# Copyright 2010 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'addressable/uri' require 'addressable/template' require 'google/api_client/errors' module Google class APIClient ## # A method that has been described by a discovery document. class Method ## # Creates a description of a particular method. # # @param [Google::APIClient::API] api # The API this method belongs to. # @param [Addressable::URI] method_base # The base URI for the service. # @param [String] method_name # The identifier for the method. # @param [Hash] method_description # The section of the discovery document that applies to this method. # # @return [Google::APIClient::Method] The constructed method object. def initialize(api, method_base, method_name, discovery_document) @api = api @method_base = method_base @name = method_name @discovery_document = discovery_document end ## # Returns the API this method belongs to. # # @return [Google::APIClient::API] The API this method belongs to. attr_reader :api ## # Returns the identifier for the method. # # @return [String] The method identifier. attr_reader :name ## # Returns the parsed section of the discovery document that applies to # this method. # # @return [Hash] The method description. attr_reader :description ## # Returns the base URI for the method. # # @return [Addressable::URI] # The base URI that this method will be joined to. attr_reader :method_base ## # Updates the method with the new base. # # @param [Addressable::URI, #to_str, String] new_base # The new base URI to use for the method. def method_base=(new_method_base) @method_base = Addressable::URI.parse(new_method_base) @uri_template = nil end ## # Returns the method ID. # # @return [String] The method identifier. def id return @discovery_document['id'] end ## # Returns the HTTP method or 'GET' if none is specified. # # @return [String] The HTTP method that will be used in the request. def http_method return @discovery_document['httpMethod'] || 'GET' end ## # Returns the URI template for the method. A parameter list can be # used to expand this into a URI. # # @return [Addressable::Template] The URI template. def uri_template return @uri_template ||= Addressable::Template.new( self.method_base.join(Addressable::URI.parse(@discovery_document['path'])) ) end ## # Returns media upload information for this method, if supported # # @return [Google::APIClient::MediaUpload] Description of upload endpoints def media_upload if @discovery_document['mediaUpload'] return @media_upload ||= Google::APIClient::MediaUpload.new(self, self.method_base, @discovery_document['mediaUpload']) else return nil end end ## # Returns the Schema object for the method's request, if any. # # @return [Google::APIClient::Schema] The request schema. def request_schema if @discovery_document['request'] schema_name = @discovery_document['request']['$ref'] return @api.schemas[schema_name] else return nil end end ## # Returns the Schema object for the method's response, if any. # # @return [Google::APIClient::Schema] The response schema. def response_schema if @discovery_document['response'] schema_name = @discovery_document['response']['$ref'] return @api.schemas[schema_name] else return nil end end ## # Normalizes parameters, converting to the appropriate types. # # @param [Hash, Array] parameters # The parameters to normalize. # # @return [Hash] The normalized parameters. def normalize_parameters(parameters={}) # Convert keys to Strings when appropriate if parameters.kind_of?(Hash) || parameters.kind_of?(Array) # Returning an array since parameters can be repeated (ie, Adsense Management API) parameters = parameters.inject([]) do |accu, (k, v)| k = k.to_s if k.kind_of?(Symbol) k = k.to_str if k.respond_to?(:to_str) unless k.kind_of?(String) raise TypeError, "Expected String, got #{k.class}." end accu << [k,v] accu end else raise TypeError, "Expected Hash or Array, got #{parameters.class}." end return parameters end ## # Expands the method's URI template using a parameter list. # # @param [Hash, Array] parameters # The parameter list to use. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The URI after expansion. def generate_uri(parameters={}) parameters = self.normalize_parameters(parameters) self.validate_parameters(parameters) template_variables = self.uri_template.variables upload_type = parameters.assoc('uploadType') || parameters.assoc('upload_type') if upload_type unless self.media_upload raise ArgumentException, "Media upload not supported for this method" end case upload_type.last when 'media', 'multipart', 'resumable' uri = self.media_upload.uri_template.expand(parameters) else raise ArgumentException, "Invalid uploadType '#{upload_type}'" end else uri = self.uri_template.expand(parameters) end query_parameters = parameters.reject do |k, v| template_variables.include?