#!/usr/bin/ruby1.8 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright:: Copyright 2011 Google Inc. # License:: Apache 2.0 # Original Author:: Bob Aman, Winton Davies, Robert Kaplow # Maintainer:: Robert Kaplow (mailto:rkaplow@google.com) require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' require 'datamapper' require 'google/api_client' require 'yaml' enable :sessions # Set up our token store DataMapper.setup(:default, 'sqlite::memory:') class TokenPair include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :refresh_token, String, :length => 255 property :access_token, String, :length => 255 property :expires_in, Integer property :issued_at, Integer def update_token!(object) self.refresh_token = object.refresh_token self.access_token = object.access_token self.expires_in = object.expires_in self.issued_at = object.issued_at end def to_hash return { :refresh_token => refresh_token, :access_token => access_token, :expires_in => expires_in, :issued_at => Time.at(issued_at) } end end TokenPair.auto_migrate! def save_token_pair(session, client) token_pair = if session[:token_id] TokenPair.first_or_create(:id => session[:token_id]) else TokenPair.new end token_pair.update_token!(client.authorization) if token_pair.save session[:token_id] = token_pair.id else token_pair.errors.each do |e| raise e end end end # FILL IN THIS SECTION # This is the name of the {bucket}/{object} you are using for the language # file. # ------------------------ DATA_OBJECT = "bucket/object" # ------------------------ before do # FILL IN THIS SECTION # This will work if your yaml file is stored as .google-api.yaml # ------------------------ oauth_yaml = YAML.load_file('.google-api.yaml') @client = Google::APIClient.new @client.authorization.client_id = oauth_yaml["client_id"] @client.authorization.client_secret = oauth_yaml["client_secret"] @client.authorization.scope = oauth_yaml["scope"] @client.authorization.refresh_token = oauth_yaml["refresh_token"] @client.authorization.access_token = oauth_yaml["access_token"] # ----------------------- @client.authorization.redirect_uri = to('/oauth2callback') if session[:token_id] # Load the access token here if it's available token_pair = TokenPair.get(session[:token_id]) @client.authorization.update_token!(token_pair.to_hash) if token_pair end if @client.authorization.refresh_token && @client.authorization.expired? @client.authorization.fetch_access_token! save_token_pair(session, @client) end @prediction = @client.discovered_api('prediction', 'v1.4') unless @client.authorization.access_token || request.path_info =~ /^\/oauth2/ redirect to('/oauth2authorize') end end get '/oauth2authorize' do redirect @client.authorization.authorization_uri.to_s, 303 end get '/oauth2callback' do @client.authorization.fetch_access_token! save_token_pair(session, @client) redirect to('/') end get '/' do erb :index end get '/train' do training = @prediction.trainedmodels.insert.request_schema.new training.id = 'language-sample' training.storage_data_location = DATA_OBJECT result = @client.execute( :api_method => @prediction.trainedmodels.insert, :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}, :body_object => training ) return [ 200, [["Content-Type", "application/json"]], ::JSON.generate({"status": "success"}) ] end get '/checkStatus' do result = @client.execute( :api_method => @prediction.trainedmodels.get, :parameters => {'id' => 'language-sample'} ) return [ 200, [["Content-Type", "application/json"]], assemble_json_body(result) ] end post '/predict' do input = @prediction.trainedmodels.predict.request_schema.new input.input = {} input.input.csv_instance = [params["input"]] result = @client.execute( :api_method => @prediction.trainedmodels.predict, :parameters => {'id' => 'language-sample'}, :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}, :body_object => input ) return [ 200, [["Content-Type", "application/json"]], assemble_json_body(result) ] end def assemble_json_body(result) # Assemble some JSON our client-side code can work with. json = {} if result.status != 200 if result.data["error"] message = result.data["error"]["errors"].first["message"] json["message"] = "#{message} [#{result.status}]" else json["message"] = "Error. [#{result.status}]" end json["response"] = ::JSON.parse(result.body) json["status"] = "error" else json["response"] = ::JSON.parse(result.body) json["status"] = "success" end return ::JSON.generate(json) end