
1405 lines
59 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
require 'date'
require 'google/apis/core/base_service'
require 'google/apis/core/json_representation'
require 'google/apis/core/hashable'
require 'google/apis/errors'
module Google
module Apis
module MonitoringV3
# A specific metric identified by specifying values for all of the
# labels of a `MetricDescriptor`.
class Metric
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The set of labels that uniquely identify a metric. To specify a
# metric, all labels enumerated in the `MetricDescriptor` must be
# assigned values.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `labels`
# @return [Hash<String,String>]
attr_accessor :labels
# An existing metric type, see google.api.MetricDescriptor.
# For example, ``.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `type`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :type
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@labels = args[:labels] if args.key?(:labels)
@type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type)
# The `ListGroupMembers` response.
class ListGroupMembersResponse
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# A set of monitored resources in the group.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `members`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::MonitoredResource>]
attr_accessor :members
# If there are more results than have been returned, then this field is
# set to a non-empty value. To see the additional results, use that value as
# `pageToken` in the next call to this method.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :next_page_token
# The total number of elements matching this request.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `totalSize`
# @return [Fixnum]
attr_accessor :total_size
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@members = args[:members] if args.key?(:members)
@next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token)
@total_size = args[:total_size] if args.key?(:total_size)
# A time interval extending from after `startTime` through `endTime`. If
# `startTime` is omitted, the interval is the single point in time, `endTime`.
class TimeInterval
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# Required. The end of the interval. The interval includes this
# time.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `endTime`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :end_time
# If this value is omitted, the interval is a point in time,
# `endTime`. If `startTime` is present, it must be earlier than
# (less than) `endTime`. The interval begins after
# `startTime`&mdash;it does not include `startTime`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `startTime`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :start_time
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@end_time = args[:end_time] if args.key?(:end_time)
@start_time = args[:start_time] if args.key?(:start_time)
# The description of a dynamic collection of monitored resources. Each group
# has a filter that is matched against monitored resources and their associated
# metadata. If a group's filter matches an available monitored resource, then
# that resource is a member of that group. Groups can contain any number of
# monitored resources, and each monitored resource can be a member of any
# number of groups.
# Groups can be nested in parent-child hierarchies. The `parentName` field
# identifies an optional parent for each group. If a group has a parent, then
# the only monitored resources available to be matched by the group's filter
# are the resources contained in the parent group. In other words, a group
# contains the monitored resources that match its filter and the filters of all
# the group's ancestors. A group without a parent can contain any monitored
# resource.
# For example, consider an infrastructure running a set of instances with two
# user-defined tags: `"environment"` and `"role"`. A parent group has a filter,
# `environment="production"`. A child of that parent group has a filter,
# `role="transcoder"`. The parent group contains all instances in the
# production environment, regardless of their roles. The child group contains
# instances that have the transcoder role *and* are in the production
# environment.
# The monitored resources contained in a group can change at any moment,
# depending on what resources exist and what filters are associated with the
# group and its ancestors.
class Group
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# A user-assigned name for this group, used only for display purposes.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `displayName`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :display_name
# The name of the group's parent, if it has one.
# The format is `"projects/`project_id_or_number`/groups/`group_id`"`.
# For groups with no parent, `parentName` is the empty string, `""`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `parentName`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :parent_name
# If true, the members of this group are considered to be a cluster.
# The system can perform additional analysis on groups that are clusters.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `isCluster`
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :is_cluster
alias_method :is_cluster?, :is_cluster
# The filter used to determine which monitored resources belong to this group.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `filter`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :filter
