From 6e63cf4777f14c08d10cd51ba1a81ee58e49cae9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bohung Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2022 19:40:16 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Fix fullcalendar js bug.(stuck at loading and more button out of column) --- .../javascripts/property_hire_fullcalendar.js | 37 +- .../property_hire_fullcalendar.min.js | 2 +- app/assets/javascripts/tmp.js | 15303 ++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 15340 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 app/assets/javascripts/tmp.js diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/property_hire_fullcalendar.js b/app/assets/javascripts/property_hire_fullcalendar.js index a3fb4a6..8b13ae1 100644 --- a/app/assets/javascripts/property_hire_fullcalendar.js +++ b/app/assets/javascripts/property_hire_fullcalendar.js @@ -12337,7 +12337,7 @@ var FullCalendar = (function (exports) { function computeFgSegPlacement(segs, // assumed already sorted dayMaxEvents, dayMaxEventRows, strictOrder, eventInstanceHeights, maxContentHeight, cells) { var hierarchy = new DayGridSegHierarchy(); - hierarchy.allowReslicing = true; + hierarchy.allowReslicing = false; hierarchy.strictOrder = strictOrder; if (dayMaxEvents === true || dayMaxEventRows === true) { hierarchy.maxCoord = maxContentHeight; @@ -12379,12 +12379,15 @@ var FullCalendar = (function (exports) { // add segs with unknown heights for (var _i = 0, unknownHeightSegs_1 = unknownHeightSegs; _i < unknownHeightSegs_1.length; _i++) { var seg = unknownHeightSegs_1[_i]; + var relation_idx = multiColPlacements[seg.firstCol].length; multiColPlacements[seg.firstCol].push({ seg: seg, isVisible: false, isAbsolute: true, absoluteTop: 0, marginTop: 0, + relation_idx: relation_idx, + thickness: null }); for (var col = seg.firstCol; col <= seg.lastCol; col += 1) { singleColPlacements[col].push({ @@ -12404,6 +12407,7 @@ var FullCalendar = (function (exports) { var hiddenEntry = hiddenEntries_1[_b]; var seg = segs[hiddenEntry.index]; var hiddenSpan = hiddenEntry.span; + var relation_idx = multiColPlacements[hiddenSpan.start].length; multiColPlacements[hiddenSpan.start].push({ seg: resliceSeg(seg, hiddenSpan.start, hiddenSpan.end, cells), isVisible: false, @@ -12419,6 +12423,8 @@ var FullCalendar = (function (exports) { isAbsolute: false, absoluteTop: 0, marginTop: 0, + relation_idx: relation_idx, + thickness: hiddenEntry.thickness }); } } @@ -12426,6 +12432,33 @@ var FullCalendar = (function (exports) { for (var col = 0; col < cells.length; col += 1) { moreMarginTops.push(leftoverMargins[col]); } + var need_fix_height = maxContentHeight != null; + if(need_fix_height){ + for(var i=0, n = singleColPlacements.length; i < n; i++){ + var placement = singleColPlacements[i]; + if(placement.length > 1){ + var first_col = placement[0]; + if(first_col.isVisible){ + var lastCol = placement[placement.length - 1]; + if(!lastCol.isVisible){ + var last_visible_idx ={return v.isVisible}).lastIndexOf(true); + var height = 0; + for(var j=0;j<=last_visible_idx;j++){ + height += placement[j].thickness; + } + if(height >= need_fix_height){ + var last_placement = placement[last_visible_idx]; + last_placement.isVisible = false; + moreCnts[i] += 1; + last_placement = multiColPlacements[i][last_placement.relation_idx]; + last_placement.isVisible = false; + last_placement.isAbsolute = true; + } + } + } + } + } + } return { singleColPlacements: singleColPlacements, multiColPlacements: multiColPlacements, moreCnts: moreCnts, moreMarginTops: moreMarginTops }; } // rects ordered by top coord, then left @@ -12449,6 +12482,8 @@ var FullCalendar = (function (exports) { isAbsolute: false, absoluteTop: rect.levelCoord, marginTop: rect.levelCoord - currentHeight, + relation_idx: _i, + thickness: rect.thickness }); currentHeight = rect.levelCoord + rect.thickness; } diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/property_hire_fullcalendar.min.js b/app/assets/javascripts/property_hire_fullcalendar.min.js index 0f197fe..787889c 100644 --- a/app/assets/javascripts/property_hire_fullcalendar.min.js +++ b/app/assets/javascripts/property_hire_fullcalendar.min.js @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ FullCalendar v5.11.0 Docs & License: (c) 2021 Adam Shaw */ -var FullCalendar=function(e){"use strict";var t=function(e,n){return(t=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(e,t){e.__proto__=t}||function(e,t){for(var n in t),n)&&(e[n]=t[n])})(e,n)};function n(e,n){if("function"!=typeof n&&null!==n)throw new TypeError("Class extends value "+String(n)+" is not a constructor or null");function r(){this.constructor=e}t(e,n),e.prototype=null===n?Object.create(n):(r.prototype=n.prototype,new r)}var r=function(){return(r=Object.assign||function(e){for(var t,n=1,r=arguments.length;n3)for(n=[n],i=3;i0?g(v.type,v.props,v.key,null,v.__v):v)){if(v.__=n,v.__b=n.__b+1,null===(h=D[p])||h&&v.key==h.key&&v.type===h.type)D[p]=void 0;else for(f=0;f3;)n.pop()();if(n[1]>>1,1),t.i.removeChild(e)}}),L(v(oe,{context:t.context},e.__v),t.l)):t.l&&t.componentWillUnmount()}(ne.prototype=new y).__e=function(e){var t=this,n=te(t.__v),r=t.o.get(e);return r[0]++,function(o){var i=function(){t.props.revealOrder?(r.push(o),re(t,e,r)):o()};n?n(i):i()}},ne.prototype.render=function(e){this.u=null,this.o=new Map;var t=R(e.children);e.revealOrder&&"b"===e.revealOrder[0]&&t.reverse();for(var n=t.length;n--;)this.o.set(t[n],this.u=[1,0,this.u]);return e.children},ne.prototype.componentDidUpdate=ne.prototype.componentDidMount=function(){var e=this;this.o.forEach((function(t,n){re(e,n,t)}))};var ae="undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.for&&Symbol.for("react.element")||60103,se=/^(?:accent|alignment|arabic|baseline|cap|clip(?!PathU)|color|fill|flood|font|glyph(?!R)|horiz|marker(?!H|W|U)|overline|paint|stop|strikethrough|stroke|text(?!L)|underline|unicode|units|v|vector|vert|word|writing|x(?!C))[A-Z]/,le=function(e){return("undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol()?/fil|che|rad/i:/fil|che|ra/i).test(e)};y.prototype.isReactComponent={},["componentWillMount","componentWillReceiveProps","componentWillUpdate"].forEach((function(e){Object.defineProperty(y.prototype,e,{configurable:!0,get:function(){return this["UNSAFE_"+e]},set:function(t){Object.defineProperty(this,e,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:t})}})}));var ue=i.event;function ce(){}function de(){return this.cancelBubble}function pe(){return this.defaultPrevented}i.event=function(e){return ue&&(e=ue(e)),e.persist=ce,e.isPropagationStopped=de,e.isDefaultPrevented=pe,e.nativeEvent=e};var fe={configurable:!0,get:function(){return this.class}},he=i.vnode;i.vnode=function(e){var t=e.type,n=e.props,r=n;if("string"==typeof t){for(var o in r={},n){var i=n[o];"value"===o&&"defaultValue"in n&&null==i||("defaultValue"===o&&"value"in 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t=e.componentWillUnmount;e.componentWillUnmount=function(){o.splice(o.indexOf(e),1),t&&}}}return r},t},createPortal:function(e,t){return v(ie,{__v:e,i:t})},flushSync:function(e){e();var t=i.debounceRendering,n=[];function r(e){n.push(e)}i.debounceRendering=r,L(v(me,{}),document.createElement("div"));for(;n.length;)n.shift()();i.debounceRendering=t},unmountComponentAtNode:function(e){L(null,e)}};var me=function(e){function t(){return null!==e&&e.apply(this,arguments)||this}return n(t,e),t.prototype.render=function(){return v("div",{})},t.prototype.componentDidMount=function(){this.setState({})},t}(y);var ye=function(){function e(e,t){this.context=e,this.internalEventSource=t}return e.prototype.remove=function(){this.context.dispatch({type:"REMOVE_EVENT_SOURCE",sourceId:this.internalEventSource.sourceId})},e.prototype.refetch=function(){this.context.dispatch({type:"FETCH_EVENT_SOURCES",sourceIds:[this.internalEventSource.sourceId],isRefetch:!0})},Object.defineProperty(e.prototype,"id",{get:function(){return this.internalEventSource.publicId},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(e.prototype,"url",{get:function(){return this.internalEventSource.meta.url},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(e.prototype,"format",{get:function(){return this.internalEventSource.meta.format},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),e}();function Ee(e){e.parentNode&&e.parentNode.removeChild(e)}function Se(e,t){if(e.closest)return e.closest(t);if(!document.documentElement.contains(e))return null;do{if(be(e,t))return e;e=e.parentElement||e.parentNode}while(null!==e&&1===e.nodeType);return null}function 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n=mn(e,dr),o=n.refined,i=n.extra,a=o.start?t.createMarkerMeta(o.start):null,s=o.end?t.createMarkerMeta(o.end):null,l=o.allDay;null==l&&(l=a&&a.isTimeUnspecified&&(!s||s.isTimeUnspecified));return r({range:{start:a?a.marker:null,end:s?s.marker:null},allDay:l},i)}(e,t),i=o.range;if(!i.start)return null;if(!i.end){if(null==n)return null;i.end=t.add(i.start,n)}return o}function fr(e,t){return Gn(e.range,t.range)&&e.allDay===t.allDay&&function(e,t){for(var n in t)if("range"!==n&&"allDay"!==n&&e[n]!==t[n])return!1;for(var n in e)if(!(n in t))return!1;return!0}(e,t)}function hr(e,t,n){return r(r({},vr(e,t,n)),{timeZone:t.timeZone})}function vr(e,t,n){return{start:t.toDate(e.start),end:t.toDate(e.end),startStr:t.formatIso(e.start,{omitTime:n}),endStr:t.formatIso(e.end,{omitTime:n})}}function gr(e,t,n){var r=On({editable:!1},n),o=Ln(r.refined,r.extra,"",e.allDay,!0,n);return{def:o,ui:er(o,t),instance:mt(o.defId,e.range),range:e.range,isStart:!0,isEnd:!0}}function mr(e,t,n){n.emitter.trigger("select",r(r({},yr(e,n)),{jsEvent:t?t.origEvent:null,view:n.viewApi||n.calendarApi.view}))}function yr(e,t){for(var n,o,i={},a=0,s=t.pluginHooks.dateSpanTransforms;a=0;r-=1){var o=n[r].parseMeta(e);if(o)return{sourceDefId:r,meta:o}}return null}(i,t);if(s)return{_raw:e,isFetching:!1,latestFetchId:"",fetchRange:null,defaultAllDay:i.defaultAllDay,eventDataTransform:i.eventDataTransform,success:i.success,failure:i.failure,||"",sourceId:Le(),sourceDefId:s.sourceDefId,meta:s.meta,ui:kn(i,t),extendedProps:a}}return null}function _r(e){return r(r(r({},_n),wr),e.pluginHooks.eventSourceRefiners)}function Tr(e,t){return"function"==typeof e&&(e=e()),null==e?t.createNowMarker():t.createMarker(e)}var kr=function(){function e(){}return e.prototype.getCurrentData=function(){return this.currentDataManager.getCurrentData()},e.prototype.dispatch=function(e){return this.currentDataManager.dispatch(e)},Object.defineProperty(e.prototype,"view",{get:function(){return this.getCurrentData().viewApi},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),e.prototype.batchRendering=function(e){e()},e.prototype.updateSize=function(){this.trigger("_resize",!0)},e.prototype.setOption=function(e,t){this.dispatch({type:"SET_OPTION",optionName:e,rawOptionValue:t})},e.prototype.getOption=function(e){return this.currentDataManager.currentCalendarOptionsInput[e]},e.prototype.getAvailableLocaleCodes=function(){return Object.keys(this.getCurrentData().availableRawLocales)},e.prototype.on=function(e,t){var n=this.currentDataManager;n.currentCalendarOptionsRefiners[e]?n.emitter.on(e,t):console.warn("Unknown listener name '"+e+"'")},,t){,t)},e.prototype.trigger=function(e){for(var t,n=[],r=1;r=1?Math.min(o,i):o}(e,this.weekDow,this.weekDoy)},e.prototype.format=function(e,t,n){return void 0===n&&(n={}),t.format({marker:e,timeZoneOffset:null!=n.forcedTzo?n.forcedTzo:this.offsetForMarker(e)},this)},e.prototype.formatRange=function(e,t,n,r){return void 0===r&&(r={}),r.isEndExclusive&&(t=nt(t,-1)),n.formatRange({marker:e,timeZoneOffset:null!=r.forcedStartTzo?r.forcedStartTzo:this.offsetForMarker(e)},{marker:t,timeZoneOffset:null!=r.forcedEndTzo?r.forcedEndTzo:this.offsetForMarker(t)},this,r.defaultSeparator)},e.prototype.formatIso=function(e,t){void 0===t&&(t={});var n=null;return t.omitTimeZoneOffset||(n=null!=t.forcedTzo?t.forcedTzo:this.offsetForMarker(e)),Ft(e,n,t.omitTime)},e.prototype.timestampToMarker=function(e){return"local"===this.timeZone?ht(dt(new Date(e))):"UTC"!==this.timeZone&&this.namedTimeZoneImpl?ht(this.namedTimeZoneImpl.timestampToArray(e)):new Date(e)},e.prototype.offsetForMarker=function(e){return"local"===this.timeZone?-pt(ft(e)).getTimezoneOffset():"UTC"===this.timeZone?0:this.namedTimeZoneImpl?this.namedTimeZoneImpl.offsetForArray(ft(e)):null},e.prototype.toDate=function(e,t){return"local"===this.timeZone?pt(ft(e)):"UTC"===this.timeZone?new Date(e.valueOf()):this.namedTimeZoneImpl?new 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r.duration?(o=r.duration,i=r.durationUnit,a=this.buildRangeFromDuration(e,t,o,i)):(n=this.props.dayCount)?(i="day",a=this.buildRangeFromDayCount(e,t,n)):(a=this.buildCustomVisibleRange(e))?i=r.dateEnv.greatestWholeUnit(a.start,a.end).unit:(i=en(o=this.getFallbackDuration()).unit,a=this.buildRangeFromDuration(e,t,o,i)),{duration:o,unit:i,range:a}},T.prototype.getFallbackDuration=function(){return v({day:1})},T.prototype.adjustActiveRange=function(e){var t=this.props,n=t.dateEnv,r=t.usesMinMaxTime,o=t.slotMinTime,t=t.slotMaxTime,i=e.start,e=e.end;return r&&(Jt(o)<0&&(i=g(i),i=n.add(i,o)),1e.fetchRange.end:!e.latestFetchId;var t,n}),r,!1,o)}function Ui(e,t,n,r,o){var i,a={};for(i in e){var s=e[i];t[i]?a[i]=function(n,r,e,o){var i=o.options,a=o.calendarApi,t=o.pluginHooks.eventSourceDefs[n.sourceDefId],s=at();return t.fetch({eventSource:n,range:r,isRefetch:e,context:o},function(e){var t=e.rawEvents;i.eventSourceSuccess&&(,t,e.xhr)||t),n.success&&(,t,e.xhr)||t),o.dispatch({type:"RECEIVE_EVENTS",sourceId:n.sourceId,fetchId:s,fetchRange:r,rawEvents:t})},function(e){console.warn(e.message,e),i.eventSourceFailure&&,e),n.failure&&n.failure(e),o.dispatch({type:"RECEIVE_EVENT_ERROR",sourceId:n.sourceId,fetchId:s,fetchRange:r,error:e})}),I(I({},n),{isFetching:!0,latestFetchId:s})}(s,n,r,o):a[i]=s}return a}function Wi(e,t){return Wt(e,function(e){return Vi(e,t)})}function Vi(e,t){return!t.pluginHooks.eventSourceDefs[e.sourceDefId].ignoreRange}function Fi(e,t,n,r,o){switch(t.type){case"RECEIVE_EVENTS":var i=e,a=n[t.sourceId],s=t.fetchId,l=t.fetchRange,u=t.rawEvents,c=o;return a&&s===a.latestFetchId?(s=Nn(function(e,t,n){n=n.options.eventDataTransform,t=t?t.eventDataTransform:null;t&&(e=Bi(e,t));n&&(e=Bi(e,n));return e}(u,a,c),a,c),l&&(s=qt(s,l,c)),An(zi(i,a.sourceId),s)):i;case"ADD_EVENTS":u=e,l=t.eventStore,c=r?r.activeRange:null,a=o;return c&&(l=qt(l,c,a)),An(u,l);case"RESET_EVENTS":return t.eventStore;case"MERGE_EVENTS":return An(e,t.eventStore);case"PREV":case"NEXT":case"CHANGE_DATE":case"CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE":return r?qt(e,r.activeRange,o):e;case"REMOVE_EVENTS":var d,p,s=e,f=t.eventStore,h=s.defs,g=s.instances,v={},m={};for(d in h)f.defs[d]||(v[d]=h[d]);for(p in g)!f.instances[p]&&v[g[p].defId]&&(m[p]=g[p]);return{defs:v,instances:m};case"REMOVE_EVENT_SOURCE":return zi(e,t.sourceId);case"REMOVE_ALL_EVENT_SOURCES":return Ln(e,function(e){return!e.sourceId});case"REMOVE_ALL_EVENTS":return C();default:return e}}function Bi(e,t){if(t)for(var n=[],r=0,o=e;rt.end&&(r+=this.insertEntry({index:e.index,thickness:e.thickness,span:{start:t.end,end:i.end}},o)),r?(n.push.apply(n,h([{index:e.index,thickness:e.thickness,span:Ca(t,i)}],o)),r):(n.push(e),0)},ya.prototype.insertEntryAt=function(e,t){var n=this.entriesByLevel,r=this.levelCoords;-1===t.lateral?(wa(r,t.level,t.levelCoord),wa(n,t.level,[e])):wa(n[t.level],t.lateral,e),this.stackCnts[Sa(e)]=t.stackCnt},ya.prototype.findInsertion=function(e){for(var t=this.levelCoords,n=this.entriesByLevel,r=this.strictOrder,o=this.stackCnts,i=t.length,a=0,s=-1,l=-1,u=null,c=0,d=0;d=a+e.thickness)break;for(var f,h=n[d],g=Ra(h,e.span.start,Ea),v=g[0]+g[1];(f=h[v])&&f.span.startn(e[o-1]))return[o,0];for(;r=t.length?t[t.length-1]+1:t[e]};var Ds=Cs;function Cs(e,t){for(var n=e.start,r=e.end,o=[],i=[],a=-1;nt)return!0;return!1},Ls.prototype.needsYScrolling=function(){if(Os.test(this.props.overflowY))return!1;for(var e=this.el,t=this.el.getBoundingClientRect().height-this.getXScrollbarWidth(),n=e.children,r=0;rt)return!0;return!1},Ls.prototype.getXScrollbarWidth=function(){return Os.test(this.props.overflowX)?0:this.el.offsetHeight-this.el.clientHeight},Ls.prototype.getYScrollbarWidth=function(){return Os.test(this.props.overflowY)?0:this.el.offsetWidth-this.el.clientWidth},Ls);function Ls(){var t=null!==Hs&&Hs.apply(this,arguments)||this;return t.handleEl=function(e){t.el=e,f(t.props.elRef,e)},t}Ws.prototype.createRef=function(t){var n=this;return this.callbackMap[t]||(this.callbackMap[t]=function(e){n.handleValue(e,String(t))})},Ws.prototype.collect=function(e,t,n){return Gt(this.currentMap,e,t,n)},Ws.prototype.getAll=function(){return Ft(this.currentMap)};var Us=Ws;function Ws(e){var a=this;this.masterCallback=e,this.currentMap={},this.depths={},this.callbackMap={},this.handleValue=function(e,t){var n=a.depths,r=a.currentMap,o=!1,i=!1;null!==e?(o=t in r,r[t]=e,n[t]=(n[t]||0)+1,i=!0):(--n[t],n[t]||(delete r[t],delete a.callbackMap[t],o=!0)),a.masterCallback&&(o&&a.masterCallback(null,String(t)),i&&a.masterCallback(e,String(t)))}}function Vs(e){for(var t=0,n=0,r=Ge(e,".fc-scrollgrid-shrink");nt.eventRange.range.end?e:t}t(k,Al=Le),Object.defineProperty(k.prototype,"view",{get:function(){return this.currentData.viewApi},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),k.prototype.render=function(){var e=this.isRendering;e?this.customContentRenderId+=1:this.isRendering=!0,this.renderRunner.request(),e&&this.updateSize()},k.prototype.destroy=function(){this.isRendering&&(this.isRendering=!1,this.renderRunner.request())},k.prototype.updateSize=function(){var e=this;qo(function(){})},k.prototype.batchRendering=function(e){this.renderRunner.pause("batchRendering"),e(),this.renderRunner.resume("batchRendering")},k.prototype.pauseRendering=function(){this.renderRunner.pause("pauseRendering")},k.prototype.resumeRendering=function(){this.renderRunner.resume("pauseRendering",!0)},k.prototype.resetOptions=function(e,t){this.currentDataManager.resetOptions(e,t)},k.prototype.setClassNames=function(e){if(!an(e,this.currentClassNames)){for(var t=this.el.classList,n=0,r=this.currentClassNames;nc)&&(r={scrollCache:a,name:"top",distance:c}),s<=n&&this.everMovedDown&&a.canScrollDown()&&(!r||r.distance>s)&&(r={scrollCache:a,name:"bottom",distance:s}),l<=n&&this.everMovedLeft&&a.canScrollLeft()&&(!r||r.distance>l)&&(r={scrollCache:a,name:"left",distance:l}),u<=n&&this.everMovedRight&&a.canScrollRight()&&(!r||r.distance>u)&&(r={scrollCache:a,name:"right",distance:u}))}return r},tu.prototype.buildCaches=function(e){return this.queryScrollEls(e).map(function(e){return e===window?new $l(!1):new Zl(e,!1)})},tu.prototype.queryScrollEls=function(e){for(var t=[],n=0,r=this.scrollQuery;ni.layer)&&(c.componentId=n,c.context=d.context,c.rect.left+=a,c.rect.right+=a,,c.rect.bottom+=s,i=c)))}return i};var au=su;function su(e,t){var n=this;this.useSubjectCenter=!1,this.requireInitial=!0,this.initialHit=null,this.movingHit=null,this.finalHit=null,this.handlePointerDown=function(e){var t=n.dragging;n.initialHit=null,n.movingHit=null,n.finalHit=null,n.prepareHits(),n.processFirstCoord(e),n.initialHit||!n.requireInitial?(t.setIgnoreMove(!1),n.emitter.trigger("pointerdown",e)):t.setIgnoreMove(!0)},this.handleDragStart=function(e){n.emitter.trigger("dragstart",e),n.handleMove(e,!0)},this.handleDragMove=function(e){n.emitter.trigger("dragmove",e),n.handleMove(e)},this.handlePointerUp=function(e){n.releaseHits(),n.emitter.trigger("pointerup",e)},this.handleDragEnd=function(e){n.movingHit&&n.emitter.trigger("hitupdate",null,!0,e),n.finalHit=n.movingHit,n.movingHit=null,n.emitter.trigger("dragend",e)},this.droppableStore=t,e.emitter.on("pointerdown",this.handlePointerDown),e.emitter.on("dragstart",this.handleDragStart),e.emitter.on("dragmove",this.handleDragMove),e.emitter.on("pointerup",this.handlePointerUp),e.emitter.on("dragend",this.handleDragEnd),this.dragging=e,this.emitter=new ko}function lu(e,t){return!e&&!t||Boolean(e)===Boolean(t)&&Tr(e.dateSpan,t.dateSpan)}function uu(e,t){for(var n,r,o={},i=0,a=t.pluginHooks.datePointTransforms;ir.start)return{endDelta:i};return null}(i,e,n.subjectEl.classList.contains("fc-event-resizer-start"),a.range))&&(l=Pr(o,r.getCurrentData().eventUiBases,s,r),c.mutatedEvents=l,ks(c,e.dateProfile,r)||(u=!0,c.mutatedEvents=l=s=null)),l?r.dispatch({type:"SET_EVENT_RESIZE",state:c}):r.dispatch({type:"UNSET_EVENT_RESIZE"}),(u?st:lt)(),t||(s&&lu(i,e)&&(s=null),d.validMutation=s,d.mutatedRelevantEvents=l)},d.handleDragEnd=function(e){var t=d.component.context,n=d.eventRange.def,r=d.eventRange.instance,o=new N(t,n,r),i=d.relevantEvents,a=d.mutatedRelevantEvents;t.emitter.trigger("eventResizeStop",{el:d.draggingSegEl,event:o,jsEvent:e.origEvent,view:t.viewApi}),d.validMutation?(n=new N(t,a.defs[n.defId],r?a.instances[r.instanceId]:null),t.dispatch({type:"MERGE_EVENTS",eventStore:a}),o={oldEvent:o,event:n,relatedEvents:Vr(a,t,r),revert:function(){t.dispatch({type:"MERGE_EVENTS",eventStore:i})}},t.emitter.trigger("eventResize",I(I({},o),{el:d.draggingSegEl,startDelta:d.validMutation.startDelta||v(0),endDelta:d.validMutation.endDelta||v(0),jsEvent:e.origEvent,view:t.viewApi})),t.emitter.trigger("eventChange",o)):t.emitter.trigger("_noEventResize"),d.draggingSeg=null,d.relevantEvents=null,d.validMutation=null},e.component),n=d.dragging=new ru(e.el),n=(n.pointer.selector=".fc-event-resizer",n.touchScrollAllowed=!1,n.autoScroller.isEnabled=t.context.options.dragScroll,d.hitDragging=new au(d.dragging,ka(e)));return n.emitter.on("pointerdown",d.handlePointerDown),n.emitter.on("dragstart",d.handleDragStart),n.emitter.on("hitupdate",d.handleHitUpdate),n.emitter.on("dragend",d.handleDragEnd),d}Du.prototype.destroy=function(){"select",this.onSelect),this.documentPointer.destroy()};var bu=Du;function Du(e){var o=this,t=(this.context=e,this.isRecentPointerDateSelect=!1,this.matchesCancel=!1,this.matchesEvent=!1,this.onSelect=function(e){e.jsEvent&&(o.isRecentPointerDateSelect=!0)},this.onDocumentPointerDown=function(e){var t=o.context.options.unselectCancel,e=Xe(e.origEvent);o.matchesCancel=!!l(e,t),o.matchesEvent=!!l(e,vu.SELECTOR)},this.onDocumentPointerUp=function(e){var t=o.context,n=o.documentPointer,r=t.getCurrentData();n.wasTouchScroll||(r.dateSelection&&!o.isRecentPointerDateSelect&&t.options.unselectAuto&&!o.matchesCancel&&t.calendarApi.unselect(e),r.eventSelection&&!o.matchesEvent&&t.dispatch({type:"UNSELECT_EVENT"})),o.isRecentPointerDateSelect=!1},this.documentPointer=new Fl(document));t.shouldIgnoreMove=!0,t.shouldWatchScroll=!1,t.emitter.on("pointerdown",this.onDocumentPointerDown),t.emitter.on("pointerup",this.onDocumentPointerUp),e.emitter.on("select",this.onSelect)}var Cu={fixedMirrorParent:n},wu={dateClick:n,eventDragStart:n,eventDragStop:n,eventDrop:n,eventResizeStart:n,eventResizeStop:n,eventResize:n,drop:n,eventReceive:n,eventLeave:n},Ru=(Tu.prototype.buildDragMeta=function(e){return"object"==typeof this.suppliedDragMeta?Ha(this.suppliedDragMeta):"function"==typeof this.suppliedDragMeta?Ha(this.suppliedDragMeta(e)):Ha((e=function(e,t){var n=Pa.dataAttrPrefix,n=(n?n+"-":"")+t;return e.getAttribute("data-"+n)||""}(e,"event"))?JSON.parse(e):{create:!1})},Tu.prototype.displayDrag=function(e,t){var n=this.receivingContext;n&&n!==e&&n.dispatch({type:"UNSET_EVENT_DRAG"}),e&&e.dispatch({type:"SET_EVENT_DRAG",state:t})},Tu.prototype.clearDrag=function(){this.receivingContext&&this.receivingContext.dispatch({type:"UNSET_EVENT_DRAG"})},Tu.prototype.canDropElOnCalendar=function(e,t){var n=t.options.dropAccept;return"function"==typeof n?,e):"string"!=typeof n||!n||Boolean(je(e,n))},Tu);function Tu(e,t){var l=this,e=(this.receivingContext=null,this.droppableEvent=null,this.suppliedDragMeta=null,this.dragMeta=null,this.handleDragStart=function(e){l.dragMeta=l.buildDragMeta(e.subjectEl)},this.handleHitUpdate=function(e,t,n){var r=l.hitDragging.dragging,o=null,i=null,a=!1,s={affectedEvents:C(),mutatedEvents:C(),isEvent:l.dragMeta.create};e&&(o=e.context,l.canDropElOnCalendar(n.subjectEl,o)&&(i=function(e,t,n){for(var r=I({},t.leftoverProps),o=0,i=n.pluginHooks.externalDefTransforms;o=p(t.slotMinTime)&&e3) + for(u=[u],o=3;o 20){ + break; + } + n=u.sort(function(n,l){ + return n.__v.__b-l.__v.__b + }),u=[], + n.some(function(n){ + var l,u,i,t,o,r; + n.__d&&( + o=(t=(l=n).__v).__e,(r=l.__P)&&( + u=[],(i=c$1({},t)).__v=t.__v+1, + I$1(r,t,i,l.__n, + void 0!==r.ownerSVGElement,null!=t.__h?[o]:null, + u,null==o?d(t):o,t.__h + ), + T$1(u,t),t.__e!=o&&_(t) + ) + ); + }); + } + } + function m(n,l,u,i,t,o,e,c,s,a){ + var h,p,_,k,b,m,w,A=i&&i.__k||f$1,P=A.length; + for(u.__k=[],h=0;h0?v$1(k.type,k.props,k.key,null,k.__v):k + )){ + if(k.__=u,k.__b=u.__b+1, + null===(_=A[h])||_&&k.key==_.key&&k.type===_.type) + A[h]=void 0; + else + for(p=0;p3;)e.pop()();if(e[1]>>1,1),t.i.removeChild(n);}}),N(a$1(T,{context:t.context},n.__v),t.l)):t.l&&t.componentWillUnmount();}function I(n,t){return a$1(j,{__v:n,i:t})}(F.prototype=new p).__e=function(n){var t=this,e=U(t.__v),r=t.o.get(n);return r[0]++,function(u){var o=function(){t.props.revealOrder?(r.push(u),M(t,n,r)):u();};e?e(o):o();}},F.prototype.render=function(n){this.u=null,this.o=new Map;var t=w$1(n.children);n.revealOrder&&"b"===n.revealOrder[0]&&t.reverse();for(var e=t.length;e--;)this.o.set(t[e],this.u=[1,0,this.u]);return n.children},F.prototype.componentDidUpdate=F.prototype.componentDidMount=function(){var n=this;this.o.forEach(function(t,e){M(n,e,t);});};var W="undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.for&&Symbol.for("react.element")||60103,P=/^(?:accent|alignment|arabic|baseline|cap|clip(?!PathU)|color|fill|flood|font|glyph(?!R)|horiz|marker(?!H|W|U)|overline|paint|stop|strikethrough|stroke|text(?!L)|underline|unicode|units|v|vector|vert|word|writing|x(?!C))[A-Z]/,V=function(n){return ("undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol()?/fil|che|rad/i:/fil|che|ra/i).test(n)};p.prototype.isReactComponent={},["componentWillMount","componentWillReceiveProps","componentWillUpdate"].forEach(function(n){Object.defineProperty(p.prototype,n,{configurable:!0,get:function(){return this["UNSAFE_"+n]},set:function(t){Object.defineProperty(this,n,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:t});}});});var H=n.event;function Z(){}function Y(){return this.cancelBubble}function $(){return this.defaultPrevented}n.event=function(n){return H&&(n=H(n)),n.persist=Z,n.isPropagationStopped=Y,n.isDefaultPrevented=$,n.nativeEvent=n};var G={configurable:!0,get:function(){return this.class}},J=n.vnode;n.vnode=function(n){var t=n.type,e=n.props,r=e;if("string"==typeof t){for(var u in r={},e){var o=e[u];"value"===u&&"defaultValue"in e&&null==o||("defaultValue"===u&&"value"in e&&null==e.value?u="value":"download"===u&&!0===o?o="":/ondoubleclick/i.test(u)?u="ondblclick":/^onchange(textarea|input)/i.test(u+t)&&!V(e.type)?u="oninput":/^on(Ani|Tra|Tou|BeforeInp)/.test(u)?u=u.toLowerCase():P.test(u)?u=u.replace(/[A-Z0-9]/,"-$&").toLowerCase():null===o&&(o=void 0),r[u]=o);}"select"==t&&r.multiple&&Array.isArray(r.value)&&(r.value=w$1(e.children).forEach(function(n){n.props.selected=-1!=r.value.indexOf(n.props.value);})),"select"==t&&null!=r.defaultValue&&(r.value=w$1(e.children).forEach(function(n){n.props.selected=r.multiple?-1!=r.defaultValue.indexOf(n.props.value):r.defaultValue==n.props.value;})),n.props=r;}t&&e.class!=e.className&&(G.enumerable="className"in e,null!=e.className&&(r.class=e.className),Object.defineProperty(r,"className",G)),n.$$typeof=W,J&&J(n);};var K=n.__r;n.__r=function(n){K&&K(n);};"object"==typeof performance&&"function"==typeof{return}; + + var globalObj = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : window; // // TODO: streamline when killing IE11 support + if (globalObj.FullCalendarVDom) { + console.warn('FullCalendar VDOM already loaded'); + } + else { + globalObj.FullCalendarVDom = { + Component: p, + createElement: a$1, + render: N, + createRef: h, + Fragment: y, + createContext: createContext$1, + createPortal: I, + flushSync: flushSync$1, + unmountComponentAtNode: unmountComponentAtNode$1, + }; + } + // HACKS... + // TODO: lock version + // TODO: link gh issues + function flushSync$1(runBeforeFlush) { + runBeforeFlush(); + var oldDebounceRendering = n.debounceRendering; // orig + var callbackQ = []; + function execCallbackSync(callback) { + callbackQ.push(callback); + } + n.debounceRendering = execCallbackSync; + N(a$1(FakeComponent, {}), document.createElement('div')); + while (callbackQ.length) { + callbackQ.shift()(); + } + n.debounceRendering = oldDebounceRendering; + } + var FakeComponent = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(FakeComponent, _super); + function FakeComponent() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + FakeComponent.prototype.render = function () { return a$1('div', {}); }; + FakeComponent.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { this.setState({}); }; + return FakeComponent; + }(p)); + function createContext$1(defaultValue) { + var ContextType = q(defaultValue); + var origProvider = ContextType.Provider; + ContextType.Provider = function () { + var _this = this; + var isNew = !this.getChildContext; + var children = origProvider.apply(this, arguments); // eslint-disable-line prefer-rest-params + if (isNew) { + var subs_1 = []; + this.shouldComponentUpdate = function (_props) { + if (_this.props.value !== _props.value) { + subs_1.forEach(function (c) { + c.context = _props.value; + c.forceUpdate(); + }); + } + }; + this.sub = function (c) { + subs_1.push(c); + var old = c.componentWillUnmount; + c.componentWillUnmount = function () { + subs_1.splice(subs_1.indexOf(c), 1); + old &&; + }; + }; + } + return children; + }; + return ContextType; + } + function unmountComponentAtNode$1(node) { + N(null, node); + } + + // no public types yet. when there are, export from: + // import {} from './api-type-deps' + var EventSourceApi = /** @class */ (function () { + function EventSourceApi(context, internalEventSource) { + this.context = context; + this.internalEventSource = internalEventSource; + } + EventSourceApi.prototype.remove = function () { + this.context.dispatch({ + type: 'REMOVE_EVENT_SOURCE', + sourceId: this.internalEventSource.sourceId, + }); + }; + EventSourceApi.prototype.refetch = function () { + this.context.dispatch({ + type: 'FETCH_EVENT_SOURCES', + sourceIds: [this.internalEventSource.sourceId], + isRefetch: true, + }); + }; + Object.defineProperty(EventSourceApi.prototype, "id", { + get: function () { + return this.internalEventSource.publicId; + }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventSourceApi.prototype, "url", { + get: function () { + return this.internalEventSource.meta.url; + }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventSourceApi.prototype, "format", { + get: function () { + return this.internalEventSource.meta.format; // TODO: bad. not guaranteed + }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + return EventSourceApi; + }()); + + function removeElement(el) { + if (el.parentNode) { + el.parentNode.removeChild(el); + } + } + // Querying + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + function elementClosest(el, selector) { + if (el.closest) { + return el.closest(selector); + // really bad fallback for IE + // from + } + if (!document.documentElement.contains(el)) { + return null; + } + do { + if (elementMatches(el, selector)) { + return el; + } + el = (el.parentElement || el.parentNode); + } while (el !== null && el.nodeType === 1); + return null; + } + function elementMatches(el, selector) { + var method = el.matches || el.matchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector; + return, selector); + } + // accepts multiple subject els + // returns a real array. good for methods like forEach + // TODO: accept the document + function findElements(container, selector) { + var containers = container instanceof HTMLElement ? [container] : container; + var allMatches = []; + for (var i = 0; i < containers.length; i += 1) { + var matches = containers[i].querySelectorAll(selector); + for (var j = 0; j < matches.length; j += 1) { + allMatches.push(matches[j]); + } + } + return allMatches; + } + // accepts multiple subject els + // only queries direct child elements // TODO: rename to findDirectChildren! + function findDirectChildren(parent, selector) { + var parents = parent instanceof HTMLElement ? [parent] : parent; + var allMatches = []; + for (var i = 0; i < parents.length; i += 1) { + var childNodes = parents[i].children; // only ever elements + for (var j = 0; j < childNodes.length; j += 1) { + var childNode = childNodes[j]; + if (!selector || elementMatches(childNode, selector)) { + allMatches.push(childNode); + } + } + } + return allMatches; + } + // Style + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + var PIXEL_PROP_RE = /(top|left|right|bottom|width|height)$/i; + function applyStyle(el, props) { + for (var propName in props) { + applyStyleProp(el, propName, props[propName]); + } + } + function applyStyleProp(el, name, val) { + if (val == null) { +[name] = ''; + } + else if (typeof val === 'number' && PIXEL_PROP_RE.test(name)) { +[name] = val + "px"; + } + else { +[name] = val; + } + } + // Event Handling + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // if intercepting bubbled events at the document/window/body level, + // and want to see originating element (the 'target'), use this util instead + // of `` because it goes within web-component boundaries. + function getEventTargetViaRoot(ev) { + var _a, _b; + return (_b = (_a = ev.composedPath) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :[0]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b :; + } + // Shadow DOM consuderations + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + function getElRoot(el) { + return el.getRootNode ? el.getRootNode() : document; + } + // Unique ID for DOM attribute + var guid$1 = 0; + function getUniqueDomId() { + guid$1 += 1; + return 'fc-dom-' + guid$1; + } + + // Stops a mouse/touch event from doing it's native browser action + function preventDefault(ev) { + ev.preventDefault(); + } + // Event Delegation + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + function buildDelegationHandler(selector, handler) { + return function (ev) { + var matchedChild = elementClosest(, selector); + if (matchedChild) { +, ev, matchedChild); + } + }; + } + function listenBySelector(container, eventType, selector, handler) { + var attachedHandler = buildDelegationHandler(selector, handler); + container.addEventListener(eventType, attachedHandler); + return function () { + container.removeEventListener(eventType, attachedHandler); + }; + } + function listenToHoverBySelector(container, selector, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave) { + var currentMatchedChild; + return listenBySelector(container, 'mouseover', selector, function (mouseOverEv, matchedChild) { + if (matchedChild !== currentMatchedChild) { + currentMatchedChild = matchedChild; + onMouseEnter(mouseOverEv, matchedChild); + var realOnMouseLeave_1 = function (mouseLeaveEv) { + currentMatchedChild = null; + onMouseLeave(mouseLeaveEv, matchedChild); + matchedChild.removeEventListener('mouseleave', realOnMouseLeave_1); + }; + // listen to the next mouseleave, and then unattach + matchedChild.addEventListener('mouseleave', realOnMouseLeave_1); + } + }); + } + // Animation + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + var transitionEventNames = [ + 'webkitTransitionEnd', + 'otransitionend', + 'oTransitionEnd', + 'msTransitionEnd', + 'transitionend', + ]; + // triggered only when the next single subsequent transition finishes + function whenTransitionDone(el, callback) { + var realCallback = function (ev) { + callback(ev); + transitionEventNames.forEach(function (eventName) { + el.removeEventListener(eventName, realCallback); + }); + }; + transitionEventNames.forEach(function (eventName) { + el.addEventListener(eventName, realCallback); // cross-browser way to determine when the transition finishes + }); + } + // ARIA workarounds + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + function createAriaClickAttrs(handler) { + return __assign({ onClick: handler }, createAriaKeyboardAttrs(handler)); + } + function createAriaKeyboardAttrs(handler) { + return { + tabIndex: 0, + onKeyDown: function (ev) { + if (ev.key === 'Enter' || ev.key === ' ') { + handler(ev); + ev.preventDefault(); // if space, don't scroll down page + } + }, + }; + } + + var guidNumber = 0; + function guid() { + guidNumber += 1; + return String(guidNumber); + } + /* FullCalendar-specific DOM Utilities + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + // Make the mouse cursor express that an event is not allowed in the current area + function disableCursor() { + document.body.classList.add('fc-not-allowed'); + } + // Returns the mouse cursor to its original look + function enableCursor() { + document.body.classList.remove('fc-not-allowed'); + } + /* Selection + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + function preventSelection(el) { + el.classList.add('fc-unselectable'); + el.addEventListener('selectstart', preventDefault); + } + function allowSelection(el) { + el.classList.remove('fc-unselectable'); + el.removeEventListener('selectstart', preventDefault); + } + /* Context Menu + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + function preventContextMenu(el) { + el.addEventListener('contextmenu', preventDefault); + } + function allowContextMenu(el) { + el.removeEventListener('contextmenu', preventDefault); + } + function parseFieldSpecs(input) { + var specs = []; + var tokens = []; + var i; + var token; + if (typeof input === 'string') { + tokens = input.split(/\s*,\s*/); + } + else if (typeof input === 'function') { + tokens = [input]; + } + else if (Array.isArray(input)) { + tokens = input; + } + for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i += 1) { + token = tokens[i]; + if (typeof token === 'string') { + specs.push(token.charAt(0) === '-' ? + { field: token.substring(1), order: -1 } : + { field: token, order: 1 }); + } + else if (typeof token === 'function') { + specs.push({ func: token }); + } + } + return specs; + } + function compareByFieldSpecs(obj0, obj1, fieldSpecs) { + var i; + var cmp; + for (i = 0; i < fieldSpecs.length; i += 1) { + cmp = compareByFieldSpec(obj0, obj1, fieldSpecs[i]); + if (cmp) { + return cmp; + } + } + return 0; + } + function compareByFieldSpec(obj0, obj1, fieldSpec) { + if (fieldSpec.func) { + return fieldSpec.func(obj0, obj1); + } + return flexibleCompare(obj0[fieldSpec.field], obj1[fieldSpec.field]) + * (fieldSpec.order || 1); + } + function flexibleCompare(a, b) { + if (!a && !b) { + return 0; + } + if (b == null) { + return -1; + } + if (a == null) { + return 1; + } + if (typeof a === 'string' || typeof b === 'string') { + return String(a).localeCompare(String(b)); + } + return a - b; + } + /* String Utilities + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + function padStart(val, len) { + var s = String(val); + return '000'.substr(0, len - s.length) + s; + } + function formatWithOrdinals(formatter, args, fallbackText) { + if (typeof formatter === 'function') { + return formatter.apply(void 0, args); + } + if (typeof formatter === 'string') { // non-blank string + return args.reduce(function (str, arg, index) { return (str.replace('$' + index, arg || '')); }, formatter); + } + return fallbackText; + } + /* Number Utilities + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + function compareNumbers(a, b) { + return a - b; + } + function isInt(n) { + return n % 1 === 0; + } + /* FC-specific DOM dimension stuff + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + function computeSmallestCellWidth(cellEl) { + var allWidthEl = cellEl.querySelector('.fc-scrollgrid-shrink-frame'); + var contentWidthEl = cellEl.querySelector('.fc-scrollgrid-shrink-cushion'); + if (!allWidthEl) { + throw new Error('needs fc-scrollgrid-shrink-frame className'); // TODO: use const + } + if (!contentWidthEl) { + throw new Error('needs fc-scrollgrid-shrink-cushion className'); + } + return cellEl.getBoundingClientRect().width - allWidthEl.getBoundingClientRect().width + // the cell padding+border + contentWidthEl.getBoundingClientRect().width; + } + + var DAY_IDS = ['sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat']; + // Adding + function addWeeks(m, n) { + var a = dateToUtcArray(m); + a[2] += n * 7; + return arrayToUtcDate(a); + } + function addDays(m, n) { + var a = dateToUtcArray(m); + a[2] += n; + return arrayToUtcDate(a); + } + function addMs(m, n) { + var a = dateToUtcArray(m); + a[6] += n; + return arrayToUtcDate(a); + } + // Diffing (all return floats) + // TODO: why not use ranges? + function diffWeeks(m0, m1) { + return diffDays(m0, m1) / 7; + } + function diffDays(m0, m1) { + return (m1.valueOf() - m0.valueOf()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); + } + function diffHours(m0, m1) { + return (m1.valueOf() - m0.valueOf()) / (1000 * 60 * 60); + } + function diffMinutes(m0, m1) { + return (m1.valueOf() - m0.valueOf()) / (1000 * 60); + } + function diffSeconds(m0, m1) { + return (m1.valueOf() - m0.valueOf()) / 1000; + } + function diffDayAndTime(m0, m1) { + var m0day = startOfDay(m0); + var m1day = startOfDay(m1); + return { + years: 0, + months: 0, + days: Math.round(diffDays(m0day, m1day)), + milliseconds: (m1.valueOf() - m1day.valueOf()) - (m0.valueOf() - m0day.valueOf()), + }; + } + // Diffing Whole Units + function diffWholeWeeks(m0, m1) { + var d = diffWholeDays(m0, m1); + if (d !== null && d % 7 === 0) { + return d / 7; + } + return null; + } + function diffWholeDays(m0, m1) { + if (timeAsMs(m0) === timeAsMs(m1)) { + return Math.round(diffDays(m0, m1)); + } + return null; + } + // Start-Of + function startOfDay(m) { + return arrayToUtcDate([ + m.getUTCFullYear(), + m.getUTCMonth(), + m.getUTCDate(), + ]); + } + function startOfHour(m) { + return arrayToUtcDate([ + m.getUTCFullYear(), + m.getUTCMonth(), + m.getUTCDate(), + m.getUTCHours(), + ]); + } + function startOfMinute(m) { + return arrayToUtcDate([ + m.getUTCFullYear(), + m.getUTCMonth(), + m.getUTCDate(), + m.getUTCHours(), + m.getUTCMinutes(), + ]); + } + function startOfSecond(m) { + return arrayToUtcDate([ + m.getUTCFullYear(), + m.getUTCMonth(), + m.getUTCDate(), + m.getUTCHours(), + m.getUTCMinutes(), + m.getUTCSeconds(), + ]); + } + // Week Computation + function weekOfYear(marker, dow, doy) { + var y = marker.getUTCFullYear(); + var w = weekOfGivenYear(marker, y, dow, doy); + if (w < 1) { + return weekOfGivenYear(marker, y - 1, dow, doy); + } + var nextW = weekOfGivenYear(marker, y + 1, dow, doy); + if (nextW >= 1) { + return Math.min(w, nextW); + } + return w; + } + function weekOfGivenYear(marker, year, dow, doy) { + var firstWeekStart = arrayToUtcDate([year, 0, 1 + firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy)]); + var dayStart = startOfDay(marker); + var days = Math.round(diffDays(firstWeekStart, dayStart)); + return Math.floor(days / 7) + 1; // zero-indexed + } + // start-of-first-week - start-of-year + function firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy) { + // first-week day -- which january is always in the first week (4 for iso, 1 for other) + var fwd = 7 + dow - doy; + // first-week day local weekday -- which local weekday is fwd + var fwdlw = (7 + arrayToUtcDate([year, 0, fwd]).getUTCDay() - dow) % 7; + return -fwdlw + fwd - 1; + } + // Array Conversion + function dateToLocalArray(date) { + return [ + date.getFullYear(), + date.getMonth(), + date.getDate(), + date.getHours(), + date.getMinutes(), + date.getSeconds(), + date.getMilliseconds(), + ]; + } + function arrayToLocalDate(a) { + return new Date(a[0], a[1] || 0, a[2] == null ? 1 : a[2], // day of month + a[3] || 0, a[4] || 0, a[5] || 0); + } + function dateToUtcArray(date) { + return [ + date.getUTCFullYear(), + date.getUTCMonth(), + date.getUTCDate(), + date.getUTCHours(), + date.getUTCMinutes(), + date.getUTCSeconds(), + date.getUTCMilliseconds(), + ]; + } + function arrayToUtcDate(a) { + // according to web standards (and Safari), a month index is required. + // massage if only given a year. + if (a.length === 1) { + a = a.concat([0]); + } + return new Date(Date.UTC.apply(Date, a)); + } + // Other Utils + function isValidDate(m) { + return !isNaN(m.valueOf()); + } + function timeAsMs(m) { + return m.getUTCHours() * 1000 * 60 * 60 + + m.getUTCMinutes() * 1000 * 60 + + m.getUTCSeconds() * 1000 + + m.getUTCMilliseconds(); + } + + function createEventInstance(defId, range, forcedStartTzo, forcedEndTzo) { + return { + instanceId: guid(), + defId: defId, + range: range, + forcedStartTzo: forcedStartTzo == null ? null : forcedStartTzo, + forcedEndTzo: forcedEndTzo == null ? null : forcedEndTzo, + }; + } + + var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + // Merges an array of objects into a single object. + // The second argument allows for an array of property names who's object values will be merged together. + function mergeProps(propObjs, complexPropsMap) { + var dest = {}; + if (complexPropsMap) { + for (var name_1 in complexPropsMap) { + var complexObjs = []; + // collect the trailing object values, stopping when a non-object is discovered + for (var i = propObjs.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { + var val = propObjs[i][name_1]; + if (typeof val === 'object' && val) { // non-null object + complexObjs.unshift(val); + } + else if (val !== undefined) { + dest[name_1] = val; // if there were no objects, this value will be used + break; + } + } + // if the trailing values were objects, use the merged value + if (complexObjs.length) { + dest[name_1] = mergeProps(complexObjs); + } + } + } + // copy values into the destination, going from last to first + for (var i = propObjs.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { + var props = propObjs[i]; + for (var name_2 in props) { + if (!(name_2 in dest)) { // if already assigned by previous props or complex props, don't reassign + dest[name_2] = props[name_2]; + } + } + } + return dest; + } + function filterHash(hash, func) { + var filtered = {}; + for (var key in hash) { + if (func(hash[key], key)) { + filtered[key] = hash[key]; + } + } + return filtered; + } + function mapHash(hash, func) { + var newHash = {}; + for (var key in hash) { + newHash[key] = func(hash[key], key); + } + return newHash; + } + function arrayToHash(a) { + var hash = {}; + for (var _i = 0, a_1 = a; _i < a_1.length; _i++) { + var item = a_1[_i]; + hash[item] = true; + } + return hash; + } + function buildHashFromArray(a, func) { + var hash = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) { + var tuple = func(a[i], i); + hash[tuple[0]] = tuple[1]; + } + return hash; + } + function hashValuesToArray(obj) { + var a = []; + for (var key in obj) { + a.push(obj[key]); + } + return a; + } + function isPropsEqual(obj0, obj1) { + if (obj0 === obj1) { + return true; + } + for (var key in obj0) { + if (, key)) { + if (!(key in obj1)) { + return false; + } + } + } + for (var key in obj1) { + if (, key)) { + if (obj0[key] !== obj1[key]) { + return false; + } + } + } + return true; + } + function getUnequalProps(obj0, obj1) { + var keys = []; + for (var key in obj0) { + if (, key)) { + if (!(key in obj1)) { + keys.push(key); + } + } + } + for (var key in obj1) { + if (, key)) { + if (obj0[key] !== obj1[key]) { + keys.push(key); + } + } + } + return keys; + } + function compareObjs(oldProps, newProps, equalityFuncs) { + if (equalityFuncs === void 0) { equalityFuncs = {}; } + if (oldProps === newProps) { + return true; + } + for (var key in newProps) { + if (key in oldProps && isObjValsEqual(oldProps[key], newProps[key], equalityFuncs[key])) ; + else { + return false; + } + } + // check for props that were omitted in the new + for (var key in oldProps) { + if (!(key in newProps)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } + /* + assumed "true" equality for handler names like "onReceiveSomething" + */ + function isObjValsEqual(val0, val1, comparator) { + if (val0 === val1 || comparator === true) { + return true; + } + if (comparator) { + return comparator(val0, val1); + } + return false; + } + function collectFromHash(hash, startIndex, endIndex, step) { + if (startIndex === void 0) { startIndex = 0; } + if (step === void 0) { step = 1; } + var res = []; + if (endIndex == null) { + endIndex = Object.keys(hash).length; + } + for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i += step) { + var val = hash[i]; + if (val !== undefined) { // will disregard undefined for sparse arrays + res.push(val); + } + } + return res; + } + + function parseRecurring(refined, defaultAllDay, dateEnv, recurringTypes) { + for (var i = 0; i < recurringTypes.length; i += 1) { + var parsed = recurringTypes[i].parse(refined, dateEnv); + if (parsed) { + var allDay = refined.allDay; + if (allDay == null) { + allDay = defaultAllDay; + if (allDay == null) { + allDay = parsed.allDayGuess; + if (allDay == null) { + allDay = false; + } + } + } + return { + allDay: allDay, + duration: parsed.duration, + typeData: parsed.typeData, + typeId: i, + }; + } + } + return null; + } + function expandRecurring(eventStore, framingRange, context) { + var dateEnv = context.dateEnv, pluginHooks = context.pluginHooks, options = context.options; + var defs = eventStore.defs, instances = eventStore.instances; + // remove existing recurring instances + // TODO: bad. always expand events as a second step + instances = filterHash(instances, function (instance) { return !defs[instance.defId].recurringDef; }); + for (var defId in defs) { + var def = defs[defId]; + if (def.recurringDef) { + var duration = def.recurringDef.duration; + if (!duration) { + duration = def.allDay ? + options.defaultAllDayEventDuration : + options.defaultTimedEventDuration; + } + var starts = expandRecurringRanges(def, duration, framingRange, dateEnv, pluginHooks.recurringTypes); + for (var _i = 0, starts_1 = starts; _i < starts_1.length; _i++) { + var start = starts_1[_i]; + var instance = createEventInstance(defId, { + start: start, + end: dateEnv.add(start, duration), + }); + instances[instance.instanceId] = instance; + } + } + } + return { defs: defs, instances: instances }; + } + /* + Event MUST have a recurringDef + */ + function expandRecurringRanges(eventDef, duration, framingRange, dateEnv, recurringTypes) { + var typeDef = recurringTypes[eventDef.recurringDef.typeId]; + var markers = typeDef.expand(eventDef.recurringDef.typeData, { + start: dateEnv.subtract(framingRange.start, duration), + end: framingRange.end, + }, dateEnv); + // the recurrence plugins don't guarantee that all-day events are start-of-day, so we have to + if (eventDef.allDay) { + markers =; + } + return markers; + } + + var INTERNAL_UNITS = ['years', 'months', 'days', 'milliseconds']; + var PARSE_RE = /^(-?)(?:(\d+)\.)?(\d+):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d)(?:\.(\d\d\d))?)?/; + // Parsing and Creation + function createDuration(input, unit) { + var _a; + if (typeof input === 'string') { + return parseString(input); + } + if (typeof input === 'object' && input) { // non-null object + return parseObject(input); + } + if (typeof input === 'number') { + return parseObject((_a = {}, _a[unit || 'milliseconds'] = input, _a)); + } + return null; + } + function parseString(s) { + var m = PARSE_RE.exec(s); + if (m) { + var sign = m[1] ? -1 : 1; + return { + years: 0, + months: 0, + days: sign * (m[2] ? parseInt(m[2], 10) : 0), + milliseconds: sign * ((m[3] ? parseInt(m[3], 10) : 0) * 60 * 60 * 1000 + // hours + (m[4] ? parseInt(m[4], 10) : 0) * 60 * 1000 + // minutes + (m[5] ? parseInt(m[5], 10) : 0) * 1000 + // seconds + (m[6] ? parseInt(m[6], 10) : 0) // ms + ), + }; + } + return null; + } + function parseObject(obj) { + var duration = { + years: obj.years || obj.year || 0, + months: obj.months || obj.month || 0, + days: obj.days || || 0, + milliseconds: (obj.hours || obj.hour || 0) * 60 * 60 * 1000 + // hours + (obj.minutes || obj.minute || 0) * 60 * 1000 + // minutes + (obj.seconds || obj.second || 0) * 1000 + // seconds + (obj.milliseconds || obj.millisecond || || 0), // ms + }; + var weeks = obj.weeks || obj.week; + if (weeks) { + duration.days += weeks * 7; + duration.specifiedWeeks = true; + } + return duration; + } + // Equality + function durationsEqual(d0, d1) { + return d0.years === d1.years && + d0.months === d1.months && + d0.days === d1.days && + d0.milliseconds === d1.milliseconds; + } + function asCleanDays(dur) { + if (!dur.years && !dur.months && !dur.milliseconds) { + return dur.days; + } + return 0; + } + // Simple Math + function addDurations(d0, d1) { + return { + years: d0.years + d1.years, + months: d0.months + d1.months, + days: d0.days + d1.days, + milliseconds: d0.milliseconds + d1.milliseconds, + }; + } + function subtractDurations(d1, d0) { + return { + years: d1.years - d0.years, + months: d1.months - d0.months, + days: d1.days - d0.days, + milliseconds: d1.milliseconds - d0.milliseconds, + }; + } + function multiplyDuration(d, n) { + return { + years: d.years * n, + months: d.months * n, + days: d.days * n, + milliseconds: d.milliseconds * n, + }; + } + // Conversions + // "Rough" because they are based on average-case Gregorian months/years + function asRoughYears(dur) { + return asRoughDays(dur) / 365; + } + function asRoughMonths(dur) { + return asRoughDays(dur) / 30; + } + function asRoughDays(dur) { + return asRoughMs(dur) / 864e5; + } + function asRoughMinutes(dur) { + return asRoughMs(dur) / (1000 * 60); + } + function asRoughSeconds(dur) { + return asRoughMs(dur) / 1000; + } + function asRoughMs(dur) { + return dur.years * (365 * 864e5) + + dur.months * (30 * 864e5) + + dur.days * 864e5 + + dur.milliseconds; + } + // Advanced Math + function wholeDivideDurations(numerator, denominator) { + var res = null; + for (var i = 0; i < INTERNAL_UNITS.length; i += 1) { + var unit = INTERNAL_UNITS[i]; + if (denominator[unit]) { + var localRes = numerator[unit] / denominator[unit]; + if (!isInt(localRes) || (res !== null && res !== localRes)) { + return null; + } + res = localRes; + } + else if (numerator[unit]) { + // needs to divide by something but can't! + return null; + } + } + return res; + } + function greatestDurationDenominator(dur) { + var ms = dur.milliseconds; + if (ms) { + if (ms % 1000 !== 0) { + return { unit: 'millisecond', value: ms }; + } + if (ms % (1000 * 60) !== 0) { + return { unit: 'second', value: ms / 1000 }; + } + if (ms % (1000 * 60 * 60) !== 0) { + return { unit: 'minute', value: ms / (1000 * 60) }; + } + if (ms) { + return { unit: 'hour', value: ms / (1000 * 60 * 60) }; + } + } + if (dur.days) { + if (dur.specifiedWeeks && dur.days % 7 === 0) { + return { unit: 'week', value: dur.days / 7 }; + } + return { unit: 'day', value: dur.days }; + } + if (dur.months) { + return { unit: 'month', value: dur.months }; + } + if (dur.years) { + return { unit: 'year', value: dur.years }; + } + return { unit: 'millisecond', value: 0 }; + } + + // timeZoneOffset is in minutes + function buildIsoString(marker, timeZoneOffset, stripZeroTime) { + if (stripZeroTime === void 0) { stripZeroTime = false; } + var s = marker.toISOString(); + s = s.replace('.000', ''); + if (stripZeroTime) { + s = s.replace('T00:00:00Z', ''); + } + if (s.length > 10) { // time part wasn't stripped, can add timezone info + if (timeZoneOffset == null) { + s = s.replace('Z', ''); + } + else if (timeZoneOffset !== 0) { + s = s.replace('Z', formatTimeZoneOffset(timeZoneOffset, true)); + } + // otherwise, its UTC-0 and we want to keep the Z + } + return s; + } + // formats the date, but with no time part + // TODO: somehow merge with buildIsoString and stripZeroTime + // TODO: rename. omit "string" + function formatDayString(marker) { + return marker.toISOString().replace(/T.*$/, ''); + } + // TODO: use Date::toISOString and use everything after the T? + function formatIsoTimeString(marker) { + return padStart(marker.getUTCHours(), 2) + ':' + + padStart(marker.getUTCMinutes(), 2) + ':' + + padStart(marker.getUTCSeconds(), 2); + } + function formatTimeZoneOffset(minutes, doIso) { + if (doIso === void 0) { doIso = false; } + var sign = minutes < 0 ? '-' : '+'; + var abs = Math.abs(minutes); + var hours = Math.floor(abs / 60); + var mins = Math.round(abs % 60); + if (doIso) { + return sign + padStart(hours, 2) + ":" + padStart(mins, 2); + } + return "GMT" + sign + hours + (mins ? ":" + padStart(mins, 2) : ''); + } + + // TODO: new util arrayify? + function removeExact(array, exactVal) { + var removeCnt = 0; + var i = 0; + while (i < array.length) { + if (array[i] === exactVal) { + array.splice(i, 1); + removeCnt += 1; + } + else { + i += 1; + } + } + return removeCnt; + } + function isArraysEqual(a0, a1, equalityFunc) { + if (a0 === a1) { + return true; + } + var len = a0.length; + var i; + if (len !== a1.length) { // not array? or not same length? + return false; + } + for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { + if (!(equalityFunc ? equalityFunc(a0[i], a1[i]) : a0[i] === a1[i])) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } + + function memoize(workerFunc, resEquality, teardownFunc) { + var currentArgs; + var currentRes; + return function () { + var newArgs = []; + for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { + newArgs[_i] = arguments[_i]; + } + if (!currentArgs) { + currentRes = workerFunc.apply(this, newArgs); + } + else if (!isArraysEqual(currentArgs, newArgs)) { + if (teardownFunc) { + teardownFunc(currentRes); + } + var res = workerFunc.apply(this, newArgs); + if (!resEquality || !resEquality(res, currentRes)) { + currentRes = res; + } + } + currentArgs = newArgs; + return currentRes; + }; + } + function memoizeObjArg(workerFunc, resEquality, teardownFunc) { + var _this = this; + var currentArg; + var currentRes; + return function (newArg) { + if (!currentArg) { + currentRes =, newArg); + } + else if (!isPropsEqual(currentArg, newArg)) { + if (teardownFunc) { + teardownFunc(currentRes); + } + var res =, newArg); + if (!resEquality || !resEquality(res, currentRes)) { + currentRes = res; + } + } + currentArg = newArg; + return currentRes; + }; + } + function memoizeArraylike(// used at all? + workerFunc, resEquality, teardownFunc) { + var _this = this; + var currentArgSets = []; + var currentResults = []; + return function (newArgSets) { + var currentLen = currentArgSets.length; + var newLen = newArgSets.length; + var i = 0; + for (; i < currentLen; i += 1) { + if (!newArgSets[i]) { // one of the old sets no longer exists + if (teardownFunc) { + teardownFunc(currentResults[i]); + } + } + else if (!isArraysEqual(currentArgSets[i], newArgSets[i])) { + if (teardownFunc) { + teardownFunc(currentResults[i]); + } + var res = workerFunc.apply(_this, newArgSets[i]); + if (!resEquality || !resEquality(res, currentResults[i])) { + currentResults[i] = res; + } + } + } + for (; i < newLen; i += 1) { + currentResults[i] = workerFunc.apply(_this, newArgSets[i]); + } + currentArgSets = newArgSets; + currentResults.splice(newLen); // remove excess + return currentResults; + }; + } + function memoizeHashlike(// used? + workerFunc, resEquality, teardownFunc) { + var _this = this; + var currentArgHash = {}; + var currentResHash = {}; + return function (newArgHash) { + var newResHash = {}; + for (var key in newArgHash) { + if (!currentResHash[key]) { + newResHash[key] = workerFunc.apply(_this, newArgHash[key]); + } + else if (!isArraysEqual(currentArgHash[key], newArgHash[key])) { + if (teardownFunc) { + teardownFunc(currentResHash[key]); + } + var res = workerFunc.apply(_this, newArgHash[key]); + newResHash[key] = (resEquality && resEquality(res, currentResHash[key])) + ? currentResHash[key] + : res; + } + else { + newResHash[key] = currentResHash[key]; + } + } + currentArgHash = newArgHash; + currentResHash = newResHash; + return newResHash; + }; + } + + var EXTENDED_SETTINGS_AND_SEVERITIES = { + week: 3, + separator: 0, + omitZeroMinute: 0, + meridiem: 0, + omitCommas: 0, + }; + var STANDARD_DATE_PROP_SEVERITIES = { + timeZoneName: 7, + era: 6, + year: 5, + month: 4, + day: 2, + weekday: 2, + hour: 1, + minute: 1, + second: 1, + }; + var MERIDIEM_RE = /\s*([ap])\.?m\.?/i; // eats up leading spaces too + var COMMA_RE = /,/g; // we need re for globalness + var MULTI_SPACE_RE = /\s+/g; + var LTR_RE = /\u200e/g; // control character + var UTC_RE = /UTC|GMT/; + var NativeFormatter = /** @class */ (function () { + function NativeFormatter(formatSettings) { + var standardDateProps = {}; + var extendedSettings = {}; + var severity = 0; + for (var name_1 in formatSettings) { + if (name_1 in EXTENDED_SETTINGS_AND_SEVERITIES) { + extendedSettings[name_1] = formatSettings[name_1]; + severity = Math.max(EXTENDED_SETTINGS_AND_SEVERITIES[name_1], severity); + } + else { + standardDateProps[name_1] = formatSettings[name_1]; + if (name_1 in STANDARD_DATE_PROP_SEVERITIES) { // TODO: what about hour12? no severity + severity = Math.max(STANDARD_DATE_PROP_SEVERITIES[name_1], severity); + } + } + } + this.standardDateProps = standardDateProps; + this.extendedSettings = extendedSettings; + this.severity = severity; + this.buildFormattingFunc = memoize(buildFormattingFunc); + } + NativeFormatter.prototype.format = function (date, context) { + return this.buildFormattingFunc(this.standardDateProps, this.extendedSettings, context)(date); + }; + NativeFormatter.prototype.formatRange = function (start, end, context, betterDefaultSeparator) { + var _a = this, standardDateProps = _a.standardDateProps, extendedSettings = _a.extendedSettings; + var diffSeverity = computeMarkerDiffSeverity(start.marker, end.marker, context.calendarSystem); + if (!diffSeverity) { + return this.format(start, context); + } + var biggestUnitForPartial = diffSeverity; + if (biggestUnitForPartial > 1 && // the two dates are different in a way that's larger scale than time + (standardDateProps.year === 'numeric' || standardDateProps.year === '2-digit') && + (standardDateProps.month === 'numeric' || standardDateProps.month === '2-digit') && + ( === 'numeric' || === '2-digit')) { + biggestUnitForPartial = 1; // make it look like the dates are only different in terms of time + } + var full0 = this.format(start, context); + var full1 = this.format(end, context); + if (full0 === full1) { + return full0; + } + var partialDateProps = computePartialFormattingOptions(standardDateProps, biggestUnitForPartial); + var partialFormattingFunc = buildFormattingFunc(partialDateProps, extendedSettings, context); + var partial0 = partialFormattingFunc(start); + var partial1 = partialFormattingFunc(end); + var insertion = findCommonInsertion(full0, partial0, full1, partial1); + var separator = extendedSettings.separator || betterDefaultSeparator || context.defaultSeparator || ''; + if (insertion) { + return insertion.before + partial0 + separator + partial1 + insertion.after; + } + return full0 + separator + full1; + }; + NativeFormatter.prototype.getLargestUnit = function () { + switch (this.severity) { + case 7: + case 6: + case 5: + return 'year'; + case 4: + return 'month'; + case 3: + return 'week'; + case 2: + return 'day'; + default: + return 'time'; // really? + } + }; + return NativeFormatter; + }()); + function buildFormattingFunc(standardDateProps, extendedSettings, context) { + var standardDatePropCnt = Object.keys(standardDateProps).length; + if (standardDatePropCnt === 1 && standardDateProps.timeZoneName === 'short') { + return function (date) { return (formatTimeZoneOffset(date.timeZoneOffset)); }; + } + if (standardDatePropCnt === 0 && extendedSettings.week) { + return function (date) { return (formatWeekNumber(context.computeWeekNumber(date.marker), context.weekText, context.weekTextLong, context.locale, extendedSettings.week)); }; + } + return buildNativeFormattingFunc(standardDateProps, extendedSettings, context); + } + function buildNativeFormattingFunc(standardDateProps, extendedSettings, context) { + standardDateProps = __assign({}, standardDateProps); // copy + extendedSettings = __assign({}, extendedSettings); // copy + sanitizeSettings(standardDateProps, extendedSettings); + standardDateProps.timeZone = 'UTC'; // we leverage the only guaranteed timeZone for our UTC markers + var normalFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(, standardDateProps); + var zeroFormat; // needed? + if (extendedSettings.omitZeroMinute) { + var zeroProps = __assign({}, standardDateProps); + delete zeroProps.minute; // seconds and ms were already considered in sanitizeSettings + zeroFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(, zeroProps); + } + return function (date) { + var marker = date.marker; + var format; + if (zeroFormat && !marker.getUTCMinutes()) { + format = zeroFormat; + } + else { + format = normalFormat; + } + var s = format.format(marker); + return postProcess(s, date, standardDateProps, extendedSettings, context); + }; + } + function sanitizeSettings(standardDateProps, extendedSettings) { + // deal with a browser inconsistency where formatting the timezone + // requires that the hour/minute be present. + if (standardDateProps.timeZoneName) { + if (!standardDateProps.hour) { + standardDateProps.hour = '2-digit'; + } + if (!standardDateProps.minute) { + standardDateProps.minute = '2-digit'; + } + } + // only support short timezone names + if (standardDateProps.timeZoneName === 'long') { + standardDateProps.timeZoneName = 'short'; + } + // if requesting to display seconds, MUST display minutes + if (extendedSettings.omitZeroMinute && (standardDateProps.second || standardDateProps.millisecond)) { + delete extendedSettings.omitZeroMinute; + } + } + function postProcess(s, date, standardDateProps, extendedSettings, context) { + s = s.replace(LTR_RE, ''); // remove left-to-right control chars. do first. good for other regexes + if (standardDateProps.timeZoneName === 'short') { + s = injectTzoStr(s, (context.timeZone === 'UTC' || date.timeZoneOffset == null) ? + 'UTC' : // important to normalize for IE, which does "GMT" + formatTimeZoneOffset(date.timeZoneOffset)); + } + if (extendedSettings.omitCommas) { + s = s.replace(COMMA_RE, '').trim(); + } + if (extendedSettings.omitZeroMinute) { + s = s.replace(':00', ''); // zeroFormat doesn't always achieve this + } + // ^ do anything that might create adjacent spaces before this point, + // because MERIDIEM_RE likes to eat up loading spaces + if (extendedSettings.meridiem === false) { + s = s.replace(MERIDIEM_RE, '').trim(); + } + else if (extendedSettings.meridiem === 'narrow') { // a/p + s = s.replace(MERIDIEM_RE, function (m0, m1) { return m1.toLocaleLowerCase(); }); + } + else if (extendedSettings.meridiem === 'short') { // am/pm + s = s.replace(MERIDIEM_RE, function (m0, m1) { return m1.toLocaleLowerCase() + "m"; }); + } + else if (extendedSettings.meridiem === 'lowercase') { // other meridiem transformers already converted to lowercase + s = s.replace(MERIDIEM_RE, function (m0) { return m0.toLocaleLowerCase(); }); + } + s = s.replace(MULTI_SPACE_RE, ' '); + s = s.trim(); + return s; + } + function injectTzoStr(s, tzoStr) { + var replaced = false; + s = s.replace(UTC_RE, function () { + replaced = true; + return tzoStr; + }); + // IE11 doesn't include UTC/GMT in the original string, so append to end + if (!replaced) { + s += " " + tzoStr; + } + return s; + } + function formatWeekNumber(num, weekText, weekTextLong, locale, display) { + var parts = []; + if (display === 'long') { + parts.push(weekTextLong); + } + else if (display === 'short' || display === 'narrow') { + parts.push(weekText); + } + if (display === 'long' || display === 'short') { + parts.push(' '); + } + parts.push(locale.simpleNumberFormat.format(num)); + if (locale.options.direction === 'rtl') { // TODO: use control characters instead? + parts.reverse(); + } + return parts.join(''); + } + // Range Formatting Utils + // 0 = exactly the same + // 1 = different by time + // and bigger + function computeMarkerDiffSeverity(d0, d1, ca) { + if (ca.getMarkerYear(d0) !== ca.getMarkerYear(d1)) { + return 5; + } + if (ca.getMarkerMonth(d0) !== ca.getMarkerMonth(d1)) { + return 4; + } + if (ca.getMarkerDay(d0) !== ca.getMarkerDay(d1)) { + return 2; + } + if (timeAsMs(d0) !== timeAsMs(d1)) { + return 1; + } + return 0; + } + function computePartialFormattingOptions(options, biggestUnit) { + var partialOptions = {}; + for (var name_2 in options) { + if (!