
259 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
require 'google/apis/core/base_service'
require 'google/apis/core/json_representation'
require 'google/apis/core/hashable'
require 'google/apis/errors'
module Google
module Apis
module CloudtraceV2beta1
# Stackdriver Trace API
# Sends application trace data to Stackdriver Trace for viewing. Trace data is
# collected for all App Engine applications by default. Trace data from other
# applications can be provided using this API. This library is used to interact
# with the Trace API directly. If you are looking to instrument your application
# for Stackdriver Trace, we recommend using OpenCensus.
# @example
# require 'google/apis/cloudtrace_v2beta1'
# Cloudtrace = Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1 # Alias the module
# service =
# @see
class CloudTraceService < Google::Apis::Core::BaseService
# @return [String]
# API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access,
# quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.
attr_accessor :key
# @return [String]
# Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
# arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
attr_accessor :quota_user
def initialize
super('', '')
@batch_path = 'batch'
# Creates a sink that exports trace spans to a destination. The
# export of newly-ingested traces begins immediately, unless the sink's
# `writer_identity` is not permitted to write to the destination. A sink can
# export traces only from the resource owning the sink (the 'parent').
# @param [String] parent
# Required. The resource in which to create the sink (currently only project
# sinks are supported):
# "projects/[PROJECT_ID]"
# Examples: `"projects/my-trace-project"`, `"projects/123456789"`.
# @param [Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::TraceSink] trace_sink_object
# @param [String] fields
# Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
# @param [String] quota_user
# Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
# arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
# @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
# Request-specific options
# @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
# @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::TraceSink] parsed result object
# @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
# @return [Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::TraceSink]
# @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
# @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
# @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
def create_project_trace_sink(parent, trace_sink_object = nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
command = make_simple_command(:post, 'v2beta1/{+parent}/traceSinks', options)
command.request_representation = Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::TraceSink::Representation
command.request_object = trace_sink_object
command.response_representation = Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::TraceSink::Representation
command.response_class = Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::TraceSink
command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
# Deletes a sink.
# @param [String] name
# Required. The full resource name of the sink to delete, including the
# parent resource and the sink identifier:
# "projects/[PROJECT_NUMBER]/traceSinks/[SINK_ID]"
# Example: `"projects/12345/traceSinks/my-sink-id"`.
# @param [String] fields
# Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
# @param [String] quota_user
# Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
# arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
# @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
# Request-specific options
# @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
# @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::Empty] parsed result object
# @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
# @return [Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::Empty]
# @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
# @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
# @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
def delete_project_trace_sink(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
command = make_simple_command(:delete, 'v2beta1/{+name}', options)
command.response_representation = Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::Empty::Representation
command.response_class = Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::Empty
command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
# Get a trace sink by name under the parent resource (GCP project).
# @param [String] name
# Required. The resource name of the sink:
# "projects/[PROJECT_NUMBER]/traceSinks/[SINK_ID]"
# Example: `"projects/12345/traceSinks/my-sink-id"`.
# @param [String] fields
# Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
# @param [String] quota_user
# Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
# arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
# @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
# Request-specific options
# @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
# @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::TraceSink] parsed result object
# @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
# @return [Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::TraceSink]
# @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
# @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
# @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
def get_project_trace_sink(name, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+name}', options)
command.response_representation = Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::TraceSink::Representation
command.response_class = Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::TraceSink
command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
# List all sinks for the parent resource (GCP project).
# @param [String] parent
# Required. The parent resource whose sinks are to be listed (currently only
# project parent resources are supported):
# "projects/[PROJECT_ID]"
# @param [Fixnum] page_size
# Optional. The maximum number of results to return from this request.
# Non-positive values are ignored. The presence of `nextPageToken` in the
# response indicates that more results might be available.
# @param [String] page_token
# Optional. If present, then retrieve the next batch of results from the
# preceding call to this method. `pageToken` must be the value of
# `nextPageToken` from the previous response. The values of other method
# parameters should be identical to those in the previous call.
# @param [String] fields
# Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
# @param [String] quota_user
# Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
# arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
# @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
# Request-specific options
# @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
# @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::ListTraceSinksResponse] parsed result object
# @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
# @return [Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::ListTraceSinksResponse]
# @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
# @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
# @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
def list_project_trace_sinks(parent, page_size: nil, page_token: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
command = make_simple_command(:get, 'v2beta1/{+parent}/traceSinks', options)
command.response_representation = Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::ListTraceSinksResponse::Representation
command.response_class = Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::ListTraceSinksResponse
command.params['parent'] = parent unless parent.nil?
command.query['pageSize'] = page_size unless page_size.nil?
command.query['pageToken'] = page_token unless page_token.nil?
command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
# Updates a sink. This method updates fields in the existing sink according
# to the provided update mask. The sink's name cannot be changed nor any
# output-only fields (e.g. the writer_identity).
# @param [String] name
# Required. The full resource name of the sink to update, including the
# parent resource and the sink identifier:
# "projects/[PROJECT_NUMBER]/traceSinks/[SINK_ID]"
# Example: `"projects/12345/traceSinks/my-sink-id"`.
# @param [Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::TraceSink] trace_sink_object
# @param [String] update_mask
# Required. Field mask that specifies the fields in `trace_sink` that are to
# be updated. A sink field is overwritten if, and only if, it is
# in the update mask. `name` and `writer_identity` fields cannot be updated.
# An empty updateMask is considered an error.
# For a detailed `FieldMask` definition, see
# fieldmask
# Example: `updateMask=output_config`.
# @param [String] fields
# Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
# @param [String] quota_user
# Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any
# arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.
# @param [Google::Apis::RequestOptions] options
# Request-specific options
# @yield [result, err] Result & error if block supplied
# @yieldparam result [Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::TraceSink] parsed result object
# @yieldparam err [StandardError] error object if request failed
# @return [Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::TraceSink]
# @raise [Google::Apis::ServerError] An error occurred on the server and the request can be retried
# @raise [Google::Apis::ClientError] The request is invalid and should not be retried without modification
# @raise [Google::Apis::AuthorizationError] Authorization is required
def patch_project_trace_sink(name, trace_sink_object = nil, update_mask: nil, fields: nil, quota_user: nil, options: nil, &block)
command = make_simple_command(:patch, 'v2beta1/{+name}', options)
command.request_representation = Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::TraceSink::Representation
command.request_object = trace_sink_object
command.response_representation = Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::TraceSink::Representation
command.response_class = Google::Apis::CloudtraceV2beta1::TraceSink
command.params['name'] = name unless name.nil?
command.query['updateMask'] = update_mask unless update_mask.nil?
command.query['fields'] = fields unless fields.nil?
command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?
execute_or_queue_command(command, &block)
def apply_command_defaults(command)
command.query['key'] = key unless key.nil?
command.query['quotaUser'] = quota_user unless quota_user.nil?