# The name of this group.
# The format is
# `"projects/`project_id_or_number`/groups/`group_id`"`.
# When creating a group, this field is ignored and a new name is created
# consisting of the project specified in the call to `CreateGroup`
# and a unique ``group_id`` that is generated automatically.
# @OutputOnly
# Corresponds to the JSON property `name`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :name
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@display_name = args[:display_name] if args.key?(:display_name)
@parent_name = args[:parent_name] if args.key?(:parent_name)
@is_cluster = args[:is_cluster] if args.key?(:is_cluster)
@filter = args[:filter] if args.key?(:filter)
@name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name)
# The `ListTimeSeries` response.
class ListTimeSeriesResponse
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# One or more time series that match the filter included in the request.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `timeSeries`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::TimeSeries>]
attr_accessor :time_series
# If there are more results than have been returned, then this field is set
# to a non-empty value. To see the additional results,
# use that value as `pageToken` in the next call to this method.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :next_page_token
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@time_series = args[:time_series] if args.key?(:time_series)
@next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token)
# A single data point in a time series.
class Point
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# A single strongly-typed value.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `value`
# @return [Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::TypedValue]
attr_accessor :value
# A time interval extending from after `startTime` through `endTime`. If
# `startTime` is omitted, the interval is the single point in time, `endTime`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `interval`
# @return [Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::TimeInterval]
attr_accessor :interval
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@value = args[:value] if args.key?(:value)
@interval = args[:interval] if args.key?(:interval)
# A single data point from a `collectd`-based plugin.
class CollectdValue
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# A single strongly-typed value.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `value`
# @return [Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::TypedValue]
attr_accessor :value
# The data source for the `collectd` value. For example there are
# two data sources for network measurements: `"rx"` and `"tx"`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `dataSourceName`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :data_source_name
# The type of measurement.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `dataSourceType`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :data_source_type
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@value = args[:value] if args.key?(:value)
@data_source_name = args[:data_source_name] if args.key?(:data_source_name)
@data_source_type = args[:data_source_type] if args.key?(:data_source_type)
# A collection of data points that describes the time-varying nature
# of a metric. A time series is identified by a combination of a
# fully-specified monitored resource and a fully-specified metric.
class TimeSeries
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# A specific metric identified by specifying values for all of the
# labels of a `MetricDescriptor`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `metric`
# @return [Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::Metric]
attr_accessor :metric
# The data points of this time series. When used as output, points will be
# sorted by decreasing time order. When used as input, points could be
# written in any orders.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `points`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::Point>]
attr_accessor :points
# The value type of the time series. This can be different than the value
# type specified in [google.api.MetricDescriptor] because of alignment and
# reduction operations on the data. This field is ignored when writing data;
# the value specified in the descriptor is used instead.
# @OutputOnly
# Corresponds to the JSON property `valueType`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :value_type
# An object representing a resource that can be used for monitoring, logging,
# billing, or other purposes. Examples include virtual machine instances,
# databases, and storage devices such as disks. The `type` field identifies a
# MonitoredResourceDescriptor object that describes the resource's
# schema. Information in the `labels` field identifies the actual resource and
# its attributes according to the schema. For example, a particular Compute
# Engine VM instance could be represented by the following object, because the
# MonitoredResourceDescriptor for `"gce_instance"` has labels
# `"instance_id"` and `"zone"`:
# ` "type": "gce_instance",
# "labels": ` "instance_id": "my-instance",
# "zone": "us-central1-a" ``
# Corresponds to the JSON property `resource`
# @return [Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::MonitoredResource]
attr_accessor :resource
# The metric kind of the time series. This can be different than the metric
# kind specified in [google.api.MetricDescriptor] because of alignment and
# reduction operations on the data. This field is ignored when writing data;
# the value specified in the descriptor is used instead.
# @OutputOnly
# Corresponds to the JSON property `metricKind`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :metric_kind
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@metric = args[:metric] if args.key?(:metric)
@points = args[:points] if args.key?(:points)
@value_type = args[:value_type] if args.key?(:value_type)
@resource = args[:resource] if args.key?(:resource)
@metric_kind = args[:metric_kind] if args.key?(:metric_kind)
# Defines a metric type and its schema.
class MetricDescriptor
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# A detailed description of the metric, which can be used in documentation.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `description`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :description
