# encoding: utf-8 require "json" module ApplicationHelper def render_widget(widget) file = File.join(Rails.root, "app", "templates", "#{@key}", "modules/#{widget}") render :partial => file end def render_partial(partial) file = File.join(Rails.root, "app", "templates", "#{@key}", "partial/_#{partial}.html.erb") render :file => file end def link_to_show(module_name) "/module/#{module_name}/show" end def render_header site = current_site header_file = File.join(Rails.root, "app", "templates", "#{@key}", "/home/header.html.erb") header_file_html = render :file => header_file header = Nokogiri::HTML(header_file_html, nil, "UTF-8") site_logo = header.css("img[src='{{logo_url}}']")[0] if !site_logo.nil? site_logo.remove if site.site_logo.url.nil? end sub_menu_html = site.sub_menu html = header.to_s t = site.title rescue "" html = html.gsub("{{site_name}}",(site.display_title_in_frontend ? t : "")) html = html.gsub("%7B%7Blogo_url%7D%7D",((site.site_logo.url.nil? ? "/assets/default-site-logo.png" : site.site_logo.url) rescue "/assets/default-site-logo.pngs")) html = html.gsub("%7B%7Blogo_url_1%7D%7D",((site.site_logo_1.url.nil? ? "/assets/default-site-logo.png" : site.site_logo_1.url) rescue "/assets/default-site-logo.pngs")) html = html.gsub("%7B%7Bhome_link%7D%7D",((site.home_link.strip.empty? ? "/" : site.home_link) rescue "/")) html = html.gsub("%7B%7Bhome_link_1%7D%7D",((site.home_link_1.strip.empty? ? "/" : site.home_link_1) rescue "/")) html = html.gsub("{{site_title}}",((site.site_title[I18n.locale.to_s].strip.empty? ? "home_page" : site.site_title[I18n.locale.to_s]) rescue "home_page")) html = html.gsub("{{site_title_1}}",((site.site_title_1[I18n.locale.to_s].strip.empty? ? "home_page" : site.site_title_1[I18n.locale.to_s]) rescue "home_page")) if site.sitemap_menu_in_header sitemap = Page.find_by_key(:sitemap).name rescue "Sitemap" sub_menu_html = sub_menu_html + "#{sitemap}" end sub_menu_html = sub_menu_html.nil? ? "" : sub_menu_html html = html.gsub("{{header-data}}",sub_menu_html) html.html_safe end def render_site_title site = current_site title = site.title rescue "" if site.title_always_on if !params[:slug].nil? temp_title = params[:slug].sub("-#{params[:uid]}","") temp_title = temp_title.gsub("-"," ") title = "#{temp_title} | #{title}" elsif params[:target_action] == "index" temp_title = Page.find_by(:page_id => params[:page_id]).name title = "#{temp_title} | #{title}" end end title end def render_every_page_sharer site = current_site html = "
" site.every_page_sharer.each do |share| case share when "facebook" html = html + "
" when "twitter" html = html + "
" when "google" html = html + "
" when "printer" html = html + "" end end html = html + "
" html.html_safe end def render_google_analytics html = current_site.google_analytics rescue "" metas = current_site.meta_tags.split("\r\n") rescue [] metas.each do |meta| m = meta.split(" ::: ") html = html + "" end html.html_safe rescue "" end def render_footer site = current_site footer_file = File.join('../templates', "#{@key}", "/home/footer.html.erb") footer_file_html = render :file => footer_file footer = Nokogiri::HTML(footer_file_html, nil, "UTF-8") html = footer.to_s site_footer = site.footer if site.enable_terms_of_use site_footer = site_footer + "Terms of use" end site_footer = site_footer.nil? ? "" : site_footer html = html.gsub("{{footer-data}}",site_footer) counter = Page.root.view_count.to_s rescue "" counter = t(:visitors_count) + " : " + counter html = html.gsub("{{site-counter}}",counter) if site.enable_last_update updated_at = get_last_updated.first.updated_at.to_s rescue "" updated_at = t(:last_updated_at) + " : " + updated_at + "" if updated_at != "" html = html.gsub("{{last-updated}}",updated_at) else html = html.gsub("{{last-updated}}","") end html.html_safe end def get_last_updated apps = ['bulletin', 'page_context', 'web_link'] a = {} apps.each do |module_app| module_app_class = module_app.classify.constantize rescue nil if !module_app_class.nil? objects = module_app_class.order_by([:updated_at, :desc]).limit(1) objects.each do |object| a.merge!