require 'rake/clean' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' CLOBBER.include('coverage', 'specdoc') namespace :spec do do |t| end desc 'Generate HTML Specdocs for all specs.' do |t| specdoc_path = File.expand_path('../../specdoc', __FILE__) t.rspec_opts = %W( --format html --out #{File.join(specdoc_path, 'index.html')} ) t.fail_on_error = false end do |t| if RCOV_ENABLED if `which rcov`.strip == "" STDERR.puts( "Please install rcov and ensure that its binary is in the PATH:" ) STDERR.puts("sudo gem install rcov") exit(1) end t.rcov = true else t.rcov = false end t.rcov_opts = %w( --exclude gems/ --exclude spec/ --exclude lib/google/api_client/environment.rb --exclude lib/compat ) end namespace :rcov do desc 'Browse the code coverage report.' task :browse => 'spec:rcov' do require 'launchy''coverage/index.html') end end end if RCOV_ENABLED desc 'Alias to spec:rcov' task 'spec' => 'spec:rcov' else desc 'Alias to spec:all' task 'spec' => 'spec:all' end