# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

require 'google/apis/core/base_service'
require 'google/apis/core/json_representation'
require 'google/apis/core/hashable'
require 'google/apis/errors'

module Google
  module Apis
    module DialogflowV2
      # Dialogflow API
      # Builds conversational interfaces (for example, chatbots, and voice-powered
      #  apps and devices).
      # @example
      #    require 'google/apis/dialogflow_v2'
      #    Dialogflow = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2 # Alias the module
      #    service = Dialogflow::DialogflowService.new
      # @see https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/
      class DialogflowService < Google::Apis::Core::BaseService
        # @return [String]
        #  API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access,
        #  quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
        attr_accessor :key

        # @return [String]
        #  Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #  arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        attr_accessor :quota_user

        def initialize
          super('https://dialogflow.googleapis.com/', '',
                client_name: 'google-apis-dialogflow_v2',
                client_version: Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GEM_VERSION)
          @batch_path = 'batch'
        # Deletes the specified agent.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The project that the agent to delete is associated with. Format: `
        #   projects/`.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def delete_project_agent(parent, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'v2/{+parent}/agent', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Retrieves the specified agent.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The project that the agent to fetch is associated with. Format: `
        #   projects/`.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Agent] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Agent]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def get_project_agent(parent, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+parent}/agent', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Agent::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Agent
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Creates/updates the specified agent.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The project of this agent. Format: `projects/`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Agent] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_agent_object
        # @param [String] update_mask
        #   Optional. The mask to control which fields get updated.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Agent] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Agent]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def set_project_agent(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_agent_object = nil, update_mask: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/agent', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Agent::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_agent_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Agent::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Agent
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['updateMask'] = update_mask unless update_mask.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Exports the specified agent to a ZIP file. Operation
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The project that the agent to export is associated with. Format: `
        #   projects/`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ExportAgentRequest] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_export_agent_request_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def export_project_agent(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_export_agent_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/agent:export', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ExportAgentRequest::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_export_agent_request_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Retrieves the fulfillment.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The name of the fulfillment. Format: `projects//agent/fulfillment`.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Fulfillment] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Fulfillment]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def get_project_agent_fulfillment(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Fulfillment::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Fulfillment
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Gets agent validation result. Agent validation is performed during training
        # time and is updated automatically when training is completed.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The project that the agent is associated with. Format: `projects/`.
        # @param [String] language_code
        #   Optional. The language for which you want a validation result. If not
        #   specified, the agent's default language is used. [Many languages](https://
        #   cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs/reference/language) are supported. Note:
        #   languages must be enabled in the agent before they can be used.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ValidationResult] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ValidationResult]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def get_project_agent_validation_result(parent, language_code: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+parent}/agent/validationResult', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ValidationResult::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ValidationResult
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['languageCode'] = language_code unless language_code.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Imports the specified agent from a ZIP file. Uploads new intents and entity
        # types without deleting the existing ones. Intents and entity types with the
        # same name are replaced with the new versions from ImportAgentRequest. After
        # the import, the imported draft agent will be trained automatically (unless
        # disabled in agent settings). However, once the import is done, training may
        # not be completed yet. Please call TrainAgent and wait for the operation it
        # returns in order to train explicitly. Operation An operation which tracks when
        # importing is complete. It only tracks when the draft agent is updated not when
        # it is done training.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The project that the agent to import is associated with. Format: `
        #   projects/`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ImportAgentRequest] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_import_agent_request_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def import_project_agent(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_import_agent_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/agent:import', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ImportAgentRequest::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_import_agent_request_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Restores the specified agent from a ZIP file. Replaces the current agent
        # version with a new one. All the intents and entity types in the older version
        # are deleted. After the restore, the restored draft agent will be trained
        # automatically (unless disabled in agent settings). However, once the restore
        # is done, training may not be completed yet. Please call TrainAgent and wait
        # for the operation it returns in order to train explicitly. Operation An
        # operation which tracks when restoring is complete. It only tracks when the
        # draft agent is updated not when it is done training.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The project that the agent to restore is associated with. Format: `
        #   projects/`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2RestoreAgentRequest] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_restore_agent_request_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def restore_project_agent(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_restore_agent_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/agent:restore', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2RestoreAgentRequest::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_restore_agent_request_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Returns the list of agents. Since there is at most one conversational agent