(object => object.updated_at) unless (object.archived rescue nil) end end end sorted_objects = a.sort {|a,b| b[1]<=>a[1]} return sorted_objects.first end def render_social_share site = current_site share_file = File.join('../templates', "#{@key}", "/home/socialshare.html.erb") share_file_html = render :file => share_file sharer = Nokogiri::HTML(share_file_html, nil, "UTF-8") html = sharer.to_s site_sharer = site.social_share site_sharer = site_sharer.nil? ? "" : site_sharer html = html.gsub("{{social-share-data}}",site_sharer) html.html_safe end def render_orbit_bar if is_mobile_layout_active orbit_bar_file = File.join('../views', "orbit_bar", 'index_mobile.html.erb') else orbit_bar_file = File.join('../views', "orbit_bar", 'index.html.erb') end orbit_bar_file_html = render :file => orbit_bar_file orbit_bar_file_html.html_safe end def render_menu # menu_html = Rails.cache.fetch(['main_menu',request.original_fullpath, I18n.locale], race_condition_ttl: 2.seconds) do # json_file = File.read(File.join(Rails.root, 'public', "menu.json")) # @items = JSON.parse(json_file) if $mobile.blank? @pages = Page.root.sorted_published_child_pages else @pages = Page.root.sorted_published_child_pages_for_mobile end def create_json(pages) item = {} pages.each do |page| next if !page.user_can_access?(current_user) if page.child_page.size > 0 if page.page_type == "page" if $mobile.blank? item["#{page.page_id}"] = {"name" => page.name, "url"=> "/#{locale.to_s}" + page.url, "children"=>create_json(page.sorted_published_child_pages), "target" => "_self"} else item["#{page.page_id}"] = {"name" => page.name, "url"=> "/#{locale.to_s}" + page.url, "children"=>create_json(page.sorted_published_child_pages_for_mobile), "target" => "_self"} end elsif page.page_type == "link" target = get_target(page.external_url) if $mobile.blank? item["#{page.page_id}"] = {"name" => page.name, "url"=> page.external_url, "children"=>create_json(page.sorted_published_child_pages), "target" => target} else item["#{page.page_id}"] = {"name" => page.name, "url"=> page.external_url, "children"=>create_json(page.sorted_published_child_pages_for_mobile), "target" => target} end end else if page.page_type == "page" item["#{page.page_id}"] = {"name" => page.name, "url"=> "/#{locale.to_s}" + page.url, "target" => "_self"} elsif page.page_type == "link" item["#{page.page_id}"] = {"name" => page.name, "url"=> page.external_url, "target" => get_target(page.external_url)} end end end item end @items = create_json(@pages) menu_file = File.open(File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'templates', "#{@key}", "/home/menu.html.erb")) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(menu_file, nil, "UTF-8") menu_file.close temp = [] @menus = [] @menus_items = [] temp << doc.css("*[data-menu-level='0']") temp << doc.css("*[data-menu-level='1']") temp << doc.css("*[data-menu-level='2']") temp[0] = temp[0].to_s.gsub(temp[1].to_s,"{{level}}") temp[1] = temp[1].to_s.gsub(temp[2].to_s,"{{level}}") temp[2] = temp[2].to_s temp.each_with_index do |menu,i| t = Nokogiri::HTML(menu, nil, "UTF-8") a = t.css("*[data-menu-link='true']") a[0]["href"] = "href_here" a[0]["target"] = "target_here" li = t.css("*[data-menu-level='#{i}'] > *") @menus_items << li.to_html ul = t.css("*[data-menu-level='#{i}']") ul[0].inner_html = "{{here}}" @menus << ul[0].to_html end def create_menu(items,level) html = "" items.each do |key,item| li = @menus_items[level].gsub("href_here",(item["url"] || "")) li = li.gsub("{{link_name}}",(item["name"] || "")) li = li.gsub("target_here",(item["target"] || "")) li = request.original_fullpath == item['url'] ? li.gsub("{{active}}","active") : li.gsub("{{active}}","") if item["children"] && !item["children"].empty? li = li.gsub("{{level}}",create_menu(item["children"],level + 1)) else li = li.gsub("{{level}}","") end html = html + li end html = @menus[level].gsub("{{here}}",html) html = html.gsub("{{class_level}}",level.to_s) html end h = create_menu(@items,0) h.html_safe # end # menu_html end def render_view(overridehtml=nil) def render_link_to_edit(html, url_to_edit) if html.scan("{{link_to_edit}}").length == 0 html = url_to_edit.blank? ? html : html + "


