# 0.10.3 * Regenerate APIs * Enable additional API: * `acceleratedmobilepageurl:v1`` * `appengine:v1` * `clouderrorreporting:v1beta1` * `cloudfunctions:v1` * `firebasedynamiclinks:v1` * `firebaserules:v1` * `language:v1` * `logging:v2` * `ml:v1` * `runtimeconfig:v1` * `searchconsole:v1` * `servicecontrol:v1` * `servicemanagement:v1` * `serviceuser:v1` * `sourcerepo:v1` * `spanner:v1` * `surveys:v2` * `tagmanager:v2` * `toolresults:v1beta3` * `tracing:v1` * `webfonts:v1` # 0.10.2 * Regenerate APIs # 0.10.1 * Regenerate APIs * Add `cloudkms:v1` # 0.10.0 * Regenerate APIs * Some exceptions are more descriptive for specific errors * `representable` dependency bumped to `~> 3.0` * Breaking change for `skip_undefined` option under `to_json`: Should now pass `foo.to_json(user_options: { skip_undefined: true })` instead of `foo.to_json(skip_undefined: true)` * `retriable` dependency bumped to `>= 2.0, < 4.0` # 0.9.28 * Fix file permissions issue # 0.9.27 * Allow abnormal page token cases for paging methods * Regenerate APIs # 0.9.26 * Update gem to reflect changes in 0.9.25 # 0.9.25 * Regenerate APIs * Add `cloudkms:v1beta1` * Add `manufacturers:v1` # 0.9.24 * Regenerate APIs * Add `dfareporting:v2.7` * Fix file permissions issue present in released gems for versions `0.9.21` through `0.9.23` # 0.9.23 * Regenerate APIs * Add `dns:v2beta1` # 0.9.22 * Regenerate APIs # 0.9.21 * Regenerate APIs # 0.9.20 * Regenerate APIs * Add Slides API # 0.9.19 * Regenerate APIs * Add Adexchangebuyer2 API # 0.9.15 * Add datastore v1 * Regenerate APIs # 0.9.14 * Fix error handling with downloads, no longer fails silently * Prevent form-encoding query parameters for APIs that don't expect it * Regenerate APIs # 0.9.13 * Fix fetch_all to work correctly with the genomics API * Add speech & language APIs, regenerate APIs # 0.9.12 * Regenerated APIs # 0.9.11 * Add DFA Reporting 2.5, regenerate APIs # 0.9.10 * Add datastore v1beta3, regenerate APIs * Reduce memory footprint used by mimetypes library * Fix bug with pagination when items collection is nil # 0.9.9 * Add monitoring v3, regenerate APIs * Add samples for sheets, bigquery # 0.9.8 * Add mybusiness v3, regenerate APIs # 0.9.7 * Add sheets v4 & analytics reporting v4, regenerate APIs # 0.9.6 * Rewind output stream if server unable to honor range request when resuming a download * Fix web sample * Allow nil dates to be passed in request bodies # 0.9.5 * Add youtube partner API * Allow bypassing the use of rails logger via `GOOGLE_API_USE_RAILS_LOGGER` ENV variable * Update generated APIs # 0.9.4 * Add `service.fetch_all` helper for automatically retrieving paged results * Add IAM v1 & Cloud Resource Manager v1 APIs * Update generated APIs # 0.9.3 * Drop ActiveSupport an MultiJson as dependencies. Active support is still included in the Gemfile and is needed to run the code generator. * Allow falsey values in hash representations of objects * Added `from_json` and `to_json` helpers to model classes * Correctly propagate `open_timeout` in options * Add the Cloud Vision API * Update generated APIs # 0.9.2 * Allow nil values to be used in `new` and `update!` for generated classes * Update generated APIs # 0.9.1 * Add missing require for 'tempfile' * Update generated APIs # 0.9 * Force the use of alt=json for the groups settings API * Small tweaks to some calendar API and licensing API method names # 0.9.0.pre5 * Change the default HTTP adapter to HTTPClient due to broken connections with long running uploads with Net::HTTP * No longer breaks Object#hash behavior, restores compatibility with Padrino * No longer omit falsey values (0, false, etc) in query parameters * Updated error messages to include the detailed/human friendly message * Allow Tempfile as an upload source * Updated samples for various APIs # 0.9.0.pre4 * (Breaking change) Updated name method name generation for improved consistency, some services may have changed. * Updated generated APIs * Fix streaming downloads with redirects * No longer swallow exceptions raised in blocks * Preserve query parameters in URLs when using `http()` for generic requests * Avoid masking errors caused by retries with resumable uploads * Deprecating the authorization support under Google::APIClient. Equivalent functionality is now available in google-auth-library-ruby. These will be removed in the 0.9 release. # 0.9.0.pre3 * (Breaking change) Update method signatures to include required query parameters in the list of non-keyword args # 0.9.0.pre2 * Add raw HTTP status code & body to errors * Allow signet options to be passed in InstalledAppFlow.authorize * Update DateTime serialization to include milliseconds # 0.9.0.pre1 * WARNING: Please see [MIGRATING](MIGRATING.md) for important information. * API classes are now generated ahead of time instead of at runtime. * Drop support for Ruby versions < 2.0 * Switch from Faraday to Hurley for HTTP client # 0.8.6 * Use discovered 