# Copyright 2012 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'addressable/uri' require 'uuidtools' module Google class APIClient # Helper class to contain a response to an individual batched call. class BatchedCallResponse attr_reader :call_id attr_accessor :status, :headers, :body def initialize(call_id, status = nil, headers = nil, body = nil) @call_id, @status, @headers, @body = call_id, status, headers, body end end ## # Wraps multiple API calls into a single over-the-wire HTTP request. class BatchRequest BATCH_BOUNDARY = "-----------RubyApiBatchRequest".freeze attr_accessor :options attr_reader :calls, :callbacks ## # Creates a new batch request. # # @param [Hash] options # Set of options for this request, the only important one being # :connection, which specifies an HTTP connection to use. # @param [Proc] block # Callback for every call's response. Won't be called if a call defined # a callback of its own. # # @return [Google::APIClient::BatchRequest] The constructed object. def initialize(options = {}, &block) # Request options, ignoring method and parameters. @options = options # Batched calls to be made, indexed by call ID. @calls = {} # Callbacks per batched call, indexed by call ID. @callbacks = {} # Order for the call IDs, since Ruby 1.8 hashes are unordered. @order = [] # Global callback to be used for every call. If a specific callback # has been defined for a request, this won't be called. @global_callback = block if block_given? # The last auto generated ID. @last_auto_id = 0 # Base ID for the batch request. @base_id = nil end ## # Add a new call to the batch request. # Each call must have its own call ID; if not provided, one will # automatically be generated, avoiding collisions. If duplicate call IDs # are provided, an error will be thrown. # # @param [Hash, Google::APIClient::Reference] call: the call to be added. # @param [String] call_id: the ID to be used for this call. Must be unique # @param [Proc] block: callback for this call's response. # # @return [Google::APIClient::BatchRequest] The BatchRequest, for chaining def add(call, call_id = nil, &block) unless call.kind_of?(Google::APIClient::Reference) call = Google::APIClient::Reference.new(call) end if call_id.nil? call_id = new_id end if @calls.include?(call_id) raise BatchError, 'A call with this ID already exists: %s' % call_id end @calls[call_id] = call @order << call_id if block_given? @callbacks[call_id] = block elsif @global_callback @callbacks[call_id] = @global_callback end return self end ## # Convert this batch request into an HTTP request. # # @return [Array] # An array consisting of, in order: HTTP method, request path, request # headers and request body. def to_http_request return ['POST', request_uri, request_headers, request_body] end ## # Processes the HTTP response to the batch request, issuing callbacks. # # @param [Faraday::Response] response: the HTTP response. def process_response(response) content_type = find_header('Content-Type', response.headers) boundary = /.*boundary=(.+)/.match(content_type)[1] parts = response.body.split(/--#{Regexp.escape(boundary)}/) parts = parts[1...-1] parts.each do |part| call_response = deserialize_call_response(part) callback = @callbacks[call_response.call_id] call = @calls[call_response.call_id] result = Google::APIClient::Result.new(call, call_response) callback.call(result) if callback end end private ## # Helper method to find a header from its name, regardless of case. # # @param [String] name: The name of the header to find. # @param [Hash] headers: The hash of headers and their values. # # @return [String] The value of the desired header. def find_header(name, headers) _, header = headers.detect do |h, v| h.downcase == name.downcase end return header end ## # Create a new call ID. Uses an auto-incrementing, conflict-avoiding ID. # # @return [String] the new, unique ID. def new_id @last_auto_id += 1 while @calls.include?(@last_auto_id) @last_auto_id += 1 end return @last_auto_id.to_s end ## # Convert an id to a Content-ID header value. # # @param [String] call_id: identifier of individual call. # # @return [String] # A Content-ID header with the call_id encoded into it. A UUID is # prepended to the value because Content-ID headers are supposed to be # universally unique. def id_to_header(call_id) if @base_id.nil? # TODO(sgomes): Use SecureRandom.uuid, drop UUIDTools when we drop 1.8 @base_id = UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s end return '<%s+%s>' % [@base_id, Addressable::URI.encode(call_id)] end ## # Convert a Content-ID header value to an id. Presumes the Content-ID # header conforms to the format that id_to_header() returns. # # @param [String] header: Content-ID header value. # # @return [String] The extracted ID value. def header_to_id(header) if !header.start_with?('<') || !header.end_with?('>') || !header.include?('+') raise BatchError, 'Invalid value for Content-ID: "%s"' % header end base, call_id = header[1...-1].split('+') return Addressable::URI.unencode(call_id) end ## # Convert a single batched call into a string. # # @param [Google::APIClient::Reference] call: the call to serialize. # # @return [String] The request as a string in application/http format. def serialize_call(call) http_request = call.to_http_request method = http_request.method.to_s.upcase path = http_request.path.to_s status_line = method + " " + path + " HTTP/1.1" serialized_call = status_line if http_request.headers http_request.headers.each do |header, value| serialized_call << "\r\n%s: %s" % [header, value] end end if http_request.body serialized_call << "\r\n\r\n" serialized_call << http_request.body end return serialized_call end ## # Auxiliary method to split the headers from the body in an HTTP response. # # @param [String] response: the response to parse. # # @return [Array, String] The headers and the body, separately. def split_headers_and_body(response) headers = {} payload = response.lstrip while payload line, payload = payload.split("\n", 2) line.sub!(/\s+\z/, '') break if line.empty? match = /\A([^:]+):\s*/.match(line) if match headers[match[1]] = match.post_match else raise BatchError, 'Invalid header line in response: %s' % line end end return headers, payload end ## # Convert a single batched response into a BatchedCallResponse object. # # @param [Google::APIClient::Reference] response: # the request to deserialize. # # @return [BatchedCallResponse] The parsed and converted response. def deserialize_call_response(call_response) outer_headers, outer_body = split_headers_and_body(call_response) status_line, payload = outer_body.split("\n", 2) protocol, status, reason = status_line.split(' ', 3) headers, body = split_headers_and_body(payload) content_id = find_header('Content-ID', outer_headers) call_id = header_to_id(content_id) return BatchedCallResponse.new(call_id, status.to_i, headers, body) end ## # Return the request headers for the BatchRequest's HTTP request. # # @return [Hash] The HTTP headers. def request_headers return { 'Content-Type' => 'multipart/mixed; boundary=%s' % BATCH_BOUNDARY } end ## # Return the request path for the BatchRequest's HTTP request. # # @return [String] The request path. def request_uri if @calls.nil? || @calls.empty? raise BatchError, 'Cannot make an empty batch request' end # All APIs have the same batch path, so just get the first one. return @calls.first[1].api_method.api.batch_path end ## # Return the request body for the BatchRequest's HTTP request. # # @return [String] The request body. def request_body body = "" @order.each do |call_id| body << "--" + BATCH_BOUNDARY + "\r\n" body << "Content-Type: application/http\r\n" body << "Content-ID: %s\r\n\r\n" % id_to_header(call_id) body << serialize_call(@calls[call_id]) + "\r\n\r\n" end body << "--" + BATCH_BOUNDARY + "--" return body end end end end