# The unit in which the metric value is reported. It is only applicable
# if the `value_type` is `INT64`, `DOUBLE`, or `DISTRIBUTION`. The
# supported units are a subset of [The Unified Code for Units of
# Measure]( standard:
# **Basic units (UNIT)**
# * `bit` bit
# * `By` byte
# * `s` second
# * `min` minute
# * `h` hour
# * `d` day
# **Prefixes (PREFIX)**
# * `k` kilo (10**3)
# * `M` mega (10**6)
# * `G` giga (10**9)
# * `T` tera (10**12)
# * `P` peta (10**15)
# * `E` exa (10**18)
# * `Z` zetta (10**21)
# * `Y` yotta (10**24)
# * `m` milli (10**-3)
# * `u` micro (10**-6)
# * `n` nano (10**-9)
# * `p` pico (10**-12)
# * `f` femto (10**-15)
# * `a` atto (10**-18)
# * `z` zepto (10**-21)
# * `y` yocto (10**-24)
# * `Ki` kibi (2**10)
# * `Mi` mebi (2**20)
# * `Gi` gibi (2**30)
# * `Ti` tebi (2**40)
# **Grammar**
# The grammar includes the dimensionless unit `1`, such as `1/s`.
# The grammar also includes these connectors:
# * `/` division (as an infix operator, e.g. `1/s`).
# * `.` multiplication (as an infix operator, e.g. `GBy.d`)
# The grammar for a unit is as follows:
# Expression = Component ` "." Component ` ` "/" Component ` ;
# Component = [ PREFIX ] UNIT [ Annotation ]
# | Annotation
# | "1"
# ;
# Annotation = "`" NAME "`" ;
# Notes:
# * `Annotation` is just a comment if it follows a `UNIT` and is
# equivalent to `1` if it is used alone. For examples,
# ``requests`/s == 1/s`, `By`transmitted`/s == By/s`.
# * `NAME` is a sequence of non-blank printable ASCII characters not
# containing '`' or '`'.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `unit`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :unit
# The set of labels that can be used to describe a specific instance of this
# metric type. For example, the
# `` metric type
# has a label, `loadbalanced`, that specifies whether the traffic was
# received through a load balanced IP address.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `labels`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::LabelDescriptor>]
attr_accessor :labels
# Whether the metric records instantaneous values, changes to a value, etc.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `metricKind`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :metric_kind
# Whether the measurement is an integer, a floating-point number, etc.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `valueType`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :value_type
# A concise name for the metric, which can be displayed in user interfaces.
# Use sentence case without an ending period, for example "Request count".
# Corresponds to the JSON property `displayName`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :display_name
# Resource name. The format of the name may vary between different
# implementations. For examples:
# projects/`project_id`/metricDescriptors/`type=**`
# metricDescriptors/`type=**`
# Corresponds to the JSON property `name`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :name
# The metric type including a DNS name prefix, for example
# `""`. Metric types
# should use a natural hierarchical grouping such as the following:
# Note that if the metric type changes, the monitoring data will be
# discontinued, and anything depends on it will break, such as monitoring
# dashboards, alerting rules and quota limits. Therefore, once a metric has
# been published, its type should be immutable.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `type`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :type
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@description = args[:description] if args.key?(:description)
@unit = args[:unit] if args.key?(:unit)
@labels = args[:labels] if args.key?(:labels)
@metric_kind = args[:metric_kind] if args.key?(:metric_kind)
@value_type = args[:value_type] if args.key?(:value_type)
@display_name = args[:display_name] if args.key?(:display_name)
@name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name)
@type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type)
# Specify a sequence of buckets that have a width that is proportional to
# the value of the lower bound. Each bucket represents a constant relative
# uncertainty on a specific value in the bucket.
# Defines `num_finite_buckets + 2` (= N) buckets with these boundaries for
# bucket i:
# Upper bound (0 <= i < N-1): scale * (growth_factor ^ i).
# Lower bound (1 <= i < N): scale * (growth_factor ^ (i - 1)).
class Exponential
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# Must be greater than 1
# Corresponds to the JSON property `growthFactor`
# @return [Float]
attr_accessor :growth_factor
# Must be greater than 0
# Corresponds to the JSON property `scale`
# @return [Float]
attr_accessor :scale
# must be greater than 0
# Corresponds to the JSON property `numFiniteBuckets`
# @return [Fixnum]
attr_accessor :num_finite_buckets
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@growth_factor = args[:growth_factor] if args.key?(:growth_factor)
@scale = args[:scale] if args.key?(:scale)
@num_finite_buckets = args[:num_finite_buckets] if args.key?(:num_finite_buckets)
# A set of buckets with arbitrary widths.
# Defines `size(bounds) + 1` (= N) buckets with these boundaries for
# bucket i:
# Upper bound (0 <= i < N-1): bounds[i]
# Lower bound (1 <= i < N); bounds[i - 1]
# There must be at least one element in `bounds`. If `bounds` has only one
# element, there are no finite buckets, and that single element is the
# common boundary of the overflow and underflow buckets.
class Explicit
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The values must be monotonically increasing.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `bounds`
# @return [Array<Float>]
attr_accessor :bounds
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@bounds = args[:bounds] if args.key?(:bounds)