(name_2 in STANDARD_DATE_PROP_SEVERITIES) || // not a date part prop (like timeZone) + STANDARD_DATE_PROP_SEVERITIES[name_2] <= biggestUnit) { + partialOptions[name_2] = options[name_2]; + } + } + return partialOptions; + } + function findCommonInsertion(full0, partial0, full1, partial1) { + var i0 = 0; + while (i0 < full0.length) { + var found0 = full0.indexOf(partial0, i0); + if (found0 === -1) { + break; + } + var before0 = full0.substr(0, found0); + i0 = found0 + partial0.length; + var after0 = full0.substr(i0); + var i1 = 0; + while (i1 < full1.length) { + var found1 = full1.indexOf(partial1, i1); + if (found1 === -1) { + break; + } + var before1 = full1.substr(0, found1); + i1 = found1 + partial1.length; + var after1 = full1.substr(i1); + if (before0 === before1 && after0 === after1) { + return { + before: before0, + after: after0, + }; + } + } + } + return null; + } + + function expandZonedMarker(dateInfo, calendarSystem) { + var a = calendarSystem.markerToArray(dateInfo.marker); + return { + marker: dateInfo.marker, + timeZoneOffset: dateInfo.timeZoneOffset, + array: a, + year: a[0], + month: a[1], + day: a[2], + hour: a[3], + minute: a[4], + second: a[5], + millisecond: a[6], + }; + } + + function createVerboseFormattingArg(start, end, context, betterDefaultSeparator) { + var startInfo = expandZonedMarker(start, context.calendarSystem); + var endInfo = end ? expandZonedMarker(end, context.calendarSystem) : null; + return { + date: startInfo, + start: startInfo, + end: endInfo, + timeZone: context.timeZone, + localeCodes:, + defaultSeparator: betterDefaultSeparator || context.defaultSeparator, + }; + } + + /* + TODO: fix the terminology of "formatter" vs "formatting func" + */ + /* + At the time of instantiation, this object does not know which cmd-formatting system it will use. + It receives this at the time of formatting, as a setting. + */ + var CmdFormatter = /** @class */ (function () { + function CmdFormatter(cmdStr) { + this.cmdStr = cmdStr; + } + CmdFormatter.prototype.format = function (date, context, betterDefaultSeparator) { + return context.cmdFormatter(this.cmdStr, createVerboseFormattingArg(date, null, context, betterDefaultSeparator)); + }; + CmdFormatter.prototype.formatRange = function (start, end, context, betterDefaultSeparator) { + return context.cmdFormatter(this.cmdStr, createVerboseFormattingArg(start, end, context, betterDefaultSeparator)); + }; + return CmdFormatter; + }()); + + var FuncFormatter = /** @class */ (function () { + function FuncFormatter(func) { + this.func = func; + } + FuncFormatter.prototype.format = function (date, context, betterDefaultSeparator) { + return this.func(createVerboseFormattingArg(date, null, context, betterDefaultSeparator)); + }; + FuncFormatter.prototype.formatRange = function (start, end, context, betterDefaultSeparator) { + return this.func(createVerboseFormattingArg(start, end, context, betterDefaultSeparator)); + }; + return FuncFormatter; + }()); + + function createFormatter(input) { + if (typeof input === 'object' && input) { // non-null object + return new NativeFormatter(input); + } + if (typeof input === 'string') { + return new CmdFormatter(input); + } + if (typeof input === 'function') { + return new FuncFormatter(input); + } + return null; + } + + // base options + // ------------ + var BASE_OPTION_REFINERS = { + navLinkDayClick: identity, + navLinkWeekClick: identity, + duration: createDuration, + bootstrapFontAwesome: identity, + buttonIcons: identity, + customButtons: identity, + defaultAllDayEventDuration: createDuration, + defaultTimedEventDuration: createDuration, + nextDayThreshold: createDuration, + scrollTime: createDuration, + scrollTimeReset: Boolean, + slotMinTime: createDuration, + slotMaxTime: createDuration, + dayPopoverFormat: createFormatter, + slotDuration: createDuration, + snapDuration: createDuration, + headerToolbar: identity, + footerToolbar: identity, + defaultRangeSeparator: String, + titleRangeSeparator: String, + forceEventDuration: Boolean, + dayHeaders: Boolean, + dayHeaderFormat: createFormatter, + dayHeaderClassNames: identity, + dayHeaderContent: identity, + dayHeaderDidMount: identity, + dayHeaderWillUnmount: identity, + dayCellClassNames: identity, + dayCellContent: identity, + dayCellDidMount: identity, + dayCellWillUnmount: identity, + initialView: String, + aspectRatio: Number, + weekends: Boolean, + weekNumberCalculation: identity, + weekNumbers: Boolean, + weekNumberClassNames: identity, + weekNumberContent: identity, + weekNumberDidMount: identity, + weekNumberWillUnmount: identity, + editable: Boolean, + viewClassNames: identity, + viewDidMount: identity, + viewWillUnmount: identity, + nowIndicator: Boolean, + nowIndicatorClassNames: identity, + nowIndicatorContent: identity, + nowIndicatorDidMount: identity, + nowIndicatorWillUnmount: identity, + showNonCurrentDates: Boolean, + lazyFetching: Boolean, + startParam: String, + endParam: String, + timeZoneParam: String, + timeZone: String, + locales: identity, + locale: identity, + themeSystem: String, + dragRevertDuration: Number, + dragScroll: Boolean, + allDayMaintainDuration: Boolean, + unselectAuto: Boolean, + dropAccept: identity, + eventOrder: parseFieldSpecs, + eventOrderStrict: Boolean, + handleWindowResize: Boolean, + windowResizeDelay: Number, + longPressDelay: Number, + eventDragMinDistance: Number, + expandRows: Boolean, + height: identity, + contentHeight: identity, + direction: String, + weekNumberFormat: createFormatter, + eventResizableFromStart: Boolean, + displayEventTime: Boolean, + displayEventEnd: Boolean, + weekText: String, + weekTextLong: String, + progressiveEventRendering: Boolean, + businessHours: identity, + initialDate: identity, + now: identity, + eventDataTransform: identity, + stickyHeaderDates: identity, + stickyFooterScrollbar: identity, + viewHeight: identity, + defaultAllDay: Boolean, + eventSourceFailure: identity, + eventSourceSuccess: identity, + eventDisplay: String, + eventStartEditable: Boolean, + eventDurationEditable: Boolean, + eventOverlap: identity, + eventConstraint: identity, + eventAllow: identity, + eventBackgroundColor: String, + eventBorderColor: String, + eventTextColor: String, + eventColor: String, + eventClassNames: identity, + eventContent: identity, + eventDidMount: identity, + eventWillUnmount: identity, + selectConstraint: identity, + selectOverlap: identity, + selectAllow: identity, + droppable: Boolean, + unselectCancel: String, + slotLabelFormat: identity, + slotLaneClassNames: identity, + slotLaneContent: identity, + slotLaneDidMount: identity, + slotLaneWillUnmount: identity, + slotLabelClassNames: identity, + slotLabelContent: identity, + slotLabelDidMount: identity, + slotLabelWillUnmount: identity, + dayMaxEvents: identity, + dayMaxEventRows: identity, + dayMinWidth: Number, + slotLabelInterval: createDuration, + allDayText: String, + allDayClassNames: identity, + allDayContent: identity, + allDayDidMount: identity, + allDayWillUnmount: identity, + slotMinWidth: Number, + navLinks: Boolean, + eventTimeFormat: createFormatter, + rerenderDelay: Number, + moreLinkText: identity, + moreLinkHint: identity, + selectMinDistance: Number, + selectable: Boolean, + selectLongPressDelay: Number, + eventLongPressDelay: Number, + selectMirror: Boolean, + eventMaxStack: Number, + eventMinHeight: Number, + eventMinWidth: Number, + eventShortHeight: Number, + slotEventOverlap: Boolean, + plugins: identity, + firstDay: Number, + dayCount: Number, + dateAlignment: String, + dateIncrement: createDuration, + hiddenDays: identity, + monthMode: Boolean, + fixedWeekCount: Boolean, + validRange: identity, + visibleRange: identity, + titleFormat: identity, + eventInteractive: Boolean, + // only used by list-view, but languages define the value, so we need it in base options + noEventsText: String, + viewHint: identity, + navLinkHint: identity, + closeHint: String, + timeHint: String, + eventHint: String, + moreLinkClick: identity, + moreLinkClassNames: identity, + moreLinkContent: identity, + moreLinkDidMount: identity, + moreLinkWillUnmount: identity, + }; + // do NOT give a type here. need `typeof BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS` to give real results. + // raw values. + var BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS = { + eventDisplay: 'auto', + defaultRangeSeparator: ' - ', + titleRangeSeparator: ' \u2013 ', + defaultTimedEventDuration: '01:00:00', + defaultAllDayEventDuration: { day: 1 }, + forceEventDuration: false, + nextDayThreshold: '00:00:00', + dayHeaders: true, + initialView: '', + aspectRatio: 1.35, + headerToolbar: { + start: 'title', + center: '', + end: 'today prev,next', + }, + weekends: true, + weekNumbers: false, + weekNumberCalculation: 'local', + editable: false, + nowIndicator: false, + scrollTime: '06:00:00', + scrollTimeReset: true, + slotMinTime: '00:00:00', + slotMaxTime: '24:00:00', + showNonCurrentDates: true, + lazyFetching: true, + startParam: 'start', + endParam: 'end', + timeZoneParam: 'timeZone', + timeZone: 'local', + locales: [], + locale: '', + themeSystem: 'standard', + dragRevertDuration: 500, + dragScroll: true, + allDayMaintainDuration: false, + unselectAuto: true, + dropAccept: '*', + eventOrder: 'start,-duration,allDay,title', + dayPopoverFormat: { month: 'long', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric' }, + handleWindowResize: true, + windowResizeDelay: 100, + longPressDelay: 1000, + eventDragMinDistance: 5, + expandRows: false, + navLinks: false, + selectable: false, + eventMinHeight: 15, + eventMinWidth: 30, + eventShortHeight: 30, + }; + // calendar listeners + // ------------------ + var CALENDAR_LISTENER_REFINERS = { + datesSet: identity, + eventsSet: identity, + eventAdd: identity, + eventChange: identity, + eventRemove: identity, + windowResize: identity, + eventClick: identity, + eventMouseEnter: identity, + eventMouseLeave: identity, + select: identity, + unselect: identity, + loading: identity, + // internal + _unmount: identity, + _beforeprint: identity, + _afterprint: identity, + _noEventDrop: identity, + _noEventResize: identity, + _resize: identity, + _scrollRequest: identity, + }; + // calendar-specific options + // ------------------------- + var CALENDAR_OPTION_REFINERS = { + buttonText: identity, + buttonHints: identity, + views: identity, + plugins: identity, + initialEvents: identity, + events: identity, + eventSources: identity, + }; + var COMPLEX_OPTION_COMPARATORS = { + headerToolbar: isBoolComplexEqual, + footerToolbar: isBoolComplexEqual, + buttonText: isBoolComplexEqual, + buttonHints: isBoolComplexEqual, + buttonIcons: isBoolComplexEqual, + }; + function isBoolComplexEqual(a, b) { + if (typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object' && a && b) { // both non-null objects + return isPropsEqual(a, b); + } + return a === b; + } + // view-specific options + // --------------------- + var VIEW_OPTION_REFINERS = { + type: String, + component: identity, + buttonText: String, + buttonTextKey: String, + dateProfileGeneratorClass: identity, + usesMinMaxTime: Boolean, + classNames: identity, + content: identity, + didMount: identity, + willUnmount: identity, + }; + // util funcs + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + function mergeRawOptions(optionSets) { + return mergeProps(optionSets, COMPLEX_OPTION_COMPARATORS); + } + function refineProps(input, refiners) { + var refined = {}; + var extra = {}; + for (var propName in refiners) { + if (propName in input) { + refined[propName] = refiners[propName](input[propName]); + } + } + for (var propName in input) { + if (!(propName in refiners)) { + extra[propName] = input[propName]; + } + } + return { refined: refined, extra: extra }; + } + function identity(raw) { + return raw; + } + + function parseEvents(rawEvents, eventSource, context, allowOpenRange) { + var eventStore = createEmptyEventStore(); + var eventRefiners = buildEventRefiners(context); + for (var _i = 0, rawEvents_1 = rawEvents; _i < rawEvents_1.length; _i++) { + var rawEvent = rawEvents_1[_i]; + var tuple = parseEvent(rawEvent, eventSource, context, allowOpenRange, eventRefiners); + if (tuple) { + eventTupleToStore(tuple, eventStore); + } + } + return eventStore; + } + function eventTupleToStore(tuple, eventStore) { + if (eventStore === void 0) { eventStore = createEmptyEventStore(); } + eventStore.defs[tuple.def.defId] = tuple.def; + if (tuple.instance) { + eventStore.instances[tuple.instance.instanceId] = tuple.instance; + } + return eventStore; + } + // retrieves events that have the same groupId as the instance specified by `instanceId` + // or they are the same as the instance. + // why might instanceId not be in the store? an event from another calendar? + function getRelevantEvents(eventStore, instanceId) { + var instance = eventStore.instances[instanceId]; + if (instance) { + var def_1 = eventStore.defs[instance.defId]; + // get events/instances with same group + var newStore = filterEventStoreDefs(eventStore, function (lookDef) { return isEventDefsGrouped(def_1, lookDef); }); + // add the original + // TODO: wish we could use eventTupleToStore or something like it + newStore.defs[def_1.defId] = def_1; + newStore.instances[instance.instanceId] = instance; + return newStore; + } + return createEmptyEventStore(); + } + function isEventDefsGrouped(def0, def1) { + return Boolean(def0.groupId && def0.groupId === def1.groupId); + } + function createEmptyEventStore() { + return { defs: {}, instances: {} }; + } + function mergeEventStores(store0, store1) { + return { + defs: __assign(__assign({}, store0.defs), store1.defs), + instances: __assign(__assign({}, store0.instances), store1.instances), + }; + } + function filterEventStoreDefs(eventStore, filterFunc) { + var defs = filterHash(eventStore.defs, filterFunc); + var instances = filterHash(eventStore.instances, function (instance) { return (defs[instance.defId] // still exists? + ); }); + return { defs: defs, instances: instances }; + } + function excludeSubEventStore(master, sub) { + var defs = master.defs, instances = master.instances; + var filteredDefs = {}; + var filteredInstances = {}; + for (var defId in defs) { + if (!sub.defs[defId]) { // not explicitly excluded + filteredDefs[defId] = defs[defId]; + } + } + for (var instanceId in instances) { + if (!sub.instances[instanceId] && // not explicitly excluded + filteredDefs[instances[instanceId].defId] // def wasn't filtered away + ) { + filteredInstances[instanceId] = instances[instanceId]; + } + } + return { + defs: filteredDefs, + instances: filteredInstances, + }; + } + + function normalizeConstraint(input, context) { + if (Array.isArray(input)) { + return parseEvents(input, null, context, true); // allowOpenRange=true + } + if (typeof input === 'object' && input) { // non-null object + return parseEvents([input], null, context, true); // allowOpenRange=true + } + if (input != null) { + return String(input); + } + return null; + } + + function parseClassNames(raw) { + if (Array.isArray(raw)) { + return raw; + } + if (typeof raw === 'string') { + return raw.split(/\s+/); + } + return []; + } + + // TODO: better called "EventSettings" or "EventConfig" + // TODO: move this file into structs + // TODO: separate constraint/overlap/allow, because selection uses only that, not other props + var EVENT_UI_REFINERS = { + display: String, + editable: Boolean, + startEditable: Boolean, + durationEditable: Boolean, + constraint: identity, + overlap: identity, + allow: identity, + className: parseClassNames, + classNames: parseClassNames, + color: String, + backgroundColor: String, + borderColor: String, + textColor: String, + }; + var EMPTY_EVENT_UI = { + display: null, + startEditable: null, + durationEditable: null, + constraints: [], + overlap: null, + allows: [], + backgroundColor: '', + borderColor: '', + textColor: '', + classNames: [], + }; + function createEventUi(refined, context) { + var constraint = normalizeConstraint(refined.constraint, context); + return { + display: refined.display || null, + startEditable: refined.startEditable != null ? refined.startEditable : refined.editable, + durationEditable: refined.durationEditable != null ? refined.durationEditable : refined.editable, + constraints: constraint != null ? [constraint] : [], + overlap: refined.overlap != null ? refined.overlap : null, + allows: refined.allow != null ? [refined.allow] : [], + backgroundColor: refined.backgroundColor || refined.color || '', + borderColor: refined.borderColor || refined.color || '', + textColor: refined.textColor || '', + classNames: (refined.className || []).concat(refined.classNames || []), // join singular and plural + }; + } + // TODO: prevent against problems with <2 args! + function combineEventUis(uis) { + return uis.reduce(combineTwoEventUis, EMPTY_EVENT_UI); + } + function combineTwoEventUis(item0, item1) { + return { + display: item1.display != null ? item1.display : item0.display, + startEditable: item1.startEditable != null ? item1.startEditable : item0.startEditable, + durationEditable: item1.durationEditable != null ? item1.durationEditable : item0.durationEditable, + constraints: item0.constraints.concat(item1.constraints), + overlap: typeof item1.overlap === 'boolean' ? item1.overlap : item0.overlap, + allows: item0.allows.concat(item1.allows), + backgroundColor: item1.backgroundColor || item0.backgroundColor, + borderColor: item1.borderColor || item0.borderColor, + textColor: item1.textColor || item0.textColor, + classNames: item0.classNames.concat(item1.classNames), + }; + } + + var EVENT_NON_DATE_REFINERS = { + id: String, + groupId: String, + title: String, + url: String, + interactive: Boolean, + }; + var EVENT_DATE_REFINERS = { + start: identity, + end: identity, + date: identity, + allDay: Boolean, + }; + var EVENT_REFINERS = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, EVENT_NON_DATE_REFINERS), EVENT_DATE_REFINERS), { extendedProps: identity }); + function parseEvent(raw, eventSource, context, allowOpenRange, refiners) { + if (refiners === void 0) { refiners = buildEventRefiners(context); } + var _a = refineEventDef(raw, context, refiners), refined = _a.refined, extra = _a.extra; + var defaultAllDay = computeIsDefaultAllDay(eventSource, context); + var recurringRes = parseRecurring(refined, defaultAllDay, context.dateEnv, context.pluginHooks.recurringTypes); + if (recurringRes) { + var def = parseEventDef(refined, extra, eventSource ? eventSource.sourceId : '', recurringRes.allDay, Boolean(recurringRes.duration), context); + def.recurringDef = { + typeId: recurringRes.typeId, + typeData: recurringRes.typeData, + duration: recurringRes.duration, + }; + return { def: def, instance: null }; + } + var singleRes = parseSingle(refined, defaultAllDay, context, allowOpenRange); + if (singleRes) { + var def = parseEventDef(refined, extra, eventSource ? eventSource.sourceId : '', singleRes.allDay, singleRes.hasEnd, context); + var instance = createEventInstance(def.defId, singleRes.range, singleRes.forcedStartTzo, singleRes.forcedEndTzo); + return { def: def, instance: instance }; + } + return null; + } + function refineEventDef(raw, context, refiners) { + if (refiners === void 0) { refiners = buildEventRefiners(context); } + return refineProps(raw, refiners); + } + function buildEventRefiners(context) { + return __assign(__assign(__assign({}, EVENT_UI_REFINERS), EVENT_REFINERS), context.pluginHooks.eventRefiners); + } + /* + Will NOT populate extendedProps with the leftover properties. + Will NOT populate date-related props. + */ + function parseEventDef(refined, extra, sourceId, allDay, hasEnd, context) { + var def = { + title: refined.title || '', + groupId: refined.groupId || '', + publicId: || '', + url: refined.url || '', + recurringDef: null, + defId: guid(), + sourceId: sourceId, + allDay: allDay, + hasEnd: hasEnd, + interactive: refined.interactive, + ui: createEventUi(refined, context), + extendedProps: __assign(__assign({}, (refined.extendedProps || {})), extra), + }; + for (var _i = 0, _a = context.pluginHooks.eventDefMemberAdders; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var memberAdder = _a[_i]; + __assign(def, memberAdder(refined)); + } + // help out EventApi from having user modify props + Object.freeze(def.ui.classNames); + Object.freeze(def.extendedProps); + return def; + } + function parseSingle(refined, defaultAllDay, context, allowOpenRange) { + var allDay = refined.allDay; + var startMeta; + var startMarker = null; + var hasEnd = false; + var endMeta; + var endMarker = null; + var startInput = refined.start != null ? refined.start :; + startMeta = context.dateEnv.createMarkerMeta(startInput); + if (startMeta) { + startMarker = startMeta.marker; + } + else if (!allowOpenRange) { + return null; + } + if (refined.end != null) { + endMeta = context.dateEnv.createMarkerMeta(refined.end); + } + if (allDay == null) { + if (defaultAllDay != null) { + allDay = defaultAllDay; + } + else { + // fall back to the date props LAST + allDay = (!startMeta || startMeta.isTimeUnspecified) && + (!endMeta || endMeta.isTimeUnspecified); + } + } + if (allDay && startMarker) { + startMarker = startOfDay(startMarker); + } + if (endMeta) { + endMarker = endMeta.marker; + if (allDay) { + endMarker = startOfDay(endMarker); + } + if (startMarker && endMarker <= startMarker) { + endMarker = null; + } + } + if (endMarker) { + hasEnd = true; + } + else if (!allowOpenRange) { + hasEnd = context.options.forceEventDuration || false; + endMarker = context.dateEnv.add(startMarker, allDay ? + context.options.defaultAllDayEventDuration : + context.options.defaultTimedEventDuration); + } + return { + allDay: allDay, + hasEnd: hasEnd, + range: { start: startMarker, end: endMarker }, + forcedStartTzo: startMeta ? startMeta.forcedTzo : null, + forcedEndTzo: endMeta ? endMeta.forcedTzo : null, + }; + } + function computeIsDefaultAllDay(eventSource, context) { + var res = null; + if (eventSource) { + res = eventSource.defaultAllDay; + } + if (res == null) { + res = context.options.defaultAllDay; + } + return res; + } + + /* Date stuff that doesn't belong in datelib core + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + // given a timed range, computes an all-day range that has the same exact duration, + // but whose start time is aligned with the start of the day. + function computeAlignedDayRange(timedRange) { + var dayCnt = Math.floor(diffDays(timedRange.start, timedRange.end)) || 1; + var start = startOfDay(timedRange.start); + var end = addDays(start, dayCnt); + return { start: start, end: end }; + } + // given a timed range, computes an all-day range based on how for the end date bleeds into the next day + // TODO: give nextDayThreshold a default arg + function computeVisibleDayRange(timedRange, nextDayThreshold) { + if (nextDayThreshold === void 0) { nextDayThreshold = createDuration(0); } + var startDay = null; + var endDay = null; + if (timedRange.end) { + endDay = startOfDay(timedRange.end); + var endTimeMS = timedRange.end.valueOf() - endDay.valueOf(); // # of milliseconds into `endDay` + // If the end time is actually inclusively part of the next day and is equal to or + // beyond the next day threshold, adjust the end to be the exclusive end of `endDay`. + // Otherwise, leaving it as inclusive will cause it to exclude `endDay`. + if (endTimeMS && endTimeMS >= asRoughMs(nextDayThreshold)) { + endDay = addDays(endDay, 1); + } + } + if (timedRange.start) { + startDay = startOfDay(timedRange.start); // the beginning of the day the range starts + // If end is within `startDay` but not past nextDayThreshold, assign the default duration of one day. + if (endDay && endDay <= startDay) { + endDay = addDays(startDay, 1); + } + } + return { start: startDay, end: endDay }; + } + // spans from one day into another? + function isMultiDayRange(range) { + var visibleRange = computeVisibleDayRange(range); + return diffDays(visibleRange.start, visibleRange.end) > 1; + } + function diffDates(date0, date1, dateEnv, largeUnit) { + if (largeUnit === 'year') { + return createDuration(dateEnv.diffWholeYears(date0, date1), 'year'); + } + if (largeUnit === 'month') { + return createDuration(dateEnv.diffWholeMonths(date0, date1), 'month'); + } + return diffDayAndTime(date0, date1); // returns a duration + } + + function parseRange(input, dateEnv) { + var start = null; + var end = null; + if (input.start) { + start = dateEnv.createMarker(input.start); + } + if (input.end) { + end = dateEnv.createMarker(input.end); + } + if (!start && !end) { + return null; + } + if (start && end && end < start) { + return null; + } + return { start: start, end: end }; + } + // SIDE-EFFECT: will mutate ranges. + // Will return a new array result. + function invertRanges(ranges, constraintRange) { + var invertedRanges = []; + var start = constraintRange.start; // the end of the previous range. the start of the new range + var i; + var dateRange; + // ranges need to be in order. required for our date-walking algorithm + ranges.sort(compareRanges); + for (i = 0; i < ranges.length; i += 1) { + dateRange = ranges[i]; + // add the span of time before the event (if there is any) + if (dateRange.start > start) { // compare millisecond time (skip any ambig logic) + invertedRanges.push({ start: start, end: dateRange.start }); + } + if (dateRange.end > start) { + start = dateRange.end; + } + } + // add the span of time after the last event (if there is any) + if (start < constraintRange.end) { // compare millisecond time (skip any ambig logic) + invertedRanges.push({ start: start, end: constraintRange.end }); + } + return invertedRanges; + } + function compareRanges(range0, range1) { + return range0.start.valueOf() - range1.start.valueOf(); // earlier ranges go first + } + function intersectRanges(range0, range1) { + var start = range0.start, end = range0.end; + var newRange = null; + if (range1.start !== null) { + if (start === null) { + start = range1.start; + } + else { + start = new Date(Math.max(start.valueOf(), range1.start.valueOf())); + } + } + if (range1.end != null) { + if (end === null) { + end = range1.end; + } + else { + end = new Date(Math.min(end.valueOf(), range1.end.valueOf())); + } + } + if (start === null || end === null || start < end) { + newRange = { start: start, end: end }; + } + return newRange; + } + function rangesEqual(range0, range1) { + return (range0.start === null ? null : range0.start.valueOf()) === (range1.start === null ? null : range1.start.valueOf()) && + (range0.end === null ? null : range0.end.valueOf()) === (range1.end === null ? null : range1.end.valueOf()); + } + function rangesIntersect(range0, range1) { + return (range0.end === null || range1.start === null || range0.end > range1.start) && + (range0.start === null || range1.end === null || range0.start < range1.end); + } + function rangeContainsRange(outerRange, innerRange) { + return (outerRange.start === null || (innerRange.start !== null && innerRange.start >= outerRange.start)) && + (outerRange.end === null || (innerRange.end !== null && innerRange.end <= outerRange.end)); + } + function rangeContainsMarker(range, date) { + return (range.start === null || date >= range.start) && + (range.end === null || date < range.end); + } + // If the given date is not within the given range, move it inside. + // (If it's past the end, make it one millisecond before the end). + function constrainMarkerToRange(date, range) { + if (range.start != null && date < range.start) { + return range.start; + } + if (range.end != null && date >= range.end) { + return new Date(range.end.valueOf() - 1); + } + return date; + } + + /* + Specifying nextDayThreshold signals that all-day ranges should be sliced. + */ + function sliceEventStore(eventStore, eventUiBases, framingRange, nextDayThreshold) { + var inverseBgByGroupId = {}; + var inverseBgByDefId = {}; + var defByGroupId = {}; + var bgRanges = []; + var fgRanges = []; + var eventUis = compileEventUis(eventStore.defs, eventUiBases); + for (var defId in eventStore.defs) { + var def = eventStore.defs[defId]; + var ui = eventUis[def.defId]; + if (ui.display === 'inverse-background') { + if (def.groupId) { + inverseBgByGroupId[def.groupId] = []; + if (!defByGroupId[def.groupId]) { + defByGroupId[def.groupId] = def; + } + } + else { + inverseBgByDefId[defId] = []; + } + } + } + for (var instanceId in eventStore.instances) { + var instance = eventStore.instances[instanceId]; + var def = eventStore.defs[instance.defId]; + var ui = eventUis[def.defId]; + var origRange = instance.range; + var normalRange = (!def.allDay && nextDayThreshold) ? + computeVisibleDayRange(origRange, nextDayThreshold) : + origRange; + var slicedRange = intersectRanges(normalRange, framingRange); + if (slicedRange) { + if (ui.display === 'inverse-background') { + if (def.groupId) { + inverseBgByGroupId[def.groupId].push(slicedRange); + } + else { + inverseBgByDefId[instance.defId].push(slicedRange); + } + } + else if (ui.display !== 'none') { + (ui.display === 'background' ? bgRanges : fgRanges).push({ + def: def, + ui: ui, + instance: instance, + range: slicedRange, + isStart: normalRange.start && normalRange.start.valueOf() === slicedRange.start.valueOf(), + isEnd: normalRange.end && normalRange.end.valueOf() === slicedRange.end.valueOf(), + }); + } + } + } + for (var groupId in inverseBgByGroupId) { // BY GROUP + var ranges = inverseBgByGroupId[groupId]; + var invertedRanges = invertRanges(ranges, framingRange); + for (var _i = 0, invertedRanges_1 = invertedRanges; _i < invertedRanges_1.length; _i++) { + var invertedRange = invertedRanges_1[_i]; + var def = defByGroupId[groupId]; + var ui = eventUis[def.defId]; + bgRanges.push({ + def: def, + ui: ui, + instance: null, + range: invertedRange, + isStart: false, + isEnd: false, + }); + } + } + for (var defId in inverseBgByDefId) { + var ranges = inverseBgByDefId[defId]; + var invertedRanges = invertRanges(ranges, framingRange); + for (var _a = 0, invertedRanges_2 = invertedRanges; _a < invertedRanges_2.length; _a++) { + var invertedRange = invertedRanges_2[_a]; + bgRanges.push({ + def: eventStore.defs[defId], + ui: eventUis[defId], + instance: null, + range: invertedRange, + isStart: false, + isEnd: false, + }); + } + } + return { bg: bgRanges, fg: fgRanges }; + } + function hasBgRendering(def) { + return def.ui.display === 'background' || def.ui.display === 'inverse-background'; + } + function setElSeg(el, seg) { + el.fcSeg = seg; + } + function getElSeg(el) { + return el.fcSeg || + el.parentNode.fcSeg || // for the harness + null; + } + // event ui computation + function compileEventUis(eventDefs, eventUiBases) { + return mapHash(eventDefs, function (eventDef) { return compileEventUi(eventDef, eventUiBases); }); + } + function compileEventUi(eventDef, eventUiBases) { + var uis = []; + if (eventUiBases['']) { + uis.push(eventUiBases['']); + } + if (eventUiBases[eventDef.defId]) { + uis.push(eventUiBases[eventDef.defId]); + } + uis.push(eventDef.ui); + return combineEventUis(uis); + } + function sortEventSegs(segs, eventOrderSpecs) { + var objs =; + objs.sort(function (obj0, obj1) { return compareByFieldSpecs(obj0, obj1, eventOrderSpecs); }); + return (c) { return c._seg; }); + } + // returns a object with all primitive props that can be compared + function buildSegCompareObj(seg) { + var eventRange = seg.eventRange; + var eventDef = eventRange.def; + var range = eventRange.instance ? eventRange.instance.range : eventRange.range; + var start = range.start ? range.start.valueOf() : 0; // TODO: better support for open-range events + var end = range.end ? range.end.valueOf() : 0; // " + return __assign(__assign(__assign({}, eventDef.extendedProps), eventDef), { id: eventDef.publicId, start: start, + end: end, duration: end - start, allDay: Number(eventDef.allDay), _seg: seg }); + } + function computeSegDraggable(seg, context) { + var pluginHooks = context.pluginHooks; + var transformers = pluginHooks.isDraggableTransformers; + var _a = seg.eventRange, def = _a.def, ui = _a.ui; + var val = ui.startEditable; + for (var _i = 0, transformers_1 = transformers; _i < transformers_1.length; _i++) { + var transformer = transformers_1[_i]; + val = transformer(val, def, ui, context); + } + return val; + } + function computeSegStartResizable(seg, context) { + return seg.isStart && seg.eventRange.ui.durationEditable && context.options.eventResizableFromStart; + } + function computeSegEndResizable(seg, context) { + return seg.isEnd && seg.eventRange.ui.durationEditable; + } + function buildSegTimeText(seg, timeFormat, context, defaultDisplayEventTime, // defaults to true + defaultDisplayEventEnd, // defaults to true + startOverride, endOverride) { + var dateEnv = context.dateEnv, options = context.options; + var displayEventTime = options.displayEventTime, displayEventEnd = options.displayEventEnd; + var eventDef = seg.eventRange.def; + var eventInstance = seg.eventRange.instance; + if (displayEventTime == null) { + displayEventTime = defaultDisplayEventTime !== false; + } + if (displayEventEnd == null) { + displayEventEnd = defaultDisplayEventEnd !== false; + } + var wholeEventStart = eventInstance.range.start; + var wholeEventEnd = eventInstance.range.end; + var segStart = startOverride || seg.start || seg.eventRange.range.start; + var segEnd = endOverride || seg.end || seg.eventRange.range.end; + var isStartDay = startOfDay(wholeEventStart).valueOf() === startOfDay(segStart).valueOf(); + var isEndDay = startOfDay(addMs(wholeEventEnd, -1)).valueOf() === startOfDay(addMs(segEnd, -1)).valueOf(); + if (displayEventTime && !eventDef.allDay && (isStartDay || isEndDay)) { + segStart = isStartDay ? wholeEventStart : segStart; + segEnd = isEndDay ? wholeEventEnd : segEnd; + if (displayEventEnd && eventDef.hasEnd) { + return dateEnv.formatRange(segStart, segEnd, timeFormat, { + forcedStartTzo: startOverride ? null : eventInstance.forcedStartTzo, + forcedEndTzo: endOverride ? null : eventInstance.forcedEndTzo, + }); + } + return dateEnv.format(segStart, timeFormat, { + forcedTzo: startOverride ? null : eventInstance.forcedStartTzo, // nooooo, same + }); + } + return ''; + } + function getSegMeta(seg, todayRange, nowDate) { + var segRange = seg.eventRange.range; + return { + isPast: segRange.end < (nowDate || todayRange.start), + isFuture: segRange.start >= (nowDate || todayRange.end), + isToday: todayRange && rangeContainsMarker(todayRange, segRange.start), + }; + } + function getEventClassNames(props) { + var classNames = ['fc-event']; + if (props.isMirror) { + classNames.push('fc-event-mirror'); + } + if (props.isDraggable) { + classNames.push('fc-event-draggable'); + } + if (props.isStartResizable || props.isEndResizable) { + classNames.push('fc-event-resizable'); + } + if (props.isDragging) { + classNames.push('fc-event-dragging'); + } + if (props.isResizing) { + classNames.push('fc-event-resizing'); + } + if (props.isSelected) { + classNames.push('fc-event-selected'); + } + if (props.isStart) { + classNames.push('fc-event-start'); + } + if (props.isEnd) { + classNames.push('fc-event-end'); + } + if (props.isPast) { + classNames.push('fc-event-past'); + } + if (props.isToday) { + classNames.push('fc-event-today'); + } + if (props.isFuture) { + classNames.push('fc-event-future'); + } + return classNames; + } + function buildEventRangeKey(eventRange) { + return eventRange.instance + ? eventRange.instance.instanceId + : eventRange.def.defId + ":" + eventRange.range.start.toISOString(); + // inverse-background events don't have specific instances. TODO: better solution + } + function getSegAnchorAttrs(seg, context) { + var _a = seg.eventRange, def = _a.def, instance = _a.instance; + var url = def.url; + if (url) { + return { href: url }; + } + var emitter = context.emitter, options = context.options; + var eventInteractive = options.eventInteractive; + if (eventInteractive == null) { + eventInteractive = def.interactive; + if (eventInteractive == null) { + eventInteractive = Boolean(emitter.hasHandlers('eventClick')); + } + } + // mock what happens in EventClicking + if (eventInteractive) { + // only attach keyboard-related handlers because click handler is already done in EventClicking + return createAriaKeyboardAttrs(function (ev) { + emitter.trigger('eventClick', { + el:, + event: new EventApi(context, def, instance), + jsEvent: ev, + view: context.viewApi, + }); + }); + } + return {}; + } + + var STANDARD_PROPS = { + start: identity, + end: identity, + allDay: Boolean, + }; + function parseDateSpan(raw, dateEnv, defaultDuration) { + var span = parseOpenDateSpan(raw, dateEnv); + var range = span.range; + if (!range.start) { + return null; + } + if (!range.end) { + if (defaultDuration == null) { + return null; + } + range.end = dateEnv.add(range.start, defaultDuration); + } + return span; + } + /* + TODO: somehow combine with parseRange? + Will return null if the start/end props were present but parsed invalidly. + */ + function parseOpenDateSpan(raw, dateEnv) { + var _a = refineProps(raw, STANDARD_PROPS), standardProps = _a.refined, extra = _a.extra; + var startMeta = standardProps.start ? dateEnv.createMarkerMeta(standardProps.start) : null; + var endMeta = standardProps.end ? dateEnv.createMarkerMeta(standardProps.end) : null; + var allDay = standardProps.allDay; + if (allDay == null) { + allDay = (startMeta && startMeta.isTimeUnspecified) && + (!endMeta || endMeta.isTimeUnspecified); + } + return __assign({ range: { + start: startMeta ? startMeta.marker : null, + end: endMeta ? endMeta.marker : null, + }, allDay: allDay }, extra); + } + function isDateSpansEqual(span0, span1) { + return rangesEqual(span0.range, span1.range) && + span0.allDay === span1.allDay && + isSpanPropsEqual(span0, span1); + } + // the NON-DATE-RELATED props + function isSpanPropsEqual(span0, span1) { + for (var propName in span1) { + if (propName !== 'range' && propName !== 'allDay') { + if (span0[propName] !== span1[propName]) { + return false; + } + } + } + // are there any props that span0 has that span1 DOESN'T have? + // both have range/allDay, so no need to special-case. + for (var propName in span0) { + if (!(propName in span1)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } + function buildDateSpanApi(span, dateEnv) { + return __assign(__assign({}, buildRangeApi(span.range, dateEnv, span.allDay)), { allDay: span.allDay }); + } + function buildRangeApiWithTimeZone(range, dateEnv, omitTime) { + return __assign(__assign({}, buildRangeApi(range, dateEnv, omitTime)), { timeZone: dateEnv.timeZone }); + } + function buildRangeApi(range, dateEnv, omitTime) { + return { + start: dateEnv.toDate(range.start), + end: dateEnv.toDate(range.end), + startStr: dateEnv.formatIso(range.start, { omitTime: omitTime }), + endStr: dateEnv.formatIso(range.end, { omitTime: omitTime }), + }; + } + function fabricateEventRange(dateSpan, eventUiBases, context) { + var res = refineEventDef({ editable: false }, context); + var def = parseEventDef(res.refined, res.extra, '', // sourceId + dateSpan.allDay, true, // hasEnd + context); + return { + def: def, + ui: compileEventUi(def, eventUiBases), + instance: createEventInstance(def.defId, dateSpan.range), + range: dateSpan.range, + isStart: true, + isEnd: true, + }; + } + + function triggerDateSelect(selection, pev, context) { + context.emitter.trigger('select', __assign(__assign({}, buildDateSpanApiWithContext(selection, context)), { jsEvent: pev ? pev.origEvent : null, view: context.viewApi || context.calendarApi.view })); + } + function triggerDateUnselect(pev, context) { + context.emitter.trigger('unselect', { + jsEvent: pev ? pev.origEvent : null, + view: context.viewApi || context.calendarApi.view, + }); + } + function buildDateSpanApiWithContext(dateSpan, context) { + var props = {}; + for (var _i = 0, _a = context.pluginHooks.dateSpanTransforms; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var transform = _a[_i]; + __assign(props, transform(dateSpan, context)); + } + __assign(props, buildDateSpanApi(dateSpan, context.dateEnv)); + return props; + } + // Given an event's allDay status and start date, return what its fallback end date should be. + // TODO: rename to computeDefaultEventEnd + function getDefaultEventEnd(allDay, marker, context) { + var dateEnv = context.dateEnv, options = context.options; + var end = marker; + if (allDay) { + end = startOfDay(end); + end = dateEnv.add(end, options.defaultAllDayEventDuration); + } + else { + end = dateEnv.add(end, options.defaultTimedEventDuration); + } + return end; + } + + // applies the mutation to ALL defs/instances within the event store + function applyMutationToEventStore(eventStore, eventConfigBase, mutation, context) { + var eventConfigs = compileEventUis(eventStore.defs, eventConfigBase); + var dest = createEmptyEventStore(); + for (var defId in eventStore.defs) { + var def = eventStore.defs[defId]; + dest.defs[defId] = applyMutationToEventDef(def, eventConfigs[defId], mutation, context); + } + for (var instanceId in eventStore.instances) { + var instance = eventStore.instances[instanceId]; + var def = dest.defs[instance.defId]; // important to grab the newly modified def + dest.instances[instanceId] = applyMutationToEventInstance(instance, def, eventConfigs[instance.defId], mutation, context); + } + return dest; + } + function applyMutationToEventDef(eventDef, eventConfig, mutation, context) { + var standardProps = mutation.standardProps || {}; + // if hasEnd has not been specified, guess a good value based on deltas. + // if duration will change, there's no way the default duration will persist, + // and thus, we need to mark the event as having a real end + if (standardProps.hasEnd == null && + eventConfig.durationEditable && + (mutation.startDelta || mutation.endDelta)) { + standardProps.hasEnd = true; // TODO: is this mutation okay? + } + var copy = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, eventDef), standardProps), { ui: __assign(__assign({}, eventDef.ui), standardProps.ui) }); + if (mutation.extendedProps) { + copy.extendedProps = __assign(__assign({}, copy.extendedProps), mutation.extendedProps); + } + for (var _i = 0, _a = context.pluginHooks.eventDefMutationAppliers; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var applier = _a[_i]; + applier(copy, mutation, context); + } + if (!copy.hasEnd && context.options.forceEventDuration) { + copy.hasEnd = true; + } + return copy; + } + function applyMutationToEventInstance(eventInstance, eventDef, // must first be modified by applyMutationToEventDef + eventConfig, mutation, context) { + var dateEnv = context.dateEnv; + var forceAllDay = mutation.standardProps && mutation.standardProps.allDay === true; + var clearEnd = mutation.standardProps && mutation.standardProps.hasEnd === false; + var copy = __assign({}, eventInstance); + if (forceAllDay) { + copy.range = computeAlignedDayRange(copy.range); + } + if (mutation.datesDelta && eventConfig.startEditable) { + copy.range = { + start: dateEnv.add(copy.range.start, mutation.datesDelta), + end: dateEnv.add(copy.range.end, mutation.datesDelta), + }; + } + if (mutation.startDelta && eventConfig.durationEditable) { + copy.range = { + start: dateEnv.add(copy.range.start, mutation.startDelta), + end: copy.range.end, + }; + } + if (mutation.endDelta && eventConfig.durationEditable) { + copy.range = { + start: copy.range.start, + end: dateEnv.add(copy.range.end, mutation.endDelta), + }; + } + if (clearEnd) { + copy.range = { + start: copy.range.start, + end: getDefaultEventEnd(eventDef.allDay, copy.range.start, context), + }; + } + // in case event was all-day but the supplied deltas were not + // better util for this? + if (eventDef.allDay) { + copy.range = { + start: startOfDay(copy.range.start), + end: startOfDay(copy.range.end), + }; + } + // handle invalid durations + if (copy.range.end < copy.range.start) { + copy.range.end = getDefaultEventEnd(eventDef.allDay, copy.range.start, context); + } + return copy; + } + + // no public types yet. when there are, export from: + // import {} from './api-type-deps' + var ViewApi = /** @class */ (function () { + function ViewApi(type, getCurrentData, dateEnv) { + this.type = type; + this.getCurrentData = getCurrentData; + this.dateEnv = dateEnv; + } + Object.defineProperty(ViewApi.prototype, "calendar", { + get: function () { + return this.getCurrentData().calendarApi; + }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(ViewApi.prototype, "title", { + get: function () { + return this.getCurrentData().viewTitle; + }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(ViewApi.prototype, "activeStart", { + get: function () { + return this.dateEnv.toDate(this.getCurrentData().dateProfile.activeRange.start); + }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(ViewApi.prototype, "activeEnd", { + get: function () { + return this.dateEnv.toDate(this.getCurrentData().dateProfile.activeRange.end); + }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(ViewApi.prototype, "currentStart", { + get: function () { + return this.dateEnv.toDate(this.getCurrentData().dateProfile.currentRange.start); + }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(ViewApi.prototype, "currentEnd", { + get: function () { + return this.dateEnv.toDate(this.getCurrentData().dateProfile.currentRange.end); + }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + ViewApi.prototype.getOption = function (name) { + return this.getCurrentData().options[name]; // are the view-specific options + }; + return ViewApi; + }()); + + var EVENT_SOURCE_REFINERS$1 = { + id: String, + defaultAllDay: Boolean, + url: String, + format: String, + events: identity, + eventDataTransform: identity, + // for any network-related sources + success: identity, + failure: identity, + }; + function parseEventSource(raw, context, refiners) { + if (refiners === void 0) { refiners = buildEventSourceRefiners(context); } + var rawObj; + if (typeof raw === 'string') { + rawObj = { url: raw }; + } + else if (typeof raw === 'function' || Array.isArray(raw)) { + rawObj = { events: raw }; + } + else if (typeof raw === 'object' && raw) { // not null + rawObj = raw; + } + if (rawObj) { + var _a = refineProps(rawObj, refiners), refined = _a.refined, extra = _a.extra; + var metaRes = buildEventSourceMeta(refined, context); + if (metaRes) { + return { + _raw: raw, + isFetching: false, + latestFetchId: '', + fetchRange: null, + defaultAllDay: refined.defaultAllDay, + eventDataTransform: refined.eventDataTransform, + success: refined.success, + failure: refined.failure, + publicId: || '', + sourceId: guid(), + sourceDefId: metaRes.sourceDefId, + meta: metaRes.meta, + ui: createEventUi(refined, context), + extendedProps: extra, + }; + } + } + return null; + } + function buildEventSourceRefiners(context) { + return __assign(__assign(__assign({}, EVENT_UI_REFINERS), EVENT_SOURCE_REFINERS$1), context.pluginHooks.eventSourceRefiners); + } + function buildEventSourceMeta(raw, context) { + var defs = context.pluginHooks.eventSourceDefs; + for (var i = defs.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { // later-added plugins take precedence + var def = defs[i]; + var meta = def.parseMeta(raw); + if (meta) { + return { sourceDefId: i, meta: meta }; + } + } + return null; + } + + function reduceCurrentDate(currentDate, action) { + switch (action.type) { + case 'CHANGE_DATE': + return action.dateMarker; + default: + return currentDate; + } + } + function getInitialDate(options, dateEnv) { + var initialDateInput = options.initialDate; + // compute the initial ambig-timezone date + if (initialDateInput != null) { + return dateEnv.createMarker(initialDateInput); + } + return getNow(, dateEnv); // getNow already returns unzoned + } + function getNow(nowInput, dateEnv) { + if (typeof nowInput === 'function') { + nowInput = nowInput(); + } + if (nowInput == null) { + return dateEnv.createNowMarker(); + } + return dateEnv.createMarker(nowInput); + } + + var CalendarApi = /** @class */ (function () { + function CalendarApi() { + } + CalendarApi.prototype.getCurrentData = function () { + return this.currentDataManager.getCurrentData(); + }; + CalendarApi.prototype.dispatch = function (action) { + return this.currentDataManager.dispatch(action); + }; + Object.defineProperty(CalendarApi.prototype, "view", { + get: function () { return this.getCurrentData().viewApi; } // for public API + , + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + CalendarApi.prototype.batchRendering = function (callback) { + callback(); + }; + CalendarApi.prototype.updateSize = function () { + this.trigger('_resize', true); + }; + // Options + // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + CalendarApi.prototype.setOption = function (name, val) { + this.dispatch({ + type: 'SET_OPTION', + optionName: name, + rawOptionValue: val, + }); + }; + CalendarApi.prototype.getOption = function (name) { + return this.currentDataManager.currentCalendarOptionsInput[name]; + }; + CalendarApi.prototype.getAvailableLocaleCodes = function () { + return Object.keys(this.getCurrentData().availableRawLocales); + }; + // Trigger + // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + CalendarApi.prototype.on = function (handlerName, handler) { + var currentDataManager = this.currentDataManager; + if (currentDataManager.currentCalendarOptionsRefiners[handlerName]) { + currentDataManager.emitter.on(handlerName, handler); + } + else { + console.warn("Unknown listener name '" + handlerName + "'"); + } + }; + = function (handlerName, handler) { +, handler); + }; + // not meant for public use + CalendarApi.prototype.trigger = function (handlerName) { + var _a; + var args = []; + for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { + args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i]; + } + (_a = this.currentDataManager.emitter).trigger.apply(_a, __spreadArray([handlerName], args)); + }; + // View + // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + CalendarApi.prototype.changeView = function (viewType, dateOrRange) { + var _this = this; + this.batchRendering(function () { + _this.unselect(); + if (dateOrRange) { + if (dateOrRange.start && dateOrRange.end) { // a range + _this.dispatch({ + type: 'CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE', + viewType: viewType, + }); + _this.dispatch({ + type: 'SET_OPTION', + optionName: 'visibleRange', + rawOptionValue: dateOrRange, + }); + } + else { + var dateEnv = _this.getCurrentData().dateEnv; + _this.dispatch({ + type: 'CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE', + viewType: viewType, + dateMarker: dateEnv.createMarker(dateOrRange), + }); + } + } + else { + _this.dispatch({ + type: 'CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE', + viewType: viewType, + }); + } + }); + }; + // Forces navigation to a view for the given date. + // `viewType` can be a specific view name or a generic one like "week" or "day". + // needs to change + CalendarApi.prototype.zoomTo = function (dateMarker, viewType) { + var state = this.getCurrentData(); + var spec; + viewType = viewType || 'day'; // day is default zoom + spec = state.viewSpecs[viewType] || this.getUnitViewSpec(viewType); + this.unselect(); + if (spec) { + this.dispatch({ + type: 'CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE', + viewType: spec.type, + dateMarker: dateMarker, + }); + } + else { + this.dispatch({ + type: 'CHANGE_DATE', + dateMarker: dateMarker, + }); + } + }; + // Given a duration singular unit, like "week" or "day", finds a matching view spec. + // Preference is given to views that have corresponding buttons. + CalendarApi.prototype.getUnitViewSpec = function (unit) { + var _a = this.getCurrentData(), viewSpecs = _a.viewSpecs, toolbarConfig = _a.toolbarConfig; + var viewTypes = [].concat(toolbarConfig.header ? toolbarConfig.header.viewsWithButtons : [], toolbarConfig.footer ? toolbarConfig.footer.viewsWithButtons : []); + var i; + var spec; + for (var viewType in viewSpecs) { + viewTypes.push(viewType); + } + for (i = 0; i < viewTypes.length; i += 1) { + spec = viewSpecs[viewTypes[i]]; + if (spec) { + if (spec.singleUnit === unit) { + return spec; + } + } + } + return null; + }; + // Current Date + // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + CalendarApi.prototype.prev = function () { + this.unselect(); + this.dispatch({ type: 'PREV' }); + }; + = function () { + this.unselect(); + this.dispatch({ type: 'NEXT' }); + }; + CalendarApi.prototype.prevYear = function () { + var state = this.getCurrentData(); + this.unselect(); + this.dispatch({ + type: 'CHANGE_DATE', + dateMarker: state.dateEnv.addYears(state.currentDate, -1), + }); + }; + CalendarApi.prototype.nextYear = function () { + var state = this.getCurrentData(); + this.unselect(); + this.dispatch({ + type: 'CHANGE_DATE', + dateMarker: state.dateEnv.addYears(state.currentDate, 1), + }); + }; + = function () { + var state = this.getCurrentData(); + this.unselect(); + this.dispatch({ + type: 'CHANGE_DATE', + dateMarker: getNow(, state.dateEnv), + }); + }; + CalendarApi.prototype.gotoDate = function (zonedDateInput) { + var state = this.getCurrentData(); + this.unselect(); + this.dispatch({ + type: 'CHANGE_DATE', + dateMarker: state.dateEnv.createMarker(zonedDateInput), + }); + }; + CalendarApi.prototype.incrementDate = function (deltaInput) { + var state = this.getCurrentData(); + var delta = createDuration(deltaInput); + if (delta) { // else, warn about invalid input? + this.unselect(); + this.dispatch({ + type: 'CHANGE_DATE', + dateMarker: state.dateEnv.add(state.currentDate, delta), + }); + } + }; + // for external API + CalendarApi.prototype.getDate = function () { + var state = this.getCurrentData(); + return state.dateEnv.toDate(state.currentDate); + }; + // Date Formatting Utils + // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + CalendarApi.prototype.formatDate = function (d, formatter) { + var dateEnv = this.getCurrentData().dateEnv; + return dateEnv.format(dateEnv.createMarker(d), createFormatter(formatter)); + }; + // `settings` is for formatter AND isEndExclusive + CalendarApi.prototype.formatRange = function (d0, d1, settings) { + var dateEnv = this.getCurrentData().dateEnv; + return dateEnv.formatRange(dateEnv.createMarker(d0), dateEnv.createMarker(d1), createFormatter(settings), settings); + }; + CalendarApi.prototype.formatIso = function (d, omitTime) { + var dateEnv = this.getCurrentData().dateEnv; + return dateEnv.formatIso(dateEnv.createMarker(d), { omitTime: omitTime }); + }; + // Date Selection / Event Selection / DayClick + // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // this public method receives start/end dates in any format, with any timezone + // NOTE: args were changed from v3 + = function (dateOrObj, endDate) { + var selectionInput; + if (endDate == null) { + if (dateOrObj.start != null) { + selectionInput = dateOrObj; + } + else { + selectionInput = { + start: dateOrObj, + end: null, + }; + } + } + else { + selectionInput = { + start: dateOrObj, + end: endDate, + }; + } + var state = this.getCurrentData(); + var selection = parseDateSpan(selectionInput, state.dateEnv, createDuration({ days: 1 })); + if (selection) { // throw parse error otherwise? + this.dispatch({ type: 'SELECT_DATES', selection: selection }); + triggerDateSelect(selection, null, state); + } + }; + // public method + CalendarApi.prototype.unselect = function (pev) { + var state = this.getCurrentData(); + if (state.dateSelection) { + this.dispatch({ type: 'UNSELECT_DATES' }); + triggerDateUnselect(pev, state); + } + }; + // Public Events API + // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + CalendarApi.prototype.addEvent = function (eventInput, sourceInput) { + if (eventInput instanceof EventApi) { + var def = eventInput._def; + var instance = eventInput._instance; + var currentData = this.getCurrentData(); + // not already present? don't want to add an old snapshot + if (!currentData.eventStore.defs[def.defId]) { + this.dispatch({ + type: 'ADD_EVENTS', + eventStore: eventTupleToStore({ def: def, instance: instance }), // TODO: better util for two args? + }); + this.triggerEventAdd(eventInput); + } + return eventInput; + } + var state = this.getCurrentData(); + var eventSource; + if (sourceInput instanceof EventSourceApi) { + eventSource = sourceInput.internalEventSource; + } + else if (typeof sourceInput === 'boolean') { + if (sourceInput) { // true. part of the first event source + eventSource = hashValuesToArray(state.eventSources)[0]; + } + } + else if (sourceInput != null) { // an ID. accepts a number too + var sourceApi = this.getEventSourceById(sourceInput); // TODO: use an internal function + if (!sourceApi) { + console.warn("Could not find an event source with ID \"" + sourceInput + "\""); // TODO: test + return null; + } + eventSource = sourceApi.internalEventSource; + } + var tuple = parseEvent(eventInput, eventSource, state, false); + if (tuple) { + var newEventApi = new EventApi(state, tuple.def, tuple.def.recurringDef ? null : tuple.instance); + this.dispatch({ + type: 'ADD_EVENTS', + eventStore: eventTupleToStore(tuple), + }); + this.triggerEventAdd(newEventApi); + return newEventApi; + } + return null; + }; + CalendarApi.prototype.triggerEventAdd = function (eventApi) { + var _this = this; + var emitter = this.getCurrentData().emitter; + emitter.trigger('eventAdd', { + event: eventApi, + relatedEvents: [], + revert: function () { + _this.dispatch({ + type: 'REMOVE_EVENTS', + eventStore: eventApiToStore(eventApi), + }); + }, + }); + }; + // TODO: optimize + CalendarApi.prototype.getEventById = function (id) { + var state = this.getCurrentData(); + var _a = state.eventStore, defs = _a.defs, instances = _a.instances; + id = String(id); + for (var defId in defs) { + var def = defs[defId]; + if (def.publicId === id) { + if (def.recurringDef) { + return new EventApi(state, def, null); + } + for (var instanceId in instances) { + var instance = instances[instanceId]; + if (instance.defId === def.defId) { + return new EventApi(state, def, instance); + } + } + } + } + return null; + }; + CalendarApi.prototype.getEvents = function () { + var currentData = this.getCurrentData(); + return buildEventApis(currentData.eventStore, currentData); + }; + CalendarApi.prototype.removeAllEvents = function () { + this.dispatch({ type: 'REMOVE_ALL_EVENTS' }); + }; + // Public Event Sources API + // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + CalendarApi.prototype.getEventSources = function () { + var state = this.getCurrentData(); + var sourceHash = state.eventSources; + var sourceApis = []; + for (var internalId in sourceHash) { + sourceApis.push(new EventSourceApi(state, sourceHash[internalId])); + } + return sourceApis; + }; + CalendarApi.prototype.getEventSourceById = function (id) { + var state = this.getCurrentData(); + var sourceHash = state.eventSources; + id = String(id); + for (var sourceId in sourceHash) { + if (sourceHash[sourceId].publicId === id) { + return new EventSourceApi(state, sourceHash[sourceId]); + } + } + return null; + }; + CalendarApi.prototype.addEventSource = function (sourceInput) { + var state = this.getCurrentData(); + if (sourceInput instanceof EventSourceApi) { + // not already present? don't want to add an old snapshot + if (!state.eventSources[sourceInput.internalEventSource.sourceId]) { + this.dispatch({ + type: 'ADD_EVENT_SOURCES', + sources: [sourceInput.internalEventSource], + }); + } + return sourceInput; + } + var eventSource = parseEventSource(sourceInput, state); + if (eventSource) { // TODO: error otherwise? + this.dispatch({ type: 'ADD_EVENT_SOURCES', sources: [eventSource] }); + return new EventSourceApi(state, eventSource); + } + return null; + }; + CalendarApi.prototype.removeAllEventSources = function () { + this.dispatch({ type: 'REMOVE_ALL_EVENT_SOURCES' }); + }; + CalendarApi.prototype.refetchEvents = function () { + this.dispatch({ type: 'FETCH_EVENT_SOURCES', isRefetch: true }); + }; + // Scroll + // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + CalendarApi.prototype.scrollToTime = function (timeInput) { + var time = createDuration(timeInput); + if (time) { + this.trigger('_scrollRequest', { time: time }); + } + }; + return CalendarApi; + }()); + + var EventApi = /** @class */ (function () { + // instance will be null if expressing a recurring event that has no current instances, + // OR if trying to validate an incoming external event that has no dates assigned + function EventApi(context, def, instance) { + this._context = context; + this._def = def; + this._instance = instance || null; + } + /* + TODO: make event struct more responsible for this + */ + EventApi.prototype.setProp = function (name, val) { + var _a, _b; + if (name in EVENT_DATE_REFINERS) { + console.warn('Could not set date-related prop \'name\'. Use one of the date-related methods instead.'); + // TODO: make proper aliasing system? + } + else if (name === 'id') { + val = EVENT_NON_DATE_REFINERS[name](val); + this.mutate({ + standardProps: { publicId: val }, // hardcoded internal name + }); + } + else if (name in EVENT_NON_DATE_REFINERS) { + val = EVENT_NON_DATE_REFINERS[name](val); + this.mutate({ + standardProps: (_a = {}, _a[name] = val, _a), + }); + } + else if (name in EVENT_UI_REFINERS) { + var ui = EVENT_UI_REFINERS[name](val); + if (name === 'color') { + ui = { backgroundColor: val, borderColor: val }; + } + else if (name === 'editable') { + ui = { startEditable: val, durationEditable: val }; + } + else { + ui = (_b = {}, _b[name] = val, _b); + } + this.mutate({ + standardProps: { ui: ui }, + }); + } + else { + console.warn("Could not set prop '" + name + "'. Use setExtendedProp instead."); + } + }; + EventApi.prototype.setExtendedProp = function (name, val) { + var _a; + this.mutate({ + extendedProps: (_a = {}, _a[name] = val, _a), + }); + }; + EventApi.prototype.setStart = function (startInput, options) { + if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } + var dateEnv = this._context.dateEnv; + var start = dateEnv.createMarker(startInput); + if (start && this._instance) { // TODO: warning if parsed bad + var instanceRange = this._instance.range; + var startDelta = diffDates(instanceRange.start, start, dateEnv, options.granularity); // what if parsed bad!? + if (options.maintainDuration) { + this.mutate({ datesDelta: startDelta }); + } + else { + this.mutate({ startDelta: startDelta }); + } + } + }; + EventApi.prototype.setEnd = function (endInput, options) { + if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } + var dateEnv = this._context.dateEnv; + var end; + if (endInput != null) { + end = dateEnv.createMarker(endInput); + if (!end) { + return; // TODO: warning if parsed bad + } + } + if (this._instance) { + if (end) { + var endDelta = diffDates(this._instance.range.end, end, dateEnv, options.granularity); + this.mutate({ endDelta: endDelta }); + } + else { + this.mutate({ standardProps: { hasEnd: false } }); + } + } + }; + EventApi.prototype.setDates = function (startInput, endInput, options) { + if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } + var dateEnv = this._context.dateEnv; + var standardProps = { allDay: options.allDay }; + var start = dateEnv.createMarker(startInput); + var end; + if (!start) { + return; // TODO: warning if parsed bad + } + if (endInput != null) { + end = dateEnv.createMarker(endInput); + if (!end) { // TODO: warning if parsed bad + return; + } + } + if (this._instance) { + var instanceRange = this._instance.range; + // when computing the diff for an event being converted to all-day, + // compute diff off of the all-day values the way event-mutation does. + if (options.allDay === true) { + instanceRange = computeAlignedDayRange(instanceRange); + } + var startDelta = diffDates(instanceRange.start, start, dateEnv, options.granularity); + if (end) { + var endDelta = diffDates(instanceRange.end, end, dateEnv, options.granularity); + if (durationsEqual(startDelta, endDelta)) { + this.mutate({ datesDelta: startDelta, standardProps: standardProps }); + } + else { + this.mutate({ startDelta: startDelta, endDelta: endDelta, standardProps: standardProps }); + } + } + else { // means "clear the end" + standardProps.hasEnd = false; + this.mutate({ datesDelta: startDelta, standardProps: standardProps }); + } + } + }; + EventApi.prototype.moveStart = function (deltaInput) { + var delta = createDuration(deltaInput); + if (delta) { // TODO: warning if parsed bad + this.mutate({ startDelta: delta }); + } + }; + EventApi.prototype.moveEnd = function (deltaInput) { + var delta = createDuration(deltaInput); + if (delta) { // TODO: warning if parsed bad + this.mutate({ endDelta: delta }); + } + }; + EventApi.prototype.moveDates = function (deltaInput) { + var delta = createDuration(deltaInput); + if (delta) { // TODO: warning if parsed bad + this.mutate({ datesDelta: delta }); + } + }; + EventApi.prototype.setAllDay = function (allDay, options) { + if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } + var standardProps = { allDay: allDay }; + var maintainDuration = options.maintainDuration; + if (maintainDuration == null) { + maintainDuration = this._context.options.allDayMaintainDuration; + } + if (this._def.allDay !== allDay) { + standardProps.hasEnd = maintainDuration; + } + this.mutate({ standardProps: standardProps }); + }; + EventApi.prototype.formatRange = function (formatInput) { + var dateEnv = this._context.dateEnv; + var instance = this._instance; + var formatter = createFormatter(formatInput); + if (this._def.hasEnd) { + return dateEnv.formatRange(instance.range.start, instance.range.end, formatter, { + forcedStartTzo: instance.forcedStartTzo, + forcedEndTzo: instance.forcedEndTzo, + }); + } + return dateEnv.format(instance.range.start, formatter, { + forcedTzo: instance.forcedStartTzo, + }); + }; + EventApi.prototype.mutate = function (mutation) { + var instance = this._instance; + if (instance) { + var def = this._def; + var context_1 = this._context; + var eventStore_1 = context_1.getCurrentData().eventStore; + var relevantEvents = getRelevantEvents(eventStore_1, instance.instanceId); + var eventConfigBase = { + '': { + display: '', + startEditable: true, + durationEditable: true, + constraints: [], + overlap: null, + allows: [], + backgroundColor: '', + borderColor: '', + textColor: '', + classNames: [], + }, + }; + relevantEvents = applyMutationToEventStore(relevantEvents, eventConfigBase, mutation, context_1); + var oldEvent = new EventApi(context_1, def, instance); // snapshot + this._def = relevantEvents.defs[def.defId]; + this._instance = relevantEvents.instances[instance.instanceId]; + context_1.dispatch({ + type: 'MERGE_EVENTS', + eventStore: relevantEvents, + }); + context_1.emitter.trigger('eventChange', { + oldEvent: oldEvent, + event: this, + relatedEvents: buildEventApis(relevantEvents, context_1, instance), + revert: function () { + context_1.dispatch({ + type: 'RESET_EVENTS', + eventStore: eventStore_1, + }); + }, + }); + } + }; + EventApi.prototype.remove = function () { + var context = this._context; + var asStore = eventApiToStore(this); + context.dispatch({ + type: 'REMOVE_EVENTS', + eventStore: asStore, + }); + context.emitter.trigger('eventRemove', { + event: this, + relatedEvents: [], + revert: function () { + context.dispatch({ + type: 'MERGE_EVENTS', + eventStore: asStore, + }); + }, + }); + }; + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "source", { + get: function () { + var sourceId = this._def.sourceId; + if (sourceId) { + return new EventSourceApi(this._context, this._context.getCurrentData().eventSources[sourceId]); + } + return null; + }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "start", { + get: function () { + return this._instance ? + this._context.dateEnv.toDate(this._instance.range.start) : + null; + }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "end", { + get: function () { + return (this._instance && this._def.hasEnd) ? + this._context.dateEnv.toDate(this._instance.range.end) : + null; + }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "startStr", { + get: function () { + var instance = this._instance; + if (instance) { + return this._context.dateEnv.formatIso(instance.range.start, { + omitTime: this._def.allDay, + forcedTzo: instance.forcedStartTzo, + }); + } + return ''; + }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "endStr", { + get: function () { + var instance = this._instance; + if (instance && this._def.hasEnd) { + return this._context.dateEnv.formatIso(instance.range.end, { + omitTime: this._def.allDay, + forcedTzo: instance.forcedEndTzo, + }); + } + return ''; + }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "id", { + // computable props that all access the def + // TODO: find a TypeScript-compatible way to do this at scale + get: function () { return this._def.publicId; }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "groupId", { + get: function () { return this._def.groupId; }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "allDay", { + get: function () { return this._def.allDay; }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "title", { + get: function () { return this._def.title; }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "url", { + get: function () { return this._def.url; }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "display", { + get: function () { return this._def.ui.display || 'auto'; } // bad. just normalize the type earlier + , + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "startEditable", { + get: function () { return this._def.ui.startEditable; }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "durationEditable", { + get: function () { return this._def.ui.durationEditable; }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "constraint", { + get: function () { return this._def.ui.constraints[0] || null; }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "overlap", { + get: function () { return this._def.ui.overlap; }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "allow", { + get: function () { return this._def.ui.allows[0] || null; }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "backgroundColor", { + get: function () { return this._def.ui.backgroundColor; }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "borderColor", { + get: function () { return this._def.ui.borderColor; }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "textColor", { + get: function () { return this._def.ui.textColor; }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "classNames", { + // NOTE: user can't modify these because Object.freeze was called in event-def parsing + get: function () { return this._def.ui.classNames; }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Object.defineProperty(EventApi.prototype, "extendedProps", { + get: function () { return this._def.extendedProps; }, + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + EventApi.prototype.toPlainObject = function (settings) { + if (settings === void 0) { settings = {}; } + var def = this._def; + var ui = def.ui; + var _a = this, startStr = _a.startStr, endStr = _a.endStr; + var res = {}; + if (def.title) { + res.title = def.title; + } + if (startStr) { + res.start = startStr; + } + if (endStr) { + res.end = endStr; + } + if (def.publicId) { + = def.publicId; + } + if (def.groupId) { + res.groupId = def.groupId; + } + if (def.url) { + res.url = def.url; + } + if (ui.display && ui.display !== 'auto') { + res.display = ui.display; + } + // TODO: what about recurring-event properties??? + // TODO: include startEditable/durationEditable/constraint/overlap/allow + if (settings.collapseColor && ui.backgroundColor && ui.backgroundColor === ui.borderColor) { + res.color = ui.backgroundColor; + } + else { + if (ui.backgroundColor) { + res.backgroundColor = ui.backgroundColor; + } + if (ui.borderColor) { + res.borderColor = ui.borderColor; + } + } + if (ui.textColor) { + res.textColor = ui.textColor; + } + if (ui.classNames.length) { + res.classNames = ui.classNames; + } + if (Object.keys(def.extendedProps).length) { + if (settings.collapseExtendedProps) { + __assign(res, def.extendedProps); + } + else { + res.extendedProps = def.extendedProps; + } + } + return res; + }; + EventApi.prototype.toJSON = function () { + return this.toPlainObject(); + }; + return EventApi; + }()); + function eventApiToStore(eventApi) { + var _a, _b; + var def = eventApi._def; + var instance = eventApi._instance; + return { + defs: (_a = {}, _a[def.defId] = def, _a), + instances: instance + ? (_b = {}, _b[instance.instanceId] = instance, _b) : {}, + }; + } + function buildEventApis(eventStore, context, excludeInstance) { + var defs = eventStore.defs, instances = eventStore.instances; + var eventApis = []; + var excludeInstanceId = excludeInstance ? excludeInstance.instanceId : ''; + for (var id in instances) { + var instance = instances[id]; + var def = defs[instance.defId]; + if (instance.instanceId !