, as: 'originalReleaseDate', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Date::Representation + + property :priority, as: 'priority' + property :production_house, as: 'productionHouse' + property :purchase_order, as: 'purchaseOrder' + property :requirements, as: 'requirements', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Requirements, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Requirements::Representation + + property :show, as: 'show', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ShowDetails, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ShowDetails::Representation + + property :status, as: 'status' + property :video_id, as: 'videoId' + property :vod_dates, as: 'vodDates', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::DateRange, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::DateRange::Representation + + end + end + + class OrderListResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :items, as: 'items', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' + property :page_info, as: 'pageInfo', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo::Representation + + property :previous_page_token, as: 'previousPageToken' + end + end + + class Origination + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :owner, as: 'owner' + property :source, as: 'source' + end + end + + class OwnershipConflicts + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :general, as: 'general', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryConflicts, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryConflicts::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + collection :mechanical, as: 'mechanical', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryConflicts, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryConflicts::Representation + + collection :performance, as: 'performance', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryConflicts, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryConflicts::Representation + + collection :synchronization, as: 'synchronization', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryConflicts, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryConflicts::Representation + + end + end + + class OwnershipHistoryListResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :items, as: 'items', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnershipHistory, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnershipHistory::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + end + end + + class PageInfo + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :results_per_page, as: 'resultsPerPage' + property :start_index, as: 'startIndex' + property :total_results, as: 'totalResults' + end + end + + class Policy + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :description, as: 'description' + property :id, as: 'id' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :name, as: 'name' + collection :rules, as: 'rules', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PolicyRule, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PolicyRule::Representation + + property :time_updated, as: 'timeUpdated', type: DateTime + + end + end + + class PolicyList + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :items, as: 'items', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + end + end + + class PolicyRule + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :action, as: 'action' + property :conditions, as: 'conditions', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Conditions, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Conditions::Representation + + collection :subaction, as: 'subaction' + end + end + + class PromotedContent + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :link, as: 'link', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CampaignTargetLink, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CampaignTargetLink::Representation + + end + end + + class Publisher + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :cae_number, as: 'caeNumber' + property :id, as: 'id' + property :ipi_number, as: 'ipiNumber' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :name, as: 'name' + end + end + + class PublisherList + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :items, as: 'items', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Publisher, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Publisher::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' + property :page_info, as: 'pageInfo', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo::Representation + + end + end + + class Rating + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :rating, as: 'rating' + property :rating_system, as: 'ratingSystem' + end + end + + class Reference + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :asset_id, as: 'assetId' + property :audioswap_enabled, as: 'audioswapEnabled' + property :claim_id, as: 'claimId' + property :content_type, as: 'contentType' + property :duplicate_leader, as: 'duplicateLeader' + collection :excluded_intervals, as: 'excludedIntervals', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ExcludedInterval, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ExcludedInterval::Representation + + property :fp_direct, as: 'fpDirect' + property :hash_code, as: 'hashCode' + property :id, as: 'id' + property :ignore_fp_match, as: 'ignoreFpMatch' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :length, as: 'length' + property :origination, as: 'origination', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Origination, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Origination::Representation + + property :status, as: 'status' + property :status_reason, as: 'statusReason' + property :urgent, as: 'urgent' + property :video_id, as: 'videoId' + end + end + + class ReferenceConflict + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :conflicting_reference_id, as: 'conflictingReferenceId' + property :expiry_time, as: 'expiryTime', type: DateTime + + property :id, as: 'id' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + collection :matches, as: 'matches', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ReferenceConflictMatch, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ReferenceConflictMatch::Representation + + property :original_reference_id, as: 'originalReferenceId' + property :status, as: 'status' + end + end + + class ReferenceConflictListResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :items, as: 'items', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ReferenceConflict, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ReferenceConflict::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' + property :page_info, as: 'pageInfo', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo::Representation + + end + end + + class ReferenceConflictMatch + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :conflicting_reference_offset_ms, as: 'conflicting_reference_offset_ms' + property :length_ms, as: 'length_ms' + property :original_reference_offset_ms, as: 'original_reference_offset_ms' + property :type, as: 'type' + end + end + + class ReferenceListResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :items, as: 'items', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' + property :page_info, as: 'pageInfo', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo::Representation + + end + end + + class Requirements + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :caption, as: 'caption' + property :hd_transcode, as: 'hdTranscode' + property :poster_art, as: 'posterArt' + property :spotlight_art, as: 'spotlightArt' + property :spotlight_review, as: 'spotlightReview' + property :trailer, as: 'trailer' + end + end + + class RightsOwnership + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :general, as: 'general', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryOwners, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryOwners::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + collection :mechanical, as: 'mechanical', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryOwners, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryOwners::Representation + + collection :performance, as: 'performance', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryOwners, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryOwners::Representation + + collection :synchronization, as: 'synchronization', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryOwners, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::TerritoryOwners::Representation + + end + end + + class RightsOwnershipHistory + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :origination, as: 'origination', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Origination, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Origination::Representation + + property :ownership, as: 'ownership', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership::Representation + + property :time_provided, as: 'timeProvided', type: DateTime + + end + end + + class Segment + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :duration, as: 'duration' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :start, as: 'start' + end + end + + class ShowDetails + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :episode_number, as: 'episodeNumber' + property :episode_title, as: 'episodeTitle' + property :season_number, as: 'seasonNumber' + property :title, as: 'title' + end + end + + class StateCompleted + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :state, as: 'state' + property :time_completed, as: 'timeCompleted' + end + end + + class TerritoryCondition + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :territories, as: 'territories' + property :type, as: 'type' + end + end + + class TerritoryConflicts + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :conflicting_ownership, as: 'conflictingOwnership', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ConflictingOwnership, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ConflictingOwnership::Representation + + property :territory, as: 'territory' + end + end + + class TerritoryOwners + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :owner, as: 'owner' + property :publisher, as: 'publisher' + property :ratio, as: 'ratio' + collection :territories, as: 'territories' + property :type, as: 'type' + end + end + + class VideoAdvertisingOption + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :ad_breaks, as: 'adBreaks', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AdBreak, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AdBreak::Representation + + collection :ad_formats, as: 'adFormats' + property :auto_generated_breaks, as: 'autoGeneratedBreaks' + collection :break_position, as: 'breakPosition' + property :id, as: 'id' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :tp_ad_server_video_id, as: 'tpAdServerVideoId' + property :tp_targeting_url, as: 'tpTargetingUrl' + property :tp_url_parameters, as: 'tpUrlParameters' + end + end + + class VideoAdvertisingOptionGetEnabledAdsResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :ad_breaks, as: 'adBreaks', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AdBreak, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AdBreak::Representation + + property :ads_on_embeds, as: 'adsOnEmbeds' + collection :countries_restriction, as: 'countriesRestriction', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CountriesRestriction, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CountriesRestriction::Representation + + property :id, as: 'id' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + end + end + + class Whitelist + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :id, as: 'id' + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :title, as: 'title' + end + end + + class WhitelistListResponse + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + collection :items, as: 'items', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Whitelist, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Whitelist::Representation + + property :kind, as: 'kind' + property :next_page_token, as: 'nextPageToken' + property :page_info, as: 'pageInfo', class: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PageInfo::Representation + + end + end + end + end +end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/youtube_partner_v1/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/youtube_partner_v1/service.rb new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c326bf12f --- /dev/null +++ b/generated/google/apis/youtube_partner_v1/service.rb @@ -0,0 +1,3165 @@ +# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +require 'google/apis/core/base_service' +require 'google/apis/core/json_representation' +require 'google/apis/core/hashable' +require 'google/apis/errors' + +module Google + module Apis + module YoutubePartnerV1 + # Youtube Content ID API + # + # API for YouTube partners. To use this API YouTube CMS account is required. + # + # @example + # require 'google/apis/youtube_partner_v1' + # + # YoutubePartner = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1 # Alias the module + # service = YoutubePartner::YouTubePartnerService.new + # + # @see https://developers.google.com/youtube/partner/ + class YouTubePartnerService < Google::Apis::Core::BaseService + # @return [String] + # API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, + # quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token. + attr_accessor :key + + # @return [String] + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + attr_accessor :quota_user + + # @return [String] + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + attr_accessor :user_ip + + def initialize + super('https://www.googleapis.com/', 'youtube/partner/v1/') + end + + # Insert an asset label for an owner. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetLabel] asset_label_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetLabel] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetLabel] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def insert_asset_label(asset_label_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'assetLabels', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetLabel::Representation + command.request_object = asset_label_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetLabel::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetLabel + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a list of all asset labels for an owner. + # @param [String] label_prefix + # The labelPrefix parameter identifies the prefix of asset labels to retrieve. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] q + # The q parameter specifies the query string to use to filter search results. + # YouTube searches for the query string in the labelName field of asset labels. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetLabelListResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetLabelListResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_asset_labels(label_prefix: nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, q: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'assetLabels', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetLabelListResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetLabelListResponse + command.query['labelPrefix'] = label_prefix unless label_prefix.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['q'] = q unless q.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves the match policy assigned to the specified asset by the content + # owner associated with the authenticated user. This information is only + # accessible to an owner of the asset. + # @param [String] asset_id + # The assetId parameter specifies the YouTube asset ID of the asset for which + # you are retrieving the match policy. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_asset_match_policy(asset_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'assets/{assetId}/matchPolicy', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy + command.params['assetId'] = asset_id unless asset_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Updates the asset's match policy. If an asset has multiple owners, each owner + # may set its own match policy for the asset. YouTube then computes the match + # policy that is actually applied for the asset based on the territories where + # each owner owns the asset. This method supports patch semantics. + # @param [String] asset_id + # The assetId parameter specifies the YouTube asset ID of the asset for which + # you are retrieving the match policy. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy] asset_match_policy_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def patch_asset_match_policy(asset_id, asset_match_policy_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'assets/{assetId}/matchPolicy', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy::Representation + command.request_object = asset_match_policy_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy + command.params['assetId'] = asset_id unless asset_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Updates the asset's match policy. If an asset has multiple owners, each owner + # may set its own match policy for the asset. YouTube then computes the match + # policy that is actually applied for the asset based on the territories where + # each owner owns the asset. + # @param [String] asset_id + # The assetId parameter specifies the YouTube asset ID of the asset for which + # you are retrieving the match policy. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy] asset_match_policy_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def update_asset_match_policy(asset_id, asset_match_policy_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:put, 'assets/{assetId}/matchPolicy', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy::Representation + command.request_object = asset_match_policy_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetMatchPolicy + command.params['assetId'] = asset_id unless asset_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Deletes a relationship between two assets. + # @param [String] asset_relationship_id + # The assetRelationshipId parameter specifies a value that uniquely identifies + # the relationship you are deleting. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [NilClass] No result returned for this method + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [void] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def delete_asset_relationship(asset_relationship_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'assetRelationships/{assetRelationshipId}', options) + command.params['assetRelationshipId'] = asset_relationship_id unless asset_relationship_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Creates a relationship that links two assets. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetRelationship] asset_relationship_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetRelationship] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetRelationship] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def insert_asset_relationship(asset_relationship_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'assetRelationships', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetRelationship::Representation + command.request_object = asset_relationship_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetRelationship::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetRelationship + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a list of relationships for a given asset. The list contains + # relationships where the specified asset is either the parent (embedding) or + # child (embedded) asset in the relationship. + # @param [String] asset_id + # The assetId parameter specifies the asset ID of the asset for which you are + # retrieving relationships. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] page_token + # The pageToken parameter specifies a token that identifies a particular page of + # results to return. Set this parameter to the value of the nextPageToken value + # from the previous API response to retrieve the next page of search results. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetRelationshipListResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetRelationshipListResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_asset_relationships(asset_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'assetRelationships', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetRelationshipListResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetRelationshipListResponse + command.query['assetId'] = asset_id unless asset_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Searches for assets based on asset metadata. The method can retrieve all + # assets or only assets owned by the content owner. This method mimics the + # functionality of the advanced search feature on the Assets page in CMS. + # @param [DateTime] created_after + # The createdAfter parameter restricts the set of returned assets to ones + # originally created on or after the specified datetime. For example: 2015-01- + # 29T23:00:00Z + # @param [DateTime] created_before + # The createdBefore parameter restricts the set of returned assets to ones + # originally created on or before the specified datetime. For example: 2015-01- + # 29T23:00:00Z + # @param [Boolean] has_conflicts + # The hasConflicts parameter enables you to only retrieve assets that have + # ownership conflicts. The only valid value is true. Setting the parameter value + # to false does not affect the results. + # @param [Boolean] include_any_providedlabel + # If includeAnyProvidedlabel parameter is set to true, will search for assets + # that contain any of the provided labels; else will search for assets that + # contain all the provided labels. + # @param [String] isrcs + # A comma-separated list of up to 50 ISRCs. If you specify a value for this + # parameter, the API server ignores any values set for the following parameters: + # q, includeAnyProvidedLabel, hasConflicts, labels, metadataSearchFields, sort, + # and type. + # @param [String] labels + # The labels parameter specifies the assets with certain asset labels that you + # want to retrieve. The parameter value is a comma-separated list of asset + # labels. + # @param [String] metadata_search_fields + # The metadataSearchField parameter specifies which metadata fields to search by. + # It is a comma-separated list of metadata field and value pairs connected by + # colon(:). For example: customId:my_custom_id,artist:Dandexx + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] ownership_restriction + # The ownershipRestriction parameter specifies the ownership filtering option + # for the search. By default the search is performed in the assets owned by + # currently authenticated user only. + # @param [String] page_token + # The pageToken parameter specifies a token that identifies a particular page of + # results to return. Set this parameter to the value of the nextPageToken value + # from the previous API response to retrieve the next page of search results. + # @param [String] q + # YouTube searches within the id, type, and customId fields for all assets as + # well as in numerous other metadata fields – such as actor, album, director, + # isrc, and tmsId – that vary for different types of assets (movies, music + # videos, etc.). + # @param [String] sort + # The sort parameter specifies how the search results should be sorted. Note + # that results are always sorted in descending order. + # @param [String] type + # The type parameter specifies the types of assets that you want to retrieve. + # The parameter value is a comma-separated list of asset types. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetSearchResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetSearchResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_asset_searches(created_after: nil, created_before: nil, has_conflicts: nil, include_any_providedlabel: nil, isrcs: nil, labels: nil, metadata_search_fields: nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, ownership_restriction: nil, page_token: nil, q: nil, sort: nil, type: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'assetSearch', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetSearchResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetSearchResponse + command.query['createdAfter'] = created_after unless created_after.nil? + command.query['createdBefore'] = created_before unless created_before.nil? + command.query['hasConflicts'] = has_conflicts unless has_conflicts.nil? + command.query['includeAnyProvidedlabel'] = include_any_providedlabel unless include_any_providedlabel.nil? + command.query['isrcs'] = isrcs unless isrcs.nil? + command.query['labels'] = labels unless labels.nil? + command.query['metadataSearchFields'] = metadata_search_fields unless metadata_search_fields.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['ownershipRestriction'] = ownership_restriction unless ownership_restriction.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['q'] = q unless q.nil? + command.query['sort'] = sort unless sort.nil? + command.query['type'] = type unless type.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves the metadata for the specified asset. Note that if the request + # identifies an asset that has been merged with another asset, meaning that + # YouTube identified the requested asset as a duplicate, then the request + # retrieves the merged, or synthesized, asset. + # @param [String] asset_id + # The assetId parameter specifies the YouTube asset ID of the asset being + # retrieved. + # @param [String] fetch_match_policy + # The fetchMatchPolicy parameter specifies the version of the asset's match + # policy that should be returned in the API response. + # @param [String] fetch_metadata + # The fetchMetadata parameter specifies the version of the asset's metadata that + # should be returned in the API response. In some cases, YouTube receives + # metadata for an asset from multiple sources, such as when different partners + # own the asset in different territories. + # @param [String] fetch_ownership + # The fetchOwnership parameter specifies the version of the asset's ownership + # data that should be returned in the API response. As with asset metadata, + # YouTube can receive asset ownership data from multiple sources. + # @param [Boolean] fetch_ownership_conflicts + # The fetchOwnershipConflicts parameter allows you to retrieve information about + # ownership conflicts. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_asset(asset_id, fetch_match_policy: nil, fetch_metadata: nil, fetch_ownership: nil, fetch_ownership_conflicts: nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'assets/{assetId}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset + command.params['assetId'] = asset_id unless asset_id.nil? + command.query['fetchMatchPolicy'] = fetch_match_policy unless fetch_match_policy.nil? + command.query['fetchMetadata'] = fetch_metadata unless fetch_metadata.nil? + command.query['fetchOwnership'] = fetch_ownership unless fetch_ownership.nil? + command.query['fetchOwnershipConflicts'] = fetch_ownership_conflicts unless fetch_ownership_conflicts.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Inserts an asset with the specified metadata. After inserting an asset, you + # can set its ownership data and match policy. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset] asset_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def insert_asset(asset_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'assets', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset::Representation + command.request_object = asset_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a list of assets based on asset metadata. The method can retrieve + # all assets or only assets owned by the content owner. + # Note that in cases where duplicate assets have been merged, the API response + # only contains the synthesized asset. (It does not contain the constituent + # assets that were merged into the synthesized asset.) + # @param [String] id + # The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of YouTube Asset IDs that + # identify the assets you want to retrieve. As noted in the method description, + # if you try to retrieve an asset that YouTube identified as a duplicate and + # merged with another asset, the API response only returns the synthesized asset. + # In that case, the aliasId property in the asset resource specifies a list of + # other asset IDs that can be used to identify that asset. + # Also note that the API response does not contain duplicates. As such, if your + # request identifies three asset IDs, and all of those have been merged into a + # single asset, then the API response identifies one matching asset. + # @param [String] fetch_match_policy + # The fetchMatchPolicy parameter specifies the version of the asset's match + # policy that should be returned in the API response. + # @param [String] fetch_metadata + # The fetchMetadata parameter specifies the version of the asset's metadata that + # should be returned in the API response. In some cases, YouTube receives + # metadata for an asset from multiple sources, such as when different partners + # own the asset in different territories. + # @param [String] fetch_ownership + # The fetchOwnership parameter specifies the version of the asset's ownership + # data that should be returned in the API response. As with asset metadata, + # YouTube can receive asset ownership data from multiple sources. + # @param [Boolean] fetch_ownership_conflicts + # The fetchOwnershipConflicts parameter allows you to retrieve information about + # ownership conflicts. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetListResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetListResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_assets(id, fetch_match_policy: nil, fetch_metadata: nil, fetch_ownership: nil, fetch_ownership_conflicts: nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'assets', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetListResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::AssetListResponse + command.query['fetchMatchPolicy'] = fetch_match_policy unless fetch_match_policy.nil? + command.query['fetchMetadata'] = fetch_metadata unless fetch_metadata.nil? + command.query['fetchOwnership'] = fetch_ownership unless fetch_ownership.nil? + command.query['fetchOwnershipConflicts'] = fetch_ownership_conflicts unless fetch_ownership_conflicts.nil? + command.query['id'] = id unless id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Updates the metadata for the specified asset. This method supports patch + # semantics. + # @param [String] asset_id + # The assetId parameter specifies the YouTube asset ID of the asset being + # updated. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset] asset_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def patch_asset(asset_id, asset_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'assets/{assetId}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset::Representation + command.request_object = asset_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset + command.params['assetId'] = asset_id unless asset_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Updates the metadata for the specified asset. + # @param [String] asset_id + # The assetId parameter specifies the YouTube asset ID of the asset being + # updated. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset] asset_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def update_asset(asset_id, asset_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:put, 'assets/{assetId}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset::Representation + command.request_object = asset_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Asset + command.params['assetId'] = asset_id unless asset_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Deletes a specified campaign for an owner. + # @param [String] campaign_id + # The campaignId parameter specifies the YouTube campaign ID of the campaign + # being deleted. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [NilClass] No result returned for this method + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [void] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def delete_campaign(campaign_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'campaigns/{campaignId}', options) + command.params['campaignId'] = campaign_id unless campaign_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a particular campaign for an owner. + # @param [String] campaign_id + # The campaignId parameter specifies the YouTube campaign ID of the campaign + # being retrieved. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_campaign(campaign_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'campaigns/{campaignId}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign + command.params['campaignId'] = campaign_id unless campaign_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Insert a new campaign for an owner using the specified campaign data. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign] campaign_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def insert_campaign(campaign_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'campaigns', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign::Representation + command.request_object = campaign_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a list of campaigns for an owner. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] page_token + # The pageToken parameter specifies a token that identifies a particular page of + # results to return. For example, set this parameter to the value of the + # nextPageToken value from the previous API response to retrieve the next page + # of search results. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CampaignList] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CampaignList] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_campaigns(on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'campaigns', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CampaignList::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::CampaignList + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Update the data for a specific campaign. This method supports patch semantics. + # @param [String] campaign_id + # The campaignId parameter specifies the YouTube campaign ID of the campaign + # being retrieved. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign] campaign_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def patch_campaign(campaign_id, campaign_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'campaigns/{campaignId}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign::Representation + command.request_object = campaign_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign + command.params['campaignId'] = campaign_id unless campaign_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Update the data for a specific campaign. + # @param [String] campaign_id + # The campaignId parameter specifies the YouTube campaign ID of the campaign + # being retrieved. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign] campaign_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def update_campaign(campaign_id, campaign_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:put, 'campaigns/{campaignId}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign::Representation + command.request_object = campaign_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Campaign + command.params['campaignId'] = campaign_id unless campaign_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves the claim history for a specified claim. + # @param [String] claim_id + # The claimId parameter specifies the YouTube claim ID of the claim for which + # you are retrieving the claim history. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimHistory] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimHistory] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_claim_history(claim_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'claimHistory/{claimId}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimHistory::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimHistory + command.params['claimId'] = claim_id unless claim_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a list of claims that match the search criteria. You can search for + # claims that are associated with a specific asset or video or that match a + # specified query string. + # @param [String] asset_id + # The assetId parameter specifies the YouTube asset ID of the asset for which + # you are retrieving claims. + # @param [String] content_type + # The contentType parameter specifies the content type of claims that you want + # to retrieve. + # @param [DateTime] created_after + # The createdAfter parameter allows you to restrict the set of returned claims + # to ones originally created after the specified date. + # @param [DateTime] created_before + # The createdBefore parameter allows you to restrict the set of returned claims + # to ones originally created before the specified date. + # @param [String] inactive_reasons + # The inactiveReasons parameter allows you to specify what kind of inactive + # claims you want to find based on the reasons why the claims became inactive. + # @param [Boolean] include_third_party_claims + # Used along with the videoId parameter this parameter determines whether or not + # to include third party claims in the search results. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] origin + # The origin parameter specifies the origins you want to find claims for. It is + # a comma-separated list of origin values. + # @param [String] page_token + # The pageToken parameter specifies a token that identifies a particular page of + # results to return. For example, set this parameter to the value of the + # nextPageToken value from the previous API response to retrieve the next page + # of search results. + # @param [Boolean] partner_uploaded + # The partnerUploaded parameter specifies whether you want to filter your search + # results to only partner uploaded or non partner uploaded claims. + # @param [String] q + # The q parameter specifies the query string to use to filter search results. + # YouTube searches for the query string in the following claim fields: + # video_title, video_keywords, user_name, isrc, iswc, grid, custom_id, and in + # the content owner's email address. + # @param [String] reference_id + # The referenceId parameter specifies the YouTube reference ID of the reference + # for which you are retrieving claims. + # @param [String] sort + # The sort parameter specifies the method that will be used to order resources + # in the API response. The default value is date. However, if the status + # parameter value is either appealed, disputed, pending, potential, or + # routedForReview, then results will be sorted by the time that the claim review + # period expires. + # @param [String] status + # The status parameter restricts your results to only claims in the specified + # status. + # @param [String] video_id + # The videoId parameter specifies comma-separated list of YouTube video IDs for + # which you are retrieving claims. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimSearchResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimSearchResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_claim_searches(asset_id: nil, content_type: nil, created_after: nil, created_before: nil, inactive_reasons: nil, include_third_party_claims: nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, origin: nil, page_token: nil, partner_uploaded: nil, q: nil, reference_id: nil, sort: nil, status: nil, video_id: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'claimSearch', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimSearchResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimSearchResponse + command.query['assetId'] = asset_id unless asset_id.nil? + command.query['contentType'] = content_type unless content_type.nil? + command.query['createdAfter'] = created_after unless created_after.nil? + command.query['createdBefore'] = created_before unless created_before.nil? + command.query['inactiveReasons'] = inactive_reasons unless inactive_reasons.nil? + command.query['includeThirdPartyClaims'] = include_third_party_claims unless include_third_party_claims.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['origin'] = origin unless origin.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['partnerUploaded'] = partner_uploaded unless partner_uploaded.nil? + command.query['q'] = q unless q.nil? + command.query['referenceId'] = reference_id unless reference_id.nil? + command.query['sort'] = sort unless sort.nil? + command.query['status'] = status unless status.nil? + command.query['videoId'] = video_id unless video_id.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a specific claim by ID. + # @param [String] claim_id + # The claimId parameter specifies the claim ID of the claim being retrieved. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_claim(claim_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'claims/{claimId}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim + command.params['claimId'] = claim_id unless claim_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Creates a claim. The video being claimed must have been uploaded to a channel + # associated with the same content owner as the API user sending the request. + # You can set the claim's policy in any of the following ways: + # - Use the claim resource's policy property to identify a saved policy by its + # unique ID. + # - Use the claim resource's policy property to specify a custom set of rules. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim] claim_object + # @param [Boolean] is_manual_claim + # restricted + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def insert_claim(claim_object = nil, is_manual_claim: nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'claims', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::Representation + command.request_object = claim_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim + command.query['isManualClaim'] = is_manual_claim unless is_manual_claim.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a list of claims administered by the content owner associated with + # the currently authenticated user. Results are sorted in descending order of + # creation time. + # @param [String] asset_id + # Use the claimSearch.list method's assetId parameter to search for claim + # snippets by asset ID. You can then retrieve the claim resources for those + # claims by using this method's id parameter to specify a comma-separated list + # of claim IDs. + # @param [String] id + # The id parameter specifies a list of comma-separated YouTube claim IDs to + # retrieve. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] page_token + # The pageToken parameter specifies a token that identifies a particular page of + # results to return. For example, set this parameter to the value of the + # nextPageToken value from the previous API response to retrieve the next page + # of search results. + # @param [String] q + # Use the claimSearch.list method's q parameter to search for claim snippets + # that match a particular query string. You can then retrieve the claim + # resources for those claims by using this method's id parameter to specify a + # comma-separated list of claim IDs. + # @param [String] video_id + # Use the claimSearch.list method's videoId parameter to search for claim + # snippets by video ID. You can then retrieve the claim resources for those + # claims by using this method's id parameter to specify a comma-separated list + # of claim IDs. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimListResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimListResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_claims(asset_id: nil, id: nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, page_token: nil, q: nil, video_id: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'claims', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimListResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ClaimListResponse + command.query['assetId'] = asset_id unless asset_id.nil? + command.query['id'] = id unless id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['q'] = q unless q.nil? + command.query['videoId'] = video_id unless video_id.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Updates an existing claim by either changing its policy or its status. You can + # update a claim's status from active to inactive to effectively release the + # claim. This method supports patch semantics. + # @param [String] claim_id + # The claimId parameter specifies the claim ID of the claim being updated. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim] claim_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def patch_claim(claim_id, claim_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'claims/{claimId}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::Representation + command.request_object = claim_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim + command.params['claimId'] = claim_id unless claim_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Updates an existing claim by either changing its policy or its status. You can + # update a claim's status from active to inactive to effectively release the + # claim. + # @param [String] claim_id + # The claimId parameter specifies the claim ID of the claim being updated. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim] claim_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def update_claim(claim_id, claim_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:put, 'claims/{claimId}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::Representation + command.request_object = claim_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Claim + command.params['claimId'] = claim_id unless claim_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves advertising options for the content owner associated with the + # authenticated user. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_content_owner_advertising_option(on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'contentOwnerAdvertisingOptions', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Updates advertising options for the content owner associated with the + # authenticated API user. This method supports patch semantics. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption] content_owner_advertising_option_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def patch_content_owner_advertising_option(content_owner_advertising_option_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'contentOwnerAdvertisingOptions', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption::Representation + command.request_object = content_owner_advertising_option_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Updates advertising options for the content owner associated with the + # authenticated API user. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption] content_owner_advertising_option_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def update_content_owner_advertising_option(content_owner_advertising_option_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:put, 'contentOwnerAdvertisingOptions', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption::Representation + command.request_object = content_owner_advertising_option_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerAdvertisingOption + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves information about the specified content owner. + # @param [String] content_owner_id + # The contentOwnerId parameter specifies a value that uniquely identifies the + # content owner. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwner] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwner] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_content_owner(content_owner_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'contentOwners/{contentOwnerId}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwner::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwner + command.params['contentOwnerId'] = content_owner_id unless content_owner_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a list of content owners that match the request criteria. + # @param [Boolean] fetch_mine + # The fetchMine parameter restricts the result set to content owners associated + # with the currently authenticated API user. + # @param [String] id + # The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of YouTube content owner IDs + # to retrieve. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerListResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerListResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_content_owners(fetch_mine: nil, id: nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'contentOwners', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerListResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ContentOwnerListResponse + command.query['fetchMine'] = fetch_mine unless fetch_mine.nil? + command.query['id'] = id unless id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Inserts a cuepoint into a live broadcast. + # @param [String] channel_id + # The channelId parameter identifies the channel that owns the broadcast into + # which the cuepoint is being inserted. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::LiveCuepoint] live_cuepoint_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. You can obtain the content owner ID + # that will serve as the parameter value by calling the YouTube Content ID API's + # contentOwners.list method. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::LiveCuepoint] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::LiveCuepoint] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def insert_live_cuepoint(channel_id, live_cuepoint_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'liveCuepoints', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::LiveCuepoint::Representation + command.request_object = live_cuepoint_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::LiveCuepoint::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::LiveCuepoint + command.query['channelId'] = channel_id unless channel_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a list of all metadata provided for an asset, regardless of which + # content owner provided the data. + # @param [String] asset_id + # The assetId parameter specifies the YouTube asset ID of the asset for which + # you are retrieving a metadata history. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::MetadataHistoryListResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::MetadataHistoryListResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_metadata_histories(asset_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'metadataHistory', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::MetadataHistoryListResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::MetadataHistoryListResponse + command.query['assetId'] = asset_id unless asset_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Delete an order, which moves orders to inactive state and removes any + # associated video. + # @param [String] order_id + # Id of the order to delete. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # ContentOwnerId that super admin acts in behalf of. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [NilClass] No result returned for this method + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [void] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def delete_order(order_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'orders/{orderId}', options) + command.params['orderId'] = order_id unless order_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieve the details of an existing order. + # @param [String] order_id + # The id of the order. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # ContentOnwerId that super admin acts in behalf of. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_order(order_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'orders/{orderId}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order + command.params['orderId'] = order_id unless order_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Creates a new basic order entry in the YouTube premium asset order management + # system. You must supply at least a country and channel in the new order. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order] order_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # ContentOnwerId that super admin acts in behalf of. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def insert_order(order_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'orders', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order::Representation + command.request_object = order_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Return a list of orders, filtered by the parameters below, may return more + # than a single page of results. + # @param [String] channel_id + # Filter results to only a specific channel ( use encrypted ID). + # @param [String] content_type + # Filter the results by type, possible values are SHOW or MOVIE. + # @param [String] country + # Filter results by country, two letter ISO country codes are used. + # @param [String] custom_id + # Filter result by orders that have this custom ID. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # ContentOnwerId that super admin acts in behalf of. + # @param [String] page_token + # The continuation token is an optional value that is only used to page through + # large result sets. + # - To retrieve the next page of results for a request, set this parameter to + # the value of the nextPageToken value from the previous response. + # - To get the previous page of results, set this parameter to the value of the + # previousPageToken value from the previous response. + # @param [String] priority + # Filter results by priority. P0, P1, P2, P3 and P4 are the acceptable options. + # @param [String] production_house + # Filter results by a particular production house. Specified by the name of the + # production house. + # @param [String] q + # Filter results to only orders that contain this string in the title. + # @param [String] status + # Filter results to have this status, available options are STATUS_AVAILED, + # STATUS_ORDERED, STATUS_RECEIVED, STATUS_READY_FOR_QC, STATUS_MOC_FIX, + # STATUS_PARTNER_FIX, STATUS_YOUTUBE_FIX, STATUS_QC_APPROVED, STATUS_INACTIVE, + # STATUS_INGESTION_COMPLETE, STATUS_REORDERED + # @param [String] video_id + # Filter results to orders that are associated with this YouTube external video + # id. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::OrderListResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::OrderListResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_orders(channel_id: nil, content_type: nil, country: nil, custom_id: nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, page_token: nil, priority: nil, production_house: nil, q: nil, status: nil, video_id: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'orders', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::OrderListResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::OrderListResponse + command.query['channelId'] = channel_id unless channel_id.nil? + command.query['contentType'] = content_type unless content_type.nil? + command.query['country'] = country unless country.nil? + command.query['customId'] = custom_id unless custom_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['priority'] = priority unless priority.nil? + command.query['productionHouse'] = production_house unless production_house.nil? + command.query['q'] = q unless q.nil? + command.query['status'] = status unless status.nil? + command.query['videoId'] = video_id unless video_id.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Update the values in an existing order. This method supports patch semantics. + # @param [String] order_id + # The id of the order. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order] order_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # ContentOwnerId that super admin acts in behalf of. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def patch_order(order_id, order_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'orders/{orderId}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order::Representation + command.request_object = order_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order + command.params['orderId'] = order_id unless order_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Update the values in an existing order. + # @param [String] order_id + # The id of the order. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order] order_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # ContentOwnerId that super admin acts in behalf of. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def update_order(order_id, order_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:put, 'orders/{orderId}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order::Representation + command.request_object = order_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Order + command.params['orderId'] = order_id unless order_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves the ownership data provided for the specified asset by the content + # owner associated with the authenticated user. + # @param [String] asset_id + # The assetId parameter specifies the YouTube asset ID for which you are + # retrieving ownership data. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_ownership(asset_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'assets/{assetId}/ownership', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership + command.params['assetId'] = asset_id unless asset_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Provides new ownership information for the specified asset. Note that YouTube + # may receive ownership information from multiple sources. For example, if an + # asset has multiple owners, each owner might send ownership data for the asset. + # YouTube algorithmically combines the ownership data received from all of those + # sources to generate the asset's canonical ownership data, which should provide + # the most comprehensive and accurate representation of the asset's ownership. + # This method supports patch semantics. + # @param [String] asset_id + # The assetId parameter specifies the YouTube asset ID of the asset being + # updated. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership] rights_ownership_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def patch_ownership(asset_id, rights_ownership_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'assets/{assetId}/ownership', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership::Representation + command.request_object = rights_ownership_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership + command.params['assetId'] = asset_id unless asset_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Provides new ownership information for the specified asset. Note that YouTube + # may receive ownership information from multiple sources. For example, if an + # asset has multiple owners, each owner might send ownership data for the asset. + # YouTube algorithmically combines the ownership data received from all of those + # sources to generate the asset's canonical ownership data, which should provide + # the most comprehensive and accurate representation of the asset's ownership. + # @param [String] asset_id + # The assetId parameter specifies the YouTube asset ID of the asset being + # updated. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership] rights_ownership_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def update_ownership(asset_id, rights_ownership_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:put, 'assets/{assetId}/ownership', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership::Representation + command.request_object = rights_ownership_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::RightsOwnership + command.params['assetId'] = asset_id unless asset_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a list of the ownership data for an asset, regardless of which + # content owner provided the data. The list only includes the most recent + # ownership data for each content owner. However, if the content owner has + # submitted ownership data through multiple data sources (API, content feeds, + # etc.), the list will contain the most recent data for each content owner and + # data source. + # @param [String] asset_id + # The assetId parameter specifies the YouTube asset ID of the asset for which + # you are retrieving an ownership data history. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::OwnershipHistoryListResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::OwnershipHistoryListResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_ownership_histories(asset_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'ownershipHistory', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::OwnershipHistoryListResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::OwnershipHistoryListResponse + command.query['assetId'] = asset_id unless asset_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves the specified saved policy. + # @param [String] policy_id + # The policyId parameter specifies a value that uniquely identifies the policy + # being retrieved. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_policy(policy_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'policies/{policyId}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy + command.params['policyId'] = policy_id unless policy_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Creates a saved policy. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy] policy_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def insert_policy(policy_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'policies', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy::Representation + command.request_object = policy_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a list of the content owner's saved policies. + # @param [String] id + # The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of saved policy IDs to + # retrieve. Only policies belonging to the currently authenticated content owner + # will be available. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] sort + # The sort parameter specifies how the search results should be sorted. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PolicyList] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PolicyList] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_policies(id: nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, sort: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'policies', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PolicyList::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PolicyList + command.query['id'] = id unless id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['sort'] = sort unless sort.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Updates the specified saved policy. This method supports patch semantics. + # @param [String] policy_id + # The policyId parameter specifies a value that uniquely identifies the policy + # being updated. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy] policy_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def patch_policy(policy_id, policy_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'policies/{policyId}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy::Representation + command.request_object = policy_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy + command.params['policyId'] = policy_id unless policy_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Updates the specified saved policy. + # @param [String] policy_id + # The policyId parameter specifies a value that uniquely identifies the policy + # being updated. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy] policy_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def update_policy(policy_id, policy_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:put, 'policies/{policyId}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy::Representation + command.request_object = policy_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Policy + command.params['policyId'] = policy_id unless policy_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves information about the specified publisher. + # @param [String] publisher_id + # The publisherId parameter specifies a publisher ID that uniquely identifies + # the publisher being retrieved. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Publisher] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Publisher] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_publisher(publisher_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'publishers/{publisherId}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Publisher::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Publisher + command.params['publisherId'] = publisher_id unless publisher_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a list of publishers that match the request criteria. This method is + # analogous to a publisher search function. + # @param [String] cae_number + # The caeNumber parameter specifies the CAE number of the publisher that you + # want to retrieve. + # @param [String] id + # The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of YouTube publisher IDs to + # retrieve. + # @param [String] ipi_number + # The ipiNumber parameter specifies the IPI number of the publisher that you + # want to retrieve. + # @param [Fixnum] max_results + # The maxResults parameter specifies the maximum number of results to return per + # page. + # @param [String] name_prefix + # The namePrefix parameter indicates that the API should only return publishers + # whose name starts with this prefix. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] page_token + # The pageToken parameter specifies a token that identifies a particular page of + # results to return. Set this parameter to the value of the nextPageToken value + # from the previous API response to retrieve the next page of search results. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PublisherList] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PublisherList] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_publishers(cae_number: nil, id: nil, ipi_number: nil, max_results: nil, name_prefix: nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'publishers', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PublisherList::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::PublisherList + command.query['caeNumber'] = cae_number unless cae_number.nil? + command.query['id'] = id unless id.nil? + command.query['ipiNumber'] = ipi_number unless ipi_number.nil? + command.query['maxResults'] = max_results unless max_results.nil? + command.query['namePrefix'] = name_prefix unless name_prefix.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves information about the specified reference conflict. + # @param [String] reference_conflict_id + # The referenceConflictId parameter specifies the YouTube reference conflict ID + # of the reference conflict being retrieved. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ReferenceConflict] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ReferenceConflict] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_reference_conflict(reference_conflict_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'referenceConflicts/{referenceConflictId}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ReferenceConflict::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ReferenceConflict + command.params['referenceConflictId'] = reference_conflict_id unless reference_conflict_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a list of unresolved reference conflicts. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] page_token + # The pageToken parameter specifies a token that identifies a particular page of + # results to return. Set this parameter to the value of the nextPageToken value + # from the previous API response to retrieve the next page of search results. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ReferenceConflictListResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ReferenceConflictListResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_reference_conflicts(on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'referenceConflicts', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ReferenceConflictListResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ReferenceConflictListResponse + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves information about the specified reference. + # @param [String] reference_id + # The referenceId parameter specifies the YouTube reference ID of the reference + # being retrieved. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_reference(reference_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'references/{referenceId}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference + command.params['referenceId'] = reference_id unless reference_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Creates a reference in one of the following ways: + # - If your request is uploading a reference file, YouTube creates the reference + # from the provided content. You can provide either a video/audio file or a pre- + # generated fingerprint. If you are providing a pre-generated fingerprint, set + # the reference resource's fpDirect property to true in the request body. In + # this flow, you can use either the multipart or resumable upload flows to + # provide the reference content. + # - If you want to create a reference using a claimed video as the reference + # content, use the claimId parameter to identify the claim. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference] reference_object + # @param [String] claim_id + # The claimId parameter specifies the YouTube claim ID of an existing claim from + # which a reference should be created. (The claimed video is used as the + # reference content.) + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [IO, String] upload_source + # IO stream or filename containing content to upload + # @param [String] content_type + # Content type of the uploaded content. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def insert_reference(reference_object = nil, claim_id: nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, upload_source: nil, content_type: nil, options: nil, &block) + if upload_source.nil? + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'references', options) + else + command = make_upload_command(:post, 'references', options) + command.upload_source = upload_source + command.upload_content_type = content_type + end + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference::Representation + command.request_object = reference_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference + command.query['claimId'] = claim_id unless claim_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a list of references by ID or the list of references for the + # specified asset. + # @param [String] asset_id + # The assetId parameter specifies the YouTube asset ID of the asset for which + # you are retrieving references. + # @param [String] id + # The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of YouTube reference IDs to + # retrieve. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] page_token + # The pageToken parameter specifies a token that identifies a particular page of + # results to return. Set this parameter to the value of the nextPageToken value + # from the previous API response to retrieve the next page of search results. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ReferenceListResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ReferenceListResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_references(asset_id: nil, id: nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'references', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ReferenceListResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::ReferenceListResponse + command.query['assetId'] = asset_id unless asset_id.nil? + command.query['id'] = id unless id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Updates a reference. This method supports patch semantics. + # @param [String] reference_id + # The referenceId parameter specifies the YouTube reference ID of the reference + # being updated. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference] reference_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [Boolean] release_claims + # The releaseClaims parameter indicates that you want to release all match + # claims associated with this reference. This parameter only works when the + # claim's status is being updated to 'inactive' - you can then set the parameter' + # s value to true to release all match claims produced by this reference. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def patch_reference(reference_id, reference_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, release_claims: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'references/{referenceId}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference::Representation + command.request_object = reference_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference + command.params['referenceId'] = reference_id unless reference_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['releaseClaims'] = release_claims unless release_claims.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Updates a reference. + # @param [String] reference_id + # The referenceId parameter specifies the YouTube reference ID of the reference + # being updated. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference] reference_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [Boolean] release_claims + # The releaseClaims parameter indicates that you want to release all match + # claims associated with this reference. This parameter only works when the + # claim's status is being updated to 'inactive' - you can then set the parameter' + # s value to true to release all match claims produced by this reference. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def update_reference(reference_id, reference_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, release_claims: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:put, 'references/{referenceId}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference::Representation + command.request_object = reference_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Reference + command.params['referenceId'] = reference_id unless reference_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['releaseClaims'] = release_claims unless release_claims.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves advertising settings for the specified video. + # @param [String] video_id + # The videoId parameter specifies the YouTube video ID of the video for which + # you are retrieving advertising settings. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOption] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOption] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_video_advertising_option(video_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'videoAdvertisingOptions/{videoId}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOption::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOption + command.params['videoId'] = video_id unless video_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves details about the types of allowed ads for a specified partner- or + # user-uploaded video. + # @param [String] video_id + # The videoId parameter specifies the YouTube video ID of the video for which + # you are retrieving advertising options. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOptionGetEnabledAdsResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOptionGetEnabledAdsResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_video_advertising_option_enabled_ads(video_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'videoAdvertisingOptions/{videoId}/getEnabledAds', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOptionGetEnabledAdsResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOptionGetEnabledAdsResponse + command.params['videoId'] = video_id unless video_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Updates the advertising settings for the specified video. This method supports + # patch semantics. + # @param [String] video_id + # The videoId parameter specifies the YouTube video ID of the video for which + # you are updating advertising settings. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOption] video_advertising_option_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOption] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOption] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def patch_video_advertising_option(video_id, video_advertising_option_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'videoAdvertisingOptions/{videoId}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOption::Representation + command.request_object = video_advertising_option_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOption::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOption + command.params['videoId'] = video_id unless video_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Updates the advertising settings for the specified video. + # @param [String] video_id + # The videoId parameter specifies the YouTube video ID of the video for which + # you are updating advertising settings. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOption] video_advertising_option_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOption] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOption] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def update_video_advertising_option(video_id, video_advertising_option_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:put, 'videoAdvertisingOptions/{videoId}', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOption::Representation + command.request_object = video_advertising_option_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOption::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::VideoAdvertisingOption + command.params['videoId'] = video_id unless video_id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Removes a whitelisted channel for a content owner. + # @param [String] id + # The id parameter specifies the YouTube channel ID of the channel being removed + # from whitelist. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [NilClass] No result returned for this method + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [void] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def delete_whitelist(id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'whitelists/{id}', options) + command.params['id'] = id unless id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a specific whitelisted channel by ID. + # @param [String] id + # The id parameter specifies the YouTube channel ID of the whitelisted channel + # being retrieved. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Whitelist] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Whitelist] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def get_whitelist(id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'whitelists/{id}', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Whitelist::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Whitelist + command.params['id'] = id unless id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Whitelist a YouTube channel for your content owner. Whitelisted channels are + # channels that are not owned or managed by you, but you would like to whitelist + # so that no claims from your assets are placed on videos uploaded to these + # channels. + # @param [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Whitelist] whitelist_object + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Whitelist] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Whitelist] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def insert_whitelist(whitelist_object = nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:post, 'whitelists', options) + command.request_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Whitelist::Representation + command.request_object = whitelist_object + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Whitelist::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::Whitelist + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + # Retrieves a list of whitelisted channels for a content owner. + # @param [String] id + # The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of YouTube channel IDs that + # identify the whitelisted channels you want to retrieve. + # @param [String] on_behalf_of_content_owner + # The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter identifies the content owner that the + # user is acting on behalf of. This parameter supports users whose accounts are + # associated with multiple content owners. + # @param [String] page_token + # The pageToken parameter specifies a token that identifies a particular page of + # results to return. Set this parameter to the value of the nextPageToken value + # from the previous API response to retrieve the next page of results. + # @param [String] fields + # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. + # @param [String] quota_user + # Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any + # arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. + # Overrides userIp if both are provided. + # @param [String] user_ip + # IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to + # enforce per-user limits. + # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options + # Request-specific options + # + # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied + # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::WhitelistListResponse] parsed result object + # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed + # + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::WhitelistListResponse] + # + # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried + # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification + # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required + def list_whitelists(id: nil, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, user_ip: nil, options: nil, &block) + command = make_simple_command(:get, 'whitelists', options) + command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::WhitelistListResponse::Representation + command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubePartnerV1::WhitelistListResponse + command.query['id'] = id unless id.nil? + command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? + command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) + end + + protected + + def apply_command_defaults(command) + command.query['key'] = key unless key.nil? + command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? + command.query['userIp'] = user_ip unless user_ip.nil? + end + end + end + end +end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/youtube_v3.rb b/generated/google/apis/youtube_v3.rb index 2e3360f05..7ce64e56f 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/youtube_v3.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/youtube_v3.rb @@ -20,12 +20,13 @@ module Google module Apis # YouTube Data API # - # Programmatic access to YouTube features. + # Supports core YouTube features, such as uploading videos, creating and + # managing playlists, searching for content, and much more. # # @see https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3 module YoutubeV3 VERSION = 'V3' - REVISION = '20160222' + REVISION = '20160406' # Manage your YouTube account AUTH_YOUTUBE = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/youtube_v3/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/youtube_v3/classes.rb index 9c28aea13..23e4da1c2 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/youtube_v3/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/youtube_v3/classes.rb @@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ module Google # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubeV3::ImageSettings] attr_accessor :image - # Branding properties for the watch. + # Branding properties for the watch. All deprecated. # Corresponds to the JSON property `watch` # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubeV3::WatchSettings] attr_accessor :watch @@ -3711,6 +3711,12 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :bound_stream_id + # The date and time that the live stream referenced by boundStreamId was last + # updated. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `boundStreamLastUpdateTimeMs` + # @return [DateTime] + attr_accessor :bound_stream_last_update_time_ms + # # Corresponds to the JSON property `closedCaptionsType` # @return [String] @@ -3793,6 +3799,7 @@ module Google # Update properties of this object def update!(**args) @bound_stream_id = args[:bound_stream_id] if args.key?(:bound_stream_id) + @bound_stream_last_update_time_ms = args[:bound_stream_last_update_time_ms] if args.key?(:bound_stream_last_update_time_ms) @closed_captions_type = args[:closed_captions_type] if args.key?(:closed_captions_type) @enable_closed_captions = args[:enable_closed_captions] if args.key?(:enable_closed_captions) @enable_content_encryption = args[:enable_content_encryption] if args.key?(:enable_content_encryption) @@ -4345,6 +4352,25 @@ module Google end end + # + class LiveChatMessageDeletedDetails + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `deletedMessageId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :deleted_message_id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @deleted_message_id = args[:deleted_message_id] if args.key?(:deleted_message_id) + end + end + # class LiveChatMessageListResponse include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -4422,6 +4448,25 @@ module Google end end + # + class LiveChatMessageRetractedDetails + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `retractedMessageId` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :retracted_message_id + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @retracted_message_id = args[:retracted_message_id] if args.key?(:retracted_message_id) + end + end + # class LiveChatMessageSnippet include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -4429,7 +4474,9 @@ module Google # The ID of the user that authored this message, this field is not always filled. # textMessageEvent - the user that wrote the message fanFundingEvent - the user # that funded the broadcast newSponsorEvent - the user that just became a - # sponsor + # sponsor messageDeletedEvent - the moderator that took the action + # messageRetractedEvent - the author that retracted their message + # userBannedEvent - the moderator that took the action # Corresponds to the JSON property `authorChannelId` # @return [String] attr_accessor :author_channel_id @@ -4458,6 +4505,16 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :live_chat_id + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `messageDeletedDetails` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubeV3::LiveChatMessageDeletedDetails] + attr_accessor :message_deleted_details + + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `messageRetractedDetails` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubeV3::LiveChatMessageRetractedDetails] + attr_accessor :message_retracted_details + # The date and time when the message was orignally published. The value is # specified in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ) format. # Corresponds to the JSON property `publishedAt` @@ -4476,6 +4533,11 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :type + # + # Corresponds to the JSON property `userBannedDetails` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubeV3::LiveChatUserBannedMessageDetails] + attr_accessor :user_banned_details + def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end @@ -4487,9 +4549,12 @@ module Google @fan_funding_event_details = args[:fan_funding_event_details] if args.key?(:fan_funding_event_details) @has_display_content = args[:has_display_content] if args.key?(:has_display_content) @live_chat_id = args[:live_chat_id] if args.key?(:live_chat_id) + @message_deleted_details = args[:message_deleted_details] if args.key?(:message_deleted_details) + @message_retracted_details = args[:message_retracted_details] if args.key?(:message_retracted_details) @published_at = args[:published_at] if args.key?(:published_at) @text_message_details = args[:text_message_details] if args.key?(:text_message_details) @type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type) + @user_banned_details = args[:user_banned_details] if args.key?(:user_banned_details) end end @@ -4648,6 +4713,38 @@ module Google end end + # + class LiveChatUserBannedMessageDetails + include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable + + # The duration of the ban. This property is only present if the banType is + # temporary. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `banDurationSeconds` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :ban_duration_seconds + + # The type of ban. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `banType` + # @return [String] + attr_accessor :ban_type + + # The details of the user that was banned. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `bannedUserDetails` + # @return [Google::Apis::YoutubeV3::ChannelProfileDetails] + attr_accessor :banned_user_details + + def initialize(**args) + update!(**args) + end + + # Update properties of this object + def update!(**args) + @ban_duration_seconds = args[:ban_duration_seconds] if args.key?(:ban_duration_seconds) + @ban_type = args[:ban_type] if args.key?(:ban_type) + @banned_user_details = args[:banned_user_details] if args.key?