# Specify a sequence of buckets that all have the same width (except
# overflow and underflow). Each bucket represents a constant absolute
# uncertainty on the specific value in the bucket.
# Defines `num_finite_buckets + 2` (= N) buckets with these boundaries for
# bucket `i`:
# Upper bound (0 <= i < N-1): offset + (width * i).
# Lower bound (1 <= i < N): offset + (width * (i - 1)).
class Linear
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# Must be greater than 0.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `width`
# @return [Float]
attr_accessor :width
# Lower bound of the first bucket.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `offset`
# @return [Float]
attr_accessor :offset
# Must be greater than 0.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `numFiniteBuckets`
# @return [Fixnum]
attr_accessor :num_finite_buckets
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@width = args[:width] if args.key?(:width)
@offset = args[:offset] if args.key?(:offset)
@num_finite_buckets = args[:num_finite_buckets] if args.key?(:num_finite_buckets)
# A collection of data points sent from a `collectd`-based plugin.
# See the `collectd` documentation for more information.
class CollectdPayload
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The end time of the interval.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `endTime`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :end_time
# The measurement metadata. Example: `"process_id" -> 12345`
# Corresponds to the JSON property `metadata`
# @return [Hash<String,Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::TypedValue>]
attr_accessor :metadata
# The measured values during this time interval.
# Each value must have a different `dataSourceName`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `values`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::CollectdValue>]
attr_accessor :values
# The instance name of the plugin Example: `"hdcl"`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `pluginInstance`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :plugin_instance
# The start time of the interval.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `startTime`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :start_time
# The measurement type instance. Example: `"used"`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `typeInstance`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :type_instance
# The measurement type. Example: `"memory"`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `type`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :type
# The name of the plugin. Example: `"disk"`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `plugin`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :plugin
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@end_time = args[:end_time] if args.key?(:end_time)
@metadata = args[:metadata] if args.key?(:metadata)
@values = args[:values] if args.key?(:values)
@plugin_instance = args[:plugin_instance] if args.key?(:plugin_instance)
@start_time = args[:start_time] if args.key?(:start_time)
@type_instance = args[:type_instance] if args.key?(:type_instance)
@type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type)
@plugin = args[:plugin] if args.key?(:plugin)
# The `ListMetricDescriptors` response.
class ListMetricDescriptorsResponse
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The metric descriptors that are available to the project
# and that match the value of `filter`, if present.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `metricDescriptors`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::MetricDescriptor>]
attr_accessor :metric_descriptors
# If there are more results than have been returned, then this field is set
# to a non-empty value. To see the additional results,
# use that value as `pageToken` in the next call to this method.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :next_page_token
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@metric_descriptors = args[:metric_descriptors] if args.key?(:metric_descriptors)
@next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token)
# Distribution contains summary statistics for a population of values and,
# optionally, a histogram representing the distribution of those values across
# a specified set of histogram buckets.
# The summary statistics are the count, mean, sum of the squared deviation from
# the mean, the minimum, and the maximum of the set of population of values.
# The histogram is based on a sequence of buckets and gives a count of values
# that fall into each bucket. The boundaries of the buckets are given either
# explicitly or by specifying parameters for a method of computing them
# (buckets of fixed width or buckets of exponentially increasing width).
# Although it is not forbidden, it is generally a bad idea to include
# non-finite values (infinities or NaNs) in the population of values, as this
# will render the `mean` and `sum_of_squared_deviation` fields meaningless.
class Distribution
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# If `bucket_options` is given, then the sum of the values in `bucket_counts`
# must equal the value in `count`. If `bucket_options` is not given, no
# `bucket_counts` fields may be given.
# Bucket counts are given in order under the numbering scheme described
# above (the underflow bucket has number 0; the finite buckets, if any,
# have numbers 1 through N-2; the overflow bucket has number N-1).
# The size of `bucket_counts` must be no greater than N as defined in
# `bucket_options`.
# Any suffix of trailing zero bucket_count fields may be omitted.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `bucketCounts`