        # per project, this method is useful primarily for listing all agents across
        # projects the caller has access to. One can achieve that with a wildcard
        # project collection id "-". Refer to [List Sub-Collections](https://cloud.
        # google.com/apis/design/design_patterns#list_sub-collections).
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The project to list agents from. Format: `projects/`.
        # @param [Fixnum] page_size
        #   Optional. The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default
        #   100 and at most 1000.
        # @param [String] page_token
        #   The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SearchAgentsResponse] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SearchAgentsResponse]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def search_project_agents(parent, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+parent}/agent:search', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SearchAgentsResponse::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SearchAgentsResponse
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil?
          command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Trains the specified agent. Operation
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The project that the agent to train is associated with. Format: `
        #   projects/`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2TrainAgentRequest] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_train_agent_request_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def train_project_agent(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_train_agent_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/agent:train', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2TrainAgentRequest::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_train_agent_request_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Updates the fulfillment.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The unique identifier of the fulfillment. Format: `projects//agent/
        #   fulfillment`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Fulfillment] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_fulfillment_object
        # @param [String] update_mask
        #   Required. The mask to control which fields get updated. If the mask is not
        #   present, all fields will be updated.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Fulfillment] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Fulfillment]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def update_project_agent_fulfillment(name, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_fulfillment_object = nil, update_mask: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Fulfillment::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_fulfillment_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Fulfillment::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Fulfillment
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['updateMask'] = update_mask unless update_mask.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Deletes entity types in the specified agent. Operation
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The name of the agent to delete all entities types for. Format: `
        #   projects//agent`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2BatchDeleteEntityTypesRequest] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_delete_entity_types_request_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def batch_project_agent_entity_type_delete(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_delete_entity_types_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/entityTypes:batchDelete', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2BatchDeleteEntityTypesRequest::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_delete_entity_types_request_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Updates/Creates multiple entity types in the specified agent. Operation
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The name of the agent to update or create entity types in. Format: `
        #   projects//agent`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2BatchUpdateEntityTypesRequest] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_update_entity_types_request_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def batch_project_agent_entity_type_update(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_update_entity_types_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/entityTypes:batchUpdate', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2BatchUpdateEntityTypesRequest::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_update_entity_types_request_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Creates an entity type in the specified agent.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The agent to create a entity type for. Format: `projects//agent`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2EntityType] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_entity_type_object
        # @param [String] language_code
        #   Optional. The language used to access language-specific data. If not specified,
        #   the agent's default language is used. For more information, see [Multilingual
        #   intent and entity data](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs/agents-
        #   multilingual#intent-entity).
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2EntityType] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2EntityType]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def create_project_agent_entity_type(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_entity_type_object = nil, language_code: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/entityTypes', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2EntityType::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_entity_type_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2EntityType::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2EntityType
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['languageCode'] = language_code unless language_code.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Deletes the specified entity type.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The name of the entity type to delete. Format: `projects//agent/
        #   entityTypes/`.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def delete_project_agent_entity_type(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Retrieves the specified entity type.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The name of the entity type. Format: `projects//agent/entityTypes/`.
        # @param [String] language_code
        #   Optional. The language used to access language-specific data. If not specified,
        #   the agent's default language is used. For more information, see [Multilingual
        #   intent and entity data](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs/agents-
        #   multilingual#intent-entity).
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2EntityType] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2EntityType]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def get_project_agent_entity_type(name, language_code: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2EntityType::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2EntityType
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['languageCode'] = language_code unless language_code.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Returns the list of all entity types in the specified agent.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The agent to list all entity types from. Format: `projects//agent`.
