: T_ELEM_START T_ELEM_NAME { [nil, val[1]] }
@@ -101,11 +102,44 @@ rule
| T_ELEM_START T_ELEM_NS T_ELEM_NAME { [val[1], val[2]] }
+ element_start
+ : element_open attributes
+ {
+ Element.new(
+ :namespace => val[0][0],
+ :name => val[0][1],
+ :attributes => val[1]
+ )
+ }
+ ;
+ element
+ : element_start expressions T_ELEM_END
+ {
+ element = val[0]
+ element.children = val[1].flatten
+ link_children(element)
+ element
+ }
+ ;
# Attributes
- : attributes_ { s(:attributes, val[0]) }
- | /* none */ { nil }
+ : attributes_
+ {
+ attrs = {}
+ val[0].flatten.each do |pair|
+ attrs = attrs.merge(pair)
+ end
+ attrs
+ }
+ | /* none */ { {} }
@@ -115,21 +149,33 @@ rule
# foo
- : T_ATTR { s(:attribute, val[0]) }
+ : T_ATTR
+ {
+ {val[0] => nil}
+ }
# foo="bar"
- | T_ATTR T_STRING { s(:attribute, val[0], val[1]) }
+ {
+ {val[0] => val[1]}
+ }
# XML declarations
- : T_XML_DECL_START T_XML_DECL_END { s(:xml_decl) }
- | T_XML_DECL_START attributes T_XML_DECL_END { s(:xml_decl, val[1]) }
+ {
+ XmlDeclaration.new
+ }
+ {
+ XmlDeclaration.new(val[1])
+ }
# Plain text
- : T_TEXT { s(:text, val[0]) }
+ : T_TEXT { Text.new(:text => val[0]) }
@@ -153,20 +199,6 @@ end
@line = 1
- ##
- # Emits a new AST token.
- #
- # @param [Symbol] type
- # @param [Array] children
- #
- def s(type, *children)
- return AST::Node.new(
- type,
- children.flatten,
- :line => @line
- )
- end
# Yields the next token from the lexer.
@@ -240,4 +272,63 @@ Unexpected #{name} with value #{value.inspect} on line #{@line}:
return ast
+ private
+ ##
+ # Creates a new {Oga;:XML::Document} node with the specified child elements.
+ #
+ # @param [Array] children
+ # @return [Oga::XML::Document]
+ #
+ def create_document(children = [])
+ if children.is_a?(Array)
+ children = children.flatten
+ else
+ children = [children]
+ end
+ document = Document.new
+ children.each do |child|
+ if child.is_a?(Doctype)
+ document.doctype = child
+ elsif child.is_a?(XmlDeclaration)
+ document.xml_declaration = child
+ else
+ document.children << child
+ end
+ end
+ link_children(document)
+ return document
+ end
+ ##
+ # Links the child nodes together by setting attributes such as the
+ # previous, next and parent node.
+ #
+ # @param [Oga::XML::Node] node
+ #
+ def link_children(node)
+ amount = node.children.length
+ node.children.each_with_index do |child, index|
+ prev_index = index - 1
+ next_index = index + 1
+ if index > 0
+ child.previous = node.children[prev_index]
+ end
+ if next_index <= amount
+ child.next = node.children[next_index]
+ end
+ child.parent = node
+ end
+ end
# vim: set ft=racc:
diff --git a/lib/oga/xml/tree_builder.rb b/lib/oga/xml/tree_builder.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bf29ba..0000000
--- a/lib/oga/xml/tree_builder.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-module Oga
- module XML
- ##
- # The TreeBuilder class turns an AST into a DOM tree. This DOM tree can be
- # traversed by requesting child elements, parent elements, etc.
- #
- # Basic usage:
- #
- # builder = Oga::XML::TreeBuilder.new
- # ast = s(:element, ...)