== excludeInstanceId) { + eventApis.push(new EventApi(context, def, instance)); + } + } + return eventApis; + } + + var calendarSystemClassMap = {}; + function registerCalendarSystem(name, theClass) { + calendarSystemClassMap[name] = theClass; + } + function createCalendarSystem(name) { + return new calendarSystemClassMap[name](); + } + var GregorianCalendarSystem = /** @class */ (function () { + function GregorianCalendarSystem() { + } + GregorianCalendarSystem.prototype.getMarkerYear = function (d) { + return d.getUTCFullYear(); + }; + GregorianCalendarSystem.prototype.getMarkerMonth = function (d) { + return d.getUTCMonth(); + }; + GregorianCalendarSystem.prototype.getMarkerDay = function (d) { + return d.getUTCDate(); + }; + GregorianCalendarSystem.prototype.arrayToMarker = function (arr) { + return arrayToUtcDate(arr); + }; + GregorianCalendarSystem.prototype.markerToArray = function (marker) { + return dateToUtcArray(marker); + }; + return GregorianCalendarSystem; + }()); + registerCalendarSystem('gregory', GregorianCalendarSystem); + + var ISO_RE = /^\s*(\d{4})(-?(\d{2})(-?(\d{2})([T ](\d{2}):?(\d{2})(:?(\d{2})(\.(\d+))?)?(Z|(([-+])(\d{2})(:?(\d{2}))?))?)?)?)?$/; + function parse(str) { + var m = ISO_RE.exec(str); + if (m) { + var marker = new Date(Date.UTC(Number(m[1]), m[3] ? Number(m[3]) - 1 : 0, Number(m[5] || 1), Number(m[7] || 0), Number(m[8] || 0), Number(m[10] || 0), m[12] ? Number("0." + m[12]) * 1000 : 0)); + if (isValidDate(marker)) { + var timeZoneOffset = null; + if (m[13]) { + timeZoneOffset = (m[15] === '-' ? -1 : 1) * (Number(m[16] || 0) * 60 + + Number(m[18] || 0)); + } + return { + marker: marker, + isTimeUnspecified: !m[6], + timeZoneOffset: timeZoneOffset, + }; + } + } + return null; + } + + var DateEnv = /** @class */ (function () { + function DateEnv(settings) { + var timeZone = this.timeZone = settings.timeZone; + var isNamedTimeZone = timeZone !== 'local' && timeZone !== 'UTC'; + if (settings.namedTimeZoneImpl && isNamedTimeZone) { + this.namedTimeZoneImpl = new settings.namedTimeZoneImpl(timeZone); + } + this.canComputeOffset = Boolean(!isNamedTimeZone || this.namedTimeZoneImpl); + this.calendarSystem = createCalendarSystem(settings.calendarSystem); + this.locale = settings.locale; + this.weekDow = settings.locale.week.dow; + this.weekDoy = settings.locale.week.doy; + if (settings.weekNumberCalculation === 'ISO') { + this.weekDow = 1; + this.weekDoy = 4; + } + if (typeof settings.firstDay === 'number') { + this.weekDow = settings.firstDay; + } + if (typeof settings.weekNumberCalculation === 'function') { + this.weekNumberFunc = settings.weekNumberCalculation; + } + this.weekText = settings.weekText != null ? settings.weekText : settings.locale.options.weekText; + this.weekTextLong = (settings.weekTextLong != null ? settings.weekTextLong : settings.locale.options.weekTextLong) || this.weekText; + this.cmdFormatter = settings.cmdFormatter; + this.defaultSeparator = settings.defaultSeparator; + } + // Creating / Parsing + DateEnv.prototype.createMarker = function (input) { + var meta = this.createMarkerMeta(input); + if (meta === null) { + return null; + } + return meta.marker; + }; + DateEnv.prototype.createNowMarker = function () { + if (this.canComputeOffset) { + return this.timestampToMarker(new Date().valueOf()); + } + // if we can't compute the current date val for a timezone, + // better to give the current local date vals than UTC + return arrayToUtcDate(dateToLocalArray(new Date())); + }; + DateEnv.prototype.createMarkerMeta = function (input) { + if (typeof input === 'string') { + return this.parse(input); + } + var marker = null; + if (typeof input === 'number') { + marker = this.timestampToMarker(input); + } + else if (input instanceof Date) { + input = input.valueOf(); + if (!isNaN(input)) { + marker = this.timestampToMarker(input); + } + } + else if (Array.isArray(input)) { + marker = arrayToUtcDate(input); + } + if (marker === null || !isValidDate(marker)) { + return null; + } + return { marker: marker, isTimeUnspecified: false, forcedTzo: null }; + }; + DateEnv.prototype.parse = function (s) { + var parts = parse(s); + if (parts === null) { + return null; + } + var marker = parts.marker; + var forcedTzo = null; + if (parts.timeZoneOffset !== null) { + if (this.canComputeOffset) { + marker = this.timestampToMarker(marker.valueOf() - parts.timeZoneOffset * 60 * 1000); + } + else { + forcedTzo = parts.timeZoneOffset; + } + } + return { marker: marker, isTimeUnspecified: parts.isTimeUnspecified, forcedTzo: forcedTzo }; + }; + // Accessors + DateEnv.prototype.getYear = function (marker) { + return this.calendarSystem.getMarkerYear(marker); + }; + DateEnv.prototype.getMonth = function (marker) { + return this.calendarSystem.getMarkerMonth(marker); + }; + // Adding / Subtracting + DateEnv.prototype.add = function (marker, dur) { + var a = this.calendarSystem.markerToArray(marker); + a[0] += dur.years; + a[1] += dur.months; + a[2] += dur.days; + a[6] += dur.milliseconds; + return this.calendarSystem.arrayToMarker(a); + }; + DateEnv.prototype.subtract = function (marker, dur) { + var a = this.calendarSystem.markerToArray(marker); + a[0] -= dur.years; + a[1] -= dur.months; + a[2] -= dur.days; + a[6] -= dur.milliseconds; + return this.calendarSystem.arrayToMarker(a); + }; + DateEnv.prototype.addYears = function (marker, n) { + var a = this.calendarSystem.markerToArray(marker); + a[0] += n; + return this.calendarSystem.arrayToMarker(a); + }; + DateEnv.prototype.addMonths = function (marker, n) { + var a = this.calendarSystem.markerToArray(marker); + a[1] += n; + return this.calendarSystem.arrayToMarker(a); + }; + // Diffing Whole Units + DateEnv.prototype.diffWholeYears = function (m0, m1) { + var calendarSystem = this.calendarSystem; + if (timeAsMs(m0) === timeAsMs(m1) && + calendarSystem.getMarkerDay(m0) === calendarSystem.getMarkerDay(m1) && + calendarSystem.getMarkerMonth(m0) === calendarSystem.getMarkerMonth(m1)) { + return calendarSystem.getMarkerYear(m1) - calendarSystem.getMarkerYear(m0); + } + return null; + }; + DateEnv.prototype.diffWholeMonths = function (m0, m1) { + var calendarSystem = this.calendarSystem; + if (timeAsMs(m0) === timeAsMs(m1) && + calendarSystem.getMarkerDay(m0) === calendarSystem.getMarkerDay(m1)) { + return (calendarSystem.getMarkerMonth(m1) - calendarSystem.getMarkerMonth(m0)) + + (calendarSystem.getMarkerYear(m1) - calendarSystem.getMarkerYear(m0)) * 12; + } + return null; + }; + // Range / Duration + DateEnv.prototype.greatestWholeUnit = function (m0, m1) { + var n = this.diffWholeYears(m0, m1); + if (n !== null) { + return { unit: 'year', value: n }; + } + n = this.diffWholeMonths(m0, m1); + if (n !== null) { + return { unit: 'month', value: n }; + } + n = diffWholeWeeks(m0, m1); + if (n !== null) { + return { unit: 'week', value: n }; + } + n = diffWholeDays(m0, m1); + if (n !== null) { + return { unit: 'day', value: n }; + } + n = diffHours(m0, m1); + if (isInt(n)) { + return { unit: 'hour', value: n }; + } + n = diffMinutes(m0, m1); + if (isInt(n)) { + return { unit: 'minute', value: n }; + } + n = diffSeconds(m0, m1); + if (isInt(n)) { + return { unit: 'second', value: n }; + } + return { unit: 'millisecond', value: m1.valueOf() - m0.valueOf() }; + }; + DateEnv.prototype.countDurationsBetween = function (m0, m1, d) { + // TODO: can use greatestWholeUnit + var diff; + if (d.years) { + diff = this.diffWholeYears(m0, m1); + if (diff !== null) { + return diff / asRoughYears(d); + } + } + if (d.months) { + diff = this.diffWholeMonths(m0, m1); + if (diff !== null) { + return diff / asRoughMonths(d); + } + } + if (d.days) { + diff = diffWholeDays(m0, m1); + if (diff !== null) { + return diff / asRoughDays(d); + } + } + return (m1.valueOf() - m0.valueOf()) / asRoughMs(d); + }; + // Start-Of + // these DON'T return zoned-dates. only UTC start-of dates + DateEnv.prototype.startOf = function (m, unit) { + if (unit === 'year') { + return this.startOfYear(m); + } + if (unit === 'month') { + return this.startOfMonth(m); + } + if (unit === 'week') { + return this.startOfWeek(m); + } + if (unit === 'day') { + return startOfDay(m); + } + if (unit === 'hour') { + return startOfHour(m); + } + if (unit === 'minute') { + return startOfMinute(m); + } + if (unit === 'second') { + return startOfSecond(m); + } + return null; + }; + DateEnv.prototype.startOfYear = function (m) { + return this.calendarSystem.arrayToMarker([ + this.calendarSystem.getMarkerYear(m), + ]); + }; + DateEnv.prototype.startOfMonth = function (m) { + return this.calendarSystem.arrayToMarker([ + this.calendarSystem.getMarkerYear(m), + this.calendarSystem.getMarkerMonth(m), + ]); + }; + DateEnv.prototype.startOfWeek = function (m) { + return this.calendarSystem.arrayToMarker([ + this.calendarSystem.getMarkerYear(m), + this.calendarSystem.getMarkerMonth(m), + m.getUTCDate() - ((m.getUTCDay() - this.weekDow + 7) % 7), + ]); + }; + // Week Number + DateEnv.prototype.computeWeekNumber = function (marker) { + if (this.weekNumberFunc) { + return this.weekNumberFunc(this.toDate(marker)); + } + return weekOfYear(marker, this.weekDow, this.weekDoy); + }; + // TODO: choke on timeZoneName: long + DateEnv.prototype.format = function (marker, formatter, dateOptions) { + if (dateOptions === void 0) { dateOptions = {}; } + return formatter.format({ + marker: marker, + timeZoneOffset: dateOptions.forcedTzo != null ? + dateOptions.forcedTzo : + this.offsetForMarker(marker), + }, this); + }; + DateEnv.prototype.formatRange = function (start, end, formatter, dateOptions) { + if (dateOptions === void 0) { dateOptions = {}; } + if (dateOptions.isEndExclusive) { + end = addMs(end, -1); + } + return formatter.formatRange({ + marker: start, + timeZoneOffset: dateOptions.forcedStartTzo != null ? + dateOptions.forcedStartTzo : + this.offsetForMarker(start), + }, { + marker: end, + timeZoneOffset: dateOptions.forcedEndTzo != null ? + dateOptions.forcedEndTzo : + this.offsetForMarker(end), + }, this, dateOptions.defaultSeparator); + }; + /* + DUMB: the omitTime arg is dumb. if we omit the time, we want to omit the timezone offset. and if we do that, + might as well use buildIsoString or some other util directly + */ + DateEnv.prototype.formatIso = function (marker, extraOptions) { + if (extraOptions === void 0) { extraOptions = {}; } + var timeZoneOffset = null; + if (!extraOptions.omitTimeZoneOffset) { + if (extraOptions.forcedTzo != null) { + timeZoneOffset = extraOptions.forcedTzo; + } + else { + timeZoneOffset = this.offsetForMarker(marker); + } + } + return buildIsoString(marker, timeZoneOffset, extraOptions.omitTime); + }; + // TimeZone + DateEnv.prototype.timestampToMarker = function (ms) { + if (this.timeZone === 'local') { + return arrayToUtcDate(dateToLocalArray(new Date(ms))); + } + if (this.timeZone === 'UTC' || !this.namedTimeZoneImpl) { + return new Date(ms); + } + return arrayToUtcDate(this.namedTimeZoneImpl.timestampToArray(ms)); + }; + DateEnv.prototype.offsetForMarker = function (m) { + if (this.timeZone === 'local') { + return -arrayToLocalDate(dateToUtcArray(m)).getTimezoneOffset(); // convert "inverse" offset to "normal" offset + } + if (this.timeZone === 'UTC') { + return 0; + } + if (this.namedTimeZoneImpl) { + return this.namedTimeZoneImpl.offsetForArray(dateToUtcArray(m)); + } + return null; + }; + // Conversion + DateEnv.prototype.toDate = function (m, forcedTzo) { + if (this.timeZone === 'local') { + return arrayToLocalDate(dateToUtcArray(m)); + } + if (this.timeZone === 'UTC') { + return new Date(m.valueOf()); // make sure it's a copy + } + if (!this.namedTimeZoneImpl) { + return new Date(m.valueOf() - (forcedTzo || 0)); + } + return new Date(m.valueOf() - + this.namedTimeZoneImpl.offsetForArray(dateToUtcArray(m)) * 1000 * 60); + }; + return DateEnv; + }()); + + var globalLocales = []; + + var MINIMAL_RAW_EN_LOCALE = { + code: 'en', + week: { + dow: 0, + doy: 4, // 4 days need to be within the year to be considered the first week + }, + direction: 'ltr', + buttonText: { + prev: 'prev', + next: 'next', + prevYear: 'prev year', + nextYear: 'next year', + year: 'year', + today: 'today', + month: 'month', + week: 'week', + day: 'day', + list: 'list', + }, + weekText: 'W', + weekTextLong: 'Week', + closeHint: 'Close', + timeHint: 'Time', + eventHint: 'Event', + allDayText: 'all-day', + moreLinkText: 'more', + noEventsText: 'No events to display', + }; + var RAW_EN_LOCALE = __assign(__assign({}, MINIMAL_RAW_EN_LOCALE), { + // Includes things we don't want other locales to inherit, + // things that derive from other translatable strings. + buttonHints: { + prev: 'Previous $0', + next: 'Next $0', + today: function (buttonText, unit) { + return (unit === 'day') + ? 'Today' + : "This " + buttonText; + }, + }, viewHint: '$0 view', navLinkHint: 'Go to $0', moreLinkHint: function (eventCnt) { + return "Show " + eventCnt + " more event" + (eventCnt === 1 ? '' : 's'); + } }); + function organizeRawLocales(explicitRawLocales) { + var defaultCode = explicitRawLocales.length > 0 ? explicitRawLocales[0].code : 'en'; + var allRawLocales = globalLocales.concat(explicitRawLocales); + var rawLocaleMap = { + en: RAW_EN_LOCALE, + }; + for (var _i = 0, allRawLocales_1 = allRawLocales; _i < allRawLocales_1.length; _i++) { + var rawLocale = allRawLocales_1[_i]; + rawLocaleMap[rawLocale.code] = rawLocale; + } + return { + map: rawLocaleMap, + defaultCode: defaultCode, + }; + } + function buildLocale(inputSingular, available) { + if (typeof inputSingular === 'object' && !Array.isArray(inputSingular)) { + return parseLocale(inputSingular.code, [inputSingular.code], inputSingular); + } + return queryLocale(inputSingular, available); + } + function queryLocale(codeArg, available) { + var codes = [].concat(codeArg || []); // will convert to array + var raw = queryRawLocale(codes, available) || RAW_EN_LOCALE; + return parseLocale(codeArg, codes, raw); + } + function queryRawLocale(codes, available) { + for (var i = 0; i < codes.length; i += 1) { + var parts = codes[i].toLocaleLowerCase().split('-'); + for (var j = parts.length; j > 0; j -= 1) { + var simpleId = parts.slice(0, j).join('-'); + if (available[simpleId]) { + return available[simpleId]; + } + } + } + return null; + } + function parseLocale(codeArg, codes, raw) { + var merged = mergeProps([MINIMAL_RAW_EN_LOCALE, raw], ['buttonText']); + delete merged.code; // don't want this part of the options + var week = merged.week; + delete merged.week; + return { + codeArg: codeArg, + codes: codes, + week: week, + simpleNumberFormat: new Intl.NumberFormat(codeArg), + options: merged, + }; + } + + function formatDate(dateInput, options) { + if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } + var dateEnv = buildDateEnv$1(options); + var formatter = createFormatter(options); + var dateMeta = dateEnv.createMarkerMeta(dateInput); + if (!dateMeta) { // TODO: warning? + return ''; + } + return dateEnv.format(dateMeta.marker, formatter, { + forcedTzo: dateMeta.forcedTzo, + }); + } + function formatRange(startInput, endInput, options) { + var dateEnv = buildDateEnv$1(typeof options === 'object' && options ? options : {}); // pass in if non-null object + var formatter = createFormatter(options); + var startMeta = dateEnv.createMarkerMeta(startInput); + var endMeta = dateEnv.createMarkerMeta(endInput); + if (!startMeta || !endMeta) { // TODO: warning? + return ''; + } + return dateEnv.formatRange(startMeta.marker, endMeta.marker, formatter, { + forcedStartTzo: startMeta.forcedTzo, + forcedEndTzo: endMeta.forcedTzo, + isEndExclusive: options.isEndExclusive, + defaultSeparator: BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS.defaultRangeSeparator, + }); + } + // TODO: more DRY and optimized + function buildDateEnv$1(settings) { + var locale = buildLocale(settings.locale || 'en', organizeRawLocales([]).map); // TODO: don't hardcode 'en' everywhere + return new DateEnv(__assign(__assign({ timeZone: BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS.timeZone, calendarSystem: 'gregory' }, settings), { locale: locale })); + } + + var DEF_DEFAULTS = { + startTime: '09:00', + endTime: '17:00', + daysOfWeek: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], + display: 'inverse-background', + classNames: 'fc-non-business', + groupId: '_businessHours', // so multiple defs get grouped + }; + /* + TODO: pass around as EventDefHash!!! + */ + function parseBusinessHours(input, context) { + return parseEvents(refineInputs(input), null, context); + } + function refineInputs(input) { + var rawDefs; + if (input === true) { + rawDefs = [{}]; // will get DEF_DEFAULTS verbatim + } + else if (Array.isArray(input)) { + // if specifying an array, every sub-definition NEEDS a day-of-week + rawDefs = input.filter(function (rawDef) { return rawDef.daysOfWeek; }); + } + else if (typeof input === 'object' && input) { // non-null object + rawDefs = [input]; + } + else { // is probably false + rawDefs = []; + } + rawDefs = (rawDef) { return (__assign(__assign({}, DEF_DEFAULTS), rawDef)); }); + return rawDefs; + } + + function pointInsideRect(point, rect) { + return point.left >= rect.left && + point.left < rect.right && + >= && + < rect.bottom; + } + // Returns a new rectangle that is the intersection of the two rectangles. If they don't intersect, returns false + function intersectRects(rect1, rect2) { + var res = { + left: Math.max(rect1.left, rect2.left), + right: Math.min(rect1.right, rect2.right), + top: Math.max(,, + bottom: Math.min(rect1.bottom, rect2.bottom), + }; + if (res.left < res.right && < res.bottom) { + return res; + } + return false; + } + function translateRect(rect, deltaX, deltaY) { + return { + left: rect.left + deltaX, + right: rect.right + deltaX, + top: + deltaY, + bottom: rect.bottom + deltaY, + }; + } + // Returns a new point that will have been moved to reside within the given rectangle + function constrainPoint(point, rect) { + return { + left: Math.min(Math.max(point.left, rect.left), rect.right), + top: Math.min(Math.max(,, rect.bottom), + }; + } + // Returns a point that is the center of the given rectangle + function getRectCenter(rect) { + return { + left: (rect.left + rect.right) / 2, + top: ( + rect.bottom) / 2, + }; + } + // Subtracts point2's coordinates from point1's coordinates, returning a delta + function diffPoints(point1, point2) { + return { + left: point1.left - point2.left, + top: -, + }; + } + + var canVGrowWithinCell; + function getCanVGrowWithinCell() { + if (canVGrowWithinCell == null) { + canVGrowWithinCell = computeCanVGrowWithinCell(); + } + return canVGrowWithinCell; + } + function computeCanVGrowWithinCell() { + // for SSR, because this function is call immediately at top-level + // TODO: just make this logic execute top-level, immediately, instead of doing lazily + if (typeof document === 'undefined') { + return true; + } + var el = document.createElement('div'); + = 'absolute'; + = '0px'; + = '0px'; + el.innerHTML = '
'; + el.querySelector('table').style.height = '100px'; + el.querySelector('div').style.height = '100%'; + document.body.appendChild(el); + var div = el.querySelector('div'); + var possible = div.offsetHeight > 0; + document.body.removeChild(el); + return possible; + } + + var EMPTY_EVENT_STORE = createEmptyEventStore(); // for purecomponents. TODO: keep elsewhere + var Splitter = /** @class */ (function () { + function Splitter() { + this.getKeysForEventDefs = memoize(this._getKeysForEventDefs); + this.splitDateSelection = memoize(this._splitDateSpan); + this.splitEventStore = memoize(this._splitEventStore); + this.splitIndividualUi = memoize(this._splitIndividualUi); + this.splitEventDrag = memoize(this._splitInteraction); + this.splitEventResize = memoize(this._splitInteraction); + this.eventUiBuilders = {}; // TODO: typescript protection + } + Splitter.prototype.splitProps = function (props) { + var _this = this; + var keyInfos = this.getKeyInfo(props); + var defKeys = this.getKeysForEventDefs(props.eventStore); + var dateSelections = this.splitDateSelection(props.dateSelection); + var individualUi = this.splitIndividualUi(props.eventUiBases, defKeys); // the individual *bases* + var eventStores = this.splitEventStore(props.eventStore, defKeys); + var eventDrags = this.splitEventDrag(props.eventDrag); + var eventResizes = this.splitEventResize(props.eventResize); + var splitProps = {}; + this.eventUiBuilders = mapHash(keyInfos, function (info, key) { return _this.eventUiBuilders[key] || memoize(buildEventUiForKey); }); + for (var key in keyInfos) { + var keyInfo = keyInfos[key]; + var eventStore = eventStores[key] || EMPTY_EVENT_STORE; + var buildEventUi = this.eventUiBuilders[key]; + splitProps[key] = { + businessHours: keyInfo.businessHours || props.businessHours, + dateSelection: dateSelections[key] || null, + eventStore: eventStore, + eventUiBases: buildEventUi(props.eventUiBases[''], keyInfo.ui, individualUi[key]), + eventSelection: eventStore.instances[props.eventSelection] ? props.eventSelection : '', + eventDrag: eventDrags[key] || null, + eventResize: eventResizes[key] || null, + }; + } + return splitProps; + }; + Splitter.prototype._splitDateSpan = function (dateSpan) { + var dateSpans = {}; + if (dateSpan) { + var keys = this.getKeysForDateSpan(dateSpan); + for (var _i = 0, keys_1 = keys; _i < keys_1.length; _i++) { + var key = keys_1[_i]; + dateSpans[key] = dateSpan; + } + } + return dateSpans; + }; + Splitter.prototype._getKeysForEventDefs = function (eventStore) { + var _this = this; + return mapHash(eventStore.defs, function (eventDef) { return _this.getKeysForEventDef(eventDef); }); + }; + Splitter.prototype._splitEventStore = function (eventStore, defKeys) { + var defs = eventStore.defs, instances = eventStore.instances; + var splitStores = {}; + for (var defId in defs) { + for (var _i = 0, _a = defKeys[defId]; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var key = _a[_i]; + if (!splitStores[key]) { + splitStores[key] = createEmptyEventStore(); + } + splitStores[key].defs[defId] = defs[defId]; + } + } + for (var instanceId in instances) { + var instance = instances[instanceId]; + for (var _b = 0, _c = defKeys[instance.defId]; _b < _c.length; _b++) { + var key = _c[_b]; + if (splitStores[key]) { // must have already been created + splitStores[key].instances[instanceId] = instance; + } + } + } + return splitStores; + }; + Splitter.prototype._splitIndividualUi = function (eventUiBases, defKeys) { + var splitHashes = {}; + for (var defId in eventUiBases) { + if (defId) { // not the '' key + for (var _i = 0, _a = defKeys[defId]; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var key = _a[_i]; + if (!splitHashes[key]) { + splitHashes[key] = {}; + } + splitHashes[key][defId] = eventUiBases[defId]; + } + } + } + return splitHashes; + }; + Splitter.prototype._splitInteraction = function (interaction) { + var splitStates = {}; + if (interaction) { + var affectedStores_1 = this._splitEventStore(interaction.affectedEvents, this._getKeysForEventDefs(interaction.affectedEvents)); + // can't rely on defKeys because event data is mutated + var mutatedKeysByDefId = this._getKeysForEventDefs(interaction.mutatedEvents); + var mutatedStores_1 = this._splitEventStore(interaction.mutatedEvents, mutatedKeysByDefId); + var populate = function (key) { + if (!splitStates[key]) { + splitStates[key] = { + affectedEvents: affectedStores_1[key] || EMPTY_EVENT_STORE, + mutatedEvents: mutatedStores_1[key] || EMPTY_EVENT_STORE, + isEvent: interaction.isEvent, + }; + } + }; + for (var key in affectedStores_1) { + populate(key); + } + for (var key in mutatedStores_1) { + populate(key); + } + } + return splitStates; + }; + return Splitter; + }()); + function buildEventUiForKey(allUi, eventUiForKey, individualUi) { + var baseParts = []; + if (allUi) { + baseParts.push(allUi); + } + if (eventUiForKey) { + baseParts.push(eventUiForKey); + } + var stuff = { + '': combineEventUis(baseParts), + }; + if (individualUi) { + __assign(stuff, individualUi); + } + return stuff; + } + + function getDateMeta(date, todayRange, nowDate, dateProfile) { + return { + dow: date.getUTCDay(), + isDisabled: Boolean(dateProfile && !rangeContainsMarker(dateProfile.activeRange, date)), + isOther: Boolean(dateProfile && !rangeContainsMarker(dateProfile.currentRange, date)), + isToday: Boolean(todayRange && rangeContainsMarker(todayRange, date)), + isPast: Boolean(nowDate ? (date < nowDate) : todayRange ? (date < todayRange.start) : false), + isFuture: Boolean(nowDate ? (date > nowDate) : todayRange ? (date >= todayRange.end) : false), + }; + } + function getDayClassNames(meta, theme) { + var classNames = [ + 'fc-day', + "fc-day-" + DAY_IDS[meta.dow], + ]; + if (meta.isDisabled) { + classNames.push('fc-day-disabled'); + } + else { + if (meta.isToday) { + classNames.push('fc-day-today'); + classNames.push(theme.getClass('today')); + } + if (meta.isPast) { + classNames.push('fc-day-past'); + } + if (meta.isFuture) { + classNames.push('fc-day-future'); + } + if (meta.isOther) { + classNames.push('fc-day-other'); + } + } + return classNames; + } + function getSlotClassNames(meta, theme) { + var classNames = [ + 'fc-slot', + "fc-slot-" + DAY_IDS[meta.dow], + ]; + if (meta.isDisabled) { + classNames.push('fc-slot-disabled'); + } + else { + if (meta.isToday) { + classNames.push('fc-slot-today'); + classNames.push(theme.getClass('today')); + } + if (meta.isPast) { + classNames.push('fc-slot-past'); + } + if (meta.isFuture) { + classNames.push('fc-slot-future'); + } + } + return classNames; + } + + var DAY_FORMAT = createFormatter({ year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }); + var WEEK_FORMAT = createFormatter({ week: 'long' }); + function buildNavLinkAttrs(context, dateMarker, viewType, isTabbable) { + if (viewType === void 0) { viewType = 'day'; } + if (isTabbable === void 0) { isTabbable = true; } + var dateEnv = context.dateEnv, options = context.options, calendarApi = context.calendarApi; + var dateStr = dateEnv.format(dateMarker, viewType === 'week' ? WEEK_FORMAT : DAY_FORMAT); + if (options.navLinks) { + var zonedDate = dateEnv.toDate(dateMarker); + var handleInteraction = function (ev) { + var customAction = viewType === 'day' ? options.navLinkDayClick : + viewType === 'week' ? options.navLinkWeekClick : null; + if (typeof customAction === 'function') { +, dateEnv.toDate(dateMarker), ev); + } + else { + if (typeof customAction === 'string') { + viewType = customAction; + } + calendarApi.zoomTo(dateMarker, viewType); + } + }; + return __assign({ title: formatWithOrdinals(options.navLinkHint, [dateStr, zonedDate], dateStr), 'data-navlink': '' }, (isTabbable + ? createAriaClickAttrs(handleInteraction) + : { onClick: handleInteraction })); + } + return { 'aria-label': dateStr }; + } + + var _isRtlScrollbarOnLeft = null; + function getIsRtlScrollbarOnLeft() { + if (_isRtlScrollbarOnLeft === null) { + _isRtlScrollbarOnLeft = computeIsRtlScrollbarOnLeft(); + } + return _isRtlScrollbarOnLeft; + } + function computeIsRtlScrollbarOnLeft() { + var outerEl = document.createElement('div'); + applyStyle(outerEl, { + position: 'absolute', + top: -1000, + left: 0, + border: 0, + padding: 0, + overflow: 'scroll', + direction: 'rtl', + }); + outerEl.innerHTML = '
'; + document.body.appendChild(outerEl); + var innerEl = outerEl.firstChild; + var res = innerEl.getBoundingClientRect().left > outerEl.getBoundingClientRect().left; + removeElement(outerEl); + return res; + } + + var _scrollbarWidths; + function getScrollbarWidths() { + if (!_scrollbarWidths) { + _scrollbarWidths = computeScrollbarWidths(); + } + return _scrollbarWidths; + } + function computeScrollbarWidths() { + var el = document.createElement('div'); + = 'scroll'; + = 'absolute'; + = '-9999px'; + = '-9999px'; + document.body.appendChild(el); + var res = computeScrollbarWidthsForEl(el); + document.body.removeChild(el); + return res; + } + // WARNING: will include border + function computeScrollbarWidthsForEl(el) { + return { + x: el.offsetHeight - el.clientHeight, + y: el.offsetWidth - el.clientWidth, + }; + } + + function computeEdges(el, getPadding) { + if (getPadding === void 0) { getPadding = false; } + var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(el); + var borderLeft = parseInt(computedStyle.borderLeftWidth, 10) || 0; + var borderRight = parseInt(computedStyle.borderRightWidth, 10) || 0; + var borderTop = parseInt(computedStyle.borderTopWidth, 10) || 0; + var borderBottom = parseInt(computedStyle.borderBottomWidth, 10) || 0; + var badScrollbarWidths = computeScrollbarWidthsForEl(el); // includes border! + var scrollbarLeftRight = badScrollbarWidths.y - borderLeft - borderRight; + var scrollbarBottom = badScrollbarWidths.x - borderTop - borderBottom; + var res = { + borderLeft: borderLeft, + borderRight: borderRight, + borderTop: borderTop, + borderBottom: borderBottom, + scrollbarBottom: scrollbarBottom, + scrollbarLeft: 0, + scrollbarRight: 0, + }; + if (getIsRtlScrollbarOnLeft() && computedStyle.direction === 'rtl') { // is the scrollbar on the left side? + res.scrollbarLeft = scrollbarLeftRight; + } + else { + res.scrollbarRight = scrollbarLeftRight; + } + if (getPadding) { + res.paddingLeft = parseInt(computedStyle.paddingLeft, 10) || 0; + res.paddingRight = parseInt(computedStyle.paddingRight, 10) || 0; + res.paddingTop = parseInt(computedStyle.paddingTop, 10) || 0; + res.paddingBottom = parseInt(computedStyle.paddingBottom, 10) || 0; + } + return res; + } + function computeInnerRect(el, goWithinPadding, doFromWindowViewport) { + if (goWithinPadding === void 0) { goWithinPadding = false; } + var outerRect = doFromWindowViewport ? el.getBoundingClientRect() : computeRect(el); + var edges = computeEdges(el, goWithinPadding); + var res = { + left: outerRect.left + edges.borderLeft + edges.scrollbarLeft, + right: outerRect.right - edges.borderRight - edges.scrollbarRight, + top: + edges.borderTop, + bottom: outerRect.bottom - edges.borderBottom - edges.scrollbarBottom, + }; + if (goWithinPadding) { + res.left += edges.paddingLeft; + res.right -= edges.paddingRight; + += edges.paddingTop; + res.bottom -= edges.paddingBottom; + } + return res; + } + function computeRect(el) { + var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); + return { + left: rect.left + window.pageXOffset, + top: + window.pageYOffset, + right: rect.right + window.pageXOffset, + bottom: rect.bottom + window.pageYOffset, + }; + } + function computeClippedClientRect(el) { + var clippingParents = getClippingParents(el); + var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); + for (var _i = 0, clippingParents_1 = clippingParents; _i < clippingParents_1.length; _i++) { + var clippingParent = clippingParents_1[_i]; + var intersection = intersectRects(rect, clippingParent.getBoundingClientRect()); + if (intersection) { + rect = intersection; + } + else { + return null; + } + } + return rect; + } + function computeHeightAndMargins(el) { + return el.getBoundingClientRect().height + computeVMargins(el); + } + function computeVMargins(el) { + var computed = window.getComputedStyle(el); + return parseInt(computed.marginTop, 10) + + parseInt(computed.marginBottom, 10); + } + // does not return window + function getClippingParents(el) { + var parents = []; + while (el instanceof HTMLElement) { // will stop when gets to document or null + var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(el); + if (computedStyle.position === 'fixed') { + break; + } + if ((/(auto|scroll)/).test(computedStyle.overflow + computedStyle.overflowY + computedStyle.overflowX)) { + parents.push(el); + } + el = el.parentNode; + } + return parents; + } + + // given a function that resolves a result asynchronously. + // the function can either call passed-in success and failure callbacks, + // or it can return a promise. + // if you need to pass additional params to func, bind them first. + function unpromisify(func, success, failure) { + // guard against success/failure callbacks being called more than once + // and guard against a promise AND callback being used together. + var isResolved = false; + var wrappedSuccess = function () { + if (!isResolved) { + isResolved = true; + success.apply(this, arguments); // eslint-disable-line prefer-rest-params + } + }; + var wrappedFailure = function () { + if (!isResolved) { + isResolved = true; + if (failure) { + failure.apply(this, arguments); // eslint-disable-line prefer-rest-params + } + } + }; + var res = func(wrappedSuccess, wrappedFailure); + if (res && typeof res.then === 'function') { + res.then(wrappedSuccess, wrappedFailure); + } + } + + var Emitter = /** @class */ (function () { + function Emitter() { + this.handlers = {}; + this.thisContext = null; + } + Emitter.prototype.setThisContext = function (thisContext) { + this.thisContext = thisContext; + }; + Emitter.prototype.setOptions = function (options) { + this.options = options; + }; + Emitter.prototype.on = function (type, handler) { + addToHash(this.handlers, type, handler); + }; + = function (type, handler) { + removeFromHash(this.handlers, type, handler); + }; + Emitter.prototype.trigger = function (type) { + var args = []; + for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { + args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i]; + } + var attachedHandlers = this.handlers[type] || []; + var optionHandler = this.options && this.options[type]; + var handlers = [].concat(optionHandler || [], attachedHandlers); + for (var _a = 0, handlers_1 = handlers; _a < handlers_1.length; _a++) { + var handler = handlers_1[_a]; + handler.apply(this.thisContext, args); + } + }; + Emitter.prototype.hasHandlers = function (type) { + return Boolean((this.handlers[type] && this.handlers[type].length) || + (this.options && this.options[type])); + }; + return Emitter; + }()); + function addToHash(hash, type, handler) { + (hash[type] || (hash[type] = [])) + .push(handler); + } + function removeFromHash(hash, type, handler) { + if (handler) { + if (hash[type]) { + hash[type] = hash[type].filter(function (func) { return func !== handler; }); + } + } + else { + delete hash[type]; // remove all handler funcs for this type + } + } + + /* + Records offset information for a set of elements, relative to an origin element. + Can record the left/right OR the top/bottom OR both. + Provides methods for querying the cache by position. + */ + var PositionCache = /** @class */ (function () { + function PositionCache(originEl, els, isHorizontal, isVertical) { + this.els = els; + var originClientRect = this.originClientRect = originEl.getBoundingClientRect(); // relative to viewport top-left + if (isHorizontal) { + this.buildElHorizontals(originClientRect.left); + } + if (isVertical) { + this.buildElVerticals(; + } + } + // Populates the left/right internal coordinate arrays + PositionCache.prototype.buildElHorizontals = function (originClientLeft) { + var lefts = []; + var rights = []; + for (var _i = 0, _a = this.els; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var el = _a[_i]; + var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); + lefts.push(rect.left - originClientLeft); + rights.push(rect.right - originClientLeft); + } + this.lefts = lefts; + this.rights = rights; + }; + // Populates the top/bottom internal coordinate arrays + PositionCache.prototype.buildElVerticals = function (originClientTop) { + var tops = []; + var bottoms = []; + for (var _i = 0, _a = this.els; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var el = _a[_i]; + var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); + tops.push( - originClientTop); + bottoms.push(rect.bottom - originClientTop); + } + this.tops = tops; + this.bottoms = bottoms; + }; + // Given a left offset (from document left), returns the index of the el that it horizontally intersects. + // If no intersection is made, returns undefined. + PositionCache.prototype.leftToIndex = function (leftPosition) { + var _a = this, lefts = _a.lefts, rights = _a.rights; + var len = lefts.length; + var i; + for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { + if (leftPosition >= lefts[i] && leftPosition < rights[i]) { + return i; + } + } + return undefined; // TODO: better + }; + // Given a top offset (from document top), returns the index of the el that it vertically intersects. + // If no intersection is made, returns undefined. + PositionCache.prototype.topToIndex = function (topPosition) { + var _a = this, tops = _a.tops, bottoms = _a.bottoms; + var len = tops.length; + var i; + for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { + if (topPosition >= tops[i] && topPosition < bottoms[i]) { + return i; + } + } + return undefined; // TODO: better + }; + // Gets the width of the element at the given index + PositionCache.prototype.getWidth = function (leftIndex) { + return this.rights[leftIndex] - this.lefts[leftIndex]; + }; + // Gets the height of the element at the given index + PositionCache.prototype.getHeight = function (topIndex) { + return this.bottoms[topIndex] - this.tops[topIndex]; + }; + return PositionCache; + }()); + + /* eslint max-classes-per-file: "off" */ + /* + An object for getting/setting scroll-related information for an element. + Internally, this is done very differently for window versus DOM element, + so this object serves as a common interface. + */ + var ScrollController = /** @class */ (function () { + function ScrollController() { + } + ScrollController.prototype.getMaxScrollTop = function () { + return this.getScrollHeight() - this.getClientHeight(); + }; + ScrollController.prototype.getMaxScrollLeft = function () { + return this.getScrollWidth() - this.getClientWidth(); + }; + ScrollController.prototype.canScrollVertically = function () { + return this.getMaxScrollTop() > 0; + }; + ScrollController.prototype.canScrollHorizontally = function () { + return this.getMaxScrollLeft() > 0; + }; + ScrollController.prototype.canScrollUp = function () { + return this.getScrollTop() > 0; + }; + ScrollController.prototype.canScrollDown = function () { + return this.getScrollTop() < this.getMaxScrollTop(); + }; + ScrollController.prototype.canScrollLeft = function () { + return this.getScrollLeft() > 0; + }; + ScrollController.prototype.canScrollRight = function () { + return this.getScrollLeft() < this.getMaxScrollLeft(); + }; + return ScrollController; + }()); + var ElementScrollController = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(ElementScrollController, _super); + function ElementScrollController(el) { + var _this = || this; + _this.el = el; + return _this; + } + ElementScrollController.prototype.getScrollTop = function () { + return this.el.scrollTop; + }; + ElementScrollController.prototype.getScrollLeft = function () { + return this.el.scrollLeft; + }; + ElementScrollController.prototype.setScrollTop = function (top) { + this.el.scrollTop = top; + }; + ElementScrollController.prototype.setScrollLeft = function (left) { + this.el.scrollLeft = left; + }; + ElementScrollController.prototype.getScrollWidth = function () { + return this.el.scrollWidth; + }; + ElementScrollController.prototype.getScrollHeight = function () { + return this.el.scrollHeight; + }; + ElementScrollController.prototype.getClientHeight = function () { + return this.el.clientHeight; + }; + ElementScrollController.prototype.getClientWidth = function () { + return this.el.clientWidth; + }; + return ElementScrollController; + }(ScrollController)); + var WindowScrollController = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(WindowScrollController, _super); + function WindowScrollController() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + WindowScrollController.prototype.getScrollTop = function () { + return window.pageYOffset; + }; + WindowScrollController.prototype.getScrollLeft = function () { + return window.pageXOffset; + }; + WindowScrollController.prototype.setScrollTop = function (n) { + window.scroll(window.pageXOffset, n); + }; + WindowScrollController.prototype.setScrollLeft = function (n) { + window.scroll(n, window.pageYOffset); + }; + WindowScrollController.prototype.getScrollWidth = function () { + return document.documentElement.scrollWidth; + }; + WindowScrollController.prototype.getScrollHeight = function () { + return document.documentElement.scrollHeight; + }; + WindowScrollController.prototype.getClientHeight = function () { + return document.documentElement.clientHeight; + }; + WindowScrollController.prototype.getClientWidth = function () { + return document.documentElement.clientWidth; + }; + return WindowScrollController; + }(ScrollController)); + + var Theme = /** @class */ (function () { + function Theme(calendarOptions) { + if (this.iconOverrideOption) { + this.setIconOverride(calendarOptions[this.iconOverrideOption]); + } + } + Theme.prototype.setIconOverride = function (iconOverrideHash) { + var iconClassesCopy; + var buttonName; + if (typeof iconOverrideHash === 'object' && iconOverrideHash) { // non-null object + iconClassesCopy = __assign({}, this.iconClasses); + for (buttonName in iconOverrideHash) { + iconClassesCopy[buttonName] = this.applyIconOverridePrefix(iconOverrideHash[buttonName]); + } + this.iconClasses = iconClassesCopy; + } + else if (iconOverrideHash === false) { + this.iconClasses = {}; + } + }; + Theme.prototype.applyIconOverridePrefix = function (className) { + var prefix = this.iconOverridePrefix; + if (prefix && className.indexOf(prefix) !== 0) { // if not already present + className = prefix + className; + } + return className; + }; + Theme.prototype.getClass = function (key) { + return this.classes[key] || ''; + }; + Theme.prototype.getIconClass = function (buttonName, isRtl) { + var className; + if (isRtl && this.rtlIconClasses) { + className = this.rtlIconClasses[buttonName] || this.iconClasses[buttonName]; + } + else { + className = this.iconClasses[buttonName]; + } + if (className) { + return this.baseIconClass + " " + className; + } + return ''; + }; + Theme.prototype.getCustomButtonIconClass = function (customButtonProps) { + var className; + if (this.iconOverrideCustomButtonOption) { + className = customButtonProps[this.iconOverrideCustomButtonOption]; + if (className) { + return this.baseIconClass + " " + this.applyIconOverridePrefix(className); + } + } + return ''; + }; + return Theme; + }()); + Theme.prototype.classes = {}; + Theme.prototype.iconClasses = {}; + Theme.prototype.baseIconClass = ''; + Theme.prototype.iconOverridePrefix = ''; + + /// + if (typeof FullCalendarVDom === 'undefined') { + throw new Error('Please import the top-level fullcalendar lib before attempting to import a plugin.'); + } + var Component = FullCalendarVDom.Component; + var createElement = FullCalendarVDom.createElement; + var render = FullCalendarVDom.render; + var createRef = FullCalendarVDom.createRef; + var Fragment = FullCalendarVDom.Fragment; + var createContext = FullCalendarVDom.createContext; + var createPortal = FullCalendarVDom.createPortal; + var flushSync = FullCalendarVDom.flushSync; + var unmountComponentAtNode = FullCalendarVDom.unmountComponentAtNode; + /* eslint-enable */ + + var ScrollResponder = /** @class */ (function () { + function ScrollResponder(execFunc, emitter, scrollTime, scrollTimeReset) { + var _this = this; + this.execFunc = execFunc; + this.emitter = emitter; + this.scrollTime = scrollTime; + this.scrollTimeReset = scrollTimeReset; + this.handleScrollRequest = function (request) { + _this.queuedRequest = __assign({}, _this.queuedRequest || {}, request); + _this.drain(); + }; + emitter.on('_scrollRequest', this.handleScrollRequest); + this.fireInitialScroll(); + } + ScrollResponder.prototype.detach = function () { +'_scrollRequest', this.handleScrollRequest); + }; + ScrollResponder.prototype.update = function (isDatesNew) { + if (isDatesNew && this.scrollTimeReset) { + this.fireInitialScroll(); // will drain + } + else { + this.drain(); + } + }; + ScrollResponder.prototype.fireInitialScroll = function () { + this.handleScrollRequest({ + time: this.scrollTime, + }); + }; + ScrollResponder.prototype.drain = function () { + if (this.queuedRequest && this.execFunc(this.queuedRequest)) { + this.queuedRequest = null; + } + }; + return ScrollResponder; + }()); + + var ViewContextType = createContext({}); // for Components + function buildViewContext(viewSpec, viewApi, viewOptions, dateProfileGenerator, dateEnv, theme, pluginHooks, dispatch, getCurrentData, emitter, calendarApi, registerInteractiveComponent, unregisterInteractiveComponent) { + return { + dateEnv: dateEnv, + options: viewOptions, + pluginHooks: pluginHooks, + emitter: emitter, + dispatch: dispatch, + getCurrentData: getCurrentData, + calendarApi: calendarApi, + viewSpec: viewSpec, + viewApi: viewApi, + dateProfileGenerator: dateProfileGenerator, + theme: theme, + isRtl: viewOptions.direction === 'rtl', + addResizeHandler: function (handler) { + emitter.on('_resize', handler); + }, + removeResizeHandler: function (handler) { +'_resize', handler); + }, + createScrollResponder: function (execFunc) { + return new ScrollResponder(execFunc, emitter, createDuration(viewOptions.scrollTime), viewOptions.scrollTimeReset); + }, + registerInteractiveComponent: registerInteractiveComponent, + unregisterInteractiveComponent: unregisterInteractiveComponent, + }; + } + + /* eslint max-classes-per-file: off */ + var PureComponent = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(PureComponent, _super); + function PureComponent() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + PureComponent.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function (nextProps, nextState) { + if (this.debug) { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-console + console.log(getUnequalProps(nextProps, this.props), getUnequalProps(nextState, this.state)); + } + return !compareObjs(this.props, nextProps, this.propEquality) || + !compareObjs(this.state, nextState, this.stateEquality); + }; + PureComponent.addPropsEquality = addPropsEquality; + PureComponent.addStateEquality = addStateEquality; + PureComponent.contextType = ViewContextType; + return PureComponent; + }(Component)); + PureComponent.prototype.propEquality = {}; + PureComponent.prototype.stateEquality = {}; + var BaseComponent = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(BaseComponent, _super); + function BaseComponent() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + BaseComponent.contextType = ViewContextType; + return BaseComponent; + }(PureComponent)); + function addPropsEquality(propEquality) { + var hash = Object.create(this.prototype.propEquality); + __assign(hash, propEquality); + this.prototype.propEquality = hash; + } + function addStateEquality(stateEquality) { + var hash = Object.create(this.prototype.stateEquality); + __assign(hash, stateEquality); + this.prototype.stateEquality = hash; + } + // use other one + function setRef(ref, current) { + if (typeof ref === 'function') { + ref(current); + } + else if (ref) { + // see + ref.current = current; + } + } + + /* + an INTERACTABLE date component + + PURPOSES: + - hook up to fg, fill, and mirror renderers + - interface for dragging and hits + */ + var DateComponent = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(DateComponent, _super); + function DateComponent() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.uid = guid(); + return _this; + } + // Hit System + // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + DateComponent.prototype.prepareHits = function () { + }; + DateComponent.prototype.queryHit = function (positionLeft, positionTop, elWidth, elHeight) { + return null; // this should be abstract + }; + // Pointer Interaction Utils + // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + DateComponent.prototype.isValidSegDownEl = function (el) { + return !this.props.eventDrag && // HACK + !this.props.eventResize && // HACK + !elementClosest(el, '.fc-event-mirror'); + }; + DateComponent.prototype.isValidDateDownEl = function (el) { + return !elementClosest(el, '.fc-event:not(.fc-bg-event)') && + !elementClosest(el, '.fc-more-link') && // a "more.." link + !elementClosest(el, 'a[data-navlink]') && // a clickable nav link + !elementClosest(el, '.fc-popover'); // hack + }; + return DateComponent; + }(BaseComponent)); + + // TODO: easier way to add new hooks? need to update a million things + function createPlugin(input) { + return { + id: guid(), + deps: input.deps || [], + reducers: input.reducers || [], + isLoadingFuncs: input.isLoadingFuncs || [], + contextInit: [].concat(input.contextInit || []), + eventRefiners: input.eventRefiners || {}, + eventDefMemberAdders: input.eventDefMemberAdders || [], + eventSourceRefiners: input.eventSourceRefiners || {}, + isDraggableTransformers: input.isDraggableTransformers || [], + eventDragMutationMassagers: input.eventDragMutationMassagers || [], + eventDefMutationAppliers: input.eventDefMutationAppliers || [], + dateSelectionTransformers: input.dateSelectionTransformers || [], + datePointTransforms: input.datePointTransforms || [], + dateSpanTransforms: input.dateSpanTransforms || [], + views: input.views || {}, + viewPropsTransformers: input.viewPropsTransformers || [], + isPropsValid: input.isPropsValid || null, + externalDefTransforms: input.externalDefTransforms || [], + viewContainerAppends: input.viewContainerAppends || [], + eventDropTransformers: input.eventDropTransformers || [], + componentInteractions: input.componentInteractions || [], + calendarInteractions: input.calendarInteractions || [], + themeClasses: input.themeClasses || {}, + eventSourceDefs: input.eventSourceDefs || [], + cmdFormatter: input.cmdFormatter, + recurringTypes: input.recurringTypes || [], + namedTimeZonedImpl: input.namedTimeZonedImpl, + initialView: input.initialView || '', + elementDraggingImpl: input.elementDraggingImpl, + optionChangeHandlers: input.optionChangeHandlers || {}, + scrollGridImpl: input.scrollGridImpl || null, + contentTypeHandlers: input.contentTypeHandlers || {}, + listenerRefiners: input.listenerRefiners || {}, + optionRefiners: input.optionRefiners || {}, + propSetHandlers: input.propSetHandlers || {}, + }; + } + function buildPluginHooks(pluginDefs, globalDefs) { + var isAdded = {}; + var hooks = { + reducers: [], + isLoadingFuncs: [], + contextInit: [], + eventRefiners: {}, + eventDefMemberAdders: [], + eventSourceRefiners: {}, + isDraggableTransformers: [], + eventDragMutationMassagers: [], + eventDefMutationAppliers: [], + dateSelectionTransformers: [], + datePointTransforms: [], + dateSpanTransforms: [], + views: {}, + viewPropsTransformers: [], + isPropsValid: null, + externalDefTransforms: [], + viewContainerAppends: [], + eventDropTransformers: [], + componentInteractions: [], + calendarInteractions: [], + themeClasses: {}, + eventSourceDefs: [], + cmdFormatter: null, + recurringTypes: [], + namedTimeZonedImpl: null, + initialView: '', + elementDraggingImpl: null, + optionChangeHandlers: {}, + scrollGridImpl: null, + contentTypeHandlers: {}, + listenerRefiners: {}, + optionRefiners: {}, + propSetHandlers: {}, + }; + function addDefs(defs) { + for (var _i = 0, defs_1 = defs; _i < defs_1.length; _i++) { + var def = defs_1[_i]; + if (!isAdded[]) { + isAdded[] = true; + addDefs(def.deps); + hooks = combineHooks(hooks, def); + } + } + } + if (pluginDefs) { + addDefs(pluginDefs); + } + addDefs(globalDefs); + return hooks; + } + function buildBuildPluginHooks() { + var currentOverrideDefs = []; + var currentGlobalDefs = []; + var currentHooks; + return function (overrideDefs, globalDefs) { + if (!currentHooks || !isArraysEqual(overrideDefs, currentOverrideDefs) || !isArraysEqual(globalDefs, currentGlobalDefs)) { + currentHooks = buildPluginHooks(overrideDefs, globalDefs); + } + currentOverrideDefs = overrideDefs; + currentGlobalDefs = globalDefs; + return currentHooks; + }; + } + function combineHooks(hooks0, hooks1) { + return { + reducers: hooks0.reducers.concat(hooks1.reducers), + isLoadingFuncs: hooks0.isLoadingFuncs.concat(hooks1.isLoadingFuncs), + contextInit: hooks0.contextInit.concat(hooks1.contextInit), + eventRefiners: __assign(__assign({}, hooks0.eventRefiners), hooks1.eventRefiners), + eventDefMemberAdders: hooks0.eventDefMemberAdders.concat(hooks1.eventDefMemberAdders), + eventSourceRefiners: __assign(__assign({}, hooks0.eventSourceRefiners), hooks1.eventSourceRefiners), + isDraggableTransformers: hooks0.isDraggableTransformers.concat(hooks1.isDraggableTransformers), + eventDragMutationMassagers: hooks0.eventDragMutationMassagers.concat(hooks1.eventDragMutationMassagers), + eventDefMutationAppliers: hooks0.eventDefMutationAppliers.concat(hooks1.eventDefMutationAppliers), + dateSelectionTransformers: hooks0.dateSelectionTransformers.concat(hooks1.dateSelectionTransformers), + datePointTransforms: hooks0.datePointTransforms.concat(hooks1.datePointTransforms), + dateSpanTransforms: hooks0.dateSpanTransforms.concat(hooks1.dateSpanTransforms), + views: __assign(__assign({}, hooks0.views), hooks1.views), + viewPropsTransformers: hooks0.viewPropsTransformers.concat(hooks1.viewPropsTransformers), + isPropsValid: hooks1.isPropsValid || hooks0.isPropsValid, + externalDefTransforms: hooks0.externalDefTransforms.concat(hooks1.externalDefTransforms), + viewContainerAppends: hooks0.viewContainerAppends.concat(hooks1.viewContainerAppends), + eventDropTransformers: hooks0.eventDropTransformers.concat(hooks1.eventDropTransformers), + calendarInteractions: hooks0.calendarInteractions.concat(hooks1.calendarInteractions), + componentInteractions: hooks0.componentInteractions.concat(hooks1.componentInteractions), + themeClasses: __assign(__assign({}, hooks0.themeClasses), hooks1.themeClasses), + eventSourceDefs: hooks0.eventSourceDefs.concat(hooks1.eventSourceDefs), + cmdFormatter: hooks1.cmdFormatter || hooks0.cmdFormatter, + recurringTypes: hooks0.recurringTypes.concat(hooks1.recurringTypes), + namedTimeZonedImpl: hooks1.namedTimeZonedImpl || hooks0.namedTimeZonedImpl, + initialView: hooks0.initialView || hooks1.initialView, + elementDraggingImpl: hooks0.elementDraggingImpl || hooks1.elementDraggingImpl, + optionChangeHandlers: __assign(__assign({}, hooks0.optionChangeHandlers), hooks1.optionChangeHandlers), + scrollGridImpl: hooks1.scrollGridImpl || hooks0.scrollGridImpl, + contentTypeHandlers: __assign(__assign({}, hooks0.contentTypeHandlers), hooks1.contentTypeHandlers), + listenerRefiners: __assign(__assign({}, hooks0.listenerRefiners), hooks1.listenerRefiners), + optionRefiners: __assign(__assign({}, hooks0.optionRefiners), hooks1.optionRefiners), + propSetHandlers: __assign(__assign({}, hooks0.propSetHandlers), hooks1.propSetHandlers), + }; + } + + var StandardTheme = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(StandardTheme, _super); + function StandardTheme() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + return StandardTheme; + }(Theme)); + StandardTheme.prototype.classes = { + root: 'fc-theme-standard', + tableCellShaded: 'fc-cell-shaded', + buttonGroup: 'fc-button-group', + button: 'fc-button fc-button-primary', + buttonActive: 'fc-button-active', + }; + StandardTheme.prototype.baseIconClass = 'fc-icon'; + StandardTheme.prototype.iconClasses = { + close: 'fc-icon-x', + prev: 'fc-icon-chevron-left', + next: 'fc-icon-chevron-right', + prevYear: 'fc-icon-chevrons-left', + nextYear: 'fc-icon-chevrons-right', + }; + StandardTheme.prototype.rtlIconClasses = { + prev: 'fc-icon-chevron-right', + next: 'fc-icon-chevron-left', + prevYear: 'fc-icon-chevrons-right', + nextYear: 'fc-icon-chevrons-left', + }; + StandardTheme.prototype.iconOverrideOption = 'buttonIcons'; // TODO: make TS-friendly + StandardTheme.prototype.iconOverrideCustomButtonOption = 'icon'; + StandardTheme.prototype.iconOverridePrefix = 'fc-icon-'; + + function compileViewDefs(defaultConfigs, overrideConfigs) { + var hash = {}; + var viewType; + for (viewType in defaultConfigs) { + ensureViewDef(viewType, hash, defaultConfigs, overrideConfigs); + } + for (viewType in overrideConfigs) { + ensureViewDef(viewType, hash, defaultConfigs, overrideConfigs); + } + return hash; + } + function ensureViewDef(viewType, hash, defaultConfigs, overrideConfigs) { + if (hash[viewType]) { + return hash[viewType]; + } + var viewDef = buildViewDef(viewType, hash, defaultConfigs, overrideConfigs); + if (viewDef) { + hash[viewType] = viewDef; + } + return viewDef; + } + function buildViewDef(viewType, hash, defaultConfigs, overrideConfigs) { + var defaultConfig = defaultConfigs[viewType]; + var overrideConfig = overrideConfigs[viewType]; + var queryProp = function (name) { return ((defaultConfig && defaultConfig[name] !== null) ? defaultConfig[name] : + ((overrideConfig && overrideConfig[name] !== null) ? overrideConfig[name] : null)); }; + var theComponent = queryProp('component'); + var superType = queryProp('superType'); + var superDef = null; + if (superType) { + if (superType === viewType) { + throw new Error('Can\'t have a custom view type that references itself'); + } + superDef = ensureViewDef(superType, hash, defaultConfigs, overrideConfigs); + } + if (!theComponent && superDef) { + theComponent = superDef.component; + } + if (!theComponent) { + return null; // don't throw a warning, might be settings for a single-unit view + } + return { + type: viewType, + component: theComponent, + defaults: __assign(__assign({}, (superDef ? superDef.defaults : {})), (defaultConfig ? defaultConfig.rawOptions : {})), + overrides: __assign(__assign({}, (superDef ? superDef.overrides : {})), (overrideConfig ? overrideConfig.rawOptions : {})), + }; + } + + /* eslint max-classes-per-file: off */ + // NOTE: in JSX, you should always use this class with arg. otherwise, will default to any??? + var RenderHook = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(RenderHook, _super); + function RenderHook() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.rootElRef = createRef(); + _this.handleRootEl = function (el) { + setRef(_this.rootElRef, el); + if (_this.props.elRef) { + setRef(_this.props.elRef, el); + } + }; + return _this; + } + RenderHook.prototype.render = function () { + var _this = this; + var props = this.props; + var hookProps = props.hookProps; + return (createElement(MountHook, { hookProps: hookProps, didMount: props.didMount, willUnmount: props.willUnmount, elRef: this.handleRootEl }, function (rootElRef) { return (createElement(ContentHook, { hookProps: hookProps, content: props.content, defaultContent: props.defaultContent, backupElRef: _this.rootElRef }, function (innerElRef, innerContent) { return props.children(rootElRef, normalizeClassNames(props.classNames, hookProps), innerElRef, innerContent); })); })); + }; + return RenderHook; + }(BaseComponent)); + // TODO: rename to be about function, not default. use in above type + // for forcing rerender of components that use the ContentHook + var CustomContentRenderContext = createContext(0); + function ContentHook(props) { + return (createElement(CustomContentRenderContext.Consumer, null, function (renderId) { return (createElement(ContentHookInner, __assign({ renderId: renderId }, props))); })); + } + var ContentHookInner = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(ContentHookInner, _super); + function ContentHookInner() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.innerElRef = createRef(); + return _this; + } + ContentHookInner.prototype.render = function () { + return this.props.children(this.innerElRef, this.renderInnerContent()); + }; + ContentHookInner.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { + this.updateCustomContent(); + }; + ContentHookInner.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function () { + this.updateCustomContent(); + }; + ContentHookInner.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { + if (this.customContentInfo && this.customContentInfo.destroy) { + this.customContentInfo.destroy(); + } + }; + ContentHookInner.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () { + var customContentInfo = this.customContentInfo; // only populated if using non-[p]react node(s) + var innerContent = this.getInnerContent(); + var meta = this.getContentMeta(innerContent); + // initial run, or content-type changing? (from vue -> react for example) + if (!customContentInfo || customContentInfo.contentKey !== meta.contentKey) { + // clearing old value + if (customContentInfo) { + if (customContentInfo.destroy) { + customContentInfo.destroy(); + } + customContentInfo = this.customContentInfo = null; + } + // assigning new value + if (meta.contentKey) { + customContentInfo = this.customContentInfo = __assign({ contentKey: meta.contentKey, contentVal: innerContent[meta.contentKey] }, meta.buildLifecycleFuncs()); + } + // updating + } + else if (customContentInfo) { + customContentInfo.contentVal = innerContent[meta.contentKey]; + } + return customContentInfo + ? [] // signal that something was specified + : innerContent; // assume a [p]react vdom node. use it + }; + ContentHookInner.prototype.getInnerContent = function () { + var props = this.props; + var innerContent = normalizeContent(props.content, props.hookProps); + if (innerContent === undefined) { // use the default + innerContent = normalizeContent(props.defaultContent, props.hookProps); + } + return innerContent == null ? null : innerContent; // convert undefined to null (better for React) + }; + ContentHookInner.prototype.getContentMeta = function (innerContent) { + var contentTypeHandlers = this.context.pluginHooks.contentTypeHandlers; + var contentKey = ''; + var buildLifecycleFuncs = null; + if (innerContent) { // allowed to be null, for convenience to caller + for (var searchKey in contentTypeHandlers) { + if (innerContent[searchKey] !== undefined) { + contentKey = searchKey; + buildLifecycleFuncs = contentTypeHandlers[searchKey]; + break; + } + } + } + return { contentKey: contentKey, buildLifecycleFuncs: buildLifecycleFuncs }; + }; + ContentHookInner.prototype.updateCustomContent = function () { + if (this.customContentInfo) { // for non-[p]react + this.customContentInfo.render(this.innerElRef.current || this.props.backupElRef.current, // the element to render into + this.customContentInfo.contentVal); + } + }; + return ContentHookInner; + }(BaseComponent)); + var MountHook = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(MountHook, _super); + function MountHook() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.handleRootEl = function (rootEl) { + _this.rootEl = rootEl; + if (_this.props.elRef) { + setRef(_this.props.elRef, rootEl); + } + }; + return _this; + } + MountHook.prototype.render = function () { + return this.props.children(this.handleRootEl); + }; + MountHook.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { + var callback = this.props.didMount; + if (callback) { + callback(__assign(__assign({}, this.props.hookProps), { el: this.rootEl })); + } + }; + MountHook.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { + var callback = this.props.willUnmount; + if (callback) { + callback(__assign(__assign({}, this.props.hookProps), { el: this.rootEl })); + } + }; + return MountHook; + }(BaseComponent)); + function buildClassNameNormalizer() { + var currentGenerator; + var currentHookProps; + var currentClassNames = []; + return function (generator, hookProps) { + if (!currentHookProps || !isPropsEqual(currentHookProps, hookProps) || generator !== currentGenerator) { + currentGenerator = generator; + currentHookProps = hookProps; + currentClassNames = normalizeClassNames(generator, hookProps); + } + return currentClassNames; + }; + } + function normalizeClassNames(classNames, hookProps) { + if (typeof classNames === 'function') { + classNames = classNames(hookProps); + } + return parseClassNames(classNames); + } + function normalizeContent(input, hookProps) { + if (typeof input === 'function') { + return input(hookProps, createElement); // give the function the vdom-creation func + } + return input; + } + + var ViewRoot = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(ViewRoot, _super); + function ViewRoot() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.normalizeClassNames = buildClassNameNormalizer(); + return _this; + } + ViewRoot.