require "json" namespace :kokoro do task :load_env_vars do load_env_vars end task :presubmit do Rake::Task["kokoro:run_tests"].invoke end task :continuous do Rake::Task["kokoro:run_tests"].invoke end task :nightly do Rake::Task["kokoro:run_tests"].invoke end task :post do require_relative "rakelib/devsite/link_checker.rb" link_checker = exit link_checker.exit_status end task :release do Rake::Task["kokoro:publish_gem"].invoke Rake::Task["kokoro:publish_docs"].invoke end task :run_tests do ["google-apis-core", "google-api-client"].each do |gem_name| cd gem_name do Bundler.with_clean_env do sh "bundle update" sh "bundle exec rake spec" end end end end task :publish_gem do require "gems" load_env_vars if ENV["KOKORO_GFILE_DIR"] api_token = ENV["RUBYGEMS_API_TOKEN"] if api_token ::Gems.configure do |config| config.key = api_token end end cd "google-api-client" do Bundler.with_clean_env do rm_rf "pkg" sh "bundle update" sh "bundle exec rake build" built_gem_path = Dir.glob("pkg/google-api-client-*.gem").last response = ::Gems.push built_gem_path puts response raise "Failed to release gem" unless response.include? "Successfully registered gem:" end end end desc "Publish docs for the latest git tag" task :publish_docs do require_relative "rakelib/devsite/devsite_builder.rb" cd "google-api-client" do ENV["DOCS_BUILD_TAG"] end end end def load_env_vars service_account = "#{ENV['KOKORO_GFILE_DIR']}/service-account.json" raise "#{service_account} is not a file" unless File.file? service_account ENV["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = service_account filename = "#{ENV['KOKORO_GFILE_DIR']}/ruby_env_vars.json" raise "#{filename} is not a file" unless File.file? filename env_vars = JSON.parse env_vars.each { |k, v| ENV[k] ||= v } end def header str, token = "#" line_length = str.length + 8 puts puts token * line_length puts "#{token * 3} #{str} #{token * 3}" puts token * line_length puts end