#!/bin/bash # This file runs tests for merges, PRs, and nightlies. # There are a few rules for what tests are run: # * PRs run all non-acceptance tests for every library. # * Merges run all non-acceptance tests for every library, and acceptance tests for all altered libraries. # * Nightlies run all acceptance tests for every library. set -eo pipefail # Debug: show build environment env | grep KOKORO cd github/google-api-ruby-client/ versions=($RUBY_VERSIONS) # Temporary workaround for a known bundler+docker issue: # https://github.com/bundler/bundler/issues/6154 export BUNDLE_GEMFILE= # Capture failures EXIT_STATUS=0 # everything passed function set_failed_status { EXIT_STATUS=1 } for version in "${versions[@]}"; do rbenv global "$version" echo "Using Ruby $version" (bundle update && bundle exec rake) || set_failed_status done exit $EXIT_STATUS