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var options = context.options; + var hookProps = { view: context.viewApi }; + var customClassNames = this.normalizeClassNames(options.viewClassNames, hookProps); + return (createElement(MountHook, { hookProps: hookProps, didMount: options.viewDidMount, willUnmount: options.viewWillUnmount, elRef: props.elRef }, function (rootElRef) { return props.children(rootElRef, ["fc-" + props.viewSpec.type + "-view", 'fc-view'].concat(customClassNames)); })); + }; + return ViewRoot; + }(BaseComponent)); + + function parseViewConfigs(inputs) { + return mapHash(inputs, parseViewConfig); + } + function parseViewConfig(input) { + var rawOptions = typeof input === 'function' ? + { component: input } : + input; + var component = rawOptions.component; + if (rawOptions.content) { + component = createViewHookComponent(rawOptions); + // TODO: remove content/classNames/didMount/etc from options? + } + return { + superType: rawOptions.type, + component: component, + rawOptions: rawOptions, + }; + } + function createViewHookComponent(options) { + return function (viewProps) { return (createElement(ViewContextType.Consumer, null, function (context) { return (createElement(ViewRoot, { viewSpec: context.viewSpec }, function (viewElRef, viewClassNames) { + var hookProps = __assign(__assign({}, viewProps), { nextDayThreshold: context.options.nextDayThreshold }); + return (createElement(RenderHook, { hookProps: hookProps, classNames: options.classNames, content: options.content, didMount: options.didMount, willUnmount: options.willUnmount, elRef: viewElRef }, function (rootElRef, customClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (createElement("div", { className: viewClassNames.concat(customClassNames).join(' '), ref: rootElRef }, innerContent)); })); + })); })); }; + } + + function buildViewSpecs(defaultInputs, optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides, localeDefaults) { + var defaultConfigs = parseViewConfigs(defaultInputs); + var overrideConfigs = parseViewConfigs(optionOverrides.views); + var viewDefs = compileViewDefs(defaultConfigs, overrideConfigs); + return mapHash(viewDefs, function (viewDef) { return buildViewSpec(viewDef, overrideConfigs, optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides, localeDefaults); }); + } + function buildViewSpec(viewDef, overrideConfigs, optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides, localeDefaults) { + var durationInput = viewDef.overrides.duration || + viewDef.defaults.duration || + dynamicOptionOverrides.duration || + optionOverrides.duration; + var duration = null; + var durationUnit = ''; + var singleUnit = ''; + var singleUnitOverrides = {}; + if (durationInput) { + duration = createDurationCached(durationInput); + if (duration) { // valid? + var denom = greatestDurationDenominator(duration); + durationUnit = denom.unit; + if (denom.value === 1) { + singleUnit = durationUnit; + singleUnitOverrides = overrideConfigs[durationUnit] ? overrideConfigs[durationUnit].rawOptions : {}; + } + } + } + var queryButtonText = function (optionsSubset) { + var buttonTextMap = optionsSubset.buttonText || {}; + var buttonTextKey = viewDef.defaults.buttonTextKey; + if (buttonTextKey != null && buttonTextMap[buttonTextKey] != null) { + return buttonTextMap[buttonTextKey]; + } + if (buttonTextMap[viewDef.type] != null) { + return buttonTextMap[viewDef.type]; + } + if (buttonTextMap[singleUnit] != null) { + return buttonTextMap[singleUnit]; + } + return null; + }; + var queryButtonTitle = function (optionsSubset) { + var buttonHints = optionsSubset.buttonHints || {}; + var buttonKey = viewDef.defaults.buttonTextKey; // use same key as text + if (buttonKey != null && buttonHints[buttonKey] != null) { + return buttonHints[buttonKey]; + } + if (buttonHints[viewDef.type] != null) { + return buttonHints[viewDef.type]; + } + if (buttonHints[singleUnit] != null) { + return buttonHints[singleUnit]; + } + return null; + }; + return { + type: viewDef.type, + component: viewDef.component, + duration: duration, + durationUnit: durationUnit, + singleUnit: singleUnit, + optionDefaults: viewDef.defaults, + optionOverrides: __assign(__assign({}, singleUnitOverrides), viewDef.overrides), + buttonTextOverride: queryButtonText(dynamicOptionOverrides) || + queryButtonText(optionOverrides) || // constructor-specified buttonText lookup hash takes precedence + viewDef.overrides.buttonText, + buttonTextDefault: queryButtonText(localeDefaults) || + viewDef.defaults.buttonText || + queryButtonText(BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS) || + viewDef.type, + // not DRY + buttonTitleOverride: queryButtonTitle(dynamicOptionOverrides) || + queryButtonTitle(optionOverrides) || + viewDef.overrides.buttonHint, + buttonTitleDefault: queryButtonTitle(localeDefaults) || + viewDef.defaults.buttonHint || + queryButtonTitle(BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS), + // will eventually fall back to buttonText + }; + } + // hack to get memoization working + var durationInputMap = {}; + function createDurationCached(durationInput) { + var json = JSON.stringify(durationInput); + var res = durationInputMap[json]; + if (res === undefined) { + res = createDuration(durationInput); + durationInputMap[json] = res; + } + return res; + } + + var DateProfileGenerator = /** @class */ (function () { + function DateProfileGenerator(props) { + this.props = props; + this.nowDate = getNow(props.nowInput, props.dateEnv); + this.initHiddenDays(); + } + /* Date Range Computation + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + // Builds a structure with info about what the dates/ranges will be for the "prev" view. + DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildPrev = function (currentDateProfile, currentDate, forceToValid) { + var dateEnv = this.props.dateEnv; + var prevDate = dateEnv.subtract(dateEnv.startOf(currentDate, currentDateProfile.currentRangeUnit), // important for start-of-month + currentDateProfile.dateIncrement); + return, -1, forceToValid); + }; + // Builds a structure with info about what the dates/ranges will be for the "next" view. + DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildNext = function (currentDateProfile, currentDate, forceToValid) { + var dateEnv = this.props.dateEnv; + var nextDate = dateEnv.add(dateEnv.startOf(currentDate, currentDateProfile.currentRangeUnit), // important for start-of-month + currentDateProfile.dateIncrement); + return, 1, forceToValid); + }; + // Builds a structure holding dates/ranges for rendering around the given date. + // Optional direction param indicates whether the date is being incremented/decremented + // from its previous value. decremented = -1, incremented = 1 (default). + = function (currentDate, direction, forceToValid) { + if (forceToValid === void 0) { forceToValid = true; } + var props = this.props; + var validRange; + var currentInfo; + var isRangeAllDay; + var renderRange; + var activeRange; + var isValid; + validRange = this.buildValidRange(); + validRange = this.trimHiddenDays(validRange); + if (forceToValid) { + currentDate = constrainMarkerToRange(currentDate, validRange); + } + currentInfo = this.buildCurrentRangeInfo(currentDate, direction); + isRangeAllDay = /^(year|month|week|day)$/.test(currentInfo.unit); + renderRange = this.buildRenderRange(this.trimHiddenDays(currentInfo.range), currentInfo.unit, isRangeAllDay); + renderRange = this.trimHiddenDays(renderRange); + activeRange = renderRange; + if (!props.showNonCurrentDates) { + activeRange = intersectRanges(activeRange, currentInfo.range); + } + activeRange = this.adjustActiveRange(activeRange); + activeRange = intersectRanges(activeRange, validRange); // might return null + // it's invalid if the originally requested date is not contained, + // or if the range is completely outside of the valid range. + isValid = rangesIntersect(currentInfo.range, validRange); + return { + // constraint for where prev/next operations can go and where events can be dragged/resized to. + // an object with optional start and end properties. + validRange: validRange, + // range the view is formally responsible for. + // for example, a month view might have 1st-31st, excluding padded dates + currentRange: currentInfo.range, + // name of largest unit being displayed, like "month" or "week" + currentRangeUnit: currentInfo.unit, + isRangeAllDay: isRangeAllDay, + // dates that display events and accept drag-n-drop + // will be `null` if no dates accept events + activeRange: activeRange, + // date range with a rendered skeleton + // includes not-active days that need some sort of DOM + renderRange: renderRange, + // Duration object that denotes the first visible time of any given day + slotMinTime: props.slotMinTime, + // Duration object that denotes the exclusive visible end time of any given day + slotMaxTime: props.slotMaxTime, + isValid: isValid, + // how far the current date will move for a prev/next operation + dateIncrement: this.buildDateIncrement(currentInfo.duration), + // pass a fallback (might be null) ^ + }; + }; + // Builds an object with optional start/end properties. + // Indicates the minimum/maximum dates to display. + // not responsible for trimming hidden days. + DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildValidRange = function () { + var input = this.props.validRangeInput; + var simpleInput = typeof input === 'function' + ?, this.nowDate) + : input; + return this.refineRange(simpleInput) || + { start: null, end: null }; // completely open-ended + }; + // Builds a structure with info about the "current" range, the range that is + // highlighted as being the current month for example. + // See build() for a description of `direction`. + // Guaranteed to have `range` and `unit` properties. `duration` is optional. + DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildCurrentRangeInfo = function (date, direction) { + var props = this.props; + var duration = null; + var unit = null; + var range = null; + var dayCount; + if (props.duration) { + duration = props.duration; + unit = props.durationUnit; + range = this.buildRangeFromDuration(date, direction, duration, unit); + } + else if ((dayCount = this.props.dayCount)) { + unit = 'day'; + range = this.buildRangeFromDayCount(date, direction, dayCount); + } + else if ((range = this.buildCustomVisibleRange(date))) { + unit = props.dateEnv.greatestWholeUnit(range.start, range.end).unit; + } + else { + duration = this.getFallbackDuration(); + unit = greatestDurationDenominator(duration).unit; + range = this.buildRangeFromDuration(date, direction, duration, unit); + } + return { duration: duration, unit: unit, range: range }; + }; + DateProfileGenerator.prototype.getFallbackDuration = function () { + return createDuration({ day: 1 }); + }; + // Returns a new activeRange to have time values (un-ambiguate) + // slotMinTime or slotMaxTime causes the range to expand. + DateProfileGenerator.prototype.adjustActiveRange = function (range) { + var _a = this.props, dateEnv = _a.dateEnv, usesMinMaxTime = _a.usesMinMaxTime, slotMinTime = _a.slotMinTime, slotMaxTime = _a.slotMaxTime; + var start = range.start, end = range.end; + if (usesMinMaxTime) { + // expand active range if slotMinTime is negative (why not when positive?) + if (asRoughDays(slotMinTime) < 0) { + start = startOfDay(start); // necessary? + start = dateEnv.add(start, slotMinTime); + } + // expand active range if slotMaxTime is beyond one day (why not when negative?) + if (asRoughDays(slotMaxTime) > 1) { + end = startOfDay(end); // necessary? + end = addDays(end, -1); + end = dateEnv.add(end, slotMaxTime); + } + } + return { start: start, end: end }; + }; + // Builds the "current" range when it is specified as an explicit duration. + // `unit` is the already-computed greatestDurationDenominator unit of duration. + DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildRangeFromDuration = function (date, direction, duration, unit) { + var _a = this.props, dateEnv = _a.dateEnv, dateAlignment = _a.dateAlignment; + var start; + var end; + var res; + // compute what the alignment should be + if (!dateAlignment) { + var dateIncrement = this.props.dateIncrement; + if (dateIncrement) { + // use the smaller of the two units + if (asRoughMs(dateIncrement) < asRoughMs(duration)) { + dateAlignment = greatestDurationDenominator(dateIncrement).unit; + } + else { + dateAlignment = unit; + } + } + else { + dateAlignment = unit; + } + } + // if the view displays a single day or smaller + if (asRoughDays(duration) <= 1) { + if (this.isHiddenDay(start)) { + start = this.skipHiddenDays(start, direction); + start = startOfDay(start); + } + } + function computeRes() { + start = dateEnv.startOf(date, dateAlignment); + end = dateEnv.add(start, duration); + res = { start: start, end: end }; + } + computeRes(); + // if range is completely enveloped by hidden days, go past the hidden days + if (!this.trimHiddenDays(res)) { + date = this.skipHiddenDays(date, direction); + computeRes(); + } + return res; + }; + // Builds the "current" range when a dayCount is specified. + DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildRangeFromDayCount = function (date, direction, dayCount) { + var _a = this.props, dateEnv = _a.dateEnv, dateAlignment = _a.dateAlignment; + var runningCount = 0; + var start = date; + var end; + if (dateAlignment) { + start = dateEnv.startOf(start, dateAlignment); + } + start = startOfDay(start); + start = this.skipHiddenDays(start, direction); + end = start; + do { + end = addDays(end, 1); + if (!this.isHiddenDay(end)) { + runningCount += 1; + } + } while (runningCount < dayCount); + return { start: start, end: end }; + }; + // Builds a normalized range object for the "visible" range, + // which is a way to define the currentRange and activeRange at the same time. + DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildCustomVisibleRange = function (date) { + var props = this.props; + var input = props.visibleRangeInput; + var simpleInput = typeof input === 'function' + ?, props.dateEnv.toDate(date)) + : input; + var range = this.refineRange(simpleInput); + if (range && (range.start == null || range.end == null)) { + return null; + } + return range; + }; + // Computes the range that will represent the element/cells for *rendering*, + // but which may have voided days/times. + // not responsible for trimming hidden days. + DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildRenderRange = function (currentRange, currentRangeUnit, isRangeAllDay) { + return currentRange; + }; + // Compute the duration value that should be added/substracted to the current date + // when a prev/next operation happens. + DateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildDateIncrement = function (fallback) { + var dateIncrement = this.props.dateIncrement; + var customAlignment; + if (dateIncrement) { + return dateIncrement; + } + if ((customAlignment = this.props.dateAlignment)) { + return createDuration(1, customAlignment); + } + if (fallback) { + return fallback; + } + return createDuration({ days: 1 }); + }; + DateProfileGenerator.prototype.refineRange = function (rangeInput) { + if (rangeInput) { + var range = parseRange(rangeInput, this.props.dateEnv); + if (range) { + range = computeVisibleDayRange(range); + } + return range; + } + return null; + }; + /* Hidden Days + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + // Initializes internal variables related to calculating hidden days-of-week + DateProfileGenerator.prototype.initHiddenDays = function () { + var hiddenDays = this.props.hiddenDays || []; // array of day-of-week indices that are hidden + var isHiddenDayHash = []; // is the day-of-week hidden? (hash with day-of-week-index -> bool) + var dayCnt = 0; + var i; + if (this.props.weekends === false) { + hiddenDays.push(0, 6); // 0=sunday, 6=saturday + } + for (i = 0; i < 7; i += 1) { + if (!(isHiddenDayHash[i] = hiddenDays.indexOf(i) !== -1)) { + dayCnt += 1; + } + } + if (!dayCnt) { + throw new Error('invalid hiddenDays'); // all days were hidden? bad. + } + this.isHiddenDayHash = isHiddenDayHash; + }; + // Remove days from the beginning and end of the range that are computed as hidden. + // If the whole range is trimmed off, returns null + DateProfileGenerator.prototype.trimHiddenDays = function (range) { + var start = range.start, end = range.end; + if (start) { + start = this.skipHiddenDays(start); + } + if (end) { + end = this.skipHiddenDays(end, -1, true); + } + if (start == null || end == null || start < end) { + return { start: start, end: end }; + } + return null; + }; + // Is the current day hidden? + // `day` is a day-of-week index (0-6), or a Date (used for UTC) + DateProfileGenerator.prototype.isHiddenDay = function (day) { + if (day instanceof Date) { + day = day.getUTCDay(); + } + return this.isHiddenDayHash[day]; + }; + // Incrementing the current day until it is no longer a hidden day, returning a copy. + // DOES NOT CONSIDER validRange! + // If the initial value of `date` is not a hidden day, don't do anything. + // Pass `isExclusive` as `true` if you are dealing with an end date. + // `inc` defaults to `1` (increment one day forward each time) + DateProfileGenerator.prototype.skipHiddenDays = function (date, inc, isExclusive) { + if (inc === void 0) { inc = 1; } + if (isExclusive === void 0) { isExclusive = false; } + while (this.isHiddenDayHash[(date.getUTCDay() + (isExclusive ? inc : 0) + 7) % 7]) { + date = addDays(date, inc); + } + return date; + }; + return DateProfileGenerator; + }()); + + function reduceViewType(viewType, action) { + switch (action.type) { + case 'CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE': + viewType = action.viewType; + } + return viewType; + } + + function reduceDynamicOptionOverrides(dynamicOptionOverrides, action) { + var _a; + switch (action.type) { + case 'SET_OPTION': + return __assign(__assign({}, dynamicOptionOverrides), (_a = {}, _a[action.optionName] = action.rawOptionValue, _a)); + default: + return dynamicOptionOverrides; + } + } + + function reduceDateProfile(currentDateProfile, action, currentDate, dateProfileGenerator) { + var dp; + switch (action.type) { + case 'CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE': + return || currentDate); + case 'CHANGE_DATE': + return; + case 'PREV': + dp = dateProfileGenerator.buildPrev(currentDateProfile, currentDate); + if (dp.isValid) { + return dp; + } + break; + case 'NEXT': + dp = dateProfileGenerator.buildNext(currentDateProfile, currentDate); + if (dp.isValid) { + return dp; + } + break; + } + return currentDateProfile; + } + + function initEventSources(calendarOptions, dateProfile, context) { + var activeRange = dateProfile ? dateProfile.activeRange : null; + return addSources({}, parseInitialSources(calendarOptions, context), activeRange, context); + } + function reduceEventSources(eventSources, action, dateProfile, context) { + var activeRange = dateProfile ? dateProfile.activeRange : null; // need this check? + switch (action.type) { + case 'ADD_EVENT_SOURCES': // already parsed + return addSources(eventSources, action.sources, activeRange, context); + case 'REMOVE_EVENT_SOURCE': + return removeSource(eventSources, action.sourceId); + case 'PREV': // TODO: how do we track all actions that affect dateProfile :( + case 'NEXT': + case 'CHANGE_DATE': + case 'CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE': + if (dateProfile) { + return fetchDirtySources(eventSources, activeRange, context); + } + return eventSources; + case 'FETCH_EVENT_SOURCES': + return fetchSourcesByIds(eventSources, action.sourceIds ? // why no type? + arrayToHash(action.sourceIds) : + excludeStaticSources(eventSources, context), activeRange, action.isRefetch || false, context); + case 'RECEIVE_EVENTS': + case 'RECEIVE_EVENT_ERROR': + return receiveResponse(eventSources, action.sourceId, action.fetchId, action.fetchRange); + case 'REMOVE_ALL_EVENT_SOURCES': + return {}; + default: + return eventSources; + } + } + function reduceEventSourcesNewTimeZone(eventSources, dateProfile, context) { + var activeRange = dateProfile ? dateProfile.activeRange : null; // need this check? + return fetchSourcesByIds(eventSources, excludeStaticSources(eventSources, context), activeRange, true, context); + } + function computeEventSourcesLoading(eventSources) { + for (var sourceId in eventSources) { + if (eventSources[sourceId].isFetching) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + function addSources(eventSourceHash, sources, fetchRange, context) { + var hash = {}; + for (var _i = 0, sources_1 = sources; _i < sources_1.length; _i++) { + var source = sources_1[_i]; + hash[source.sourceId] = source; + } + if (fetchRange) { + hash = fetchDirtySources(hash, fetchRange, context); + } + return __assign(__assign({}, eventSourceHash), hash); + } + function removeSource(eventSourceHash, sourceId) { + return filterHash(eventSourceHash, function (eventSource) { return eventSource.sourceId !== sourceId; }); + } + function fetchDirtySources(sourceHash, fetchRange, context) { + return fetchSourcesByIds(sourceHash, filterHash(sourceHash, function (eventSource) { return isSourceDirty(eventSource, fetchRange, context); }), fetchRange, false, context); + } + function isSourceDirty(eventSource, fetchRange, context) { + if (!doesSourceNeedRange(eventSource, context)) { + return !eventSource.latestFetchId; + } + return !context.options.lazyFetching || + !eventSource.fetchRange || + eventSource.isFetching || // always cancel outdated in-progress fetches + fetchRange.start < eventSource.fetchRange.start || + fetchRange.end > eventSource.fetchRange.end; + } + function fetchSourcesByIds(prevSources, sourceIdHash, fetchRange, isRefetch, context) { + var nextSources = {}; + for (var sourceId in prevSources) { + var source = prevSources[sourceId]; + if (sourceIdHash[sourceId]) { + nextSources[sourceId] = fetchSource(source, fetchRange, isRefetch, context); + } + else { + nextSources[sourceId] = source; + } + } + return nextSources; + } + function fetchSource(eventSource, fetchRange, isRefetch, context) { + var options = context.options, calendarApi = context.calendarApi; + var sourceDef = context.pluginHooks.eventSourceDefs[eventSource.sourceDefId]; + var fetchId = guid(); + sourceDef.fetch({ + eventSource: eventSource, + range: fetchRange, + isRefetch: isRefetch, + context: context, + }, function (res) { + var rawEvents = res.rawEvents; + if (options.eventSourceSuccess) { + rawEvents =, rawEvents, res.xhr) || rawEvents; + } + if (eventSource.success) { + rawEvents =, rawEvents, res.xhr) || rawEvents; + } + context.dispatch({ + type: 'RECEIVE_EVENTS', + sourceId: eventSource.sourceId, + fetchId: fetchId, + fetchRange: fetchRange, + rawEvents: rawEvents, + }); + }, function (error) { + console.warn(error.message, error); + if (options.eventSourceFailure) { +, error); + } + if (eventSource.failure) { + eventSource.failure(error); + } + context.dispatch({ + type: 'RECEIVE_EVENT_ERROR', + sourceId: eventSource.sourceId, + fetchId: fetchId, + fetchRange: fetchRange, + error: error, + }); + }); + return __assign(__assign({}, eventSource), { isFetching: true, latestFetchId: fetchId }); + } + function receiveResponse(sourceHash, sourceId, fetchId, fetchRange) { + var _a; + var eventSource = sourceHash[sourceId]; + if (eventSource && // not already removed + fetchId === eventSource.latestFetchId) { + return __assign(__assign({}, sourceHash), (_a = {}, _a[sourceId] = __assign(__assign({}, eventSource), { isFetching: false, fetchRange: fetchRange }), _a)); + } + return sourceHash; + } + function excludeStaticSources(eventSources, context) { + return filterHash(eventSources, function (eventSource) { return doesSourceNeedRange(eventSource, context); }); + } + function parseInitialSources(rawOptions, context) { + var refiners = buildEventSourceRefiners(context); + var rawSources = [].concat(rawOptions.eventSources || []); + var sources = []; // parsed + if (rawOptions.initialEvents) { + rawSources.unshift(rawOptions.initialEvents); + } + if ( { + rawSources.unshift(; + } + for (var _i = 0, rawSources_1 = rawSources; _i < rawSources_1.length; _i++) { + var rawSource = rawSources_1[_i]; + var source = parseEventSource(rawSource, context, refiners); + if (source) { + sources.push(source); + } + } + return sources; + } + function doesSourceNeedRange(eventSource, context) { + var defs = context.pluginHooks.eventSourceDefs; + return !defs[eventSource.sourceDefId].ignoreRange; + } + + function reduceEventStore(eventStore, action, eventSources, dateProfile, context) { + switch (action.type) { + case 'RECEIVE_EVENTS': // raw + return receiveRawEvents(eventStore, eventSources[action.sourceId], action.fetchId, action.fetchRange, action.rawEvents, context); + case 'ADD_EVENTS': // already parsed, but not expanded + return addEvent(eventStore, action.eventStore, // new ones + dateProfile ? dateProfile.activeRange : null, context); + case 'RESET_EVENTS': + return action.eventStore; + case 'MERGE_EVENTS': // already parsed and expanded + return mergeEventStores(eventStore, action.eventStore); + case 'PREV': // TODO: how do we track all actions that affect dateProfile :( + case 'NEXT': + case 'CHANGE_DATE': + case 'CHANGE_VIEW_TYPE': + if (dateProfile) { + return expandRecurring(eventStore, dateProfile.activeRange, context); + } + return eventStore; + case 'REMOVE_EVENTS': + return excludeSubEventStore(eventStore, action.eventStore); + case 'REMOVE_EVENT_SOURCE': + return excludeEventsBySourceId(eventStore, action.sourceId); + case 'REMOVE_ALL_EVENT_SOURCES': + return filterEventStoreDefs(eventStore, function (eventDef) { return (!eventDef.sourceId // only keep events with no source id + ); }); + case 'REMOVE_ALL_EVENTS': + return createEmptyEventStore(); + default: + return eventStore; + } + } + function receiveRawEvents(eventStore, eventSource, fetchId, fetchRange, rawEvents, context) { + if (eventSource && // not already removed + fetchId === eventSource.latestFetchId // TODO: wish this logic was always in event-sources + ) { + var subset = parseEvents(transformRawEvents(rawEvents, eventSource, context), eventSource, context); + if (fetchRange) { + subset = expandRecurring(subset, fetchRange, context); + } + return mergeEventStores(excludeEventsBySourceId(eventStore, eventSource.sourceId), subset); + } + return eventStore; + } + function transformRawEvents(rawEvents, eventSource, context) { + var calEachTransform = context.options.eventDataTransform; + var sourceEachTransform = eventSource ? eventSource.eventDataTransform : null; + if (sourceEachTransform) { + rawEvents = transformEachRawEvent(rawEvents, sourceEachTransform); + } + if (calEachTransform) { + rawEvents = transformEachRawEvent(rawEvents, calEachTransform); + } + return rawEvents; + } + function transformEachRawEvent(rawEvents, func) { + var refinedEvents; + if (!func) { + refinedEvents = rawEvents; + } + else { + refinedEvents = []; + for (var _i = 0, rawEvents_1 = rawEvents; _i < rawEvents_1.length; _i++) { + var rawEvent = rawEvents_1[_i]; + var refinedEvent = func(rawEvent); + if (refinedEvent) { + refinedEvents.push(refinedEvent); + } + else if (refinedEvent == null) { + refinedEvents.push(rawEvent); + } // if a different falsy value, do nothing + } + } + return refinedEvents; + } + function addEvent(eventStore, subset, expandRange, context) { + if (expandRange) { + subset = expandRecurring(subset, expandRange, context); + } + return mergeEventStores(eventStore, subset); + } + function rezoneEventStoreDates(eventStore, oldDateEnv, newDateEnv) { + var defs = eventStore.defs; + var instances = mapHash(eventStore.instances, function (instance) { + var def = defs[instance.defId]; + if (def.allDay || def.recurringDef) { + return instance; // isn't dependent on timezone + } + return __assign(__assign({}, instance), { range: { + start: newDateEnv.createMarker(oldDateEnv.toDate(instance.range.start, instance.forcedStartTzo)), + end: newDateEnv.createMarker(oldDateEnv.toDate(instance.range.end, instance.forcedEndTzo)), + }, forcedStartTzo: newDateEnv.canComputeOffset ? null : instance.forcedStartTzo, forcedEndTzo: newDateEnv.canComputeOffset ? null : instance.forcedEndTzo }); + }); + return { defs: defs, instances: instances }; + } + function excludeEventsBySourceId(eventStore, sourceId) { + return filterEventStoreDefs(eventStore, function (eventDef) { return eventDef.sourceId !== sourceId; }); + } + // QUESTION: why not just return instances? do a general object-property-exclusion util + function excludeInstances(eventStore, removals) { + return { + defs: eventStore.defs, + instances: filterHash(eventStore.instances, function (instance) { return !removals[instance.instanceId]; }), + }; + } + + function reduceDateSelection(currentSelection, action) { + switch (action.type) { + case 'UNSELECT_DATES': + return null; + case 'SELECT_DATES': + return action.selection; + default: + return currentSelection; + } + } + + function reduceSelectedEvent(currentInstanceId, action) { + switch (action.type) { + case 'UNSELECT_EVENT': + return ''; + case 'SELECT_EVENT': + return action.eventInstanceId; + default: + return currentInstanceId; + } + } + + function reduceEventDrag(currentDrag, action) { + var newDrag; + switch (action.type) { + case 'UNSET_EVENT_DRAG': + return null; + case 'SET_EVENT_DRAG': + newDrag = action.state; + return { + affectedEvents: newDrag.affectedEvents, + mutatedEvents: newDrag.mutatedEvents, + isEvent: newDrag.isEvent, + }; + default: + return currentDrag; + } + } + + function reduceEventResize(currentResize, action) { + var newResize; + switch (action.type) { + case 'UNSET_EVENT_RESIZE': + return null; + case 'SET_EVENT_RESIZE': + newResize = action.state; + return { + affectedEvents: newResize.affectedEvents, + mutatedEvents: newResize.mutatedEvents, + isEvent: newResize.isEvent, + }; + default: + return currentResize; + } + } + + function parseToolbars(calendarOptions, calendarOptionOverrides, theme, viewSpecs, calendarApi) { + var header = calendarOptions.headerToolbar ? parseToolbar(calendarOptions.headerToolbar, calendarOptions, calendarOptionOverrides, theme, viewSpecs, calendarApi) : null; + var footer = calendarOptions.footerToolbar ? parseToolbar(calendarOptions.footerToolbar, calendarOptions, calendarOptionOverrides, theme, viewSpecs, calendarApi) : null; + return { header: header, footer: footer }; + } + function parseToolbar(sectionStrHash, calendarOptions, calendarOptionOverrides, theme, viewSpecs, calendarApi) { + var sectionWidgets = {}; + var viewsWithButtons = []; + var hasTitle = false; + for (var sectionName in sectionStrHash) { + var sectionStr = sectionStrHash[sectionName]; + var sectionRes = parseSection(sectionStr, calendarOptions, calendarOptionOverrides, theme, viewSpecs, calendarApi); + sectionWidgets[sectionName] = sectionRes.widgets; + viewsWithButtons.push.apply(viewsWithButtons, sectionRes.viewsWithButtons); + hasTitle = hasTitle || sectionRes.hasTitle; + } + return { sectionWidgets: sectionWidgets, viewsWithButtons: viewsWithButtons, hasTitle: hasTitle }; + } + /* + BAD: querying icons and text here. should be done at render time + */ + function parseSection(sectionStr, calendarOptions, // defaults+overrides, then refined + calendarOptionOverrides, // overrides only!, unrefined :( + theme, viewSpecs, calendarApi) { + var isRtl = calendarOptions.direction === 'rtl'; + var calendarCustomButtons = calendarOptions.customButtons || {}; + var calendarButtonTextOverrides = calendarOptionOverrides.buttonText || {}; + var calendarButtonText = calendarOptions.buttonText || {}; + var calendarButtonHintOverrides = calendarOptionOverrides.buttonHints || {}; + var calendarButtonHints = calendarOptions.buttonHints || {}; + var sectionSubstrs = sectionStr ? sectionStr.split(' ') : []; + var viewsWithButtons = []; + var hasTitle = false; + var widgets = (buttonGroupStr) { return (buttonGroupStr.split(',').map(function (buttonName) { + if (buttonName === 'title') { + hasTitle = true; + return { buttonName: buttonName }; + } + var customButtonProps; + var viewSpec; + var buttonClick; + var buttonIcon; // only one of these will be set + var buttonText; // " + var buttonHint; + // ^ for the title="" attribute, for accessibility + if ((customButtonProps = calendarCustomButtons[buttonName])) { + buttonClick = function (ev) { + if ( { +, ev,; // TODO: use Calendar this context? + } + }; + (buttonIcon = theme.getCustomButtonIconClass(customButtonProps)) || + (buttonIcon = theme.getIconClass(buttonName, isRtl)) || + (buttonText = customButtonProps.text); + buttonHint = customButtonProps.hint || customButtonProps.text; + } + else if ((viewSpec = viewSpecs[buttonName])) { + viewsWithButtons.push(buttonName); + buttonClick = function () { + calendarApi.changeView(buttonName); + }; + (buttonText = viewSpec.buttonTextOverride) || + (buttonIcon = theme.getIconClass(buttonName, isRtl)) || + (buttonText = viewSpec.buttonTextDefault); + var textFallback = viewSpec.buttonTextOverride || + viewSpec.buttonTextDefault; + buttonHint = formatWithOrdinals(viewSpec.buttonTitleOverride || + viewSpec.buttonTitleDefault || + calendarOptions.viewHint, [textFallback, buttonName], // view-name = buttonName + textFallback); + } + else if (calendarApi[buttonName]) { // a calendarApi method + buttonClick = function () { + calendarApi[buttonName](); + }; + (buttonText = calendarButtonTextOverrides[buttonName]) || + (buttonIcon = theme.getIconClass(buttonName, isRtl)) || + (buttonText = calendarButtonText[buttonName]); // everything else is considered default + if (buttonName === 'prevYear' || buttonName === 'nextYear') { + var prevOrNext = buttonName === 'prevYear' ? 'prev' : 'next'; + buttonHint = formatWithOrdinals(calendarButtonHintOverrides[prevOrNext] || + calendarButtonHints[prevOrNext], [ + calendarButtonText.year || 'year', + 'year', + ], calendarButtonText[buttonName]); + } + else { + buttonHint = function (navUnit) { return formatWithOrdinals(calendarButtonHintOverrides[buttonName] || + calendarButtonHints[buttonName], [ + calendarButtonText[navUnit] || navUnit, + navUnit, + ], calendarButtonText[buttonName]); }; + } + } + return { buttonName: buttonName, buttonClick: buttonClick, buttonIcon: buttonIcon, buttonText: buttonText, buttonHint: buttonHint }; + })); }); + return { widgets: widgets, viewsWithButtons: viewsWithButtons, hasTitle: hasTitle }; + } + + var eventSourceDef$3 = { + ignoreRange: true, + parseMeta: function (refined) { + if (Array.isArray( { + return; + } + return null; + }, + fetch: function (arg, success) { + success({ + rawEvents: arg.eventSource.meta, + }); + }, + }; + var arrayEventSourcePlugin = createPlugin({ + eventSourceDefs: [eventSourceDef$3], + }); + + var eventSourceDef$2 = { + parseMeta: function (refined) { + if (typeof === 'function') { + return; + } + return null; + }, + fetch: function (arg, success, failure) { + var dateEnv = arg.context.dateEnv; + var func = arg.eventSource.meta; + unpromisify(func.bind(null, buildRangeApiWithTimeZone(arg.range, dateEnv)), function (rawEvents) { + success({ rawEvents: rawEvents }); // needs an object response + }, failure); + }, + }; + var funcEventSourcePlugin = createPlugin({ + eventSourceDefs: [eventSourceDef$2], + }); + + function requestJson(method, url, params, successCallback, failureCallback) { + method = method.toUpperCase(); + var body = null; + if (method === 'GET') { + url = injectQueryStringParams(url, params); + } + else { + body = encodeParams(params); + } + var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); +, url, true); + if (method !== 'GET') { + xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); + } + xhr.onload = function () { + if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 400) { + var parsed = false; + var res = void 0; + try { + res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); + parsed = true; + } + catch (err) { + // will handle parsed=false + } + if (parsed) { + successCallback(res, xhr); + } + else { + failureCallback('Failure parsing JSON', xhr); + } + } + else { + failureCallback('Request failed', xhr); + } + }; + xhr.onerror = function () { + failureCallback('Request failed', xhr); + }; + xhr.send(body); + } + function injectQueryStringParams(url, params) { + return url + + (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + + encodeParams(params); + } + function encodeParams(params) { + var parts = []; + for (var key in params) { + parts.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[key])); + } + return parts.join('&'); + } + + var JSON_FEED_EVENT_SOURCE_REFINERS = { + method: String, + extraParams: identity, + startParam: String, + endParam: String, + timeZoneParam: String, + }; + + var eventSourceDef$1 = { + parseMeta: function (refined) { + if (refined.url && (refined.format === 'json' || !refined.format)) { + return { + url: refined.url, + format: 'json', + method: (refined.method || 'GET').toUpperCase(), + extraParams: refined.extraParams, + startParam: refined.startParam, + endParam: refined.endParam, + timeZoneParam: refined.timeZoneParam, + }; + } + return null; + }, + fetch: function (arg, success, failure) { + var meta = arg.eventSource.meta; + var requestParams = buildRequestParams$1(meta, arg.range, arg.context); + requestJson(meta.method, meta.url, requestParams, function (rawEvents, xhr) { + success({ rawEvents: rawEvents, xhr: xhr }); + }, function (errorMessage, xhr) { + failure({ message: errorMessage, xhr: xhr }); + }); + }, + }; + var jsonFeedEventSourcePlugin = createPlugin({ + eventSourceRefiners: JSON_FEED_EVENT_SOURCE_REFINERS, + eventSourceDefs: [eventSourceDef$1], + }); + function buildRequestParams$1(meta, range, context) { + var dateEnv = context.dateEnv, options = context.options; + var startParam; + var endParam; + var timeZoneParam; + var customRequestParams; + var params = {}; + startParam = meta.startParam; + if (startParam == null) { + startParam = options.startParam; + } + endParam = meta.endParam; + if (endParam == null) { + endParam = options.endParam; + } + timeZoneParam = meta.timeZoneParam; + if (timeZoneParam == null) { + timeZoneParam = options.timeZoneParam; + } + // retrieve any outbound GET/POST data from the options + if (typeof meta.extraParams === 'function') { + // supplied as a function that returns a key/value object + customRequestParams = meta.extraParams(); + } + else { + // probably supplied as a straight key/value object + customRequestParams = meta.extraParams || {}; + } + __assign(params, customRequestParams); + params[startParam] = dateEnv.formatIso(range.start); + params[endParam] = dateEnv.formatIso(range.end); + if (dateEnv.timeZone !== 'local') { + params[timeZoneParam] = dateEnv.timeZone; + } + return params; + } + + var SIMPLE_RECURRING_REFINERS = { + daysOfWeek: identity, + startTime: createDuration, + endTime: createDuration, + duration: createDuration, + startRecur: identity, + endRecur: identity, + }; + + var recurring = { + parse: function (refined, dateEnv) { + if (refined.daysOfWeek || refined.startTime || refined.endTime || refined.startRecur || refined.endRecur) { + var recurringData = { + daysOfWeek: refined.daysOfWeek || null, + startTime: refined.startTime || null, + endTime: refined.endTime || null, + startRecur: refined.startRecur ? dateEnv.createMarker(refined.startRecur) : null, + endRecur: refined.endRecur ? dateEnv.createMarker(refined.endRecur) : null, + }; + var duration = void 0; + if (refined.duration) { + duration = refined.duration; + } + if (!duration && refined.startTime && refined.endTime) { + duration = subtractDurations(refined.endTime, refined.startTime); + } + return { + allDayGuess: Boolean(!refined.startTime && !refined.endTime), + duration: duration, + typeData: recurringData, // doesn't need endTime anymore but oh well + }; + } + return null; + }, + expand: function (typeData, framingRange, dateEnv) { + var clippedFramingRange = intersectRanges(framingRange, { start: typeData.startRecur, end: typeData.endRecur }); + if (clippedFramingRange) { + return expandRanges(typeData.daysOfWeek, typeData.startTime, clippedFramingRange, dateEnv); + } + return []; + }, + }; + var simpleRecurringEventsPlugin = createPlugin({ + recurringTypes: [recurring], + eventRefiners: SIMPLE_RECURRING_REFINERS, + }); + function expandRanges(daysOfWeek, startTime, framingRange, dateEnv) { + var dowHash = daysOfWeek ? arrayToHash(daysOfWeek) : null; + var dayMarker = startOfDay(framingRange.start); + var endMarker = framingRange.end; + var instanceStarts = []; + while (dayMarker < endMarker) { + var instanceStart + // if everyday, or this particular day-of-week + = void 0; + // if everyday, or this particular day-of-week + if (!dowHash || dowHash[dayMarker.getUTCDay()]) { + if (startTime) { + instanceStart = dateEnv.add(dayMarker, startTime); + } + else { + instanceStart = dayMarker; + } + instanceStarts.push(instanceStart); + } + dayMarker = addDays(dayMarker, 1); + } + return instanceStarts; + } + + var changeHandlerPlugin = createPlugin({ + optionChangeHandlers: { + events: function (events, context) { + handleEventSources([events], context); + }, + eventSources: handleEventSources, + }, + }); + /* + BUG: if `event` was supplied, all previously-given `eventSources` will be wiped out + */ + function handleEventSources(inputs, context) { + var unfoundSources = hashValuesToArray(context.getCurrentData().eventSources); + var newInputs = []; + for (var _i = 0, inputs_1 = inputs; _i < inputs_1.length; _i++) { + var input = inputs_1[_i]; + var inputFound = false; + for (var i = 0; i < unfoundSources.length; i += 1) { + if (unfoundSources[i]._raw === input) { + unfoundSources.splice(i, 1); // delete + inputFound = true; + break; + } + } + if (!inputFound) { + newInputs.push(input); + } + } + for (var _a = 0, unfoundSources_1 = unfoundSources; _a < unfoundSources_1.length; _a++) { + var unfoundSource = unfoundSources_1[_a]; + context.dispatch({ + type: 'REMOVE_EVENT_SOURCE', + sourceId: unfoundSource.sourceId, + }); + } + for (var _b = 0, newInputs_1 = newInputs; _b < newInputs_1.length; _b++) { + var newInput = newInputs_1[_b]; + context.calendarApi.addEventSource(newInput); + } + } + + function handleDateProfile(dateProfile, context) { + context.emitter.trigger('datesSet', __assign(__assign({}, buildRangeApiWithTimeZone(dateProfile.activeRange, context.dateEnv)), { view: context.viewApi })); + } + + function handleEventStore(eventStore, context) { + var emitter = context.emitter; + if (emitter.hasHandlers('eventsSet')) { + emitter.trigger('eventsSet', buildEventApis(eventStore, context)); + } + } + + /* + this array is exposed on the root namespace so that UMD plugins can add to it. + see the rollup-bundles script. + */ + var globalPlugins = [ + arrayEventSourcePlugin, + funcEventSourcePlugin, + jsonFeedEventSourcePlugin, + simpleRecurringEventsPlugin, + changeHandlerPlugin, + createPlugin({ + isLoadingFuncs: [ + function (state) { return computeEventSourcesLoading(state.eventSources); }, + ], + contentTypeHandlers: { + html: buildHtmlRenderer, + domNodes: buildDomNodeRenderer, + }, + propSetHandlers: { + dateProfile: handleDateProfile, + eventStore: handleEventStore, + }, + }), + ]; + function buildHtmlRenderer() { + var currentEl = null; + var currentHtml = ''; + function render(el, html) { + if (el !== currentEl || html !== currentHtml) { + el.innerHTML = html; + } + currentEl = el; + currentHtml = html; + } + function destroy() { + currentEl.innerHTML = ''; + currentEl = null; + currentHtml = ''; + } + return { render: render, destroy: destroy }; + } + function buildDomNodeRenderer() { + var currentEl = null; + var currentDomNodes = []; + function render(el, domNodes) { + var newDomNodes =; + if (el !== currentEl || !isArraysEqual(currentDomNodes, newDomNodes)) { + // append first, remove second (for scroll resetting) + for (var _i = 0, newDomNodes_1 = newDomNodes; _i < newDomNodes_1.length; _i++) { + var newNode = newDomNodes_1[_i]; + el.appendChild(newNode); + } + destroy(); + } + currentEl = el; + currentDomNodes = newDomNodes; + } + function destroy() { + currentDomNodes.forEach(removeElement); + currentDomNodes = []; + currentEl = null; + } + return { render: render, destroy: destroy }; + } + + var DelayedRunner = /** @class */ (function () { + function DelayedRunner(drainedOption) { + this.drainedOption = drainedOption; + this.isRunning = false; + this.isDirty = false; + this.pauseDepths = {}; + this.timeoutId = 0; + } + DelayedRunner.prototype.request = function (delay) { + this.isDirty = true; + if (!this.isPaused()) { + this.clearTimeout(); + if (delay == null) { + this.tryDrain(); + } + else { + this.timeoutId = setTimeout(// NOT OPTIMAL! TODO: look at debounce + this.tryDrain.bind(this), delay); + } + } + }; + DelayedRunner.prototype.pause = function (scope) { + if (scope === void 0) { scope = ''; } + var pauseDepths = this.pauseDepths; + pauseDepths[scope] = (pauseDepths[scope] || 0) + 1; + this.clearTimeout(); + }; + DelayedRunner.prototype.resume = function (scope, force) { + if (scope === void 0) { scope = ''; } + var pauseDepths = this.pauseDepths; + if (scope in pauseDepths) { + if (force) { + delete pauseDepths[scope]; + } + else { + pauseDepths[scope] -= 1; + var depth = pauseDepths[scope]; + if (depth <= 0) { + delete pauseDepths[scope]; + } + } + this.tryDrain(); + } + }; + DelayedRunner.prototype.isPaused = function () { + return Object.keys(this.pauseDepths).length; + }; + DelayedRunner.prototype.tryDrain = function () { + if (!this.isRunning && !this.isPaused()) { + this.isRunning = true; + while (this.isDirty) { + this.isDirty = false; + this.drained(); // might set isDirty to true again + } + this.isRunning = false; + } + }; + DelayedRunner.prototype.clear = function () { + this.clearTimeout(); + this.isDirty = false; + this.pauseDepths = {}; + }; + DelayedRunner.prototype.clearTimeout = function () { + if (this.timeoutId) { + clearTimeout(this.timeoutId); + this.timeoutId = 0; + } + }; + DelayedRunner.prototype.drained = function () { + if (this.drainedOption) { + this.drainedOption(); + } + }; + return DelayedRunner; + }()); + + var TaskRunner = /** @class */ (function () { + function TaskRunner(runTaskOption, drainedOption) { + this.runTaskOption = runTaskOption; + this.drainedOption = drainedOption; + this.queue = []; + this.delayedRunner = new DelayedRunner(this.drain.bind(this)); + } + TaskRunner.prototype.request = function (task, delay) { + this.queue.push(task); + this.delayedRunner.request(delay); + }; + TaskRunner.prototype.pause = function (scope) { + this.delayedRunner.pause(scope); + }; + TaskRunner.prototype.resume = function (scope, force) { + this.delayedRunner.resume(scope, force); + }; + TaskRunner.prototype.drain = function () { + var queue = this.queue; + while (queue.length) { + var completedTasks = []; + var task = void 0; + while ((task = queue.shift())) { + this.runTask(task); + completedTasks.push(task); + } + this.drained(completedTasks); + } // keep going, in case new tasks were added in the drained handler + }; + TaskRunner.prototype.runTask = function (task) { + if (this.runTaskOption) { + this.runTaskOption(task); + } + }; + TaskRunner.prototype.drained = function (completedTasks) { + if (this.drainedOption) { + this.drainedOption(completedTasks); + } + }; + return TaskRunner; + }()); + + // Computes what the title at the top of the calendarApi should be for this view + function buildTitle(dateProfile, viewOptions, dateEnv) { + var range; + // for views that span a large unit of time, show the proper interval, ignoring stray days before and after + if (/^(year|month)$/.test(dateProfile.currentRangeUnit)) { + range = dateProfile.currentRange; + } + else { // for day units or smaller, use the actual day range + range = dateProfile.activeRange; + } + return dateEnv.formatRange(range.start, range.end, createFormatter(viewOptions.titleFormat || buildTitleFormat(dateProfile)), { + isEndExclusive: dateProfile.isRangeAllDay, + defaultSeparator: viewOptions.titleRangeSeparator, + }); + } + // Generates the format string that should be used to generate the title for the current date range. + // Attempts to compute the most appropriate format if not explicitly specified with `titleFormat`. + function buildTitleFormat(dateProfile) { + var currentRangeUnit = dateProfile.currentRangeUnit; + if (currentRangeUnit === 'year') { + return { year: 'numeric' }; + } + if (currentRangeUnit === 'month') { + return { year: 'numeric', month: 'long' }; // like "September 2014" + } + var days = diffWholeDays(dateProfile.currentRange.start, dateProfile.currentRange.end); + if (days !== null && days > 1) { + // multi-day range. shorter, like "Sep 9 - 10 2014" + return { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; + } + // one day. longer, like "September 9 2014" + return { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }; + } + + // in future refactor, do the redux-style function(state=initial) for initial-state + // also, whatever is happening in constructor, have it happen in action queue too + var CalendarDataManager = /** @class */ (function () { + function CalendarDataManager(props) { + var _this = this; + this.computeOptionsData = memoize(this._computeOptionsData); + this.computeCurrentViewData = memoize(this._computeCurrentViewData); + this.organizeRawLocales = memoize(organizeRawLocales); + this.buildLocale = memoize(buildLocale); + this.buildPluginHooks = buildBuildPluginHooks(); + this.buildDateEnv = memoize(buildDateEnv); + this.buildTheme = memoize(buildTheme); + this.parseToolbars = memoize(parseToolbars); + this.buildViewSpecs = memoize(buildViewSpecs); + this.buildDateProfileGenerator = memoizeObjArg(buildDateProfileGenerator); + this.buildViewApi = memoize(buildViewApi); + this.buildViewUiProps = memoizeObjArg(buildViewUiProps); + this.buildEventUiBySource = memoize(buildEventUiBySource, isPropsEqual); + this.buildEventUiBases = memoize(buildEventUiBases); + this.parseContextBusinessHours = memoizeObjArg(parseContextBusinessHours); + this.buildTitle = memoize(buildTitle); + this.emitter = new Emitter(); + this.actionRunner = new TaskRunner(this._handleAction.bind(this), this.updateData.bind(this)); + this.currentCalendarOptionsInput = {}; + this.currentCalendarOptionsRefined = {}; + this.currentViewOptionsInput = {}; + this.currentViewOptionsRefined = {}; + this.currentCalendarOptionsRefiners = {}; + this.getCurrentData = function () { return; }; + this.dispatch = function (action) { + _this.actionRunner.request(action); // protects against recursive calls to _handleAction + }; + this.props = props; + this.actionRunner.pause(); + var dynamicOptionOverrides = {}; + var optionsData = this.computeOptionsData(props.optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides, props.calendarApi); + var currentViewType = optionsData.calendarOptions.initialView || optionsData.pluginHooks.initialView; + var currentViewData = this.computeCurrentViewData(currentViewType, optionsData, props.optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides); + // wire things up + // TODO: not DRY + props.calendarApi.currentDataManager = this; + this.emitter.setThisContext(props.calendarApi); + this.emitter.setOptions(currentViewData.options); + var currentDate = getInitialDate(optionsData.calendarOptions, optionsData.dateEnv); + var dateProfile =; + if (!rangeContainsMarker(dateProfile.activeRange, currentDate)) { + currentDate = dateProfile.currentRange.start; + } + var calendarContext = { + dateEnv: optionsData.dateEnv, + options: optionsData.calendarOptions, + pluginHooks: optionsData.pluginHooks, + calendarApi: props.calendarApi, + dispatch: this.dispatch, + emitter: this.emitter, + getCurrentData: this.getCurrentData, + }; + // needs to be after setThisContext + for (var _i = 0, _a = optionsData.pluginHooks.contextInit; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var callback = _a[_i]; + callback(calendarContext); + } + // NOT DRY + var eventSources = initEventSources(optionsData.calendarOptions, dateProfile, calendarContext); + var initialState = { + dynamicOptionOverrides: dynamicOptionOverrides, + currentViewType: currentViewType, + currentDate: currentDate, + dateProfile: dateProfile, + businessHours: this.parseContextBusinessHours(calendarContext), + eventSources: eventSources, + eventUiBases: {}, + eventStore: createEmptyEventStore(), + renderableEventStore: createEmptyEventStore(), + dateSelection: null, + eventSelection: '', + eventDrag: null, + eventResize: null, + selectionConfig: this.buildViewUiProps(calendarContext).selectionConfig, + }; + var contextAndState = __assign(__assign({}, calendarContext), initialState); + for (var _b = 0, _c = optionsData.pluginHooks.reducers; _b < _c.length; _b++) { + var reducer = _c[_b]; + __assign(initialState, reducer(null, null, contextAndState)); + } + if (computeIsLoading(initialState, calendarContext)) { + this.emitter.trigger('loading', true); // NOT DRY + } + this.state = initialState; + this.updateData(); + this.actionRunner.resume(); + } + CalendarDataManager.prototype.resetOptions = function (optionOverrides, append) { + var props = this.props; + props.optionOverrides = append + ? __assign(__assign({}, props.optionOverrides), optionOverrides) : optionOverrides; + this.actionRunner.request({ + type: 'NOTHING', + }); + }; + CalendarDataManager.prototype._handleAction = function (action) { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, state = _a.state, emitter = _a.emitter; + var dynamicOptionOverrides = reduceDynamicOptionOverrides(state.dynamicOptionOverrides, action); + var optionsData = this.computeOptionsData(props.optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides, props.calendarApi); + var currentViewType = reduceViewType(state.currentViewType, action); + var currentViewData = this.computeCurrentViewData(currentViewType, optionsData, props.optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides); + // wire things up + // TODO: not DRY + props.calendarApi.currentDataManager = this; + emitter.setThisContext(props.calendarApi); + emitter.setOptions(currentViewData.options); + var calendarContext = { + dateEnv: optionsData.dateEnv, + options: optionsData.calendarOptions, + pluginHooks: optionsData.pluginHooks, + calendarApi: props.calendarApi, + dispatch: this.dispatch, + emitter: emitter, + getCurrentData: this.getCurrentData, + }; + var currentDate = state.currentDate, dateProfile = state.dateProfile; + if ( && !== currentViewData.dateProfileGenerator) { // hack + dateProfile =; + } + currentDate = reduceCurrentDate(currentDate, action); + dateProfile = reduceDateProfile(dateProfile, action, currentDate, currentViewData.dateProfileGenerator); + if (action.type === 'PREV' || // TODO: move this logic into DateProfileGenerator + action.type === 'NEXT' || // " + !rangeContainsMarker(dateProfile.currentRange, currentDate)) { + currentDate = dateProfile.currentRange.start; + } + var eventSources = reduceEventSources(state.eventSources, action, dateProfile, calendarContext); + var eventStore = reduceEventStore(state.eventStore, action, eventSources, dateProfile, calendarContext); + var isEventsLoading = computeEventSourcesLoading(eventSources); // BAD. also called in this func in computeIsLoading + var renderableEventStore = (isEventsLoading && !currentViewData.options.progressiveEventRendering) ? + (state.renderableEventStore || eventStore) : // try from previous state + eventStore; + var _b = this.buildViewUiProps(calendarContext), eventUiSingleBase = _b.eventUiSingleBase, selectionConfig = _b.selectionConfig; // will memoize obj + var eventUiBySource = this.buildEventUiBySource(eventSources); + var eventUiBases = this.buildEventUiBases(renderableEventStore.defs, eventUiSingleBase, eventUiBySource); + var newState = { + dynamicOptionOverrides: dynamicOptionOverrides, + currentViewType: currentViewType, + currentDate: currentDate, + dateProfile: dateProfile, + eventSources: eventSources, + eventStore: eventStore, + renderableEventStore: renderableEventStore, + selectionConfig: selectionConfig, + eventUiBases: eventUiBases, + businessHours: this.parseContextBusinessHours(calendarContext), + dateSelection: reduceDateSelection(state.dateSelection, action), + eventSelection: reduceSelectedEvent(state.eventSelection, action), + eventDrag: reduceEventDrag(state.eventDrag, action), + eventResize: reduceEventResize(state.eventResize, action), + }; + var contextAndState = __assign(__assign({}, calendarContext), newState); + for (var _i = 0, _c = optionsData.pluginHooks.reducers; _i < _c.length; _i++) { + var reducer = _c[_i]; + __assign(newState, reducer(state, action, contextAndState)); // give the OLD state, for old value + } + var wasLoading = computeIsLoading(state, calendarContext); + var isLoading = computeIsLoading(newState, calendarContext); + // TODO: use propSetHandlers in plugin system + if (!wasLoading && isLoading) { + emitter.trigger('loading', true); + } + else if (wasLoading && !isLoading) { + emitter.trigger('loading', false); + } + this.state = newState; + if (props.onAction) { + props.onAction(action); + } + }; + CalendarDataManager.prototype.updateData = function () { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, state = _a.state; + var oldData =; + var optionsData = this.computeOptionsData(props.optionOverrides, state.dynamicOptionOverrides, props.calendarApi); + var currentViewData = this.computeCurrentViewData(state.currentViewType, optionsData, props.optionOverrides, state.dynamicOptionOverrides); + var data = = __assign(__assign(__assign({ viewTitle: this.buildTitle(state.dateProfile, currentViewData.options, optionsData.dateEnv), calendarApi: props.calendarApi, dispatch: this.dispatch, emitter: this.emitter, getCurrentData: this.getCurrentData }, optionsData), currentViewData), state); + var changeHandlers = optionsData.pluginHooks.optionChangeHandlers; + var oldCalendarOptions = oldData && oldData.calendarOptions; + var newCalendarOptions = optionsData.calendarOptions; + if (oldCalendarOptions && oldCalendarOptions !== newCalendarOptions) { + if (oldCalendarOptions.timeZone !== newCalendarOptions.timeZone) { + // hack + state.eventSources = data.eventSources = reduceEventSourcesNewTimeZone(data.eventSources, state.dateProfile, data); + state.eventStore = data.eventStore = rezoneEventStoreDates(data.eventStore, oldData.dateEnv, data.dateEnv); + } + for (var optionName in changeHandlers) { + if (oldCalendarOptions[optionName] !== newCalendarOptions[optionName]) { + changeHandlers[optionName](newCalendarOptions[optionName], data); + } + } + } + if (props.onData) { + props.onData(data); + } + }; + CalendarDataManager.prototype._computeOptionsData = function (optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides, calendarApi) { + // TODO: blacklist options that are handled by optionChangeHandlers + var _a = this.processRawCalendarOptions(optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides), refinedOptions = _a.refinedOptions, pluginHooks = _a.pluginHooks, localeDefaults = _a.localeDefaults, availableLocaleData = _a.availableLocaleData, extra = _a.extra; + warnUnknownOptions(extra); + var dateEnv = this.buildDateEnv(refinedOptions.timeZone, refinedOptions.locale, refinedOptions.weekNumberCalculation, refinedOptions.firstDay, refinedOptions.weekText, pluginHooks, availableLocaleData, refinedOptions.defaultRangeSeparator); + var viewSpecs = this.buildViewSpecs(pluginHooks.views, optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides, localeDefaults); + var theme = this.buildTheme(refinedOptions, pluginHooks); + var toolbarConfig = this.parseToolbars(refinedOptions, optionOverrides, theme, viewSpecs, calendarApi); + return { + calendarOptions: refinedOptions, + pluginHooks: pluginHooks, + dateEnv: dateEnv, + viewSpecs: viewSpecs, + theme: theme, + toolbarConfig: toolbarConfig, + localeDefaults: localeDefaults, + availableRawLocales:, + }; + }; + // always called from behind a memoizer + CalendarDataManager.prototype.processRawCalendarOptions = function (optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides) { + var _a = mergeRawOptions([ + BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS, + optionOverrides, + dynamicOptionOverrides, + ]), locales = _a.locales, locale = _a.locale; + var availableLocaleData = this.organizeRawLocales(locales); + var availableRawLocales =; + var localeDefaults = this.buildLocale(locale || availableLocaleData.defaultCode, availableRawLocales).options; + var pluginHooks = this.buildPluginHooks(optionOverrides.plugins || [], globalPlugins); + var refiners = this.currentCalendarOptionsRefiners = __assign(__assign(__assign(__assign(__assign({}, BASE_OPTION_REFINERS), CALENDAR_LISTENER_REFINERS), CALENDAR_OPTION_REFINERS), pluginHooks.listenerRefiners), pluginHooks.optionRefiners); + var extra = {}; + var raw = mergeRawOptions([ + BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS, + localeDefaults, + optionOverrides, + dynamicOptionOverrides, + ]); + var refined = {}; + var currentRaw = this.currentCalendarOptionsInput; + var currentRefined = this.currentCalendarOptionsRefined; + var anyChanges = false; + for (var optionName in raw) { + if (optionName !== 'plugins') { // because plugins is special-cased + if (raw[optionName] === currentRaw[optionName] || + (COMPLEX_OPTION_COMPARATORS[optionName] && + (optionName in currentRaw) && + COMPLEX_OPTION_COMPARATORS[optionName](currentRaw[optionName], raw[optionName]))) { + refined[optionName] = currentRefined[optionName]; + } + else if (refiners[optionName]) { + refined[optionName] = refiners[optionName](raw[optionName]); + anyChanges = true; + } + else { + extra[optionName] = currentRaw[optionName]; + } + } + } + if (anyChanges) { + this.currentCalendarOptionsInput = raw; + this.currentCalendarOptionsRefined = refined; + } + return { + rawOptions: this.currentCalendarOptionsInput, + refinedOptions: this.currentCalendarOptionsRefined, + pluginHooks: pluginHooks, + availableLocaleData: availableLocaleData, + localeDefaults: localeDefaults, + extra: extra, + }; + }; + CalendarDataManager.prototype._computeCurrentViewData = function (viewType, optionsData, optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides) { + var viewSpec = optionsData.viewSpecs[viewType]; + if (!viewSpec) { + throw new Error("viewType \"" + viewType + "\" is not available. Please make sure you've loaded all neccessary plugins"); + } + var _a = this.processRawViewOptions(viewSpec, optionsData.pluginHooks, optionsData.localeDefaults, optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides), refinedOptions = _a.refinedOptions, extra = _a.extra; + warnUnknownOptions(extra); + var dateProfileGenerator = this.buildDateProfileGenerator({ + dateProfileGeneratorClass: viewSpec.optionDefaults.dateProfileGeneratorClass, + duration: viewSpec.duration, + durationUnit: viewSpec.durationUnit, + usesMinMaxTime: viewSpec.optionDefaults.usesMinMaxTime, + dateEnv: optionsData.dateEnv, + calendarApi: this.props.calendarApi, + slotMinTime: refinedOptions.slotMinTime, + slotMaxTime: refinedOptions.slotMaxTime, + showNonCurrentDates: refinedOptions.showNonCurrentDates, + dayCount: refinedOptions.dayCount, + dateAlignment: refinedOptions.dateAlignment, + dateIncrement: refinedOptions.dateIncrement, + hiddenDays: refinedOptions.hiddenDays, + weekends: refinedOptions.weekends, + nowInput:, + validRangeInput: refinedOptions.validRange, + visibleRangeInput: refinedOptions.visibleRange, + monthMode: refinedOptions.monthMode, + fixedWeekCount: refinedOptions.fixedWeekCount, + }); + var viewApi = this.buildViewApi(viewType, this.getCurrentData, optionsData.dateEnv); + return { viewSpec: viewSpec, options: refinedOptions, dateProfileGenerator: dateProfileGenerator, viewApi: viewApi }; + }; + CalendarDataManager.prototype.processRawViewOptions = function (viewSpec, pluginHooks, localeDefaults, optionOverrides, dynamicOptionOverrides) { + var raw = mergeRawOptions([ + BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS, + viewSpec.optionDefaults, + localeDefaults, + optionOverrides, + viewSpec.optionOverrides, + dynamicOptionOverrides, + ]); + var refiners = __assign(__assign(__assign(__assign(__assign(__assign({}, BASE_OPTION_REFINERS), CALENDAR_LISTENER_REFINERS), CALENDAR_OPTION_REFINERS), VIEW_OPTION_REFINERS), pluginHooks.listenerRefiners), pluginHooks.optionRefiners); + var refined = {}; + var currentRaw = this.currentViewOptionsInput; + var currentRefined = this.currentViewOptionsRefined; + var anyChanges = false; + var extra = {}; + for (var optionName in raw) { + if (raw[optionName] === currentRaw[optionName]) { + refined[optionName] = currentRefined[optionName]; + } + else { + if (raw[optionName] === this.currentCalendarOptionsInput[optionName]) { + if (optionName in this.currentCalendarOptionsRefined) { // might be an "extra" prop + refined[optionName] = this.currentCalendarOptionsRefined[optionName]; + } + } + else if (refiners[optionName]) { + refined[optionName] = refiners[optionName](raw[optionName]); + } + else { + extra[optionName] = raw[optionName]; + } + anyChanges = true; + } + } + if (anyChanges) { + this.currentViewOptionsInput = raw; + this.currentViewOptionsRefined = refined; + } + return { + rawOptions: this.currentViewOptionsInput, + refinedOptions: this.currentViewOptionsRefined, + extra: extra, + }; + }; + return CalendarDataManager; + }()); + function buildDateEnv(timeZone, explicitLocale, weekNumberCalculation, firstDay, weekText, pluginHooks, availableLocaleData, defaultSeparator) { + var locale = buildLocale(explicitLocale || availableLocaleData.defaultCode,; + return new DateEnv({ + calendarSystem: 'gregory', + timeZone: timeZone, + namedTimeZoneImpl: pluginHooks.namedTimeZonedImpl, + locale: locale, + weekNumberCalculation: weekNumberCalculation, + firstDay: firstDay, + weekText: weekText, + cmdFormatter: pluginHooks.cmdFormatter, + defaultSeparator: defaultSeparator, + }); + } + function buildTheme(options, pluginHooks) { + var ThemeClass = pluginHooks.themeClasses[options.themeSystem] || StandardTheme; + return new ThemeClass(options); + } + function buildDateProfileGenerator(props) { + var DateProfileGeneratorClass = props.dateProfileGeneratorClass || DateProfileGenerator; + return new DateProfileGeneratorClass(props); + } + function buildViewApi(type, getCurrentData, dateEnv) { + return new ViewApi(type, getCurrentData, dateEnv); + } + function buildEventUiBySource(eventSources) { + return mapHash(eventSources, function (eventSource) { return eventSource.ui; }); + } + function buildEventUiBases(eventDefs, eventUiSingleBase, eventUiBySource) { + var eventUiBases = { '': eventUiSingleBase }; + for (var defId in eventDefs) { + var def = eventDefs[defId]; + if (def.sourceId && eventUiBySource[def.sourceId]) { + eventUiBases[defId] = eventUiBySource[def.sourceId]; + } + } + return eventUiBases; + } + function buildViewUiProps(calendarContext) { + var options = calendarContext.options; + return { + eventUiSingleBase: createEventUi({ + display: options.eventDisplay, + editable: options.editable, + startEditable: options.eventStartEditable, + durationEditable: options.eventDurationEditable, + constraint: options.eventConstraint, + overlap: typeof options.eventOverlap === 'boolean' ? options.eventOverlap : undefined, + allow: options.eventAllow, + backgroundColor: options.eventBackgroundColor, + borderColor: options.eventBorderColor, + textColor: options.eventTextColor, + color: options.eventColor, + // classNames: options.eventClassNames // render hook will handle this + }, calendarContext), + selectionConfig: createEventUi({ + constraint: options.selectConstraint, + overlap: typeof options.selectOverlap === 'boolean' ? options.selectOverlap : undefined, + allow: options.selectAllow, + }, calendarContext), + }; + } + function computeIsLoading(state, context) { + for (var _i = 0, _a = context.pluginHooks.isLoadingFuncs; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var isLoadingFunc = _a[_i]; + if (isLoadingFunc(state)) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + function parseContextBusinessHours(calendarContext) { + return parseBusinessHours(calendarContext.options.businessHours, calendarContext); + } + function warnUnknownOptions(options, viewName) { + for (var optionName in options) { + console.warn("Unknown option '" + optionName + "'" + + (viewName ? " for view '" + viewName + "'" : '')); + } + } + + // TODO: move this to react plugin? + var CalendarDataProvider = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(CalendarDataProvider, _super); + function CalendarDataProvider(props) { + var _this =, props) || this; + _this.handleData = function (data) { + if (!_this.dataManager) { // still within initial run, before assignment in constructor + // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-direct-mutation-state + _this.state = data; // can't use setState yet + } + else { + _this.setState(data); + } + }; + _this.dataManager = new CalendarDataManager({ + optionOverrides: props.optionOverrides, + calendarApi: props.calendarApi, + onData: _this.handleData, + }); + return _this; + } + CalendarDataProvider.prototype.render = function () { + return this.props.children(this.state); + }; + CalendarDataProvider.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) { + var newOptionOverrides = this.props.optionOverrides; + if (newOptionOverrides !== prevProps.optionOverrides) { // prevent recursive handleData + this.dataManager.resetOptions(newOptionOverrides); + } + }; + return CalendarDataProvider; + }(Component)); + + // HELPERS + /* + if nextDayThreshold is specified, slicing is done in an all-day fashion. + you can get nextDayThreshold from context.nextDayThreshold + */ + function sliceEvents(props, allDay) { + return sliceEventStore(props.eventStore, props.eventUiBases, props.dateProfile.activeRange, allDay ? props.nextDayThreshold : null).fg; + } + + var NamedTimeZoneImpl = /** @class */ (function () { + function NamedTimeZoneImpl(timeZoneName) { + this.timeZoneName = timeZoneName; + } + return NamedTimeZoneImpl; + }()); + + var SegHierarchy = /** @class */ (function () { + function SegHierarchy() { + // settings + this.strictOrder = false; + this.allowReslicing = false; + this.maxCoord = -1; // -1 means no max + this.maxStackCnt = -1; // -1 means no max + this.levelCoords = []; // ordered + this.entriesByLevel = []; // parallel with levelCoords + this.stackCnts = {}; // TODO: use better technique!? + } + SegHierarchy.prototype.addSegs = function (inputs) { + var hiddenEntries = []; + for (var _i = 0, inputs_1 = inputs; _i < inputs_1.length; _i++) { + var input = inputs_1[_i]; + this.insertEntry(input, hiddenEntries); + } + return hiddenEntries; + }; + SegHierarchy.prototype.insertEntry = function (entry, hiddenEntries) { + var insertion = this.findInsertion(entry); + if (this.isInsertionValid(insertion, entry)) { + this.insertEntryAt(entry, insertion); + return 1; + } + return this.handleInvalidInsertion(insertion, entry, hiddenEntries); + }; + SegHierarchy.prototype.isInsertionValid = function (insertion, entry) { + return (this.maxCoord === -1 || insertion.levelCoord + entry.thickness <= this.maxCoord) && + (this.maxStackCnt === -1 || insertion.stackCnt < this.maxStackCnt); + }; + // returns number of new entries inserted + SegHierarchy.prototype.handleInvalidInsertion = function (insertion, entry, hiddenEntries) { + if (this.allowReslicing && insertion.touchingEntry) { + return this.splitEntry(entry, insertion.touchingEntry, hiddenEntries); + } + hiddenEntries.push(entry); + return 0; + }; + SegHierarchy.prototype.splitEntry = function (entry, barrier, hiddenEntries) { + var partCnt = 0; + var splitHiddenEntries = []; + var entrySpan = entry.span; + var barrierSpan = barrier.span; + if (entrySpan.start < barrierSpan.start) { + partCnt += this.insertEntry({ + index: entry.index, + thickness: entry.thickness, + span: { start: entrySpan.start, end: barrierSpan.start }, + }, splitHiddenEntries); + } + if (entrySpan.end > barrierSpan.end) { + partCnt += this.insertEntry({ + index: entry.index, + thickness: entry.thickness, + span: { start: barrierSpan.end, end: entrySpan.end }, + }, splitHiddenEntries); + } + if (partCnt) { + hiddenEntries.push.apply(hiddenEntries, __spreadArray([{ + index: entry.index, + thickness: entry.thickness, + span: intersectSpans(barrierSpan, entrySpan), // guaranteed to intersect + }], splitHiddenEntries)); + return partCnt; + } + hiddenEntries.push(entry); + return 0; + }; + SegHierarchy.prototype.insertEntryAt = function (entry, insertion) { + var _a = this, entriesByLevel = _a.entriesByLevel, levelCoords = _a.levelCoords; + if (insertion.lateral === -1) { + // create a new level + insertAt(levelCoords, insertion.level, insertion.levelCoord); + insertAt(entriesByLevel, insertion.level, [entry]); + } + else { + // insert into existing level + insertAt(entriesByLevel[insertion.level], insertion.lateral, entry); + } + this.stackCnts[buildEntryKey(entry)] = insertion.stackCnt; + }; + SegHierarchy.prototype.findInsertion = function (newEntry) { + var _a = this, levelCoords = _a.levelCoords, entriesByLevel = _a.entriesByLevel, strictOrder = _a.strictOrder, stackCnts = _a.stackCnts; + var levelCnt = levelCoords.length; + var candidateCoord = 0; + var touchingLevel = -1; + var touchingLateral = -1; + var touchingEntry = null; + var stackCnt = 0; + for (var trackingLevel = 0; trackingLevel < levelCnt; trackingLevel += 1) { + var trackingCoord = levelCoords[trackingLevel]; + // if the current level is past the placed entry, we have found a good empty space and can stop. + // if strictOrder, keep finding more lateral intersections. + if (!strictOrder && trackingCoord >= candidateCoord + newEntry.thickness) { + break; + } + var trackingEntries = entriesByLevel[trackingLevel]; + var trackingEntry = void 0; + var searchRes = binarySearch(trackingEntries, newEntry.span.start, getEntrySpanEnd); // find first entry after newEntry's end + var lateralIndex = searchRes[0] + searchRes[1]; // if exact match (which doesn't collide), go to next one + while ( // loop through entries that horizontally intersect + (trackingEntry = trackingEntries[lateralIndex]) && // but not past the whole entry list + trackingEntry.span.start < newEntry.span.end // and not entirely past newEntry + ) { + var trackingEntryBottom = trackingCoord + trackingEntry.thickness; + // intersects into the top of the candidate? + if (trackingEntryBottom > candidateCoord) { + candidateCoord = trackingEntryBottom; + touchingEntry = trackingEntry; + touchingLevel = trackingLevel; + touchingLateral = lateralIndex; + } + // butts up against top of candidate? (will happen if just intersected as well) + if (trackingEntryBottom === candidateCoord) { + // accumulate the highest possible stackCnt of the trackingEntries that butt up + stackCnt = Math.max(stackCnt, stackCnts[buildEntryKey(trackingEntry)] + 1); + } + lateralIndex += 1; + } + } + // the destination level will be after touchingEntry's level. find it + var destLevel = 0; + if (touchingEntry) { + destLevel = touchingLevel + 1; + while (destLevel < levelCnt && levelCoords[destLevel] < candidateCoord) { + destLevel += 1; + } + } + // if adding to an existing level, find where to insert + var destLateral = -1; + if (destLevel < levelCnt && levelCoords[destLevel] === candidateCoord) { + destLateral = binarySearch(entriesByLevel[destLevel], newEntry.span.end, getEntrySpanEnd)[0]; + } + return { + touchingLevel: touchingLevel, + touchingLateral: touchingLateral, + touchingEntry: touchingEntry, + stackCnt: stackCnt, + levelCoord: candidateCoord, + level: destLevel, + lateral: destLateral, + }; + }; + // sorted by levelCoord (lowest to highest) + SegHierarchy.prototype.toRects = function () { + var _a = this, entriesByLevel = _a.entriesByLevel, levelCoords = _a.levelCoords; + var levelCnt = entriesByLevel.length; + var rects = []; + for (var level = 0; level < levelCnt; level += 1) { + var entries = entriesByLevel[level]; + var levelCoord = levelCoords[level]; + for (var _i = 0, entries_1 = entries; _i < entries_1.length; _i++) { + var entry = entries_1[_i]; + rects.push(__assign(__assign({}, entry), { levelCoord: levelCoord })); + } + } + return rects; + }; + return SegHierarchy; + }()); + function getEntrySpanEnd(entry) { + return entry.span.end; + } + function buildEntryKey(entry) { + return entry.index + ':' + entry.span.start; + } + // returns groups with entries sorted by input order + function groupIntersectingEntries(entries) { + var merges = []; + for (var _i = 0, entries_2 = entries; _i < entries_2.length; _i++) { + var entry = entries_2[_i]; + var filteredMerges = []; + var hungryMerge = { + span: entry.span, + entries: [entry], + }; + for (var _a = 0, merges_1 = merges; _a < merges_1.length; _a++) { + var merge = merges_1[_a]; + if (intersectSpans(merge.span, hungryMerge.span)) { + hungryMerge = { + entries: merge.entries.concat(hungryMerge.entries), + span: joinSpans(merge.span, hungryMerge.span), + }; + } + else { + filteredMerges.push(merge); + } + } + filteredMerges.push(hungryMerge); + merges = filteredMerges; + } + return merges; + } + function joinSpans(span0, span1) { + return { + start: Math.min(span0.start, span1.start), + end: Math.max(span0.end, span1.end), + }; + } + function intersectSpans(span0, span1) { + var start = Math.max(span0.start, span1.start); + var end = Math.min(span0.end, span1.end); + if (start < end) { + return { start: start, end: end }; + } + return null; + } + // general util + // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + function insertAt(arr, index, item) { + arr.splice(index, 0, item); + } + function binarySearch(a, searchVal, getItemVal) { + var startIndex = 0; + var endIndex = a.length; // exclusive + if (!endIndex || searchVal < getItemVal(a[startIndex])) { // no items OR before first item + return [0, 0]; + } + if (searchVal > getItemVal(a[endIndex - 1])) { // after last item + return [endIndex, 0]; + } + while (startIndex < endIndex) { + var middleIndex = Math.floor(startIndex + (endIndex - startIndex) / 2); + var middleVal = getItemVal(a[middleIndex]); + if (searchVal < middleVal) { + endIndex = middleIndex; + } + else if (searchVal > middleVal) { + startIndex = middleIndex + 1; + } + else { // equal! + return [middleIndex, 1]; + } + } + return [startIndex, 0]; + } + + var Interaction = /** @class */ (function () { + function Interaction(settings) { + this.component = settings.component; + this.isHitComboAllowed = settings.isHitComboAllowed || null; + } + Interaction.prototype.destroy = function () { + }; + return Interaction; + }()); + function parseInteractionSettings(component, input) { + return { + component: component, + el: input.el, + useEventCenter: input.useEventCenter != null ? input.useEventCenter : true, + isHitComboAllowed: input.isHitComboAllowed || null, + }; + } + function interactionSettingsToStore(settings) { + var _a; + return _a = {}, + _a[settings.component.uid] = settings, + _a; + } + // global state + var interactionSettingsStore = {}; + + /* + An abstraction for a dragging interaction originating on an event. + Does higher-level things than PointerDragger, such as possibly: + - a "mirror" that moves with the pointer + - a minimum number of pixels or other criteria for a true drag to begin + + subclasses must emit: + - pointerdown + - dragstart + - dragmove + - pointerup + - dragend + */ + var ElementDragging = /** @class */ (function () { + function ElementDragging(el, selector) { + this.emitter = new Emitter(); + } + ElementDragging.prototype.destroy = function () { + }; + ElementDragging.prototype.setMirrorIsVisible = function (bool) { + // optional if subclass doesn't want to support a mirror + }; + ElementDragging.prototype.setMirrorNeedsRevert = function (bool) { + // optional if subclass doesn't want to support a mirror + }; + ElementDragging.prototype.setAutoScrollEnabled = function (bool) { + // optional + }; + return ElementDragging; + }()); + + // TODO: get rid of this in favor of options system, + // tho it's really easy to access this globally rather than pass thru options. + var config = {}; + + /* + Information about what will happen when an external element is dragged-and-dropped + onto a calendar. Contains information for creating an event. + */ + var DRAG_META_REFINERS = { + startTime: createDuration, + duration: createDuration, + create: Boolean, + sourceId: String, + }; + function parseDragMeta(raw) { + var _a = refineProps(raw, DRAG_META_REFINERS), refined = _a.refined, extra = _a.extra; + return { + startTime: refined.startTime || null, + duration: refined.duration || null, + create: refined.create != null ? refined.create : true, + sourceId: refined.sourceId, + leftoverProps: extra, + }; + } + + var ToolbarSection = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(ToolbarSection, _super); + function ToolbarSection() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + ToolbarSection.prototype.render = function () { + var _this = this; + var children = (widgetGroup) { return _this.renderWidgetGroup(widgetGroup); }); + return createElement.apply(void 0, __spreadArray(['div', { className: 'fc-toolbar-chunk' }], children)); + }; + ToolbarSection.prototype.renderWidgetGroup = function (widgetGroup) { + var props = this.props; + var theme = this.context.theme; + var children = []; + var isOnlyButtons = true; + for (var _i = 0, widgetGroup_1 = widgetGroup; _i < widgetGroup_1.length; _i++) { + var widget = widgetGroup_1[_i]; + var buttonName = widget.buttonName, buttonClick = widget.buttonClick, buttonText = widget.buttonText, buttonIcon = widget.buttonIcon, buttonHint = widget.buttonHint; + if (buttonName === 'title') { + isOnlyButtons = false; + children.push(createElement("h2", { className: "fc-toolbar-title", id: props.titleId }, props.title)); + } + else { + var isPressed = buttonName === props.activeButton; + var isDisabled = (!props.isTodayEnabled && buttonName === 'today') || + (!props.isPrevEnabled && buttonName === 'prev') || + (!props.isNextEnabled && buttonName === 'next'); + var buttonClasses = ["fc-" + buttonName + "-button", theme.getClass('button')]; + if (isPressed) { + buttonClasses.push(theme.getClass('buttonActive')); + } + children.push(createElement("button", { type: "button", title: typeof buttonHint === 'function' ? buttonHint(props.navUnit) : buttonHint, disabled: isDisabled, "aria-pressed": isPressed, className: buttonClasses.join(' '), onClick: buttonClick }, buttonText || (buttonIcon ? createElement("span", { className: buttonIcon }) : ''))); + } + } + if (children.length > 1) { + var groupClassName = (isOnlyButtons && theme.getClass('buttonGroup')) || ''; + return createElement.apply(void 0, __spreadArray(['div', { className: groupClassName }], children)); + } + return children[0]; + }; + return ToolbarSection; + }(BaseComponent)); + + var Toolbar = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(Toolbar, _super); + function Toolbar() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + Toolbar.