require 'bundler/setup' require 'stringio' require 'benchmark' require 'benchmark/ips' require_relative '../lib/oga' ## # Returns a File instance pointing to the sample XML file. # # @return [File] # def big_xml_file return'../fixtures/big.xml', __FILE__), 'r') end ## # Reads a big XML file and returns it as a String. # # @return [String] # def read_big_xml return end ## # Reads a normal sized HTML fixture. # # @return [String] # def read_html return'../fixtures/with_entities.html', __FILE__)) end ## # Benchmarks the average runtime of the given block. # # @param [Fixnum] amount The amount of times to call the block. # @param [Fixnum] precision # def measure_average(amount = 10, precision = 3) timings = [] amount.times do |iter| timing = Benchmark.measure { yield }.real timings << timing.real puts "Iteration: #{iter + 1}: #{timing.real.round(precision)}" end average = timings.inject(:+) / timings.length puts puts "Iterations: #{amount}" puts "Average: #{average.round(precision)} sec" end