" else html = url_to_edit.blank? ? html.gsub("{{link_to_edit}}","") : html.gsub("{{link_to_edit}}","


") end return html end def parsing_repeats_again(elements,d,level) newhtml = [] oldhtml = [] elements.each do |el| html_to_render = "" data_name = el.attr("data-list") wrap_elements = el.css("*[data-list][data-level='#{level}']") if d[data_name] d[data_name].each_with_index do |item,i| element = el.inner_html if wrap_elements.count > 0 htmls = parsing_repeats_again(wrap_elements,d[data_name][i], level + 1) htmls[0].each_with_index do |html,i| element = element.gsub(html,htmls[1][i]) end end item.each do |key,value| if !value.kind_of?(Array) value = value.nil? ? "" : value element = element.gsub("{{#{key}}}",value.to_s.html_safe) element = element.gsub("%7B%7B#{key}%7D%7D",value.to_s.html_safe) element = render_link_to_edit(element, value) if key.eql?("url_to_edit") end end html_to_render = html_to_render + element end temp = el.to_s oldhtml << temp temp = temp.gsub(el.inner_html, html_to_render) newhtml << temp end end [oldhtml,newhtml] end if params[:target_action] == "index" filename = overridehtml.nil? ? params[:layout_type] : overridehtml f = File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'templates', "#{@key}", 'modules', params[:target_controller].singularize, "#{filename}.html.erb") if !File.exists?f f = File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'templates', "#{@key}", 'modules', params[:target_controller].singularize, "index.html.erb") if !File.exists?f return "
Maybe the administrator has changed the theme, please select the index page design again from the page settings.
".html_safe end end file = File.open(f) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(file, nil, "UTF-8") file.close controller = "#{params[:target_controller].capitalize}_controller".classify.constantize.new begin data = controller.send("#{params[:target_action]}")# rescue nil rescue Exception => e write_debug_file(e,params[:target_controller],params[:target_action]) if Site::DEBUG end if !data.nil? wrap_elements = doc.css("*[data-list][data-level='0']") htmls = parsing_repeats_again(wrap_elements,data,1) html = doc.to_s htmls[0].each_with_index do |h,i| html = html.gsub(h,htmls[1][i]) end extras = data["extras"] || {} extras["page-title"] = Page.find_by(:page_id => params[:page_id]).name rescue "" if !extras["page-title"] extras.each do |key,value| value = value.nil? ? "" : value html = html.gsub("{{#{key}}}",value.to_s.html_safe) html = html.gsub("%7B%7B#{key}%7D%7D",value.to_s.html_safe) end total_pages = data['total_pages'].to_i rescue 1 if total_pages > 1 html = html.gsub("{{pagination_goes_here}}",create_pagination(total_pages)) else html = html.gsub("{{pagination_goes_here}}",""); end html.html_safe else return "
No content to show.
".html_safe end else filename = overridehtml.nil? ? params[:target_action] : overridehtml f = File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'templates', "#{@key}", 'modules', params[:target_controller].singularize, "#{filename}.html.erb") if File.exists?f file = File.open(f) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(file, nil, "UTF-8") file.close controller = "#{params[:target_controller].capitalize}_controller".classify.constantize.new begin data = controller.send("#{params[:target_action]}")# rescue nil rescue Exception => e write_debug_file(e,params[:target_controller],params[:target_action]) if Site::DEBUG end if data.nil? return "
No content to show.