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this.props, model = _a.model, extraClassName = _a.extraClassName; + var forceLtr = false; + var startContent; + var endContent; + var sectionWidgets = model.sectionWidgets; + var centerContent =; + if (sectionWidgets.left) { + forceLtr = true; + startContent = sectionWidgets.left; + } + else { + startContent = sectionWidgets.start; + } + if (sectionWidgets.right) { + forceLtr = true; + endContent = sectionWidgets.right; + } + else { + endContent = sectionWidgets.end; + } + var classNames = [ + extraClassName || '', + 'fc-toolbar', + forceLtr ? 'fc-toolbar-ltr' : '', + ]; + return (createElement("div", { className: classNames.join(' ') }, + this.renderSection('start', startContent || []), + this.renderSection('center', centerContent || []), + this.renderSection('end', endContent || []))); + }; + Toolbar.prototype.renderSection = function (key, widgetGroups) { + var props = this.props; + return (createElement(ToolbarSection, { key: key, widgetGroups: widgetGroups, title: props.title, navUnit: props.navUnit, activeButton: props.activeButton, isTodayEnabled: props.isTodayEnabled, isPrevEnabled: props.isPrevEnabled, isNextEnabled: props.isNextEnabled, titleId: props.titleId })); + }; + return Toolbar; + }(BaseComponent)); + + // TODO: do function component? + var ViewContainer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(ViewContainer, _super); + function ViewContainer() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.state = { + availableWidth: null, + }; + _this.handleEl = function (el) { + _this.el = el; + setRef(_this.props.elRef, el); + _this.updateAvailableWidth(); + }; + _this.handleResize = function () { + _this.updateAvailableWidth(); + }; + return _this; + } + ViewContainer.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, state = _a.state; + var aspectRatio = props.aspectRatio; + var classNames = [ + 'fc-view-harness', + (aspectRatio || props.liquid || props.height) + ? 'fc-view-harness-active' // harness controls the height + : 'fc-view-harness-passive', // let the view do the height + ]; + var height = ''; + var paddingBottom = ''; + if (aspectRatio) { + if (state.availableWidth !== null) { + height = state.availableWidth / aspectRatio; + } + else { + // while waiting to know availableWidth, we can't set height to *zero* + // because will cause lots of unnecessary scrollbars within scrollgrid. + // BETTER: don't start rendering ANYTHING yet until we know container width + // NOTE: why not always use paddingBottom? Causes height oscillation (issue 5606) + paddingBottom = (1 / aspectRatio) * 100 + "%"; + } + } + else { + height = props.height || ''; + } + return (createElement("div", { "aria-labelledby": props.labeledById, ref: this.handleEl, className: classNames.join(' '), style: { height: height, paddingBottom: paddingBottom } }, props.children)); + }; + ViewContainer.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { + this.context.addResizeHandler(this.handleResize); + }; + ViewContainer.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { + this.context.removeResizeHandler(this.handleResize); + }; + ViewContainer.prototype.updateAvailableWidth = function () { + if (this.el && // needed. but why? + this.props.aspectRatio // aspectRatio is the only height setting that needs availableWidth + ) { + this.setState({ availableWidth: this.el.offsetWidth }); + } + }; + return ViewContainer; + }(BaseComponent)); + + /* + Detects when the user clicks on an event within a DateComponent + */ + var EventClicking = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(EventClicking, _super); + function EventClicking(settings) { + var _this =, settings) || this; + _this.handleSegClick = function (ev, segEl) { + var component = _this.component; + var context = component.context; + var seg = getElSeg(segEl); + if (seg && // might be the
surrounding the more link + component.isValidSegDownEl( { + // our way to simulate a link click for elements that can't be tags + // grab before trigger fired in case trigger trashes DOM thru rerendering + var hasUrlContainer = elementClosest(, '.fc-event-forced-url'); + var url = hasUrlContainer ? hasUrlContainer.querySelector('a[href]').href : ''; + context.emitter.trigger('eventClick', { + el: segEl, + event: new EventApi(component.context, seg.eventRange.def, seg.eventRange.instance), + jsEvent: ev, + view: context.viewApi, + }); + if (url && !ev.defaultPrevented) { + window.location.href = url; + } + } + }; + _this.destroy = listenBySelector(settings.el, 'click', '.fc-event', // on both fg and bg events + _this.handleSegClick); + return _this; + } + return EventClicking; + }(Interaction)); + + /* + Triggers events and adds/removes core classNames when the user's pointer + enters/leaves event-elements of a component. + */ + var EventHovering = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(EventHovering, _super); + function EventHovering(settings) { + var _this =, settings) || this; + // for simulating an eventMouseLeave when the event el is destroyed while mouse is over it + _this.handleEventElRemove = function (el) { + if (el === _this.currentSegEl) { + _this.handleSegLeave(null, _this.currentSegEl); + } + }; + _this.handleSegEnter = function (ev, segEl) { + if (getElSeg(segEl)) { // TODO: better way to make sure not hovering over more+ link or its wrapper + _this.currentSegEl = segEl; + _this.triggerEvent('eventMouseEnter', ev, segEl); + } + }; + _this.handleSegLeave = function (ev, segEl) { + if (_this.currentSegEl) { + _this.currentSegEl = null; + _this.triggerEvent('eventMouseLeave', ev, segEl); + } + }; + _this.removeHoverListeners = listenToHoverBySelector(settings.el, '.fc-event', // on both fg and bg events + _this.handleSegEnter, _this.handleSegLeave); + return _this; + } + EventHovering.prototype.destroy = function () { + this.removeHoverListeners(); + }; + EventHovering.prototype.triggerEvent = function (publicEvName, ev, segEl) { + var component = this.component; + var context = component.context; + var seg = getElSeg(segEl); + if (!ev || component.isValidSegDownEl( { + context.emitter.trigger(publicEvName, { + el: segEl, + event: new EventApi(context, seg.eventRange.def, seg.eventRange.instance), + jsEvent: ev, + view: context.viewApi, + }); + } + }; + return EventHovering; + }(Interaction)); + + var CalendarContent = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(CalendarContent, _super); + function CalendarContent() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.buildViewContext = memoize(buildViewContext); + _this.buildViewPropTransformers = memoize(buildViewPropTransformers); + _this.buildToolbarProps = memoize(buildToolbarProps); + _this.headerRef = createRef(); + _this.footerRef = createRef(); + _this.interactionsStore = {}; + // eslint-disable-next-line + _this.state = { + viewLabelId: getUniqueDomId(), + }; + // Component Registration + // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + _this.registerInteractiveComponent = function (component, settingsInput) { + var settings = parseInteractionSettings(component, settingsInput); + var DEFAULT_INTERACTIONS = [ + EventClicking, + EventHovering, + ]; + var interactionClasses = DEFAULT_INTERACTIONS.concat(_this.props.pluginHooks.componentInteractions); + var interactions = (TheInteractionClass) { return new TheInteractionClass(settings); }); + _this.interactionsStore[component.uid] = interactions; + interactionSettingsStore[component.uid] = settings; + }; + _this.unregisterInteractiveComponent = function (component) { + var listeners = _this.interactionsStore[component.uid]; + if (listeners) { + for (var _i = 0, listeners_1 = listeners; _i < listeners_1.length; _i++) { + var listener = listeners_1[_i]; + listener.destroy(); + } + delete _this.interactionsStore[component.uid]; + } + delete interactionSettingsStore[component.uid]; + }; + // Resizing + // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + _this.resizeRunner = new DelayedRunner(function () { + _this.props.emitter.trigger('_resize', true); // should window resizes be considered "forced" ? + _this.props.emitter.trigger('windowResize', { view: _this.props.viewApi }); + }); + _this.handleWindowResize = function (ev) { + var options = _this.props.options; + if (options.handleWindowResize && + === window // avoid jqui events + ) { + _this.resizeRunner.request(options.windowResizeDelay); + } + }; + return _this; + } + /* + renders INSIDE of an outer div + */ + CalendarContent.prototype.render = function () { + var props = this.props; + var toolbarConfig = props.toolbarConfig, options = props.options; + var toolbarProps = this.buildToolbarProps(props.viewSpec, props.dateProfile, props.dateProfileGenerator, props.currentDate, getNow(, props.dateEnv), // TODO: use NowTimer???? + props.viewTitle); + var viewVGrow = false; + var viewHeight = ''; + var viewAspectRatio; + if (props.isHeightAuto || props.forPrint) { + viewHeight = ''; + } + else if (options.height != null) { + viewVGrow = true; + } + else if (options.contentHeight != null) { + viewHeight = options.contentHeight; + } + else { + viewAspectRatio = Math.max(options.aspectRatio, 0.5); // prevent from getting too tall + } + var viewContext = this.buildViewContext(props.viewSpec, props.viewApi, props.options, props.dateProfileGenerator, props.dateEnv, props.theme, props.pluginHooks, props.dispatch, props.getCurrentData, props.emitter, props.calendarApi, this.registerInteractiveComponent, this.unregisterInteractiveComponent); + var viewLabelId = (toolbarConfig.header && toolbarConfig.header.hasTitle) + ? this.state.viewLabelId + : ''; + return (createElement(ViewContextType.Provider, { value: viewContext }, + toolbarConfig.header && (createElement(Toolbar, __assign({ ref: this.headerRef, extraClassName: "fc-header-toolbar", model: toolbarConfig.header, titleId: viewLabelId }, toolbarProps))), + createElement(ViewContainer, { liquid: viewVGrow, height: viewHeight, aspectRatio: viewAspectRatio, labeledById: viewLabelId }, + this.renderView(props), + this.buildAppendContent()), + toolbarConfig.footer && (createElement(Toolbar, __assign({ ref: this.footerRef, extraClassName: "fc-footer-toolbar", model: toolbarConfig.footer, titleId: "" }, toolbarProps))))); + }; + CalendarContent.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { + var props = this.props; + this.calendarInteractions = props.pluginHooks.calendarInteractions + .map(function (CalendarInteractionClass) { return new CalendarInteractionClass(props); }); + window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleWindowResize); + var propSetHandlers = props.pluginHooks.propSetHandlers; + for (var propName in propSetHandlers) { + propSetHandlers[propName](props[propName], props); + } + }; + CalendarContent.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) { + var props = this.props; + var propSetHandlers = props.pluginHooks.propSetHandlers; + for (var propName in propSetHandlers) { + if (props[propName] !== prevProps[propName]) { + propSetHandlers[propName](props[propName], props); + } + } + }; + CalendarContent.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { + window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleWindowResize); + this.resizeRunner.clear(); + for (var _i = 0, _a = this.calendarInteractions; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var interaction = _a[_i]; + interaction.destroy(); + } + this.props.emitter.trigger('_unmount'); + }; + CalendarContent.prototype.buildAppendContent = function () { + var props = this.props; + var children = (buildAppendContent) { return buildAppendContent(props); }); + return createElement.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([Fragment, {}], children)); + }; + CalendarContent.prototype.renderView = function (props) { + var pluginHooks = props.pluginHooks; + var viewSpec = props.viewSpec; + var viewProps = { + dateProfile: props.dateProfile, + businessHours: props.businessHours, + eventStore: props.renderableEventStore, + eventUiBases: props.eventUiBases, + dateSelection: props.dateSelection, + eventSelection: props.eventSelection, + eventDrag: props.eventDrag, + eventResize: props.eventResize, + isHeightAuto: props.isHeightAuto, + forPrint: props.forPrint, + }; + var transformers = this.buildViewPropTransformers(pluginHooks.viewPropsTransformers); + for (var _i = 0, transformers_1 = transformers; _i < transformers_1.length; _i++) { + var transformer = transformers_1[_i]; + __assign(viewProps, transformer.transform(viewProps, props)); + } + var ViewComponent = viewSpec.component; + return (createElement(ViewComponent, __assign({}, viewProps))); + }; + return CalendarContent; + }(PureComponent)); + function buildToolbarProps(viewSpec, dateProfile, dateProfileGenerator, currentDate, now, title) { + // don't force any date-profiles to valid date profiles (the `false`) so that we can tell if it's invalid + var todayInfo =, undefined, false); // TODO: need `undefined` or else INFINITE LOOP for some reason + var prevInfo = dateProfileGenerator.buildPrev(dateProfile, currentDate, false); + var nextInfo = dateProfileGenerator.buildNext(dateProfile, currentDate, false); + return { + title: title, + activeButton: viewSpec.type, + navUnit: viewSpec.singleUnit, + isTodayEnabled: todayInfo.isValid && !rangeContainsMarker(dateProfile.currentRange, now), + isPrevEnabled: prevInfo.isValid, + isNextEnabled: nextInfo.isValid, + }; + } + // Plugin + // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + function buildViewPropTransformers(theClasses) { + return (TheClass) { return new TheClass(); }); + } + + var CalendarRoot = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(CalendarRoot, _super); + function CalendarRoot() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.state = { + forPrint: false, + }; + _this.handleBeforePrint = function () { + _this.setState({ forPrint: true }); + }; + _this.handleAfterPrint = function () { + _this.setState({ forPrint: false }); + }; + return _this; + } + CalendarRoot.prototype.render = function () { + var props = this.props; + var options = props.options; + var forPrint = this.state.forPrint; + var isHeightAuto = forPrint || options.height === 'auto' || options.contentHeight === 'auto'; + var height = (!isHeightAuto && options.height != null) ? options.height : ''; + var classNames = [ + 'fc', + forPrint ? 'fc-media-print' : 'fc-media-screen', + "fc-direction-" + options.direction, + props.theme.getClass('root'), + ]; + if (!getCanVGrowWithinCell()) { + classNames.push('fc-liquid-hack'); + } + return props.children(classNames, height, isHeightAuto, forPrint); + }; + CalendarRoot.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { + var emitter = this.props.emitter; + emitter.on('_beforeprint', this.handleBeforePrint); + emitter.on('_afterprint', this.handleAfterPrint); + }; + CalendarRoot.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { + var emitter = this.props.emitter; +'_beforeprint', this.handleBeforePrint); +'_afterprint', this.handleAfterPrint); + }; + return CalendarRoot; + }(BaseComponent)); + + // Computes a default column header formatting string if `colFormat` is not explicitly defined + function computeFallbackHeaderFormat(datesRepDistinctDays, dayCnt) { + // if more than one week row, or if there are a lot of columns with not much space, + // put just the day numbers will be in each cell + if (!datesRepDistinctDays || dayCnt > 10) { + return createFormatter({ weekday: 'short' }); // "Sat" + } + if (dayCnt > 1) { + return createFormatter({ weekday: 'short', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric', omitCommas: true }); // "Sat 11/12" + } + return createFormatter({ weekday: 'long' }); // "Saturday" + } + + var CLASS_NAME = 'fc-col-header-cell'; // do the cushion too? no + function renderInner$1(hookProps) { + return hookProps.text; + } + + var TableDateCell = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TableDateCell, _super); + function TableDateCell() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + TableDateCell.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this.context, dateEnv = _a.dateEnv, options = _a.options, theme = _a.theme, viewApi = _a.viewApi; + var props = this.props; + var date =, dateProfile = props.dateProfile; + var dayMeta = getDateMeta(date, props.todayRange, null, dateProfile); + var classNames = [CLASS_NAME].concat(getDayClassNames(dayMeta, theme)); + var text = dateEnv.format(date, props.dayHeaderFormat); + // if colCnt is 1, we are already in a day-view and don't need a navlink + var navLinkAttrs = (!dayMeta.isDisabled && props.colCnt > 1) + ? buildNavLinkAttrs(this.context, date) + : {}; + var hookProps = __assign(__assign(__assign({ date: dateEnv.toDate(date), view: viewApi }, props.extraHookProps), { text: text }), dayMeta); + return (createElement(RenderHook, { hookProps: hookProps, classNames: options.dayHeaderClassNames, content: options.dayHeaderContent, defaultContent: renderInner$1, didMount: options.dayHeaderDidMount, willUnmount: options.dayHeaderWillUnmount }, function (rootElRef, customClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (createElement("th", __assign({ ref: rootElRef, role: "columnheader", className: classNames.concat(customClassNames).join(' '), "data-date": !dayMeta.isDisabled ? formatDayString(date) : undefined, colSpan: props.colSpan }, props.extraDataAttrs), + createElement("div", { className: "fc-scrollgrid-sync-inner" }, !dayMeta.isDisabled && (createElement("a", __assign({ ref: innerElRef, className: [ + 'fc-col-header-cell-cushion', + props.isSticky ? 'fc-sticky' : '', + ].join(' ') }, navLinkAttrs), innerContent))))); })); + }; + return TableDateCell; + }(BaseComponent)); + + var WEEKDAY_FORMAT = createFormatter({ weekday: 'long' }); + var TableDowCell = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TableDowCell, _super); + function TableDowCell() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + TableDowCell.prototype.render = function () { + var props = this.props; + var _a = this.context, dateEnv = _a.dateEnv, theme = _a.theme, viewApi = _a.viewApi, options = _a.options; + var date = addDays(new Date(259200000), props.dow); // start with Sun, 04 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT + var dateMeta = { + dow: props.dow, + isDisabled: false, + isFuture: false, + isPast: false, + isToday: false, + isOther: false, + }; + var classNames = [CLASS_NAME].concat(getDayClassNames(dateMeta, theme), props.extraClassNames || []); + var text = dateEnv.format(date, props.dayHeaderFormat); + var hookProps = __assign(__assign(__assign(__assign({ // TODO: make this public? + date: date }, dateMeta), { view: viewApi }), props.extraHookProps), { text: text }); + return (createElement(RenderHook, { hookProps: hookProps, classNames: options.dayHeaderClassNames, content: options.dayHeaderContent, defaultContent: renderInner$1, didMount: options.dayHeaderDidMount, willUnmount: options.dayHeaderWillUnmount }, function (rootElRef, customClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (createElement("th", __assign({ ref: rootElRef, role: "columnheader", className: classNames.concat(customClassNames).join(' '), colSpan: props.colSpan }, props.extraDataAttrs), + createElement("div", { className: "fc-scrollgrid-sync-inner" }, + createElement("a", { "aria-label": dateEnv.format(date, WEEKDAY_FORMAT), className: [ + 'fc-col-header-cell-cushion', + props.isSticky ? 'fc-sticky' : '', + ].join(' '), ref: innerElRef }, innerContent)))); })); + }; + return TableDowCell; + }(BaseComponent)); + + var NowTimer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(NowTimer, _super); + function NowTimer(props, context) { + var _this =, props, context) || this; + _this.initialNowDate = getNow(, context.dateEnv); + _this.initialNowQueriedMs = new Date().valueOf(); + _this.state = _this.computeTiming().currentState; + return _this; + } + NowTimer.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, state = _a.state; + return props.children(state.nowDate, state.todayRange); + }; + NowTimer.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { + this.setTimeout(); + }; + NowTimer.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) { + if (prevProps.unit !== this.props.unit) { + this.clearTimeout(); + this.setTimeout(); + } + }; + NowTimer.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { + this.clearTimeout(); + }; + NowTimer.prototype.computeTiming = function () { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var unroundedNow = addMs(this.initialNowDate, new Date().valueOf() - this.initialNowQueriedMs); + var currentUnitStart = context.dateEnv.startOf(unroundedNow, props.unit); + var nextUnitStart = context.dateEnv.add(currentUnitStart, createDuration(1, props.unit)); + var waitMs = nextUnitStart.valueOf() - unroundedNow.valueOf(); + // there is a max setTimeout ms value ( + // ensure no longer than a day + waitMs = Math.min(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, waitMs); + return { + currentState: { nowDate: currentUnitStart, todayRange: buildDayRange(currentUnitStart) }, + nextState: { nowDate: nextUnitStart, todayRange: buildDayRange(nextUnitStart) }, + waitMs: waitMs, + }; + }; + NowTimer.prototype.setTimeout = function () { + var _this = this; + var _a = this.computeTiming(), nextState = _a.nextState, waitMs = _a.waitMs; + this.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { + _this.setState(nextState, function () { + _this.setTimeout(); + }); + }, waitMs); + }; + NowTimer.prototype.clearTimeout = function () { + if (this.timeoutId) { + clearTimeout(this.timeoutId); + } + }; + NowTimer.contextType = ViewContextType; + return NowTimer; + }(Component)); + function buildDayRange(date) { + var start = startOfDay(date); + var end = addDays(start, 1); + return { start: start, end: end }; + } + + var DayHeader = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(DayHeader, _super); + function DayHeader() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.createDayHeaderFormatter = memoize(createDayHeaderFormatter); + return _this; + } + DayHeader.prototype.render = function () { + var context = this.context; + var _a = this.props, dates = _a.dates, dateProfile = _a.dateProfile, datesRepDistinctDays = _a.datesRepDistinctDays, renderIntro = _a.renderIntro; + var dayHeaderFormat = this.createDayHeaderFormatter(context.options.dayHeaderFormat, datesRepDistinctDays, dates.length); + return (createElement(NowTimer, { unit: "day" }, function (nowDate, todayRange) { return (createElement("tr", { role: "row" }, + renderIntro && renderIntro('day'), + (date) { return (datesRepDistinctDays ? (createElement(TableDateCell, { key: date.toISOString(), date: date, dateProfile: dateProfile, todayRange: todayRange, colCnt: dates.length, dayHeaderFormat: dayHeaderFormat })) : (createElement(TableDowCell, { key: date.getUTCDay(), dow: date.getUTCDay(), dayHeaderFormat: dayHeaderFormat }))); }))); })); + }; + return DayHeader; + }(BaseComponent)); + function createDayHeaderFormatter(explicitFormat, datesRepDistinctDays, dateCnt) { + return explicitFormat || computeFallbackHeaderFormat(datesRepDistinctDays, dateCnt); + } + + var DaySeriesModel = /** @class */ (function () { + function DaySeriesModel(range, dateProfileGenerator) { + var date = range.start; + var end = range.end; + var indices = []; + var dates = []; + var dayIndex = -1; + while (date < end) { // loop each day from start to end + if (dateProfileGenerator.isHiddenDay(date)) { + indices.push(dayIndex + 0.5); // mark that it's between indices + } + else { + dayIndex += 1; + indices.push(dayIndex); + dates.push(date); + } + date = addDays(date, 1); + } + this.dates = dates; + this.indices = indices; + this.cnt = dates.length; + } + DaySeriesModel.prototype.sliceRange = function (range) { + var firstIndex = this.getDateDayIndex(range.start); // inclusive first index + var lastIndex = this.getDateDayIndex(addDays(range.end, -1)); // inclusive last index + var clippedFirstIndex = Math.max(0, firstIndex); + var clippedLastIndex = Math.min(this.cnt - 1, lastIndex); + // deal with in-between indices + clippedFirstIndex = Math.ceil(clippedFirstIndex); // in-between starts round to next cell + clippedLastIndex = Math.floor(clippedLastIndex); // in-between ends round to prev cell + if (clippedFirstIndex <= clippedLastIndex) { + return { + firstIndex: clippedFirstIndex, + lastIndex: clippedLastIndex, + isStart: firstIndex === clippedFirstIndex, + isEnd: lastIndex === clippedLastIndex, + }; + } + return null; + }; + // Given a date, returns its chronolocial cell-index from the first cell of the grid. + // If the date lies between cells (because of hiddenDays), returns a floating-point value between offsets. + // If before the first offset, returns a negative number. + // If after the last offset, returns an offset past the last cell offset. + // Only works for *start* dates of cells. Will not work for exclusive end dates for cells. + DaySeriesModel.prototype.getDateDayIndex = function (date) { + var indices = this.indices; + var dayOffset = Math.floor(diffDays(this.dates[0], date)); + if (dayOffset < 0) { + return indices[0] - 1; + } + if (dayOffset >= indices.length) { + return indices[indices.length - 1] + 1; + } + return indices[dayOffset]; + }; + return DaySeriesModel; + }()); + + var DayTableModel = /** @class */ (function () { + function DayTableModel(daySeries, breakOnWeeks) { + var dates = daySeries.dates; + var daysPerRow; + var firstDay; + var rowCnt; + if (breakOnWeeks) { + // count columns until the day-of-week repeats + firstDay = dates[0].getUTCDay(); + for (daysPerRow = 1; daysPerRow < dates.length; daysPerRow += 1) { + if (dates[daysPerRow].getUTCDay() === firstDay) { + break; + } + } + rowCnt = Math.ceil(dates.length / daysPerRow); + } + else { + rowCnt = 1; + daysPerRow = dates.length; + } + this.rowCnt = rowCnt; + this.colCnt = daysPerRow; + this.daySeries = daySeries; + this.cells = this.buildCells(); + this.headerDates = this.buildHeaderDates(); + } + DayTableModel.prototype.buildCells = function () { + var rows = []; + for (var row = 0; row < this.rowCnt; row += 1) { + var cells = []; + for (var col = 0; col < this.colCnt; col += 1) { + cells.push(this.buildCell(row, col)); + } + rows.push(cells); + } + return rows; + }; + DayTableModel.prototype.buildCell = function (row, col) { + var date = this.daySeries.dates[row * this.colCnt + col]; + return { + key: date.toISOString(), + date: date, + }; + }; + DayTableModel.prototype.buildHeaderDates = function () { + var dates = []; + for (var col = 0; col < this.colCnt; col += 1) { + dates.push(this.cells[0][col].date); + } + return dates; + }; + DayTableModel.prototype.sliceRange = function (range) { + var colCnt = this.colCnt; + var seriesSeg = this.daySeries.sliceRange(range); + var segs = []; + if (seriesSeg) { + var firstIndex = seriesSeg.firstIndex, lastIndex = seriesSeg.lastIndex; + var index = firstIndex; + while (index <= lastIndex) { + var row = Math.floor(index / colCnt); + var nextIndex = Math.min((row + 1) * colCnt, lastIndex + 1); + segs.push({ + row: row, + firstCol: index % colCnt, + lastCol: (nextIndex - 1) % colCnt, + isStart: seriesSeg.isStart && index === firstIndex, + isEnd: seriesSeg.isEnd && (nextIndex - 1) === lastIndex, + }); + index = nextIndex; + } + } + return segs; + }; + return DayTableModel; + }()); + + var Slicer = /** @class */ (function () { + function Slicer() { + this.sliceBusinessHours = memoize(this._sliceBusinessHours); + this.sliceDateSelection = memoize(this._sliceDateSpan); + this.sliceEventStore = memoize(this._sliceEventStore); + this.sliceEventDrag = memoize(this._sliceInteraction); + this.sliceEventResize = memoize(this._sliceInteraction); + this.forceDayIfListItem = false; // hack + } + Slicer.prototype.sliceProps = function (props, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold, context) { + var extraArgs = []; + for (var _i = 4; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { + extraArgs[_i - 4] = arguments[_i]; + } + var eventUiBases = props.eventUiBases; + var eventSegs = this.sliceEventStore.apply(this, __spreadArray([props.eventStore, eventUiBases, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold], extraArgs)); + return { + dateSelectionSegs: this.sliceDateSelection.apply(this, __spreadArray([props.dateSelection, eventUiBases, context], extraArgs)), + businessHourSegs: this.sliceBusinessHours.apply(this, __spreadArray([props.businessHours, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold, context], extraArgs)), + fgEventSegs: eventSegs.fg, + bgEventSegs:, + eventDrag: this.sliceEventDrag.apply(this, __spreadArray([props.eventDrag, eventUiBases, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold], extraArgs)), + eventResize: this.sliceEventResize.apply(this, __spreadArray([props.eventResize, eventUiBases, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold], extraArgs)), + eventSelection: props.eventSelection, + }; // TODO: give interactionSegs? + }; + Slicer.prototype.sliceNowDate = function (// does not memoize + date, context) { + var extraArgs = []; + for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { + extraArgs[_i - 2] = arguments[_i]; + } + return this._sliceDateSpan.apply(this, __spreadArray([{ range: { start: date, end: addMs(date, 1) }, allDay: false }, + {}, + context], extraArgs)); + }; + Slicer.prototype._sliceBusinessHours = function (businessHours, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold, context) { + var extraArgs = []; + for (var _i = 4; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { + extraArgs[_i - 4] = arguments[_i]; + } + if (!businessHours) { + return []; + } + return this._sliceEventStore.apply(this, __spreadArray([expandRecurring(businessHours, computeActiveRange(dateProfile, Boolean(nextDayThreshold)), context), + {}, + dateProfile, + nextDayThreshold], extraArgs)).bg; + }; + Slicer.prototype._sliceEventStore = function (eventStore, eventUiBases, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold) { + var extraArgs = []; + for (var _i = 4; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { + extraArgs[_i - 4] = arguments[_i]; + } + if (eventStore) { + var rangeRes = sliceEventStore(eventStore, eventUiBases, computeActiveRange(dateProfile, Boolean(nextDayThreshold)), nextDayThreshold); + return { + bg: this.sliceEventRanges(, extraArgs), + fg: this.sliceEventRanges(rangeRes.fg, extraArgs), + }; + } + return { bg: [], fg: [] }; + }; + Slicer.prototype._sliceInteraction = function (interaction, eventUiBases, dateProfile, nextDayThreshold) { + var extraArgs = []; + for (var _i = 4; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { + extraArgs[_i - 4] = arguments[_i]; + } + if (!interaction) { + return null; + } + var rangeRes = sliceEventStore(interaction.mutatedEvents, eventUiBases, computeActiveRange(dateProfile, Boolean(nextDayThreshold)), nextDayThreshold); + return { + segs: this.sliceEventRanges(rangeRes.fg, extraArgs), + affectedInstances: interaction.affectedEvents.instances, + isEvent: interaction.isEvent, + }; + }; + Slicer.prototype._sliceDateSpan = function (dateSpan, eventUiBases, context) { + var extraArgs = []; + for (var _i = 3; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { + extraArgs[_i - 3] = arguments[_i]; + } + if (!dateSpan) { + return []; + } + var eventRange = fabricateEventRange(dateSpan, eventUiBases, context); + var segs = this.sliceRange.apply(this, __spreadArray([dateSpan.range], extraArgs)); + for (var _a = 0, segs_1 = segs; _a < segs_1.length; _a++) { + var seg = segs_1[_a]; + seg.eventRange = eventRange; + } + return segs; + }; + /* + "complete" seg means it has component and eventRange + */ + Slicer.prototype.sliceEventRanges = function (eventRanges, extraArgs) { + var segs = []; + for (var _i = 0, eventRanges_1 = eventRanges; _i < eventRanges_1.length; _i++) { + var eventRange = eventRanges_1[_i]; + segs.push.apply(segs, this.sliceEventRange(eventRange, extraArgs)); + } + return segs; + }; + /* + "complete" seg means it has component and eventRange + */ + Slicer.prototype.sliceEventRange = function (eventRange, extraArgs) { + var dateRange = eventRange.range; + // hack to make multi-day events that are being force-displayed as list-items to take up only one day + if (this.forceDayIfListItem && eventRange.ui.display === 'list-item') { + dateRange = { + start: dateRange.start, + end: addDays(dateRange.start, 1), + }; + } + var segs = this.sliceRange.apply(this, __spreadArray([dateRange], extraArgs)); + for (var _i = 0, segs_2 = segs; _i < segs_2.length; _i++) { + var seg = segs_2[_i]; + seg.eventRange = eventRange; + seg.isStart = eventRange.isStart && seg.isStart; + seg.isEnd = eventRange.isEnd && seg.isEnd; + } + return segs; + }; + return Slicer; + }()); + /* + for incorporating slotMinTime/slotMaxTime if appropriate + TODO: should be part of DateProfile! + TimelineDateProfile already does this btw + */ + function computeActiveRange(dateProfile, isComponentAllDay) { + var range = dateProfile.activeRange; + if (isComponentAllDay) { + return range; + } + return { + start: addMs(range.start, dateProfile.slotMinTime.milliseconds), + end: addMs(range.end, dateProfile.slotMaxTime.milliseconds - 864e5), // 864e5 = ms in a day + }; + } + + // high-level segmenting-aware tester functions + // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + function isInteractionValid(interaction, dateProfile, context) { + var instances = interaction.mutatedEvents.instances; + for (var instanceId in instances) { + if (!rangeContainsRange(dateProfile.validRange, instances[instanceId].range)) { + return false; + } + } + return isNewPropsValid({ eventDrag: interaction }, context); // HACK: the eventDrag props is used for ALL interactions + } + function isDateSelectionValid(dateSelection, dateProfile, context) { + if (!rangeContainsRange(dateProfile.validRange, dateSelection.range)) { + return false; + } + return isNewPropsValid({ dateSelection: dateSelection }, context); + } + function isNewPropsValid(newProps, context) { + var calendarState = context.getCurrentData(); + var props = __assign({ businessHours: calendarState.businessHours, dateSelection: '', eventStore: calendarState.eventStore, eventUiBases: calendarState.eventUiBases, eventSelection: '', eventDrag: null, eventResize: null }, newProps); + return (context.pluginHooks.isPropsValid || isPropsValid)(props, context); + } + function isPropsValid(state, context, dateSpanMeta, filterConfig) { + if (dateSpanMeta === void 0) { dateSpanMeta = {}; } + if (state.eventDrag && !isInteractionPropsValid(state, context, dateSpanMeta, filterConfig)) { + return false; + } + if (state.dateSelection && !isDateSelectionPropsValid(state, context, dateSpanMeta, filterConfig)) { + return false; + } + return true; + } + // Moving Event Validation + // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + function isInteractionPropsValid(state, context, dateSpanMeta, filterConfig) { + var currentState = context.getCurrentData(); + var interaction = state.eventDrag; // HACK: the eventDrag props is used for ALL interactions + var subjectEventStore = interaction.mutatedEvents; + var subjectDefs = subjectEventStore.defs; + var subjectInstances = subjectEventStore.instances; + var subjectConfigs = compileEventUis(subjectDefs, interaction.isEvent ? + state.eventUiBases : + { '': currentState.selectionConfig }); + if (filterConfig) { + subjectConfigs = mapHash(subjectConfigs, filterConfig); + } + // exclude the subject events. TODO: exclude defs too? + var otherEventStore = excludeInstances(state.eventStore, interaction.affectedEvents.instances); + var otherDefs = otherEventStore.defs; + var otherInstances = otherEventStore.instances; + var otherConfigs = compileEventUis(otherDefs, state.eventUiBases); + for (var subjectInstanceId in subjectInstances) { + var subjectInstance = subjectInstances[subjectInstanceId]; + var subjectRange = subjectInstance.range; + var subjectConfig = subjectConfigs[subjectInstance.defId]; + var subjectDef = subjectDefs[subjectInstance.defId]; + // constraint + if (!allConstraintsPass(subjectConfig.constraints, subjectRange, otherEventStore, state.businessHours, context)) { + return false; + } + // overlap + var eventOverlap = context.options.eventOverlap; + var eventOverlapFunc = typeof eventOverlap === 'function' ? eventOverlap : null; + for (var otherInstanceId in otherInstances) { + var otherInstance = otherInstances[otherInstanceId]; + // intersect! evaluate + if (rangesIntersect(subjectRange, otherInstance.range)) { + var otherOverlap = otherConfigs[otherInstance.defId].overlap; + // consider the other event's overlap. only do this if the subject event is a "real" event + if (otherOverlap === false && interaction.isEvent) { + return false; + } + if (subjectConfig.overlap === false) { + return false; + } + if (eventOverlapFunc && !eventOverlapFunc(new EventApi(context, otherDefs[otherInstance.defId], otherInstance), // still event + new EventApi(context, subjectDef, subjectInstance))) { + return false; + } + } + } + // allow (a function) + var calendarEventStore = currentState.eventStore; // need global-to-calendar, not local to component (splittable)state + for (var _i = 0, _a = subjectConfig.allows; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var subjectAllow = _a[_i]; + var subjectDateSpan = __assign(__assign({}, dateSpanMeta), { range: subjectInstance.range, allDay: subjectDef.allDay }); + var origDef = calendarEventStore.defs[subjectDef.defId]; + var origInstance = calendarEventStore.instances[subjectInstanceId]; + var eventApi = void 0; + if (origDef) { // was previously in the calendar + eventApi = new EventApi(context, origDef, origInstance); + } + else { // was an external event + eventApi = new EventApi(context, subjectDef); // no instance, because had no dates + } + if (!subjectAllow(buildDateSpanApiWithContext(subjectDateSpan, context), eventApi)) { + return false; + } + } + } + return true; + } + // Date Selection Validation + // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + function isDateSelectionPropsValid(state, context, dateSpanMeta, filterConfig) { + var relevantEventStore = state.eventStore; + var relevantDefs = relevantEventStore.defs; + var relevantInstances = relevantEventStore.instances; + var selection = state.dateSelection; + var selectionRange = selection.range; + var selectionConfig = context.getCurrentData().selectionConfig; + if (filterConfig) { + selectionConfig = filterConfig(selectionConfig); + } + // constraint + if (!allConstraintsPass(selectionConfig.constraints, selectionRange, relevantEventStore, state.businessHours, context)) { + return false; + } + // overlap + var selectOverlap = context.options.selectOverlap; + var selectOverlapFunc = typeof selectOverlap === 'function' ? selectOverlap : null; + for (var relevantInstanceId in relevantInstances) { + var relevantInstance = relevantInstances[relevantInstanceId]; + // intersect! evaluate + if (rangesIntersect(selectionRange, relevantInstance.range)) { + if (selectionConfig.overlap === false) { + return false; + } + if (selectOverlapFunc && !selectOverlapFunc(new EventApi(context, relevantDefs[relevantInstance.defId], relevantInstance), null)) { + return false; + } + } + } + // allow (a function) + for (var _i = 0, _a = selectionConfig.allows; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var selectionAllow = _a[_i]; + var fullDateSpan = __assign(__assign({}, dateSpanMeta), selection); + if (!selectionAllow(buildDateSpanApiWithContext(fullDateSpan, context), null)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } + // Constraint Utils + // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + function allConstraintsPass(constraints, subjectRange, otherEventStore, businessHoursUnexpanded, context) { + for (var _i = 0, constraints_1 = constraints; _i < constraints_1.length; _i++) { + var constraint = constraints_1[_i]; + if (!anyRangesContainRange(constraintToRanges(constraint, subjectRange, otherEventStore, businessHoursUnexpanded, context), subjectRange)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } + function constraintToRanges(constraint, subjectRange, // for expanding a recurring constraint, or expanding business hours + otherEventStore, // for if constraint is an even group ID + businessHoursUnexpanded, // for if constraint is 'businessHours' + context) { + if (constraint === 'businessHours') { + return eventStoreToRanges(expandRecurring(businessHoursUnexpanded, subjectRange, context)); + } + if (typeof constraint === 'string') { // an group ID + return eventStoreToRanges(filterEventStoreDefs(otherEventStore, function (eventDef) { return eventDef.groupId === constraint; })); + } + if (typeof constraint === 'object' && constraint) { // non-null object + return eventStoreToRanges(expandRecurring(constraint, subjectRange, context)); + } + return []; // if it's false + } + // TODO: move to event-store file? + function eventStoreToRanges(eventStore) { + var instances = eventStore.instances; + var ranges = []; + for (var instanceId in instances) { + ranges.push(instances[instanceId].range); + } + return ranges; + } + // TODO: move to geom file? + function anyRangesContainRange(outerRanges, innerRange) { + for (var _i = 0, outerRanges_1 = outerRanges; _i < outerRanges_1.length; _i++) { + var outerRange = outerRanges_1[_i]; + if (rangeContainsRange(outerRange, innerRange)) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + + var VISIBLE_HIDDEN_RE = /^(visible|hidden)$/; + var Scroller = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(Scroller, _super); + function Scroller() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.handleEl = function (el) { + _this.el = el; + setRef(_this.props.elRef, el); + }; + return _this; + } + Scroller.prototype.render = function () { + var props = this.props; + var liquid = props.liquid, liquidIsAbsolute = props.liquidIsAbsolute; + var isAbsolute = liquid && liquidIsAbsolute; + var className = ['fc-scroller']; + if (liquid) { + if (liquidIsAbsolute) { + className.push('fc-scroller-liquid-absolute'); + } + else { + className.push('fc-scroller-liquid'); + } + } + return (createElement("div", { ref: this.handleEl, className: className.join(' '), style: { + overflowX: props.overflowX, + overflowY: props.overflowY, + left: (isAbsolute && -(props.overcomeLeft || 0)) || '', + right: (isAbsolute && -(props.overcomeRight || 0)) || '', + bottom: (isAbsolute && -(props.overcomeBottom || 0)) || '', + marginLeft: (!isAbsolute && -(props.overcomeLeft || 0)) || '', + marginRight: (!isAbsolute && -(props.overcomeRight || 0)) || '', + marginBottom: (!isAbsolute && -(props.overcomeBottom || 0)) || '', + maxHeight: props.maxHeight || '', + } }, props.children)); + }; + Scroller.prototype.needsXScrolling = function () { + if (VISIBLE_HIDDEN_RE.test(this.props.overflowX)) { + return false; + } + // testing scrollWidth>clientWidth is unreliable cross-browser when pixel heights aren't integers. + // much more reliable to see if children are taller than the scroller, even tho doesn't account for + // inner-child margins and absolute positioning + var el = this.el; + var realClientWidth = this.el.getBoundingClientRect().width - this.getYScrollbarWidth(); + var children = el.children; + for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i += 1) { + var childEl = children[i]; + if (childEl.getBoundingClientRect().width > realClientWidth) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + }; + Scroller.prototype.needsYScrolling = function () { + if (VISIBLE_HIDDEN_RE.test(this.props.overflowY)) { + return false; + } + // testing scrollHeight>clientHeight is unreliable cross-browser when pixel heights aren't integers. + // much more reliable to see if children are taller than the scroller, even tho doesn't account for + // inner-child margins and absolute positioning + var el = this.el; + var realClientHeight = this.el.getBoundingClientRect().height - this.getXScrollbarWidth(); + var children = el.children; + for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i += 1) { + var childEl = children[i]; + if (childEl.getBoundingClientRect().height > realClientHeight) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + }; + Scroller.prototype.getXScrollbarWidth = function () { + if (VISIBLE_HIDDEN_RE.test(this.props.overflowX)) { + return 0; + } + return this.el.offsetHeight - this.el.clientHeight; // only works because we guarantee no borders. TODO: add to CSS with important? + }; + Scroller.prototype.getYScrollbarWidth = function () { + if (VISIBLE_HIDDEN_RE.test(this.props.overflowY)) { + return 0; + } + return this.el.offsetWidth - this.el.clientWidth; // only works because we guarantee no borders. TODO: add to CSS with important? + }; + return Scroller; + }(BaseComponent)); + + /* + TODO: somehow infer OtherArgs from masterCallback? + TODO: infer RefType from masterCallback if provided + */ + var RefMap = /** @class */ (function () { + function RefMap(masterCallback) { + var _this = this; + this.masterCallback = masterCallback; + this.currentMap = {}; + this.depths = {}; + this.callbackMap = {}; + this.handleValue = function (val, key) { + var _a = _this, depths = _a.depths, currentMap = _a.currentMap; + var removed = false; + var added = false; + if (val !== null) { + // for bug... ACTUALLY: can probably do away with this now that callers don't share numeric indices anymore + removed = (key in currentMap); + currentMap[key] = val; + depths[key] = (depths[key] || 0) + 1; + added = true; + } + else { + depths[key] -= 1; + if (!depths[key]) { + delete currentMap[key]; + delete _this.callbackMap[key]; + removed = true; + } + } + if (_this.masterCallback) { + if (removed) { + _this.masterCallback(null, String(key)); + } + if (added) { + _this.masterCallback(val, String(key)); + } + } + }; + } + RefMap.prototype.createRef = function (key) { + var _this = this; + var refCallback = this.callbackMap[key]; + if (!refCallback) { + refCallback = this.callbackMap[key] = function (val) { + _this.handleValue(val, String(key)); + }; + } + return refCallback; + }; + // TODO: check callers that don't care about order. should use getAll instead + // NOTE: this method has become less valuable now that we are encouraged to map order by some other index + // TODO: provide ONE array-export function, buildArray, which fails on non-numeric indexes. caller can manipulate and "collect" + RefMap.prototype.collect = function (startIndex, endIndex, step) { + return collectFromHash(this.currentMap, startIndex, endIndex, step); + }; + RefMap.prototype.getAll = function () { + return hashValuesToArray(this.currentMap); + }; + return RefMap; + }()); + + function computeShrinkWidth(chunkEls) { + var shrinkCells = findElements(chunkEls, '.fc-scrollgrid-shrink'); + var largestWidth = 0; + for (var _i = 0, shrinkCells_1 = shrinkCells; _i < shrinkCells_1.length; _i++) { + var shrinkCell = shrinkCells_1[_i]; + largestWidth = Math.max(largestWidth, computeSmallestCellWidth(shrinkCell)); + } + return Math.ceil(largestWidth); // elements work best with integers. round up to ensure contents fits + } + function getSectionHasLiquidHeight(props, sectionConfig) { + return props.liquid && sectionConfig.liquid; // does the section do liquid-height? (need to have whole scrollgrid liquid-height as well) + } + function getAllowYScrolling(props, sectionConfig) { + return sectionConfig.maxHeight != null || // if its possible for the height to max out, we might need scrollbars + getSectionHasLiquidHeight(props, sectionConfig); // if the section is liquid height, it might condense enough to require scrollbars + } + // TODO: ONLY use `arg`. force out internal function to use same API + function renderChunkContent(sectionConfig, chunkConfig, arg, isHeader) { + var expandRows = arg.expandRows; + var content = typeof chunkConfig.content === 'function' ? + chunkConfig.content(arg) : + createElement('table', { + role: 'presentation', + className: [ + chunkConfig.tableClassName, + sectionConfig.syncRowHeights ? 'fc-scrollgrid-sync-table' : '', + ].join(' '), + style: { + minWidth: arg.tableMinWidth, + width: arg.clientWidth, + height: expandRows ? arg.clientHeight : '', // css `height` on a
serves as a min-height + }, + }, arg.tableColGroupNode, createElement(isHeader ? 'thead' : 'tbody', { + role: 'presentation', + }, typeof chunkConfig.rowContent === 'function' + ? chunkConfig.rowContent(arg) + : chunkConfig.rowContent)); + return content; + } + function isColPropsEqual(cols0, cols1) { + return isArraysEqual(cols0, cols1, isPropsEqual); + } + function renderMicroColGroup(cols, shrinkWidth) { + var colNodes = []; + /* + for ColProps with spans, it would have been great to make a single + HOWEVER, Chrome was getting messing up distributing the width to elements makes Chrome behave. + */ + for (var _i = 0, cols_1 = cols; _i < cols_1.length; _i++) { + var colProps = cols_1[_i]; + var span = colProps.span || 1; + for (var i = 0; i < span; i += 1) { + colNodes.push(createElement("col", { style: { + width: colProps.width === 'shrink' ? sanitizeShrinkWidth(shrinkWidth) : (colProps.width || ''), + minWidth: colProps.minWidth || '', + } })); + } + } + return createElement.apply(void 0, __spreadArray(['colgroup', {}], colNodes)); + } + function sanitizeShrinkWidth(shrinkWidth) { + /* why 4? if we do 0, it will kill any border, which are needed for computeSmallestCellWidth + 4 accounts for 2 2-pixel borders. TODO: better solution? */ + return shrinkWidth == null ? 4 : shrinkWidth; + } + function hasShrinkWidth(cols) { + for (var _i = 0, cols_2 = cols; _i < cols_2.length; _i++) { + var col = cols_2[_i]; + if (col.width === 'shrink') { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + function getScrollGridClassNames(liquid, context) { + var classNames = [ + 'fc-scrollgrid', + context.theme.getClass('table'), + ]; + if (liquid) { + classNames.push('fc-scrollgrid-liquid'); + } + return classNames; + } + function getSectionClassNames(sectionConfig, wholeTableVGrow) { + var classNames = [ + 'fc-scrollgrid-section', + "fc-scrollgrid-section-" + sectionConfig.type, + sectionConfig.className, // used? + ]; + if (wholeTableVGrow && sectionConfig.liquid && sectionConfig.maxHeight == null) { + classNames.push('fc-scrollgrid-section-liquid'); + } + if (sectionConfig.isSticky) { + classNames.push('fc-scrollgrid-section-sticky'); + } + return classNames; + } + function renderScrollShim(arg) { + return (createElement("div", { className: "fc-scrollgrid-sticky-shim", style: { + width: arg.clientWidth, + minWidth: arg.tableMinWidth, + } })); + } + function getStickyHeaderDates(options) { + var stickyHeaderDates = options.stickyHeaderDates; + if (stickyHeaderDates == null || stickyHeaderDates === 'auto') { + stickyHeaderDates = options.height === 'auto' || options.viewHeight === 'auto'; + } + return stickyHeaderDates; + } + function getStickyFooterScrollbar(options) { + var stickyFooterScrollbar = options.stickyFooterScrollbar; + if (stickyFooterScrollbar == null || stickyFooterScrollbar === 'auto') { + stickyFooterScrollbar = options.height === 'auto' || options.viewHeight === 'auto'; + } + return stickyFooterScrollbar; + } + + var SimpleScrollGrid = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(SimpleScrollGrid, _super); + function SimpleScrollGrid() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.processCols = memoize(function (a) { return a; }, isColPropsEqual); // so we get same `cols` props every time + // yucky to memoize VNodes, but much more efficient for consumers + _this.renderMicroColGroup = memoize(renderMicroColGroup); + _this.scrollerRefs = new RefMap(); + _this.scrollerElRefs = new RefMap(_this._handleScrollerEl.bind(_this)); + _this.state = { + shrinkWidth: null, + forceYScrollbars: false, + scrollerClientWidths: {}, + scrollerClientHeights: {}, + }; + // TODO: can do a really simple print-view. dont need to join rows + _this.handleSizing = function () { + _this.setState(__assign({ shrinkWidth: _this.computeShrinkWidth() }, _this.computeScrollerDims())); + }; + return _this; + } + SimpleScrollGrid.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, state = _a.state, context = _a.context; + var sectionConfigs = props.sections || []; + var cols = this.processCols(props.cols); + var microColGroupNode = this.renderMicroColGroup(cols, state.shrinkWidth); + var classNames = getScrollGridClassNames(props.liquid, context); + if (props.collapsibleWidth) { + classNames.push('fc-scrollgrid-collapsible'); + } + // TODO: make DRY + var configCnt = sectionConfigs.length; + var configI = 0; + var currentConfig; + var headSectionNodes = []; + var bodySectionNodes = []; + var footSectionNodes = []; + while (configI < configCnt && (currentConfig = sectionConfigs[configI]).type === 'header') { + headSectionNodes.push(this.renderSection(currentConfig, microColGroupNode, true)); + configI += 1; + } + while (configI < configCnt && (currentConfig = sectionConfigs[configI]).type === 'body') { + bodySectionNodes.push(this.renderSection(currentConfig, microColGroupNode, false)); + configI += 1; + } + while (configI < configCnt && (currentConfig = sectionConfigs[configI]).type === 'footer') { + footSectionNodes.push(this.renderSection(currentConfig, microColGroupNode, true)); + configI += 1; + } + // firefox bug: when setting height on table and there is a thead or tfoot, + // the necessary height:100% on the liquid-height body section forces the *whole* table to be taller. (bug #5524) + // use getCanVGrowWithinCell as a way to detect table-stupid firefox. + // if so, use a simpler dom structure, jam everything into a lone tbody. + var isBuggy = !getCanVGrowWithinCell(); + var roleAttrs = { role: 'rowgroup' }; + return createElement('table', { + role: 'grid', + className: classNames.join(' '), + style: { height: props.height }, + }, Boolean(!isBuggy && headSectionNodes.length) && createElement.apply(void 0, __spreadArray(['thead', roleAttrs], headSectionNodes)), Boolean(!isBuggy && bodySectionNodes.length) && createElement.apply(void 0, __spreadArray(['tbody', roleAttrs], bodySectionNodes)), Boolean(!isBuggy && footSectionNodes.length) && createElement.apply(void 0, __spreadArray(['tfoot', roleAttrs], footSectionNodes)), isBuggy && createElement.apply(void 0, __spreadArray(__spreadArray(__spreadArray(['tbody', roleAttrs], headSectionNodes), bodySectionNodes), footSectionNodes))); + }; + SimpleScrollGrid.prototype.renderSection = function (sectionConfig, microColGroupNode, isHeader) { + if ('outerContent' in sectionConfig) { + return (createElement(Fragment, { key: sectionConfig.key }, sectionConfig.outerContent)); + } + return (createElement("tr", { key: sectionConfig.key, role: "presentation", className: getSectionClassNames(sectionConfig, this.props.liquid).join(' ') }, this.renderChunkTd(sectionConfig, microColGroupNode, sectionConfig.chunk, isHeader))); + }; + SimpleScrollGrid.prototype.renderChunkTd = function (sectionConfig, microColGroupNode, chunkConfig, isHeader) { + if ('outerContent' in chunkConfig) { + return chunkConfig.outerContent; + } + var props = this.props; + var _a = this.state, forceYScrollbars = _a.forceYScrollbars, scrollerClientWidths = _a.scrollerClientWidths, scrollerClientHeights = _a.scrollerClientHeights; + var needsYScrolling = getAllowYScrolling(props, sectionConfig); // TODO: do lazily. do in section config? + var isLiquid = getSectionHasLiquidHeight(props, sectionConfig); + // for `!props.liquid` - is WHOLE scrollgrid natural height? + // TODO: do same thing in advanced scrollgrid? prolly not b/c always has horizontal scrollbars + var overflowY = !props.liquid ? 'visible' : + forceYScrollbars ? 'scroll' : + !needsYScrolling ? 'hidden' : + 'auto'; + var sectionKey = sectionConfig.key; + var content = renderChunkContent(sectionConfig, chunkConfig, { + tableColGroupNode: microColGroupNode, + tableMinWidth: '', + clientWidth: (!props.collapsibleWidth && scrollerClientWidths[sectionKey] !== undefined) ? scrollerClientWidths[sectionKey] : null, + clientHeight: scrollerClientHeights[sectionKey] !== undefined ? scrollerClientHeights[sectionKey] : null, + expandRows: sectionConfig.expandRows, + syncRowHeights: false, + rowSyncHeights: [], + reportRowHeightChange: function () { }, + }, isHeader); + return createElement(isHeader ? 'th' : 'td', { + ref: chunkConfig.elRef, + role: 'presentation', + }, createElement("div", { className: "fc-scroller-harness" + (isLiquid ? ' fc-scroller-harness-liquid' : '') }, + createElement(Scroller, { ref: this.scrollerRefs.createRef(sectionKey), elRef: this.scrollerElRefs.createRef(sectionKey), overflowY: overflowY, overflowX: !props.liquid ? 'visible' : 'hidden' /* natural height? */, maxHeight: sectionConfig.maxHeight, liquid: isLiquid, liquidIsAbsolute // because its within a harness + : true }, content))); + }; + SimpleScrollGrid.prototype._handleScrollerEl = function (scrollerEl, key) { + var section = getSectionByKey(this.props.sections, key); + if (section) { + setRef(section.chunk.scrollerElRef, scrollerEl); + } + }; + SimpleScrollGrid.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { + this.handleSizing(); + this.context.addResizeHandler(this.handleSizing); + }; + SimpleScrollGrid.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function () { + // TODO: need better solution when state contains non-sizing things + this.handleSizing(); + }; + SimpleScrollGrid.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { + this.context.removeResizeHandler(this.handleSizing); + }; + SimpleScrollGrid.prototype.computeShrinkWidth = function () { + return hasShrinkWidth(this.props.cols) + ? computeShrinkWidth(this.scrollerElRefs.getAll()) + : 0; + }; + SimpleScrollGrid.prototype.computeScrollerDims = function () { + var scrollbarWidth = getScrollbarWidths(); + var _a = this, scrollerRefs = _a.scrollerRefs, scrollerElRefs = _a.scrollerElRefs; + var forceYScrollbars = false; + var scrollerClientWidths = {}; + var scrollerClientHeights = {}; + for (var sectionKey in scrollerRefs.currentMap) { + var scroller = scrollerRefs.currentMap[sectionKey]; + if (scroller && scroller.needsYScrolling()) { + forceYScrollbars = true; + break; + } + } + for (var _i = 0, _b = this.props.sections; _i < _b.length; _i++) { + var section = _b[_i]; + var sectionKey = section.key; + var scrollerEl = scrollerElRefs.currentMap[sectionKey]; + if (scrollerEl) { + var harnessEl = scrollerEl.parentNode; // TODO: weird way to get this. need harness b/c doesn't include table borders + scrollerClientWidths[sectionKey] = Math.floor(harnessEl.getBoundingClientRect().width - (forceYScrollbars + ? scrollbarWidth.y // use global because scroller might not have scrollbars yet but will need them in future + : 0)); + scrollerClientHeights[sectionKey] = Math.floor(harnessEl.getBoundingClientRect().height); + } + } + return { forceYScrollbars: forceYScrollbars, scrollerClientWidths: scrollerClientWidths, scrollerClientHeights: scrollerClientHeights }; + }; + return SimpleScrollGrid; + }(BaseComponent)); + SimpleScrollGrid.addStateEquality({ + scrollerClientWidths: isPropsEqual, + scrollerClientHeights: isPropsEqual, + }); + function getSectionByKey(sections, key) { + for (var _i = 0, sections_1 = sections; _i < sections_1.length; _i++) { + var section = sections_1[_i]; + if (section.key === key) { + return section; + } + } + return null; + } + + var EventRoot = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(EventRoot, _super); + function EventRoot() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.elRef = createRef(); + return _this; + } + EventRoot.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var options = context.options; + var seg = props.seg; + var eventRange = seg.eventRange; + var ui = eventRange.ui; + var hookProps = { + event: new EventApi(context, eventRange.def, eventRange.instance), + view: context.viewApi, + timeText: props.timeText, + textColor: ui.textColor, + backgroundColor: ui.backgroundColor, + borderColor: ui.borderColor, + isDraggable: !props.disableDragging && computeSegDraggable(seg, context), + isStartResizable: !props.disableResizing && computeSegStartResizable(seg, context), + isEndResizable: !props.disableResizing && computeSegEndResizable(seg), + isMirror: Boolean(props.isDragging || props.isResizing || props.isDateSelecting), + isStart: Boolean(seg.isStart), + isEnd: Boolean(seg.isEnd), + isPast: Boolean(props.isPast), + isFuture: Boolean(props.isFuture), + isToday: Boolean(props.isToday), + isSelected: Boolean(props.isSelected), + isDragging: Boolean(props.isDragging), + isResizing: Boolean(props.isResizing), + }; + var standardClassNames = getEventClassNames(hookProps).concat(ui.classNames); + return (createElement(RenderHook, { hookProps: hookProps, classNames: options.eventClassNames, content: options.eventContent, defaultContent: props.defaultContent, didMount: options.eventDidMount, willUnmount: options.eventWillUnmount, elRef: this.elRef }, function (rootElRef, customClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return props.children(rootElRef, standardClassNames.concat(customClassNames), innerElRef, innerContent, hookProps); })); + }; + EventRoot.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { + setElSeg(this.elRef.current, this.props.seg); + }; + /* + need to re-assign seg to the element if seg changes, even if the element is the same + */ + EventRoot.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) { + var seg = this.props.seg; + if (seg !== prevProps.seg) { + setElSeg(this.elRef.current, seg); + } + }; + return EventRoot; + }(BaseComponent)); + + // should not be a purecomponent + var StandardEvent = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(StandardEvent, _super); + function StandardEvent() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + StandardEvent.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var seg = props.seg; + var timeFormat = context.options.eventTimeFormat || props.defaultTimeFormat; + var timeText = buildSegTimeText(seg, timeFormat, context, props.defaultDisplayEventTime, props.defaultDisplayEventEnd); + return (createElement(EventRoot, { seg: seg, timeText: timeText, disableDragging: props.disableDragging, disableResizing: props.disableResizing, defaultContent: props.defaultContent || renderInnerContent$4, isDragging: props.isDragging, isResizing: props.isResizing, isDateSelecting: props.isDateSelecting, isSelected: props.isSelected, isPast: props.isPast, isFuture: props.isFuture, isToday: props.isToday }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent, hookProps) { return (createElement("a", __assign({ className: props.extraClassNames.concat(classNames).join(' '), style: { + borderColor: hookProps.borderColor, + backgroundColor: hookProps.backgroundColor, + }, ref: rootElRef }, getSegAnchorAttrs(seg, context)), + createElement("div", { className: "fc-event-main", ref: innerElRef, style: { color: hookProps.textColor } }, innerContent), + hookProps.isStartResizable && + createElement("div", { className: "fc-event-resizer fc-event-resizer-start" }), + hookProps.isEndResizable && + createElement("div", { className: "fc-event-resizer fc-event-resizer-end" }))); })); + }; + return StandardEvent; + }(BaseComponent)); + function renderInnerContent$4(innerProps) { + return (createElement("div", { className: "fc-event-main-frame" }, + innerProps.timeText && (createElement("div", { className: "fc-event-time" }, innerProps.timeText)), + createElement("div", { className: "fc-event-title-container" }, + createElement("div", { className: "fc-event-title fc-sticky" }, innerProps.event.title || createElement(Fragment, null, "\u00A0"))))); + } + + var NowIndicatorRoot = function (props) { return (createElement(ViewContextType.Consumer, null, function (context) { + var options = context.options; + var hookProps = { + isAxis: props.isAxis, + date: context.dateEnv.toDate(, + view: context.viewApi, + }; + return (createElement(RenderHook, { hookProps: hookProps, classNames: options.nowIndicatorClassNames, content: options.nowIndicatorContent, didMount: options.nowIndicatorDidMount, willUnmount: options.nowIndicatorWillUnmount }, props.children)); + })); }; + + var DAY_NUM_FORMAT = createFormatter({ day: 'numeric' }); + var DayCellContent = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(DayCellContent, _super); + function DayCellContent() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + DayCellContent.