module OrbitBackendHelper #======================================================================================================================== # from bulletin_helper.rb #======================================================================================================================== def show_reject_reason(object) by_object = object.is_rejected by_user = (((object.create_user_id == rescue nil) or is_manager? or is_admin?) by_object && by_user end def show_form_status_field(object) #by_object = (!object.is_expired? and object.is_pending?) by_user = ((object.category.authed_users("fact_check_#{@module_app.key}").include?(current_user) rescue nil) or is_manager? or is_admin?) by_user end def show_approval_link(object) by_object = (!object.is_expired? and object.is_pending?) by_user = ((object.category.authed_users("fact_check_#{@module_app.key}").include?(current_user) rescue nil) or is_manager? or is_admin?) by_object and by_user end def show_delete_link(object) if !current_user.nil? by_object = (object.create_user_id == ) by_user = (is_manager? or is_admin?) by_object or by_user else false end end # def show_bulletin_title_at_index (bulletin) # if bulletin.is_checked? # link_to bulletin.title, panel_announcement_front_end_bulletin_path(bulletin, :category_id => rescue '' # else # bulletin.title # end # end #======================================================================================================================== #======================================================================================================================== #======================================================================================================================== #======================================================================================================================== #======================================================================================================================== #======================================================================================================================== #======================================================================================================================== def is_filter_active?(type, id) ' active' if (@filter[type].include?(id.to_s) rescue nil) end def is_sort_active?(field) res = t(field[:translation]) if params[:sort].eql?(field[:sort]) res << " " + content_tag(:b, nil, class: (params[:direction].eql?('asc') ? "icons-arrow-up-3" : "icons-arrow-down-4 ")) end res.html_safe end def show_toggle_archive_btn(object) object.disable ? t(:disable) : t(:enable) end def sortable_options(column) direction = (column == params[:sort] && params[:direction] == "asc") ? "desc" : "asc" {:sort => column, :direction => direction} end # =============================================================== # associated: # # TODO: link for other types # =============================================================== def get_value(object, field) authorization = !@authorization || (@authorization && is_authorized(object)) approvable = !@approvable || (@approvable && is_approvable(object)) res = '' case field[:type] when 'associated' res << object.send(field[:db_field]).send(field[:associated_value]) rescue '' when 'date' res << (object.send(field[:db_field]) ? display_date_time(object.send(field[:db_field])) : t(:no_date)) when 'field' res << with_link?(field, object, object.send(field[:db_field])) if field[:quick_edit] res << (content_tag :div, class: "quick-edit" do content_tag :ul, class: "nav nav-pills" do @quick_edit.each do |quick| concat get_quick_link(quick, object, authorization, approvable) end end end) end when 'status' if object.is_top? res << content_tag(:span, t(:top), class: "label label-success") + ' ' end if object.is_hot? res << content_tag(:span, t(:hot), class: "label label-important") + ' ' end if object.is_hidden? res << content_tag(:span, t(:hidden), class: "label") + ' ' end if object.is_pending? res << content_tag(:span, t(:pending), class: "label") + ' ' end if object.is_checked? res << content_tag(:span, t(:passed), class: "label") + ' ' end if object.is_rejected? res << content_tag(:span, t(:rejected), class: "label") + ' ' end when 'tags' object.sorted_tags.each do |tag| res << content_tag(:span,, class: "label label-warning") end if object.tags res.html_safe when 'id' res << field[:id_model].constantize.find(object.send(field[:db_field])).name rescue '' end res.html_safe end def index_table content_tag :table, class: "table main-list" do concat (content_tag :thead do (content_tag :tr, class: "sort-header" do @fields.each do |field| concat (content_tag :th, "data-hide" => field[:hide], class: "#{field[:header_class]} #{'active' if params[:sort].eql?