(k) end # encode all non-template parameters params = "" unless query_parameters.empty? params = "?" + Addressable::URI.form_encode(query_parameters) end # Normalization is necessary because of undesirable percent-escaping # during URI template expansion return uri.normalize + params end ## # Generates an HTTP request for this method. # # @param [Hash, Array] parameters # The parameters to send. # @param [String, StringIO] body The body for the HTTP request. # @param [Hash, Array] headers The HTTP headers for the request. # # @return [Array] The generated HTTP request. def generate_request(parameters={}, body='', headers=[]) if body.respond_to?(:string) body = body.string elsif body.respond_to?(:to_str) body = body.to_str else raise TypeError, "Expected String or StringIO, got #{body.class}." end if !headers.kind_of?(Array) && !headers.kind_of?(Hash) raise TypeError, "Expected Hash or Array, got #{headers.class}." end method = self.http_method uri = self.generate_uri(parameters) headers = headers.to_a if headers.kind_of?(Hash) return Faraday::Request.create(method.to_s.downcase.to_sym) do |req| req.url(Addressable::URI.parse(uri)) req.headers = Faraday::Utils::Headers.new(headers) req.body = body end end ## # Returns a Hash of the parameter descriptions for # this method. # # @return [Hash] The parameter descriptions. def parameter_descriptions @parameter_descriptions ||= ( @discovery_document['parameters'] || {} ).inject({}) { |h,(k,v)| h[k]=v; h } end ## # Returns an Array of the parameters for this method. # # @return [Array] The parameters. def parameters @parameters ||= (( @discovery_document['parameters'] || {} ).inject({}) { |h,(k,v)| h[k]=v; h }).keys end ## # Returns an Array of the required parameters for this # method. # # @return [Array] The required parameters. # # @example # # A list of all required parameters. # method.required_parameters def required_parameters @required_parameters ||= ((self.parameter_descriptions.select do |k, v| v['required'] end).inject({}) { |h,(k,v)| h[k]=v; h }).keys end ## # Returns an Array of the optional parameters for this # method. # # @return [Array] The optional parameters. # # @example # # A list of all optional parameters. # method.optional_parameters def optional_parameters @optional_parameters ||= ((self.parameter_descriptions.reject do |k, v| v['required'] end).inject({}) { |h,(k,v)| h[k]=v; h }).keys end ## # Verifies that the parameters are valid for this method. Raises an # exception if validation fails. # # @param [Hash, Array] parameters # The parameters to verify. # # @return [NilClass] nil if validation passes. def validate_parameters(parameters={}) parameters = self.normalize_parameters(parameters) required_variables = ((self.parameter_descriptions.select do |k, v| v['required'] end).inject({}) { |h,(k,v)| h[k]=v; h }).keys missing_variables = required_variables - parameters.map(&:first) if missing_variables.size > 0 raise ArgumentError, "Missing required parameters: #{missing_variables.join(', ')}." end parameters.each do |k, v| # Handle repeated parameters. if self.parameter_descriptions[k] && self.parameter_descriptions[k]['repeated'] && v.kind_of?(Array) # If this is a repeated parameter and we've got an array as a # value, just provide the whole array to the loop below. items = v else # If this is not a repeated parameter, or if it is but we're # being given a single value, wrap the value in an array, so that # the loop below still works for the single element. items = [v] end items.each do |item| if self.parameter_descriptions[k] enum = self.parameter_descriptions[k]['enum'] if enum && !enum.include?(item) raise ArgumentError, "Parameter '#{k}' has an invalid value: #{item}. " + "Must be one of #{enum.inspect}." end pattern = self.parameter_descriptions[k]['pattern'] if pattern regexp = Regexp.new("^#{pattern}$") if item !~ regexp raise ArgumentError, "Parameter '#{k}' has an invalid value: #{item}. " + "Must match: /^#{pattern}$/." end end end end end return nil end ## # Returns a String representation of the method's state. # # @return [String] The method's state, as a String. def inspect sprintf( "#<%s:%#0x ID:%s>", self.class.to_s, self.object_id, self.id ) end end end end