        # @param [String] language_code
        #   Optional. The language used to access language-specific data. If not specified,
        #   the agent's default language is used. For more information, see [Multilingual
        #   intent and entity data](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs/agents-
        #   multilingual#intent-entity).
        # @param [Fixnum] page_size
        #   Optional. The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default
        #   100 and at most 1000.
        # @param [String] page_token
        #   Optional. The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListEntityTypesResponse] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListEntityTypesResponse]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def list_project_agent_entity_types(parent, language_code: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+parent}/entityTypes', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListEntityTypesResponse::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListEntityTypesResponse
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['languageCode'] = language_code unless language_code.nil?
          command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil?
          command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Updates the specified entity type.
        # @param [String] name
        #   The unique identifier of the entity type. Required for EntityTypes.
        #   UpdateEntityType and EntityTypes.BatchUpdateEntityTypes methods. Format: `
        #   projects//agent/entityTypes/`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2EntityType] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_entity_type_object
        # @param [String] language_code
        #   Optional. The language used to access language-specific data. If not specified,
        #   the agent's default language is used. For more information, see [Multilingual
        #   intent and entity data](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs/agents-
        #   multilingual#intent-entity).
        # @param [String] update_mask
        #   Optional. The mask to control which fields get updated.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2EntityType] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2EntityType]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def patch_project_agent_entity_type(name, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_entity_type_object = nil, language_code: nil, update_mask: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2EntityType::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_entity_type_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2EntityType::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2EntityType
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['languageCode'] = language_code unless language_code.nil?
          command.query['updateMask'] = update_mask unless update_mask.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Creates multiple new entities in the specified entity type. Operation
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The name of the entity type to create entities in. Format: `projects/
        #   /agent/entityTypes/`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2BatchCreateEntitiesRequest] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_create_entities_request_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def batch_project_agent_entity_type_entity_create(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_create_entities_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/entities:batchCreate', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2BatchCreateEntitiesRequest::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_create_entities_request_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Deletes entities in the specified entity type. Operation
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The name of the entity type to delete entries for. Format: `projects/
        #   /agent/entityTypes/`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2BatchDeleteEntitiesRequest] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_delete_entities_request_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def batch_project_agent_entity_type_entity_delete(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_delete_entities_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/entities:batchDelete', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2BatchDeleteEntitiesRequest::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_delete_entities_request_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Updates or creates multiple entities in the specified entity type. This method
        # does not affect entities in the entity type that aren't explicitly specified
        # in the request. Operation
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The name of the entity type to update or create entities in. Format:
        #   `projects//agent/entityTypes/`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2BatchUpdateEntitiesRequest] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_update_entities_request_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def batch_project_agent_entity_type_entity_update(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_update_entities_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/entities:batchUpdate', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2BatchUpdateEntitiesRequest::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_update_entities_request_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Returns the list of all non-draft environments of the specified agent.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The agent to list all environments from. Format: `projects//agent`.
        # @param [Fixnum] page_size
        #   Optional. The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default
        #   100 and at most 1000.
        # @param [String] page_token
        #   Optional. The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListEnvironmentsResponse] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListEnvironmentsResponse]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def list_project_agent_environments(parent, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+parent}/environments', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListEnvironmentsResponse::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListEnvironmentsResponse
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil?
          command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Deletes all active contexts in the specified session.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The name of the session to delete all contexts from. Format: `
        #   projects//agent/sessions/` or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions/`.
        #   If `Environment ID` is not specified we assume default 'draft' environment.
        #   If `User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def delete_project_agent_environment_user_session_contexts(parent, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'v2/{+parent}/contexts', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Processes a natural language query and returns structured, actionable data as