- #
- # builder.process(ast) # => #
- #
- class TreeBuilder < ::AST::Processor
- ##
- # @param [Oga::AST::Node] node
- # @return [Oga::XML::Document]
- #
- def on_document(node)
- document = Document.new
- process_all(node).each do |child|
- if child.is_a?(XmlDeclaration)
- document.xml_declaration = child
- elsif child.is_a?(Doctype)
- document.doctype = child
- else
- document.children << child
- end
- end
- document.children.each do |child|
- child.parent = document
- end
- return document
- end
- ##
- # @param [Oga::AST::Node] node
- # @return [Oga::XML::XmlDeclaration]
- #
- def on_xml_decl(node)
- attributes = process(node.children[0])
- return XmlDeclaration.new(attributes)
- end
- ##
- # @param [Oga::AST::Node] node
- # @return [Oga::XML::Doctype]
- #
- def on_doctype(node)
- return Doctype.new(
- :name => node.children[0],
- :type => node.children[1],
- :public_id => node.children[2],
- :system_id => node.children[3]
- )
- end
- ##
- # @param [Oga::AST::Node] node
- # @return [Oga::XML::Comment]
- #
- def on_comment(node)
- return Comment.new(:text => node.children[0])
- end
- ##
- # Processes an `(element)` node and its child elements.
- #
- # An element can have a parent, previous and next element as well as a
- # number of child elements.
- #
- # @param [Oga::AST::Node] node
- # @return [Oga::XML::Element]
- #
- def on_element(node)
- ns, name, attr, *children = *node
- if attr
- attr = process(attr)
- end
- if children
- children = process_all(children.compact)
- end
- element = Element.new(
- :name => name,
- :namespace => ns,
- :attributes => attr,
- :children => children
- )
- process_children(element)
- return element
- end
- ##
- # @param [Oga::AST::Node] node
- # @return [Oga::XML::Text]
- #
- def on_text(node)
- return Text.new(:text => node.children[0])
- end
- ##
- # @param [Oga::AST::Node] node
- # @return [Oga::XML::Cdata]
- #
- def on_cdata(node)
- return Cdata.new(:text => node.children[0])
- end
- ##
- # Converts a `(attributes)` node into a Hash.
- #
- # @param [Oga::AST::Node] node
- # @return [Hash]
- #
- def on_attributes(node)
- pairs = process_all(node)
- return Hash[pairs]
- end
- ##
- # @param [Oga::AST::Node] node
- # @return [Array]
- #
- def on_attribute(node)
- return *node
- end
- ##
- # Raises for every unhandled node.
- #
- # @param [Oga::AST::Node] node
- #
- def handler_missing(node)
- raise "No handler for node type #{node.type.inspect}"
- end
- private
- ##
- # Iterates over the child elements of an element and assigns the parent,
- # previous and next elements. The supplied object is modified in place.
- #
- # @param [Oga::XML::Element] element
- #
- def process_children(element)
- amount = element.children.length
- element.children.each_with_index do |child, index|
- prev_index = index - 1
- next_index = index + 1
- if index > 0
- child.previous = element.children[prev_index]
- end
- if next_index <= amount
- child.next = element.children[next_index]
- end
- child.parent = element
- end
- end
- end # TreeBuilder
- end # XML
-end # Oga
diff --git a/oga.gemspec b/oga.gemspec
index 197b047..76b027c 100644
--- a/oga.gemspec
+++ b/oga.gemspec
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.required_ruby_version = '>= 1.9.3'
s.add_dependency 'racc'
- s.add_dependency 'ast'
s.add_development_dependency 'cliver'
s.add_development_dependency 'rake'
diff --git a/spec/oga/html/parser/element_spec.rb b/spec/oga/html/parser/element_spec.rb
index 2567273..6db3111 100644
--- a/spec/oga/html/parser/element_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/oga/html/parser/element_spec.rb
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Oga::HTML::Parser do
- example 'parse an HTML void element' do
- parse_html('').should == s(
- :document,
- s(:element, nil, 'meta', nil, nil)
- )
+ context 'HTML void elements' do
+ before :all do