# @return [Array<String>]
attr_accessor :bucket_counts
# A Distribution may optionally contain a histogram of the values in the
# population. The histogram is given in `bucket_counts` as counts of values
# that fall into one of a sequence of non-overlapping buckets. The sequence
# of buckets is described by `bucket_options`.
# A bucket specifies an inclusive lower bound and exclusive upper bound for
# the values that are counted for that bucket. The upper bound of a bucket
# is strictly greater than the lower bound.
# The sequence of N buckets for a Distribution consists of an underflow
# bucket (number 0), zero or more finite buckets (number 1 through N - 2) and
# an overflow bucket (number N - 1). The buckets are contiguous: the lower
# bound of bucket i (i > 0) is the same as the upper bound of bucket i - 1.
# The buckets span the whole range of finite values: lower bound of the
# underflow bucket is -infinity and the upper bound of the overflow bucket is
# +infinity. The finite buckets are so-called because both bounds are
# finite.
# `BucketOptions` describes bucket boundaries in one of three ways. Two
# describe the boundaries by giving parameters for a formula to generate
# boundaries and one gives the bucket boundaries explicitly.
# If `bucket_boundaries` is not given, then no `bucket_counts` may be given.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `bucketOptions`
# @return [Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::BucketOptions]
attr_accessor :bucket_options
# The number of values in the population. Must be non-negative.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `count`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :count
# The sum of squared deviations from the mean of the values in the
# population. For values x_i this is:
# Sum[i=1..n]((x_i - mean)^2)
# Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming", Vol. 2, page 323, 3rd edition
# describes Welford's method for accumulating this sum in one pass.
# If `count` is zero then this field must be zero.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `sumOfSquaredDeviation`
# @return [Float]
attr_accessor :sum_of_squared_deviation
# The arithmetic mean of the values in the population. If `count` is zero
# then this field must be zero.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `mean`
# @return [Float]
attr_accessor :mean
# The range of the population values.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `range`
# @return [Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::Range]
attr_accessor :range
# Must be in increasing order of |value| field. The current requirement
# enforced by the backend is that at most one Exemplar will fall into any
# bucket.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `exemplars`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::Exemplar>]
attr_accessor :exemplars
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@bucket_counts = args[:bucket_counts] if args.key?(:bucket_counts)
@bucket_options = args[:bucket_options] if args.key?(:bucket_options)
@count = args[:count] if args.key?(:count)
@sum_of_squared_deviation = args[:sum_of_squared_deviation] if args.key?(:sum_of_squared_deviation)
@mean = args[:mean] if args.key?(:mean)
@range = args[:range] if args.key?(:range)
@exemplars = args[:exemplars] if args.key?(:exemplars)
# An object representing a resource that can be used for monitoring, logging,
# billing, or other purposes. Examples include virtual machine instances,
# databases, and storage devices such as disks. The `type` field identifies a
# MonitoredResourceDescriptor object that describes the resource's
# schema. Information in the `labels` field identifies the actual resource and
# its attributes according to the schema. For example, a particular Compute
# Engine VM instance could be represented by the following object, because the
# MonitoredResourceDescriptor for `"gce_instance"` has labels
# `"instance_id"` and `"zone"`:
# ` "type": "gce_instance",
# "labels": ` "instance_id": "my-instance",
# "zone": "us-central1-a" ``
class MonitoredResource
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# Required. Values for all of the labels listed in the associated monitored
# resource descriptor. For example, Cloud SQL databases use the labels
# `"database_id"` and `"zone"`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `labels`
# @return [Hash<String,String>]
attr_accessor :labels
# Required. The monitored resource type. This field must match
# the `type` field of a MonitoredResourceDescriptor object. For
# example, the type of a Cloud SQL database is `"cloudsql_database"`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `type`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :type
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@labels = args[:labels] if args.key?(:labels)
@type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type)
# A description of a label.
class LabelDescriptor
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# A human-readable description for the label.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `description`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :description
# The type of data that can be assigned to the label.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `valueType`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :value_type
# The label key.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `key`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :key
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@description = args[:description] if args.key?(:description)
@value_type = args[:value_type] if args.key?(:value_type)
@key = args[:key] if args.key?(:key)