        # a result. This method is not idempotent, because it may cause contexts and
        # session entity types to be updated, which in turn might affect results of
        # future queries. Note: Always use agent versions for production traffic. See [
        # Versions and environments](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/es/docs/agents-
        # versions).
        # @param [String] session
        #   Required. The name of the session this query is sent to. Format: `projects//
        #   agent/sessions/`, or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions/`. If `
        #   Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment. If `
        #   User ID` is not specified, we are using "-". It's up to the API caller to
        #   choose an appropriate `Session ID` and `User Id`. They can be a random number
        #   or some type of user and session identifiers (preferably hashed). The length
        #   of the `Session ID` and `User ID` must not exceed 36 characters. For more
        #   information, see the [API interactions guide](https://cloud.google.com/
        #   dialogflow/docs/api-overview). Note: Always use agent versions for production
        #   traffic. See [Versions and environments](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/
        #   es/docs/agents-versions).
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2DetectIntentRequest] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_detect_intent_request_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2DetectIntentResponse] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2DetectIntentResponse]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def detect_project_agent_environment_user_session_intent(session, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_detect_intent_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+session}:detectIntent', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2DetectIntentRequest::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_detect_intent_request_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2DetectIntentResponse::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2DetectIntentResponse
          command.params['session'] = session unless session.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Creates a context. If the specified context already exists, overrides the
        # context.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The session to create a context for. Format: `projects//agent/
        #   sessions/` or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions/`. If `
        #   Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment. If `
        #   User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_context_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def create_project_agent_environment_user_session_context(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_context_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/contexts', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_context_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Deletes the specified context.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The name of the context to delete. Format: `projects//agent/sessions/
        #   /contexts/` or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions//contexts/`. If `
        #   Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment. If `
        #   User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def delete_project_agent_environment_user_session_context(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Retrieves the specified context.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The name of the context. Format: `projects//agent/sessions//contexts/
        #   ` or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions//contexts/`. If `
        #   Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment. If `
        #   User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def get_project_agent_environment_user_session_context(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Returns the list of all contexts in the specified session.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The session to list all contexts from. Format: `projects//agent/
        #   sessions/` or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions/`. If `
        #   Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment. If `
        #   User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [Fixnum] page_size
        #   Optional. The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default
        #   100 and at most 1000.
        # @param [String] page_token
        #   Optional. The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListContextsResponse] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListContextsResponse]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def list_project_agent_environment_user_session_contexts(parent, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+parent}/contexts', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListContextsResponse::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListContextsResponse
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil?
          command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Updates the specified context.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The unique identifier of the context. Format: `projects//agent/
        #   sessions//contexts/`, or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions//
        #   contexts/`. The `Context ID` is always converted to lowercase, may only
        #   contain characters in a-zA-Z0-9_-% and may be at most 250 bytes long. If `
        #   Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment. If `
        #   User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user. The following context
        #   names are reserved for internal use by Dialogflow. You should not use these
        #   contexts or create contexts with these names: * `__system_counters__` * `*
        #   _id_dialog_context` * `*_dialog_params_size`
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_context_object
        # @param [String] update_mask
        #   Optional. The mask to control which fields get updated.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def patch_project_agent_environment_user_session_context(name, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_context_object = nil, update_mask: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_context_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['updateMask'] = update_mask unless update_mask.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Creates a session entity type. If the specified session entity type already
        # exists, overrides the session entity type. This method doesn't work with
        # Google Assistant integration. Contact Dialogflow support if you need to use
        # session entities with Google Assistant integration.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The session to create a session entity type for. Format: `projects//
        #   agent/sessions/` or `projects//agent/environments//users// sessions/`. If `
        #   Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment. If `
        #   User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_session_entity_type_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def create_project_agent_environment_user_session_entity_type(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_session_entity_type_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/entityTypes', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_session_entity_type_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Deletes the specified session entity type. This method doesn't work with
        # Google Assistant integration. Contact Dialogflow support if you need to use
        # session entities with Google Assistant integration.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The name of the entity type to delete. Format: `projects//agent/
        #   sessions//entityTypes/` or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions//
        #   entityTypes/`. If `Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft'
        #   environment. If `User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def delete_project_agent_environment_user_session_entity_type(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Retrieves the specified session entity type. This method doesn't work with
        # Google Assistant integration. Contact Dialogflow support if you need to use
        # session entities with Google Assistant integration.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The name of the session entity type. Format: `projects//agent/
        #   sessions//entityTypes/` or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions//
        #   entityTypes/`. If `Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft'
        #   environment. If `User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def get_project_agent_environment_user_session_entity_type(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Returns the list of all session entity types in the specified session. This
        # method doesn't work with Google Assistant integration. Contact Dialogflow
        # support if you need to use session entities with Google Assistant integration.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The session to list all session entity types from. Format: `projects/
