Documented the lexer.

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Yorick Peterse 2014-03-19 22:05:57 +01:00
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commit 03774f2788
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@ -2,12 +2,26 @@
module Oga
# Low level lexer that supports both XML and HTML (using an extra option). To
# lex HTML input set the `:html` option to `true` when creating an instance
# of the lexer:
# lexer = => true)
# @!attribute [r] html
# @return [TrueClass|FalseClass]
class Lexer
%% write data; # %
attr_reader :html
# Names of the HTML void elements that should be handled when HTML lexing
# is enabled.
# @return [Array]
@ -37,6 +51,13 @@ module Oga
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [Symbol] :html When set to `true` the lexer will treat
# the input as HTML instead of SGML/XML. This makes it possible to lex
# HTML void elements such as `<link href="">`.
def initialize(options = {})
options.each do |key, value|
instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value) if respond_to?(key)
@ -45,6 +66,10 @@ module Oga
# Resets the internal state of the lexer. Typically you don't need to call
# this method yourself as its called by #lex after lexing a given String.
def reset
@line = 1
@column = 1
@ -60,6 +85,17 @@ module Oga
@text_buffer = ''
# Lexes the supplied String and returns an Array of tokens. Each token is
# an Array in the following format:
# The type is a symbol, the value is either nil or a String.
# @param [String] data The string to lex.
# @return [Array]
def lex(data)
@data = data
lexer_start = self.class.lexer_start
@ -75,31 +111,67 @@ module Oga
return tokens
# @return [TrueClass|FalseClass]
def html?
return !!html
# @param [Fixnum] amount The amount of lines to advance.
def advance_line(amount = 1)
@line += amount
@column = 1
# @param [Fixnum] length The amount of columns to advance.
def advance_column(length = 1)
@column += length
# Emits a token who's value is based on the supplied start/stop position.
# @param [Symbol] type The token type.
# @param [Fixnum] start
# @param [Fixnum] stop
# @see #text
# @see #add_token
def t(type, start = @ts, stop = @te)
value = text(start, stop)
add_token(type, value)
# Returns the text of the current buffer based on the supplied start and
# stop position.
# By default `@ts` and `@te` are used as the start/stop position.
# @param [Fixnum] start
# @param [Fixnum] stop
# @return [String]
def text(start = @ts, stop = @te)
return @data[start...stop]
# Adds a token with the given type and value to the list. If a value is
# given the column number is also advanced based on the value's length.
# @param [Symbol] type The token type.
# @param [String] value The token value.
def add_token(type, value)
token = [type, value, @line, @column]
@ -108,6 +180,10 @@ module Oga
@tokens << token
# Emits the current text buffer if we have any. The current line number is
# advanced based on the amount of newlines in the buffer.
def emit_text_buffer
return if @text_buffer.empty?
@ -120,12 +196,22 @@ module Oga
@text_buffer = ''
# Buffers text until the current token position hits the EOF position. Once
# this position is reached the buffer is emitted.
# @param [Fixnum] eof The EOF position.
# @see #emit_text_buffer
def buffer_text_until_eof(eof)
@text_buffer << text
emit_text_buffer if @te == eof
# Emits and resets the current string buffer.
def emit_string_buffer
add_token(:T_STRING, @string_buffer)
@ -133,6 +219,11 @@ module Oga
@string_buffer = ''
# Returns the name of the element we're currently in.
# @return [String]
def current_element
return @elements.last