require 'time' require 'date' class Event include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include OrbitTag::Taggable # include Mongoid::MultiParameterAttributes field :title field :note field :title_translations,type: Hash,default: {} field :note_translations,type: Hash,default: {} field :start, type: DateTime field :end, type: DateTime field :all_day, type: Boolean,default: false field :recurring, type: Boolean,default: false field :frequency field :period field :recurring_end_date, type: DateTime field :create_user_id field :update_user_id field :module_key field :model_cat field :model_page_id field :model_tags,type: Array,default: [] belongs_to :calendar_type field :url field :url_translations,type: Hash,default: {} def get_module_url page = !self.model_page_id.blank? ? Page.find(self.model_page_id): Page.where(:module => self.module_key).where( => Array(self.model_cat)+[[]],>Array(self.model_tags)+[[]]).first page.nil? ? '' : (page.url+'/'+eval(self.model_class).where(:id=>self.model_id).first.to_calendar_param) end def url_to_fronted tmp_url = self.url tmp_url.blank? ? (self.model_class.blank? ? '' : (self.get_module_url rescue '')) : tmp_url end attr_accessor :agenda_start, :agenda_end, :get_agenda_events #let other model can connect to this model field :key field :model_class field :model_id before_destroy do if !self.model_class.blank? m = eval(self.model_class).where(id: self.model_id).first rescue nil if !m.nil? if self.key.nil? m.event_id = nil m.add_to_calendar = false else m.calendar_dict.delete(self.key) if !m['calendar_data'].nil? tmp = m['calendar_data'] tmp['key'] = Array(tmp['key']) - [self.key] m['calendar_data'] = tmp end end end end end before_save do self['title'] = self.title self['note'] = self.note self['url'] = self.url end ######################################## validates_presence_of :title, :message => "Please fill the title of the Event", :if => lambda { self['title_translations'].blank? } validates_presence_of :title_translations, :message => "Please fill the title of the Event", :if => lambda { self['title'].blank? } def title(locale=I18n.locale) tp = self['title_translations'][locale] rescue nil tp.nil? ? self['title'] : tp end def note(locale=I18n.locale) tp = self['note_translations'][locale] tp.nil? ? self['note'] : tp end def url(locale=I18n.locale) tp = self['url_translations'][locale] tp.nil? ? self['url'] : tp end def self.with_categories(cat_ids=[]) if cat_ids.blank? self.all else self.where( => cat_ids) end end def bulletin model_class=='Bulletin' ? (Bulletin.find(self.model_id) rescue nil) : nil end def self.format_date(date_time) end REPEATS = [ "Daily" , "Weekly" , "Monthly" , "Yearly" ] def as_json(options = {}) if options["frontend"] { :id =>, :title => self.title, :note => self.note || "", :start => self.start.to_json.gsub('"',''), :end => self.end.to_json.gsub('"',''), :allDay => self.all_day, :recurring => self.recurring, :calendar => self.calendar_type_id.to_s, :color => (self.calendar_type.color rescue nil), :diff_day => self.all_day } else { :id =>, :title => self.title, :note => self.note || "", :start => self.start.to_json.gsub('"',''), :end => self.end.to_json.gsub('"',''), :allDay => self.all_day, :recurring => self.recurring, :calendar => self.calendar_type_id.to_s, :color => (self.calendar_type.color rescue nil), :diff_day => self.all_day, :edit_url => Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.edit_admin_calendar_path(:locale=>I18n.locale, :id=>, :delete_url => Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.admin_calendar_path(:locale=>I18n.locale, :id=> } end end def self.monthly_event(start_date,end_date) self.any_of({:start.lte => start_date,:end.gte => start_date},{:start.gte => start_date,:end.lte => end_date},{:start.lte => end_date,:end.gte => end_date}).asc(:start) end def self.convert_front self.all.collect do |re| edit_url = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.edit_admin_calendar_path(:locale=>I18n.locale, :id=> delete_url = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.admin_calendar_path(:locale=>I18n.locale, :id=> {:id =>, :title=>re.title, :note=>re.note || "", :allDay => re.all_day, :recurring => re.recurring, :calendar =>, :color => (re.calendar_type.color rescue nil), :edit_url => edit_url, :delete_url => delete_url, :url_linked => re.url_to_fronted, :start => re.start, :end => re.end} end end def self.get_diff_month(date1,date2) (date2.year-date1.year)*12+(date2.month-date1.month) end def self.recurring_event(start_date,end_date) @recurring_events = self.where(:recurring => true).any_of({:recurring_end_date=>nil}, {:recurring_end_date.gte=>start_date.utc}) @recurring = [] @recurring_events.each do |re| has_recurring_end_date = re.recurring_end_date.present? data = re.as_json period_str = nil is_month = false is_year = false days = 1 interval = nil if re.period == 'Daily' period_str = 'day' interval = elsif re.period == 'Weekly' period_str = 'week' days = 7 interval = 1.week elsif re.period == 'Monthly' period_str = 'month' is_month = true days = 30 elsif re.period == 'Yearly' period_str = 'year' is_year = true days = 365 end if period_str org_start = re.start @start_date = re.start @end_date = re.end freq = re.frequency.to_i interval = freq.send(period_str) if is_month add_interval = ((start_date.year * 12 + start_date.month) - (@start_date.year * 12 + @start_date.month) - 1) elsif is_year add_interval = (start_date.year - @start_date.year - 1) else add_interval = (((start_date - @start_date - / / days) end if add_interval < 0 add_interval = add_interval % freq end rest = add_interval % freq if rest != 0 add_interval += (freq - rest) end add_interval = add_interval.send(period_str) @start_date += add_interval @end_date += add_interval new_end_date = has_recurring_end_date ? [re.recurring_end_date,end_date].min : end_date while @start_date <= new_end_date do if @start_date >= start_date && @start_date != org_start @recurring << data.merge({:start => @start_date.to_json.gsub('"',''), :end => @end_date.to_json.gsub('"','')}) end @start_date += interval @end_date += interval end else next end end @recurring end def self.agenda_events(agenda_start, agenda_end) recurring = self.recurring_event(agenda_start,agenda_end) events = self.monthly_event(agenda_start, agenda_end).convert_front recurring = recurring.concat(events) recurring end end