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client_management: Client Management
server_manager: Server Manager
sites_list: Site List
upload_cert: Upload Cert
cert_management: Cert Management
alreay_install: Alreay install
not_install: Not install
active: Active
over_the_limit: Please Contact us (RulingCare) to add the limit of Site number.
redirect_to_https: Redirect to https
start_date: Start Date
end_date: End Date
change_setting: Change Setting
upload_cert: Upload Cert
https_setting: https Setting
change_file: Change File
select_file: Select File
upload_date: Upload date
private_key: Private key
cert_file: Public key
ca_bundle: Ca Bundle
cert_management: Cert Management
development: Development
production: Production
site_mode: Site mode
only_copy_installed_module: Only copy installed modules
copy_source: Copy Source
see_sites: See sites on the server
client_management: Client Management
my_sites: My Sites
help_and_faq: Help and FAQ
get_in_contact: Contact CS
site_list: Site List
add_site: Add Site
please_wait: Please wait while we gather your sites.
tickets: Tickets
services: Services
create_ticket: Create Ticket
loading_tickets: Please wait while we get your tickets.
payments: Payments
new_ticket: New Ticket
ticket_subject: Ticket Subject
ticket_type: Ticket Type
query: Query
no_ticket_found: No tickets found.
no_sites_found: No sites found.
loading_sites: Loading your sites.
email: Email
password: Password
confirm_password: Confirm Password
fullname: Fullname
profile: Profile
phone_number: Phone Number
address: Address
profile_password: Profile Password
user: User
request_type: Request Type
requested_on: Requested On
request_uid: Request ID
new_site_cost: New Site
hosting_with_rulingdigital_cost: Hosting
service_cost: Maintainance
option_module_cost: Optional Module(s)
customized_module_cost: Customized Module
template_cost: Template
customized_template_cost: Customized Template
rwd_cost: RWD
new_requests: New Requests
completed_requests: Completed Requests
contracts: Contracts
contract_uid: Contract ID
site: Site
created_on: Created On
loading_history: Loading History
loading_contracts: Loading Contracts
receipt_number: Receipt Number
amount: Total Amount
amount_received: Amount Received
amount_pending: Amount Pending
receipt_status: Receipt Status
loading_purchases: Loading Purchases
create_site: Create Site
sites_list: Site list
server_manager: Server Manager
confirm: Confirm
cancel: Cancel
please_input_confirm_delete: "Please input 'Confirm delete' to here."
confirm_delete: Confirm delete
action: Action
see_logs: See logs
see_logs_for_site: "see infos for %{site}"
start_site: Start site
start_site_for_site: "Start %{site}"
restart_site: Restart site
create_site: Create site
recreate_site: Recreate site
close_site: Close site
close_site_for_site: "Close %{site}"
delete_site: Delete site
delete_site_for_site: "Delete %{site}"
exec_commands: Exec commands
exec_commands_on_site: "Exec commands on %{site}"
copy_site: Copy site
copy_site_hint: Copy site to another site.
edit_cert_setting: Edit cert Setting
delete_from_list: Delete from list
delete_from_list_for_site: "Delete %{site} from list"
detail: See details
see_detail_for_site: "See details for %{site}"
status: Status
server_name: Server name
domain_name: Domain name
switch_to_development: Switch to development
switch_to_production: Switch to production