# An object that describes the schema of a MonitoredResource object using a
# type name and a set of labels. For example, the monitored resource
# descriptor for Google Compute Engine VM instances has a type of
# `"gce_instance"` and specifies the use of the labels `"instance_id"` and
# `"zone"` to identify particular VM instances.
# Different APIs can support different monitored resource types. APIs generally
# provide a `list` method that returns the monitored resource descriptors used
# by the API.
class MonitoredResourceDescriptor
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# Optional. A concise name for the monitored resource type that might be
# displayed in user interfaces. For example, `"Google Cloud SQL Database"`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `displayName`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :display_name
# Optional. A detailed description of the monitored resource type that might
# be used in documentation.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `description`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :description
# Required. A set of labels used to describe instances of this monitored
# resource type. For example, an individual Google Cloud SQL database is
# identified by values for the labels `"database_id"` and `"zone"`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `labels`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::LabelDescriptor>]
attr_accessor :labels
# Required. The monitored resource type. For example, the type
# `"cloudsql_database"` represents databases in Google Cloud SQL.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `type`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :type
# Optional. The resource name of the monitored resource descriptor:
# `"projects/`project_id`/monitoredResourceDescriptors/`type`"` where
# `type` is the value of the `type` field in this object and
# `project_id` is a project ID that provides API-specific context for
# accessing the type. APIs that do not use project information can use the
# resource name format `"monitoredResourceDescriptors/`type`"`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `name`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :name
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@display_name = args[:display_name] if args.key?(:display_name)
@description = args[:description] if args.key?(:description)
@labels = args[:labels] if args.key?(:labels)
@type = args[:type] if args.key?(:type)
@name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name)
# A single strongly-typed value.
class TypedValue
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# A Boolean value: `true` or `false`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `boolValue`
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :bool_value
alias_method :bool_value?, :bool_value
# A variable-length string value.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `stringValue`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :string_value
# A 64-bit integer. Its range is approximately &plusmn;9.2x10<sup>18</sup>.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `int64Value`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :int64_value
# A 64-bit double-precision floating-point number. Its magnitude
# is approximately &plusmn;10<sup>&plusmn;300</sup> and it has 16
# significant digits of precision.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `doubleValue`
# @return [Float]
attr_accessor :double_value
# Distribution contains summary statistics for a population of values and,
# optionally, a histogram representing the distribution of those values across
# a specified set of histogram buckets.
# The summary statistics are the count, mean, sum of the squared deviation from
# the mean, the minimum, and the maximum of the set of population of values.
# The histogram is based on a sequence of buckets and gives a count of values
# that fall into each bucket. The boundaries of the buckets are given either
# explicitly or by specifying parameters for a method of computing them
# (buckets of fixed width or buckets of exponentially increasing width).
# Although it is not forbidden, it is generally a bad idea to include
# non-finite values (infinities or NaNs) in the population of values, as this
# will render the `mean` and `sum_of_squared_deviation` fields meaningless.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `distributionValue`
# @return [Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::Distribution]
attr_accessor :distribution_value
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@bool_value = args[:bool_value] if args.key?(:bool_value)
@string_value = args[:string_value] if args.key?(:string_value)
@int64_value = args[:int64_value] if args.key?(:int64_value)
@double_value = args[:double_value] if args.key?(:double_value)
@distribution_value = args[:distribution_value] if args.key?(:distribution_value)
# The `ListMonitoredResourcDescriptors` response.
class ListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsResponse
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# If there are more results than have been returned, then this field is set
# to a non-empty value. To see the additional results,
# use that value as `pageToken` in the next call to this method.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :next_page_token
# The monitored resource descriptors that are available to this project
# and that match `filter`, if present.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `resourceDescriptors`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::MonitoredResourceDescriptor>]
attr_accessor :resource_descriptors
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token)
@resource_descriptors = args[:resource_descriptors] if args.key?(:resource_descriptors)
# A single field of a message type.
class Field
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The string value of the default value of this field. Proto2 syntax only.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `defaultValue`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :default_value
# The field JSON name.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `jsonName`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :json_name
# The protocol buffer options.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `options`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::Option>]
attr_accessor :options
# The index of the field type in `Type.oneofs`, for message or enumeration
# types. The first type has index 1; zero means the type is not in the list.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `oneofIndex`
# @return [Fixnum]
attr_accessor :oneof_index
# The field cardinality.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `cardinality`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :cardinality
# The field type URL, without the scheme, for message or enumeration
# types. Example: `""`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `typeUrl`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :type_url
# The field name.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `name`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :name
# Whether to use alternative packed wire representation.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `packed`
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :packed
alias_method :packed?, :packed
# The field number.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `number`
# @return [Fixnum]
attr_accessor :number
# The field type.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `kind`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :kind
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@default_value = args[:default_value] if args.key?(:default_value)
@json_name = args[:json_name] if args.key?(:json_name)
@options = args[:options] if args.key?(:options)
@oneof_index = args[:oneof_index] if args.key?(:oneof_index)
@cardinality = args[:cardinality] if args.key?(:cardinality)
@type_url = args[:type_url] if args.key?(:type_url)
@name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name)
@packed = args[:packed] if args.key?(:packed)
@number = args[:number] if args.key?(:number)
@kind = args[:kind] if args.key?(:kind)