+ @node = parse_html('').children[0]
+ end
+ example 'return an Element instance' do
+ @node.is_a?(Oga::XML::Element).should == true
+ end
+ example 'set the name of the element' do
+ @node.name.should == 'meta'
+ end
diff --git a/spec/oga/xml/parser/cdata_spec.rb b/spec/oga/xml/parser/cdata_spec.rb
index 269681d..c96a974 100644
--- a/spec/oga/xml/parser/cdata_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/oga/xml/parser/cdata_spec.rb
@@ -1,24 +1,37 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Oga::XML::Parser do
- context 'cdata tags' do
- example 'parse an empty cdata tag' do
- parse('').should == s(:document, s(:cdata))
+ context 'empty cdata tags' do
+ before :all do
+ @node = parse('').children[0]
- example 'parse a cdata tag' do
- parse('').should == s(:document, s(:cdata, 'foo'))
+ example 'return a Cdata instance' do
+ @node.is_a?(Oga::XML::Cdata).should == true
+ end
+ end
+ context 'cdata tags with text' do
+ before :all do
+ @node = parse('').children[0]
- example 'parse an element inside a cdata tag' do
- parse('foo
]]>').should == s(
- :document,
- s(:cdata, '
- )
+ example 'return a Cdata instance' do
+ @node.is_a?(Oga::XML::Cdata).should == true
- example 'parse double brackets inside a cdata tag' do
- parse('').should == s(:document, s(:cdata, ']]'))
+ example 'set the text of the tag' do
+ @node.text.should == 'foo'
+ end
+ end
+ context 'cdata tags with nested elements' do
+ before :all do
+ @node = parse('foo
+ end
+ example 'set the HTML as raw text' do
+ @node.text.should == '
diff --git a/spec/oga/xml/parser/comments_spec.rb b/spec/oga/xml/parser/comments_spec.rb
index 6aa12cc..e201a8e 100644
--- a/spec/oga/xml/parser/comments_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/oga/xml/parser/comments_spec.rb
@@ -1,13 +1,27 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Oga::XML::Parser do
- context 'comments' do
- example 'parse an empty comment' do
- parse('').should == s(:document, s(:comment))
+ context 'empty comments' do
+ before :all do
+ @node = parse('').children[0]
- example 'parse a comment' do
- parse('').should == s(:document, s(:comment, 'foo'))
+ example 'return a Comment instance' do
+ @node.is_a?(Oga::XML::Comment).should == true
+ end
+ end
+ context 'comments with text' do
+ before :all do
+ @node = parse('').children[0]
+ end
+ example 'return a Comment instance' do
+ @node.is_a?(Oga::XML::Comment).should == true
+ end
+ example 'set the text of the comment' do
+ @node.text.should == 'foo'
diff --git a/spec/oga/xml/parser/doctype_spec.rb b/spec/oga/xml/parser/doctype_spec.rb
index 9c74851..3ebe957 100644
--- a/spec/oga/xml/parser/doctype_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/oga/xml/parser/doctype_spec.rb
@@ -1,46 +1,83 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Oga::XML::Parser do
- context 'doctypes' do
- example 'parse a doctype' do
- parse('').should == s(:document, s(:doctype, 'html'))
+ context 'basic doctypes' do
+ before :all do
+ @document = parse('')
- example 'parse a doctype with the doctype type' do
- parse('').should == s(
- :document,
- s(:doctype, 'html', 'PUBLIC')
- )
+ example 'return a Doctype instance' do
+ @document.doctype.is_a?(Oga::XML::Doctype).should == true
- example 'parse a doctype with a public ID' do
- parse('').should == s(
- :document,
- s(:doctype, 'html', 'PUBLIC', 'foo')
- )
+ example 'set the name of the doctype' do
+ @document.doctype.name.should == 'html'
+ end
+ end
+ context 'doctypes with a type' do
+ before :all do
+ @document = parse('')
- example 'parse a doctype with a public and private ID' do
- parse('').should == s(
- :document,
- s(:doctype, 'html', 'PUBLIC', 'foo', 'bar')
- )
+ example 'return a Doctype instance' do
+ @document.doctype.is_a?(Oga::XML::Doctype).should == true
- example 'parse an HTML 4 strict doctype' do
- doctype = ''
+ example 'set the name of the doctype' do
