A gem 'google-api-client' will give the developer version 0.8.6, not 0.9. The smallest solution is to update the readme. This better communicates that the gem is going through some large changes.
Updating the definition of SUCCESS response code to be 200 OK or 201
Continue. Error is anything that isn't success. This helps flag
conditions like an unsuccessful update (return code 304) which the
library would have flagged as success earlier
Versions of ruby deal with shadowing in different ways. Best to avoid it when possible.
Addresses the following warnings:
lib/google/api_client/auth/key_utils.rb:34: warning: shadowing outer local variable - passphrase
lib/google/api_client/auth/key_utils.rb:52: warning: shadowing outer local variable - passphrase
Initialize the variables to avoid the warning.
Addresses the following warnings:
lib/google/api_client/auth/storage.rb:51: warning: instance variable @authorization not initialized
lib/google/api_client/batch.rb:128: warning: instance variable @global_callback not initialized
File.exist? should be used instead.
Might consider using File.file? instead of File.exist? since File.exist? will
return true when given the path of a file or a directory.
Addresses the following warning:
lib/google/api_client/service/simple_file_store.rb:127: warning: File.exists? is a deprecated name, use File.exist? instead
There are several places where varaibles are assigned but not used.
The variables can be replaced with _, or prepended with _ to avoid a warning.
In one case the variable was removed because it was at the end of the method.
Addresses the following warnings:
lib/google/api_client.rb:493: warning: assigned but unused variable - key
lib/google/api_client/batch.rb:168: warning: assigned but unused variable - callback
lib/google/api_client/batch.rb:227: warning: assigned but unused variable - base
lib/google/api_client/batch.rb:271: warning: assigned but unused variable - protocol
lib/google/api_client/batch.rb:271: warning: assigned but unused variable - reason
lib/google/api_client/request.rb:247: warning: assigned but unused variable - request_env