(field[:sort])}" do if @sortable && field[:sort] link_to is_sort_active?(field), url_for({:filter => @filter}.merge(sortable_options(field[:sort]).merge(:sort_options => field[:db_field]))) else t(field[:translation]) end end) end end) end) concat (content_tag :tbody do (@objects.each do |object| concat (content_tag :tr do (@fields.each do |field| concat(content_tag :td, get_value(object, field)) end) end) end) end) end end def set_default_index(&block) @approvable = false @authorization = false @fields = [] @filter_fields =[] @filterable = false @index_footer = nil @quick_edit = [] @sortable = false end protected def approvable @approvable = true end def authorization @authorization = true end # =============================================================== # type: # check "get_value" # associated_value: # check "get_value" # db_field: # name of the field(s) in the database # translation: # key in the yml translation files # hide: # - no value: always shown # - all: alway hidden # - phone: hidden for phone # sort: # unique value used for keeping the sorted column # link: # if provided, the values will be shown as link # (only available for type 'field' for now) # =============================================================== def field(args={}) if !args.blank? && args[:type] && args[:translation] && args[:db_field] case args[:type] when 'status', 'field', 'date', 'tags' @fields << args when 'associated' @fields << args if args[:associated_value] when 'id' @fields << args if args[:id_model] end end end def filter_field(args={}) if !args.blank? && args[:type] && args[:values] && args[:translation] case args[:type] when 'array' @filter_fields << args when 'objects' @filter_fields << args if args[:object_field] end end end def filterable @filterable = true end # =============================================================== # args: # - paginate: default true, there'es no need to specify it # - link: path to the new action # TODO: links to other actions # =============================================================== def footer(args={}) paginate = args.has_key?(:paginate) ? args[:paginate] : true link = (is_manager? || is_sub_manager? rescue nil) && args.has_key?(:link) ? true : false if paginate || link @index_footer = content_tag :div, class: "bottomnav clearfix" do concat content_tag :div, link_to(content_tag(:i, nil, :class => 'icon-plus') + ' ' + t(:add), send(args[:link]), :class => 'btn btn-primary' ), class: "action pull-right" if link concat content_tag :div, paginate(@objects, :params => {:direction => params[:direction], :sort => params[:sort], :filter => @filter, :new_filter => nil, :sort_options => params[:sort_options]}), class: "pagination pagination-centered" if paginate end end end def get_quick_link(quick, object, authorization, approvable) case quick[:type] when 'approval' if show_approval_link(object) content_tag :li, link_to(t(quick[:translation] || :approval_), eval("#{quick[:link]}('#{}')"), class: "preview_trigger #{quick[:class]}") end when 'edit' if authorization || approvable content_tag :li, link_to(t(quick[:translation] || :edit), eval("#{quick[:link]}('#{}')"), class: quick[:class]) end when 'delete' if show_delete_link(object) content_tag :li, link_to(t(quick[:translation] || :delete_), '#', rel: eval("#{quick[:link]}('#{}')"), class: "delete_link #{quick[:class] || 'text-error'}") end when 'detail' content_tag :li, link_to(t(quick[:translation] || :detail), '#', class: (quick[:class] || "detail-row")) when 'reject_reason' if show_reject_reason(object) content_tag :li, link_to(t(quick[:translation] || :rejected_reason) + ' ' + truncate(object.not_checked_reason, :length => 10), '#', rel: "tooltip", 'data-original-title' => (wrap_string_with(object.not_checked_reason, :line_width => 24)), class: "reject_info #{quick[:class]}") end else content_tag :li, link_to(t(quick[:translation]), eval("#{quick[:link]}('#{}')"), class: quick[:class]) end end def is_approvable(object) current_or_guest_user.admin? || (!object.is_rejected? && !object.is_checked?) end def is_authorized(object) at_least_module_manager || object.category.cur_user_is_sub_manager_of("submit_#{@module_app.key}") end def quick_edit_link(args) @quick_edit << args end def objects(objects) @objects = objects end def sortable @sortable = true end def with_link?(field, object, value) if field[:link] && @approvable if object.class.instance_methods.include?(:is_checked?) && object.is_checked? link_to(value, eval("#{field[:link]}('#{}')")) # link_to bulletin.title, panel_announcement_front_end_bulletin_path(bulletin, :category_id => rescue '' else value end elsif field[:link] link_to(value, eval("#{field[:link]}('#{}')")) else value end end end