#!/bin/bash if [ -z "$6" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 ip port username password example.com user_pass"; echo "You can pass custom site name and db name and server name!"; echo "Usage: $0 ip port username password example.com user_pass new_site_name new_db_name server_name_with_port"; echo "Example:" echo "Usage: $0 22 Myuser Mypass example.com CurrentUserPassword xxxx xxxx new.example.com:3000"; history -c exit 1; fi ip="$1"; port="$2"; user="$3"; pass="$4"; domain="$5"; user_pass="$6"; new_site_name="$7"; new_db_name="$8"; if [[ ! -z "$9" ]]; then new_server_name="$(echo "$9"|sed 's/:.\+//g')"; if [[ ! -z "$(echo "$9"|grep ':')" ]]; then new_server_port="$(echo "$9"|sed 's/[^:]\+://g')"; if [[ -z "$new_server_port" ]]; then new_server_port="80"; fi fi fi domain_escape=`echo $domain|sed 's/\./\\\./g'`; shopt -s dotglob; if [[ "$ip" == "" ]] || [[ "$ip" == "$local_ip" ]]; then ssh_command="bash -l -c" scp_command="cp -r -P " use_local_command="true" echo "Local command!" else ssh_command="sshpass -p $pass ssh $user@$ip -p $port"; scp_command="sshpass -p $pass scp -r -P $port $user@$ip:"; scan_ssh_keys=`ssh-keyscan -H $ip -p $port` if [ -z "$(grep -w "$scan_ssh_keys" ~/.ssh/known_hosts)" ]; then echo "$scan_ssh_keys" >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts fi use_local_command="" fi nginx_file=`$ssh_command "grep -e $'\s''$domain_escape' /etc/nginx/orbit_sites/* -l"|xargs|awk '{print $1}'`; remote_sudo_command="echo $pass|sudo -S -p ' '" alias sudo_command="echo $user_pass|sudo -S -p ' '" if [ -z "$(which sshpass)" ]; then sudo_command apt install sshpass -y; fi function escape_slash(){ echo "$1"|sed 's/\//\\\//g' } function exit_command(){ cd $org_pwd unalias sudo_command; exit_code="$1"; if [[ -z "$exit_code" ]]; then exit_code="0"; fi history -c && exit $exit_code; } if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then exit_command 1; else if [ -z "$nginx_file" ]; then echo "$domain not found in nginx file!"; echo "Please Check ip and domain is correct"; else root_path=`$ssh_command "cat '$nginx_file'|grep -E '(^|^\s+)root'|sed -E 's/(^|^\s+)root\s+//'|tr ';' ' '|awk '{print \\$1}'|sed 's/\/public$//g'"`; echo "root_path: $root_path"; db_name=`$ssh_command "grep -w 'database' '$root_path/config/mongoid.yml' -m1|sed 's/database://g'| xargs"` if [ -z $db_name ]; then exit_command 1; fi echo "Database name: $db_name"; date_str=`date "+%Y%m%d"` mongo_output="$root_path/dump_$date_str" $ssh_command "mongodump -d $db_name -o '$mongo_output'" $ssh_command "cp -f $nginx_file '$root_path/.'" match_ssl=`$ssh_command "cat '$nginx_file'|grep -E '443\s+ssl'"` if [[ ! -z $match_ssl ]]; then echo "SSL Detected!" ssl_certificate_file=`$ssh_command "grep -E '^(|\s+)ssl_certificate\s' $nginx_file|sed -E 's/^(|\s+)ssl_certificate(|_key)//g'|sed -E 's/;.*//g'|xargs|awk '{print \\$1}'"` ssl_certificate_key_file=`$ssh_command "grep -E '^(|\s+)ssl_certificate_key\s' $nginx_file|sed -E 's/^(|\s+)ssl_certificate(|_key)//g'|sed -E 's/;.*//g'|xargs|awk '{print \\$1}'"` $ssh_command "mkdir -p $root_path/ssl_files" if [[ "$ssl_certificate_file" == *"/letsencrypt/"* ]]; then echo "Use certbot!" real_domain=`basename $(dirname $ssl_certificate_file)` $ssh_command "mkdir -p $root_path/ssl_files/renewal" $ssh_command "$remote_sudo_command cp -L /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/$real_domain.conf $root_path/ssl_files/renewal/." org_ssl_dir=`dirname $ssl_certificate_file` new_ssl_dir="ssl_files/$(basename org_ssl_dir)" $ssh_command "$remote_sudo_command cp -r -f -L $org_ssl_dir $root_path/ssl_files/." else $ssh_command "$remote_sudo_command cp -f $ssl_certificate_file $root_path/ssl_files/." $ssh_command "$remote_sudo_command cp -f $ssl_certificate_key_file $root_path/ssl_files/." fi $ssh_command "$remote_sudo_command chown $user:$user $root_path/ssl_files -R" fi if [ -z "$new_site_name" ]; then new_site_name="$db_name" fi if [ -z "$new_db_name" ]; then new_db_name="$db_name" fi local_store_path="$HOME/orbit_sites/$new_site_name" mkdir -p "$local_store_path" if [[ -z "$use_local_command" ]]; then $scp_command$root_path/* $local_store_path/. else $scp_command$root_path/* $local_store_path/. fi cd $local_store_path new_nginx_file="/etc/nginx/orbit_sites/$new_site_name" sudo_command cp -f "$(basename $nginx_file)" $new_nginx_file mongorestore -d $new_db_name $(basename $mongo_output)/$db_name --drop sed "s/\(database:\s\+\).\+/\1${new_db_name}/g" -i "$local_store_path/config/mongoid.yml" if [[ -z "$use_local_command" ]] && [[ ! -z "$match_ssl" ]]; then if [[ ! -z $org_ssl_dir ]]; then sudo_command mkdir -p $org_ssl_dir if [ -z "$(which certbot)" ]; then wget http://gitlab.tp.rulingcom.com/erictyl/install_r45_on_ubuntu_1804lts_doc/-/raw/master/install_certbot.sh sudo_command bash ./install_certbot.sh fi sudo_command sudo cp -r $new_ssl_dir/* $org_ssl_dir/. sudo_command sudo cp -r $new_ssl_dir/renewal/* /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/. else sed "s/$(escape_slash $ssl_certificate_file)/$(escape_slash $root_path)\/ssl_files\/$(basename $ssl_certificate_file)/g" -i $new_nginx_file sed "s/$(escape_slash $ssl_certificate_key_file)/$(escape_slash $root_path)\/ssl_files\/$(basename $ssl_certificate_key_file)/g" -i $new_nginx_file fi echo "Finish changing ssl setting!" fi sudo_command sed "s/$(escape_slash $root_path)/$(escape_slash $local_store_path)/g" -i "$new_nginx_file" old_sock_name=`sudo_command grep -w 'upstream' $new_nginx_file|sed 's/\(upstream\s\+\)\([^ ]\+\)/\2/g'|sed 's/\s*{//g'|xargs` new_sock_name="${new_site_name}_sock" sudo_command sed "s/\(upstream\s\+\)[^ ]\+/\1${new_sock_name}/g" -i "$new_nginx_file" sudo_command sed "s/proxy_pass\s\+http:\/\/${old_sock_name}/proxy_pass http:\/\/${new_sock_name}/g" -i "$new_nginx_file" if [[ ! -z $new_server_name ]]; then match_listen_line=`sudo_command grep -E '(^|[^#]+)listen' $new_nginx_file -n|grep -v 'ssl'|cut -d : -f 1|xargs|awk '{print $1}'` if [[ -z "$match_listen_line" ]]; then match_listen_line=`sudo_command grep -E '(^|[^#]+)listen' $new_nginx_file -n|cut -d : -f 1|xargs|awk '{print $1}'` if [[ ! -z "$match_listen_line" ]]; then sudo_command sed $match_listen_line,+0"s/\([^#]\+\)listen.\+/\0\n\1listen $new_server_port;/g" -i $new_nginx_file match_listen_line=$(($match_listen_line+1)) fi else sudo_command sed $match_listen_line,+0"s/\([^#]\+\)listen.\+/\1listen $new_server_port;/g" -i $new_nginx_file fi if [[ -z "$match_listen_line" ]]; then echo "You need to edit nginx file: $new_nginx_file by yourself!" else sudo_command sed "s/server_name\([^;]\+\)/server_name\1 $new_server_name/g" -i $new_nginx_file sudo_command sed "s/\(\$host\s*=\s*\)$domain_escape/\1$new_server_name/g" -i $new_nginx_file sudo_command sed "s/\(return\s\+30\(1\|2\)\s\+https:\/\/\)$domain_escape/\1$new_server_name/g" -i $new_nginx_file fi fi sudo_command nginx -t if [ "$?" == "0" ];then sudo_command service nginx restart; else echo "Nginx setting has some problem!"; echo "Please restart nginx by yourself!"; fi rm -f Gemfile.lock bundle install rm -f tmp/unicorn.sock tmp/pids/unicorn.pid wget http://gitlab.tp.rulingcom.com/erictyl/install_r45_on_ubuntu_1804lts_doc/-/raw/master/start_site.sh -O start_site.sh wget http://gitlab.tp.rulingcom.com/erictyl/install_r45_on_ubuntu_1804lts_doc/-/raw/master/close_site.sh -O close_site.sh bash ./start_site.sh production echo "Finish moving and installing site!" echo "Site Path: $local_store_path" exit_command 0; fi fi