+ @document.doctype.name.should == 'html'
+ end
- parse(doctype).should == s(
- :document,
- s(
- :doctype,
- 'HTML',
- '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN',
- 'http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd'
- )
- )
+ example 'set the type of the doctype' do
+ @document.doctype.type.should == 'PUBLIC'
+ end
+ end
+ context 'doctypes with a public ID' do
+ before :all do
+ @document = parse('')
+ end
+ example 'return a Doctype instance' do
+ @document.doctype.is_a?(Oga::XML::Doctype).should == true
+ end
+ example 'set the name of the doctype' do
+ @document.doctype.name.should == 'html'
+ end
+ example 'set the type of the doctype' do
+ @document.doctype.type.should == 'PUBLIC'
+ end
+ example 'set the public ID of the doctype' do
+ @document.doctype.public_id.should == 'foo'
+ end
+ end
+ context 'doctypes with a system ID' do
+ before :all do
+ @document = parse('')
+ end
+ example 'return a Doctype instance' do
+ @document.doctype.is_a?(Oga::XML::Doctype).should == true
+ end
+ example 'set the name of the doctype' do
+ @document.doctype.name.should == 'html'
+ end
+ example 'set the type of the doctype' do
+ @document.doctype.type.should == 'PUBLIC'
+ end
+ example 'set the public ID of the doctype' do
+ @document.doctype.public_id.should == 'foo'
+ end
+ example 'set the system ID of the doctype' do
+ @document.doctype.system_id.should == 'bar'
diff --git a/spec/oga/xml/parser/documents_spec.rb b/spec/oga/xml/parser/documents_spec.rb
index 3eef8d0..298a294 100644
--- a/spec/oga/xml/parser/documents_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/oga/xml/parser/documents_spec.rb
@@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Oga::XML::Parser do
- context 'HTML documents' do
- example 'parse an empty document' do
- parse('').should == s(:document)
+ context 'empty documents' do
+ before :all do
+ @document = parse('')
- example 'parse a basic HTML document' do
- html = <<-EOF
+ example 'return a Document instance' do
+ @document.is_a?(Oga::XML::Document).should == true
+ end
+ end
+ context 'HTML documents' do
+ before :all do
+ html = <<-EOF.strip
@@ -17,48 +24,23 @@ describe Oga::XML::Parser do
- parse(html).should == s(
- :document,
- s(:doctype, 'html'),
- s(:text, "\n"),
+ @document = parse(html, :html => true)
+ end
- #
- s(
- :element,
- nil,
- 'html',
- nil,
+ example 'return a Document instance' do
+ @document.is_a?(Oga::XML::Document).should == true
+ end
- s(:text, "\n"),
+ example 'set the doctype of the document' do
+ @document.doctype.is_a?(Oga::XML::Doctype).should == true
+ end
- #
- s(
- :element,
- nil,
- 'head',
- nil,
+ example 'set the XML declaration of the document' do
+ @document.xml_declaration.is_a?(Oga::XML::XmlDeclaration).should == true
+ end
- s(:text, "\n"),
- #
- s(
- :element,
- nil,
- 'title',
- nil,
- s(:text, 'Title')
- ),
- s(:text, "\n")
- ),
- #
- s(:text, "\n"),
- s(:element, nil, 'body', nil, nil),
- s(:text, "\n")
- ),
- s(:text, "\n")
- )
+ example 'set the children of the document' do
+ @document.children.empty?.should == false
diff --git a/spec/oga/xml/parser/elements_spec.rb b/spec/oga/xml/parser/elements_spec.rb
index c60f561..28e68c9 100644
--- a/spec/oga/xml/parser/elements_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/oga/xml/parser/elements_spec.rb
@@ -1,148 +1,81 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Oga::XML::Parser do
- context 'elements' do
- example 'parse an empty element' do
- parse('').should == s(
- :document,
- s(:element, nil, 'p', nil, nil)
- )
+ context 'empty elements' do
+ before :all do
+ @element = parse('').children[0]
- example 'parse an element with text' do
- parse('
').should == s(
- :document,
- s(:element, nil, 'p', nil, s(:text, 'foo'))
- )
+ example 'return an Element instance' do
+ @element.is_a?(Oga::XML::Element).should == true
