# Copyright 2010 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'addressable/uri' require 'multi_json' require 'active_support/inflector' require 'google/api_client/discovery/resource' require 'google/api_client/discovery/method' require 'google/api_client/discovery/media' module Google class APIClient ## # A service that has been described by a discovery document. class API ## # Creates a description of a particular version of a service. # # @param [String] document_base # Base URI for the discovery document. # @param [Hash] discovery_document # The section of the discovery document that applies to this service # version. # # @return [Google::APIClient::API] The constructed service object. def initialize(document_base, discovery_document) @document_base = Addressable::URI.parse(document_base) @discovery_document = discovery_document metaclass = (class << self; self; end) self.discovered_resources.each do |resource| method_name = ActiveSupport::Inflector.underscore(resource.name).to_sym if !self.respond_to?(method_name) metaclass.send(:define_method, method_name) { resource } end end self.discovered_methods.each do |method| method_name = ActiveSupport::Inflector.underscore(method.name).to_sym if !self.respond_to?(method_name) metaclass.send(:define_method, method_name) { method } end end end # @return [String] unparsed discovery document for the API attr_reader :discovery_document ## # Returns the id of the service. # # @return [String] The service id. def id return ( @discovery_document['id'] || "#{self.name}:#{self.version}" ) end ## # Returns the identifier for the service. # # @return [String] The service identifier. def name return @discovery_document['name'] end ## # Returns the version of the service. # # @return [String] The service version. def version return @discovery_document['version'] end ## # Returns a human-readable title for the API. # # @return [Hash] The API title. def title return @discovery_document['title'] end ## # Returns a human-readable description of the API. # # @return [Hash] The API description. def description return @discovery_document['description'] end ## # Returns a URI for the API documentation. # # @return [Hash] The API documentation. def documentation return Addressable::URI.parse(@discovery_document['documentationLink']) end ## # Returns true if this is the preferred version of this API. # # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] # Whether or not this is the preferred version of this API. def preferred return !!@discovery_document['preferred'] end ## # Returns the list of API features. # # @return [Array] # The features supported by this API. def features return @discovery_document['features'] || [] end ## # Returns the root URI for this service. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The root URI. def root_uri return @root_uri ||= ( Addressable::URI.parse(self.discovery_document['rootUrl']) ) end ## # Returns true if this API uses a data wrapper. # # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] # Whether or not this API uses a data wrapper. def data_wrapper? return self.features.include?('dataWrapper') end ## # Returns the base URI for the discovery document. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The base URI. attr_reader :document_base ## # Returns the base URI for this version of the service. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The base URI that methods are joined to. def method_base if @discovery_document['basePath'] return @method_base ||= ( self.root_uri.join(Addressable::URI.parse(@discovery_document['basePath'])) ).normalize else return nil end end ## # Updates the hierarchy of resources and methods with the new base. # # @param [Addressable::URI, #to_str, String] new_method_base # The new base URI to use for the service. def method_base=(new_method_base) @method_base = Addressable::URI.parse(new_method_base) self.discovered_resources.each do |resource| resource.method_base = @method_base end self.discovered_methods.each do |method| method.method_base = @method_base end end ## # Returns the base URI for batch calls to this service. # # @return [Addressable::URI] The base URI that methods are joined to. def batch_path if @discovery_document['batchPath'] return @batch_path ||= ( self.document_base.join(Addressable::URI.parse('/' + @discovery_document['batchPath'])) ).normalize else return nil end end ## # A list of schemas available for this version of the API. # # @return [Hash] A list of {Google::APIClient::Schema} objects. def schemas return @schemas ||= ( (@discovery_document['schemas'] || []).inject({}) do |accu, (k, v)| accu[k] = Google::APIClient::Schema.parse(self, v) accu end ) end ## # Returns a schema for a kind value. # # @return [Google::APIClient::Schema] The associated Schema object. def schema_for_kind(kind) api_name, schema_name = kind.split('#', 2) if api_name != self.name raise ArgumentError, "The kind does not match this API. " + "Expected '#{self.name}', got '#{api_name}'." end for k, v in self.schemas return v if k.downcase == schema_name.downcase end return nil end ## # A list of resources available at the root level of this version of the # API. # # @return [Array] A list of {Google::APIClient::Resource} objects. def discovered_resources return @discovered_resources ||= ( (@discovery_document['resources'] || []).inject([]) do |accu, (k, v)| accu << Google::APIClient::Resource.new( self, self.method_base, k, v ) accu end ) end ## # A list of methods available at the root level of this version of the # API. # # @return [Array] A list of {Google::APIClient::Method} objects. def discovered_methods return @discovered_methods ||= ( (@discovery_document['methods'] || []).inject([]) do |accu, (k, v)| accu << Google::APIClient::Method.new(self, self.method_base, k, v) accu end ) end ## # Allows deep inspection of the discovery document. def [](key) return @discovery_document[key] end ## # Converts the service to a flat mapping of RPC names and method objects. # # @return [Hash] All methods available on the service. # # @example # # Discover available methods # method_names = client.discovered_api('buzz').to_h.keys def to_h return @hash ||= (begin methods_hash = {} self.discovered_methods.each do |method| methods_hash[method.id] = method end self.discovered_resources.each do |resource| methods_hash.merge!(resource.to_h) end methods_hash end) end ## # Returns a String representation of the service's state. # # @return [String] The service's state, as a String. def inspect sprintf( "#<%s:%#0x ID:%s>", self.class.to_s, self.object_id, self.id ) end ## # Marshalling support - serialize the API to a string (doc base + original # discovery document). def _dump(level) MultiJson.dump([@document_base.to_s, @discovery_document]) end ## # Marshalling support - Restore an API instance from serialized form def self._load(obj) new(*MultiJson.load(obj)) end end end end