namespace :git do namespace :tag do desc 'List tags from the Git repository' task :list do tags = `git tag -l` tags.gsub!("\r", '') tags = tags.split("\n").sort {|a, b| b <=> a } puts tags.join("\n") end desc 'Create a new tag in the Git repository' task :create do changelog ='', 'r') { |file| } puts '-' * 80 puts changelog puts '-' * 80 puts v = ENV['VERSION'] or abort 'Must supply VERSION=x.y.z' abort "Versions don't match #{v} vs #{PKG_VERSION}" if v != PKG_VERSION git_status = `git status` if git_status !~ /nothing to commit \(working directory clean\)/ abort "Working directory isn't clean." end tag = "#{PKG_NAME}-#{PKG_VERSION}" msg = "Release #{PKG_NAME}-#{PKG_VERSION}" existing_tags = `git tag -l #{PKG_NAME}-*`.split('\n') if existing_tags.include?(tag) warn('Tag already exists, deleting...') unless system "git tag -d #{tag}" abort 'Tag deletion failed.' end end puts "Creating git tag '#{tag}'..." unless system "git tag -a -m \"#{msg}\" #{tag}" abort 'Tag creation failed.' end end end end task 'gem:release' => 'git:tag:create'