
264 lines
7.5 KiB

%%machine css_lexer; # %
module Oga
module CSS
# Lexer for turning CSS expressions into a sequence of tokens. Tokens are
# returned as arrays with every array having two values:
# 1. The token type as a Symbol
# 2. The token value, or nil if there is no value.
# ## Thread Safety
# Similar to the XPath lexer this lexer keeps track of an internal state. As
# a result it's not safe to share the same instance of this lexer between
# multiple threads. However, no global state is used so you can use separate
# instances in threads just fine.
class Lexer
%% write data;
# % fix highlight
# @param [String] data The data to lex.
def initialize(data)
@data = data
# Gathers all the tokens for the input and returns them as an Array.
# @see [#advance]
# @return [Array]
def lex
tokens = []
advance do |type, value|
tokens << [type, value]
return tokens
# Advances through the input and generates the corresponding tokens. Each
# token is yielded to the supplied block.
# This method stores the supplied block in `@block` and resets it after
# the lexer loop has finished.
# @see [#add_token]
def advance(&block)
@block = block
data = @data # saves ivar lookups while lexing.
ts = nil
te = nil
stack = []
top = 0
cs = self.class.css_lexer_start
act = 0
eof = @data.bytesize
p = 0
pe = eof
_css_lexer_eof_trans = self.class.send(:_css_lexer_eof_trans)
_css_lexer_from_state_actions = self.class.send(:_css_lexer_from_state_actions)
_css_lexer_index_offsets = self.class.send(:_css_lexer_index_offsets)
_css_lexer_indicies = self.class.send(:_css_lexer_indicies)
_css_lexer_key_spans = self.class.send(:_css_lexer_key_spans)
_css_lexer_to_state_actions = self.class.send(:_css_lexer_to_state_actions)
_css_lexer_trans_actions = self.class.send(:_css_lexer_trans_actions)
_css_lexer_trans_keys = self.class.send(:_css_lexer_trans_keys)
_css_lexer_trans_targs = self.class.send(:_css_lexer_trans_targs)
%% write exec;
# % fix highlight
@block = nil
# Emits a token of which the value is based on the supplied start/stop
# position.
# @param [Symbol] type The token type.
# @param [Fixnum] start
# @param [Fixnum] stop
# @see [#text]
# @see [#add_token]
def emit(type, start, stop)
value = slice_input(start, stop)
add_token(type, value)
# Returns the text between the specified start and stop position.
# @param [Fixnum] start
# @param [Fixnum] stop
# @return [String]
def slice_input(start, stop)
return @data.byteslice(start, stop - start)
# Yields a new token to the supplied block.
# @param [Symbol] type The token type.
# @param [String] value The token value.
# @yieldparam [Symbol] type
# @yieldparam [String|NilClass] value
def add_token(type, value = nil)
@block.call(type, value)
getkey (data.getbyte(p) || 0);
whitespace = [\t ]+;
comma = ',' %{ add_token(:T_COMMA) };
hash = '#' %{ add_token(:T_HASH) };
dot = '.' %{ add_token(:T_DOT) };
lbrack = '[' %{ add_token(:T_LBRACK) };
rbrack = ']' %{ add_token(:T_RBRACK) };
colon = ':' %{ add_token(:T_COLON) };
lparen = '(' %{ add_token(:T_LPAREN) };
rparen = ')' %{ add_token(:T_RPAREN) };
pipe = '|';
# Identifiers
# Identifiers are used for element and attribute names. Identifiers have
# to start with a letter.
identifier = '*' | [a-zA-Z]+ [a-zA-Z\-_0-9]*;
action emit_identifier {
emit(:T_IDENT, ts, te)
# Operators
# Various operators that can be used for filtering nodes. For example,
# "$=" can be used to select attribute values that end with a given
# string.
# http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#selectors
op_eq = '=';
op_space_in = '~=';
op_starts_with = '^=';
op_ends_with = '$=';
op_in = '*=';
op_hyphen_in = '|=';
op_child = '>';
op_fol_direct = '+';
op_fol = '~';
# Numbers
# CSS selectors only understand integers, floating points are not
# supported.
integer = ('-' | '+')* digit+;
action emit_integer {
value = slice_input(ts, te).to_i
add_token(:T_INT, value)
# Strings
# Strings can be single or double quoted. They are mainly used for
# attribute values.
dquote = '"';
squote = "'";
string_dquote = (dquote ^dquote* dquote);
string_squote = (squote ^squote* squote);
string = string_dquote | string_squote;
action emit_string {
emit(:T_STRING, ts + 1, te - 1)
# Nth numbers
# These numbers are in the form of 2n+1 and are used for
# pseudo-selectors such as nth-child(2n+1). The following parts such as
# "-1" and "+1" are handled by the `integer` type and the corresponding
# `emit_integer` action.
nth_integer = integer 'n';
nth_identifier = '+n' | '-n';
action emit_nth_integer {
value = slice_input(ts, te - 1).to_i
add_token(:T_INT, value)
add_token(:T_NTH, 'n')
action emit_nth_identifier {
emit(:T_NTH, ts, te)
main := |*
whitespace | comma | hash | dot | lbrack | rbrack | colon;
lparen | rparen;
# Some of the operators have similar characters (e.g. the "="). As a
# result we can't use rules like the following:
# '=' %{ ... };
# '*=' %{ ... };
# This would result in both machines being executed for the input
# "*=". The syntax below ensures that only the first match is handled.
op_eq => { add_token(:T_EQ) };
op_space_in => { add_token(:T_SPACE_IN) };
op_starts_with => { add_token(:T_STARTS_WITH) };
op_ends_with => { add_token(:T_ENDS_WITH) };
op_in => { add_token(:T_IN) };
op_hyphen_in => { add_token(:T_HYPHEN_IN) };
op_child => { add_token(:T_CHILD) };
op_fol_direct => { add_token(:T_FOLLOWING_DIRECT) };
op_fol => { add_token(:T_FOLLOWING) };
# The pipe character is also used in the |= operator so the action for
# this is handled separately.
pipe => { add_token(:T_PIPE) };
identifier => emit_identifier;
nth_integer => emit_nth_integer;
nth_identifier => emit_nth_identifier;
integer => emit_integer;
string => emit_string;
end # Lexer
end # CSS
end # Oga