0.4.3 - Remove deprecated `width`, `height` config. - Delete session key after verify (#23). 0.4.2 ----- - Fix NoMethodError bug when params[:_rucaptha] is nil. 0.4.1 ----- - Add error message to resource when captcha code expired. 0.4.0 ----- - Add `config.colorize` option, to allow use black text theme. 0.3.3 ----- - Add `config.expires_in` to allow change captcha code expire time. ------- - Add Windows development env support. 0.3.2 ----- - Make better render positions; - Trim blank space. 0.3.1 ----- - More complex Image render: compact text, strong lines, +/-5 rotate... - [DEPRECATION] config.width, config.height removed, use config.font_size. - Fix the render position in difference font sizes. - Fix input field type, and disable autocorrect, autocapitalize, and limit maxlength with char length; 0.2.5 ----- - Add `session[:_rucaptcha]` expire time, for protect Rails CookieSession Replay Attack. - Captcha input field disable autocomplete, and set field type as `email` for shown correct keyboard on mobile view. 0.2.3 ----- - It will raise error when call ImageMagick failed. 0.2.2 ----- - Added locale for pt-BR language; @ramirovjr 0.2.1 ----- - Fix issue when cache dir not exist. 0.2.0 ----- - Added file cache, can setup how many images you want generate by `config.cache_limit`, RuCaptcha will use cache for next requests. When you restart Rails processes it will generate new again and clean the old caches. 0.1.4 ----- - Fix `verify_rucaptcha?` logic in somecase. - Locales fixed. 0.1.3 ----- - `zh-TW` translate file fixed. - Use xxx_url to fix bad captcha URL for `config.action_controller.asset_host` enabled case. 0.1.2 ----- - No case sensitive; - Export config.implode; - Improve image color and style; - Don't generate chars in 'l,o,0,1'. - Render lower case chars on image. 0.1.1 ----- - Include default validation I18n messages (en, zh-CN, zh-TW). 0.1.0 ----- - First release.