        #   /agent/sessions/` or `projects//agent/environments//users// sessions/`. If `
        #   Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment. If `
        #   User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [Fixnum] page_size
        #   Optional. The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default
        #   100 and at most 1000.
        # @param [String] page_token
        #   Optional. The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListSessionEntityTypesResponse] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListSessionEntityTypesResponse]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def list_project_agent_environment_user_session_entity_types(parent, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+parent}/entityTypes', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListSessionEntityTypesResponse::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListSessionEntityTypesResponse
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil?
          command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Updates the specified session entity type. This method doesn't work with
        # Google Assistant integration. Contact Dialogflow support if you need to use
        # session entities with Google Assistant integration.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The unique identifier of this session entity type. Format: `projects/
        #   /agent/sessions//entityTypes/`, or `projects//agent/environments//users//
        #   sessions//entityTypes/`. If `Environment ID` is not specified, we assume
        #   default 'draft' environment. If `User ID` is not specified, we assume default '
        #   -' user. `` must be the display name of an existing entity type in the same
        #   agent that will be overridden or supplemented.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_session_entity_type_object
        # @param [String] update_mask
        #   Optional. The mask to control which fields get updated.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def patch_project_agent_environment_user_session_entity_type(name, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_session_entity_type_object = nil, update_mask: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_session_entity_type_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['updateMask'] = update_mask unless update_mask.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Deletes intents in the specified agent. Operation
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The name of the agent to delete all entities types for. Format: `
        #   projects//agent`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2BatchDeleteIntentsRequest] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_delete_intents_request_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def batch_project_agent_intent_delete(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_delete_intents_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/intents:batchDelete', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2BatchDeleteIntentsRequest::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_delete_intents_request_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Updates/Creates multiple intents in the specified agent. Operation
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The name of the agent to update or create intents in. Format: `
        #   projects//agent`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2BatchUpdateIntentsRequest] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_update_intents_request_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def batch_project_agent_intent_update(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_update_intents_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/intents:batchUpdate', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2BatchUpdateIntentsRequest::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_batch_update_intents_request_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Creates an intent in the specified agent.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The agent to create a intent for. Format: `projects//agent`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Intent] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_intent_object
        # @param [String] intent_view
        #   Optional. The resource view to apply to the returned intent.
        # @param [String] language_code
        #   Optional. The language used to access language-specific data. If not specified,
        #   the agent's default language is used. For more information, see [Multilingual
        #   intent and entity data](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs/agents-
        #   multilingual#intent-entity).
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Intent] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Intent]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def create_project_agent_intent(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_intent_object = nil, intent_view: nil, language_code: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/intents', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Intent::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_intent_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Intent::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Intent
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['intentView'] = intent_view unless intent_view.nil?
          command.query['languageCode'] = language_code unless language_code.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Deletes the specified intent and its direct or indirect followup intents.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The name of the intent to delete. If this intent has direct or
        #   indirect followup intents, we also delete them. Format: `projects//agent/
        #   intents/`.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def delete_project_agent_intent(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Retrieves the specified intent.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The name of the intent. Format: `projects//agent/intents/`.
        # @param [String] intent_view
        #   Optional. The resource view to apply to the returned intent.
        # @param [String] language_code
        #   Optional. The language used to access language-specific data. If not specified,
        #   the agent's default language is used. For more information, see [Multilingual
        #   intent and entity data](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs/agents-
        #   multilingual#intent-entity).
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Intent] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Intent]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def get_project_agent_intent(name, intent_view: nil, language_code: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Intent::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Intent
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['intentView'] = intent_view unless intent_view.nil?
          command.query['languageCode'] = language_code unless language_code.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Returns the list of all intents in the specified agent.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The agent to list all intents from. Format: `projects//agent`.