- example 'parse an element with a single attribute' do
- parse('').should == s(
- :document,
- s(:element, nil, 'p', s(:attributes, s(:attribute, 'foo')), nil)
- )
+ example 'set the name of the element' do
+ @element.name.should == 'p'
+ end
+ end
+ context 'elements with namespaces' do
+ before :all do
+ @element = parse('').children[0]
- example 'parse an element with a single attribute with a value' do
- parse('').should == s(
- :document,
- s(:element, nil, 'p', s(:attributes, s(:attribute, 'foo', 'bar')), nil)
- )
+ example 'return an Element instance' do
+ @element.is_a?(Oga::XML::Element).should == true
- example 'parse an element with multiple attributes' do
- parse('').should == s(
- :document,
- s(
- :element,
- nil,
- 'p',
- s(
- :attributes,
- s(:attribute, 'foo', 'bar'),
- s(:attribute, 'baz', 'bad')
- ),
- nil
- )
- )
+ example 'set the name of the element' do
+ @element.name.should == 'p'
- example 'parse an element with text and attributes' do
- parse('
').should == s(
- :document,
- s(
- :element,
- nil,
- 'p',
- s(:attributes, s(:attribute, 'class', 'foo')),
- s(:text, 'Bar')
- )
- )
+ example 'set the namespace of the element' do
+ @element.namespace.should == 'foo'
+ end
+ end
+ context 'elements with attributes' do
+ before :all do
+ @element = parse('').children[0]
- example 'parse an element with a namespace' do
- parse('').should == s(
- :document,
- s(:element, 'foo', 'p', nil, nil)
- )
+ example 'return an Element instance' do
+ @element.is_a?(Oga::XML::Element).should == true
- example 'parse an element with a namespace and an attribute' do
- parse('').should == s(
- :document,
- s(
- :element,
- 'foo',
- 'p',
- s(:attributes, s(:attribute, 'class', 'bar')),
- nil
- )
- )
+ example 'set the attributes of the element' do
+ @element.attributes.should == {'bar' => 'baz'}
+ end
+ end
+ context 'elements with child elements' do
+ before :all do
+ @element = parse('').children[0]
- example 'parse an element nested inside another element' do
- parse('
').should == s(
- :document,
- s(:element, nil, 'p', nil, s(:element, nil, 'a', nil, nil))
- )
+ example 'set the name of the outer element' do
+ @element.name.should == 'a'
- example 'parse an element with children text, element' do
- parse('
').should == s(
- :document,
- s(
- :element,
- nil,
- 'p',
- nil,
- s(:text, 'Foo'),
- s(:element, nil, 'a', nil, s(:text, 'Bar')),
- s(:text, 'Baz')
- )
- )
+ example 'set the name of the child element' do
+ @element.children[0].name.should == 'b'
+ end
+ end
+ context 'elements with child elements and text' do
+ before :all do
+ @element = parse('Foobar').children[0]
- example 'parse an element with children element, text' do
- parse('
').should == s(
- :document,
- s(
- :element,
- nil,
- 'p',
- nil,
- s(:element, nil, 'a', nil, s(:text, 'Bar')),
- s(:text, 'Baz')
- )
- )
+ example 'include the text node of the outer element' do
+ @element.children[0].is_a?(Oga::XML::Text).should == true
- example 'parse an element with children element, text, element' do
- parse('
').should == s(
- :document,
- s(
- :element,
- nil,
- 'p',
- nil,
- s(:element, nil, 'a', nil, s(:text, 'Bar')),
- s(:text, 'Baz'),
- s(:element, nil, 'span', nil, s(:text, 'Da'))
- )
- )
+ example 'include the text node of the inner element' do
+ @element.children[1].children[0].is_a?(Oga::XML::Text).should == true
diff --git a/spec/oga/xml/parser/general_spec.rb b/spec/oga/xml/parser/general_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cfc0b76..0000000
--- a/spec/oga/xml/parser/general_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-describe Oga::XML::Parser do
- example 'parse regular text' do
- parse('foo').should == s(:document, s(:text, 'foo'))
- end
- example 'parse a newline' do
- parse("\n").should == s(:document, s(:text, "\n"))
- end