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var options = context.options; + var hookProps = refineDayCellHookProps({ + date:, + dateProfile: props.dateProfile, + todayRange: props.todayRange, + showDayNumber: props.showDayNumber, + extraProps: props.extraHookProps, + viewApi: context.viewApi, + dateEnv: context.dateEnv, + }); + return (createElement(ContentHook, { hookProps: hookProps, content: options.dayCellContent, defaultContent: props.defaultContent }, props.children)); + }; + return DayCellContent; + }(BaseComponent)); + function refineDayCellHookProps(raw) { + var date =, dateEnv = raw.dateEnv; + var dayMeta = getDateMeta(date, raw.todayRange, null, raw.dateProfile); + return __assign(__assign(__assign({ date: dateEnv.toDate(date), view: raw.viewApi }, dayMeta), { dayNumberText: raw.showDayNumber ? dateEnv.format(date, DAY_NUM_FORMAT) : '' }), raw.extraProps); + } + + var DayCellRoot = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(DayCellRoot, _super); + function DayCellRoot() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.refineHookProps = memoizeObjArg(refineDayCellHookProps); + _this.normalizeClassNames = buildClassNameNormalizer(); + return _this; + } + DayCellRoot.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var options = context.options; + var hookProps = this.refineHookProps({ + date:, + dateProfile: props.dateProfile, + todayRange: props.todayRange, + showDayNumber: props.showDayNumber, + extraProps: props.extraHookProps, + viewApi: context.viewApi, + dateEnv: context.dateEnv, + }); + var classNames = getDayClassNames(hookProps, context.theme).concat(hookProps.isDisabled + ? [] // don't use custom classNames if disabled + : this.normalizeClassNames(options.dayCellClassNames, hookProps)); + var dataAttrs = hookProps.isDisabled ? {} : { + 'data-date': formatDayString(, + }; + return (createElement(MountHook, { hookProps: hookProps, didMount: options.dayCellDidMount, willUnmount: options.dayCellWillUnmount, elRef: props.elRef }, function (rootElRef) { return props.children(rootElRef, classNames, dataAttrs, hookProps.isDisabled); })); + }; + return DayCellRoot; + }(BaseComponent)); + + function renderFill(fillType) { + return (createElement("div", { className: "fc-" + fillType })); + } + var BgEvent = function (props) { return (createElement(EventRoot, { defaultContent: renderInnerContent$3, seg: props.seg /* uselesss i think */, timeText: "", disableDragging: true, disableResizing: true, isDragging: false, isResizing: false, isDateSelecting: false, isSelected: false, isPast: props.isPast, isFuture: props.isFuture, isToday: props.isToday }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent, hookProps) { return (createElement("div", { ref: rootElRef, className: ['fc-bg-event'].concat(classNames).join(' '), style: { + backgroundColor: hookProps.backgroundColor, + } }, innerContent)); })); }; + function renderInnerContent$3(props) { + var title = props.event.title; + return title && (createElement("div", { className: "fc-event-title" }, props.event.title)); + } + + var WeekNumberRoot = function (props) { return (createElement(ViewContextType.Consumer, null, function (context) { + var dateEnv = context.dateEnv, options = context.options; + var date =; + var format = options.weekNumberFormat || props.defaultFormat; + var num = dateEnv.computeWeekNumber(date); // TODO: somehow use for formatting as well? + var text = dateEnv.format(date, format); + var hookProps = { num: num, text: text, date: date }; + return (createElement(RenderHook, { hookProps: hookProps, classNames: options.weekNumberClassNames, content: options.weekNumberContent, defaultContent: renderInner, didMount: options.weekNumberDidMount, willUnmount: options.weekNumberWillUnmount }, props.children)); + })); }; + function renderInner(innerProps) { + return innerProps.text; + } + + var PADDING_FROM_VIEWPORT = 10; + var Popover = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(Popover, _super); + function Popover() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.state = { + titleId: getUniqueDomId(), + }; + _this.handleRootEl = function (el) { + _this.rootEl = el; + if (_this.props.elRef) { + setRef(_this.props.elRef, el); + } + }; + // Triggered when the user clicks *anywhere* in the document, for the autoHide feature + _this.handleDocumentMouseDown = function (ev) { + // only hide the popover if the click happened outside the popover + var target = getEventTargetViaRoot(ev); + if (!_this.rootEl.contains(target) && window.auto_close_popup !== false) { + _this.handleCloseClick(); + } + }; + _this.handleDocumentKeyDown = function (ev) { + if (ev.key === 'Escape') { + _this.handleCloseClick(); + } + }; + _this.handleCloseClick = function () { + var onClose = _this.props.onClose; + if (onClose) { + onClose(); + } + }; + return _this; + } + Popover.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this.context, theme = _a.theme, options = _a.options; + var _b = this, props = _b.props, state = _b.state; + var classNames = [ + 'fc-popover', + theme.getClass('popover'), + ].concat(props.extraClassNames || []); + return createPortal(createElement("div", __assign({ id:, className: classNames.join(' '), "aria-labelledby": state.titleId }, props.extraAttrs, { ref: this.handleRootEl }), + createElement("div", { className: 'fc-popover-header ' + theme.getClass('popoverHeader') }, + createElement("span", { className: "fc-popover-title", id: state.titleId }, props.title), + createElement("span", { className: 'fc-popover-close ' + theme.getIconClass('close'), title: options.closeHint, onClick: this.handleCloseClick })), + createElement("div", { className: 'fc-popover-body ' + theme.getClass('popoverContent') }, props.children)), props.parentEl); + }; + Popover.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { + document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.handleDocumentMouseDown); + document.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleDocumentKeyDown); + this.updateSize(); + }; + Popover.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { + document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.handleDocumentMouseDown); + document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleDocumentKeyDown); + }; + Popover.prototype.updateSize = function () { + var isRtl = this.context.isRtl; + var _a = this.props, alignmentEl = _a.alignmentEl, alignGridTop = _a.alignGridTop; + var rootEl = this.rootEl; + var alignmentRect = computeClippedClientRect(alignmentEl); + if (alignmentRect) { + var popoverDims = rootEl.getBoundingClientRect(); + // position relative to viewport + var popoverTop = alignGridTop + ? elementClosest(alignmentEl, '.fc-scrollgrid').getBoundingClientRect().top + :; + var popoverLeft = isRtl ? alignmentRect.right - popoverDims.width : alignmentRect.left; + // constrain + = "block"; + popoverTop = Math.max(popoverTop, PADDING_FROM_VIEWPORT); + popoverLeft = Math.min(popoverLeft, document.documentElement.clientWidth - PADDING_FROM_VIEWPORT - popoverDims.width); + popoverLeft = Math.max(popoverLeft, PADDING_FROM_VIEWPORT); + var origin_1 = rootEl.offsetParent.getBoundingClientRect(); + applyStyle(rootEl, { + top: popoverTop -, + left: popoverLeft - origin_1.left, + }); + } + }; + return Popover; + }(BaseComponent)); + + var MorePopover = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(MorePopover, _super); + function MorePopover() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.handleRootEl = function (rootEl) { + _this.rootEl = rootEl; + if (rootEl) { + _this.context.registerInteractiveComponent(_this, { + el: rootEl, + useEventCenter: false, + }); + } + else { + _this.context.unregisterInteractiveComponent(_this); + } + }; + return _this; + } + MorePopover.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this.context, options = _a.options, dateEnv = _a.dateEnv; + var props = this.props; + var startDate = props.startDate, todayRange = props.todayRange, dateProfile = props.dateProfile; + var title = dateEnv.format(startDate, options.dayPopoverFormat); + return (createElement(DayCellRoot, { date: startDate, dateProfile: dateProfile, todayRange: todayRange, elRef: this.handleRootEl }, function (rootElRef, dayClassNames, dataAttrs) { return (createElement(Popover, { elRef: rootElRef, id:, title: title, extraClassNames: ['fc-more-popover'].concat(dayClassNames), extraAttrs: dataAttrs /* TODO: make these time-based when not whole-day? */, parentEl: props.parentEl, alignmentEl: props.alignmentEl, alignGridTop: props.alignGridTop, onClose: props.onClose }, + createElement(DayCellContent, { date: startDate, dateProfile: dateProfile, todayRange: todayRange }, function (innerElRef, innerContent) { return (innerContent && + createElement("div", { className: "fc-more-popover-misc", ref: innerElRef }, innerContent)); }), + props.children)); })); + }; + MorePopover.prototype.queryHit = function (positionLeft, positionTop, elWidth, elHeight) { + var _a = this, rootEl = _a.rootEl, props = _a.props; + if (positionLeft >= 0 && positionLeft < elWidth && + positionTop >= 0 && positionTop < elHeight) { + return { + dateProfile: props.dateProfile, + dateSpan: __assign({ allDay: true, range: { + start: props.startDate, + end: props.endDate, + } }, props.extraDateSpan), + dayEl: rootEl, + rect: { + left: 0, + top: 0, + right: elWidth, + bottom: elHeight, + }, + layer: 1, // important when comparing with hits from other components + }; + } + return null; + }; + return MorePopover; + }(DateComponent)); + + var MoreLinkRoot = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(MoreLinkRoot, _super); + function MoreLinkRoot() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.linkElRef = createRef(); + _this.state = { + isPopoverOpen: false, + popoverId: getUniqueDomId(), + }; + _this.handleClick = function (ev) { + var _a = _this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var moreLinkClick = context.options.moreLinkClick; + var date = computeRange(props).start; + function buildPublicSeg(seg) { + var _a = seg.eventRange, def = _a.def, instance = _a.instance, range = _a.range; + return { + event: new EventApi(context, def, instance), + start: context.dateEnv.toDate(range.start), + end: context.dateEnv.toDate(range.end), + isStart: seg.isStart, + isEnd: seg.isEnd, + }; + } + if (typeof moreLinkClick === 'function') { + moreLinkClick = moreLinkClick({ + date: date, + allDay: Boolean(props.allDayDate), + allSegs:, + hiddenSegs:, + jsEvent: ev, + view: context.viewApi, + }); + } + if (!moreLinkClick || moreLinkClick === 'popover') { + _this.setState({ isPopoverOpen: true }); + } + else if (typeof moreLinkClick === 'string') { // a view name + context.calendarApi.zoomTo(date, moreLinkClick); + } + }; + _this.handlePopoverClose = function () { + _this.setState({ isPopoverOpen: false }); + }; + return _this; + } + MoreLinkRoot.prototype.render = function () { + var _this = this; + var _a = this, props = _a.props, state = _a.state; + return (createElement(ViewContextType.Consumer, null, function (context) { + var viewApi = context.viewApi, options = context.options, calendarApi = context.calendarApi; + var moreLinkText = options.moreLinkText; + var moreCnt = props.moreCnt; + var range = computeRange(props); + var text = typeof moreLinkText === 'function' // TODO: eventually use formatWithOrdinals + ?, moreCnt) + : "+" + moreCnt + " " + moreLinkText; + var title = formatWithOrdinals(options.moreLinkHint, [moreCnt], text); + var hookProps = { + num: moreCnt, + shortText: "+" + moreCnt, + text: text, + view: viewApi, + }; + return (createElement(Fragment, null, + Boolean(props.moreCnt) && (createElement(RenderHook, { elRef: _this.linkElRef, hookProps: hookProps, classNames: options.moreLinkClassNames, content: options.moreLinkContent, defaultContent: props.defaultContent || renderMoreLinkInner$1, didMount: options.moreLinkDidMount, willUnmount: options.moreLinkWillUnmount }, function (rootElRef, customClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return props.children(rootElRef, ['fc-more-link'].concat(customClassNames), innerElRef, innerContent, _this.handleClick, title, state.isPopoverOpen, state.isPopoverOpen ? state.popoverId : ''); })), + state.isPopoverOpen && (createElement(MorePopover, { id: state.popoverId, startDate: range.start, endDate: range.end, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, todayRange: props.todayRange, extraDateSpan: props.extraDateSpan, parentEl: _this.parentEl, alignmentEl: props.alignmentElRef.current, alignGridTop: props.alignGridTop, onClose: _this.handlePopoverClose }, props.popoverContent())))); + })); + }; + MoreLinkRoot.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { + this.updateParentEl(); + }; + MoreLinkRoot.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function () { + this.updateParentEl(); + }; + MoreLinkRoot.prototype.updateParentEl = function () { + if (this.linkElRef.current) { + this.parentEl = elementClosest(this.linkElRef.current, '.fc-view-harness'); + } + }; + return MoreLinkRoot; + }(BaseComponent)); + function renderMoreLinkInner$1(props) { + return props.text; + } + function computeRange(props) { + if (props.allDayDate) { + return { + start: props.allDayDate, + end: addDays(props.allDayDate, 1), + }; + } + var hiddenSegs = props.hiddenSegs; + return { + start: computeEarliestSegStart(hiddenSegs), + end: computeLatestSegEnd(hiddenSegs), + }; + } + function computeEarliestSegStart(segs) { + return segs.reduce(pickEarliestStart).eventRange.range.start; + } + function pickEarliestStart(seg0, seg1) { + return seg0.eventRange.range.start < seg1.eventRange.range.start ? seg0 : seg1; + } + function computeLatestSegEnd(segs) { + return segs.reduce(pickLatestEnd).eventRange.range.end; + } + function pickLatestEnd(seg0, seg1) { + return seg0.eventRange.range.end > seg1.eventRange.range.end ? seg0 : seg1; + } + + // exports + // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + var version = '5.11.0'; // important to type it, so .d.ts has generic string + + var Calendar = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(Calendar, _super); + function Calendar(el, optionOverrides) { + if (optionOverrides === void 0) { optionOverrides = {}; } + var _this = || this; + _this.isRendering = false; + _this.isRendered = false; + _this.currentClassNames = []; + _this.customContentRenderId = 0; // will affect custom generated classNames? + _this.handleAction = function (action) { + // actions we know we want to render immediately + switch (action.type) { + case 'SET_EVENT_DRAG': + case 'SET_EVENT_RESIZE': + _this.renderRunner.tryDrain(); + } + }; + _this.handleData = function (data) { + _this.currentData = data; + _this.renderRunner.request(data.calendarOptions.rerenderDelay); + }; + _this.handleRenderRequest = function () { + if (_this.isRendering) { + _this.isRendered = true; + var currentData_1 = _this.currentData; + flushSync(function () { + render(createElement(CalendarRoot, { options: currentData_1.calendarOptions, theme: currentData_1.theme, emitter: currentData_1.emitter }, function (classNames, height, isHeightAuto, forPrint) { + _this.setClassNames(classNames); + _this.setHeight(height); + return (createElement(CustomContentRenderContext.Provider, { value: _this.customContentRenderId }, + createElement(CalendarContent, __assign({ isHeightAuto: isHeightAuto, forPrint: forPrint }, currentData_1)))); + }), _this.el); + }); + } + else if (_this.isRendered) { + _this.isRendered = false; + unmountComponentAtNode(_this.el); + _this.setClassNames([]); + _this.setHeight(''); + } + }; + _this.el = el; + _this.renderRunner = new DelayedRunner(_this.handleRenderRequest); + new CalendarDataManager({ + optionOverrides: optionOverrides, + calendarApi: _this, + onAction: _this.handleAction, + onData: _this.handleData, + }); + return _this; + } + Object.defineProperty(Calendar.prototype, "view", { + get: function () { return this.currentData.viewApi; } // for public API + , + enumerable: false, + configurable: true + }); + Calendar.prototype.render = function () { + var wasRendering = this.isRendering; + if (!wasRendering) { + this.isRendering = true; + } + else { + this.customContentRenderId += 1; + } + this.renderRunner.request(); + if (wasRendering) { + this.updateSize(); + } + }; + Calendar.prototype.destroy = function () { + if (this.isRendering) { + this.isRendering = false; + this.renderRunner.request(); + } + }; + Calendar.prototype.updateSize = function () { + var _this = this; + flushSync(function () { +; + }); + }; + Calendar.prototype.batchRendering = function (func) { + this.renderRunner.pause('batchRendering'); + func(); + this.renderRunner.resume('batchRendering'); + }; + Calendar.prototype.pauseRendering = function () { + this.renderRunner.pause('pauseRendering'); + }; + Calendar.prototype.resumeRendering = function () { + this.renderRunner.resume('pauseRendering', true); + }; + Calendar.prototype.resetOptions = function (optionOverrides, append) { + this.currentDataManager.resetOptions(optionOverrides, append); + }; + Calendar.prototype.setClassNames = function (classNames) { + if (!isArraysEqual(classNames, this.currentClassNames)) { + var classList = this.el.classList; + for (var _i = 0, _a = this.currentClassNames; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var className = _a[_i]; + classList.remove(className); + } + for (var _b = 0, classNames_1 = classNames; _b < classNames_1.length; _b++) { + var className = classNames_1[_b]; + classList.add(className); + } + this.currentClassNames = classNames; + } + }; + Calendar.prototype.setHeight = function (height) { + applyStyleProp(this.el, 'height', height); + }; + return Calendar; + }(CalendarApi)); + + config.touchMouseIgnoreWait = 500; + var ignoreMouseDepth = 0; + var listenerCnt = 0; + var isWindowTouchMoveCancelled = false; + /* + Uses a "pointer" abstraction, which monitors UI events for both mouse and touch. + Tracks when the pointer "drags" on a certain element, meaning down+move+up. + + Also, tracks if there was touch-scrolling. + Also, can prevent touch-scrolling from happening. + Also, can fire pointermove events when scrolling happens underneath, even when no real pointer movement. + + emits: + - pointerdown + - pointermove + - pointerup + */ + var PointerDragging = /** @class */ (function () { + function PointerDragging(containerEl) { + var _this = this; + this.subjectEl = null; + // options that can be directly assigned by caller + this.selector = ''; // will cause subjectEl in all emitted events to be this element + this.handleSelector = ''; + this.shouldIgnoreMove = false; + this.shouldWatchScroll = true; // for simulating pointermove on scroll + // internal states + this.isDragging = false; + this.isTouchDragging = false; + this.wasTouchScroll = false; + // Mouse + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + this.handleMouseDown = function (ev) { + if (!_this.shouldIgnoreMouse() && + isPrimaryMouseButton(ev) && + _this.tryStart(ev)) { + var pev = _this.createEventFromMouse(ev, true); + _this.emitter.trigger('pointerdown', pev); + _this.initScrollWatch(pev); + if (!_this.shouldIgnoreMove) { + document.addEventListener('mousemove', _this.handleMouseMove); + } + document.addEventListener('mouseup', _this.handleMouseUp); + } + }; + this.handleMouseMove = function (ev) { + var pev = _this.createEventFromMouse(ev); + _this.recordCoords(pev); + _this.emitter.trigger('pointermove', pev); + }; + this.handleMouseUp = function (ev) { + document.removeEventListener('mousemove', _this.handleMouseMove); + document.removeEventListener('mouseup', _this.handleMouseUp); + _this.emitter.trigger('pointerup', _this.createEventFromMouse(ev)); + _this.cleanup(); // call last so that pointerup has access to props + }; + // Touch + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + this.handleTouchStart = function (ev) { + if (_this.tryStart(ev)) { + _this.isTouchDragging = true; + var pev = _this.createEventFromTouch(ev, true); + _this.emitter.trigger('pointerdown', pev); + _this.initScrollWatch(pev); + // unlike mouse, need to attach to target, not document + // + var targetEl =; + if (!_this.shouldIgnoreMove) { + targetEl.addEventListener('touchmove', _this.handleTouchMove); + } + targetEl.addEventListener('touchend', _this.handleTouchEnd); + targetEl.addEventListener('touchcancel', _this.handleTouchEnd); // treat it as a touch end + // attach a handler to get called when ANY scroll action happens on the page. + // this was impossible to do with normal on/off because 'scroll' doesn't bubble. + // + window.addEventListener('scroll', _this.handleTouchScroll, true); + } + }; + this.handleTouchMove = function (ev) { + var pev = _this.createEventFromTouch(ev); + _this.recordCoords(pev); + _this.emitter.trigger('pointermove', pev); + }; + this.handleTouchEnd = function (ev) { + if (_this.isDragging) { // done to guard against touchend followed by touchcancel + var targetEl =; + targetEl.removeEventListener('touchmove', _this.handleTouchMove); + targetEl.removeEventListener('touchend', _this.handleTouchEnd); + targetEl.removeEventListener('touchcancel', _this.handleTouchEnd); + window.removeEventListener('scroll', _this.handleTouchScroll, true); // useCaptured=true + _this.emitter.trigger('pointerup', _this.createEventFromTouch(ev)); + _this.cleanup(); // call last so that pointerup has access to props + _this.isTouchDragging = false; + startIgnoringMouse(); + } + }; + this.handleTouchScroll = function () { + _this.wasTouchScroll = true; + }; + this.handleScroll = function (ev) { + if (!_this.shouldIgnoreMove) { + var pageX = (window.pageXOffset - _this.prevScrollX) + _this.prevPageX; + var pageY = (window.pageYOffset - _this.prevScrollY) + _this.prevPageY; + _this.emitter.trigger('pointermove', { + origEvent: ev, + isTouch: _this.isTouchDragging, + subjectEl: _this.subjectEl, + pageX: pageX, + pageY: pageY, + deltaX: pageX - _this.origPageX, + deltaY: pageY - _this.origPageY, + }); + } + }; + this.containerEl = containerEl; + this.emitter = new Emitter(); + containerEl.addEventListener('mousedown', this.handleMouseDown); + containerEl.addEventListener('touchstart', this.handleTouchStart, { passive: true }); + listenerCreated(); + } + PointerDragging.prototype.destroy = function () { + this.containerEl.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.handleMouseDown); + this.containerEl.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.handleTouchStart, { passive: true }); + listenerDestroyed(); + }; + PointerDragging.prototype.tryStart = function (ev) { + var subjectEl = this.querySubjectEl(ev); + var downEl =; + if (subjectEl && + (!this.handleSelector || elementClosest(downEl, this.handleSelector))) { + this.subjectEl = subjectEl; + this.isDragging = true; // do this first so cancelTouchScroll will work + this.wasTouchScroll = false; + return true; + } + return false; + }; + PointerDragging.prototype.cleanup = function () { + isWindowTouchMoveCancelled = false; + this.isDragging = false; + this.subjectEl = null; + // keep wasTouchScroll around for later access + this.destroyScrollWatch(); + }; + PointerDragging.prototype.querySubjectEl = function (ev) { + if (this.selector) { + return elementClosest(, this.selector); + } + return this.containerEl; + }; + PointerDragging.prototype.shouldIgnoreMouse = function () { + return ignoreMouseDepth || this.isTouchDragging; + }; + // can be called by user of this class, to cancel touch-based scrolling for the current drag + PointerDragging.prototype.cancelTouchScroll = function () { + if (this.isDragging) { + isWindowTouchMoveCancelled = true; + } + }; + // Scrolling that simulates pointermoves + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + PointerDragging.prototype.initScrollWatch = function (ev) { + if (this.shouldWatchScroll) { + this.recordCoords(ev); + window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll, true); // useCapture=true + } + }; + PointerDragging.prototype.recordCoords = function (ev) { + if (this.shouldWatchScroll) { + this.prevPageX = ev.pageX; + this.prevPageY = ev.pageY; + this.prevScrollX = window.pageXOffset; + this.prevScrollY = window.pageYOffset; + } + }; + PointerDragging.prototype.destroyScrollWatch = function () { + if (this.shouldWatchScroll) { + window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll, true); // useCaptured=true + } + }; + // Event Normalization + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + PointerDragging.prototype.createEventFromMouse = function (ev, isFirst) { + var deltaX = 0; + var deltaY = 0; + // TODO: repeat code + if (isFirst) { + this.origPageX = ev.pageX; + this.origPageY = ev.pageY; + } + else { + deltaX = ev.pageX - this.origPageX; + deltaY = ev.pageY - this.origPageY; + } + return { + origEvent: ev, + isTouch: false, + subjectEl: this.subjectEl, + pageX: ev.pageX, + pageY: ev.pageY, + deltaX: deltaX, + deltaY: deltaY, + }; + }; + PointerDragging.prototype.createEventFromTouch = function (ev, isFirst) { + var touches = ev.touches; + var pageX; + var pageY; + var deltaX = 0; + var deltaY = 0; + // if touch coords available, prefer, + // because FF would give bad ev.pageX ev.pageY + if (touches && touches.length) { + pageX = touches[0].pageX; + pageY = touches[0].pageY; + } + else { + pageX = ev.pageX; + pageY = ev.pageY; + } + // TODO: repeat code + if (isFirst) { + this.origPageX = pageX; + this.origPageY = pageY; + } + else { + deltaX = pageX - this.origPageX; + deltaY = pageY - this.origPageY; + } + return { + origEvent: ev, + isTouch: true, + subjectEl: this.subjectEl, + pageX: pageX, + pageY: pageY, + deltaX: deltaX, + deltaY: deltaY, + }; + }; + return PointerDragging; + }()); + // Returns a boolean whether this was a left mouse click and no ctrl key (which means right click on Mac) + function isPrimaryMouseButton(ev) { + return ev.button === 0 && !ev.ctrlKey; + } + // Ignoring fake mouse events generated by touch + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + function startIgnoringMouse() { + ignoreMouseDepth += 1; + setTimeout(function () { + ignoreMouseDepth -= 1; + }, config.touchMouseIgnoreWait); + } + // We want to attach touchmove as early as possible for Safari + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + function listenerCreated() { + listenerCnt += 1; + if (listenerCnt === 1) { + window.addEventListener('touchmove', onWindowTouchMove, { passive: false }); + } + } + function listenerDestroyed() { + listenerCnt -= 1; + if (!listenerCnt) { + window.removeEventListener('touchmove', onWindowTouchMove, { passive: false }); + } + } + function onWindowTouchMove(ev) { + if (isWindowTouchMoveCancelled) { + ev.preventDefault(); + } + } + + /* + An effect in which an element follows the movement of a pointer across the screen. + The moving element is a clone of some other element. + Must call start + handleMove + stop. + */ + var ElementMirror = /** @class */ (function () { + function ElementMirror() { + this.isVisible = false; // must be explicitly enabled + this.sourceEl = null; + this.mirrorEl = null; + this.sourceElRect = null; // screen coords relative to viewport + // options that can be set directly by caller + this.parentNode = document.body; // HIGHLY SUGGESTED to set this to sidestep ShadowDOM issues + this.zIndex = 9999; + this.revertDuration = 0; + } + ElementMirror.prototype.start = function (sourceEl, pageX, pageY) { + this.sourceEl = sourceEl; + this.sourceElRect = this.sourceEl.getBoundingClientRect(); + this.origScreenX = pageX - window.pageXOffset; + this.origScreenY = pageY - window.pageYOffset; + this.deltaX = 0; + this.deltaY = 0; + this.updateElPosition(); + }; + ElementMirror.prototype.handleMove = function (pageX, pageY) { + this.deltaX = (pageX - window.pageXOffset) - this.origScreenX; + this.deltaY = (pageY - window.pageYOffset) - this.origScreenY; + this.updateElPosition(); + }; + // can be called before start + ElementMirror.prototype.setIsVisible = function (bool) { + if (bool) { + if (!this.isVisible) { + if (this.mirrorEl) { + = ''; + } + this.isVisible = bool; // needs to happen before updateElPosition + this.updateElPosition(); // because was not updating the position while invisible + } + } + else if (this.isVisible) { + if (this.mirrorEl) { + = 'none'; + } + this.isVisible = bool; + } + }; + // always async + ElementMirror.prototype.stop = function (needsRevertAnimation, callback) { + var _this = this; + var done = function () { + _this.cleanup(); + callback(); + }; + if (needsRevertAnimation && + this.mirrorEl && + this.isVisible && + this.revertDuration && // if 0, transition won't work + (this.deltaX || this.deltaY) // if same coords, transition won't work + ) { + this.doRevertAnimation(done, this.revertDuration); + } + else { + setTimeout(done, 0); + } + }; + ElementMirror.prototype.doRevertAnimation = function (callback, revertDuration) { + var mirrorEl = this.mirrorEl; + var finalSourceElRect = this.sourceEl.getBoundingClientRect(); // because autoscrolling might have happened + = + 'top ' + revertDuration + 'ms,' + + 'left ' + revertDuration + 'ms'; + applyStyle(mirrorEl, { + left: finalSourceElRect.left, + top:, + }); + whenTransitionDone(mirrorEl, function () { + = ''; + callback(); + }); + }; + ElementMirror.prototype.cleanup = function () { + if (this.mirrorEl) { + removeElement(this.mirrorEl); + this.mirrorEl = null; + } + this.sourceEl = null; + }; + ElementMirror.prototype.updateElPosition = function () { + if (this.sourceEl && this.isVisible) { + applyStyle(this.getMirrorEl(), { + left: this.sourceElRect.left + this.deltaX, + top: + this.deltaY, + }); + } + }; + ElementMirror.prototype.getMirrorEl = function () { + var sourceElRect = this.sourceElRect; + var mirrorEl = this.mirrorEl; + if (!mirrorEl) { + mirrorEl = this.mirrorEl = this.sourceEl.cloneNode(true); // cloneChildren=true + // we don't want long taps or any mouse interaction causing selection/menus. + // would use preventSelection(), but that prevents selectstart, causing problems. + mirrorEl.classList.add('fc-unselectable'); + mirrorEl.classList.add('fc-event-dragging'); + applyStyle(mirrorEl, { + position: 'fixed', + zIndex: this.zIndex, + visibility: '', + boxSizing: 'border-box', + width: sourceElRect.right - sourceElRect.left, + height: sourceElRect.bottom -, + right: 'auto', + bottom: 'auto', + margin: 0, + }); + this.parentNode.appendChild(mirrorEl); + } + return mirrorEl; + }; + return ElementMirror; + }()); + + /* + Is a cache for a given element's scroll information (all the info that ScrollController stores) + in addition the "client rectangle" of the element.. the area within the scrollbars. + + The cache can be in one of two modes: + - doesListening:false - ignores when the container is scrolled by someone else + - doesListening:true - watch for scrolling and update the cache + */ + var ScrollGeomCache = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(ScrollGeomCache, _super); + function ScrollGeomCache(scrollController, doesListening) { + var _this = || this; + _this.handleScroll = function () { + _this.scrollTop = _this.scrollController.getScrollTop(); + _this.scrollLeft = _this.scrollController.getScrollLeft(); + _this.handleScrollChange(); + }; + _this.scrollController = scrollController; + _this.doesListening = doesListening; + _this.scrollTop = _this.origScrollTop = scrollController.getScrollTop(); + _this.scrollLeft = _this.origScrollLeft = scrollController.getScrollLeft(); + _this.scrollWidth = scrollController.getScrollWidth(); + _this.scrollHeight = scrollController.getScrollHeight(); + _this.clientWidth = scrollController.getClientWidth(); + _this.clientHeight = scrollController.getClientHeight(); + _this.clientRect = _this.computeClientRect(); // do last in case it needs cached values + if (_this.doesListening) { + _this.getEventTarget().addEventListener('scroll', _this.handleScroll); + } + return _this; + } + ScrollGeomCache.prototype.destroy = function () { + if (this.doesListening) { + this.getEventTarget().removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll); + } + }; + ScrollGeomCache.prototype.getScrollTop = function () { + return this.scrollTop; + }; + ScrollGeomCache.prototype.getScrollLeft = function () { + return this.scrollLeft; + }; + ScrollGeomCache.prototype.setScrollTop = function (top) { + this.scrollController.setScrollTop(top); + if (!this.doesListening) { + // we are not relying on the element to normalize out-of-bounds scroll values + // so we need to sanitize ourselves + this.scrollTop = Math.max(Math.min(top, this.getMaxScrollTop()), 0); + this.handleScrollChange(); + } + }; + ScrollGeomCache.prototype.setScrollLeft = function (top) { + this.scrollController.setScrollLeft(top); + if (!this.doesListening) { + // we are not relying on the element to normalize out-of-bounds scroll values + // so we need to sanitize ourselves + this.scrollLeft = Math.max(Math.min(top, this.getMaxScrollLeft()), 0); + this.handleScrollChange(); + } + }; + ScrollGeomCache.prototype.getClientWidth = function () { + return this.clientWidth; + }; + ScrollGeomCache.prototype.getClientHeight = function () { + return this.clientHeight; + }; + ScrollGeomCache.prototype.getScrollWidth = function () { + return this.scrollWidth; + }; + ScrollGeomCache.prototype.getScrollHeight = function () { + return this.scrollHeight; + }; + ScrollGeomCache.prototype.handleScrollChange = function () { + }; + return ScrollGeomCache; + }(ScrollController)); + + var ElementScrollGeomCache = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(ElementScrollGeomCache, _super); + function ElementScrollGeomCache(el, doesListening) { + return, new ElementScrollController(el), doesListening) || this; + } + ElementScrollGeomCache.prototype.getEventTarget = function () { + return this.scrollController.el; + }; + ElementScrollGeomCache.prototype.computeClientRect = function () { + return computeInnerRect(this.scrollController.el); + }; + return ElementScrollGeomCache; + }(ScrollGeomCache)); + + var WindowScrollGeomCache = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(WindowScrollGeomCache, _super); + function WindowScrollGeomCache(doesListening) { + return, new WindowScrollController(), doesListening) || this; + } + WindowScrollGeomCache.prototype.getEventTarget = function () { + return window; + }; + WindowScrollGeomCache.prototype.computeClientRect = function () { + return { + left: this.scrollLeft, + right: this.scrollLeft + this.clientWidth, + top: this.scrollTop, + bottom: this.scrollTop + this.clientHeight, + }; + }; + // the window is the only scroll object that changes it's rectangle relative + // to the document's topleft as it scrolls + WindowScrollGeomCache.prototype.handleScrollChange = function () { + this.clientRect = this.computeClientRect(); + }; + return WindowScrollGeomCache; + }(ScrollGeomCache)); + + // If available we are using native "performance" API instead of "Date" + // Read more about it on MDN: + // + var getTime = typeof performance === 'function' ? :; + /* + For a pointer interaction, automatically scrolls certain scroll containers when the pointer + approaches the edge. + + The caller must call start + handleMove + stop. + */ + var AutoScroller = /** @class */ (function () { + function AutoScroller() { + var _this = this; + // options that can be set by caller + this.isEnabled = true; + this.scrollQuery = [window, '.fc-scroller']; + this.edgeThreshold = 50; // pixels + this.maxVelocity = 300; // pixels per second + // internal state + this.pointerScreenX = null; + this.pointerScreenY = null; + this.isAnimating = false; + this.scrollCaches = null; + // protect against the initial pointerdown being too close to an edge and starting the scroll + this.everMovedUp = false; + this.everMovedDown = false; + this.everMovedLeft = false; + this.everMovedRight = false; + this.animate = function () { + if (_this.isAnimating) { // wasn't cancelled between animation calls + var edge = _this.computeBestEdge(_this.pointerScreenX + window.pageXOffset, _this.pointerScreenY + window.pageYOffset); + if (edge) { + var now = getTime(); + _this.handleSide(edge, (now - _this.msSinceRequest) / 1000); + _this.requestAnimation(now); + } + else { + _this.isAnimating = false; // will stop animation + } + } + }; + } + AutoScroller.prototype.start = function (pageX, pageY, scrollStartEl) { + if (this.isEnabled) { + this.scrollCaches = this.buildCaches(scrollStartEl); + this.pointerScreenX = null; + this.pointerScreenY = null; + this.everMovedUp = false; + this.everMovedDown = false; + this.everMovedLeft = false; + this.everMovedRight = false; + this.handleMove(pageX, pageY); + } + }; + AutoScroller.prototype.handleMove = function (pageX, pageY) { + if (this.isEnabled) { + var pointerScreenX = pageX - window.pageXOffset; + var pointerScreenY = pageY - window.pageYOffset; + var yDelta = this.pointerScreenY === null ? 0 : pointerScreenY - this.pointerScreenY; + var xDelta = this.pointerScreenX === null ? 0 : pointerScreenX - this.pointerScreenX; + if (yDelta < 0) { + this.everMovedUp = true; + } + else if (yDelta > 0) { + this.everMovedDown = true; + } + if (xDelta < 0) { + this.everMovedLeft = true; + } + else if (xDelta > 0) { + this.everMovedRight = true; + } + this.pointerScreenX = pointerScreenX; + this.pointerScreenY = pointerScreenY; + if (!this.isAnimating) { + this.isAnimating = true; + this.requestAnimation(getTime()); + } + } + }; + AutoScroller.prototype.stop = function () { + if (this.isEnabled) { + this.isAnimating = false; // will stop animation + for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scrollCaches; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var scrollCache = _a[_i]; + scrollCache.destroy(); + } + this.scrollCaches = null; + } + }; + AutoScroller.prototype.requestAnimation = function (now) { + this.msSinceRequest = now; + requestAnimationFrame(this.animate); + }; + AutoScroller.prototype.handleSide = function (edge, seconds) { + var scrollCache = edge.scrollCache; + var edgeThreshold = this.edgeThreshold; + var invDistance = edgeThreshold - edge.distance; + var velocity = // the closer to the edge, the faster we scroll + ((invDistance * invDistance) / (edgeThreshold * edgeThreshold)) * // quadratic + this.maxVelocity * seconds; + var sign = 1; + switch ( { + case 'left': + sign = -1; + // falls through + case 'right': + scrollCache.setScrollLeft(scrollCache.getScrollLeft() + velocity * sign); + break; + case 'top': + sign = -1; + // falls through + case 'bottom': + scrollCache.setScrollTop(scrollCache.getScrollTop() + velocity * sign); + break; + } + }; + // left/top are relative to document topleft + AutoScroller.prototype.computeBestEdge = function (left, top) { + var edgeThreshold = this.edgeThreshold; + var bestSide = null; + var scrollCaches = this.scrollCaches || []; + for (var _i = 0, scrollCaches_1 = scrollCaches; _i < scrollCaches_1.length; _i++) { + var scrollCache = scrollCaches_1[_i]; + var rect = scrollCache.clientRect; + var leftDist = left - rect.left; + var rightDist = rect.right - left; + var topDist = top -; + var bottomDist = rect.bottom - top; + // completely within the rect? + if (leftDist >= 0 && rightDist >= 0 && topDist >= 0 && bottomDist >= 0) { + if (topDist <= edgeThreshold && this.everMovedUp && scrollCache.canScrollUp() && + (!bestSide || bestSide.distance > topDist)) { + bestSide = { scrollCache: scrollCache, name: 'top', distance: topDist }; + } + if (bottomDist <= edgeThreshold && this.everMovedDown && scrollCache.canScrollDown() && + (!bestSide || bestSide.distance > bottomDist)) { + bestSide = { scrollCache: scrollCache, name: 'bottom', distance: bottomDist }; + } + if (leftDist <= edgeThreshold && this.everMovedLeft && scrollCache.canScrollLeft() && + (!bestSide || bestSide.distance > leftDist)) { + bestSide = { scrollCache: scrollCache, name: 'left', distance: leftDist }; + } + if (rightDist <= edgeThreshold && this.everMovedRight && scrollCache.canScrollRight() && + (!bestSide || bestSide.distance > rightDist)) { + bestSide = { scrollCache: scrollCache, name: 'right', distance: rightDist }; + } + } + } + return bestSide; + }; + AutoScroller.prototype.buildCaches = function (scrollStartEl) { + return this.queryScrollEls(scrollStartEl).map(function (el) { + if (el === window) { + return new WindowScrollGeomCache(false); // false = don't listen to user-generated scrolls + } + return new ElementScrollGeomCache(el, false); // false = don't listen to user-generated scrolls + }); + }; + AutoScroller.prototype.queryScrollEls = function (scrollStartEl) { + var els = []; + for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scrollQuery; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var query = _a[_i]; + if (typeof query === 'object') { + els.push(query); + } + else { + els.push.apply(els,; + } + } + return els; + }; + return AutoScroller; + }()); + + /* + Monitors dragging on an element. Has a number of high-level features: + - minimum distance required before dragging + - minimum wait time ("delay") before dragging + - a mirror element that follows the pointer + */ + var FeaturefulElementDragging = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(FeaturefulElementDragging, _super); + function FeaturefulElementDragging(containerEl, selector) { + var _this =, containerEl) || this; + _this.containerEl = containerEl; + // options that can be directly set by caller + // the caller can also set the PointerDragging's options as well + _this.delay = null; + _this.minDistance = 0; + _this.touchScrollAllowed = true; // prevents drag from starting and blocks scrolling during drag + _this.mirrorNeedsRevert = false; + _this.isInteracting = false; // is the user validly moving the pointer? lasts until pointerup + _this.isDragging = false; // is it INTENTFULLY dragging? lasts until after revert animation + _this.isDelayEnded = false; + _this.isDistanceSurpassed = false; + _this.delayTimeoutId = null; + _this.onPointerDown = function (ev) { + if (!_this.isDragging) { // so new drag doesn't happen while revert animation is going + _this.isInteracting = true; + _this.isDelayEnded = false; + _this.isDistanceSurpassed = false; + preventSelection(document.body); + preventContextMenu(document.body); + // prevent links from being visited if there's an eventual drag. + // also prevents selection in older browsers (maybe?). + // not necessary for touch, besides, browser would complain about passiveness. + if (!ev.isTouch) { + ev.origEvent.preventDefault(); + } + _this.emitter.trigger('pointerdown', ev); + if (_this.isInteracting && // not destroyed via pointerdown handler + !_this.pointer.shouldIgnoreMove) { + // actions related to initiating dragstart+dragmove+dragend... + _this.mirror.setIsVisible(false); // reset. caller must set-visible + _this.mirror.start(ev.subjectEl, ev.pageX, ev.pageY); // must happen on first pointer down + _this.startDelay(ev); + if (!_this.minDistance) { + _this.handleDistanceSurpassed(ev); + } + } + } + }; + _this.onPointerMove = function (ev) { + if (_this.isInteracting) { + _this.emitter.trigger('pointermove', ev); + if (!_this.isDistanceSurpassed) { + var minDistance = _this.minDistance; + var distanceSq = void 0; // current distance from the origin, squared + var deltaX = ev.deltaX, deltaY = ev.deltaY; + distanceSq = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY; + if (distanceSq >= minDistance * minDistance) { // use pythagorean theorem + _this.handleDistanceSurpassed(ev); + } + } + if (_this.isDragging) { + // a real pointer move? (not one simulated by scrolling) + if (ev.origEvent.type !== 'scroll') { + _this.mirror.handleMove(ev.pageX, ev.pageY); + _this.autoScroller.handleMove(ev.pageX, ev.pageY); + } + _this.emitter.trigger('dragmove', ev); + } + } + }; + _this.onPointerUp = function (ev) { + if (_this.isInteracting) { + _this.isInteracting = false; + allowSelection(document.body); + allowContextMenu(document.body); + _this.emitter.trigger('pointerup', ev); // can potentially set mirrorNeedsRevert + if (_this.isDragging) { + _this.autoScroller.stop(); + _this.tryStopDrag(ev); // which will stop the mirror + } + if (_this.delayTimeoutId) { + clearTimeout(_this.delayTimeoutId); + _this.delayTimeoutId = null; + } + } + }; + var pointer = _this.pointer = new PointerDragging(containerEl); + pointer.emitter.on('pointerdown', _this.onPointerDown); + pointer.emitter.on('pointermove', _this.onPointerMove); + pointer.emitter.on('pointerup', _this.onPointerUp); + if (selector) { + pointer.selector = selector; + } + _this.mirror = new ElementMirror(); + _this.autoScroller = new AutoScroller(); + return _this; + } + FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.destroy = function () { + this.pointer.destroy(); + // HACK: simulate a pointer-up to end the current drag + // TODO: fire 'dragend' directly and stop interaction. discourage use of pointerup event (b/c might not fire) + this.onPointerUp({}); + }; + FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.startDelay = function (ev) { + var _this = this; + if (typeof this.delay === 'number') { + this.delayTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () { + _this.delayTimeoutId = null; + _this.handleDelayEnd(ev); + }, this.delay); // not assignable to number! + } + else { + this.handleDelayEnd(ev); + } + }; + FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.handleDelayEnd = function (ev) { + this.isDelayEnded = true; + this.tryStartDrag(ev); + }; + FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.handleDistanceSurpassed = function (ev) { + this.isDistanceSurpassed = true; + this.tryStartDrag(ev); + }; + FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.tryStartDrag = function (ev) { + if (this.isDelayEnded && this.isDistanceSurpassed) { + if (!this.pointer.wasTouchScroll || this.touchScrollAllowed) { + this.isDragging = true; + this.mirrorNeedsRevert = false; + this.autoScroller.start(ev.pageX, ev.pageY, this.containerEl); + this.emitter.trigger('dragstart', ev); + if (this.touchScrollAllowed === false) { + this.pointer.cancelTouchScroll(); + } + } + } + }; + FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.tryStopDrag = function (ev) { + // .stop() is ALWAYS asynchronous, which we NEED because we want all pointerup events + // that come from the document to fire beforehand. much more convenient this way. + this.mirror.stop(this.mirrorNeedsRevert, this.stopDrag.bind(this, ev)); + }; + FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.stopDrag = function (ev) { + this.isDragging = false; + this.emitter.trigger('dragend', ev); + }; + // fill in the implementations... + FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.setIgnoreMove = function (bool) { + this.pointer.shouldIgnoreMove = bool; + }; + FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.setMirrorIsVisible = function (bool) { + this.mirror.setIsVisible(bool); + }; + FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.setMirrorNeedsRevert = function (bool) { + this.mirrorNeedsRevert = bool; + }; + FeaturefulElementDragging.prototype.setAutoScrollEnabled = function (bool) { + this.autoScroller.isEnabled = bool; + }; + return FeaturefulElementDragging; + }(ElementDragging)); + + /* + When this class is instantiated, it records the offset of an element (relative to the document topleft), + and continues to monitor scrolling, updating the cached coordinates if it needs to. + Does not access the DOM after instantiation, so highly performant. + + Also keeps track of all scrolling/overflow:hidden containers that are parents of the given element + and an determine if a given point is inside the combined clipping rectangle. + */ + var OffsetTracker = /** @class */ (function () { + function OffsetTracker(el) { + this.origRect = computeRect(el); + // will work fine for divs that have overflow:hidden + this.scrollCaches = getClippingParents(el).map(function (scrollEl) { return new ElementScrollGeomCache(scrollEl, true); }); + } + OffsetTracker.prototype.destroy = function () { + for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scrollCaches; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var scrollCache = _a[_i]; + scrollCache.destroy(); + } + }; + OffsetTracker.prototype.computeLeft = function () { + var left = this.origRect.left; + for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scrollCaches; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var scrollCache = _a[_i]; + left += scrollCache.origScrollLeft - scrollCache.getScrollLeft(); + } + return left; + }; + OffsetTracker.prototype.computeTop = function () { + var top =; + for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scrollCaches; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var scrollCache = _a[_i]; + top += scrollCache.origScrollTop - scrollCache.getScrollTop(); + } + return top; + }; + OffsetTracker.prototype.isWithinClipping = function (pageX, pageY) { + var point = { left: pageX, top: pageY }; + for (var _i = 0, _a = this.scrollCaches; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var scrollCache = _a[_i]; + if (!isIgnoredClipping(scrollCache.getEventTarget()) && + !pointInsideRect(point, scrollCache.clientRect)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + }; + return OffsetTracker; + }()); + // certain clipping containers should never constrain interactions, like and + // + function isIgnoredClipping(node) { + var tagName = node.tagName; + return tagName === 'HTML' || tagName === 'BODY'; + } + + /* + Tracks movement over multiple droppable areas (aka "hits") + that exist in one or more DateComponents. + Relies on an existing draggable. + + emits: + - pointerdown + - dragstart + - hitchange - fires initially, even if not over a hit + - pointerup + - (hitchange - again, to null, if ended over a hit) + - dragend + */ + var HitDragging = /** @class */ (function () { + function HitDragging(dragging, droppableStore) { + var _this = this; + // options that can be set by caller + this.useSubjectCenter = false; + this.requireInitial = true; // if doesn't start out on a hit, won't emit any events + this.initialHit = null; + this.movingHit = null; + this.finalHit = null; // won't ever be populated if shouldIgnoreMove + this.handlePointerDown = function (ev) { + var dragging = _this.dragging; + _this.initialHit = null; + _this.movingHit = null; + _this.finalHit = null; + _this.prepareHits(); + _this.processFirstCoord(ev); + if (_this.initialHit || !_this.requireInitial) { + dragging.setIgnoreMove(false); + // TODO: fire this before computing processFirstCoord, so listeners can cancel. this gets fired by almost every handler :( + _this.emitter.trigger('pointerdown', ev); + } + else { + dragging.setIgnoreMove(true); + } + }; + this.handleDragStart = function (ev) { + _this.emitter.trigger('dragstart', ev); + _this.handleMove(ev, true); // force = fire even if initially null + }; + this.handleDragMove = function (ev) { + _this.emitter.trigger('dragmove', ev); + _this.handleMove(ev); + }; + this.handlePointerUp = function (ev) { + _this.releaseHits(); + _this.emitter.trigger('pointerup', ev); + }; + this.handleDragEnd = function (ev) { + if (_this.movingHit) { + _this.emitter.trigger('hitupdate', null, true, ev); + } + _this.finalHit = _this.movingHit; + _this.movingHit = null; + _this.emitter.trigger('dragend', ev); + }; + this.droppableStore = droppableStore; + dragging.emitter.on('pointerdown', this.handlePointerDown); + dragging.emitter.on('dragstart', this.handleDragStart); + dragging.emitter.on('dragmove', this.handleDragMove); + dragging.emitter.on('pointerup', this.handlePointerUp); + dragging.emitter.on('dragend', this.handleDragEnd); + this.dragging = dragging; + this.emitter = new Emitter(); + } + // sets initialHit + // sets coordAdjust + HitDragging.prototype.processFirstCoord = function (ev) { + var origPoint = { left: ev.pageX, top: ev.pageY }; + var adjustedPoint = origPoint; + var subjectEl = ev.subjectEl; + var subjectRect; + if (subjectEl instanceof HTMLElement) { // i.e. not a Document/ShadowRoot + subjectRect = computeRect(subjectEl); + adjustedPoint = constrainPoint(adjustedPoint, subjectRect); + } + var initialHit = this.initialHit = this.queryHitForOffset(adjustedPoint.left,; + if (initialHit) { + if (this.useSubjectCenter && subjectRect) { + var slicedSubjectRect = intersectRects(subjectRect, initialHit.rect); + if (slicedSubjectRect) { + adjustedPoint = getRectCenter(slicedSubjectRect); + } + } + this.coordAdjust = diffPoints(adjustedPoint, origPoint); + } + else { + this.coordAdjust = { left: 0, top: 0 }; + } + }; + HitDragging.prototype.handleMove = function (ev, forceHandle) { + var hit = this.queryHitForOffset(ev.pageX + this.coordAdjust.left, ev.pageY +; + if (forceHandle || !isHitsEqual(this.movingHit, hit)) { + this.movingHit = hit; + this.emitter.trigger('hitupdate', hit, false, ev); + } + }; + HitDragging.prototype.prepareHits = function () { + this.offsetTrackers = mapHash(this.droppableStore, function (interactionSettings) { + interactionSettings.component.prepareHits(); + return new OffsetTracker(interactionSettings.el); + }); + }; + HitDragging.prototype.releaseHits = function () { + var offsetTrackers = this.offsetTrackers; + for (var id in offsetTrackers) { + offsetTrackers[id].destroy(); + } + this.offsetTrackers = {}; + }; + HitDragging.prototype.queryHitForOffset = function (offsetLeft, offsetTop) { + var _a = this, droppableStore = _a.droppableStore, offsetTrackers = _a.offsetTrackers; + var bestHit = null; + for (var id in droppableStore) { + var component = droppableStore[id].component; + var offsetTracker = offsetTrackers[id]; + if (offsetTracker && // wasn't destroyed mid-drag + offsetTracker.isWithinClipping(offsetLeft, offsetTop)) { + var originLeft = offsetTracker.computeLeft(); + var originTop = offsetTracker.computeTop(); + var positionLeft = offsetLeft - originLeft; + var positionTop = offsetTop - originTop; + var origRect = offsetTracker.origRect; + var width = origRect.right - origRect.left; + var height = origRect.bottom -; + if ( + // must be within the element's bounds + positionLeft >= 0 && positionLeft < width && + positionTop >= 0 && positionTop < height) { + var hit = component.queryHit(positionLeft, positionTop, width, height); + if (hit && ( + // make sure the hit is within activeRange, meaning it's not a dead cell + rangeContainsRange(hit.dateProfile.activeRange, hit.dateSpan.range)) && + (!bestHit || hit.layer > bestHit.layer)) { + hit.componentId = id; + hit.context = component.context; + // TODO: better way to re-orient rectangle + hit.rect.left += originLeft; + hit.rect.right += originLeft; + += originTop; + hit.rect.bottom += originTop; + bestHit = hit; + } + } + } + } + return bestHit; + }; + return HitDragging; + }()); + function isHitsEqual(hit0, hit1) { + if (!hit0 && !hit1) { + return true; + } + if (Boolean(hit0) !== Boolean(hit1)) { + return false; + } + return isDateSpansEqual(hit0.dateSpan, hit1.dateSpan); + } + + function buildDatePointApiWithContext(dateSpan, context) { + var props = {}; + for (var _i = 0, _a = context.pluginHooks.datePointTransforms; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var transform = _a[_i]; + __assign(props, transform(dateSpan, context)); + } + __assign(props, buildDatePointApi(dateSpan, context.dateEnv)); + return props; + } + function buildDatePointApi(span, dateEnv) { + return { + date: dateEnv.toDate(span.range.start), + dateStr: dateEnv.formatIso(span.range.start, { omitTime: span.allDay }), + allDay: span.allDay, + }; + } + + /* + Monitors when the user clicks on a specific date/time of a component. + A pointerdown+pointerup on the same "hit" constitutes a click. + */ + var DateClicking = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(DateClicking, _super); + function DateClicking(settings) { + var _this =, settings) || this; + _this.handlePointerDown = function (pev) { + var dragging = _this.dragging; + var downEl =; + // do this in pointerdown (not dragend) because DOM might be mutated by the time dragend is fired + dragging.setIgnoreMove(!_this.component.isValidDateDownEl(downEl)); + }; + // won't even fire if moving was ignored + _this.handleDragEnd = function (ev) { + var component = _this.component; + var pointer = _this.dragging.pointer; + if (!pointer.wasTouchScroll) { + var _a = _this.hitDragging, initialHit = _a.initialHit, finalHit = _a.finalHit; + if (initialHit && finalHit && isHitsEqual(initialHit, finalHit)) { + var context = component.context; + var arg = __assign(__assign({}, buildDatePointApiWithContext(initialHit.dateSpan, context)), { dayEl: initialHit.dayEl, jsEvent: ev.origEvent, view: context.viewApi || context.calendarApi.view }); + context.emitter.trigger('dateClick', arg); + } + } + }; + // we DO want to watch pointer moves because otherwise finalHit won't get populated + _this.dragging = new FeaturefulElementDragging(settings.el); + _this.dragging.autoScroller.isEnabled = false; + var hitDragging = _this.hitDragging = new HitDragging(_this.dragging, interactionSettingsToStore(settings)); + hitDragging.emitter.on('pointerdown', _this.handlePointerDown); + hitDragging.emitter.on('dragend', _this.handleDragEnd); + return _this; + } + DateClicking.prototype.destroy = function () { + this.dragging.destroy(); + }; + return DateClicking; + }(Interaction)); + + /* + Tracks when the user selects a portion of time of a component, + constituted by a drag over date cells, with a possible delay at the beginning of the drag. + */ + var DateSelecting = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(DateSelecting, _super); + function DateSelecting(settings) { + var _this =, settings) || this; + _this.dragSelection = null; + _this.handlePointerDown = function (ev) { + var _a = _this, component = _a.component, dragging = _a.dragging; + var options = component.context.options; + var canSelect = options.selectable && + component.isValidDateDownEl(; + // don't bother to watch expensive moves if component won't do selection + dragging.setIgnoreMove(!canSelect); + // if touch, require user to hold down + dragging.delay = ev.isTouch ? getComponentTouchDelay$1(component) : null; + }; + _this.handleDragStart = function (ev) { + _this.component.context.calendarApi.unselect(ev); // unselect previous selections + }; + _this.handleHitUpdate = function (hit, isFinal) { + var context = _this.component.context; + var dragSelection = null; + var isInvalid = false; + if (hit) { + var initialHit = _this.hitDragging.initialHit; + var disallowed = hit.componentId === initialHit.componentId + && _this.isHitComboAllowed + && !_this.isHitComboAllowed(initialHit, hit); + if (!disallowed) { + dragSelection = joinHitsIntoSelection(initialHit, hit, context.pluginHooks.dateSelectionTransformers); + } + if (!dragSelection || !isDateSelectionValid(dragSelection, hit.dateProfile, context)) { + isInvalid = true; + dragSelection = null; + } + } + if (dragSelection) { + context.dispatch({ type: 'SELECT_DATES', selection: dragSelection }); + } + else if (!isFinal) { // only unselect if moved away while dragging + context.dispatch({ type: 'UNSELECT_DATES' }); + } + if (!isInvalid) { + enableCursor(); + } + else { + disableCursor(); + } + if (!isFinal) { + _this.dragSelection = dragSelection; // only clear if moved away from all hits while dragging + } + }; + _this.handlePointerUp = function (pev) { + if (_this.dragSelection) { + // selection is already rendered, so just need to report selection + triggerDateSelect(_this.dragSelection, pev, _this.component.context); + _this.dragSelection = null; + } + }; + var component = settings.component; + var options = component.context.options; + var dragging = _this.dragging = new FeaturefulElementDragging(settings.el); + dragging.touchScrollAllowed = false; + dragging.minDistance = options.selectMinDistance || 0; + dragging.autoScroller.isEnabled = options.dragScroll; + var hitDragging = _this.hitDragging = new HitDragging(_this.dragging, interactionSettingsToStore(settings)); + hitDragging.emitter.on('pointerdown', _this.handlePointerDown); + hitDragging.emitter.on('dragstart', _this.handleDragStart); + hitDragging.emitter.on('hitupdate', _this.handleHitUpdate); + hitDragging.emitter.on('pointerup', _this.handlePointerUp); + return _this; + } + DateSelecting.prototype.destroy = function () { + this.dragging.destroy(); + }; + return DateSelecting; + }(Interaction)); + function getComponentTouchDelay$1(component) { + var options = component.context.options; + var delay = options.selectLongPressDelay; + if (delay == null) { + delay = options.longPressDelay; + } + return delay; + } + function joinHitsIntoSelection(hit0, hit1, dateSelectionTransformers) { + var dateSpan0 = hit0.dateSpan; + var dateSpan1 = hit1.dateSpan; + var ms = [ + dateSpan0.range.start, + dateSpan0.range.end, + dateSpan1.range.start, + dateSpan1.range.end, + ]; + ms.sort(compareNumbers); + var props = {}; + for (var _i = 0, dateSelectionTransformers_1 = dateSelectionTransformers; _i < dateSelectionTransformers_1.length; _i++) { + var transformer = dateSelectionTransformers_1[_i]; + var res = transformer(hit0, hit1); + if (res === false) { + return null; + } + if (res) { + __assign(props, res); + } + } + props.range = { start: ms[0], end: ms[3] }; + props.allDay = dateSpan0.allDay; + return props; + } + + var EventDragging = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(EventDragging, _super); + function EventDragging(settings) { + var _this =, settings) || this; + // internal state + _this.subjectEl = null; + _this.subjectSeg = null; // the seg being selected/dragged + _this.isDragging = false; + _this.eventRange = null; + _this.relevantEvents = null; // the events being dragged + _this.receivingContext = null; + _this.validMutation = null; + _this.mutatedRelevantEvents = null; + _this.handlePointerDown = function (ev) { + var origTarget =; + var _a = _this, component = _a.component, dragging = _a.dragging; + var mirror = dragging.mirror; + var options = component.context.options; + var initialContext = component.context; + _this.subjectEl = ev.subjectEl; + var subjectSeg = _this.subjectSeg = getElSeg(ev.subjectEl); + var eventRange = _this.eventRange = subjectSeg.eventRange; + var eventInstanceId = eventRange.instance.instanceId; + _this.relevantEvents = getRelevantEvents(initialContext.getCurrentData().eventStore, eventInstanceId); + dragging.minDistance = ev.isTouch ? 0 : options.eventDragMinDistance; + dragging.delay = + // only do a touch delay if touch and this event hasn't been selected yet + (ev.isTouch && eventInstanceId !== component.props.eventSelection) ? + getComponentTouchDelay(component) : + null; + if (options.fixedMirrorParent) { + mirror.parentNode = options.fixedMirrorParent; + } + else { + mirror.parentNode = elementClosest(origTarget, '.fc'); + } + mirror.revertDuration = options.dragRevertDuration; + var isValid = component.isValidSegDownEl(origTarget) && + !elementClosest(origTarget, '.fc-event-resizer'); // NOT on a resizer + dragging.setIgnoreMove(!isValid); + // disable dragging for elements that are resizable (ie, selectable) + // but are not draggable + _this.isDragging = isValid && + ev.subjectEl.classList.contains('fc-event-draggable'); + }; + _this.handleDragStart = function (ev) { + var initialContext = _this.component.context; + var eventRange = _this.eventRange; + var eventInstanceId = eventRange.instance.instanceId; + if (ev.isTouch) { + // need to select a different event? + if (eventInstanceId !== _this.component.props.eventSelection) { + initialContext.dispatch({ type: 'SELECT_EVENT', eventInstanceId: eventInstanceId }); + } + } + else { + // if now using mouse, but was previous touch interaction, clear selected event + initialContext.dispatch({ type: 'UNSELECT_EVENT' }); + } + if (_this.isDragging) { + initialContext.calendarApi.unselect(ev); // unselect *date* selection + initialContext.emitter.trigger('eventDragStart', { + el: _this.subjectEl, + event: new EventApi(initialContext, eventRange.def, eventRange.instance), + jsEvent: ev.origEvent, + view: initialContext.viewApi, + }); + } + }; + _this.handleHitUpdate = function (hit, isFinal) { + if (!_this.isDragging) { + return; + } + var relevantEvents = _this.relevantEvents; + var initialHit = _this.hitDragging.initialHit; + var initialContext = _this.component.context; + // states based on new hit + var receivingContext = null; + var mutation = null; + var mutatedRelevantEvents = null; + var isInvalid = false; + var interaction = { + affectedEvents: relevantEvents, + mutatedEvents: createEmptyEventStore(), + isEvent: true, + }; + if (hit) { + receivingContext = hit.context; + var receivingOptions = receivingContext.options; + if (initialContext === receivingContext || + (receivingOptions.editable && receivingOptions.droppable)) { + mutation = computeEventMutation(initialHit, hit, receivingContext.getCurrentData().pluginHooks.eventDragMutationMassagers); + if (mutation) { + mutatedRelevantEvents = applyMutationToEventStore(relevantEvents, receivingContext.getCurrentData().eventUiBases, mutation, receivingContext); + interaction.mutatedEvents = mutatedRelevantEvents; + if (!isInteractionValid(interaction, hit.dateProfile, receivingContext)) { + isInvalid = true; + mutation = null; + mutatedRelevantEvents = null; + interaction.mutatedEvents = createEmptyEventStore(); + } + } + } + else { + receivingContext = null; + } + } + _this.displayDrag(receivingContext, interaction); + if (!isInvalid) { + enableCursor(); + } + else { + disableCursor(); + } + if (!isFinal) { + if (initialContext === receivingContext && // TODO: write test for this + isHitsEqual(initialHit, hit)) { + mutation = null; + } + _this.dragging.setMirrorNeedsRevert(!mutation); + // render the mirror if no already-rendered mirror + // TODO: wish we could somehow wait for dispatch to guarantee render + _this.dragging.setMirrorIsVisible(!hit || !getElRoot(_this.subjectEl).querySelector('.fc-event-mirror')); + // assign states based on new hit + _this.receivingContext = receivingContext; + _this.validMutation = mutation; + _this.mutatedRelevantEvents = mutatedRelevantEvents; + } + }; + _this.handlePointerUp = function () { + if (!_this.isDragging) { + _this.cleanup(); // because handleDragEnd won't fire + } + }; + _this.handleDragEnd = function (ev) { + if (_this.isDragging) { + var initialContext_1 = _this.component.context; + var initialView = initialContext_1.viewApi; + var _a = _this, receivingContext_1 = _a.receivingContext, validMutation = _a.validMutation; + var eventDef = _this.eventRange.def; + var eventInstance = _this.eventRange.instance; + var eventApi = new EventApi(initialContext_1, eventDef, eventInstance); + var relevantEvents_1 = _this.relevantEvents; + var mutatedRelevantEvents_1 = _this.mutatedRelevantEvents; + var finalHit = _this.hitDragging.finalHit; + _this.clearDrag(); // must happen after revert animation + initialContext_1.emitter.trigger('eventDragStop', { + el: _this.subjectEl, + event: eventApi, + jsEvent: ev.origEvent, + view: initialView, + }); + if (validMutation) { + // dropped within same calendar + if (receivingContext_1 === initialContext_1) { + var updatedEventApi = new EventApi(initialContext_1, mutatedRelevantEvents_1.defs[eventDef.defId], eventInstance ? mutatedRelevantEvents_1.instances[eventInstance.instanceId] : null); + initialContext_1.dispatch({ + type: 'MERGE_EVENTS', + eventStore: mutatedRelevantEvents_1, + }); + var eventChangeArg = { + oldEvent: eventApi, + event: updatedEventApi, + relatedEvents: buildEventApis(mutatedRelevantEvents_1, initialContext_1, eventInstance), + revert: function () { + initialContext_1.dispatch({ + type: 'MERGE_EVENTS', + eventStore: relevantEvents_1, // the pre-change data + }); + }, + }; + var transformed = {}; + for (var _i = 0, _b = initialContext_1.getCurrentData().pluginHooks.eventDropTransformers; _i < _b.length; _i++) { + var transformer = _b[_i]; + __assign(transformed, transformer(validMutation, initialContext_1)); + } + initialContext_1.emitter.trigger('eventDrop', __assign(__assign(__assign({}, eventChangeArg), transformed), { el: ev.subjectEl, delta: validMutation.datesDelta, jsEvent: ev.origEvent, view: initialView })); + initialContext_1.emitter.trigger('eventChange', eventChangeArg); + // dropped in different calendar + } + else if (receivingContext_1) { + var eventRemoveArg = { + event: eventApi, + relatedEvents: buildEventApis(relevantEvents_1, initialContext_1, eventInstance), + revert: function () { + initialContext_1.dispatch({ + type: 'MERGE_EVENTS', + eventStore: relevantEvents_1, + }); + }, + }; + initialContext_1.emitter.trigger('eventLeave', __assign(__assign({}, eventRemoveArg), { draggedEl: ev.subjectEl, view: initialView })); + initialContext_1.dispatch({ + type: 'REMOVE_EVENTS', + eventStore: relevantEvents_1, + }); + initialContext_1.emitter.trigger('eventRemove', eventRemoveArg); + var addedEventDef = mutatedRelevantEvents_1.defs[eventDef.defId]; + var addedEventInstance = mutatedRelevantEvents_1.instances[eventInstance.instanceId]; + var addedEventApi = new EventApi(receivingContext_1, addedEventDef, addedEventInstance); + receivingContext_1.dispatch({ + type: 'MERGE_EVENTS', + eventStore: mutatedRelevantEvents_1, + }); + var eventAddArg = { + event: addedEventApi, + relatedEvents: buildEventApis(mutatedRelevantEvents_1, receivingContext_1, addedEventInstance), + revert: function () { + receivingContext_1.dispatch({ + type: 'REMOVE_EVENTS', + eventStore: mutatedRelevantEvents_1, + }); + }, + }; + receivingContext_1.emitter.trigger('eventAdd', eventAddArg); + if (ev.isTouch) { + receivingContext_1.dispatch({ + type: 'SELECT_EVENT', + eventInstanceId: eventInstance.instanceId, + }); + } + receivingContext_1.emitter.trigger('drop', __assign(__assign({}, buildDatePointApiWithContext(finalHit.dateSpan, receivingContext_1)), { draggedEl: ev.subjectEl, jsEvent: ev.origEvent, view: finalHit.context.viewApi })); + receivingContext_1.emitter.trigger('eventReceive', __assign(__assign({}, eventAddArg), { draggedEl: ev.subjectEl, view: finalHit.context.viewApi })); + } + } + else { + initialContext_1.emitter.trigger('_noEventDrop'); + } + } + _this.cleanup(); + }; + var component = _this.component; + var options = component.context.options; + var dragging = _this.dragging = new FeaturefulElementDragging(settings.el); + dragging.pointer.selector = EventDragging.SELECTOR; + dragging.touchScrollAllowed = false; + dragging.autoScroller.isEnabled = options.dragScroll; + var hitDragging = _this.hitDragging = new HitDragging(_this.dragging, interactionSettingsStore); + hitDragging.useSubjectCenter = settings.useEventCenter; + hitDragging.emitter.on('pointerdown', _this.handlePointerDown); + hitDragging.emitter.on('dragstart', _this.handleDragStart); + hitDragging.emitter.on('hitupdate', _this.handleHitUpdate); + hitDragging.emitter.on('pointerup', _this.handlePointerUp); + hitDragging.emitter.on('dragend', _this.handleDragEnd); + return _this; + } + EventDragging.prototype.destroy = function () { + this.dragging.destroy(); + }; + // render a drag state on the next receivingCalendar + EventDragging.prototype.displayDrag = function (nextContext, state) { + var initialContext = this.component.context; + var prevContext = this.receivingContext; + // does the previous calendar need to be cleared? + if (prevContext && prevContext !