# A protocol buffer option, which can be attached to a message, field,
# enumeration, etc.
class Option
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The option's value. For example, `""`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `value`
# @return [Hash<String,Object>]
attr_accessor :value
# The option's name. For example, `"java_package"`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `name`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :name
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@value = args[:value] if args.key?(:value)
@name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name)
# A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated
# empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request
# or the response type of an API method. For instance:
# service Foo `
# rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
# `
# The JSON representation for `Empty` is empty JSON object ````.
class Empty
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
# `SourceContext` represents information about the source of a
# protobuf element, like the file in which it is defined.
class SourceContext
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The path-qualified name of the .proto file that contained the associated
# protobuf element. For example: `"google/protobuf/source.proto"`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `fileName`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :file_name
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@file_name = args[:file_name] if args.key?(:file_name)
# The range of the population values.
class Range
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The maximum of the population values.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `max`
# @return [Float]
attr_accessor :max
# The minimum of the population values.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `min`
# @return [Float]
attr_accessor :min
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@max = args[:max] if args.key?(:max)
@min = args[:min] if args.key?(:min)
# The `CreateTimeSeries` request.
class CreateTimeSeriesRequest
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The new data to be added to a list of time series.
# Adds at most one data point to each of several time series. The new data
# point must be more recent than any other point in its time series. Each
# `TimeSeries` value must fully specify a unique time series by supplying
# all label values for the metric and the monitored resource.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `timeSeries`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::TimeSeries>]
attr_accessor :time_series
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@time_series = args[:time_series] if args.key?(:time_series)
# A Distribution may optionally contain a histogram of the values in the
# population. The histogram is given in `bucket_counts` as counts of values
# that fall into one of a sequence of non-overlapping buckets. The sequence
# of buckets is described by `bucket_options`.
# A bucket specifies an inclusive lower bound and exclusive upper bound for
# the values that are counted for that bucket. The upper bound of a bucket
# is strictly greater than the lower bound.
# The sequence of N buckets for a Distribution consists of an underflow
# bucket (number 0), zero or more finite buckets (number 1 through N - 2) and
# an overflow bucket (number N - 1). The buckets are contiguous: the lower
# bound of bucket i (i > 0) is the same as the upper bound of bucket i - 1.
# The buckets span the whole range of finite values: lower bound of the
# underflow bucket is -infinity and the upper bound of the overflow bucket is
# +infinity. The finite buckets are so-called because both bounds are
# finite.
# `BucketOptions` describes bucket boundaries in one of three ways. Two
# describe the boundaries by giving parameters for a formula to generate
# boundaries and one gives the bucket boundaries explicitly.
# If `bucket_boundaries` is not given, then no `bucket_counts` may be given.
class BucketOptions
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# A set of buckets with arbitrary widths.
# Defines `size(bounds) + 1` (= N) buckets with these boundaries for
# bucket i:
# Upper bound (0 <= i < N-1): bounds[i]
# Lower bound (1 <= i < N); bounds[i - 1]
# There must be at least one element in `bounds`. If `bounds` has only one
# element, there are no finite buckets, and that single element is the
# common boundary of the overflow and underflow buckets.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `explicitBuckets`
# @return [Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::Explicit]
attr_accessor :explicit_buckets
# Specify a sequence of buckets that have a width that is proportional to
# the value of the lower bound. Each bucket represents a constant relative
# uncertainty on a specific value in the bucket.
# Defines `num_finite_buckets + 2` (= N) buckets with these boundaries for
# bucket i:
# Upper bound (0 <= i < N-1): scale * (growth_factor ^ i).
# Lower bound (1 <= i < N): scale * (growth_factor ^ (i - 1)).
# Corresponds to the JSON property `exponentialBuckets`
# @return [Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::Exponential]
attr_accessor :exponential_buckets
# Specify a sequence of buckets that all have the same width (except
# overflow and underflow). Each bucket represents a constant absolute
# uncertainty on the specific value in the bucket.
# Defines `num_finite_buckets + 2` (= N) buckets with these boundaries for
# bucket `i`:
# Upper bound (0 <= i < N-1): offset + (width * i).
# Lower bound (1 <= i < N): offset + (width * (i - 1)).
# Corresponds to the JSON property `linearBuckets`
# @return [Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::Linear]
attr_accessor :linear_buckets
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@explicit_buckets = args[:explicit_buckets] if args.key?(:explicit_buckets)
@exponential_buckets = args[:exponential_buckets] if args.key?(:exponential_buckets)
@linear_buckets = args[:linear_buckets] if args.key?(:linear_buckets)
# The `CreateCollectdTimeSeries` request.
class CreateCollectdTimeSeriesRequest
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The `collectd` payloads representing the time series data.
