# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales. # See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points. en: _locale: English me: Me account_settings: Account settings add: Add back: Back browse: Browse cancel: Cancel create: Create delete: Delete desktop: Desktop disable: Disable dots: ●●●●●● downloaded: Downloaded download: Download edit: Edit email: Email enable: Enable forgot_password: Forgot your password? help: Help hide: Hide homepage: Homepage login: Login logout: Logout no_: "No" nothing: Nothing nccu: NCCU nccu_c: nccu_ldap_uid: NCCU LDAP Account or_lower: or password: Password register: Register remember_me: Remember me search_nccu: Search NCCU show: Show submit: Submit sure?: Are you sure? update: Update view: View yes_: "Yes" all_content: All Content all_file: All File all_member: All Member content: Content data: Data file: File file_type: File Type hits: Hits item: Item member: Member module: Module most_visited_page: Most Visited Page quantity: Quantity recent_update: Recent Update referral_in_links: Referral in Links role: Role site_info: Site Info site_name: Site Name statistics: Statistics title: Title total_visitors: Total Visitors traffic: Traffic admin: access: denied: app: not_sub_manager: Access Denied for you are not SubManager for this app not_manager: Access Denied for you are not SubManager for this app not_authed_user: Access Denied for you are not User for this app not_admin: Access Denied for you are not Admin object: "Access Denied for you don't have permission for this object" action: Action ad_banner: AD Banner ad: sec_place_holder: Enter 3 if 3 sec ab_fx: FX all_banners: AdBanner list banner_best_size: Banner Best Size new_banner: New banner new_image: New image showing: Showing not_showing: NotShowing title: Title transition_sec: Transition time trans_unit_sec: sec update_banner: Update Banner add: Add add_item: Add item add_language: Add language add_drop_down_item: +Add Menu Item admin: Admin action: Action all_articles: List always_display_title: Always displayed in the title bar announcement: Announcement asset: Asset assets: file: File album: Album video: Video book: Book attributes: Attributes author: Author calendar: Calendar cant_delete_self: You can not delete yourself. cant_revoke_self_admin: You can not revoke your admin role yourself. choose_file: Choose a file... class: Class content: Content create_error_link: Error when creating link. create_error_page: Error when creating page. create_success_home: Homepage was successfully created. create_success_layout: Layout was successfully created. create_success_link: Link was successfully created. create_success_page: Page was successfully created. create_success_snippet: Snippet was successfully created. create_success_user: User was successfully created. data: Data dashboard: Dashboard delete_language: Delete language description: Description design: Template disable_language: Disable language editing_home: Editing homepage editing_layout: Editing layout editing_link: Editing link editing_page: Editing page editing_snippet: Editing snippet editing_info: Editing user information editing_role: Editing user role email: Email enable_language: Enable language enabled_for: Enabled for file_name: Filename file_size: File size format: Format home: Home id: ID info: Information intro: Introduction is_published: Is published item: Item key: Key language: Language layout: Layout layout_name: Layout name links: Links link: Links list_assets: Assets list list_designs: Designs list list_items: Items list list_puchases: Purchases list list_snippets: Snippets list list_users: Users list list_infos: User information list list_roles: User roles list mail_address: Address mail_authentication: Authentication mail_domain: Domain mail_enable_starttls_auto: Enable Starttls Auto mail_password: Password mail_port: Port mail_setting: Mail Setting mail_tls: Tls mail_user_name: User Name member: Member menu_enabled_for: Menu enabled for module: authorization: Module Authorization move_down: Move down move_up: Move up multilingual: Multilingual my_avatar: My Avatar no_home_page: You don't have a homepage no_layout: You don't have a layout name: Name nccu: NCCU Custom nccu_c: nccu_ldap_uid: NCCU LDAP Account new_asset: New asset new_component: New component new_design: New design new_home: New homepage new_layout: New layout new_link: New link new_page: New page new_snippet: New snippet new_user: New user new_info: New user information new_role: New user role news: News non_multilingual: Non multilingual options: Options orig_upload_file: Original filename page: Page position: Position published?: Published? purchase: Purchase registered: Registered role: Role roles: Roles setup_member: Member setup setup_translations: Translations setup setup_designs: Designs setup site: Site site_description: Site description site_description_help: | Describing your organization in a short paragraph within 50~80 words for recognition purpose of search engines.
Ex. MIT is devoted to the advancement of knowledge and education of students in areas that contribute to or prosper in an environment of science and technology. site_footer: Site footer site_footer_help: | Will be displayed on the website each page footer, usually for copyright information or contact information. site_info: Website Info site_keywords: Keywords site_keywords_help: | It can be the combination of title of your university, department, institute or sector.
(Full name or abbreviation)Divide different keyword with comma(,), keywords can be mixed with different languages, and different combination, but do not make it a too long list.
Example:清華大學,清大,化工,化學工程,研究所,Chemical Engineering,Tsing Hua,National Tsing Hua University,National University,NTHU,單元操作,單操,熱力學,流體力學,工程數學,工數,有機化學,無機化學,材料,生化,光譜,物化 site_language: Language site_settings: Site Setting site_sub_menu: Site sub-menu site_title: Site title site_title_help: | Please provide the Official Title of your organization. It is important keyword for search engines!
Example:Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU super_pages: Super pages structure: Structure system_info: System Info title: Title translation: Translation type: Type ui_theme: UI Theme up_to_date: Up-to-date update_error_link: Error when updating link. update_error_page: Error when updating page. update_success_content: Content was successfully updated. update_success_home: Homepage was successfully updated. update_success_layout: Layout was successfully updated. update_success_link: Link was successfully updated. update_success_page: Page was successfully updated. update_success_snippet: Snippet was successfully updated. update_success_user: User was successfully updated. upload_design: Upload design url: URL user: User user_role: auth: all_member: All Member manager: Manager sub_mamanger: SubManager by_role: By Role by_sub_role: By SubRole block_list: Block List privilege_list: Privilege List add_manager: Add Manager add_sub_manager: Add SubManager add_to_block_list: Add to block List add_to_privilege_list: Add to privilege List auth_by: -AuthBy %{user_display_name} info: User information panel: User panel role: User role dashboard: bulletin: Announcement news_bulletin: News page_context: Page web_link: Link panel: modal: close: Close preview: Preview