diff --git a/spec/oga/xml/parser/hierarchy_spec.rb b/spec/oga/xml/parser/hierarchy_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..339e2ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/oga/xml/parser/hierarchy_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Oga::XML::Parser do
+ context 'elements with parents' do
+ before :all do
+ @parent = parse('').children[0]
+ end
+ example 'return an Element instance for the parent' do
+ @parent.children[0].parent.is_a?(Oga::XML::Element).should == true
+ end
+ example 'set the correct parent' do
+ @parent.children[0].parent.should == @parent
+ end
+ end
+ context 'text nodes with parents' do
+ before :all do
+ @parent = parse('foo').children[0]
+ end
+ example 'return an Element instance for the parent' do
+ @parent.children[0].parent.is_a?(Oga::XML::Element).should == true
+ end
+ example 'set the correct parent' do
+ @parent.children[0].parent.should == @parent
+ end
+ end
+ context 'elements with adjacent elements' do
+ before :all do
+ @document = parse('')
+ end
+ example 'return an Element instance for the next element' do
+ @document.children[0].next.is_a?(Oga::XML::Element).should == true
+ end
+ example 'set the correct next element' do
+ @document.children[0].next.should == @document.children[1]
+ end
+ example 'return an Element instance for the previous element' do
+ @document.children[1].previous.is_a?(Oga::XML::Element).should == true
+ end
+ example 'set the correct previous element' do
+ @document.children[1].previous.should == @document.children[0]
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/oga/xml/parser/html_void_elements_spec.rb b/spec/oga/xml/parser/html_void_elements_spec.rb
index 29e481e..013b82c 100644
--- a/spec/oga/xml/parser/html_void_elements_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/oga/xml/parser/html_void_elements_spec.rb
@@ -1,64 +1,45 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Oga::XML::Parser do
- context 'HTML void elements' do
- example 'parse a void element that omits the closing /' do
- parse('', :html => true).should == s(
- :document,
- s(:element, nil, 'link', nil, nil)
- )
+ context 'void elements' do
+ before :all do
+ @node = parse('', :html => true).children[0]
- example 'parse a void element inside another element' do
- parse('', :html => true).should == s(
- :document,
- s(:element, nil, 'head', nil, s(:element, nil, 'link', nil, nil))
- )
+ example 'return an Element instance' do
+ @node.is_a?(Oga::XML::Element).should == true
- example 'parse a void element with attributes inside another element' do
- parse('', :html => true).should == s(
- :document,
- s(
- :element,
- nil,
- 'head',
- nil,
- s(
- :element,
- nil,
- 'link',
- s(:attributes, s(:attribute, 'href', 'foo.css')),
- nil
- )
- )
- )
+ example 'set the name of the element' do
+ @node.name.should == 'link'
+ end
+ end
+ context 'nested void elements' do
+ before :all do
+ @node = parse('', :html => true).children[0]
- example 'parse a void element and a non void element in the same parent' do
- parse('Foo', :html => true).should == s(
- :document,
- s(
- :element,
- nil,
- 'head',
- nil,
- s(
- :element,
- nil,
- 'link',
- nil,
- nil
- ),
- s(
- :element,
- nil,
- 'title',
- nil,
- s(:text, 'Foo')
- )
- )
- )
+ example 'set the name of the outer element' do
+ @node.name.should == 'head'
+ end
+ example 'set the name of the inner element' do
+ @node.children[0].name.should == 'link'
+ end
+ end
+ context 'void elements with attributes' do
+ before :all do
+ @node = parse('', :html => true).children[0]
+ end
+ example 'set the name of the element' do
+ @node.name.should == 'link'
+ end
+ example 'set the attributes' do
+ @node.attributes.should == {'href' => 'foo'}
diff --git a/spec/oga/xml/parser/text_spec.rb b/spec/oga/xml/parser/text_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d114f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/oga/xml/parser/text_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Oga::XML::Parser do