        # @param [String] intent_view
        #   Optional. The resource view to apply to the returned intent.
        # @param [String] language_code
        #   Optional. The language used to access language-specific data. If not specified,
        #   the agent's default language is used. For more information, see [Multilingual
        #   intent and entity data](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs/agents-
        #   multilingual#intent-entity).
        # @param [Fixnum] page_size
        #   Optional. The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default
        #   100 and at most 1000.
        # @param [String] page_token
        #   Optional. The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListIntentsResponse] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListIntentsResponse]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def list_project_agent_intents(parent, intent_view: nil, language_code: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+parent}/intents', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListIntentsResponse::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListIntentsResponse
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['intentView'] = intent_view unless intent_view.nil?
          command.query['languageCode'] = language_code unless language_code.nil?
          command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil?
          command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Updates the specified intent.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Optional. The unique identifier of this intent. Required for Intents.
        #   UpdateIntent and Intents.BatchUpdateIntents methods. Format: `projects//agent/
        #   intents/`.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Intent] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_intent_object
        # @param [String] intent_view
        #   Optional. The resource view to apply to the returned intent.
        # @param [String] language_code
        #   Optional. The language used to access language-specific data. If not specified,
        #   the agent's default language is used. For more information, see [Multilingual
        #   intent and entity data](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs/agents-
        #   multilingual#intent-entity).
        # @param [String] update_mask
        #   Optional. The mask to control which fields get updated.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Intent] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Intent]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def patch_project_agent_intent(name, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_intent_object = nil, intent_view: nil, language_code: nil, update_mask: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Intent::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_intent_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Intent::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Intent
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['intentView'] = intent_view unless intent_view.nil?
          command.query['languageCode'] = language_code unless language_code.nil?
          command.query['updateMask'] = update_mask unless update_mask.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Deletes all active contexts in the specified session.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The name of the session to delete all contexts from. Format: `
        #   projects//agent/sessions/` or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions/`.
        #   If `Environment ID` is not specified we assume default 'draft' environment.
        #   If `User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def delete_project_agent_session_contexts(parent, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'v2/{+parent}/contexts', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Processes a natural language query and returns structured, actionable data as
        # a result. This method is not idempotent, because it may cause contexts and
        # session entity types to be updated, which in turn might affect results of
        # future queries. Note: Always use agent versions for production traffic. See [
        # Versions and environments](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/es/docs/agents-
        # versions).
        # @param [String] session
        #   Required. The name of the session this query is sent to. Format: `projects//
        #   agent/sessions/`, or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions/`. If `
        #   Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment. If `
        #   User ID` is not specified, we are using "-". It's up to the API caller to
        #   choose an appropriate `Session ID` and `User Id`. They can be a random number
        #   or some type of user and session identifiers (preferably hashed). The length
        #   of the `Session ID` and `User ID` must not exceed 36 characters. For more
        #   information, see the [API interactions guide](https://cloud.google.com/
        #   dialogflow/docs/api-overview). Note: Always use agent versions for production
        #   traffic. See [Versions and environments](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/
        #   es/docs/agents-versions).
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2DetectIntentRequest] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_detect_intent_request_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2DetectIntentResponse] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2DetectIntentResponse]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def detect_project_agent_session_intent(session, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_detect_intent_request_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+session}:detectIntent', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2DetectIntentRequest::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_detect_intent_request_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2DetectIntentResponse::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2DetectIntentResponse
          command.params['session'] = session unless session.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Creates a context. If the specified context already exists, overrides the
        # context.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The session to create a context for. Format: `projects//agent/
        #   sessions/` or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions/`. If `
        #   Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment. If `
        #   User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_context_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def create_project_agent_session_context(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_context_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/contexts', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_context_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Deletes the specified context.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The name of the context to delete. Format: `projects//agent/sessions/
        #   /contexts/` or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions//contexts/`. If `
        #   Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment. If `
        #   User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def delete_project_agent_session_context(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Retrieves the specified context.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The name of the context. Format: `projects//agent/sessions//contexts/
        #   ` or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions//contexts/`. If `
        #   Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment. If `
        #   User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def get_project_agent_session_context(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Returns the list of all contexts in the specified session.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The session to list all contexts from. Format: `projects//agent/
