class User include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps devise :database_authenticatable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :registerable mount_uploader :avatar, AvatarUploader field :admin, :type => Boolean, :default => true field :active_role field :nccu_ldap_uid field :email # field :cache_dept # has_one :cache_dept, :class_name => "I18nVariable", :as => :language_value, :autosave => true, :dependent => :destroy field :cache_dept,type: Hash field :status_record,type: Hash has_many :attribute_values, :autosave => true, :dependent => :destroy has_many :app_auths,as: :privilege_apps,:inverse_of => :privilege_lists has_many :blocked_apps, :inverse_of => :blocked_users, :class_name => "AppAuth", :dependent => :destroy has_many :privilege_apps, :inverse_of => :privilege_users, :class_name => "AppAuth", :dependent => :destroy has_many :managing_apps,:class_name => "AppManager", :dependent => :destroy has_one :desktop, :autosave => true, :dependent => :destroy has_many :other_accounts, :autosave => true, :dependent => :destroy has_many :journals, :autosave => true, :dependent => :destroy has_many :papers, :autosave => true, :dependent => :destroy has_and_belongs_to_many :sub_role_tags has_and_belongs_to_many :statuses has_and_belongs_to_many :roles has_and_belongs_to_many :sub_roles accepts_nested_attributes_for :attribute_values, :allow_destroy => true before_create :initialize_desktop before_save :check_status_record scope :remote_account, where( => nil) validates_uniqueness_of :email,:message=> I18n.t("devise.registrations.email_not_unique") def set_sub_role(sub_role_id,status_id) self.sub_roles << SubRole.find(sub_role_id),status_id) end # def get_status(*params) # param = params[0] # case param.class.to_s # when 'String' # sr = ::SubRole.find sub_role_id # when 'Hash' # sr = ::SubRole.first({conditions:{key: param[:key]}}) # end # if self.sub_roles.include?(sr) # return ::Status.find(status_record.fetch( # else # nil # end # end def new_attribute_values=(fields) fields.each do |key,field| end end def self.find_by_status_and_sub_role_key(sub_role_key,status_key) #Query for users by using specific sub_role and status key sr = ::SubRole.first({conditions: { key: sub_role_key }}) status = ::Status.first({conditions:{role_id:,key: status_key}}) find_by_status(, end def self.find_by_status(sub_role_id,status_id) #Query for users by using specific sub_role and status key buy within ID User.where("status_record.#{sub_role_id}" => status_id) end def create_dept_cache dept_hash = {} VALID_LOCALES.each do |loc| locale = loc.to_sym dept_hash[locale] = sub_roles.collect{|sr| sr.title}.join(',') end self.cache_dept = dept_hash! end def self.current Thread.current[:user] end def self.current=(user) Thread.current[:user] = user end def avb_apps sub_role_ids_ary=self.sub_roles.collect{|t|} query1 = AppAuth.any_in({sub_role_ids: sub_role_ids_ary}).excludes(blocked_user_ids: query2 = AppAuth.any_of({all: true},{privilege_user_ids:},{role_ids:}).excludes(blocked_user_ids: (query1 + query2).uniq end def name info = Class::Info.first(:conditions => {:key => 'profile'}) if info first_name = get_attribute_values.detect {|value| value.key.to_s.eql?('first_name') }[I18n.locale.to_s] rescue nil last_name = get_attribute_values.detect {|value| value.key.to_s.eql?('last_name') }[I18n.locale.to_s] rescue nil return "#{last_name} #{first_name}" else return nil end end def get_attribute_values @attribute_values ||= self.attribute_values end def get_value_from_field_id(field_id) values = get_attribute_values value = values.detect {|value| value.attribute_field_id == field_id} rescue nil value ? value : nil end def self.from_id(id) User.find(id) rescue nil end def initialize_desktop self.build_desktop end protected def check_status_record roles = sub_roles.collect{|t| t.role}.uniq #get all role from sub_roles sub_roles_ary = sub_roles.collect{|t|} self.status_record = status_record.keep_if{|sub_role_id, status_id| includeing = sub_roles_ary.include?(sub_role_id) valide = false if includeing sub_role = SubRole.find sub_role_id valide = sub_role.role.statuses.include? (Status.find status_id) end (includeing and valide) } rescue {} end end