Versions of ruby deal with shadowing in different ways. Best to avoid it when possible.
Addresses the following warnings:
lib/google/api_client/auth/key_utils.rb:34: warning: shadowing outer local variable - passphrase
lib/google/api_client/auth/key_utils.rb:52: warning: shadowing outer local variable - passphrase
Initialize the variables to avoid the warning.
Addresses the following warnings:
lib/google/api_client/auth/storage.rb:51: warning: instance variable @authorization not initialized
lib/google/api_client/batch.rb:128: warning: instance variable @global_callback not initialized
File.exist? should be used instead.
Might consider using File.file? instead of File.exist? since File.exist? will
return true when given the path of a file or a directory.
Addresses the following warning:
lib/google/api_client/service/simple_file_store.rb:127: warning: File.exists? is a deprecated name, use File.exist? instead
There are several places where varaibles are assigned but not used.
The variables can be replaced with _, or prepended with _ to avoid a warning.
In one case the variable was removed because it was at the end of the method.
Addresses the following warnings:
lib/google/api_client.rb:493: warning: assigned but unused variable - key
lib/google/api_client/batch.rb:168: warning: assigned but unused variable - callback
lib/google/api_client/batch.rb:227: warning: assigned but unused variable - base
lib/google/api_client/batch.rb:271: warning: assigned but unused variable - protocol
lib/google/api_client/batch.rb:271: warning: assigned but unused variable - reason
lib/google/api_client/request.rb:247: warning: assigned but unused variable - request_env