require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper') class RadiusContextTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include RadiusTestHelper def setup @context = new_context end def test_initialize @context = end def test_initialize_with_block @context = do |c| assert_kind_of Radius::Context, c c.define_tag('test') { 'just a test' } end assert_not_equal, @context.definitions end def test_with got = @context.with do |c| assert_equal @context, c end assert_equal @context, got end def test_render_tag define_global_tag "hello" do |tag| "Hello #{tag.attr['name'] || 'World'}!" end assert_render_tag_output 'Hello World!', 'hello' assert_render_tag_output 'Hello John!', 'hello', 'name' => 'John' end def test_render_tag__undefined_tag e = assert_raises(Radius::UndefinedTagError) { @context.render_tag('undefined_tag') } assert_equal "undefined tag `undefined_tag'", e.message end def test_tag_missing class << @context def tag_missing(tag, attr, &block) "undefined tag `#{tag}' with attributes #{attr.inspect}" end end text = '' expected = %{undefined tag `undefined_tag' with attributes {"cool"=>"beans"}} assert_nothing_raised { text = @context.render_tag('undefined_tag', 'cool' => 'beans') } assert_equal expected, text end private def assert_render_tag_output(output, *render_tag_params) assert_equal output, @context.render_tag(*render_tag_params) end end