# Copyright 2010 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. gem 'faraday', '~> 0.7.0' require 'faraday' require 'faraday/utils' require 'multi_json' require 'stringio' require 'google/api_client/version' require 'google/api_client/errors' require 'google/api_client/environment' require 'google/api_client/discovery' require 'google/api_client/reference' require 'google/api_client/result' module Google # TODO(bobaman): Document all this stuff. ## # This class manages APIs communication. class APIClient ## # Creates a new Google API client. # # @param [Hash] options The configuration parameters for the client. # @option options [Symbol, #generate_authenticated_request] :authorization # (:oauth_1) # The authorization mechanism used by the client. The following # mechanisms are supported out-of-the-box: # # @option options [String] :host ("www.googleapis.com") # The API hostname used by the client. This rarely needs to be changed. # @option options [String] :application_name # The name of the application using the client. # @option options [String] :application_version # The version number of the application using the client. # @option options [String] :user_agent # ("{app_name} google-api-ruby-client/{version} {os_name}/{os_version}") # The user agent used by the client. Most developers will want to # leave this value alone and use the `:application_name` option instead. def initialize(options={}) # Normalize key to String to allow indifferent access. options = options.inject({}) do |accu, (key, value)| accu[key.to_s] = value accu end # Almost all API usage will have a host of 'www.googleapis.com'. self.host = options["host"] || 'www.googleapis.com' # Most developers will want to leave this value alone and use the # application_name option. application_string = ( options["application_name"] ? ( "#{options["application_name"]}/" + "#{options["application_version"] || '0.0.0'}" ) : "" ) self.user_agent = options["user_agent"] || ( "#{application_string} " + "google-api-ruby-client/#{VERSION::STRING} " + ENV::OS_VERSION ).strip # The writer method understands a few Symbols and will generate useful # default authentication mechanisms. self.authorization = options["authorization"] || :oauth_2 self.key = options["key"] self.user_ip = options["user_ip"] @discovery_uris = {} @discovery_documents = {} @discovered_apis = {} return self end ## # Returns the authorization mechanism used by the client. # # @return [#generate_authenticated_request] The authorization mechanism. attr_reader :authorization ## # Sets the authorization mechanism used by the client. # # @param [#generate_authenticated_request] new_authorization # The new authorization mechanism. def authorization=(new_authorization) case new_authorization when :oauth_1, :oauth gem 'signet', '~> 0.3.0' require 'signet/oauth_1/client' # NOTE: Do not rely on this default value, as it may change new_authorization = Signet::OAuth1::Client.new( :temporary_credential_uri => 'https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthGetRequestToken', :authorization_uri => 'https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthAuthorizeToken', :token_credential_uri => 'https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthGetAccessToken', :client_credential_key => 'anonymous', :client_credential_secret => 'anonymous' ) when :two_legged_oauth_1, :two_legged_oauth gem 'signet', '~> 0.3.0' require 'signet/oauth_1/client' # NOTE: Do not rely on this default value, as it may change new_authorization = Signet::OAuth1::Client.new( :client_credential_key => nil, :client_credential_secret => nil, :two_legged => true ) when :oauth_2 gem 'signet', '~> 0.3.0' require 'signet/oauth_2/client' # NOTE: Do not rely on this default value, as it may change new_authorization = Signet::OAuth2::Client.new( :authorization_uri => 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth', :token_credential_uri => 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token' ) when nil # No authorization mechanism else if !new_authorization.respond_to?(:generate_authenticated_request) raise TypeError, 'Expected authorization mechanism to respond to ' + '#generate_authenticated_request.' end end @authorization = new_authorization return @authorization end ## # The application's API key issued by the API console. # # @return [String] The API key. attr_accessor :key ## # The IP address of the user this request is being performed on behalf of. # # @return [String] The user's IP address. attr_accessor :user_ip ## # The API hostname used by the client. # # @return [String] # The API hostname. Should almost always be 'www.googleapis.com'. attr_accessor :host ## # The user agent used by the client. # # @return [String] # The user agent string used in the User-Agent header. attr_accessor :user_agent ## # Returns the URI for the directory document. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The URI of the directory document. def directory_uri template = Addressable::Template.new( "https://{host}/discovery/v1/apis" ) return template.expand({"host" => self.host}) end ## # Manually registers a URI as a discovery document for a specific version # of an API. # # @param [String, Symbol] api The API name. # @param [String] version The desired version of the API. # @param [Addressable::URI] uri The URI of the discovery document. def register_discovery_uri(api, version, uri) api = api.to_s version = version || 'v1' @discovery_uris["#{api}:#{version}"] = uri end ## # Returns the URI for the discovery document. # # @param [String, Symbol] api The API name. # @param [String] version The desired version of the API. # @return [Addressable::URI] The URI of the discovery document. def discovery_uri(api, version=nil) api = api.to_s version = version || 'v1' return @discovery_uris["#{api}:#{version}"] ||= (begin template = Addressable::Template.new( "https://{host}/discovery/v1/apis/" + "{api}/{version}/rest" ) template.expand({ "host" => self.host, "api" => api, "version" => version }) end) end ## # Manually registers a pre-loaded discovery document for a specific version # of an API. # # @param [String, Symbol] api The API name. # @param [String] version The desired version of the API. # @param [String, StringIO] discovery_document # The contents of the discovery document. def register_discovery_document(api, version, discovery_document) api = api.to_s version = version || 'v1' if discovery_document.kind_of?(StringIO) discovery_document.rewind discovery_document = discovery_document.string elsif discovery_document.respond_to?(:to_str) discovery_document = discovery_document.to_str else raise TypeError, "Expected String or StringIO, got #{discovery_document.class}." end @discovery_documents["#{api}:#{version}"] = MultiJson.decode(discovery_document) end ## # Returns the parsed directory document. # # @return [Hash] The parsed JSON from the directory document. def directory_document return @directory_document ||= (begin request = self.generate_request( :http_method => :get, :uri => self.directory_uri, :authenticated => false ) response = self.transmit(:request => request) if response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300 MultiJson.decode(response.body) elsif response.status >= 400 case response.status when 400...500 exception_type = ClientError when 500...600 exception_type = ServerError else exception_type = TransmissionError end url = request.to_env(Faraday.default_connection)[:url] raise exception_type, "Could not retrieve directory document at: #{url}" end end) end ## # Returns the parsed discovery document. # # @param [String, Symbol] api The API name. # @param [String] version The desired version of the API. # @return [Hash] The parsed JSON from the discovery document. def discovery_document(api, version=nil) api = api.to_s version = version || 'v1' return @discovery_documents["#{api}:#{version}"] ||= (begin request = self.generate_request( :http_method => :get, :uri => self.discovery_uri(api, version), :authenticated => false ) response = self.transmit(:request => request) if response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300 MultiJson.decode(response.body) elsif response.status >= 400 case response.status when 400...500 exception_type = ClientError when 500...600 exception_type = ServerError else exception_type = TransmissionError end url = request.to_env(Faraday.default_connection)[:url] raise exception_type, "Could not retrieve discovery document at: #{url}" end end) end ## # Returns all APIs published in the directory document. # # @return [Array] The list of available APIs. def discovered_apis @directory_apis ||= (begin document_base = self.directory_uri if self.directory_document && self.directory_document['items'] self.directory_document['items'].map do |discovery_document| Google::APIClient::API.new( document_base, discovery_document ) end else [] end end) end ## # Returns the service object for a given service name and service version. # # @param [String, Symbol] api The API name. # @param [String] version The desired version of the API. # # @return [Google::APIClient::API] The service object. def discovered_api(api, version=nil) if !api.kind_of?(String) && !api.kind_of?(Symbol) raise TypeError, "Expected String or Symbol, got #{api.class}." end api = api.to_s version = version || 'v1' return @discovered_apis["#{api}:#{version}"] ||= begin document_base = self.discovery_uri(api, version) discovery_document = self.discovery_document(api, version) if document_base && discovery_document Google::APIClient::API.new( document_base, discovery_document ) else nil end end end ## # Returns the method object for a given RPC name and service version. # # @param [String, Symbol] rpc_name The RPC name of the desired method. # @param [String, Symbol] rpc_name The API the method is within. # @param [String] version The desired version of the API. # # @return [Google::APIClient::Method] The method object. def discovered_method(rpc_name, api, version=nil) if !rpc_name.kind_of?(String) && !rpc_name.kind_of?(Symbol) raise TypeError, "Expected String or Symbol, got #{rpc_name.class}." end rpc_name = rpc_name.to_s api = api.to_s version = version || 'v1' service = self.discovered_api(api, version) if service.to_h[rpc_name] return service.to_h[rpc_name] else return nil end end ## # Returns the service object with the highest version number. # # @note Warning: This method should be used with great care. # As APIs are updated, minor differences between versions may cause # incompatibilities. Requesting a specific version will avoid this issue. # # @param [String, Symbol] api The name of the service. # # @return [Google::APIClient::API] The service object. def preferred_version(api) if !api.kind_of?(String) && !api.kind_of?