# encoding:utf-8 # Copyright 2013 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'spec_helper' require 'google/api_client' require 'google/api_client/service' fixtures_path = File.expand_path('../../../fixtures', __FILE__) describe Google::APIClient::Service do include ConnectionHelpers APPLICATION_NAME = 'API Client Tests' it 'should error out when called without an API name or version' do (lambda do Google::APIClient::Service.new end).should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should error out when called without an API version' do (lambda do Google::APIClient::Service.new('foo') end).should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should error out when the options hash is not a hash' do (lambda do Google::APIClient::Service.new('foo', 'v1', 42) end).should raise_error(ArgumentError) end describe 'with the AdSense Management API' do it 'should make a valid call for a method with no parameters' do conn = stub_connection do |stub| stub.get('/adsense/v1.3/adclients') do |env| end end adsense = Google::APIClient::Service.new( 'adsense', 'v1.3', { :application_name => APPLICATION_NAME, :authenticated => false, :connection => conn } ) req = adsense.adclients.list.execute() conn.verify end it 'should make a valid call for a method with parameters' do conn = stub_connection do |stub| stub.get('/adsense/v1.3/adclients/1/adunits') do |env| end end adsense = Google::APIClient::Service.new( 'adsense', 'v1.3', { :application_name => APPLICATION_NAME, :authenticated => false, :connection => conn } ) req = adsense.adunits.list(:adClientId => '1').execute() end it 'should make a valid call for a deep method' do conn = stub_connection do |stub| stub.get('/adsense/v1.3/accounts/1/adclients') do |env| end end adsense = Google::APIClient::Service.new( 'adsense', 'v1.3', { :application_name => APPLICATION_NAME, :authenticated => false, :connection => conn } ) req = adsense.accounts.adclients.list(:accountId => '1').execute() end describe 'with no connection' do before do @adsense = Google::APIClient::Service.new('adsense', 'v1.3', {:application_name => APPLICATION_NAME}) end it 'should return a resource when using a valid resource name' do @adsense.accounts.should be_a(Google::APIClient::Service::Resource) end it 'should throw an error when using an invalid resource name' do (lambda do @adsense.invalid_resource end).should raise_error end it 'should return a request when using a valid method name' do req = @adsense.adclients.list req.should be_a(Google::APIClient::Service::Request) req.method.id.should == 'adsense.adclients.list' req.parameters.should be_nil end it 'should throw an error when using an invalid method name' do (lambda do @adsense.adclients.invalid_method end).should raise_error end it 'should return a valid request with parameters' do req = @adsense.adunits.list(:adClientId => '1') req.should be_a(Google::APIClient::Service::Request) req.method.id.should == 'adsense.adunits.list' req.parameters.should_not be_nil req.parameters[:adClientId].should == '1' end end end describe 'with the Prediction API' do it 'should make a valid call with an object body' do conn = stub_connection do |stub| stub.post('/prediction/v1.5/trainedmodels?project=1') do |env| env.body.should == '{"id":"1"}' end end prediction = Google::APIClient::Service.new( 'prediction', 'v1.5', { :application_name => APPLICATION_NAME, :authenticated => false, :connection => conn } ) req = prediction.trainedmodels.insert(:project => '1').body({'id' => '1'}).execute() conn.verify end it 'should make a valid call with a text body' do conn = stub_connection do |stub| stub.post('/prediction/v1.5/trainedmodels?project=1') do |env| env.body.should == '{"id":"1"}' end end prediction = Google::APIClient::Service.new( 'prediction', 'v1.5', { :application_name => APPLICATION_NAME, :authenticated => false, :connection => conn } ) req = prediction.trainedmodels.insert(:project => '1').body('{"id":"1"}').execute() conn.verify end describe 'with no connection' do before do @prediction = Google::APIClient::Service.new('prediction', 'v1.5', {:application_name => APPLICATION_NAME}) end it 'should return a valid request with a body' do req = @prediction.trainedmodels.insert(:project => '1').body({'id' => '1'}) req.should be_a(Google::APIClient::Service::Request) req.method.id.should == 'prediction.trainedmodels.insert' req.body.should == {'id' => '1'} req.parameters.should_not be_nil req.parameters[:project].should == '1' end it 'should return a valid request with a body when using resource name' do req = @prediction.trainedmodels.insert(:project => '1').training({'id' => '1'}) req.should be_a(Google::APIClient::Service::Request) req.method.id.should == 'prediction.trainedmodels.insert' req.training.should == {'id' => '1'} req.parameters.should_not be_nil req.parameters[:project].should == '1' end end end describe 'with the Drive API' do before do @metadata = { 'title' => 'My movie', 'description' => 'The best home movie ever made' } @file = File.expand_path('files/sample.txt', fixtures_path) @media = Google::APIClient::UploadIO.new(@file, 'text/plain') end it 'should make a valid call with an object body and media upload' do conn = stub_connection do |stub| stub.post('/upload/drive/v1/files?uploadType=multipart') do |env| env.body.should be_a Faraday::CompositeReadIO end end drive = Google::APIClient::Service.new( 'drive', 'v1', { :application_name => APPLICATION_NAME, :authenticated => false, :connection => conn } ) req = drive.files.insert(:uploadType => 'multipart').body(@metadata).media(@media).execute() conn.verify end describe 'with no connection' do before do @drive = Google::APIClient::Service.new('drive', 'v1', {:application_name => APPLICATION_NAME}) end it 'should return a valid request with a body and media upload' do req = @drive.files.insert(:uploadType => 'multipart').body(@metadata).media(@media) req.should be_a(Google::APIClient::Service::Request) req.method.id.should == 'drive.files.insert' req.body.should == @metadata req.media.should == @media req.parameters.should_not be_nil req.parameters[:uploadType].should == 'multipart' end it 'should return a valid request with a body and media upload when using resource name' do req = @drive.files.insert(:uploadType => 