# encoding: utf-8 namespace :dev do task :build => :environment do puts 'Empty the MongoDB database, exclude System stuff' Mongoid.master.collections.select do |collection| include = collection.name !~ /system/ puts 'Dropping ' + collection.name if include include end.each(&:drop) Site.create( :school => 'RulingDigital Universitry', :department => 'Computer Science', :valid_locales => [ 'en', 'zh_tw' ], :in_use_locales => [ 'zh_tw', 'en' ]) # I18n_variables I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'language', :key => 'en', :en => 'English', :zh_tw => '英文' ) I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'language', :key => 'zh_tw', :en => 'Chinese', :zh_tw => '中文' ) var_1 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Role', :key => 'teacher', :en => 'Teacher', :zh_tw => '老師' ) var_1_1 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'SubRole', :key => 'good_teacher', :en => 'Good teacher', :zh_tw => '好老師', :parent_id => var_1.id ) var_1_1_1 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Attribute', :key => 'field', :en => 'Field', :zh_tw => '領域', :parent_id => var_1_1.id ) var_1_1_2 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Attribute', :key => 'department', :en => 'Department', :zh_tw => '學系', :parent_id => var_1_1.id ) var_1_2 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'SubRole', :key => 'bad_teacher', :en => 'Bad teacher', :zh_tw => '壞老師', :parent_id => var_1.id ) var_1_2_1 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Attribute', :key => 'field', :en => 'Field', :zh_tw => '領域', :parent_id => var_1_2.id ) var_1_2_2 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Attribute', :key => 'department', :en => 'Department', :zh_tw => '學系', :parent_id => var_1_2.id ) var_1_2_3 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Attribute', :key => 'speciality', :en => 'Speciality', :zh_tw => '專業', :parent_id => var_1_2.id ) var_2 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Role', :key => 'student', :en => 'Student', :zh_tw => '學生' ) var_2_1 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'SubRole', :key => 'undergraduate', :en => 'Undergraduate', :zh_tw => '大學部學生', :parent_id => var_2.id ) var_2_1_1 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Attribute', :key => 'department', :en => 'Department', :zh_tw => '學系', :parent_id => var_2_1.id ) var_2_1_2 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Attribute', :key => 'major', :en => 'Major', :zh_tw => '主修', :parent_id => var_2_1.id ) var_2_2 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'SubRole', :key => 'graduate', :en => 'Graduate', :zh_tw => '研究生', :parent_id => var_2.id ) var_2_2_1 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Attribute', :key => 'department', :en => 'Department', :zh_tw => '學系', :parent_id => var_2_2.id ) var_2_2_2 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Attribute', :key => 'major', :en => 'Major', :zh_tw => '主修', :parent_id => var_2_2.id ) var_2_2_3 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Attribute', :key => 'thesis_subject', :en => 'Thesis subject', :zh_tw => '論文題目', :parent_id => var_2_2.id ) var_7 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Info', :key => 'profile', :en => 'Profile', :zh_tw => '個人檔案' ) var_8 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Attribute', :key => 'last_name', :en => 'Last name', :zh_tw => '姓氏', :parent_id => var_7.id ) var_9 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Attribute', :key => 'first_name', :en => 'First name', :zh_tw => '名字', :parent_id => var_7.id ) var_10 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Home', :key => 'home', :en => 'Homepage', :zh_tw => '首頁') var_11 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Page', :key => 'about', :en => 'About', :zh_tw => '關於我們' ) var_12 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Link', :key => 'google', :en => 'Google', :zh_tw => 'Google' ) var_13 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'PagePart', :key => 'main_content', :en => 'This is the homepage', :zh_tw => '這是首頁', :parent_id => var_10.id ) var_14 = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'PagePart', :key => 'main_content', :en => 'This is about', :zh_tw => '這是關於', :parent_id => var_11.id ) # User roles r_1 = Role.new( :key => 'teacher', :i18n_variable => var_1, :built_in => true ) sr_1_1 = r_1.sub_roles.build( :key => 'good_teacher', :i18n_variable => var_1_1, :built_in => true ) sr_1_1.attribute_fields.build( :key => 'field', :locale => true, :i18n_variable => var_1_1_1, :markup => 'text_field', :list_options => [], :built_in => true ) sr_1_1.attribute_fields.build( :key => 'department', :locale => true, :i18n_variable => var_1_1_2, :markup => 'text_field', :list_options => [], :built_in => true ) sr_1_2 = r_1.sub_roles.build( :key => 'bad_teacher', :i18n_variable => var_1_2 ) sr_1_2.attribute_fields.build( :key => 'field', :locale => true, :i18n_variable => var_1_2_1, :markup => 'text_field', :list_options => [] ) sr_1_2.attribute_fields.build( :key => 'department', :locale => true, :i18n_variable => var_1_2_2, :markup => 'text_field', :list_options => [] ) sr_1_2.attribute_fields.build( :key => 'speciality', :locale => true, :i18n_variable => var_1_2_3, :markup => 'text_field', :list_options => [] ) r_1.save! r_2 = Role.new( :key => 'student', :i18n_variable => var_2 ) sr_2_1 = r_2.sub_roles.build( :key => 'undergraduate', :i18n_variable => var_2_1 ) sr_2_1.attribute_fields.build( :key => 'department', :locale => true, :i18n_variable => var_2_1_1, :markup => 'text_field', :list_options => [] ) sr_2_1.attribute_fields.build( :key => 'major', :locale => true, :i18n_variable => var_2_1_2, :markup => 'text_field', :list_options => [] ) sr_2_2 = r_2.sub_roles.build( :key => 'graduate', :i18n_variable => var_2_2 ) sr_2_2.attribute_fields.build( :key => 'department', :locale => true, :i18n_variable => var_2_2_1, :markup => 'text_field', :list_options => [] ) sr_2_2.attribute_fields.build( :key => 'major', :locale => true, :i18n_variable => var_2_2_2, :markup => 'text_field', :list_options => [] ) sr_2_2.attribute_fields.build( :key => 'thesis_subject', :locale => true, :i18n_variable => var_2_2_3, :markup => 'text_field', :list_options => [] ) r_2.save! # User info i_1 = Info.new( :key => 'profile', :i18n_variable => var_7, :built_in => true ) i_1.attribute_fields.build( :key => 'last_name', :locale => true, :i18n_variable => var_8, :markup => 'text_field', :list_options => [], :built_in => true ) i_1.attribute_fields.build( :key => 'first_name', :locale => true, :i18n_variable => var_9, :markup => 'text_field', :list_options => [], :built_in => true ) i_1.save! design = Design.new(:title => "Fraisier", :author => "Paul", :intro => "Strawberry cake") design.build_default_css(:file => File.open("#{Rails.root}/lib/fraisier/default.css")) # image = design.images.build(:file => File.open("#{Rails.root}/lib/fraisier/img/buttons.gif")) # # js = design.javascripts.build(:file => File.open("#{Rails.root}/lib/fraisier/inettuts.js")) # theme = design.themes.build(:file => File.open("#{Rails.root}/lib/fraisier/themes/default.css")) theme_1 = design.themes.build(:file => File.open("#{Rails.root}/lib/fraisier/themes/red.css")) design.build_layout design.layout.file = File.open("#{Rails.root}/lib/fraisier/layout.html") design.layout.save theme.save theme_1.save # image.save # js.save design.save design_1 = Design.new(:title => "Bob", :author => "Me", :intro => "Moran") design_1.build_default_css(:file => File.open("#{Rails.root}/lib/fraisier/default.css")) # image = design.images.build(:file => File.open("#{Rails.root}/lib/fraisier/img/buttons.gif")) # # js = design.javascripts.build(:file => File.open("#{Rails.root}/lib/fraisier/inettuts.js")) # theme = design_1.themes.build(:file => File.open("#{Rails.root}/lib/fraisier/themes/default.css")) theme_1 = design_1.themes.build(:file => File.open("#{Rails.root}/lib/fraisier/themes/red.css")) design_1.build_layout design_1.layout.file = File.open("#{Rails.root}/lib/fraisier/layout.html") design_1.layout.save theme.save theme_1.save # image.save # js.save design_1.save home = Page.create!( :i18n_variable_id => var_10.id, :design_id => design_1.id, :name => 'home', :is_published => true, :theme_id => theme.id ) home.page_parts.create!( :name => 'content_1', :content => File.open("#{Rails.root}/lib/template/home.page").read, :kind => 'text', :i18n_variable_id => var_13.id ) Post.create(:title=>"1st post",:body=>"Long long time ago.....") Post.create(:title=>"2ec post",:body=>"And?.....") user = User.create( :email => 'chris@rulingcom.com', :password => 'password', :password_confirmation => 'password', :admin => true, :role_id => r_1.id, :sub_role_ids => [sr_1_2.id] ) AttributeValue.create( :user => user, :attribute_field => i_1.attribute_fields[0], :key => 'first_name', :en => 'Christophe', :zh_tw => '順發' ) AttributeValue.create( :user_id => user.id, :attribute_field_id => i_1.attribute_fields[1].id, :key => 'last_name', :en => 'Vilayphiou', :zh_tw => '林' ) AttributeValue.create( :user_id => user.id, :attribute_field_id => sr_1_2.attribute_fields[0].id, :key => 'field', :en => 'Computer Architecture', :zh_tw => '計算機系統結構' ) AttributeValue.create( :user_id => user.id, :attribute_field_id => sr_1_2.attribute_fields[1].id, :key => 'department', :en => 'Computer Science', :zh_tw => '計算機科學' ) AttributeValue.create( :user_id => user.id, :attribute_field_id => sr_1_2.attribute_fields[2].id, :key => 'speciality', :en => 'HSR', :zh_tw => '高鐵' ) user = User.create( :email => 'matt@rulingcom.com', :password => 'password', :password_confirmation => 'password', :admin => true, :role_id => r_2.id, :sub_role_ids => [sr_2_1.id ] ) AttributeValue.create( :user_id => user.id, :attribute_field_id => i_1.attribute_fields[0].id, :key => 'first_name', :en => 'Matt', :zh_tw => '儒淵' ) AttributeValue.create( :user_id => user.id, :attribute_field_id => i_1.attribute_fields[1].id, :key => 'last_name', :en => 'Fu', :zh_tw => '傅' ) AttributeValue.create( :user_id => user.id, :attribute_field_id => sr_2_1.attribute_fields[0].id, :key => 'major', :en => 'Information management', :zh_tw => '信息化管理' ) AttributeValue.create( :user_id => user.id, :attribute_field_id => sr_2_1.attribute_fields[1].id, :key => 'department', :en => 'Computer Science', :zh_tw => '計算機科學' ) end end