# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. SPEC_DIR = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) ROOT_DIR = File.expand_path(File.join(SPEC_DIR, '..')) LIB_DIR = File.expand_path(File.join(ROOT_DIR, 'lib')) GENERATED_DIR = File.expand_path(File.join(ROOT_DIR, 'generated')) THIRD_PARTY_DIR = File.expand_path(File.join(ROOT_DIR, 'third_party')) FIXTURES_DIR = File.expand_path(File.join(SPEC_DIR, 'fixtures')) if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) puts 'Skipping coverage on JRuby' else # set up coverage require 'simplecov' require 'coveralls' SimpleCov.formatters = [ Coveralls::SimpleCov::Formatter, SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter ] SimpleCov.start do add_filter '/spec/' add_filter '/generated/' end end require 'rspec' require 'webmock/rspec' require 'fakefs/spec_helpers' require 'json_spec' require 'logging' require 'rspec/logging_helper' require 'google/apis' require 'google/apis/core/base_service' # Configure RSpec to capture log messages for each test. The output from the # logs will be stored in the @log_output variable. It is a StringIO instance. RSpec.configure do |config| include RSpec::LoggingHelper config.include FakeFS::SpecHelpers, fakefs: true config.include JsonSpec::Helpers config.include WebMock::API config.capture_log_messages Google::Apis.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG WebMock::Config.instance.query_values_notation = :flat_array end [JsonSpec::Matchers::BeJsonEql, JsonSpec::Matchers::IncludeJson, JsonSpec::Matchers::HaveJsonType, JsonSpec::Matchers::HaveJsonSize, JsonSpec::Matchers::HaveJsonPath].each do |klass| klass.send(:alias_method, :===, :matches?) end RSpec.shared_context 'HTTP client' do let(:client) do Google::Apis::Core::BaseService.new('', '').client end end module TestHelpers include WebMock::API include WebMock::Matchers end # Enable retries for tests Google::Apis::RequestOptions.default.retries = 5 # Allow testing different adapters Google::Apis::ClientOptions.default.use_net_http = true if ENV['USE_NET_HTTP'] # Temporarily patch WebMock to allow chunked responses for Net::HTTP module Net module WebMockHTTPResponse def eval_chunk(chunk) chunk if chunk.is_a?(String) chunk.read if chunk.is_a?(IO) chunk.call if chunk.is_a?(Proc) fail chunk if chunk.is_a?(Class) chunk end def read_body(dest = nil, &block) if !(defined?(@__read_body_previously_called).nil?) && @__read_body_previously_called return super end return @body if dest.nil? && block.nil? fail ArgumentError.new('both arg and block given for HTTP method') if dest && block return nil if @body.nil? dest ||= ::Net::ReadAdapter.new(block) body_parts = Array(@body) body_parts.each do |chunk| chunk = eval_chunk(chunk) dest << chunk end @body = dest ensure # allow subsequent calls to #read_body to proceed as normal, without our hack... @__read_body_previously_called = true end end end class WebMockHTTPClient def eval_chunk(chunk) chunk if chunk.is_a?(String) chunk.read if chunk.is_a?(IO) chunk.call if chunk.is_a?(Proc) fail HTTPClient::TimeoutError if chunk == ::Timeout::Error fail chunk if chunk.is_a?(Class) chunk end def build_httpclient_response(webmock_response, stream = false, req_header = nil, &block) body = stream ? StringIO.new(webmock_response.body) : webmock_response.body response = HTTP::Message.new_response(body, req_header) response.header.init_response(webmock_response.status[0]) response.reason = webmock_response.status[1] webmock_response.headers.to_a.each { |name, value| response.header.set(name, value) } raise HTTPClient::TimeoutError if webmock_response.should_timeout webmock_response.raise_error_if_any body_parts = Array(webmock_response.body) body_parts.each do |chunk| chunk = eval_chunk(chunk) block.call(response, chunk) if block end response end end def run_integration_tests? ENV['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] && ENV['GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID'] end