'multipart').file(@metadata).media(@media) req.should be_a(Google::APIClient::Service::Request) req.method.id.should == 'drive.files.insert' req.file.should == @metadata req.media.should == @media req.parameters.should_not be_nil req.parameters[:uploadType].should == 'multipart' end end end describe 'with the Discovery API' do it 'should make a valid end-to-end request' do discovery = Google::APIClient::Service.new('discovery', 'v1', {:application_name => APPLICATION_NAME, :authenticated => false}) result = discovery.apis.get_rest(:api => 'discovery', :version => 'v1').execute result.should_not be_nil result.data.name.should == 'discovery' result.data.version.should == 'v1' end end end describe Google::APIClient::Service::Result do describe 'with the plus API' do before do @plus = Google::APIClient::Service.new('plus', 'v1', {:application_name => APPLICATION_NAME}) @reference = Google::APIClient::Reference.new({ :api_method => @plus.activities.list.method, :parameters => { 'userId' => 'me', 'collection' => 'public', 'maxResults' => 20 } }) @request = @plus.activities.list(:userId => 'me', :collection => 'public', :maxResults => 20) # Response double @response = double("response") @response.stub(:status).and_return(200) @response.stub(:headers).and_return({ 'etag' => '12345', 'x-google-apiary-auth-scopes' => 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me', 'content-type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', 'date' => 'Mon, 23 Apr 2012 00:00:00 GMT', 'cache-control' => 'private, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-transform', 'server' => 'GSE', 'connection' => 'close' }) end describe 'with a next page token' do before do @body = <<-END_OF_STRING { "kind": "plus#activityFeed", "etag": "FOO", "nextPageToken": "NEXT+PAGE+TOKEN", "selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/foo/activities/public?", "nextLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/foo/activities/public?maxResults=20&pageToken=NEXT%2BPAGE%2BTOKEN", "title": "Plus Public Activity Feed for ", "updated": "2012-04-23T00:00:00.000Z", "id": "123456790", "items": [] } END_OF_STRING @response.stub(:body).and_return(@body) base_result = Google::APIClient::Result.new(@reference, @response) @result = Google::APIClient::Service::Result.new(@request, base_result) end it 'should indicate a successful response' do @result.error?.should be_false end it 'should return the correct next page token' do @result.next_page_token.should == 'NEXT+PAGE+TOKEN' end it 'generate a correct request when calling next_page' do next_page_request = @result.next_page next_page_request.parameters.should include('pageToken') next_page_request.parameters['pageToken'].should == 'NEXT+PAGE+TOKEN' @request.parameters.each_pair do |param, value| next_page_request.parameters[param].should == value end end it 'should return content type correctly' do @result.media_type.should == 'application/json' end it 'should return the body correctly' do @result.body.should == @body end it 'should return the result data correctly' do @result.data?.should be_true @result.data.class.to_s.should == 'Google::APIClient::Schema::Plus::V1::ActivityFeed' @result.data.kind.should == 'plus#activityFeed' @result.data.etag.should == 'FOO' @result.data.nextPageToken.should == 'NEXT+PAGE+TOKEN' @result.data.selfLink.should == 'https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/foo/activities/public?' @result.data.nextLink.should == 'https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/foo/activities/public?' + 'maxResults=20&pageToken=NEXT%2BPAGE%2BTOKEN' @result.data.title.should == 'Plus Public Activity Feed for ' @result.data.id.should == "123456790" @result.data.items.should be_empty end end describe 'without a next page token' do before do @body = <<-END_OF_STRING { "kind": "plus#activityFeed", "etag": "FOO", "selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/foo/activities/public?", "title": "Plus Public Activity Feed for ", "updated": "2012-04-23T00:00:00.000Z", "id": "123456790", "items": [] } END_OF_STRING @response.stub(:body).and_return(@body) base_result = Google::APIClient::Result.new(@reference, @response) @result = Google::APIClient::Service::Result.new(@request, base_result) end it 'should not return a next page token' do @result.next_page_token.should == nil end it 'should return content type correctly' do @result.media_type.should == 'application/json' end it 'should return the body correctly' do @result.body.should == @body end it 'should return the result data correctly' do @result.data?.should be_true @result.data.class.to_s.should == 'Google::APIClient::Schema::Plus::V1::ActivityFeed' @result.data.kind.should == 'plus#activityFeed' @result.data.etag.should == 'FOO' @result.data.selfLink.should == 'https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/foo/activities/public?' @result.data.title.should == 'Plus Public Activity Feed for ' @result.data.id.should == "123456790" @result.data.items.should be_empty end end describe 'with JSON error response' do before do @body = <<-END_OF_STRING { "error": { "errors": [ { "domain": "global", "reason": "parseError", "message": "Parse Error" } ], "code": 400, "message": "Parse Error" } } END_OF_STRING @response.stub(:body).and_return(@body) @response.stub(:status).and_return(400) base_result = Google::APIClient::Result.new(@reference, @response) @result = Google::APIClient::Service::Result.new(@request, base_result) end it 'should return error status correctly' do @result.error?.should be_true end it 'should return the correct error message' do @result.error_message.should == 'Parse Error' end it 'should return the body correctly' do @result.body.should == @body end end describe 'with 204 No Content response' do before do @response.stub(:body).and_return('') @response.stub(:status).and_return(204) @response.stub(:headers).and_return({}) base_result = Google::APIClient::Result.new(@reference, @response) @result = Google::APIClient::Service::Result.new(@request, base_result) end it 'should indicate no data is available' do @result.data?.should be_false end it 'should return nil for data' do @result.data.should == nil end it 'should return nil for media_type' do @result.media_type.should == nil end end end end