== nextContext) { + // does the initial calendar need to be cleared? + // if so, don't clear all the way. we still need to to hide the affectedEvents + if (prevContext === initialContext) { + prevContext.dispatch({ + type: 'SET_EVENT_DRAG', + state: { + affectedEvents: state.affectedEvents, + mutatedEvents: createEmptyEventStore(), + isEvent: true, + }, + }); + // completely clear the old calendar if it wasn't the initial + } + else { + prevContext.dispatch({ type: 'UNSET_EVENT_DRAG' }); + } + } + if (nextContext) { + nextContext.dispatch({ type: 'SET_EVENT_DRAG', state: state }); + } + }; + EventDragging.prototype.clearDrag = function () { + var initialCalendar = this.component.context; + var receivingContext = this.receivingContext; + if (receivingContext) { + receivingContext.dispatch({ type: 'UNSET_EVENT_DRAG' }); + } + // the initial calendar might have an dummy drag state from displayDrag + if (initialCalendar !== receivingContext) { + initialCalendar.dispatch({ type: 'UNSET_EVENT_DRAG' }); + } + }; + EventDragging.prototype.cleanup = function () { + this.subjectSeg = null; + this.isDragging = false; + this.eventRange = null; + this.relevantEvents = null; + this.receivingContext = null; + this.validMutation = null; + this.mutatedRelevantEvents = null; + }; + // TODO: test this in IE11 + // QUESTION: why do we need it on the resizable??? + EventDragging.SELECTOR = '.fc-event-draggable, .fc-event-resizable'; + return EventDragging; + }(Interaction)); + function computeEventMutation(hit0, hit1, massagers) { + var dateSpan0 = hit0.dateSpan; + var dateSpan1 = hit1.dateSpan; + var date0 = dateSpan0.range.start; + var date1 = dateSpan1.range.start; + var standardProps = {}; + if (dateSpan0.allDay !== dateSpan1.allDay) { + standardProps.allDay = dateSpan1.allDay; + standardProps.hasEnd = hit1.context.options.allDayMaintainDuration; + if (dateSpan1.allDay) { + // means date1 is already start-of-day, + // but date0 needs to be converted + date0 = startOfDay(date0); + } + } + var delta = diffDates(date0, date1, hit0.context.dateEnv, hit0.componentId === hit1.componentId ? + hit0.largeUnit : + null); + if (delta.milliseconds) { // has hours/minutes/seconds + standardProps.allDay = false; + } + var mutation = { + datesDelta: delta, + standardProps: standardProps, + }; + for (var _i = 0, massagers_1 = massagers; _i < massagers_1.length; _i++) { + var massager = massagers_1[_i]; + massager(mutation, hit0, hit1); + } + return mutation; + } + function getComponentTouchDelay(component) { + var options = component.context.options; + var delay = options.eventLongPressDelay; + if (delay == null) { + delay = options.longPressDelay; + } + return delay; + } + + var EventResizing = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(EventResizing, _super); + function EventResizing(settings) { + var _this =, settings) || this; + // internal state + _this.draggingSegEl = null; + _this.draggingSeg = null; // TODO: rename to resizingSeg? subjectSeg? + _this.eventRange = null; + _this.relevantEvents = null; + _this.validMutation = null; + _this.mutatedRelevantEvents = null; + _this.handlePointerDown = function (ev) { + var component = _this.component; + var segEl = _this.querySegEl(ev); + var seg = getElSeg(segEl); + var eventRange = _this.eventRange = seg.eventRange; + _this.dragging.minDistance = component.context.options.eventDragMinDistance; + // if touch, need to be working with a selected event + _this.dragging.setIgnoreMove(!_this.component.isValidSegDownEl( || + (ev.isTouch && _this.component.props.eventSelection !== eventRange.instance.instanceId)); + }; + _this.handleDragStart = function (ev) { + var context = _this.component.context; + var eventRange = _this.eventRange; + _this.relevantEvents = getRelevantEvents(context.getCurrentData().eventStore, _this.eventRange.instance.instanceId); + var segEl = _this.querySegEl(ev); + _this.draggingSegEl = segEl; + _this.draggingSeg = getElSeg(segEl); + context.calendarApi.unselect(); + context.emitter.trigger('eventResizeStart', { + el: segEl, + event: new EventApi(context, eventRange.def, eventRange.instance), + jsEvent: ev.origEvent, + view: context.viewApi, + }); + }; + _this.handleHitUpdate = function (hit, isFinal, ev) { + var context = _this.component.context; + var relevantEvents = _this.relevantEvents; + var initialHit = _this.hitDragging.initialHit; + var eventInstance = _this.eventRange.instance; + var mutation = null; + var mutatedRelevantEvents = null; + var isInvalid = false; + var interaction = { + affectedEvents: relevantEvents, + mutatedEvents: createEmptyEventStore(), + isEvent: true, + }; + if (hit) { + var disallowed = hit.componentId === initialHit.componentId + && _this.isHitComboAllowed + && !_this.isHitComboAllowed(initialHit, hit); + if (!disallowed) { + mutation = computeMutation(initialHit, hit, ev.subjectEl.classList.contains('fc-event-resizer-start'), eventInstance.range); + } + } + if (mutation) { + mutatedRelevantEvents = applyMutationToEventStore(relevantEvents, context.getCurrentData().eventUiBases, mutation, context); + interaction.mutatedEvents = mutatedRelevantEvents; + if (!isInteractionValid(interaction, hit.dateProfile, context)) { + isInvalid = true; + mutation = null; + mutatedRelevantEvents = null; + interaction.mutatedEvents = null; + } + } + if (mutatedRelevantEvents) { + context.dispatch({ + type: 'SET_EVENT_RESIZE', + state: interaction, + }); + } + else { + context.dispatch({ type: 'UNSET_EVENT_RESIZE' }); + } + if (!isInvalid) { + enableCursor(); + } + else { + disableCursor(); + } + if (!isFinal) { + if (mutation && isHitsEqual(initialHit, hit)) { + mutation = null; + } + _this.validMutation = mutation; + _this.mutatedRelevantEvents = mutatedRelevantEvents; + } + }; + _this.handleDragEnd = function (ev) { + var context = _this.component.context; + var eventDef = _this.eventRange.def; + var eventInstance = _this.eventRange.instance; + var eventApi = new EventApi(context, eventDef, eventInstance); + var relevantEvents = _this.relevantEvents; + var mutatedRelevantEvents = _this.mutatedRelevantEvents; + context.emitter.trigger('eventResizeStop', { + el: _this.draggingSegEl, + event: eventApi, + jsEvent: ev.origEvent, + view: context.viewApi, + }); + if (_this.validMutation) { + var updatedEventApi = new EventApi(context, mutatedRelevantEvents.defs[eventDef.defId], eventInstance ? mutatedRelevantEvents.instances[eventInstance.instanceId] : null); + context.dispatch({ + type: 'MERGE_EVENTS', + eventStore: mutatedRelevantEvents, + }); + var eventChangeArg = { + oldEvent: eventApi, + event: updatedEventApi, + relatedEvents: buildEventApis(mutatedRelevantEvents, context, eventInstance), + revert: function () { + context.dispatch({ + type: 'MERGE_EVENTS', + eventStore: relevantEvents, // the pre-change events + }); + }, + }; + context.emitter.trigger('eventResize', __assign(__assign({}, eventChangeArg), { el: _this.draggingSegEl, startDelta: _this.validMutation.startDelta || createDuration(0), endDelta: _this.validMutation.endDelta || createDuration(0), jsEvent: ev.origEvent, view: context.viewApi })); + context.emitter.trigger('eventChange', eventChangeArg); + } + else { + context.emitter.trigger('_noEventResize'); + } + // reset all internal state + _this.draggingSeg = null; + _this.relevantEvents = null; + _this.validMutation = null; + // okay to keep eventInstance around. useful to set it in handlePointerDown + }; + var component = settings.component; + var dragging = _this.dragging = new FeaturefulElementDragging(settings.el); + dragging.pointer.selector = '.fc-event-resizer'; + dragging.touchScrollAllowed = false; + dragging.autoScroller.isEnabled = component.context.options.dragScroll; + var hitDragging = _this.hitDragging = new HitDragging(_this.dragging, interactionSettingsToStore(settings)); + hitDragging.emitter.on('pointerdown', _this.handlePointerDown); + hitDragging.emitter.on('dragstart', _this.handleDragStart); + hitDragging.emitter.on('hitupdate', _this.handleHitUpdate); + hitDragging.emitter.on('dragend', _this.handleDragEnd); + return _this; + } + EventResizing.prototype.destroy = function () { + this.dragging.destroy(); + }; + EventResizing.prototype.querySegEl = function (ev) { + return elementClosest(ev.subjectEl, '.fc-event'); + }; + return EventResizing; + }(Interaction)); + function computeMutation(hit0, hit1, isFromStart, instanceRange) { + var dateEnv = hit0.context.dateEnv; + var date0 = hit0.dateSpan.range.start; + var date1 = hit1.dateSpan.range.start; + var delta = diffDates(date0, date1, dateEnv, hit0.largeUnit); + if (isFromStart) { + if (dateEnv.add(instanceRange.start, delta) < instanceRange.end) { + return { startDelta: delta }; + } + } + else if (dateEnv.add(instanceRange.end, delta) > instanceRange.start) { + return { endDelta: delta }; + } + return null; + } + + var UnselectAuto = /** @class */ (function () { + function UnselectAuto(context) { + var _this = this; + this.context = context; + this.isRecentPointerDateSelect = false; // wish we could use a selector to detect date selection, but uses hit system + this.matchesCancel = false; + this.matchesEvent = false; + this.onSelect = function (selectInfo) { + if (selectInfo.jsEvent) { + _this.isRecentPointerDateSelect = true; + } + }; + this.onDocumentPointerDown = function (pev) { + var unselectCancel = _this.context.options.unselectCancel; + var downEl = getEventTargetViaRoot(pev.origEvent); + _this.matchesCancel = !!elementClosest(downEl, unselectCancel); + _this.matchesEvent = !!elementClosest(downEl, EventDragging.SELECTOR); // interaction started on an event? + }; + this.onDocumentPointerUp = function (pev) { + var context = _this.context; + var documentPointer = _this.documentPointer; + var calendarState = context.getCurrentData(); + // touch-scrolling should never unfocus any type of selection + if (!documentPointer.wasTouchScroll) { + if (calendarState.dateSelection && // an existing date selection? + !_this.isRecentPointerDateSelect // a new pointer-initiated date selection since last onDocumentPointerUp? + ) { + var unselectAuto = context.options.unselectAuto; + if (unselectAuto && (!unselectAuto || !_this.matchesCancel)) { + context.calendarApi.unselect(pev); + } + } + if (calendarState.eventSelection && // an existing event selected? + !_this.matchesEvent // interaction DIDN'T start on an event + ) { + context.dispatch({ type: 'UNSELECT_EVENT' }); + } + } + _this.isRecentPointerDateSelect = false; + }; + var documentPointer = this.documentPointer = new PointerDragging(document); + documentPointer.shouldIgnoreMove = true; + documentPointer.shouldWatchScroll = false; + documentPointer.emitter.on('pointerdown', this.onDocumentPointerDown); + documentPointer.emitter.on('pointerup', this.onDocumentPointerUp); + /* + TODO: better way to know about whether there was a selection with the pointer + */ + context.emitter.on('select', this.onSelect); + } + UnselectAuto.prototype.destroy = function () { +'select', this.onSelect); + this.documentPointer.destroy(); + }; + return UnselectAuto; + }()); + + var OPTION_REFINERS$3 = { + fixedMirrorParent: identity, + }; + var LISTENER_REFINERS = { + dateClick: identity, + eventDragStart: identity, + eventDragStop: identity, + eventDrop: identity, + eventResizeStart: identity, + eventResizeStop: identity, + eventResize: identity, + drop: identity, + eventReceive: identity, + eventLeave: identity, + }; + + /* + Given an already instantiated draggable object for one-or-more elements, + Interprets any dragging as an attempt to drag an events that lives outside + of a calendar onto a calendar. + */ + var ExternalElementDragging = /** @class */ (function () { + function ExternalElementDragging(dragging, suppliedDragMeta) { + var _this = this; + this.receivingContext = null; + this.droppableEvent = null; // will exist for all drags, even if create:false + this.suppliedDragMeta = null; + this.dragMeta = null; + this.handleDragStart = function (ev) { + _this.dragMeta = _this.buildDragMeta(ev.subjectEl); + }; + this.handleHitUpdate = function (hit, isFinal, ev) { + var dragging = _this.hitDragging.dragging; + var receivingContext = null; + var droppableEvent = null; + var isInvalid = false; + var interaction = { + affectedEvents: createEmptyEventStore(), + mutatedEvents: createEmptyEventStore(), + isEvent: _this.dragMeta.create, + }; + if (hit) { + receivingContext = hit.context; + if (_this.canDropElOnCalendar(ev.subjectEl, receivingContext)) { + droppableEvent = computeEventForDateSpan(hit.dateSpan, _this.dragMeta, receivingContext); + interaction.mutatedEvents = eventTupleToStore(droppableEvent); + isInvalid = !isInteractionValid(interaction, hit.dateProfile, receivingContext); + if (isInvalid) { + interaction.mutatedEvents = createEmptyEventStore(); + droppableEvent = null; + } + } + } + _this.displayDrag(receivingContext, interaction); + // show mirror if no already-rendered mirror element OR if we are shutting down the mirror (?) + // TODO: wish we could somehow wait for dispatch to guarantee render + dragging.setMirrorIsVisible(isFinal || !droppableEvent || !document.querySelector('.fc-event-mirror')); + if (!isInvalid) { + enableCursor(); + } + else { + disableCursor(); + } + if (!isFinal) { + dragging.setMirrorNeedsRevert(!droppableEvent); + _this.receivingContext = receivingContext; + _this.droppableEvent = droppableEvent; + } + }; + this.handleDragEnd = function (pev) { + var _a = _this, receivingContext = _a.receivingContext, droppableEvent = _a.droppableEvent; + _this.clearDrag(); + if (receivingContext && droppableEvent) { + var finalHit = _this.hitDragging.finalHit; + var finalView = finalHit.context.viewApi; + var dragMeta = _this.dragMeta; + receivingContext.emitter.trigger('drop', __assign(__assign({}, buildDatePointApiWithContext(finalHit.dateSpan, receivingContext)), { draggedEl: pev.subjectEl, jsEvent: pev.origEvent, view: finalView })); + if (dragMeta.create) { + var addingEvents_1 = eventTupleToStore(droppableEvent); + receivingContext.dispatch({ + type: 'MERGE_EVENTS', + eventStore: addingEvents_1, + }); + if (pev.isTouch) { + receivingContext.dispatch({ + type: 'SELECT_EVENT', + eventInstanceId: droppableEvent.instance.instanceId, + }); + } + // signal that an external event landed + receivingContext.emitter.trigger('eventReceive', { + event: new EventApi(receivingContext, droppableEvent.def, droppableEvent.instance), + relatedEvents: [], + revert: function () { + receivingContext.dispatch({ + type: 'REMOVE_EVENTS', + eventStore: addingEvents_1, + }); + }, + draggedEl: pev.subjectEl, + view: finalView, + }); + } + } + _this.receivingContext = null; + _this.droppableEvent = null; + }; + var hitDragging = this.hitDragging = new HitDragging(dragging, interactionSettingsStore); + hitDragging.requireInitial = false; // will start outside of a component + hitDragging.emitter.on('dragstart', this.handleDragStart); + hitDragging.emitter.on('hitupdate', this.handleHitUpdate); + hitDragging.emitter.on('dragend', this.handleDragEnd); + this.suppliedDragMeta = suppliedDragMeta; + } + ExternalElementDragging.prototype.buildDragMeta = function (subjectEl) { + if (typeof this.suppliedDragMeta === 'object') { + return parseDragMeta(this.suppliedDragMeta); + } + if (typeof this.suppliedDragMeta === 'function') { + return parseDragMeta(this.suppliedDragMeta(subjectEl)); + } + return getDragMetaFromEl(subjectEl); + }; + ExternalElementDragging.prototype.displayDrag = function (nextContext, state) { + var prevContext = this.receivingContext; + if (prevContext && prevContext !== nextContext) { + prevContext.dispatch({ type: 'UNSET_EVENT_DRAG' }); + } + if (nextContext) { + nextContext.dispatch({ type: 'SET_EVENT_DRAG', state: state }); + } + }; + ExternalElementDragging.prototype.clearDrag = function () { + if (this.receivingContext) { + this.receivingContext.dispatch({ type: 'UNSET_EVENT_DRAG' }); + } + }; + ExternalElementDragging.prototype.canDropElOnCalendar = function (el, receivingContext) { + var dropAccept = receivingContext.options.dropAccept; + if (typeof dropAccept === 'function') { + return, el); + } + if (typeof dropAccept === 'string' && dropAccept) { + return Boolean(elementMatches(el, dropAccept)); + } + return true; + }; + return ExternalElementDragging; + }()); + // Utils for computing event store from the DragMeta + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + function computeEventForDateSpan(dateSpan, dragMeta, context) { + var defProps = __assign({}, dragMeta.leftoverProps); + for (var _i = 0, _a = context.pluginHooks.externalDefTransforms; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var transform = _a[_i]; + __assign(defProps, transform(dateSpan, dragMeta)); + } + var _b = refineEventDef(defProps, context), refined = _b.refined, extra = _b.extra; + var def = parseEventDef(refined, extra, dragMeta.sourceId, dateSpan.allDay, context.options.forceEventDuration || Boolean(dragMeta.duration), // hasEnd + context); + var start = dateSpan.range.start; + // only rely on time info if drop zone is all-day, + // otherwise, we already know the time + if (dateSpan.allDay && dragMeta.startTime) { + start = context.dateEnv.add(start, dragMeta.startTime); + } + var end = dragMeta.duration ? + context.dateEnv.add(start, dragMeta.duration) : + getDefaultEventEnd(dateSpan.allDay, start, context); + var instance = createEventInstance(def.defId, { start: start, end: end }); + return { def: def, instance: instance }; + } + // Utils for extracting data from element + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + function getDragMetaFromEl(el) { + var str = getEmbeddedElData(el, 'event'); + var obj = str ? + JSON.parse(str) : + { create: false }; // if no embedded data, assume no event creation + return parseDragMeta(obj); + } + config.dataAttrPrefix = ''; + function getEmbeddedElData(el, name) { + var prefix = config.dataAttrPrefix; + var prefixedName = (prefix ? prefix + '-' : '') + name; + return el.getAttribute('data-' + prefixedName) || ''; + } + + /* + Makes an element (that is *external* to any calendar) draggable. + Can pass in data that determines how an event will be created when dropped onto a calendar. + Leverages FullCalendar's internal drag-n-drop functionality WITHOUT a third-party drag system. + */ + var ExternalDraggable = /** @class */ (function () { + function ExternalDraggable(el, settings) { + var _this = this; + if (settings === void 0) { settings = {}; } + this.handlePointerDown = function (ev) { + var dragging = _this.dragging; + var _a = _this.settings, minDistance = _a.minDistance, longPressDelay = _a.longPressDelay; + dragging.minDistance = + minDistance != null ? + minDistance : + (ev.isTouch ? 0 : BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS.eventDragMinDistance); + dragging.delay = + ev.isTouch ? // TODO: eventually read eventLongPressDelay instead vvv + (longPressDelay != null ? longPressDelay : BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS.longPressDelay) : + 0; + }; + this.handleDragStart = function (ev) { + if (ev.isTouch && + _this.dragging.delay && + ev.subjectEl.classList.contains('fc-event')) { + _this.dragging.mirror.getMirrorEl().classList.add('fc-event-selected'); + } + }; + this.settings = settings; + var dragging = this.dragging = new FeaturefulElementDragging(el); + dragging.touchScrollAllowed = false; + if (settings.itemSelector != null) { + dragging.pointer.selector = settings.itemSelector; + } + if (settings.appendTo != null) { + dragging.mirror.parentNode = settings.appendTo; // TODO: write tests + } + dragging.emitter.on('pointerdown', this.handlePointerDown); + dragging.emitter.on('dragstart', this.handleDragStart); + new ExternalElementDragging(dragging, settings.eventData); // eslint-disable-line no-new + } + ExternalDraggable.prototype.destroy = function () { + this.dragging.destroy(); + }; + return ExternalDraggable; + }()); + + /* + Detects when a *THIRD-PARTY* drag-n-drop system interacts with elements. + The third-party system is responsible for drawing the visuals effects of the drag. + This class simply monitors for pointer movements and fires events. + It also has the ability to hide the moving element (the "mirror") during the drag. + */ + var InferredElementDragging = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(InferredElementDragging, _super); + function InferredElementDragging(containerEl) { + var _this =, containerEl) || this; + _this.shouldIgnoreMove = false; + _this.mirrorSelector = ''; + _this.currentMirrorEl = null; + _this.handlePointerDown = function (ev) { + _this.emitter.trigger('pointerdown', ev); + if (!_this.shouldIgnoreMove) { + // fire dragstart right away. does not support delay or min-distance + _this.emitter.trigger('dragstart', ev); + } + }; + _this.handlePointerMove = function (ev) { + if (!_this.shouldIgnoreMove) { + _this.emitter.trigger('dragmove', ev); + } + }; + _this.handlePointerUp = function (ev) { + _this.emitter.trigger('pointerup', ev); + if (!_this.shouldIgnoreMove) { + // fire dragend right away. does not support a revert animation + _this.emitter.trigger('dragend', ev); + } + }; + var pointer = _this.pointer = new PointerDragging(containerEl); + pointer.emitter.on('pointerdown', _this.handlePointerDown); + pointer.emitter.on('pointermove', _this.handlePointerMove); + pointer.emitter.on('pointerup', _this.handlePointerUp); + return _this; + } + InferredElementDragging.prototype.destroy = function () { + this.pointer.destroy(); + }; + InferredElementDragging.prototype.setIgnoreMove = function (bool) { + this.shouldIgnoreMove = bool; + }; + InferredElementDragging.prototype.setMirrorIsVisible = function (bool) { + if (bool) { + // restore a previously hidden element. + // use the reference in case the selector class has already been removed. + if (this.currentMirrorEl) { + = ''; + this.currentMirrorEl = null; + } + } + else { + var mirrorEl = this.mirrorSelector + // TODO: somehow query FullCalendars WITHIN shadow-roots + ? document.querySelector(this.mirrorSelector) + : null; + if (mirrorEl) { + this.currentMirrorEl = mirrorEl; + = 'hidden'; + } + } + }; + return InferredElementDragging; + }(ElementDragging)); + + /* + Bridges third-party drag-n-drop systems with FullCalendar. + Must be instantiated and destroyed by caller. + */ + var ThirdPartyDraggable = /** @class */ (function () { + function ThirdPartyDraggable(containerOrSettings, settings) { + var containerEl = document; + if ( + // wish we could just test instanceof EventTarget, but doesn't work in IE11 + containerOrSettings === document || + containerOrSettings instanceof Element) { + containerEl = containerOrSettings; + settings = settings || {}; + } + else { + settings = (containerOrSettings || {}); + } + var dragging = this.dragging = new InferredElementDragging(containerEl); + if (typeof settings.itemSelector === 'string') { + dragging.pointer.selector = settings.itemSelector; + } + else if (containerEl === document) { + dragging.pointer.selector = '[data-event]'; + } + if (typeof settings.mirrorSelector === 'string') { + dragging.mirrorSelector = settings.mirrorSelector; + } + new ExternalElementDragging(dragging, settings.eventData); // eslint-disable-line no-new + } + ThirdPartyDraggable.prototype.destroy = function () { + this.dragging.destroy(); + }; + return ThirdPartyDraggable; + }()); + + var interactionPlugin = createPlugin({ + componentInteractions: [DateClicking, DateSelecting, EventDragging, EventResizing], + calendarInteractions: [UnselectAuto], + elementDraggingImpl: FeaturefulElementDragging, + optionRefiners: OPTION_REFINERS$3, + listenerRefiners: LISTENER_REFINERS, + }); + + /* An abstract class for the daygrid views, as well as month view. Renders one or more rows of day cells. + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + // It is a manager for a Table subcomponent, which does most of the heavy lifting. + // It is responsible for managing width/height. + var TableView = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TableView, _super); + function TableView() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.headerElRef = createRef(); + return _this; + } + TableView.prototype.renderSimpleLayout = function (headerRowContent, bodyContent) { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var sections = []; + var stickyHeaderDates = getStickyHeaderDates(context.options); + if (headerRowContent) { + sections.push({ + type: 'header', + key: 'header', + isSticky: stickyHeaderDates, + chunk: { + elRef: this.headerElRef, + tableClassName: 'fc-col-header', + rowContent: headerRowContent, + }, + }); + } + sections.push({ + type: 'body', + key: 'body', + liquid: true, + chunk: { content: bodyContent }, + }); + return (createElement(ViewRoot, { viewSpec: context.viewSpec }, function (rootElRef, classNames) { return (createElement("div", { ref: rootElRef, className: ['fc-daygrid'].concat(classNames).join(' ') }, + createElement(SimpleScrollGrid, { liquid: !props.isHeightAuto && !props.forPrint, collapsibleWidth: props.forPrint, cols: [] /* TODO: make optional? */, sections: sections }))); })); + }; + TableView.prototype.renderHScrollLayout = function (headerRowContent, bodyContent, colCnt, dayMinWidth) { + var ScrollGrid = this.context.pluginHooks.scrollGridImpl; + if (!ScrollGrid) { + throw new Error('No ScrollGrid implementation'); + } + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var stickyHeaderDates = !props.forPrint && getStickyHeaderDates(context.options); + var stickyFooterScrollbar = !props.forPrint && getStickyFooterScrollbar(context.options); + var sections = []; + if (headerRowContent) { + sections.push({ + type: 'header', + key: 'header', + isSticky: stickyHeaderDates, + chunks: [{ + key: 'main', + elRef: this.headerElRef, + tableClassName: 'fc-col-header', + rowContent: headerRowContent, + }], + }); + } + sections.push({ + type: 'body', + key: 'body', + liquid: true, + chunks: [{ + key: 'main', + content: bodyContent, + }], + }); + if (stickyFooterScrollbar) { + sections.push({ + type: 'footer', + key: 'footer', + isSticky: true, + chunks: [{ + key: 'main', + content: renderScrollShim, + }], + }); + } + return (createElement(ViewRoot, { viewSpec: context.viewSpec }, function (rootElRef, classNames) { return (createElement("div", { ref: rootElRef, className: ['fc-daygrid'].concat(classNames).join(' ') }, + createElement(ScrollGrid, { liquid: !props.isHeightAuto && !props.forPrint, collapsibleWidth: props.forPrint, colGroups: [{ cols: [{ span: colCnt, minWidth: dayMinWidth }] }], sections: sections }))); })); + }; + return TableView; + }(DateComponent)); + + function splitSegsByRow(segs, rowCnt) { + var byRow = []; + for (var i = 0; i < rowCnt; i += 1) { + byRow[i] = []; + } + for (var _i = 0, segs_1 = segs; _i < segs_1.length; _i++) { + var seg = segs_1[_i]; + byRow[seg.row].push(seg); + } + return byRow; + } + function splitSegsByFirstCol(segs, colCnt) { + var byCol = []; + for (var i = 0; i < colCnt; i += 1) { + byCol[i] = []; + } + for (var _i = 0, segs_2 = segs; _i < segs_2.length; _i++) { + var seg = segs_2[_i]; + byCol[seg.firstCol].push(seg); + } + return byCol; + } + function splitInteractionByRow(ui, rowCnt) { + var byRow = []; + if (!ui) { + for (var i = 0; i < rowCnt; i += 1) { + byRow[i] = null; + } + } + else { + for (var i = 0; i < rowCnt; i += 1) { + byRow[i] = { + affectedInstances: ui.affectedInstances, + isEvent: ui.isEvent, + segs: [], + }; + } + for (var _i = 0, _a = ui.segs; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var seg = _a[_i]; + byRow[seg.row].segs.push(seg); + } + } + return byRow; + } + + var TableCellTop = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TableCellTop, _super); + function TableCellTop() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + TableCellTop.prototype.render = function () { + var props = this.props; + var navLinkAttrs = buildNavLinkAttrs(this.context,; + return (createElement(DayCellContent, { date:, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, todayRange: props.todayRange, showDayNumber: props.showDayNumber, extraHookProps: props.extraHookProps, defaultContent: renderTopInner }, function (innerElRef, innerContent) { return ((innerContent || props.forceDayTop) && (createElement("div", { className: "fc-daygrid-day-top", ref: innerElRef }, + createElement("a", __assign({ id: props.dayNumberId, className: "fc-daygrid-day-number" }, navLinkAttrs), innerContent || createElement(Fragment, null, "\u00A0"))))); })); + }; + return TableCellTop; + }(BaseComponent)); + function renderTopInner(props) { + return props.dayNumberText; + } + + var DEFAULT_TABLE_EVENT_TIME_FORMAT = createFormatter({ + hour: 'numeric', + minute: '2-digit', + omitZeroMinute: true, + meridiem: 'narrow', + }); + function hasListItemDisplay(seg) { + var display = seg.eventRange.ui.display; + return display === 'list-item' || (display === 'auto' && + !seg.eventRange.def.allDay && + seg.firstCol === seg.lastCol && // can't be multi-day + seg.isStart && // " + seg.isEnd // " + ); + } + + var TableBlockEvent = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TableBlockEvent, _super); + function TableBlockEvent() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + TableBlockEvent.prototype.render = function () { + var props = this.props; + return (createElement(StandardEvent, __assign({}, props, { extraClassNames: ['fc-daygrid-event', 'fc-daygrid-block-event', 'fc-h-event'], defaultTimeFormat: DEFAULT_TABLE_EVENT_TIME_FORMAT, defaultDisplayEventEnd: props.defaultDisplayEventEnd, disableResizing: !props.seg.eventRange.def.allDay }))); + }; + return TableBlockEvent; + }(BaseComponent)); + + var TableListItemEvent = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TableListItemEvent, _super); + function TableListItemEvent() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + TableListItemEvent.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var timeFormat = context.options.eventTimeFormat || DEFAULT_TABLE_EVENT_TIME_FORMAT; + var timeText = buildSegTimeText(props.seg, timeFormat, context, true, props.defaultDisplayEventEnd); + return (createElement(EventRoot, { seg: props.seg, timeText: timeText, defaultContent: renderInnerContent$2, isDragging: props.isDragging, isResizing: false, isDateSelecting: false, isSelected: props.isSelected, isPast: props.isPast, isFuture: props.isFuture, isToday: props.isToday }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return ( // we don't use styles! + createElement("a", __assign({ className: ['fc-daygrid-event', 'fc-daygrid-dot-event'].concat(classNames).join(' '), ref: rootElRef }, getSegAnchorAttrs(props.seg, context)), innerContent)); })); + }; + return TableListItemEvent; + }(BaseComponent)); + function renderInnerContent$2(innerProps) { + return (createElement(Fragment, null, + createElement("div", { className: "fc-daygrid-event-dot", style: { borderColor: innerProps.borderColor || innerProps.backgroundColor } }), + innerProps.timeText && (createElement("div", { className: "fc-event-time" }, innerProps.timeText)), + createElement("div", { className: "fc-event-title" }, innerProps.event.title || createElement(Fragment, null, "\u00A0")))); + } + + var TableCellMoreLink = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TableCellMoreLink, _super); + function TableCellMoreLink() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.compileSegs = memoize(compileSegs); + return _this; + } + TableCellMoreLink.prototype.render = function () { + var props = this.props; + var _a = this.compileSegs(props.singlePlacements), allSegs = _a.allSegs, invisibleSegs = _a.invisibleSegs; + return (createElement(MoreLinkRoot, { dateProfile: props.dateProfile, todayRange: props.todayRange, allDayDate: props.allDayDate, moreCnt: props.moreCnt, allSegs: allSegs, hiddenSegs: invisibleSegs, alignmentElRef: props.alignmentElRef, alignGridTop: props.alignGridTop, extraDateSpan: props.extraDateSpan, popoverContent: function () { + var isForcedInvisible = (props.eventDrag ? props.eventDrag.affectedInstances : null) || + (props.eventResize ? props.eventResize.affectedInstances : null) || + {}; + return (createElement(Fragment, null, (seg) { + var instanceId = seg.eventRange.instance.instanceId; + return (createElement("div", { className: "fc-daygrid-event-harness", key: instanceId, style: { + visibility: isForcedInvisible[instanceId] ? 'hidden' : '', + } }, hasListItemDisplay(seg) ? (createElement(TableListItemEvent, __assign({ seg: seg, isDragging: false, isSelected: instanceId === props.eventSelection, defaultDisplayEventEnd: false }, getSegMeta(seg, props.todayRange)))) : (createElement(TableBlockEvent, __assign({ seg: seg, isDragging: false, isResizing: false, isDateSelecting: false, isSelected: instanceId === props.eventSelection, defaultDisplayEventEnd: false }, getSegMeta(seg, props.todayRange)))))); + }))); + } }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent, handleClick, title, isExpanded, popoverId) { return (createElement("a", __assign({ ref: rootElRef, className: ['fc-daygrid-more-link'].concat(classNames).join(' '), title: title, "aria-expanded": isExpanded, "aria-controls": popoverId }, createAriaClickAttrs(handleClick)), innerContent)); })); + }; + return TableCellMoreLink; + }(BaseComponent)); + function compileSegs(singlePlacements) { + var allSegs = []; + var invisibleSegs = []; + for (var _i = 0, singlePlacements_1 = singlePlacements; _i < singlePlacements_1.length; _i++) { + var placement = singlePlacements_1[_i]; + allSegs.push(placement.seg); + if (!placement.isVisible) { + invisibleSegs.push(placement.seg); + } + } + return { allSegs: allSegs, invisibleSegs: invisibleSegs }; + } + + var DEFAULT_WEEK_NUM_FORMAT$1 = createFormatter({ week: 'narrow' }); + var TableCell = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TableCell, _super); + function TableCell() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.rootElRef = createRef(); + _this.state = { + dayNumberId: getUniqueDomId(), + }; + _this.handleRootEl = function (el) { + setRef(_this.rootElRef, el); + setRef(_this.props.elRef, el); + }; + return _this; + } + TableCell.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this, context = _a.context, props = _a.props, state = _a.state, rootElRef = _a.rootElRef; + var date =, dateProfile = props.dateProfile; + var navLinkAttrs = buildNavLinkAttrs(context, date, 'week'); + return (createElement(DayCellRoot, { date: date, dateProfile: dateProfile, todayRange: props.todayRange, showDayNumber: props.showDayNumber, extraHookProps: props.extraHookProps, elRef: this.handleRootEl }, function (dayElRef, dayClassNames, rootDataAttrs, isDisabled) { return (createElement("td", __assign({ ref: dayElRef, role: "gridcell", className: ['fc-daygrid-day'].concat(dayClassNames, props.extraClassNames || []).join(' ') }, rootDataAttrs, props.extraDataAttrs, (props.showDayNumber ? { 'aria-labelledby': state.dayNumberId } : {})), + createElement("div", { className: "fc-daygrid-day-frame fc-scrollgrid-sync-inner", ref: props.innerElRef /* different from hook system! RENAME */ }, + props.showWeekNumber && (createElement(WeekNumberRoot, { date: date, defaultFormat: DEFAULT_WEEK_NUM_FORMAT$1 }, function (weekElRef, weekClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (createElement("a", __assign({ ref: weekElRef, className: ['fc-daygrid-week-number'].concat(weekClassNames).join(' ') }, navLinkAttrs), innerContent)); })), + !isDisabled && (createElement(TableCellTop, { date: date, dateProfile: dateProfile, showDayNumber: props.showDayNumber, dayNumberId: state.dayNumberId, forceDayTop: props.forceDayTop, todayRange: props.todayRange, extraHookProps: props.extraHookProps })), + createElement("div", { className: "fc-daygrid-day-events", ref: props.fgContentElRef }, + props.fgContent, + createElement("div", { className: "fc-daygrid-day-bottom", style: { marginTop: props.moreMarginTop } }, + createElement(TableCellMoreLink, { allDayDate: date, singlePlacements: props.singlePlacements, moreCnt: props.moreCnt, alignmentElRef: rootElRef, alignGridTop: !props.showDayNumber, extraDateSpan: props.extraDateSpan, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, eventSelection: props.eventSelection, eventDrag: props.eventDrag, eventResize: props.eventResize, todayRange: props.todayRange }))), + createElement("div", { className: "fc-daygrid-day-bg" }, props.bgContent)))); })); + }; + return TableCell; + }(DateComponent)); + + function computeFgSegPlacement(segs, // assumed already sorted + dayMaxEvents, dayMaxEventRows, strictOrder, eventInstanceHeights, maxContentHeight, cells) { + var hierarchy = new DayGridSegHierarchy(); + hierarchy.allowReslicing = false; + hierarchy.strictOrder = strictOrder; + if (dayMaxEvents === true || dayMaxEventRows === true) { + hierarchy.maxCoord = maxContentHeight; + hierarchy.hiddenConsumes = true; + } + else if (typeof dayMaxEvents === 'number') { + hierarchy.maxStackCnt = dayMaxEvents; + } + else if (typeof dayMaxEventRows === 'number') { + hierarchy.maxStackCnt = dayMaxEventRows; + hierarchy.hiddenConsumes = true; + } + // create segInputs only for segs with known heights + var segInputs = []; + var unknownHeightSegs = []; + var need_fix_height = maxContentHeight != null; + for (var i = 0; i < segs.length; i += 1) { + var seg = segs[i]; + var instanceId = seg.eventRange.instance.instanceId; + var eventHeight = eventInstanceHeights[instanceId]; + if (eventHeight != null) { + segInputs.push({ + index: i, + thickness: eventHeight, + span: { + start: seg.firstCol, + end: seg.lastCol + 1, + }, + }); + } + else { + unknownHeightSegs.push(seg); + } + } + var hiddenEntries = hierarchy.addSegs(segInputs); + var segRects = hierarchy.toRects(); + var _a = placeRects(segRects, segs, cells), singleColPlacements = _a.singleColPlacements, multiColPlacements = _a.multiColPlacements, leftoverMargins = _a.leftoverMargins; + var moreCnts = []; + var moreMarginTops = []; + // add segs with unknown heights + for (var _i = 0, unknownHeightSegs_1 = unknownHeightSegs; _i < unknownHeightSegs_1.length; _i++) { + var seg = unknownHeightSegs_1[_i]; + var relation_idx = multiColPlacements[seg.firstCol].length; + multiColPlacements[seg.firstCol].push({ + seg: seg, + isVisible: false, + isAbsolute: true, + absoluteTop: 0, + marginTop: 0, + }); + for (var col = seg.firstCol; col <= seg.lastCol; col += 1) { + singleColPlacements[col].push({ + seg: resliceSeg(seg, col, col + 1, cells), + isVisible: false, + isAbsolute: false, + absoluteTop: 0, + marginTop: 0, + relation_idx: relation_idx, + thickness: null + }); + } + } + // add the hidden entries + for (var col = 0; col < cells.length; col += 1) { + moreCnts.push(0); + } + for (var _b = 0, hiddenEntries_1 = hiddenEntries; _b < hiddenEntries_1.length; _b++) { + var hiddenEntry = hiddenEntries_1[_b]; + var seg = segs[hiddenEntry.index]; + var hiddenSpan = hiddenEntry.span; + var relation_idx = multiColPlacements[hiddenSpan.start].length; + multiColPlacements[hiddenSpan.start].push({ + seg: resliceSeg(seg, hiddenSpan.start, hiddenSpan.end, cells), + isVisible: false, + isAbsolute: true, + absoluteTop: 0, + marginTop: 0, + }); + for (var col = hiddenSpan.start; col < hiddenSpan.end; col += 1) { + moreCnts[col] += 1; + singleColPlacements[col].push({ + seg: resliceSeg(seg, col, col + 1, cells), + isVisible: false, + isAbsolute: false, + absoluteTop: 0, + marginTop: 0, + relation_idx: relation_idx, + thickness: hiddenEntry.thickness + }); + } + } + // deal with leftover margins + for (var col = 0; col < cells.length; col += 1) { + moreMarginTops.push(leftoverMargins[col]); + } + if(need_fix_height){ + for(var i=0, n = singleColPlacements.length; i < n; i++){ + var placement = singleColPlacements[i]; + if(placement.length > 1){ + var first_col = placement[0]; + if(first_col.isVisible){ + var lastCol = placement[placement.length - 1]; + if(!lastCol.isVisible){ + var last_visible_idx ={return v.isVisible}).lastIndexOf(true); + var height = 0; + for(var j=0;j<=last_visible_idx;j++){ + height += placement[j].thickness; + } + if(height >= need_fix_height){ + var last_placement = placement[last_visible_idx]; + last_placement.isVisible = false; + moreCnts[i] += 1; + last_placement = multiColPlacements[i][last_placement.relation_idx]; + last_placement.isVisible = false; + last_placement.isAbsolute = true; + } + } + } + } + } + } + return { singleColPlacements: singleColPlacements, multiColPlacements: multiColPlacements, moreCnts: moreCnts, moreMarginTops: moreMarginTops }; + } + // rects ordered by top coord, then left + function placeRects(allRects, segs, cells) { + var rectsByEachCol = groupRectsByEachCol(allRects, cells.length); + var singleColPlacements = []; + var multiColPlacements = []; + var leftoverMargins = []; + for (var col = 0; col < cells.length; col += 1) { + var rects = rectsByEachCol[col]; + // compute all static segs in singlePlacements + var singlePlacements = []; + var currentHeight = 0; + var currentMarginTop = 0; + for (var _i = 0, rects_1 = rects; _i < rects_1.length; _i++) { + var rect = rects_1[_i]; + var seg = segs[rect.index]; + singlePlacements.push({ + seg: resliceSeg(seg, col, col + 1, cells), + isVisible: true, + isAbsolute: false, + absoluteTop: rect.levelCoord, + marginTop: rect.levelCoord - currentHeight, + relation_idx: _i, + thickness: rect.thickness + }); + currentHeight = rect.levelCoord + rect.thickness; + } + // compute mixed static/absolute segs in multiPlacements + var multiPlacements = []; + currentHeight = 0; + currentMarginTop = 0; + for (var _a = 0, rects_2 = rects; _a < rects_2.length; _a++) { + var rect = rects_2[_a]; + var seg = segs[rect.index]; + var isAbsolute = rect.span.end - rect.span.start > 1; // multi-column? + var isFirstCol = rect.span.start === col; + currentMarginTop += rect.levelCoord - currentHeight; // amount of space since bottom of previous seg + currentHeight = rect.levelCoord + rect.thickness; // height will now be bottom of current seg + if (isAbsolute) { + currentMarginTop += rect.thickness; + if (isFirstCol) { + multiPlacements.push({ + seg: resliceSeg(seg, rect.span.start, rect.span.end, cells), + isVisible: true, + isAbsolute: true, + absoluteTop: rect.levelCoord, + marginTop: 0, + }); + } + } + else if (isFirstCol) { + multiPlacements.push({ + seg: resliceSeg(seg, rect.span.start, rect.span.end, cells), + isVisible: true, + isAbsolute: false, + absoluteTop: rect.levelCoord, + marginTop: currentMarginTop, // claim the margin + }); + currentMarginTop = 0; + } + } + singleColPlacements.push(singlePlacements); + multiColPlacements.push(multiPlacements); + leftoverMargins.push(currentMarginTop); + } + return { singleColPlacements: singleColPlacements, multiColPlacements: multiColPlacements, leftoverMargins: leftoverMargins }; + } + function groupRectsByEachCol(rects, colCnt) { + var rectsByEachCol = []; + for (var col = 0; col < colCnt; col += 1) { + rectsByEachCol.push([]); + } + for (var _i = 0, rects_3 = rects; _i < rects_3.length; _i++) { + var rect = rects_3[_i]; + for (var col = rect.span.start; col < rect.span.end; col += 1) { + rectsByEachCol[col].push(rect); + } + } + return rectsByEachCol; + } + function resliceSeg(seg, spanStart, spanEnd, cells) { + if (seg.firstCol === spanStart && seg.lastCol === spanEnd - 1) { + return seg; + } + var eventRange = seg.eventRange; + var origRange = eventRange.range; + var slicedRange = intersectRanges(origRange, { + start: cells[spanStart].date, + end: addDays(cells[spanEnd - 1].date, 1), + }); + return __assign(__assign({}, seg), { firstCol: spanStart, lastCol: spanEnd - 1, eventRange: { + def: eventRange.def, + ui: __assign(__assign({}, eventRange.ui), { durationEditable: false }), + instance: eventRange.instance, + range: slicedRange, + }, isStart: seg.isStart && slicedRange.start.valueOf() === origRange.start.valueOf(), isEnd: seg.isEnd && slicedRange.end.valueOf() === origRange.end.valueOf() }); + } + var DayGridSegHierarchy = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(DayGridSegHierarchy, _super); + function DayGridSegHierarchy() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + // config + _this.hiddenConsumes = false; + // allows us to keep hidden entries in the hierarchy so they take up space + _this.forceHidden = {}; + return _this; + } + DayGridSegHierarchy.prototype.addSegs = function (segInputs) { + var _this = this; + var hiddenSegs =, segInputs); + var entriesByLevel = this.entriesByLevel; + var excludeHidden = function (entry) { return !_this.forceHidden[buildEntryKey(entry)]; }; + // remove the forced-hidden segs + for (var level = 0; level < entriesByLevel.length; level += 1) { + entriesByLevel[level] = entriesByLevel[level].filter(excludeHidden); + } + return hiddenSegs; + }; + DayGridSegHierarchy.prototype.handleInvalidInsertion = function (insertion, entry, hiddenEntries) { + var _a = this, entriesByLevel = _a.entriesByLevel, forceHidden = _a.forceHidden; + var touchingEntry = insertion.touchingEntry, touchingLevel = insertion.touchingLevel, touchingLateral = insertion.touchingLateral; + if (this.hiddenConsumes && touchingEntry) { + var touchingEntryId = buildEntryKey(touchingEntry); + // if not already hidden + if (!forceHidden[touchingEntryId]) { + if (this.allowReslicing) { + var placeholderEntry = __assign(__assign({}, touchingEntry), { span: intersectSpans(touchingEntry.span, entry.span) }); + var placeholderEntryId = buildEntryKey(placeholderEntry); + forceHidden[placeholderEntryId] = true; + entriesByLevel[touchingLevel][touchingLateral] = placeholderEntry; // replace touchingEntry with our placeholder + this.splitEntry(touchingEntry, entry, hiddenEntries); // split up the touchingEntry, reinsert it + } + else { + forceHidden[touchingEntryId] = true; + hiddenEntries.push(touchingEntry); + } + } + } + return, insertion, entry, hiddenEntries); + }; + return DayGridSegHierarchy; + }(SegHierarchy)); + + var TableRow = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TableRow, _super); + function TableRow() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.cellElRefs = new RefMap(); // the ? + createElement("tr", { role: "presentation", className: "fc-scrollgrid-section" }, + createElement("td", { className: 'fc-timegrid-divider ' + context.theme.getClass('tableCellShaded') }))), + }); + } + sections.push({ + type: 'body', + key: 'body', + liquid: true, + expandRows: Boolean(context.options.expandRows), + chunk: { + scrollerElRef: this.scrollerElRef, + content: timeContent, + }, + }); + return (createElement(ViewRoot, { viewSpec: context.viewSpec, elRef: this.rootElRef }, function (rootElRef, classNames) { return (createElement("div", { className: ['fc-timegrid'].concat(classNames).join(' '), ref: rootElRef }, + createElement(SimpleScrollGrid, { liquid: !props.isHeightAuto && !props.forPrint, collapsibleWidth: props.forPrint, cols: [{ width: 'shrink' }], sections: sections }))); })); + }; + TimeColsView.prototype.renderHScrollLayout = function (headerRowContent, allDayContent, timeContent, colCnt, dayMinWidth, slatMetas, slatCoords) { + var _this = this; + var ScrollGrid = this.context.pluginHooks.scrollGridImpl; + if (!ScrollGrid) { + throw new Error('No ScrollGrid implementation'); + } + var _a = this, context = _a.context, props = _a.props; + var stickyHeaderDates = !props.forPrint && getStickyHeaderDates(context.options); + var stickyFooterScrollbar = !props.forPrint && getStickyFooterScrollbar(context.options); + var sections = []; + if (headerRowContent) { + sections.push({ + type: 'header', + key: 'header', + isSticky: stickyHeaderDates, + syncRowHeights: true, + chunks: [ + { + key: 'axis', + rowContent: function (arg) { return (createElement("tr", { role: "presentation" }, _this.renderHeadAxis('day', arg.rowSyncHeights[0]))); }, + }, + { + key: 'cols', + elRef: this.headerElRef, + tableClassName: 'fc-col-header', + rowContent: headerRowContent, + }, + ], + }); + } + if (allDayContent) { + sections.push({ + type: 'body', + key: 'all-day', + syncRowHeights: true, + chunks: [ + { + key: 'axis', + rowContent: function (contentArg) { return (createElement("tr", { role: "presentation" }, _this.renderTableRowAxis(contentArg.rowSyncHeights[0]))); }, + }, + { + key: 'cols', + content: allDayContent, + }, + ], + }); + sections.push({ + key: 'all-day-divider', + type: 'body', + outerContent: ( // TODO: rename to cellContent so don't need to define ? + createElement("tr", { role: "presentation", className: "fc-scrollgrid-section" }, + createElement("td", { colSpan: 2, className: 'fc-timegrid-divider ' + context.theme.getClass('tableCellShaded') }))), + }); + } + var isNowIndicator = context.options.nowIndicator; + sections.push({ + type: 'body', + key: 'body', + liquid: true, + expandRows: Boolean(context.options.expandRows), + chunks: [ + { + key: 'axis', + content: function (arg) { return ( + // TODO: make this now-indicator arrow more DRY with TimeColsContent + createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-axis-chunk" }, + createElement("table", { "aria-hidden": true, style: { height: arg.expandRows ? arg.clientHeight : '' } }, + arg.tableColGroupNode, + createElement("tbody", null, + createElement(TimeBodyAxis, { slatMetas: slatMetas }))), + createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-now-indicator-container" }, + createElement(NowTimer, { unit: isNowIndicator ? 'minute' : 'day' /* hacky */ }, function (nowDate) { + var nowIndicatorTop = isNowIndicator && + slatCoords && + slatCoords.safeComputeTop(nowDate); // might return void + if (typeof nowIndicatorTop === 'number') { + return (createElement(NowIndicatorRoot, { isAxis: true, date: nowDate }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (createElement("div", { ref: rootElRef, className: ['fc-timegrid-now-indicator-arrow'].concat(classNames).join(' '), style: { top: nowIndicatorTop } }, innerContent)); })); + } + return null; + })))); }, + }, + { + key: 'cols', + scrollerElRef: this.scrollerElRef, + content: timeContent, + }, + ], + }); + if (stickyFooterScrollbar) { + sections.push({ + key: 'footer', + type: 'footer', + isSticky: true, + chunks: [ + { + key: 'axis', + content: renderScrollShim, + }, + { + key: 'cols', + content: renderScrollShim, + }, + ], + }); + } + return (createElement(ViewRoot, { viewSpec: context.viewSpec, elRef: this.rootElRef }, function (rootElRef, classNames) { return (createElement("div", { className: ['fc-timegrid'].concat(classNames).join(' '), ref: rootElRef }, + createElement(ScrollGrid, { liquid: !props.isHeightAuto && !props.forPrint, collapsibleWidth: false, colGroups: [ + { width: 'shrink', cols: [{ width: 'shrink' }] }, + { cols: [{ span: colCnt, minWidth: dayMinWidth }] }, + ], sections: sections }))); })); + }; + /* Dimensions + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + TimeColsView.prototype.getAllDayMaxEventProps = function () { + var _a = this.context.options, dayMaxEvents = _a.dayMaxEvents, dayMaxEventRows = _a.dayMaxEventRows; + if (dayMaxEvents === true || dayMaxEventRows === true) { // is auto? + dayMaxEvents = undefined; + dayMaxEventRows = AUTO_ALL_DAY_MAX_EVENT_ROWS; // make sure "auto" goes to a real number + } + return { dayMaxEvents: dayMaxEvents, dayMaxEventRows: dayMaxEventRows }; + }; + return TimeColsView; + }(DateComponent)); + function renderAllDayInner$1(hookProps) { + return hookProps.text; + } + + var TimeColsSlatsCoords = /** @class */ (function () { + function TimeColsSlatsCoords(positions, dateProfile, slotDuration) { + this.positions = positions; + this.dateProfile = dateProfile; + this.slotDuration = slotDuration; + } + TimeColsSlatsCoords.prototype.safeComputeTop = function (date) { + var dateProfile = this.dateProfile; + if (rangeContainsMarker(dateProfile.currentRange, date)) { + var startOfDayDate = startOfDay(date); + var timeMs = date.valueOf() - startOfDayDate.valueOf(); + if (timeMs >= asRoughMs(dateProfile.slotMinTime) && + timeMs < asRoughMs(dateProfile.slotMaxTime)) { + return this.computeTimeTop(createDuration(timeMs)); + } + } + return null; + }; + // Computes the top coordinate, relative to the bounds of the grid, of the given date. + // A `startOfDayDate` must be given for avoiding ambiguity over how to treat midnight. + TimeColsSlatsCoords.prototype.computeDateTop = function (when, startOfDayDate) { + if (!startOfDayDate) { + startOfDayDate = startOfDay(when); + } + return this.computeTimeTop(createDuration(when.valueOf() - startOfDayDate.valueOf())); + }; + // Computes the top coordinate, relative to the bounds of the grid, of the given time (a Duration). + // This is a makeshify way to compute the time-top. Assumes all slatMetas dates are uniform. + // Eventually allow computation with arbirary slat dates. + TimeColsSlatsCoords.prototype.computeTimeTop = function (duration) { + var _a = this, positions = _a.positions, dateProfile = _a.dateProfile; + var len = positions.els.length; + // floating-point value of # of slots covered + var slatCoverage = (duration.milliseconds - asRoughMs(dateProfile.slotMinTime)) / asRoughMs(this.slotDuration); + var slatIndex; + var slatRemainder; + // compute a floating-point number for how many slats should be progressed through. + // from 0 to number of slats (inclusive) + // constrained because slotMinTime/slotMaxTime might be customized. + slatCoverage = Math.max(0, slatCoverage); + slatCoverage = Math.min(len, slatCoverage); + // an integer index of the furthest whole slat + // from 0 to number slats (*exclusive*, so len-1) + slatIndex = Math.floor(slatCoverage); + slatIndex = Math.min(slatIndex, len - 1); + // how much further through the slatIndex slat (from 0.0-1.0) must be covered in addition. + // could be 1.0 if slatCoverage is covering *all* the slots + slatRemainder = slatCoverage - slatIndex; + return positions.tops[slatIndex] + + positions.getHeight(slatIndex) * slatRemainder; + }; + return TimeColsSlatsCoords; + }()); + + var TimeColsSlatsBody = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TimeColsSlatsBody, _super); + function TimeColsSlatsBody() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + TimeColsSlatsBody.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var options = context.options; + var slatElRefs = props.slatElRefs; + return (createElement("tbody", null, (slatMeta, i) { + var hookProps = { + time: slatMeta.time, + date: context.dateEnv.toDate(, + view: context.viewApi, + }; + var classNames = [ + 'fc-timegrid-slot', + 'fc-timegrid-slot-lane', + slatMeta.isLabeled ? '' : 'fc-timegrid-slot-minor', + ]; + return (createElement("tr", { key: slatMeta.key, ref: slatElRefs.createRef(slatMeta.key) }, + props.axis && (createElement(TimeColsAxisCell, __assign({}, slatMeta))), + createElement(RenderHook, { hookProps: hookProps, classNames: options.slotLaneClassNames, content: options.slotLaneContent, didMount: options.slotLaneDidMount, willUnmount: options.slotLaneWillUnmount }, function (rootElRef, customClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (createElement("td", { ref: rootElRef, className: classNames.concat(customClassNames).join(' '), "data-time": slatMeta.isoTimeStr }, innerContent)); }))); + }))); + }; + return TimeColsSlatsBody; + }(BaseComponent)); + + /* + for the horizontal "slats" that run width-wise. Has a time axis on a side. Depends on RTL. + */ + var TimeColsSlats = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TimeColsSlats, _super); + function TimeColsSlats() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.rootElRef = createRef(); + _this.slatElRefs = new RefMap(); + return _this; + } + TimeColsSlats.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + return (createElement("div", { ref: this.rootElRef, className: "fc-timegrid-slots" }, + createElement("table", { "aria-hidden": true, className: context.theme.getClass('table'), style: { + minWidth: props.tableMinWidth, + width: props.clientWidth, + height: props.minHeight, + } }, + props.tableColGroupNode /* relies on there only being a single for the axis */, + createElement(TimeColsSlatsBody, { slatElRefs: this.slatElRefs, axis: props.axis, slatMetas: props.slatMetas })))); + }; + TimeColsSlats.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { + this.updateSizing(); + }; + TimeColsSlats.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function () { + this.updateSizing(); + }; + TimeColsSlats.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { + if (this.props.onCoords) { + this.props.onCoords(null); + } + }; + TimeColsSlats.prototype.updateSizing = function () { + var _a = this, context = _a.context, props = _a.props; + if (props.onCoords && + props.clientWidth !== null // means sizing has stabilized + ) { + var rootEl = this.rootElRef.current; + if (rootEl.offsetHeight) { // not hidden by css + props.onCoords(new TimeColsSlatsCoords(new PositionCache(this.rootElRef.current, collectSlatEls(this.slatElRefs.currentMap, props.slatMetas), false, true), this.props.dateProfile, context.options.slotDuration)); + } + } + }; + return TimeColsSlats; + }(BaseComponent)); + function collectSlatEls(elMap, slatMetas) { + return (slatMeta) { return elMap[slatMeta.key]; }); + } + + function splitSegsByCol(segs, colCnt) { + var segsByCol = []; + var i; + for (i = 0; i < colCnt; i += 1) { + segsByCol.push([]); + } + if (segs) { + for (i = 0; i < segs.length; i += 1) { + segsByCol[segs[i].col].push(segs[i]); + } + } + return segsByCol; + } + function splitInteractionByCol(ui, colCnt) { + var byRow = []; + if (!ui) { + for (var i = 0; i < colCnt; i += 1) { + byRow[i] = null; + } + } + else { + for (var i = 0; i < colCnt; i += 1) { + byRow[i] = { + affectedInstances: ui.affectedInstances, + isEvent: ui.isEvent, + segs: [], + }; + } + for (var _i = 0, _a = ui.segs; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var seg = _a[_i]; + byRow[seg.col].segs.push(seg); + } + } + return byRow; + } + + var TimeColMoreLink = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TimeColMoreLink, _super); + function TimeColMoreLink() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.rootElRef = createRef(); + return _this; + } + TimeColMoreLink.prototype.render = function () { + var _this = this; + var props = this.props; + return (createElement(MoreLinkRoot, { allDayDate: null, moreCnt: props.hiddenSegs.length, allSegs: props.hiddenSegs, hiddenSegs: props.hiddenSegs, alignmentElRef: this.rootElRef, defaultContent: renderMoreLinkInner, extraDateSpan: props.extraDateSpan, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, todayRange: props.todayRange, popoverContent: function () { return renderPlainFgSegs(props.hiddenSegs, props); } }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent, handleClick, title, isExpanded, popoverId) { return (createElement("a", { ref: function (el) { + setRef(rootElRef, el); + setRef(_this.rootElRef, el); + }, className: ['fc-timegrid-more-link'].concat(classNames).join(' '), style: { top:, bottom: props.bottom }, onClick: handleClick, title: title, "aria-expanded": isExpanded, "aria-controls": popoverId }, + createElement("div", { ref: innerElRef, className: "fc-timegrid-more-link-inner fc-sticky" }, innerContent))); })); + }; + return TimeColMoreLink; + }(BaseComponent)); + function renderMoreLinkInner(props) { + return props.shortText; + } + + // segInputs assumed sorted + function buildPositioning(segInputs, strictOrder, maxStackCnt) { + var hierarchy = new SegHierarchy(); + if (strictOrder != null) { + hierarchy.strictOrder = strictOrder; + } + if (maxStackCnt != null) { + hierarchy.maxStackCnt = maxStackCnt; + } + var hiddenEntries = hierarchy.addSegs(segInputs); + var hiddenGroups = groupIntersectingEntries(hiddenEntries); + var web = buildWeb(hierarchy); + web = stretchWeb(web, 1); // all levelCoords/thickness will have 0.0-1.0 + var segRects = webToRects(web); + return { segRects: segRects, hiddenGroups: hiddenGroups }; + } + function buildWeb(hierarchy) { + var entriesByLevel = hierarchy.entriesByLevel; + var buildNode = cacheable(function (level, lateral) { return level + ':' + lateral; }, function (level, lateral) { + var siblingRange = findNextLevelSegs(hierarchy, level, lateral); + var nextLevelRes = buildNodes(siblingRange, buildNode); + var entry = entriesByLevel[level][lateral]; + return [ + __assign(__assign({}, entry), { nextLevelNodes: nextLevelRes[0] }), + entry.thickness + nextLevelRes[1], // the pressure builds + ]; + }); + return buildNodes(entriesByLevel.length + ? { level: 0, lateralStart: 0, lateralEnd: entriesByLevel[0].length } + : null, buildNode)[0]; + } + function buildNodes(siblingRange, buildNode) { + if (!siblingRange) { + return [[], 0]; + } + var level = siblingRange.level, lateralStart = siblingRange.lateralStart, lateralEnd = siblingRange.lateralEnd; + var lateral = lateralStart; + var pairs = []; + while (lateral < lateralEnd) { + pairs.push(buildNode(level, lateral)); + lateral += 1; + } + pairs.sort(cmpDescPressures); + return [ +, + pairs[0][1], // first item's pressure + ]; + } + function cmpDescPressures(a, b) { + return b[1] - a[1]; + } + function extractNode(a) { + return a[0]; + } + function findNextLevelSegs(hierarchy, subjectLevel, subjectLateral) { + var levelCoords = hierarchy.levelCoords, entriesByLevel = hierarchy.entriesByLevel; + var subjectEntry = entriesByLevel[subjectLevel][subjectLateral]; + var afterSubject = levelCoords[subjectLevel] + subjectEntry.thickness; + var levelCnt = levelCoords.length; + var level = subjectLevel; + // skip past levels that are too high up + for (; level < levelCnt && levelCoords[level] < afterSubject; level += 1) + ; // do nothing + for (; level < levelCnt; level += 1) { + var entries = entriesByLevel[level]; + var entry = void 0; + var searchIndex = binarySearch(entries, subjectEntry.span.start, getEntrySpanEnd); + var lateralStart = searchIndex[0] + searchIndex[1]; // if exact match (which doesn't collide), go to next one + var lateralEnd = lateralStart; + while ( // loop through entries that horizontally intersect + (entry = entries[lateralEnd]) && // but not past the whole seg list + entry.span.start < subjectEntry.span.end) { + lateralEnd += 1; + } + if (lateralStart < lateralEnd) { + return { level: level, lateralStart: lateralStart, lateralEnd: lateralEnd }; + } + } + return null; + } + function stretchWeb(topLevelNodes, totalThickness) { + var stretchNode = cacheable(function (node, startCoord, prevThickness) { return buildEntryKey(node); }, function (node, startCoord, prevThickness) { + var nextLevelNodes = node.nextLevelNodes, thickness = node.thickness; + var allThickness = thickness + prevThickness; + var thicknessFraction = thickness / allThickness; + var endCoord; + var newChildren = []; + if (!nextLevelNodes.length) { + endCoord = totalThickness; + } + else { + for (var _i = 0, nextLevelNodes_1 = nextLevelNodes; _i < nextLevelNodes_1.length; _i++) { + var childNode = nextLevelNodes_1[_i]; + if (endCoord === undefined) { + var res = stretchNode(childNode, startCoord, allThickness); + endCoord = res[0]; + newChildren.push(res[1]); + } + else { + var res = stretchNode(childNode, endCoord, 0); + newChildren.push(res[1]); + } + } + } + var newThickness = (endCoord - startCoord) * thicknessFraction; + return [endCoord - newThickness, __assign(__assign({}, node), { thickness: newThickness, nextLevelNodes: newChildren })]; + }); + return (node) { return stretchNode(node, 0, 0)[1]; }); + } + // not sorted in any particular order + function webToRects(topLevelNodes) { + var rects = []; + var processNode = cacheable(function (node, levelCoord, stackDepth) { return buildEntryKey(node); }, function (node, levelCoord, stackDepth) { + var rect = __assign(__assign({}, node), { levelCoord: levelCoord, + stackDepth: stackDepth, stackForward: 0 }); + rects.push(rect); + return (rect.stackForward = processNodes(node.nextLevelNodes, levelCoord + node.thickness, stackDepth + 1) + 1); + }); + function processNodes(nodes, levelCoord, stackDepth) { + var stackForward = 0; + for (var _i = 0, nodes_1 = nodes; _i < nodes_1.length; _i++) { + var node = nodes_1[_i]; + stackForward = Math.max(processNode(node, levelCoord, stackDepth), stackForward); + } + return stackForward; + } + processNodes(topLevelNodes, 0, 0); + return rects; // TODO: sort rects by levelCoord to be consistent with toRects? + } + // TODO: move to general util + function cacheable(keyFunc, workFunc) { + var cache = {}; + return function () { + var args = []; + for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { + args[_i] = arguments[_i]; + } + var key = keyFunc.apply(void 0, args); + return (key in cache) + ? cache[key] + : (cache[key] = workFunc.apply(void 0, args)); + }; + } + + function computeSegVCoords(segs, colDate, slatCoords, eventMinHeight) { + if (slatCoords === void 0) { slatCoords = null; } + if (eventMinHeight === void 0) { eventMinHeight = 0; } + var vcoords = []; + if (slatCoords) { + for (var i = 0; i < segs.length; i += 1) { + var seg = segs[i]; + var spanStart = slatCoords.computeDateTop(seg.start, colDate); + var spanEnd = Math.max(spanStart + (eventMinHeight || 0), // :( + slatCoords.computeDateTop(seg.end, colDate)); + vcoords.push({ + start: Math.round(spanStart), + end: Math.round(spanEnd), // + }); + } + } + return vcoords; + } + function computeFgSegPlacements(segs, segVCoords, // might not have for every seg + eventOrderStrict, eventMaxStack) { + var segInputs = []; + var dumbSegs = []; // segs without coords + for (var i = 0; i < segs.length; i += 1) { + var vcoords = segVCoords[i]; + if (vcoords) { + segInputs.push({ + index: i, + thickness: 1, + span: vcoords, + }); + } + else { + dumbSegs.push(segs[i]); + } + } + var _a = buildPositioning(segInputs, eventOrderStrict, eventMaxStack), segRects = _a.segRects, hiddenGroups = _a.hiddenGroups; + var segPlacements = []; + for (var _i = 0, segRects_1 = segRects; _i < segRects_1.length; _i++) { + var segRect = segRects_1[_i]; + segPlacements.push({ + seg: segs[segRect.index], + rect: segRect, + }); + } + for (var _b = 0, dumbSegs_1 = dumbSegs; _b < dumbSegs_1.length; _b++) { + var dumbSeg = dumbSegs_1[_b]; + segPlacements.push({ seg: dumbSeg, rect: null }); + } + return { segPlacements: segPlacements, hiddenGroups: hiddenGroups }; + } + + var DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT$1 = createFormatter({ + hour: 'numeric', + minute: '2-digit', + meridiem: false, + }); + var TimeColEvent = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TimeColEvent, _super); + function TimeColEvent() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + TimeColEvent.prototype.render = function () { + var classNames = [ + 'fc-timegrid-event', + 'fc-v-event', + ]; + if (this.props.isShort) { + classNames.push('fc-timegrid-event-short'); + } + return (createElement(StandardEvent, __assign({}, this.props, { defaultTimeFormat: DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT$1, extraClassNames: classNames }))); + }; + return TimeColEvent; + }(BaseComponent)); + + var TimeColMisc = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TimeColMisc, _super); + function TimeColMisc() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + TimeColMisc.prototype.render = function () { + var props = this.props; + return (createElement(DayCellContent, { date:, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, todayRange: props.todayRange, extraHookProps: props.extraHookProps }, function (innerElRef, innerContent) { return (innerContent && + createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-col-misc", ref: innerElRef }, innerContent)); })); + }; + return TimeColMisc; + }(BaseComponent)); + + var TimeCol = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TimeCol, _super); + function TimeCol() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.sortEventSegs = memoize(sortEventSegs); + return _this; + } + // TODO: memoize event-placement? + TimeCol.prototype.render = function () { + var _this = this; + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var isSelectMirror = context.options.selectMirror; + var mirrorSegs = (props.eventDrag && props.eventDrag.segs) || + (props.eventResize && props.eventResize.segs) || + (isSelectMirror && props.dateSelectionSegs) || + []; + var interactionAffectedInstances = // TODO: messy way to compute this + (props.eventDrag && props.eventDrag.affectedInstances) || + (props.eventResize && props.eventResize.affectedInstances) || + {}; + var sortedFgSegs = this.sortEventSegs(props.fgEventSegs, context.options.eventOrder); + return (createElement(DayCellRoot, { elRef: props.elRef, date:, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, todayRange: props.todayRange, extraHookProps: props.extraHookProps }, function (rootElRef, classNames, dataAttrs) { return (createElement("td", __assign({ ref: rootElRef, role: "gridcell", className: ['fc-timegrid-col'].concat(classNames, props.extraClassNames || []).join(' ') }, dataAttrs, props.extraDataAttrs), + createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-col-frame" }, + createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-col-bg" }, + _this.renderFillSegs(props.businessHourSegs, 'non-business'), + _this.renderFillSegs(props.bgEventSegs, 'bg-event'), + _this.renderFillSegs(props.dateSelectionSegs, 'highlight')), + createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-col-events" }, _this.renderFgSegs(sortedFgSegs, interactionAffectedInstances, false, false, false)), + createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-col-events" }, _this.renderFgSegs(mirrorSegs, {}, Boolean(props.eventDrag), Boolean(props.eventResize), Boolean(isSelectMirror))), + createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-now-indicator-container" }, _this.renderNowIndicator(props.nowIndicatorSegs)), + createElement(TimeColMisc, { date:, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, todayRange: props.todayRange, extraHookProps: props.extraHookProps })))); })); + }; + TimeCol.prototype.renderFgSegs = function (sortedFgSegs, segIsInvisible, isDragging, isResizing, isDateSelecting) { + var props = this.props; + if (props.forPrint) { + return renderPlainFgSegs(sortedFgSegs, props); + } + return this.renderPositionedFgSegs(sortedFgSegs, segIsInvisible, isDragging, isResizing, isDateSelecting); + }; + TimeCol.prototype.renderPositionedFgSegs = function (segs, // if not mirror, needs to be sorted + segIsInvisible, isDragging, isResizing, isDateSelecting) { + var _this = this; + var _a = this.context.options, eventMaxStack = _a.eventMaxStack, eventShortHeight = _a.eventShortHeight, eventOrderStrict = _a.eventOrderStrict, eventMinHeight = _a.eventMinHeight; + var _b = this.props, date =, slatCoords = _b.slatCoords, eventSelection = _b.eventSelection, todayRange = _b.todayRange, nowDate = _b.nowDate; + var isMirror = isDragging || isResizing || isDateSelecting; + var segVCoords = computeSegVCoords(segs, date, slatCoords, eventMinHeight); + var _c = computeFgSegPlacements(segs, segVCoords, eventOrderStrict, eventMaxStack), segPlacements = _c.segPlacements, hiddenGroups = _c.hiddenGroups; + return (createElement(Fragment, null, + this.renderHiddenGroups(hiddenGroups, segs), + (segPlacement) { + var seg = segPlacement.seg, rect = segPlacement.rect; + var instanceId = seg.eventRange.instance.instanceId; + var isVisible = isMirror || Boolean(!segIsInvisible[instanceId] && rect); + var vStyle = computeSegVStyle(rect && rect.span); + var hStyle = (!isMirror && rect) ? _this.computeSegHStyle(rect) : { left: 0, right: 0 }; + var isInset = Boolean(rect) && rect.stackForward > 0; + var isShort = Boolean(rect) && (rect.span.end - rect.span.start) < eventShortHeight; // look at other places for this problem + return (createElement("div", { className: 'fc-timegrid-event-harness' + + (isInset ? ' fc-timegrid-event-harness-inset' : ''), key: instanceId, style: __assign(__assign({ visibility: isVisible ? '' : 'hidden' }, vStyle), hStyle) }, + createElement(TimeColEvent, __assign({ seg: seg, isDragging: isDragging, isResizing: isResizing, isDateSelecting: isDateSelecting, isSelected: instanceId === eventSelection, isShort: isShort }, getSegMeta(seg, todayRange, nowDate))))); + }))); + }; + // will already have eventMinHeight applied because segInputs already had it + TimeCol.prototype.renderHiddenGroups = function (hiddenGroups, segs) { + var _a = this.props, extraDateSpan = _a.extraDateSpan, dateProfile = _a.dateProfile, todayRange = _a.todayRange, nowDate = _a.nowDate, eventSelection = _a.eventSelection, eventDrag = _a.eventDrag, eventResize = _a.eventResize; + return (createElement(Fragment, null, (hiddenGroup) { + var positionCss = computeSegVStyle(hiddenGroup.span); + var hiddenSegs = compileSegsFromEntries(hiddenGroup.entries, segs); + return (createElement(TimeColMoreLink, { key: buildIsoString(computeEarliestSegStart(hiddenSegs)), hiddenSegs: hiddenSegs, top:, bottom: positionCss.bottom, extraDateSpan: extraDateSpan, dateProfile: dateProfile, todayRange: todayRange, nowDate: nowDate, eventSelection: eventSelection, eventDrag: eventDrag, eventResize: eventResize })); + }))); + }; + TimeCol.prototype.renderFillSegs = function (segs, fillType) { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var segVCoords = computeSegVCoords(segs,, props.slatCoords, context.options.eventMinHeight); // don't assume all populated + var children = (vcoords, i) { + var seg = segs[i]; + return (createElement("div", { key: buildEventRangeKey(seg.eventRange), className: "fc-timegrid-bg-harness", style: computeSegVStyle(vcoords) }, fillType === 'bg-event' ? + createElement(BgEvent, __assign({ seg: seg }, getSegMeta(seg, props.todayRange, props.nowDate))) : + renderFill(fillType))); + }); + return createElement(Fragment, null, children); + }; + TimeCol.prototype.renderNowIndicator = function (segs) { + var _a = this.props, slatCoords = _a.slatCoords, date =; + if (!slatCoords) { + return null; + } + return (seg, i) { return (createElement(NowIndicatorRoot, { isAxis: false, date: date, + // key doesn't matter. will only ever be one + key: i }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (createElement("div", { ref: rootElRef, className: ['fc-timegrid-now-indicator-line'].concat(classNames).join(' '), style: { top: slatCoords.computeDateTop(seg.start, date) } }, innerContent)); })); }); + }; + TimeCol.prototype.computeSegHStyle = function (segHCoords) { + var _a = this.context, isRtl = _a.isRtl, options = _a.options; + var shouldOverlap = options.slotEventOverlap; + var nearCoord = segHCoords.levelCoord; // the left side if LTR. the right side if RTL. floating-point + var farCoord = segHCoords.levelCoord + segHCoords.thickness; // the right side if LTR. the left side if RTL. floating-point + var left; // amount of space from left edge, a fraction of the total width + var right; // amount of space from right edge, a fraction of the total width + if (shouldOverlap) { + // double the width, but don't go beyond the maximum forward coordinate (1.0) + farCoord = Math.min(1, nearCoord + (farCoord - nearCoord) * 2); + } + if (isRtl) { + left = 1 - farCoord; + right = nearCoord; + } + else { + left = nearCoord; + right = 1 - farCoord; + } + var props = { + zIndex: segHCoords.stackDepth + 1, + left: left * 100 + '%', + right: right * 100 + '%', + }; + if (shouldOverlap && !segHCoords.stackForward) { + // add padding to the edge so that forward stacked events don't cover the resizer's icon + props[isRtl ? 