        #   sessions/` or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions/`. If `
        #   Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment. If `
        #   User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [Fixnum] page_size
        #   Optional. The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default
        #   100 and at most 1000.
        # @param [String] page_token
        #   Optional. The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListContextsResponse] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListContextsResponse]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def list_project_agent_session_contexts(parent, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+parent}/contexts', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListContextsResponse::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListContextsResponse
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil?
          command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Updates the specified context.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The unique identifier of the context. Format: `projects//agent/
        #   sessions//contexts/`, or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions//
        #   contexts/`. The `Context ID` is always converted to lowercase, may only
        #   contain characters in a-zA-Z0-9_-% and may be at most 250 bytes long. If `
        #   Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment. If `
        #   User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user. The following context
        #   names are reserved for internal use by Dialogflow. You should not use these
        #   contexts or create contexts with these names: * `__system_counters__` * `*
        #   _id_dialog_context` * `*_dialog_params_size`
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_context_object
        # @param [String] update_mask
        #   Optional. The mask to control which fields get updated.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def patch_project_agent_session_context(name, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_context_object = nil, update_mask: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_context_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2Context
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['updateMask'] = update_mask unless update_mask.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Creates a session entity type. If the specified session entity type already
        # exists, overrides the session entity type. This method doesn't work with
        # Google Assistant integration. Contact Dialogflow support if you need to use
        # session entities with Google Assistant integration.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The session to create a session entity type for. Format: `projects//
        #   agent/sessions/` or `projects//agent/environments//users// sessions/`. If `
        #   Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment. If `
        #   User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_session_entity_type_object
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def create_project_agent_session_entity_type(parent, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_session_entity_type_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+parent}/entityTypes', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_session_entity_type_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Deletes the specified session entity type. This method doesn't work with
        # Google Assistant integration. Contact Dialogflow support if you need to use
        # session entities with Google Assistant integration.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The name of the entity type to delete. Format: `projects//agent/
        #   sessions//entityTypes/` or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions//
        #   entityTypes/`. If `Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft'
        #   environment. If `User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def delete_project_agent_session_entity_type(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Retrieves the specified session entity type. This method doesn't work with
        # Google Assistant integration. Contact Dialogflow support if you need to use
        # session entities with Google Assistant integration.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The name of the session entity type. Format: `projects//agent/
        #   sessions//entityTypes/` or `projects//agent/environments//users//sessions//
        #   entityTypes/`. If `Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft'
        #   environment. If `User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def get_project_agent_session_entity_type(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Returns the list of all session entity types in the specified session. This
        # method doesn't work with Google Assistant integration. Contact Dialogflow
        # support if you need to use session entities with Google Assistant integration.
        # @param [String] parent
        #   Required. The session to list all session entity types from. Format: `projects/
        #   /agent/sessions/` or `projects//agent/environments//users// sessions/`. If `
        #   Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft' environment. If `
        #   User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
        # @param [Fixnum] page_size
        #   Optional. The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By default
        #   100 and at most 1000.
        # @param [String] page_token
        #   Optional. The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListSessionEntityTypesResponse] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListSessionEntityTypesResponse]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def list_project_agent_session_entity_types(parent, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+parent}/entityTypes', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListSessionEntityTypesResponse::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2ListSessionEntityTypesResponse
          command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
          command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil?