(Symbol) raise TypeError, "Expected String or Symbol, got #{api.class}." end api = api.to_s return self.discovered_apis.detect do |a| a.name == api && a.preferred == true end end ## # Generates a request. # # @option options [Google::APIClient::Method, String] :api_method # The method object or the RPC name of the method being executed. # @option options [Hash, Array] :parameters # The parameters to send to the method. # @option options [Hash, Array] :headers The HTTP headers for the request. # @option options [String] :body The body of the request. # @option options [String] :version ("v1") # The service version. Only used if `api_method` is a `String`. # @option options [#generate_authenticated_request] :authorization # The authorization mechanism for the response. Used only if # `:authenticated` is `true`. # @option options [TrueClass, FalseClass] :authenticated (true) # `true` if the request must be signed or somehow # authenticated, `false` otherwise. # # @return [Faraday::Request] The generated request. # # @example # request = client.generate_request( # :api_method => 'plus.activities.list', # :parameters => # {'collection' => 'public', 'userId' => 'me'} # ) def generate_request(options={}) # Note: The merge method on a Hash object will coerce an API Reference # object into a Hash and merge with the default options. options={ :version => 'v1', :authorization => self.authorization, :key => self.key, :user_ip => self.user_ip, :connection => Faraday.default_connection }.merge(options) # The Reference object is going to need this to do method ID lookups. options[:client] = self # The default value for the :authenticated option depends on whether an # authorization mechanism has been set. if options[:authorization] options = {:authenticated => true}.merge(options) else options = {:authenticated => false}.merge(options) end reference = Google::APIClient::Reference.new(options) request = reference.to_request if options[:authenticated] request = self.generate_authenticated_request( :request => request, :connection => options[:connection] ) end return request end ## # Signs a request using the current authorization mechanism. # # @param [Hash] options a customizable set of options # # @return [Faraday::Request] The signed or otherwise authenticated request. def generate_authenticated_request(options={}) return authorization.generate_authenticated_request(options) end ## # Transmits the request using the current HTTP adapter. # # @option options [Array, Faraday::Request] :request # The HTTP request to transmit. # @option options [String, Symbol] :method # The method for the HTTP request. # @option options [String, Addressable::URI] :uri # The URI for the HTTP request. # @option options [Array, Hash] :headers # The headers for the HTTP request. # @option options [String] :body # The body for the HTTP request. # @option options [Faraday::Connection] :connection # The HTTP connection to use. # # @return [Faraday::Response] The response from the server. def transmit(options={}) options[:connection] ||= Faraday.default_connection if options[:request] if options[:request].kind_of?(Array) method, uri, headers, body = options[:request] elsif options[:request].kind_of?(Faraday::Request) unless options[:connection] raise ArgumentError, "Faraday::Request used, requires a connection to be provided." end method = options[:request].method.to_s.downcase.to_sym uri = options[:connection].build_url( options[:request].path, options[:request].params ) headers = options[:request].headers || {} body = options[:request].body || '' end else method = options[:method] || :get uri = options[:uri] headers = options[:headers] || [] body = options[:body] || '' end headers = headers.to_a if headers.kind_of?(Hash) request_components = { :method => method, :uri => uri, :headers => headers, :body => body } # Verify that we have all pieces required to transmit an HTTP request request_components.each do |(key, value)| unless value raise ArgumentError, "Missing :#{key} parameter." end end if self.user_agent != nil # If there's no User-Agent header, set one. unless headers.kind_of?(Enumerable) # We need to use some Enumerable methods, relying on the presence of # the #each method. class < 'plus.activities.list', # :parameters => {'collection' => 'public', 'userId' => 'me'} # ) # # @see Google::APIClient#generate_request def execute(*params) # This block of code allows us to accept multiple parameter passing # styles, and maintaining some backwards compatibility. # # Note: I'm extremely tempted to deprecate this style of execute call. if params.last.respond_to?(:to_hash) && params.size == 1 options = params.pop else options = {} end options[:api_method] = params.shift if params.size > 0 options[:parameters] = params.shift if params.size > 0 options[:body] = params.shift if params.size > 0 options[:headers] = params.shift if params.size > 0 options[:client] = self reference = Google::APIClient::Reference.new(options) request = self.generate_request(reference) response = self.transmit( :request => request, :connection => options[:connection] ) return Google::APIClient::Result.new(reference, request, response) end ## # Same as Google::APIClient#execute, but raises an exception if there was # an error. # # @see Google::APIClient#execute def execute!(*params) result = self.execute(*params) if result.data.respond_to?(:error) && result.data.error.respond_to?(:message) # You're going to get a terrible error message if the response isn't # parsed successfully as an error. error_message = result.data.error.message elsif result.data['error'] && result.data['error']['message'] error_message = result.data['error']['message'] end if result.response.status >= 400 case result.response.status when 400...500 exception_type = ClientError error_message ||= "A client error has occurred." when 500...600 exception_type = ServerError error_message ||= "A server error has occurred." else exception_type = TransmissionError error_message ||= "A transmission error has occurred." end raise exception_type, error_message end return result end end end require 'google/api_client/version'