== 0.3.0 (2011-03-06) * added session_hash to impression model * migration template updated to add session_hash * new count instance method for impressionable model - unique_impression_count_session * NOTE: if you are upgrading from 0.2.5, then run the migration in the 'upgrade_migrations' dir == 0.2.5 (2011-02-17) * New model method - @widget.unique_impression_count_ip - This gives you unique impression account filtered by IP (and in turn request_hash since they have same IPs) * @widget.unique_impression_count now uses request_hash. This was incorrectly stated in the README, since it was using ip_address. The README is correct as a result of the method change. == 0.2.4 (2011-02-17) * Fix issue #1 - action_name and controller_name were not being logged for impressionist method inside action