# Copyright 2010 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module Google class APIClient ## # This class wraps a result returned by an API call. class Result def initialize(reference, request, response) @reference = reference @request = request @response = response end attr_reader :reference attr_reader :request attr_reader :response def status return @response[0] end def headers return @response[1] end def body return @body ||= (begin response_body = @response[2] merged_body = (response_body.inject(StringIO.new) do |accu, chunk| accu.write(chunk) accu end).string end) end def data return @data ||= (begin _, content_type = self.headers.detect do |h, v| h.downcase == 'Content-Type'.downcase end media_type = content_type[/^([^;]*);?.*$/, 1].strip.downcase data = self.body case media_type when 'application/json' data = MultiJson.decode(data) # Strip data wrapper, if present data = data['data'] if data.has_key?('data') else raise ArgumentError, "Content-Type not supported for parsing: #{media_type}" end if @reference.api_method && @reference.api_method.response_schema # Automatically parse using the schema designated for the # response of this API method. data = @reference.api_method.response_schema.new(data) data else # Otherwise, return the raw unparsed value. # This value must be indexable like a Hash. data end end) end def pagination_type return :token end def page_token_param return "pageToken" end def next_page_token if self.data.respond_to?(:next_page_token) return self.data.next_page_token elsif self.data.respond_to?(:[]) return self.data["nextPageToken"] else raise TypeError, "Data object did not respond to #next_page_token." end end def next_page merged_parameters = Hash[self.reference.parameters].merge({ self.page_token_param => self.next_page_token }) # Because References can be coerced to Hashes, we can merge them, # preserving all context except the API method parameters that we're # using for pagination. return Google::APIClient::Reference.new( Hash[self.reference].merge(:parameters => merged_parameters) ) end def prev_page_token if self.data.respond_to?(:prev_page_token) return self.data.prev_page_token elsif self.data.respond_to?(:[]) return self.data["prevPageToken"] else raise TypeError, "Data object did not respond to #next_page_token." end end def prev_page merged_parameters = Hash[self.reference.parameters].merge({ self.page_token_param => self.prev_page_token }) # Because References can be coerced to Hashes, we can merge them, # preserving all context except the API method parameters that we're # using for pagination. return Google::APIClient::Reference.new( Hash[self.reference].merge(:parameters => merged_parameters) ) end end end end