          command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Updates the specified session entity type. This method doesn't work with
        # Google Assistant integration. Contact Dialogflow support if you need to use
        # session entities with Google Assistant integration.
        # @param [String] name
        #   Required. The unique identifier of this session entity type. Format: `projects/
        #   /agent/sessions//entityTypes/`, or `projects//agent/environments//users//
        #   sessions//entityTypes/`. If `Environment ID` is not specified, we assume
        #   default 'draft' environment. If `User ID` is not specified, we assume default '
        #   -' user. `` must be the display name of an existing entity type in the same
        #   agent that will be overridden or supplemented.
        # @param [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType] google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_session_entity_type_object
        # @param [String] update_mask
        #   Optional. The mask to control which fields get updated.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def patch_project_agent_session_entity_type(name, google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_session_entity_type_object = nil, update_mask: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.request_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType::Representation
          command.request_object = google_cloud_dialogflow_v2_session_entity_type_object
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleCloudDialogflowV2SessionEntityType
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['updateMask'] = update_mask unless update_mask.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server makes
        # a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not guaranteed. If the
        # server doesn't support this method, it returns `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`.
        # Clients can use Operations.GetOperation or other methods to check whether the
        # cancellation succeeded or whether the operation completed despite cancellation.
        # On successful cancellation, the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes
        # an operation with an Operation.error value with a google.rpc.Status.code of 1,
        # corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
        # @param [String] name
        #   The name of the operation resource to be cancelled.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def cancel_project_location_operation(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+name}:cancel', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this method
        # to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API service.
        # @param [String] name
        #   The name of the operation resource.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def get_project_location_operation(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the server
        # doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`. NOTE: the `name`
        # binding allows API services to override the binding to use different resource
        # name schemes, such as `users/*/operations`. To override the binding, API
        # services can add a binding such as `"/v1/`name=users/*`/operations"` to their
        # service configuration. For backwards compatibility, the default name includes
        # the operations collection id, however overriding users must ensure the name
        # binding is the parent resource, without the operations collection id.
        # @param [String] name
        #   The name of the operation's parent resource.
        # @param [String] filter
        #   The standard list filter.
        # @param [Fixnum] page_size
        #   The standard list page size.
        # @param [String] page_token
        #   The standard list page token.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def list_project_location_operations(name, filter: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+name}/operations', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['filter'] = filter unless filter.nil?
          command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil?
          command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server makes
        # a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not guaranteed. If the
        # server doesn't support this method, it returns `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`.
        # Clients can use Operations.GetOperation or other methods to check whether the
        # cancellation succeeded or whether the operation completed despite cancellation.
        # On successful cancellation, the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes
        # an operation with an Operation.error value with a google.rpc.Status.code of 1,
        # corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
        # @param [String] name
        #   The name of the operation resource to be cancelled.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def cancel_project_operation(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2/{+name}:cancel', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleProtobufEmpty
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this method
        # to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API service.
        # @param [String] name
        #   The name of the operation resource.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def get_project_operation(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+name}', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningOperation
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
        # Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the server
        # doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`. NOTE: the `name`
        # binding allows API services to override the binding to use different resource
        # name schemes, such as `users/*/operations`. To override the binding, API
        # services can add a binding such as `"/v1/`name=users/*`/operations"` to their
        # service configuration. For backwards compatibility, the default name includes
        # the operations collection id, however overriding users must ensure the name
        # binding is the parent resource, without the operations collection id.
        # @param [String] name
        #   The name of the operation's parent resource.
        # @param [String] filter
        #   The standard list filter.
        # @param [Fixnum] page_size
        #   The standard list page size.
        # @param [String] page_token
        #   The standard list page token.
        # @param [String] fields
        #   Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
        # @param [String] quota_user
        #   Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
        #   arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
        # @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
        #   Request-specific options
        # @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
        # @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse] parsed result object
        # @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
        # @return [Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse]
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
        # @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
        # @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
        def list_project_operations(name, filter: nil, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
          command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2/{+name}/operations', options)
          command.response_representation = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse::Representation
          command.response_class = Google::Apis::DialogflowV2::GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse
          command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
          command.query['filter'] = filter unless filter.nil?
          command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil?
          command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil?
          command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
          execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)


        def apply_command_defaults(command)
          command.query['key'] = key unless key.nil?
          command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?