+ context 'plain text' do
+ before :all do
+ @node = parse('foo').children[0]
+ end
+ example 'return a Text instance' do
+ @node.is_a?(Oga::XML::Text).should == true
+ end
+ example 'set the text' do
+ @node.text.should == 'foo'
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/oga/xml/parser/xml_declaration_spec.rb b/spec/oga/xml/parser/xml_declaration_spec.rb
index 60778ab..7a72179 100644
--- a/spec/oga/xml/parser/xml_declaration_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/oga/xml/parser/xml_declaration_spec.rb
@@ -1,16 +1,39 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Oga::XML::Parser do
- context 'XML declaration tags' do
- example 'parse an empty XML declaration tag' do
- parse('').should == s(:document, s(:xml_decl))
+ context 'empty XML declaration tags' do
+ before :all do
+ @node = parse('').xml_declaration
- example 'parse an XML declaration tag' do
- parse('').should == s(
- :document,
- s(:xml_decl, s(:attributes, s(:attribute, 'version', '1.0')))
- )
+ example 'return an XmlDeclaration instance' do
+ @node.is_a?(Oga::XML::XmlDeclaration).should == true
+ end
+ example 'set the default XML version' do
+ @node.version.should == '1.0'
+ end
+ example 'set the default encoding' do
+ @node.encoding.should == 'UTF-8'
+ end
+ end
+ context 'XML declaration tags with custom attributes' do
+ before :all do
+ @node = parse('').xml_declaration
+ end
+ example 'return an XmlDeclaration instance' do
+ @node.is_a?(Oga::XML::XmlDeclaration).should == true
+ end
+ example 'set the XML version' do
+ @node.version.should == '1.5'
+ end
+ example 'set the encoding' do
+ @node.encoding.should == 'foo'
diff --git a/spec/oga/xml/tree_builder_spec.rb b/spec/oga/xml/tree_builder_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f7b76d8..0000000
--- a/spec/oga/xml/tree_builder_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-describe Oga::XML::TreeBuilder do
- before do
- @builder = described_class.new
- end
- context '#on_document' do
- before do
- node = s(:document, s(:element, nil, 'p', nil, nil))
- @tag = @builder.process(node)
- end
- example 'return a Document node' do
- @tag.is_a?(Oga::XML::Document).should == true
- end
- example 'include the children of the element' do
- @tag.children[0].is_a?(Oga::XML::Element).should == true
- end
- end
- context '#on_document with XML declarations' do
- before do
- decl = s(:xml_decl, s(:attributes, s(:attribute, 'encoding', 'UTF-8')))
- node = s(:document, decl)
- @tag = @builder.process(node)
- end
- example 'set the XML declaration of the document' do
- @tag.xml_declaration.is_a?(Oga::XML::XmlDeclaration).should == true
- end
- end
- context '#on_document with doctypes' do
- before do
- doctype = s(:doctype, 'html', 'PUBLIC', 'foo', 'bar')
- node = s(:document, doctype)
- @tag = @builder.process(node)
- end
- example 'set the doctype of the document' do
- @tag.doctype.is_a?(Oga::XML::Doctype).should == true
- end
- end
- context '#on_xml_decl' do
- before do
- node = s(:xml_decl, s(:attributes, s(:attribute, 'encoding', 'UTF-8')))
- @tag = @builder.process(node)
- end
- example 'return an XmlDeclaration node' do
- @tag.is_a?(Oga::XML::XmlDeclaration).should == true
- end
- example 'include the encoding of the tag' do
- @tag.encoding.should == 'UTF-8'
- end
- end
- context '#on_doctype' do
- before do
- node = s(:doctype, 'html', 'PUBLIC', 'foo', 'bar')
- @tag = @builder.process(node)
- end
- example 'return a Doctype node' do
- @tag.is_a?(Oga::XML::Doctype).should == true
- end
- example 'include the doctype name' do
- @tag.name.should == 'html'
- end
- example 'include the doctype type' do
- @tag.type.should == 'PUBLIC'
- end
- example 'include the public ID' do
- @tag.public_id.should == 'foo'
- end
- example 'include the system ID' do