# You must not include more than a single point for each
# time series, so no two payloads can have the same values
# for all of the fields `plugin`, `plugin_instance`, `type`, and `type_instance`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `collectdPayloads`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::CollectdPayload>]
attr_accessor :collectd_payloads
# The version of `collectd` that collected the data. Example: `"5.3.0-192.el6"`.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `collectdVersion`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :collectd_version
# An object representing a resource that can be used for monitoring, logging,
# billing, or other purposes. Examples include virtual machine instances,
# databases, and storage devices such as disks. The `type` field identifies a
# MonitoredResourceDescriptor object that describes the resource's
# schema. Information in the `labels` field identifies the actual resource and
# its attributes according to the schema. For example, a particular Compute
# Engine VM instance could be represented by the following object, because the
# MonitoredResourceDescriptor for `"gce_instance"` has labels
# `"instance_id"` and `"zone"`:
# ` "type": "gce_instance",
# "labels": ` "instance_id": "my-instance",
# "zone": "us-central1-a" ``
# Corresponds to the JSON property `resource`
# @return [Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::MonitoredResource]
attr_accessor :resource
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@collectd_payloads = args[:collectd_payloads] if args.key?(:collectd_payloads)
@collectd_version = args[:collectd_version] if args.key?(:collectd_version)
@resource = args[:resource] if args.key?(:resource)
# A protocol buffer message type.
class Type
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The list of types appearing in `oneof` definitions in this type.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `oneofs`
# @return [Array<String>]
attr_accessor :oneofs
# The protocol buffer options.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `options`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::Option>]
attr_accessor :options
# `SourceContext` represents information about the source of a
# protobuf element, like the file in which it is defined.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `sourceContext`
# @return [Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::SourceContext]
attr_accessor :source_context
# The list of fields.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `fields`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::Field>]
attr_accessor :fields
# The fully qualified message name.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `name`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :name
# The source syntax.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `syntax`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :syntax
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@oneofs = args[:oneofs] if args.key?(:oneofs)
@options = args[:options] if args.key?(:options)
@source_context = args[:source_context] if args.key?(:source_context)
@fields = args[:fields] if args.key?(:fields)
@name = args[:name] if args.key?(:name)
@syntax = args[:syntax] if args.key?(:syntax)
# Exemplars are example points that may be used to annotate aggregated
# distribution values. They are metadata that gives information about a
# particular value added to a Distribution bucket, such as a trace ID that
# was active when a value was added. They can contain further information,
# such as a example values and timestamps, origin, etc.
# This is an experimental feature which is available in internal Monarch.
# The purpose of including it here is to be able to construct demos and
# prototypes for the purposes of eludicating use cases.
class Exemplar
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# Value of the exemplar point. This value determines to which bucket the
# exemplar belongs.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `value`
# @return [Float]
attr_accessor :value
# Contextual information about the example value. Examples are:
# Trace ID:
# Literal string:
# Labels dropped during aggregation:
# There may be only a single attachment of any given message type in a
# single exemplar, and this is enforced by the system.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `attachments`
# @return [Array<Hash<String,Object>>]
attr_accessor :attachments
# The observation (sampling) time of the above value.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `timestamp`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :timestamp
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@value = args[:value] if args.key?(:value)
@attachments = args[:attachments] if args.key?(:attachments)
@timestamp = args[:timestamp] if args.key?(:timestamp)
# The `ListGroups` response.
class ListGroupsResponse
include Google::Apis::Core::Hashable
# The groups that match the specified filters.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `group`
# @return [Array<Google::Apis::MonitoringV3::Group>]
attr_accessor :group
# If there are more results than have been returned, then this field is set
# to a non-empty value. To see the additional results,
# use that value as `pageToken` in the next call to this method.
# Corresponds to the JSON property `nextPageToken`
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :next_page_token
def initialize(**args)
# Update properties of this object
def update!(**args)
@group = args[:group] if args.key?(:group)
@next_page_token = args[:next_page_token] if args.key?(:next_page_token)