'rootUrl' as base URI for services * Respect discovered methods with colons in path # 0.8.5 * Corrects the regression Rails 4 support in the 0.8.4 release. # 0.8.4 * Fixes a file permission issues with the 0.8.3 release * Fixes warnings when the library is used # 0.8.3 * Adds support for authorization via Application Default Credentials. # Adds support for tracking coverage on coveralls.io # 0.8.2 * Fixes for file storage and missing cacerts file # 0.8.1 * Fix logger in rails # 0.8.0 * Refactored credential storage, added support for redis * Update gem dependencies * Fixed retry logic to allow for auth retries independent of the overall number of retries * Added `:force_encoding` option to set body content encoding based on the Content-Type header * Batch requests with the service interface now inherit the service's connection * `register_discover_document` now returns the API instance * Added `:proxy` option to set Faraday's HTTP proxy setting * Added `:faraday_option` option to allow passthrough settings to Faraday connection * Drop 1.8.x support * This will be the last release with 1.9.x support # 0.7.1 * Minor fix to update gem dependencies # 0.7.0 * Remove CLI * Support for automatic retires & backoff. Off by default, enable by setting `retries` on `APIClient` * Experimental new interface (see `Google::APIClient::Service`) * Fix warnings when using Faraday separately * Support Google Compute Engine service accounts * Enable gzip compression for responses * Upgrade to Faraday 0.9.0. Resolves multiple issues with query parameter encodings. * Use bundled root certificates for verifying SSL certificates * Rewind media when retrying uploads # 0.6.4 * Pin signet version to 0.4.x # 0.6.3 * Update autoparse to 0.3.3 to fix cases where results aren't correctly parsed. * Fix railtie loading for compatibility with rails < 3.0 * Fix refresh of access token when passing credentials as parameter to execute * Fix URI processing in batch requests to allow query parameters # 0.6.2 * Update signet to 0.4.6 to support server side continuation of postmessage auth flows. # 0.6.1 * Fix impersonation with service accounts # 0.6 * Apps strongly encouraged to set :application_name & :application_version when initializing a client * JWT/service accounts moved to signet * Added helper class for installed app OAuth flows, updated samples & CLI * Initial logging support for client * Fix PKCS12 loading on windows * Allow disabling auto-refresh of OAuth 2 access tokens * Compatibility with MultiJson >= 1.0.0 & Rails 3.2.8 * Fix for body serialization when body doesn't respond to to_json * Remove OAuth 1.0 logins from CLI # 0.5.0 * Beta candidate, potential incompatible changes with how requests are processed. * All requests should be made using execute() or execute!() * :api_method in request can no longer be a string * Deprecated ResumableUpload.send_* methods. * Reduce memory utilization when uploading large files * Automatic refresh of OAuth 2 credentials & retry of request when 401 errors are returned * Simplify internal request processing. # 0.4.7 * Added the ability to convert client secrets to an authorization object # 0.4.6 * Backwards compatibility for MultiJson # 0.4.5 * Updated Launchy dependency * Updated Faraday dependency * Updated Addressable dependency * Updated Autoparse dependency * Removed Sinatra development dependency # 0.4.4 * Added batch execution * Added service accounts * Can now supply authorization on a per-request basis. # 0.4.3 * Added media upload capabilities * Support serializing OAuth credentials to client_secrets.json * Fixed OS name/version string on JRuby # 0.4.2 * Fixed incompatibility with Ruby 1.8.7 # 0.4.1 * Fixed ancestor checking issue when assigning Autoparse identifiers * Renamed discovery methods to avoid collisions with some APIs * Updated autoparse dependency to avoid JSON bug # 0.4.0 * Replaced httpadapter gem dependency with faraday * Replaced json gem dependency with multi_json * Fixed /dev/null issues on Windows * Repeated parameters now work # 0.3.0 * Updated to use v1 of the discovery API * Updated to use httpadapter 1.0.0 * Added OAuth 2 support to the command line tool * Renamed some switches in the command line tool * Added additional configuration capabilities * Fixed a few deprecation warnings from dependencies * Added gemspec to source control # 0.2.0 * Updated to use v1 of the discovery API * Updated to use httpadapter 1.0.0 * Added OAuth 2 support to the command line tool * Renamed some switches in the command line tool * Added additional configuration capabilities # 0.1.3 * Added support for manual overrides of the discovery URI * Added support for manual overrides of the API base * Added support for xoauth_requestor_id # 0.1.2 * Added support for two-legged OAuth * Moved some development dependencies into runtime # 0.1.1 * Substantial improvements to the command line interface # 0.1.0 * Initial release