class PagesController < ApplicationController include ApplicationHelper before_filter :get_item, :only => [:index_from_link, :show_from_link] before_filter :check_frontend_open, :only => [:index,:show] # caches_page :index def index @item = Page.find_by_name('home') if @item # delayed_impressionist(@item) impressionist(@item) if params[:edit] if request.referer && request.referer.ends_with?("admin/items") redirect_to admin_page_url(@item) else render :file => "#{Rails.root}/public/403.html", :status => 403 end else render_page end else redirect_to '/admin/dashboards',:notice=>t(:need_home) # render :text => t(:need_home) end end def show #begin @item = Item.first(:conditions => {:path => params[:page_name]}) if @item && @item.is_published && (@item.enabled_for.nil? ? true : @item.enabled_for.include?(I18n.locale.to_s)) # delayed_impressionist(@item) impressionist(@item) case @item.class.to_s when 'Page' if params[:clicked_field_name] render_page({"clicked_field_name"=>params["clicked_field_name"]}) unless save_from_no_lang_for_page elsif params[:edit] if request.referer && request.referer.ends_with?("admin/items") redirect_to admin_page_url(@item) else render :file => "#{Rails.root}/public/403.html", :status => 403 end else render_page(params.except(:controller, :action, :page_name)) unless save_from_no_lang_for_page end when 'Link' redirect_to(@item[:url]) unless save_from_no_lang_for_page end else render :file => "#{Rails.root}/public/404.html", :status => :not_found end #rescue # render :file => "#{Rails.root}/public/404.html", :status => :not_found #end end def convert_array_param(key,array) array.collect{|t| "#{key}[]=#{t}"}.join("&") end def index_from_link url = "/#{@item.path}" options = '' options << "#{options.blank? ? '?' : '&'}page_main=#{params[:page_main]}" unless params[:page_main].blank? options << "#{options.blank? ? '?' : '&'}click=#{params[:click]}" unless params[:click].blank? # options << "#{options.blank? ? '?' : '&'}part_id=#{params[:page_part_id]}" unless params[:page_part_id].blank? if params[:category_id].is_a? Array options << "#{options.blank? ? '?' : '&'}#{convert_array_param('filter_category_id',params[:category_id])}" unless params[:category_id].blank? elsif params[:category_id].is_a? String options << "#{options.blank? ? '?' : '&'}filter_category_id=#{params[:category_id]}" unless params[:category_id].blank? end if params[:tag_id].is_a? Array options << "#{options.blank? ? '?' : '&'}#{convert_array_param('filter_tag_id',params[:tag_id])}" unless params[:tag_id].blank? elsif params[:category_id].is_a? String options << "#{options.blank? ? '?' : '&'}filter_tag_id=#{params[:tag_id]}" unless params[:tag_id].blank? end options << "#{options.blank? ? '?' : '&'}search_query=#{params[:search_query]}" unless params[:search_query].blank? options << "#{options.blank? ? '?' : '&'}name=#{params[:name]}" unless params[:name].blank? # uri = URI::escape(url + options) uri = url + options #uri = URI::escape("#{url}?" + params.collect{|k,v| "#{k}=#{v}"}.join('&')) redirect_to(uri)unless save_from_no_lang_for_page end def show_from_link url = "/#{@item.path}" options = '' options << "#{options.blank? ? '?' : '&'}id=#{params[:id]}" unless params[:id].blank? options << "#{options.blank? ? '?' : '&'}category_id=#{params[:category_id]}" unless params[:category_id].blank? options << "#{options.blank? ? '?' : '&'}tag_id=#{params[:tag_id]}" unless params[:tag_id].blank? options << "#{options.blank? ? '?' : '&'}preview=#{params[:preview]}" unless params[:preview].blank? options << "#{options.blank? ? '?' : '&'}controller_action=#{params[:controller_action]}" unless params[:controller_action].blank? options << "#{options.blank? ? '?' : '&'}clicked_field_name=#{params[:clicked_field_name]}" unless params[:clicked_field_name].blank? options << "#{options.blank? ? '?' : '&'}image_id=#{params[:image_id]}" unless params[:image_id].blank? redirect_to(url + options) unless save_from_no_lang_for_page end def load_orbit_bar @referer = request.referer render partial: 'layouts/orbit_bar' end protected def get_item # if params[:page_id] # @item = Item.find(params[:page_id]) # elsif params[:same_page_id] # @item = Item.find(params[:same_page_id]) # else # category_ids = Array(params[:category_id]) unless params[:category_id].nil? # tag_ids = Array(params[:tag_id]) unless params[:tag_id].nil? # module_app = ModuleApp.first(:conditions => {:key => params[:app_name]}) # default_query = { is_published: true, module_app_id:, => [params[:app_action], 'default_widget'] } # specific_categories = { :category => category_ids } # in_categories = { => category_ids } # nil_categories = { => [nil, []] } # specific_tags = { :tag => tag_ids } # in_tags = { => tag_ids } # nil_tags = { => [nil, []] } # if !category_ids.blank? && !tag_ids.blank? # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(specific_categories).merge(specific_tags)).first # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(specific_categories).merge(in_tags)).first unless @item # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(specific_categories).merge(nil_tags)).first unless @item # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(specific_tags).merge(in_categories)).first unless @item # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(specific_tags).merge(nil_categories)).first unless @item # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(in_categories).merge(in_tags)).first unless @item # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(in_categories).merge(nil_tags)).first unless @item # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(in_tags).merge(nil_categories)).first unless @item # elsif !category_ids.blank? # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(specific_categories).merge(nil_tags)).first # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(specific_categories)).first unless @item # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(in_categories).merge(nil_tags)).first unless @item # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(in_categories)).first unless @item # elsif !tag_ids.blank? # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(specific_tags).merge(nil_categories)).first # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(specific_tags)).first unless @item # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(in_tags).merge(nil_categories)).first unless @item # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(in_tags)).first unless @item # end # @item = Item.find(params[:orig_page]) unless @item || params[:orig_page].blank? # @item = Item.where(default_query.merge(nil_categories).merge(nil_tags)).first unless @item # @item = Item.where(default_query).first unless @item # end # raise PageError, 'Missing Frontend Page' if @item.nil? # if params[:page_id] # @item = Item.find(params[:page_id]) # elsif params[:same_page_id] # @item = Item.find(params[:same_page_id]) # else # category_ids = params[:category_id].is_a?(Array) ? params[:category_id] : [params[:category_id]] # tag_ids = params[:tag_id].is_a?(Array) ? params[:tag_id] : [params[:tag_id]] # module_app = ModuleApp.first(:conditions => {:key => params[:app_name]}) # if !category_ids.blank? && !tag_ids.blank? # @item = Item.first(:conditions => {:module_app_id =>, :app_frontend_url => params[:app_action], => category_ids, => tag_ids}) # @item = Item.first(:conditions => {:module_app_id =>, :app_frontend_url => params[:app_action], => category_ids, => [nil, []]}) unless @item # elsif !category_ids.blank? # @item = Item.where(module_app_id:, app_frontend_url: params[:app_action], => category_ids).any_in(tag: [nil, []]).first # elsif !tag_ids.blank? # @item = Item.where(module_app_id:, app_frontend_url: params[:app_action], => tag_ids).any_in(category: [nil, []]).first # end # @item = Item.find(params[:orig_page]) unless @item || params[:orig_page].blank? # @item = Item.where(module_app_id:, app_frontend_url: params[:app_action]).all_of("tag" => {"$in" => [nil, []]},"category" => { "$in" => [nil, []]}).first unless @item # # @item = Item.root.children.where(:module_app_id => # @item = Item.where(module_app_id:, app_frontend_url: 'default_widget').first unless @item # @item = Item.where(module_app_id:, app_frontend_url: params[:app_action]).first unless @item # end # raise PageError,'Missing Frontend Page' if @item.nil? if params[:page_id] @item = Item.find(params[:page_id]) elsif params[:same_page_id] @item = Item.find(params[:same_page_id]) else module_app = ModuleApp.first(:conditions => {:key => params[:app_name]}) category_ids = params[:category_id] ? (params[:category_id].is_a?(Array) ? params[:category_id] : [params[:category_id]]) : [] tag_ids = params[:tag_id].is_a?(Array) ? params[:tag_id] : [params[:tag_id]] if !category_ids.blank? @item = Item.where(:category => category_ids).first else if params[:action] && params[:action] == "show_from_link" if params[:preview] model = "preview".classify.constantize rescue nil if !model.nil? item = model.find(params[:id]) @item = Item.where(:category => [item.object['category_id']]).first if !module_app.has_category.blank? end else model = params[:app_action].classify.constantize rescue nil if !model.nil? item = model.find(params[:id]) @item = Item.where(:category => [item.category_id.to_s]).first if !module_app.has_category.blank? end end end end @item = Item.root.children.where(:module_app_id => unless @item @item = Item.where(:module_app_id => unless @item end raise PageError,'Missing Frontend Page' if @item.nil? end def check_frontend_open if !Site.first.frontend_open && current_user.nil? #Need to be change redirect_to '/admin/dashboards' end end def save_from_no_lang_for_page if @item.nil? or !@item.enabled_for_lang(I18n.locale.to_s) flash[:error] = t('sys.module_page_lang_not_support') redirect_to '/' return true else return false end end end