".html_safe end if data.blank? || data.empty? file = File.open("#{Rails.root}/app/views/errors/404.html") doc = Nokogiri::HTML(file, nil, "UTF-8") file.close doc.to_html.html_safe else unless data['impressionist'].blank? Thread.new do impression = data['impressionist'].impressions.create impression.user_id = request.session['user_id'] impression.controller_name = params[:target_controller] impression.action_name = params[:target_action] impression.ip_address = request.remote_ip impression.session_hash = request.session.id impression.request_hash = @impressionist_hash impression.referrer = request.referrer impression.save end data['impressionist'].inc(view_count: 1) data["data"]["view_count"] = data["impressionist"].view_count if data["data"].present? end wrap_elements = doc.css("*[data-list][data-level='0']") if wrap_elements.count == 0 wrap_element_html = doc.to_s el = wrap_element_html data.each do |key,value| next if key.eql? 'impressionist' value = value.nil? ? "" : value el = el.gsub("{{#{key}}}",value.to_s.html_safe) el = el.gsub("%7B%7B#{key}%7D%7D",value.to_s.html_safe) end el.html_safe else keys = data.keys not_array_key = nil data.keys.each do |key| not_array_key = key if data["#{key}"].kind_of?(Hash) end htmls = parsing_repeats_again(wrap_elements,data,1) html = doc.to_s htmls[0].each_with_index do |h,i| html = html.gsub(h,htmls[1][i]) end extras = data["#{not_array_key}"] || {} extras.each do |key,value| next if key.eql? 'impressionist' value = value.nil? ? "" : value html = html.gsub("{{#{key}}}",value.to_s) html = html.gsub("%7B%7B#{key}%7D%7D",value.to_s) end html = render_link_to_edit(html, data["url_to_edit"]) if !data["url_to_edit"].nil? total_pages = data['total_pages'].to_i rescue 1 if total_pages > 1 html = html.gsub("{{pagination_goes_here}}",create_pagination(total_pages)) else html = html.gsub("{{pagination_goes_here}}",""); end html.html_safe end end else return "
There is a problem with the design. We will try to fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience!! :(
".html_safe end end end def action_data(overrideaction=nil) overrideaction = overrideaction.nil? ? params[:target_action] : overrideaction controller = "#{params[:target_controller].capitalize}_controller".classify.constantize.new begin data = controller.send("#{overrideaction}")# rescue nil rescue Exception => e write_debug_file(e,params[:target_controller],overrideaction) if Site::DEBUG end data end def active_for_controllers(*controller_names) (controller_names.include?(controller.controller_name) || controller_names.include?(request.fullpath)) ? 'active' : nil end def visible_for_controllers(*controller_names) (controller_names.include?(controller.controller_name) || controller_names.include?(request.fullpath)) ? '' : 'hide' end def active_for_action(controller_name, action_name) ((controller.controller_name.eql?(controller_name) || request.fullpath.eql?(controller_name)) && controller.action_name.eql?(action_name)) ? 'active' : nil end def link_back(custom_class=nil, params="") case custom_class when nil link_to t('back'), get_go_back + params, :class => 'nav' else link_to t('back'), get_go_back + params, :class => custom_class end end def switch_language(loc) url = request.original_fullpath locale = url.include?("zh_cn") ? :zh_cn : I18n.locale url = url.gsub("/#{locale.to_s}/","/#{loc.to_s}/") url = url.gsub("locale=#{locale.to_s}","locale=#{loc.to_s}") if url == request.original_fullpath url = url + "#{url.include?("?") ? "&" : "?"}locale=#{loc.to_s}" if url == request.original_fullpath and (!url.include?('/'+locale.to_s) or !url.include?(locale.to_s+'=')) url end # Clean the link back def get_go_back begin if request.url.include?