- @tag.system_id.should == 'bar'
- end
- end
- context '#on_comment' do
- before do
- node = s(:comment, 'foo')
- @tag = @builder.process(node)
- end
- example 'return a Comment node' do
- @tag.is_a?(Oga::XML::Comment).should == true
- end
- example 'include the text of the comment' do
- @tag.text.should == 'foo'
- end
- end
- context '#on_element' do
- context 'simple elements' do
- before do
- node = s(:element, 'foo', 'p', nil, nil)
- @tag = @builder.process(node)
- end
- example 'return a Element node' do
- @tag.is_a?(Oga::XML::Element).should == true
- end
- example 'include the name of the element' do
- @tag.name.should == 'p'
- end
- example 'include the namespace of the element' do
- @tag.namespace.should == 'foo'
- end
- end
- context 'elements with attributes' do
- before do
- node = s(
- :element,
- nil,
- 'p',
- s(:attributes, s(:attribute, 'key', 'value')),
- nil
- )
- @tag = @builder.process(node)
- end
- example 'include the name of the element' do
- @tag.name.should == 'p'
- end
- example 'include the attributes' do
- @tag.attributes.should == {'key' => 'value'}
- end
- end
- context 'elements with parent elements' do
- before do
- node = s(:element, nil, 'p', nil, s(:element, nil, 'span', nil, nil))
- @tag = @builder.process(node)
- end
- example 'set the parent element' do
- @tag.children[0].parent.should == @tag
- end
- end
- context 'elements with next elements' do
- before do
- node = s(
- :element,
- nil,
- 'p',
- nil,
- s(:element, nil, 'a', nil, nil),
- s(:element, nil, 'span', nil, nil)
- )
- @tag = @builder.process(node)
- end
- example 'set the next element' do
- @tag.children[0].next.should == @tag.children[1]
- end
- example 'do not set the next element for the last element' do
- @tag.children[1].next.should == nil
- end
- end
- context 'elements with previous elements' do
- before do
- node = s(
- :element,
- nil,
- 'p',
- nil,
- s(:element, nil, 'a', nil, nil),
- s(:element, nil, 'span', nil, nil)
- )
- @tag = @builder.process(node)
- end
- example 'set the previous element' do
- @tag.children[1].previous.should == @tag.children[0]
- end
- example 'do not set the previous element for the first element' do
- @tag.children[0].previous.should == nil
- end
- end
- context 'elements with child elements' do
- before do
- node = s(:element, nil, 'p', nil, s(:element, nil, 'span', nil, nil))
- @tag = @builder.process(node)
- end
- example 'include the name of the element' do
- @tag.name.should == 'p'
- end
- example 'include the child element' do
- @tag.children[0].is_a?(Oga::XML::Element).should == true
- end
- example 'include the name of the child element' do
- @tag.children[0].name.should == 'span'
- end
- end
- end
- context '#on_text' do
- before do
- node = s(:text, 'Hello')
- @tag = @builder.process(node)
- end
- example 'return a Text node' do
- @tag.is_a?(Oga::XML::Text).should == true
- end
- example 'include the text of the node' do
- @tag.text.should == 'Hello'
- end
- end
- context '#on_cdata' do
- before do
- node = s(:cdata, 'Hello')
- @tag = @builder.process(node)
- end
- example 'return a Cdata node' do
- @tag.is_a?(Oga::XML::Cdata).should == true
- end
- example 'include the text of the node' do
- @tag.text.should == 'Hello'
- end
- end
- context '#on_attributes' do
- before do
- @node = s(
- :attributes,
- s(:attribute, 'foo', 'bar'),
- s(:attribute, 'baz', 'wat')
- )
- end
- example 'return the attributes as a Hash' do
- @builder.process(@node).should == {'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'wat'}
- end
- example 'return an empty Hash by default' do
- @builder.process(s(:attributes)).should == {}
- end
- end
- context '#handler_missing' do
- before do
- @node = s(:foo, 'bar')
- end
- example 'raise when processing an unknown node' do
- lambda { @builder.process(@node) }
- .should raise_error('No handler for node type :foo')
- end
- end