(:banned_user_details) + end + end + # A live stream describes a live ingestion point. class LiveStream include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable @@ -8043,7 +8140,7 @@ module Google end end - # Branding properties for the watch. + # Branding properties for the watch. All deprecated. class WatchSettings include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable diff --git a/generated/google/apis/youtube_v3/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/youtube_v3/representations.rb index 8943a4c66..19bea9507 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/youtube_v3/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/youtube_v3/representations.rb @@ -532,12 +532,24 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class LiveChatMessageDeletedDetails + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class LiveChatMessageListResponse class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class LiveChatMessageRetractedDetails + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class LiveChatMessageSnippet class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -568,6 +580,12 @@ module Google include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport end + class LiveChatUserBannedMessageDetails + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end + + include Google::Apis::Core::JsonObjectSupport + end + class LiveStream class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation; end @@ -1975,6 +1993,8 @@ module Google # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :bound_stream_id, as: 'boundStreamId' + property :bound_stream_last_update_time_ms, as: 'boundStreamLastUpdateTimeMs', type: DateTime + property :closed_captions_type, as: 'closedCaptionsType' property :enable_closed_captions, as: 'enableClosedCaptions' property :enable_content_encryption, as: 'enableContentEncryption' @@ -2132,6 +2152,13 @@ module Google end end + class LiveChatMessageDeletedDetails + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :deleted_message_id, as: 'deletedMessageId' + end + end + class LiveChatMessageListResponse # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation @@ -2152,6 +2179,13 @@ module Google end end + class LiveChatMessageRetractedDetails + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :retracted_message_id, as: 'retractedMessageId' + end + end + class LiveChatMessageSnippet # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation @@ -2161,11 +2195,17 @@ module Google property :has_display_content, as: 'hasDisplayContent' property :live_chat_id, as: 'liveChatId' + property :message_deleted_details, as: 'messageDeletedDetails', class: Google::Apis::YoutubeV3::LiveChatMessageDeletedDetails, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubeV3::LiveChatMessageDeletedDetails::Representation + + property :message_retracted_details, as: 'messageRetractedDetails', class: Google::Apis::YoutubeV3::LiveChatMessageRetractedDetails, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubeV3::LiveChatMessageRetractedDetails::Representation + property :published_at, as: 'publishedAt', type: DateTime property :text_message_details, as: 'textMessageDetails', class: Google::Apis::YoutubeV3::LiveChatTextMessageDetails, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubeV3::LiveChatTextMessageDetails::Representation property :type, as: 'type' + property :user_banned_details, as: 'userBannedDetails', class: Google::Apis::YoutubeV3::LiveChatUserBannedMessageDetails, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubeV3::LiveChatUserBannedMessageDetails::Representation + end end @@ -2214,6 +2254,16 @@ module Google end end + class LiveChatUserBannedMessageDetails + # @private + class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation + property :ban_duration_seconds, as: 'banDurationSeconds' + property :ban_type, as: 'banType' + property :banned_user_details, as: 'bannedUserDetails', class: Google::Apis::YoutubeV3::ChannelProfileDetails, decorator: Google::Apis::YoutubeV3::ChannelProfileDetails::Representation + + end + end + class LiveStream # @private class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation diff --git a/generated/google/apis/youtube_v3/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/youtube_v3/service.rb index f3e4c9381..5886e8b2d 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/youtube_v3/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/youtube_v3/service.rb @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ module Google module YoutubeV3 # YouTube Data API # - # Programmatic access to YouTube features. + # Supports core YouTube features, such as uploading videos, creating and + # managing playlists, searching for content, and much more. # # @example # require 'google/apis/youtube_v3' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/youtubereporting_v1.rb b/generated/google/apis/youtubereporting_v1.rb index 9ec65048f..1375b3d76 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/youtubereporting_v1.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/youtubereporting_v1.rb @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module Google # @see https://developers.google.com/youtube/reporting/v1/reports/ module YoutubereportingV1 VERSION = 'V1' - REVISION = '20160301' + REVISION = '20160315' # View monetary and non-monetary YouTube Analytics reports for your YouTube content AUTH_YT_ANALYTICS_MONETARY_READONLY = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/yt-analytics-monetary.readonly' diff --git a/generated/google/apis/youtubereporting_v1/classes.rb b/generated/google/apis/youtubereporting_v1/classes.rb index 653dbb95c..0d8eb25a3 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/youtubereporting_v1/classes.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/youtubereporting_v1/classes.rb @@ -82,6 +82,14 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :name + # True if this a system-managed report type; otherwise false. Reporting jobs for + # system-managed report types are created automatically and can thus not be used + # in the `CreateJob` method. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `systemManaged` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :system_managed + alias_method :system_managed?, :system_managed + def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end @@ -90,6 +98,7 @@ module Google def update!(**args) @id = args[:id] if args.key?(:id) @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) + @system_managed = args[:system_managed] if args.key?(:system_managed) end end @@ -117,6 +126,13 @@ module Google # @return [String] attr_accessor :create_time + # True if this a system-managed job that cannot be modified by the user; + # otherwise false. + # Corresponds to the JSON property `systemManaged` + # @return [Boolean] + attr_accessor :system_managed + alias_method :system_managed?, :system_managed + def initialize(**args) update!(**args) end @@ -127,6 +143,7 @@ module Google @report_type_id = args[:report_type_id] if args.key?(:report_type_id) @name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name) @create_time = args[:create_time] if args.key?(:create_time) + @system_managed = args[:system_managed] if args.key?(:system_managed) end end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/youtubereporting_v1/representations.rb b/generated/google/apis/youtubereporting_v1/representations.rb index 6192f7747..5c56b50dd 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/youtubereporting_v1/representations.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/youtubereporting_v1/representations.rb @@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ module Google class Representation < Google::Apis::Core::JsonRepresentation property :id, as: 'id' property :name, as: 'name' + property :system_managed, as: 'systemManaged' end end @@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ module Google property :report_type_id, as: 'reportTypeId' property :name, as: 'name' property :create_time, as: 'createTime' + property :system_managed, as: 'systemManaged' end end diff --git a/generated/google/apis/youtubereporting_v1/service.rb b/generated/google/apis/youtubereporting_v1/service.rb index 051b1f9b3..410adb244 100644 --- a/generated/google/apis/youtubereporting_v1/service.rb +++ b/generated/google/apis/youtubereporting_v1/service.rb @@ -97,6 +97,10 @@ module Google # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, # this is the value of ListReportTypesResponse.next_page_token returned in # response to the previous call to the `ListReportTypes` method. + # @param [Boolean] include_system_managed + # If set to true, also system-managed report types will be returned; otherwise + # only the report types that can be used to create new reporting jobs will be + # returned. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -114,13 +118,14 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def list_report_types(on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + def list_report_types(on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, include_system_managed: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v1/reportTypes', options) command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubereportingV1::ListReportTypesResponse::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubereportingV1::ListReportTypesResponse command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['includeSystemManaged'] = include_system_managed unless include_system_managed.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) @@ -171,6 +176,10 @@ module Google # A token identifying a page of results the server should return. Typically, # this is the value of ListReportTypesResponse.next_page_token returned in # response to the previous call to the `ListJobs` method. + # @param [Boolean] include_system_managed + # If set to true, also system-managed jobs will be returned; otherwise only user- + # created jobs will be returned. System-managed jobs can neither be modified nor + # deleted. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -188,13 +197,14 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def list_jobs(on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + def list_jobs(on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, include_system_managed: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v1/jobs', options) command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubereportingV1::ListJobsResponse::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubereportingV1::ListJobsResponse command.query['onBehalfOfContentOwner'] = on_behalf_of_content_owner unless on_behalf_of_content_owner.nil? command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? + command.query['includeSystemManaged'] = include_system_managed unless include_system_managed.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) @@ -284,6 +294,12 @@ module Google # to the previous call to the `ListReports` method. # @param [String] created_after # If set, only reports created after the specified date/time are returned. + # @param [String] start_time_at_or_after + # If set, only reports whose start time is greater than or equal the specified + # date/time are returned. + # @param [String] start_time_before + # If set, only reports whose start time is smaller than the specified date/time + # are returned. # @param [String] fields # Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response. # @param [String] quota_user @@ -301,7 +317,7 @@ module Google # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required - def list_job_reports(job_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, created_after: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) + def list_job_reports(job_id, on_behalf_of_content_owner: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, created_after: nil, start_time_at_or_after: nil, start_time_before: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block) command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v1/jobs/{jobId}/reports', options) command.response_representation = Google::Apis::YoutubereportingV1::ListReportsResponse::Representation command.response_class = Google::Apis::YoutubereportingV1::ListReportsResponse @@ -310,6 +326,8 @@ module Google command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil? command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil? command.query['createdAfter'] = created_after unless created_after.nil? + command.query['startTimeAtOrAfter'] = start_time_at_or_after unless start_time_at_or_after.nil? + command.query['startTimeBefore'] = start_time_before unless start_time_before.nil? command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil? command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil? execute_or_queue_command(command, &block) diff --git a/script/generate b/script/generate index 226166595..0d361606b 100755 --- a/script/generate +++ b/script/generate @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ DIR=$(dirname $( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )) -APIS=(adexchangebuyer:v1.4 \ +API_IDS=(adexchangebuyer:v1.4 \ adexchangeseller:v2.0 \ admin:directory_v1 \ admin:datatransfer_v1 \ @@ -98,5 +98,8 @@ APIS=(adexchangebuyer:v1.4 \ youtubereporting:v1 \ ) +URLS=(https://content.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis/youtubePartner/v1/rest \ + https://content.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis/compute/beta/rest \ +) -echo 'a' | bundle exec bin/generate-api gen generated --from-discovery=true --names_out=$DIR/api_names_out.yaml --url='https://content.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis/compute/beta/rest' --id=${APIS[*]} +echo 'a' | bundle exec bin/generate-api gen generated --from-discovery=true --names_out=$DIR/api_names_out.yaml --url=${URLS[*]} --id=${API_IDS[*]}