('locale=') session[:last_page] else session[:last_page] = remove_locale(request.referer) end rescue "/#{params[:controller]}" end end def show_avatar(user) image_tag(user.avatar.thumb.url) end def render_sitemap items = action_data def node(items, level) class_name = nil case level when 0 class_name = "sitemap-list level-1" when 1 class_name = "sitemap-list level-2" when 2 class_name = "sitemap-list level-3" end html = "" html end html = node(items,0) html.html_safe end def show_attribute_value(value) if value.kind_of? Hash result = [] value.each{|t| result.push(t.last)} result.join "," else value end end def create_pagination(total_pages) file = File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'templates', "#{@key}", 'home', "pagination.html.erb") html = "" if File.exists?file file = File.open(file) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(file, nil, "UTF-8") file.close querystring = request.GET rescue {} querystring.delete("page_no") paginationobj = doc.css("*[data-pagination='true']").first in_html = first = last = nextpage = prevpage = paginationobj.inner_html f_html = "" current_page_number = OrbitHelper.page_number if current_page_number > 1 first = first.gsub("%7B%7Bpagination_link%7D%7D","?page_no=1&#{querystring.to_query}") first = first.gsub("{{page_number}}",t(:pagination_first)) first = first.gsub("{{pagination_active}}","") f_html = f_html + first end start_number = current_page_number - 2 end_number = current_page_number + 2 if end_number > total_pages end_number = total_pages start_number = total_pages - 4 end if start_number < 1 start_number = 1 end_number = 5 end end_number = end_number > total_pages ? total_pages : end_number (start_number..end_number).each do |i| h = in_html h = h.gsub("%7B%7Bpagination_link%7D%7D","?page_no=#{i.to_s}&#{querystring.to_query}") h = h.gsub("{{page_number}}",i.to_s) h = h.gsub("{{pagination_active}}",(i == current_page_number ? "active" : "")) f_html = f_html + h end if current_page_number > 1 prevpage = prevpage.gsub("%7B%7Bpagination_link%7D%7D","?page_no=#{current_page_number - 1}&#{querystring.to_query}") prevpage = prevpage.gsub("{{page_number}}",(I18n.locale == :zh_tw) ? "上一頁" : "Prevpage") prevpage = prevpage.gsub("{{pagination_active}}","") f_html = f_html + prevpage end if current_page_number < total_pages nextpage = nextpage.gsub("%7B%7Bpagination_link%7D%7D","?page_no=#{current_page_number + 1}&#{querystring.to_query}") nextpage = nextpage.gsub("{{page_number}}",(I18n.locale == :zh_tw) ? "下一頁" : "Nextpage") nextpage = nextpage.gsub("{{pagination_active}}","") f_html = f_html + nextpage last = last.gsub("%7B%7Bpagination_link%7D%7D","?page_no=#{total_pages}&#{querystring.to_query}") last = last.gsub("{{page_number}}",t(:pagination_last)) last = last.gsub("{{pagination_active}}","") f_html = f_html + last end paginationobj.inner_html = f_html html = paginationobj.to_s end html end def get_target(link) target = "_blank" if !link.nil? && link.starts_with?("http") link = link.split("?").first temp_url = URI.parse(link) if temp_url.host.nil? target = "_self" end elsif !link.nil? && !link.starts_with?("http") target = "_self" end target end def write_debug_file(e,controller_name,action_name) url_dir_name = request.fullpath.split("?")[0] url_dir_name = URI.decode(url_dir_name) url_dir_name = (url_dir_name == "/" ? "home" : url_dir_name.sub("/","").gsub("/","_").gsub("-","_").gsub(" ","_")) directory_name = "tmp/debug/#{url_dir_name}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(directory_name) unless File.exists?(directory_name) fn = "#{directory_name}/#{controller_name}_#{action_name}.html" error_trace_spans = "" e.backtrace.each do |bt| error_trace_spans = error_trace_spans + "#{bt}
" end con = "#{controller_name.capitalize}_controller".classify.constantize File.open(fn, "w"){ |file| file.puts " Debug result

Error Message


Request Details

Url : #{URI.decode(request.url)}
Controller : #{con.to_s}
Action : #{action_name.capitalize}

Error Trace



" } end end