module ApplicationHelper FLASH_NOTICE_KEYS = [:error, :notice, :warning] def colorize_in_use_locale(locale) @site_in_use_locales.include?(locale)? 'green' : 'red' end def flash_messages return unless messages ={|k| FLASH_NOTICE_KEYS.include?(k)} formatted_messages = do |type| content_tag :div, :class => type.to_s do message_for_item(flash[type], flash["#{type}_item".to_sym]) end end raw(formatted_messages.join) end def link_back link_to t('back'), get_go_back, :class => 'nav' end # Clean the link back # Remove the locale but keep all the other params def get_go_back begin if request.url.include?('locale=') session[:last_page] else target = request.referer.split('?') vars = target[1].split('&') rescue [] vars.delete_if {|var| var.include? 'locale=' } session[:last_page] = if vars.size > 0 target[0].to_s + '?' + vars.join('&') else target[0].to_s end end rescue eval(params[:controller].split('/').join('_') << '_url') end end def message_for_item(message, item = nil) if item.is_a?(Array) message % link_to(*item) else message % item end end def add_attribute(partial, f, attribute) new_object = f.object.send(attribute).build fields = f.fields_for(attribute, new_object, :child_index => "new_#{attribute}") do |f| render :partial => partial, :object => new_object, :locals => {:f => f} end end def active_for_controllers(*controller_names) controller_names.include?(controller.controller_name) ? 'active' : nil end def visible_for_controllers(*controller_names) controller_names.include?(controller.controller_name) ? '' : 'hide' end def active_for_action(controller_name, action_name) (controller.controller_name.eql?(controller_name) && controller.action_name.eql?(action_name)) ? 'active' : nil end def sortable(column) direction = (column == params[:sort] && params[:direction] == "asc") ? "desc" : "asc" {:sort => column, :direction => direction} end def is_sort_active?(name) res = '' res << ' select' if params[:sort].eql?(name) res << ' active' if params[:sort].eql?(name) && params[:direction].eql?('asc') res end def is_sort?(name) ' web-symbol' if params[:sort].eql?(name) end def add_filter(param_name, value) filter = params[:filter] rescue nil if filter && filter.has_key(param_name) filter[param_name] << value elsif filter filter.merge({param_name => [value]}) else {param_name => [value]} end end end