'marginLeft' : 'marginRight'] = 10 * 2; // 10 is a guesstimate of the icon's width + } + return props; + }; + return TimeCol; + }(BaseComponent)); + function renderPlainFgSegs(sortedFgSegs, _a) { + var todayRange = _a.todayRange, nowDate = _a.nowDate, eventSelection = _a.eventSelection, eventDrag = _a.eventDrag, eventResize = _a.eventResize; + var hiddenInstances = (eventDrag ? eventDrag.affectedInstances : null) || + (eventResize ? eventResize.affectedInstances : null) || + {}; + return (createElement(Fragment, null, (seg) { + var instanceId = seg.eventRange.instance.instanceId; + return (createElement("div", { key: instanceId, style: { visibility: hiddenInstances[instanceId] ? 'hidden' : '' } }, + createElement(TimeColEvent, __assign({ seg: seg, isDragging: false, isResizing: false, isDateSelecting: false, isSelected: instanceId === eventSelection, isShort: false }, getSegMeta(seg, todayRange, nowDate))))); + }))); + } + function computeSegVStyle(segVCoords) { + if (!segVCoords) { + return { top: '', bottom: '' }; + } + return { + top: segVCoords.start, + bottom: -segVCoords.end, + }; + } + function compileSegsFromEntries(segEntries, allSegs) { + return (segEntry) { return allSegs[segEntry.index]; }); + } + + var TimeColsContent = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TimeColsContent, _super); + function TimeColsContent() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.splitFgEventSegs = memoize(splitSegsByCol); + _this.splitBgEventSegs = memoize(splitSegsByCol); + _this.splitBusinessHourSegs = memoize(splitSegsByCol); + _this.splitNowIndicatorSegs = memoize(splitSegsByCol); + _this.splitDateSelectionSegs = memoize(splitSegsByCol); + _this.splitEventDrag = memoize(splitInteractionByCol); + _this.splitEventResize = memoize(splitInteractionByCol); + _this.rootElRef = createRef(); + _this.cellElRefs = new RefMap(); + return _this; + } + TimeColsContent.prototype.render = function () { + var _this = this; + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var nowIndicatorTop = context.options.nowIndicator && + props.slatCoords && + props.slatCoords.safeComputeTop(props.nowDate); // might return void + var colCnt = props.cells.length; + var fgEventSegsByRow = this.splitFgEventSegs(props.fgEventSegs, colCnt); + var bgEventSegsByRow = this.splitBgEventSegs(props.bgEventSegs, colCnt); + var businessHourSegsByRow = this.splitBusinessHourSegs(props.businessHourSegs, colCnt); + var nowIndicatorSegsByRow = this.splitNowIndicatorSegs(props.nowIndicatorSegs, colCnt); + var dateSelectionSegsByRow = this.splitDateSelectionSegs(props.dateSelectionSegs, colCnt); + var eventDragByRow = this.splitEventDrag(props.eventDrag, colCnt); + var eventResizeByRow = this.splitEventResize(props.eventResize, colCnt); + return (createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-cols", ref: this.rootElRef }, + createElement("table", { role: "presentation", style: { + minWidth: props.tableMinWidth, + width: props.clientWidth, + } }, + props.tableColGroupNode, + createElement("tbody", { role: "presentation" }, + createElement("tr", { role: "row" }, + props.axis && (createElement("td", { "aria-hidden": true, className: "fc-timegrid-col fc-timegrid-axis" }, + createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-col-frame" }, + createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-now-indicator-container" }, typeof nowIndicatorTop === 'number' && (createElement(NowIndicatorRoot, { isAxis: true, date: props.nowDate }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (createElement("div", { ref: rootElRef, className: ['fc-timegrid-now-indicator-arrow'].concat(classNames).join(' '), style: { top: nowIndicatorTop } }, innerContent)); })))))), + (cell, i) { return (createElement(TimeCol, { key: cell.key, elRef: _this.cellElRefs.createRef(cell.key), dateProfile: props.dateProfile, date:, nowDate: props.nowDate, todayRange: props.todayRange, extraHookProps: cell.extraHookProps, extraDataAttrs: cell.extraDataAttrs, extraClassNames: cell.extraClassNames, extraDateSpan: cell.extraDateSpan, fgEventSegs: fgEventSegsByRow[i], bgEventSegs: bgEventSegsByRow[i], businessHourSegs: businessHourSegsByRow[i], nowIndicatorSegs: nowIndicatorSegsByRow[i], dateSelectionSegs: dateSelectionSegsByRow[i], eventDrag: eventDragByRow[i], eventResize: eventResizeByRow[i], slatCoords: props.slatCoords, eventSelection: props.eventSelection, forPrint: props.forPrint })); })))))); + }; + TimeColsContent.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { + this.updateCoords(); + }; + TimeColsContent.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function () { + this.updateCoords(); + }; + TimeColsContent.prototype.updateCoords = function () { + var props = this.props; + if (props.onColCoords && + props.clientWidth !== null // means sizing has stabilized + ) { + props.onColCoords(new PositionCache(this.rootElRef.current, collectCellEls(this.cellElRefs.currentMap, props.cells), true, // horizontal + false)); + } + }; + return TimeColsContent; + }(BaseComponent)); + function collectCellEls(elMap, cells) { + return (cell) { return elMap[cell.key]; }); + } + + /* A component that renders one or more columns of vertical time slots + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + var TimeCols = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TimeCols, _super); + function TimeCols() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.processSlotOptions = memoize(processSlotOptions); + _this.state = { + slatCoords: null, + }; + _this.handleRootEl = function (el) { + if (el) { + _this.context.registerInteractiveComponent(_this, { + el: el, + isHitComboAllowed: _this.props.isHitComboAllowed, + }); + } + else { + _this.context.unregisterInteractiveComponent(_this); + } + }; + _this.handleScrollRequest = function (request) { + var onScrollTopRequest = _this.props.onScrollTopRequest; + var slatCoords = _this.state.slatCoords; + if (onScrollTopRequest && slatCoords) { + if (request.time) { + var top_1 = slatCoords.computeTimeTop(request.time); + top_1 = Math.ceil(top_1); // zoom can give weird floating-point values. rather scroll a little bit further + if (top_1) { + top_1 += 1; // to overcome top border that slots beyond the first have. looks better + } + onScrollTopRequest(top_1); + } + return true; + } + return false; + }; + _this.handleColCoords = function (colCoords) { + _this.colCoords = colCoords; + }; + _this.handleSlatCoords = function (slatCoords) { + _this.setState({ slatCoords: slatCoords }); + if (_this.props.onSlatCoords) { + _this.props.onSlatCoords(slatCoords); + } + }; + return _this; + } + TimeCols.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, state = _a.state; + return (createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-body", ref: this.handleRootEl, style: { + // these props are important to give this wrapper correct dimensions for interactions + // TODO: if we set it here, can we avoid giving to inner tables? + width: props.clientWidth, + minWidth: props.tableMinWidth, + } }, + createElement(TimeColsSlats, { axis: props.axis, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, slatMetas: props.slatMetas, clientWidth: props.clientWidth, minHeight: props.expandRows ? props.clientHeight : '', tableMinWidth: props.tableMinWidth, tableColGroupNode: props.axis ? props.tableColGroupNode : null /* axis depends on the colgroup's shrinking */, onCoords: this.handleSlatCoords }), + createElement(TimeColsContent, { cells: props.cells, axis: props.axis, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, businessHourSegs: props.businessHourSegs, bgEventSegs: props.bgEventSegs, fgEventSegs: props.fgEventSegs, dateSelectionSegs: props.dateSelectionSegs, eventSelection: props.eventSelection, eventDrag: props.eventDrag, eventResize: props.eventResize, todayRange: props.todayRange, nowDate: props.nowDate, nowIndicatorSegs: props.nowIndicatorSegs, clientWidth: props.clientWidth, tableMinWidth: props.tableMinWidth, tableColGroupNode: props.tableColGroupNode, slatCoords: state.slatCoords, onColCoords: this.handleColCoords, forPrint: props.forPrint }))); + }; + TimeCols.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { + this.scrollResponder = this.context.createScrollResponder(this.handleScrollRequest); + }; + TimeCols.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) { + this.scrollResponder.update(prevProps.dateProfile !== this.props.dateProfile); + }; + TimeCols.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { + this.scrollResponder.detach(); + }; + TimeCols.prototype.queryHit = function (positionLeft, positionTop) { + var _a = this.context, dateEnv = _a.dateEnv, options = _a.options; + var colCoords = this.colCoords; + var dateProfile = this.props.dateProfile; + var slatCoords = this.state.slatCoords; + var _b = this.processSlotOptions(this.props.slotDuration, options.snapDuration), snapDuration = _b.snapDuration, snapsPerSlot = _b.snapsPerSlot; + var colIndex = colCoords.leftToIndex(positionLeft); + var slatIndex = slatCoords.positions.topToIndex(positionTop); + if (colIndex != null && slatIndex != null) { + var cell = this.props.cells[colIndex]; + var slatTop = slatCoords.positions.tops[slatIndex]; + var slatHeight = slatCoords.positions.getHeight(slatIndex); + var partial = (positionTop - slatTop) / slatHeight; // floating point number between 0 and 1 + var localSnapIndex = Math.floor(partial * snapsPerSlot); // the snap # relative to start of slat + var snapIndex = slatIndex * snapsPerSlot + localSnapIndex; + var dayDate = this.props.cells[colIndex].date; + var time = addDurations(dateProfile.slotMinTime, multiplyDuration(snapDuration, snapIndex)); + var start = dateEnv.add(dayDate, time); + var end = dateEnv.add(start, snapDuration); + return { + dateProfile: dateProfile, + dateSpan: __assign({ range: { start: start, end: end }, allDay: false }, cell.extraDateSpan), + dayEl: colCoords.els[colIndex], + rect: { + left: colCoords.lefts[colIndex], + right: colCoords.rights[colIndex], + top: slatTop, + bottom: slatTop + slatHeight, + }, + layer: 0, + }; + } + return null; + }; + return TimeCols; + }(DateComponent)); + function processSlotOptions(slotDuration, snapDurationOverride) { + var snapDuration = snapDurationOverride || slotDuration; + var snapsPerSlot = wholeDivideDurations(slotDuration, snapDuration); + if (snapsPerSlot === null) { + snapDuration = slotDuration; + snapsPerSlot = 1; + // TODO: say warning? + } + return { snapDuration: snapDuration, snapsPerSlot: snapsPerSlot }; + } + + var DayTimeColsSlicer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(DayTimeColsSlicer, _super); + function DayTimeColsSlicer() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + DayTimeColsSlicer.prototype.sliceRange = function (range, dayRanges) { + var segs = []; + for (var col = 0; col < dayRanges.length; col += 1) { + var segRange = intersectRanges(range, dayRanges[col]); + if (segRange) { + segs.push({ + start: segRange.start, + end: segRange.end, + isStart: segRange.start.valueOf() === range.start.valueOf(), + isEnd: segRange.end.valueOf() === range.end.valueOf(), + col: col, + }); + } + } + return segs; + }; + return DayTimeColsSlicer; + }(Slicer)); + + var DayTimeCols = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(DayTimeCols, _super); + function DayTimeCols() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.buildDayRanges = memoize(buildDayRanges); + _this.slicer = new DayTimeColsSlicer(); + _this.timeColsRef = createRef(); + return _this; + } + DayTimeCols.prototype.render = function () { + var _this = this; + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var dateProfile = props.dateProfile, dayTableModel = props.dayTableModel; + var isNowIndicator = context.options.nowIndicator; + var dayRanges = this.buildDayRanges(dayTableModel, dateProfile, context.dateEnv); + // give it the first row of cells + // TODO: would move this further down hierarchy, but sliceNowDate needs it + return (createElement(NowTimer, { unit: isNowIndicator ? 'minute' : 'day' }, function (nowDate, todayRange) { return (createElement(TimeCols, __assign({ ref: _this.timeColsRef }, _this.slicer.sliceProps(props, dateProfile, null, context, dayRanges), { forPrint: props.forPrint, axis: props.axis, dateProfile: dateProfile, slatMetas: props.slatMetas, slotDuration: props.slotDuration, cells: dayTableModel.cells[0], tableColGroupNode: props.tableColGroupNode, tableMinWidth: props.tableMinWidth, clientWidth: props.clientWidth, clientHeight: props.clientHeight, expandRows: props.expandRows, nowDate: nowDate, nowIndicatorSegs: isNowIndicator && _this.slicer.sliceNowDate(nowDate, context, dayRanges), todayRange: todayRange, onScrollTopRequest: props.onScrollTopRequest, onSlatCoords: props.onSlatCoords }))); })); + }; + return DayTimeCols; + }(DateComponent)); + function buildDayRanges(dayTableModel, dateProfile, dateEnv) { + var ranges = []; + for (var _i = 0, _a = dayTableModel.headerDates; _i < _a.length; _i++) { + var date = _a[_i]; + ranges.push({ + start: dateEnv.add(date, dateProfile.slotMinTime), + end: dateEnv.add(date, dateProfile.slotMaxTime), + }); + } + return ranges; + } + + // potential nice values for the slot-duration and interval-duration + // from largest to smallest + var STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS = [ + { hours: 1 }, + { minutes: 30 }, + { minutes: 15 }, + { seconds: 30 }, + { seconds: 15 }, + ]; + function buildSlatMetas(slotMinTime, slotMaxTime, explicitLabelInterval, slotDuration, dateEnv) { + var dayStart = new Date(0); + var slatTime = slotMinTime; + var slatIterator = createDuration(0); + var labelInterval = explicitLabelInterval || computeLabelInterval(slotDuration); + var metas = []; + while (asRoughMs(slatTime) < asRoughMs(slotMaxTime)) { + var date = dateEnv.add(dayStart, slatTime); + var isLabeled = wholeDivideDurations(slatIterator, labelInterval) !== null; + metas.push({ + date: date, + time: slatTime, + key: date.toISOString(), + isoTimeStr: formatIsoTimeString(date), + isLabeled: isLabeled, + }); + slatTime = addDurations(slatTime, slotDuration); + slatIterator = addDurations(slatIterator, slotDuration); + } + return metas; + } + // Computes an automatic value for slotLabelInterval + function computeLabelInterval(slotDuration) { + var i; + var labelInterval; + var slotsPerLabel; + // find the smallest stock label interval that results in more than one slots-per-label + for (i = STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { + labelInterval = createDuration(STOCK_SUB_DURATIONS[i]); + slotsPerLabel = wholeDivideDurations(labelInterval, slotDuration); + if (slotsPerLabel !== null && slotsPerLabel > 1) { + return labelInterval; + } + } + return slotDuration; // fall back + } + + var DayTimeColsView = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(DayTimeColsView, _super); + function DayTimeColsView() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.buildTimeColsModel = memoize(buildTimeColsModel); + _this.buildSlatMetas = memoize(buildSlatMetas); + return _this; + } + DayTimeColsView.prototype.render = function () { + var _this = this; + var _a = this.context, options = _a.options, dateEnv = _a.dateEnv, dateProfileGenerator = _a.dateProfileGenerator; + var props = this.props; + var dateProfile = props.dateProfile; + var dayTableModel = this.buildTimeColsModel(dateProfile, dateProfileGenerator); + var splitProps = this.allDaySplitter.splitProps(props); + var slatMetas = this.buildSlatMetas(dateProfile.slotMinTime, dateProfile.slotMaxTime, options.slotLabelInterval, options.slotDuration, dateEnv); + var dayMinWidth = options.dayMinWidth; + var hasAttachedAxis = !dayMinWidth; + var hasDetachedAxis = dayMinWidth; + var headerContent = options.dayHeaders && (createElement(DayHeader, { dates: dayTableModel.headerDates, dateProfile: dateProfile, datesRepDistinctDays: true, renderIntro: hasAttachedAxis ? this.renderHeadAxis : null })); + var allDayContent = (options.allDaySlot !== false) && (function (contentArg) { return (createElement(DayTable, __assign({}, splitProps.allDay, { dateProfile: dateProfile, dayTableModel: dayTableModel, nextDayThreshold: options.nextDayThreshold, tableMinWidth: contentArg.tableMinWidth, colGroupNode: contentArg.tableColGroupNode, renderRowIntro: hasAttachedAxis ? _this.renderTableRowAxis : null, showWeekNumbers: false, expandRows: false, headerAlignElRef: _this.headerElRef, clientWidth: contentArg.clientWidth, clientHeight: contentArg.clientHeight, forPrint: props.forPrint }, _this.getAllDayMaxEventProps()))); }); + var timeGridContent = function (contentArg) { return (createElement(DayTimeCols, __assign({}, splitProps.timed, { dayTableModel: dayTableModel, dateProfile: dateProfile, axis: hasAttachedAxis, slotDuration: options.slotDuration, slatMetas: slatMetas, forPrint: props.forPrint, tableColGroupNode: contentArg.tableColGroupNode, tableMinWidth: contentArg.tableMinWidth, clientWidth: contentArg.clientWidth, clientHeight: contentArg.clientHeight, onSlatCoords: _this.handleSlatCoords, expandRows: contentArg.expandRows, onScrollTopRequest: _this.handleScrollTopRequest }))); }; + return hasDetachedAxis + ? this.renderHScrollLayout(headerContent, allDayContent, timeGridContent, dayTableModel.colCnt, dayMinWidth, slatMetas, this.state.slatCoords) + : this.renderSimpleLayout(headerContent, allDayContent, timeGridContent); + }; + return DayTimeColsView; + }(TimeColsView)); + function buildTimeColsModel(dateProfile, dateProfileGenerator) { + var daySeries = new DaySeriesModel(dateProfile.renderRange, dateProfileGenerator); + return new DayTableModel(daySeries, false); + } + + var OPTION_REFINERS$2 = { + allDaySlot: Boolean, + }; + + var timeGridPlugin = createPlugin({ + initialView: 'timeGridWeek', + optionRefiners: OPTION_REFINERS$2, + views: { + timeGrid: { + component: DayTimeColsView, + usesMinMaxTime: true, + allDaySlot: true, + slotDuration: '00:30:00', + slotEventOverlap: true, // a bad name. confused with overlap/constraint system + }, + timeGridDay: { + type: 'timeGrid', + duration: { days: 1 }, + }, + timeGridWeek: { + type: 'timeGrid', + duration: { weeks: 1 }, + }, + }, + }); + + var ListViewHeaderRow = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(ListViewHeaderRow, _super); + function ListViewHeaderRow() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.state = { + textId: getUniqueDomId(), + }; + return _this; + } + ListViewHeaderRow.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this.context, theme = _a.theme, dateEnv = _a.dateEnv, options = _a.options, viewApi = _a.viewApi; + var _b = this.props, cellId = _b.cellId, dayDate = _b.dayDate, todayRange = _b.todayRange; + var textId = this.state.textId; + var dayMeta = getDateMeta(dayDate, todayRange); + // will ever be falsy? + var text = options.listDayFormat ? dateEnv.format(dayDate, options.listDayFormat) : ''; + // will ever be falsy? also, BAD NAME "alt" + var sideText = options.listDaySideFormat ? dateEnv.format(dayDate, options.listDaySideFormat) : ''; + var hookProps = __assign({ date: dateEnv.toDate(dayDate), view: viewApi, textId: textId, + text: text, + sideText: sideText, navLinkAttrs: buildNavLinkAttrs(this.context, dayDate), sideNavLinkAttrs: buildNavLinkAttrs(this.context, dayDate, 'day', false) }, dayMeta); + var classNames = ['fc-list-day'].concat(getDayClassNames(dayMeta, theme)); + // TODO: make a reusable HOC for dayHeader (used in daygrid/timegrid too) + return (createElement(RenderHook, { hookProps: hookProps, classNames: options.dayHeaderClassNames, content: options.dayHeaderContent, defaultContent: renderInnerContent, didMount: options.dayHeaderDidMount, willUnmount: options.dayHeaderWillUnmount }, function (rootElRef, customClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (createElement("tr", { ref: rootElRef, className: classNames.concat(customClassNames).join(' '), "data-date": formatDayString(dayDate) }, + createElement("th", { scope: "colgroup", colSpan: 3, id: cellId, "aria-labelledby": textId }, + createElement("div", { className: 'fc-list-day-cushion ' + theme.getClass('tableCellShaded'), ref: innerElRef }, innerContent)))); })); + }; + return ListViewHeaderRow; + }(BaseComponent)); + function renderInnerContent(props) { + return (createElement(Fragment, null, + props.text && (createElement("a", __assign({ id: props.textId, className: "fc-list-day-text" }, props.navLinkAttrs), props.text)), + props.sideText && ( /* not keyboard tabbable */createElement("a", __assign({ "aria-hidden": true, className: "fc-list-day-side-text" }, props.sideNavLinkAttrs), props.sideText)))); + } + + var DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT = createFormatter({ + hour: 'numeric', + minute: '2-digit', + meridiem: 'short', + }); + var ListViewEventRow = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(ListViewEventRow, _super); + function ListViewEventRow() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + ListViewEventRow.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var seg = props.seg, timeHeaderId = props.timeHeaderId, eventHeaderId = props.eventHeaderId, dateHeaderId = props.dateHeaderId; + var timeFormat = context.options.eventTimeFormat || DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT; + return (createElement(EventRoot, { seg: seg, timeText: "" // BAD. because of all-day content + , disableDragging: true, disableResizing: true, defaultContent: function () { return renderEventInnerContent(seg, context); } /* weird */, isPast: props.isPast, isFuture: props.isFuture, isToday: props.isToday, isSelected: props.isSelected, isDragging: props.isDragging, isResizing: props.isResizing, isDateSelecting: props.isDateSelecting }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent, hookProps) { return (createElement("tr", { className: ['fc-list-event', hookProps.event.url ? 'fc-event-forced-url' : ''].concat(classNames).join(' '), ref: rootElRef }, + buildTimeContent(seg, timeFormat, context, timeHeaderId, dateHeaderId), + createElement("td", { "aria-hidden": true, className: "fc-list-event-graphic" }, + createElement("span", { className: "fc-list-event-dot", style: { borderColor: hookProps.borderColor || hookProps.backgroundColor } })), + createElement("td", { ref: innerElRef, headers: eventHeaderId + " " + dateHeaderId, className: "fc-list-event-title" }, innerContent))); })); + }; + return ListViewEventRow; + }(BaseComponent)); + function renderEventInnerContent(seg, context) { + var interactiveAttrs = getSegAnchorAttrs(seg, context); + return (createElement("a", __assign({}, interactiveAttrs), seg.eventRange.def.title)); + } + function buildTimeContent(seg, timeFormat, context, timeHeaderId, dateHeaderId) { + var options = context.options; + if (options.displayEventTime !== false) { + var eventDef = seg.eventRange.def; + var eventInstance = seg.eventRange.instance; + var doAllDay = false; + var timeText = void 0; + if (eventDef.allDay) { + doAllDay = true; + } + else if (isMultiDayRange(seg.eventRange.range)) { // TODO: use (!isStart || !isEnd) instead? + if (seg.isStart) { + timeText = buildSegTimeText(seg, timeFormat, context, null, null, eventInstance.range.start, seg.end); + } + else if (seg.isEnd) { + timeText = buildSegTimeText(seg, timeFormat, context, null, null, seg.start, eventInstance.range.end); + } + else { + doAllDay = true; + } + } + else { + timeText = buildSegTimeText(seg, timeFormat, context); + } + if (doAllDay) { + var hookProps = { + text: context.options.allDayText, + view: context.viewApi, + }; + return (createElement(RenderHook, { hookProps: hookProps, classNames: options.allDayClassNames, content: options.allDayContent, defaultContent: renderAllDayInner, didMount: options.allDayDidMount, willUnmount: options.allDayWillUnmount }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (createElement("td", { ref: rootElRef, headers: timeHeaderId + " " + dateHeaderId, className: ['fc-list-event-time'].concat(classNames).join(' ') }, innerContent)); })); + } + return (createElement("td", { className: "fc-list-event-time" }, timeText)); + } + return null; + } + function renderAllDayInner(hookProps) { + return hookProps.text; + } + + /* + Responsible for the scroller, and forwarding event-related actions into the "grid". + */ + var ListView = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(ListView, _super); + function ListView() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.computeDateVars = memoize(computeDateVars); + _this.eventStoreToSegs = memoize(_this._eventStoreToSegs); + _this.state = { + timeHeaderId: getUniqueDomId(), + eventHeaderId: getUniqueDomId(), + dateHeaderIdRoot: getUniqueDomId(), + }; + _this.setRootEl = function (rootEl) { + if (rootEl) { + _this.context.registerInteractiveComponent(_this, { + el: rootEl, + }); + } + else { + _this.context.unregisterInteractiveComponent(_this); + } + }; + return _this; + } + ListView.prototype.render = function () { + var _this = this; + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + var extraClassNames = [ + 'fc-list', + context.theme.getClass('table'), + context.options.stickyHeaderDates !== false ? 'fc-list-sticky' : '', + ]; + var _b = this.computeDateVars(props.dateProfile), dayDates = _b.dayDates, dayRanges = _b.dayRanges; + var eventSegs = this.eventStoreToSegs(props.eventStore, props.eventUiBases, dayRanges); + return (createElement(ViewRoot, { viewSpec: context.viewSpec, elRef: this.setRootEl }, function (rootElRef, classNames) { return (createElement("div", { ref: rootElRef, className: extraClassNames.concat(classNames).join(' ') }, + createElement(Scroller, { liquid: !props.isHeightAuto, overflowX: props.isHeightAuto ? 'visible' : 'hidden', overflowY: props.isHeightAuto ? 'visible' : 'auto' }, eventSegs.length > 0 ? + _this.renderSegList(eventSegs, dayDates) : + _this.renderEmptyMessage()))); })); + }; + ListView.prototype.renderEmptyMessage = function () { + var _a = this.context, options = _a.options, viewApi = _a.viewApi; + var hookProps = { + text: options.noEventsText, + view: viewApi, + }; + return (createElement(RenderHook, { hookProps: hookProps, classNames: options.noEventsClassNames, content: options.noEventsContent, defaultContent: renderNoEventsInner, didMount: options.noEventsDidMount, willUnmount: options.noEventsWillUnmount }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (createElement("div", { className: ['fc-list-empty'].concat(classNames).join(' '), ref: rootElRef }, + createElement("div", { className: "fc-list-empty-cushion", ref: innerElRef }, innerContent))); })); + }; + ListView.prototype.renderSegList = function (allSegs, dayDates) { + var _a = this.context, theme = _a.theme, options = _a.options; + var _b = this.state, timeHeaderId = _b.timeHeaderId, eventHeaderId = _b.eventHeaderId, dateHeaderIdRoot = _b.dateHeaderIdRoot; + var segsByDay = groupSegsByDay(allSegs); // sparse array + return (createElement(NowTimer, { unit: "day" }, function (nowDate, todayRange) { + var innerNodes = []; + for (var dayIndex = 0; dayIndex < segsByDay.length; dayIndex += 1) { + var daySegs = segsByDay[dayIndex]; + if (daySegs) { // sparse array, so might be undefined + var dayStr = formatDayString(dayDates[dayIndex]); + var dateHeaderId = dateHeaderIdRoot + '-' + dayStr; + // append a day header + innerNodes.push(createElement(ListViewHeaderRow, { key: dayStr, cellId: dateHeaderId, dayDate: dayDates[dayIndex], todayRange: todayRange })); + daySegs = sortEventSegs(daySegs, options.eventOrder); + for (var _i = 0, daySegs_1 = daySegs; _i < daySegs_1.length; _i++) { + var seg = daySegs_1[_i]; + innerNodes.push(createElement(ListViewEventRow, __assign({ key: dayStr + ':' + seg.eventRange.instance.instanceId /* are multiple segs for an instanceId */, seg: seg, isDragging: false, isResizing: false, isDateSelecting: false, isSelected: false, timeHeaderId: timeHeaderId, eventHeaderId: eventHeaderId, dateHeaderId: dateHeaderId }, getSegMeta(seg, todayRange, nowDate)))); + } + } + } + return (createElement("table", { className: 'fc-list-table ' + theme.getClass('table') }, + createElement("thead", null, + createElement("tr", null, + createElement("th", { scope: "col", id: timeHeaderId }, options.timeHint), + createElement("th", { scope: "col", "aria-hidden": true }), + createElement("th", { scope: "col", id: eventHeaderId }, options.eventHint))), + createElement("tbody", null, innerNodes))); + })); + }; + ListView.prototype._eventStoreToSegs = function (eventStore, eventUiBases, dayRanges) { + return this.eventRangesToSegs(sliceEventStore(eventStore, eventUiBases, this.props.dateProfile.activeRange, this.context.options.nextDayThreshold).fg, dayRanges); + }; + ListView.prototype.eventRangesToSegs = function (eventRanges, dayRanges) { + var segs = []; + for (var _i = 0, eventRanges_1 = eventRanges; _i < eventRanges_1.length; _i++) { + var eventRange = eventRanges_1[_i]; + segs.push.apply(segs, this.eventRangeToSegs(eventRange, dayRanges)); + } + return segs; + }; + ListView.prototype.eventRangeToSegs = function (eventRange, dayRanges) { + var dateEnv = this.context.dateEnv; + var nextDayThreshold = this.context.options.nextDayThreshold; + var range = eventRange.range; + var allDay = eventRange.def.allDay; + var dayIndex; + var segRange; + var seg; + var segs = []; + for (dayIndex = 0; dayIndex < dayRanges.length; dayIndex += 1) { + segRange = intersectRanges(range, dayRanges[dayIndex]); + if (segRange) { + seg = { + component: this, + eventRange: eventRange, + start: segRange.start, + end: segRange.end, + isStart: eventRange.isStart && segRange.start.valueOf() === range.start.valueOf(), + isEnd: eventRange.isEnd && segRange.end.valueOf() === range.end.valueOf(), + dayIndex: dayIndex, + }; + segs.push(seg); + // detect when range won't go fully into the next day, + // and mutate the latest seg to the be the end. + if (!seg.isEnd && !allDay && + dayIndex + 1 < dayRanges.length && + range.end < + dateEnv.add(dayRanges[dayIndex + 1].start, nextDayThreshold)) { + seg.end = range.end; + seg.isEnd = true; + break; + } + } + } + return segs; + }; + return ListView; + }(DateComponent)); + function renderNoEventsInner(hookProps) { + return hookProps.text; + } + function computeDateVars(dateProfile) { + var dayStart = startOfDay(dateProfile.renderRange.start); + var viewEnd = dateProfile.renderRange.end; + var dayDates = []; + var dayRanges = []; + while (dayStart < viewEnd) { + dayDates.push(dayStart); + dayRanges.push({ + start: dayStart, + end: addDays(dayStart, 1), + }); + dayStart = addDays(dayStart, 1); + } + return { dayDates: dayDates, dayRanges: dayRanges }; + } + // Returns a sparse array of arrays, segs grouped by their dayIndex + function groupSegsByDay(segs) { + var segsByDay = []; // sparse array + var i; + var seg; + for (i = 0; i < segs.length; i += 1) { + seg = segs[i]; + (segsByDay[seg.dayIndex] || (segsByDay[seg.dayIndex] = [])) + .push(seg); + } + return segsByDay; + } + + var OPTION_REFINERS$1 = { + listDayFormat: createFalsableFormatter, + listDaySideFormat: createFalsableFormatter, + noEventsClassNames: identity, + noEventsContent: identity, + noEventsDidMount: identity, + noEventsWillUnmount: identity, + // noEventsText is defined in base options + }; + function createFalsableFormatter(input) { + return input === false ? null : createFormatter(input); + } + + var listPlugin = createPlugin({ + optionRefiners: OPTION_REFINERS$1, + views: { + list: { + component: ListView, + buttonTextKey: 'list', + listDayFormat: { month: 'long', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric' }, // like "January 1, 2016" + }, + listDay: { + type: 'list', + duration: { days: 1 }, + listDayFormat: { weekday: 'long' }, // day-of-week is all we need. full date is probably in headerToolbar + }, + listWeek: { + type: 'list', + duration: { weeks: 1 }, + listDayFormat: { weekday: 'long' }, + listDaySideFormat: { month: 'long', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric' }, + }, + listMonth: { + type: 'list', + duration: { month: 1 }, + listDaySideFormat: { weekday: 'long' }, // day-of-week is nice-to-have + }, + listYear: { + type: 'list', + duration: { year: 1 }, + listDaySideFormat: { weekday: 'long' }, // day-of-week is nice-to-have + }, + }, + }); + + var BootstrapTheme$1 = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(BootstrapTheme, _super); + function BootstrapTheme() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + return BootstrapTheme; + }(Theme)); + BootstrapTheme$1.prototype.classes = { + root: 'fc-theme-bootstrap', + table: 'table-bordered', + tableCellShaded: 'table-active', + buttonGroup: 'btn-group', + button: 'btn btn-primary', + buttonActive: 'active', + popover: 'popover', + popoverHeader: 'popover-header', + popoverContent: 'popover-body', + }; + BootstrapTheme$1.prototype.baseIconClass = 'fa'; + BootstrapTheme$1.prototype.iconClasses = { + close: 'fa-times', + prev: 'fa-chevron-left', + next: 'fa-chevron-right', + prevYear: 'fa-angle-double-left', + nextYear: 'fa-angle-double-right', + }; + BootstrapTheme$1.prototype.rtlIconClasses = { + prev: 'fa-chevron-right', + next: 'fa-chevron-left', + prevYear: 'fa-angle-double-right', + nextYear: 'fa-angle-double-left', + }; + BootstrapTheme$1.prototype.iconOverrideOption = 'bootstrapFontAwesome'; // TODO: make TS-friendly. move the option-processing into this plugin + BootstrapTheme$1.prototype.iconOverrideCustomButtonOption = 'bootstrapFontAwesome'; + BootstrapTheme$1.prototype.iconOverridePrefix = 'fa-'; + var plugin$1 = createPlugin({ + themeClasses: { + bootstrap: BootstrapTheme$1, + }, + }); + + var BootstrapTheme = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(BootstrapTheme, _super); + function BootstrapTheme() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + return BootstrapTheme; + }(Theme)); + BootstrapTheme.prototype.classes = { + root: 'fc-theme-bootstrap5', + tableCellShaded: 'fc-theme-bootstrap5-shaded', + buttonGroup: 'btn-group', + button: 'btn btn-primary', + buttonActive: 'active', + popover: 'popover', + popoverHeader: 'popover-header', + popoverContent: 'popover-body', + }; + BootstrapTheme.prototype.baseIconClass = 'bi'; + BootstrapTheme.prototype.iconClasses = { + close: 'bi-x-lg', + prev: 'bi-chevron-left', + next: 'bi-chevron-right', + prevYear: 'bi-chevron-double-left', + nextYear: 'bi-chevron-double-right', + }; + BootstrapTheme.prototype.rtlIconClasses = { + prev: 'bi-chevron-right', + next: 'bi-chevron-left', + prevYear: 'bi-chevron-double-right', + nextYear: 'bi-chevron-double-left', + }; + // wtf + BootstrapTheme.prototype.iconOverrideOption = 'buttonIcons'; // TODO: make TS-friendly + BootstrapTheme.prototype.iconOverrideCustomButtonOption = 'icon'; + BootstrapTheme.prototype.iconOverridePrefix = 'bi-'; + var plugin = createPlugin({ + themeClasses: { + bootstrap5: BootstrapTheme, + }, + }); + + // rename this file to options.ts like other packages? + var OPTION_REFINERS = { + googleCalendarApiKey: String, + }; + + var EVENT_SOURCE_REFINERS = { + googleCalendarApiKey: String, + googleCalendarId: String, + googleCalendarApiBase: String, + extraParams: identity, + }; + + // TODO: expose somehow + var API_BASE = ''; + var eventSourceDef = { + parseMeta: function (refined) { + var googleCalendarId = refined.googleCalendarId; + if (!googleCalendarId && refined.url) { + googleCalendarId = parseGoogleCalendarId(refined.url); + } + if (googleCalendarId) { + return { + googleCalendarId: googleCalendarId, + googleCalendarApiKey: refined.googleCalendarApiKey, + googleCalendarApiBase: refined.googleCalendarApiBase, + extraParams: refined.extraParams, + }; + } + return null; + }, + fetch: function (arg, onSuccess, onFailure) { + var _a = arg.context, dateEnv = _a.dateEnv, options = _a.options; + var meta = arg.eventSource.meta; + var apiKey = meta.googleCalendarApiKey || options.googleCalendarApiKey; + if (!apiKey) { + onFailure({ + message: 'Specify a googleCalendarApiKey. See', + }); + } + else { + var url = buildUrl(meta); + // TODO: make DRY with json-feed-event-source + var extraParams = meta.extraParams; + var extraParamsObj = typeof extraParams === 'function' ? extraParams() : extraParams; + var requestParams_1 = buildRequestParams(arg.range, apiKey, extraParamsObj, dateEnv); + requestJson('GET', url, requestParams_1, function (body, xhr) { + if (body.error) { + onFailure({ + message: 'Google Calendar API: ' + body.error.message, + errors: body.error.errors, + xhr: xhr, + }); + } + else { + onSuccess({ + rawEvents: gcalItemsToRawEventDefs(body.items, requestParams_1.timeZone), + xhr: xhr, + }); + } + }, function (message, xhr) { + onFailure({ message: message, xhr: xhr }); + }); + } + }, + }; + function parseGoogleCalendarId(url) { + var match; + // detect if the ID was specified as a single string. + // will match calendars like "" in addition to person email calendars. + if (/^[^/]+@([^/.]+\.)*(google|googlemail|gmail)\.com$/.test(url)) { + return url; + } + if ((match = /^https:\/\/\/calendar\/v3\/calendars\/([^/]*)/.exec(url)) || + (match = /^https?:\/\/\/calendar\/feeds\/([^/]*)/.exec(url))) { + return decodeURIComponent(match[1]); + } + return null; + } + function buildUrl(meta) { + var apiBase = meta.googleCalendarApiBase; + if (!apiBase) { + apiBase = API_BASE; + } + return apiBase + '/' + encodeURIComponent(meta.googleCalendarId) + '/events'; + } + function buildRequestParams(range, apiKey, extraParams, dateEnv) { + var params; + var startStr; + var endStr; + if (dateEnv.canComputeOffset) { + // strings will naturally have offsets, which GCal needs + startStr = dateEnv.formatIso(range.start); + endStr = dateEnv.formatIso(range.end); + } + else { + // when timezone isn't known, we don't know what the UTC offset should be, so ask for +/- 1 day + // from the UTC day-start to guarantee we're getting all the events + // (start/end will be UTC-coerced dates, so toISOString is okay) + startStr = addDays(range.start, -1).toISOString(); + endStr = addDays(range.end, 1).toISOString(); + } + params = __assign(__assign({}, (extraParams || {})), { key: apiKey, timeMin: startStr, timeMax: endStr, singleEvents: true, maxResults: 9999 }); + if (dateEnv.timeZone !== 'local') { + params.timeZone = dateEnv.timeZone; + } + return params; + } + function gcalItemsToRawEventDefs(items, gcalTimezone) { + return (item) { return gcalItemToRawEventDef(item, gcalTimezone); }); + } + function gcalItemToRawEventDef(item, gcalTimezone) { + var url = item.htmlLink || null; + // make the URLs for each event show times in the correct timezone + if (url && gcalTimezone) { + url = injectQsComponent(url, 'ctz=' + gcalTimezone); + } + return { + id:, + title: item.summary, + start: item.start.dateTime ||, + end: item.end.dateTime ||, + url: url, + location: item.location, + description: item.description, + attachments: item.attachments || [], + extendedProps: (item.extendedProperties || {}).shared || {}, + }; + } + // Injects a string like "arg=value" into the querystring of a URL + // TODO: move to a general util file? + function injectQsComponent(url, component) { + // inject it after the querystring but before the fragment + return url.replace(/(\?.*?)?(#|$)/, function (whole, qs, hash) { return (qs ? qs + '&' : '?') + component + hash; }); + } + var googleCalendarPlugin = createPlugin({ + eventSourceDefs: [eventSourceDef], + optionRefiners: OPTION_REFINERS, + eventSourceRefiners: EVENT_SOURCE_REFINERS, + }); + + globalPlugins.push(interactionPlugin, dayGridPlugin, timeGridPlugin, listPlugin, plugin$1, plugin, googleCalendarPlugin); + + exports.BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS = BASE_OPTION_DEFAULTS; + exports.BASE_OPTION_REFINERS = BASE_OPTION_REFINERS; + exports.BaseComponent = BaseComponent; + exports.BgEvent = BgEvent; + exports.BootstrapTheme = BootstrapTheme$1; + exports.Calendar = Calendar; + exports.CalendarApi = CalendarApi; + exports.CalendarContent = CalendarContent; + exports.CalendarDataManager = CalendarDataManager; + exports.CalendarDataProvider = CalendarDataProvider; + exports.CalendarRoot = CalendarRoot; + exports.Component = Component; + exports.ContentHook = ContentHook; + exports.CustomContentRenderContext = CustomContentRenderContext; + exports.DateComponent = DateComponent; + exports.DateEnv = DateEnv; + exports.DateProfileGenerator = DateProfileGenerator; + exports.DayCellContent = DayCellContent; + exports.DayCellRoot = DayCellRoot; + exports.DayGridView = DayTableView; + exports.DayHeader = DayHeader; + exports.DaySeriesModel = DaySeriesModel; + exports.DayTable = DayTable; + exports.DayTableModel = DayTableModel; + exports.DayTableSlicer = DayTableSlicer; + exports.DayTimeCols = DayTimeCols; + exports.DayTimeColsSlicer = DayTimeColsSlicer; + exports.DayTimeColsView = DayTimeColsView; + exports.DelayedRunner = DelayedRunner; + exports.Draggable = ExternalDraggable; + exports.ElementDragging = ElementDragging; + exports.ElementScrollController = ElementScrollController; + exports.Emitter = Emitter; + exports.EventApi = EventApi; + exports.EventRoot = EventRoot; + exports.EventSourceApi = EventSourceApi; + exports.FeaturefulElementDragging = FeaturefulElementDragging; + exports.Fragment = Fragment; + exports.Interaction = Interaction; + exports.ListView = ListView; + exports.MoreLinkRoot = MoreLinkRoot; + exports.MountHook = MountHook; + exports.NamedTimeZoneImpl = NamedTimeZoneImpl; + exports.NowIndicatorRoot = NowIndicatorRoot; + exports.NowTimer = NowTimer; + exports.PointerDragging = PointerDragging; + exports.PositionCache = PositionCache; + exports.RefMap = RefMap; + exports.RenderHook = RenderHook; + exports.ScrollController = ScrollController; + exports.ScrollResponder = ScrollResponder; + exports.Scroller = Scroller; + exports.SegHierarchy = SegHierarchy; + exports.SimpleScrollGrid = SimpleScrollGrid; + exports.Slicer = Slicer; + exports.Splitter = Splitter; + exports.StandardEvent = StandardEvent; + exports.Table = Table; + exports.TableDateCell = TableDateCell; + exports.TableDowCell = TableDowCell; + exports.TableView = TableView; + exports.Theme = Theme; + exports.ThirdPartyDraggable = ThirdPartyDraggable; + exports.TimeCols = TimeCols; + exports.TimeColsSlatsCoords = TimeColsSlatsCoords; + exports.TimeColsView = TimeColsView; + exports.ViewApi = ViewApi; + exports.ViewContextType = ViewContextType; + exports.ViewRoot = ViewRoot; + exports.WeekNumberRoot = WeekNumberRoot; + exports.WindowScrollController = WindowScrollController; + exports.addDays = addDays; + exports.addDurations = addDurations; + exports.addMs = addMs; + exports.addWeeks = addWeeks; + exports.allowContextMenu = allowContextMenu; + exports.allowSelection = allowSelection; + exports.applyMutationToEventStore = applyMutationToEventStore; + exports.applyStyle = applyStyle; + exports.applyStyleProp = applyStyleProp; + exports.asCleanDays = asCleanDays; + exports.asRoughMinutes = asRoughMinutes; + exports.asRoughMs = asRoughMs; + exports.asRoughSeconds = asRoughSeconds; + exports.binarySearch = binarySearch; + exports.buildClassNameNormalizer = buildClassNameNormalizer; + exports.buildDayRanges = buildDayRanges; + exports.buildDayTableModel = buildDayTableModel; + exports.buildEntryKey = buildEntryKey; + exports.buildEventApis = buildEventApis; + exports.buildEventRangeKey = buildEventRangeKey; + exports.buildHashFromArray = buildHashFromArray; + exports.buildIsoString = buildIsoString; + exports.buildNavLinkAttrs = buildNavLinkAttrs; + exports.buildSegCompareObj = buildSegCompareObj; + exports.buildSegTimeText = buildSegTimeText; + exports.buildSlatMetas = buildSlatMetas; + exports.buildTimeColsModel = buildTimeColsModel; + exports.collectFromHash = collectFromHash; + exports.combineEventUis = combineEventUis; + exports.compareByFieldSpec = compareByFieldSpec; + exports.compareByFieldSpecs = compareByFieldSpecs; + exports.compareNumbers = compareNumbers; + exports.compareObjs = compareObjs; + exports.computeEarliestSegStart = computeEarliestSegStart; + exports.computeEdges = computeEdges; + exports.computeFallbackHeaderFormat = computeFallbackHeaderFormat; + exports.computeHeightAndMargins = computeHeightAndMargins; + exports.computeInnerRect = computeInnerRect; + exports.computeRect = computeRect; + exports.computeSegDraggable = computeSegDraggable; + exports.computeSegEndResizable = computeSegEndResizable; + exports.computeSegStartResizable = computeSegStartResizable; + exports.computeShrinkWidth = computeShrinkWidth; + exports.computeSmallestCellWidth = computeSmallestCellWidth; + exports.computeVisibleDayRange = computeVisibleDayRange; + exports.config = config; + exports.constrainPoint = constrainPoint; + exports.createAriaClickAttrs = createAriaClickAttrs; + exports.createContext = createContext; + exports.createDuration = createDuration; + exports.createElement = createElement; + exports.createEmptyEventStore = createEmptyEventStore; + exports.createEventInstance = createEventInstance; + exports.createEventUi = createEventUi; + exports.createFormatter = createFormatter; + exports.createPlugin = createPlugin; + exports.createPortal = createPortal; + exports.createRef = createRef; + exports.diffDates = diffDates; + exports.diffDayAndTime = diffDayAndTime; + exports.diffDays = diffDays; + exports.diffPoints = diffPoints; + exports.diffWeeks = diffWeeks; + exports.diffWholeDays = diffWholeDays; + exports.diffWholeWeeks = diffWholeWeeks; + exports.disableCursor = disableCursor; + exports.elementClosest = elementClosest; + exports.elementMatches = elementMatches; + exports.enableCursor = enableCursor; + exports.eventTupleToStore = eventTupleToStore; + exports.filterEventStoreDefs = filterEventStoreDefs; + exports.filterHash = filterHash; + exports.findDirectChildren = findDirectChildren; + exports.findElements = findElements; + exports.flexibleCompare = flexibleCompare; + exports.flushSync = flushSync; + exports.formatDate = formatDate; + exports.formatDayString = formatDayString; + exports.formatIsoTimeString = formatIsoTimeString; + exports.formatRange = formatRange; + exports.getAllowYScrolling = getAllowYScrolling; + exports.getCanVGrowWithinCell = getCanVGrowWithinCell; + exports.getClippingParents = getClippingParents; + exports.getDateMeta = getDateMeta; + exports.getDayClassNames = getDayClassNames; + exports.getDefaultEventEnd = getDefaultEventEnd; + exports.getElRoot = getElRoot; + exports.getElSeg = getElSeg; + exports.getEntrySpanEnd = getEntrySpanEnd; + exports.getEventClassNames = getEventClassNames; + exports.getEventTargetViaRoot = getEventTargetViaRoot; + exports.getIsRtlScrollbarOnLeft = getIsRtlScrollbarOnLeft; + exports.getRectCenter = getRectCenter; + exports.getRelevantEvents = getRelevantEvents; + exports.getScrollGridClassNames = getScrollGridClassNames; + exports.getScrollbarWidths = getScrollbarWidths; + exports.getSectionClassNames = getSectionClassNames; + exports.getSectionHasLiquidHeight = getSectionHasLiquidHeight; + exports.getSegAnchorAttrs = getSegAnchorAttrs; + exports.getSegMeta = getSegMeta; + exports.getSlotClassNames = getSlotClassNames; + exports.getStickyFooterScrollbar = getStickyFooterScrollbar; + exports.getStickyHeaderDates = getStickyHeaderDates; + exports.getUnequalProps = getUnequalProps; + exports.getUniqueDomId = getUniqueDomId; + exports.globalLocales = globalLocales; + exports.globalPlugins = globalPlugins; + exports.greatestDurationDenominator = greatestDurationDenominator; + exports.groupIntersectingEntries = groupIntersectingEntries; + exports.guid = guid; + exports.hasBgRendering = hasBgRendering; + exports.hasShrinkWidth = hasShrinkWidth; + exports.identity = identity; + exports.interactionSettingsStore = interactionSettingsStore; + exports.interactionSettingsToStore = interactionSettingsToStore; + exports.intersectRanges = intersectRanges; + exports.intersectRects = intersectRects; + exports.intersectSpans = intersectSpans; + exports.isArraysEqual = isArraysEqual; + exports.isColPropsEqual = isColPropsEqual; + exports.isDateSelectionValid = isDateSelectionValid; + exports.isDateSpansEqual = isDateSpansEqual; + exports.isInt = isInt; + exports.isInteractionValid = isInteractionValid; + exports.isMultiDayRange = isMultiDayRange; + exports.isPropsEqual = isPropsEqual; + exports.isPropsValid = isPropsValid; + exports.isValidDate = isValidDate; + exports.joinSpans = joinSpans; + exports.listenBySelector = listenBySelector; + exports.mapHash = mapHash; + exports.memoize = memoize; + exports.memoizeArraylike = memoizeArraylike; + exports.memoizeHashlike = memoizeHashlike; + exports.memoizeObjArg = memoizeObjArg; + exports.mergeEventStores = mergeEventStores; + exports.multiplyDuration = multiplyDuration; + exports.padStart = padStart; + exports.parseBusinessHours = parseBusinessHours; + exports.parseClassNames = parseClassNames; + exports.parseDragMeta = parseDragMeta; + exports.parseEventDef = parseEventDef; + exports.parseFieldSpecs = parseFieldSpecs; + exports.parseMarker = parse; + exports.pointInsideRect = pointInsideRect; + exports.preventContextMenu = preventContextMenu; + exports.preventDefault = preventDefault; + exports.preventSelection = preventSelection; + exports.rangeContainsMarker = rangeContainsMarker; + exports.rangeContainsRange = rangeContainsRange; + exports.rangesEqual = rangesEqual; + exports.rangesIntersect = rangesIntersect; + exports.refineEventDef = refineEventDef; + exports.refineProps = refineProps; + exports.removeElement = removeElement; + exports.removeExact = removeExact; + exports.render = render; + exports.renderChunkContent = renderChunkContent; + exports.renderFill = renderFill; + exports.renderMicroColGroup = renderMicroColGroup; + exports.renderScrollShim = renderScrollShim; + exports.requestJson = requestJson; + exports.sanitizeShrinkWidth = sanitizeShrinkWidth; + exports.setElSeg = setElSeg; + exports.setRef = setRef; + exports.sliceEventStore = sliceEventStore; + exports.sliceEvents = sliceEvents; + exports.sortEventSegs = sortEventSegs; + exports.startOfDay = startOfDay; + exports.translateRect = translateRect; + exports.triggerDateSelect = triggerDateSelect; + exports.unmountComponentAtNode = unmountComponentAtNode; + exports.unpromisify = unpromisify; + exports.version = version; + exports.whenTransitionDone = whenTransitionDone; + exports.wholeDivideDurations = wholeDivideDurations; + + Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); + + return exports; + +}({})); \ No newline at end of file
/ elements with colspans. + SOLUTION: making individual
+ _this.frameElRefs = new RefMap(); // the fc-daygrid-day-frame + _this.fgElRefs = new RefMap(); // the fc-daygrid-day-events + _this.segHarnessRefs = new RefMap(); // indexed by "instanceId:firstCol" + _this.rootElRef = createRef(); + _this.state = { + framePositions: null, + maxContentHeight: null, + eventInstanceHeights: {}, + }; + return _this; + } + TableRow.prototype.render = function () { + var _this = this; + var _a = this, props = _a.props, state = _a.state, context = _a.context; + var options = context.options; + var colCnt = props.cells.length; + var businessHoursByCol = splitSegsByFirstCol(props.businessHourSegs, colCnt); + var bgEventSegsByCol = splitSegsByFirstCol(props.bgEventSegs, colCnt); + var highlightSegsByCol = splitSegsByFirstCol(this.getHighlightSegs(), colCnt); + var mirrorSegsByCol = splitSegsByFirstCol(this.getMirrorSegs(), colCnt); + var _b = computeFgSegPlacement(sortEventSegs(props.fgEventSegs, options.eventOrder), props.dayMaxEvents, props.dayMaxEventRows, options.eventOrderStrict, state.eventInstanceHeights, state.maxContentHeight, props.cells), singleColPlacements = _b.singleColPlacements, multiColPlacements = _b.multiColPlacements, moreCnts = _b.moreCnts, moreMarginTops = _b.moreMarginTops; + var isForcedInvisible = // TODO: messy way to compute this + (props.eventDrag && props.eventDrag.affectedInstances) || + (props.eventResize && props.eventResize.affectedInstances) || + {}; + return (createElement("tr", { ref: this.rootElRef, role: "row" }, + props.renderIntro && props.renderIntro(), + (cell, col) { + var normalFgNodes = _this.renderFgSegs(col, props.forPrint ? singleColPlacements[col] : multiColPlacements[col], props.todayRange, isForcedInvisible); + var mirrorFgNodes = _this.renderFgSegs(col, buildMirrorPlacements(mirrorSegsByCol[col], multiColPlacements), props.todayRange, {}, Boolean(props.eventDrag), Boolean(props.eventResize), false); + return (createElement(TableCell, { key: cell.key, elRef: _this.cellElRefs.createRef(cell.key), innerElRef: _this.frameElRefs.createRef(cell.key) /* FF problem, but okay to use for left/right. TODO: rename prop */, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, date:, showDayNumber: props.showDayNumbers, showWeekNumber: props.showWeekNumbers && col === 0, forceDayTop: props.showWeekNumbers /* even displaying weeknum for row, not necessarily day */, todayRange: props.todayRange, eventSelection: props.eventSelection, eventDrag: props.eventDrag, eventResize: props.eventResize, extraHookProps: cell.extraHookProps, extraDataAttrs: cell.extraDataAttrs, extraClassNames: cell.extraClassNames, extraDateSpan: cell.extraDateSpan, moreCnt: moreCnts[col], moreMarginTop: moreMarginTops[col], singlePlacements: singleColPlacements[col], fgContentElRef: _this.fgElRefs.createRef(cell.key), fgContent: ( // Fragment scopes the keys + createElement(Fragment, null, + createElement(Fragment, null, normalFgNodes), + createElement(Fragment, null, mirrorFgNodes))), bgContent: ( // Fragment scopes the keys + createElement(Fragment, null, + _this.renderFillSegs(highlightSegsByCol[col], 'highlight'), + _this.renderFillSegs(businessHoursByCol[col], 'non-business'), + _this.renderFillSegs(bgEventSegsByCol[col], 'bg-event'))) })); + }))); + }; + TableRow.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { + this.updateSizing(true); + }; + TableRow.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps, prevState) { + var currentProps = this.props; + this.updateSizing(!isPropsEqual(prevProps, currentProps)); + }; + TableRow.prototype.getHighlightSegs = function () { + var props = this.props; + if (props.eventDrag && props.eventDrag.segs.length) { // messy check + return props.eventDrag.segs; + } + if (props.eventResize && props.eventResize.segs.length) { // messy check + return props.eventResize.segs; + } + return props.dateSelectionSegs; + }; + TableRow.prototype.getMirrorSegs = function () { + var props = this.props; + if (props.eventResize && props.eventResize.segs.length) { // messy check + return props.eventResize.segs; + } + return []; + }; + TableRow.prototype.renderFgSegs = function (col, segPlacements, todayRange, isForcedInvisible, isDragging, isResizing, isDateSelecting) { + var context = this.context; + var eventSelection = this.props.eventSelection; + var framePositions = this.state.framePositions; + var defaultDisplayEventEnd = this.props.cells.length === 1; // colCnt === 1 + var isMirror = isDragging || isResizing || isDateSelecting; + var nodes = []; + if (framePositions) { + for (var _i = 0, segPlacements_1 = segPlacements; _i < segPlacements_1.length; _i++) { + var placement = segPlacements_1[_i]; + var seg = placement.seg; + var instanceId = seg.eventRange.instance.instanceId; + var key = instanceId + ':' + col; + var isVisible = placement.isVisible && !isForcedInvisible[instanceId]; + var isAbsolute = placement.isAbsolute; + var left = ''; + var right = ''; + if (isAbsolute) { + if (context.isRtl) { + right = 0; + left = framePositions.lefts[seg.lastCol] - framePositions.lefts[seg.firstCol]; + } + else { + left = 0; + right = framePositions.rights[seg.firstCol] - framePositions.rights[seg.lastCol]; + } + } + /* + known bug: events that are force to be list-item but span multiple days still take up space in later columns + todo: in print view, for multi-day events, don't display title within non-start/end segs + */ + nodes.push(createElement("div", { className: 'fc-daygrid-event-harness' + (isAbsolute ? ' fc-daygrid-event-harness-abs' : ''), key: key, ref: isMirror ? null : this.segHarnessRefs.createRef(key), style: { + visibility: isVisible ? '' : 'hidden', + marginTop: isAbsolute ? '' : placement.marginTop, + top: isAbsolute ? placement.absoluteTop : '', + left: left, + right: right, + } }, hasListItemDisplay(seg) ? (createElement(TableListItemEvent, __assign({ seg: seg, isDragging: isDragging, isSelected: instanceId === eventSelection, defaultDisplayEventEnd: defaultDisplayEventEnd }, getSegMeta(seg, todayRange)))) : (createElement(TableBlockEvent, __assign({ seg: seg, isDragging: isDragging, isResizing: isResizing, isDateSelecting: isDateSelecting, isSelected: instanceId === eventSelection, defaultDisplayEventEnd: defaultDisplayEventEnd }, getSegMeta(seg, todayRange)))))); + } + } + return nodes; + }; + TableRow.prototype.renderFillSegs = function (segs, fillType) { + var isRtl = this.context.isRtl; + var todayRange = this.props.todayRange; + var framePositions = this.state.framePositions; + var nodes = []; + if (framePositions) { + for (var _i = 0, segs_1 = segs; _i < segs_1.length; _i++) { + var seg = segs_1[_i]; + var leftRightCss = isRtl ? { + right: 0, + left: framePositions.lefts[seg.lastCol] - framePositions.lefts[seg.firstCol], + } : { + left: 0, + right: framePositions.rights[seg.firstCol] - framePositions.rights[seg.lastCol], + }; + nodes.push(createElement("div", { key: buildEventRangeKey(seg.eventRange), className: "fc-daygrid-bg-harness", style: leftRightCss }, fillType === 'bg-event' ? + createElement(BgEvent, __assign({ seg: seg }, getSegMeta(seg, todayRange))) : + renderFill(fillType))); + } + } + return createElement.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([Fragment, {}], nodes)); + }; + TableRow.prototype.updateSizing = function (isExternalSizingChange) { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, frameElRefs = _a.frameElRefs; + if (!props.forPrint && + props.clientWidth !== null // positioning ready? + ) { + if (isExternalSizingChange) { + var frameEls = (cell) { return frameElRefs.currentMap[cell.key]; }); + if (frameEls.length) { + var originEl = this.rootElRef.current; + this.setState({ + framePositions: new PositionCache(originEl, frameEls, true, // isHorizontal + false), + }); + } + } + var oldInstanceHeights = this.state.eventInstanceHeights; + var newInstanceHeights = this.queryEventInstanceHeights(); + var limitByContentHeight = props.dayMaxEvents === true || props.dayMaxEventRows === true; + this.setState({ + // HACK to prevent oscillations of events being shown/hidden from max-event-rows + // Essentially, once you compute an element's height, never null-out. + // TODO: always display all events, as visibility:hidden? + eventInstanceHeights: __assign(__assign({}, oldInstanceHeights), newInstanceHeights), + maxContentHeight: limitByContentHeight ? this.computeMaxContentHeight() : null, + }); + } + }; + TableRow.prototype.queryEventInstanceHeights = function () { + var segElMap = this.segHarnessRefs.currentMap; + var eventInstanceHeights = {}; + // get the max height amongst instance segs + for (var key in segElMap) { + var height = Math.round(segElMap[key].getBoundingClientRect().height); + var instanceId = key.split(':')[0]; // deconstruct how renderFgSegs makes the key + eventInstanceHeights[instanceId] = Math.max(eventInstanceHeights[instanceId] || 0, height); + } + return eventInstanceHeights; + }; + TableRow.prototype.computeMaxContentHeight = function () { + var firstKey = this.props.cells[0].key; + var cellEl = this.cellElRefs.currentMap[firstKey]; + var fcContainerEl = this.fgElRefs.currentMap[firstKey]; + return cellEl.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - fcContainerEl.getBoundingClientRect().top; + }; + TableRow.prototype.getCellEls = function () { + var elMap = this.cellElRefs.currentMap; + return (cell) { return elMap[cell.key]; }); + }; + return TableRow; + }(DateComponent)); + TableRow.addStateEquality({ + eventInstanceHeights: isPropsEqual, + }); + function buildMirrorPlacements(mirrorSegs, colPlacements) { + if (!mirrorSegs.length) { + return []; + } + var topsByInstanceId = buildAbsoluteTopHash(colPlacements); // TODO: cache this at first render? + return (seg) { return ({ + seg: seg, + isVisible: true, + isAbsolute: true, + absoluteTop: topsByInstanceId[seg.eventRange.instance.instanceId], + marginTop: 0, + }); }); + } + function buildAbsoluteTopHash(colPlacements) { + var topsByInstanceId = {}; + for (var _i = 0, colPlacements_1 = colPlacements; _i < colPlacements_1.length; _i++) { + var placements = colPlacements_1[_i]; + for (var _a = 0, placements_1 = placements; _a < placements_1.length; _a++) { + var placement = placements_1[_a]; + topsByInstanceId[placement.seg.eventRange.instance.instanceId] = placement.absoluteTop; + } + } + return topsByInstanceId; + } + + var Table = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(Table, _super); + function Table() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.splitBusinessHourSegs = memoize(splitSegsByRow); + _this.splitBgEventSegs = memoize(splitSegsByRow); + _this.splitFgEventSegs = memoize(splitSegsByRow); + _this.splitDateSelectionSegs = memoize(splitSegsByRow); + _this.splitEventDrag = memoize(splitInteractionByRow); + _this.splitEventResize = memoize(splitInteractionByRow); + _this.rowRefs = new RefMap(); + _this.handleRootEl = function (rootEl) { + _this.rootEl = rootEl; + if (rootEl) { + _this.context.registerInteractiveComponent(_this, { + el: rootEl, + isHitComboAllowed: _this.props.isHitComboAllowed, + }); + } + else { + _this.context.unregisterInteractiveComponent(_this); + } + }; + return _this; + } + Table.prototype.render = function () { + var _this = this; + var props = this.props; + var dateProfile = props.dateProfile, dayMaxEventRows = props.dayMaxEventRows, dayMaxEvents = props.dayMaxEvents, expandRows = props.expandRows; + var rowCnt = props.cells.length; + var businessHourSegsByRow = this.splitBusinessHourSegs(props.businessHourSegs, rowCnt); + var bgEventSegsByRow = this.splitBgEventSegs(props.bgEventSegs, rowCnt); + var fgEventSegsByRow = this.splitFgEventSegs(props.fgEventSegs, rowCnt); + var dateSelectionSegsByRow = this.splitDateSelectionSegs(props.dateSelectionSegs, rowCnt); + var eventDragByRow = this.splitEventDrag(props.eventDrag, rowCnt); + var eventResizeByRow = this.splitEventResize(props.eventResize, rowCnt); + var limitViaBalanced = dayMaxEvents === true || dayMaxEventRows === true; + // if rows can't expand to fill fixed height, can't do balanced-height event limit + // TODO: best place to normalize these options? + if (limitViaBalanced && !expandRows) { + limitViaBalanced = false; + dayMaxEventRows = null; + dayMaxEvents = null; + } + var classNames = [ + 'fc-daygrid-body', + limitViaBalanced ? 'fc-daygrid-body-balanced' : 'fc-daygrid-body-unbalanced', + expandRows ? '' : 'fc-daygrid-body-natural', // will height of one row depend on the others? + ]; + return (createElement("div", { className: classNames.join(' '), ref: this.handleRootEl, style: { + // these props are important to give this wrapper correct dimensions for interactions + // TODO: if we set it here, can we avoid giving to inner tables? + width: props.clientWidth, + minWidth: props.tableMinWidth, + } }, + createElement(NowTimer, { unit: "day" }, function (nowDate, todayRange) { return (createElement(Fragment, null, + createElement("table", { role: "presentation", className: "fc-scrollgrid-sync-table", style: { + width: props.clientWidth, + minWidth: props.tableMinWidth, + height: expandRows ? props.clientHeight : '', + } }, + props.colGroupNode, + createElement("tbody", { role: "presentation" }, (cells, row) { return (createElement(TableRow, { ref: _this.rowRefs.createRef(row), key: cells.length + ? cells[0].date.toISOString() /* best? or put key on cell? or use diff formatter? */ + : row // in case there are no cells (like when resource view is loading) + , showDayNumbers: rowCnt > 1, showWeekNumbers: props.showWeekNumbers, todayRange: todayRange, dateProfile: dateProfile, cells: cells, renderIntro: props.renderRowIntro, businessHourSegs: businessHourSegsByRow[row], eventSelection: props.eventSelection, bgEventSegs: bgEventSegsByRow[row].filter(isSegAllDay) /* hack */, fgEventSegs: fgEventSegsByRow[row], dateSelectionSegs: dateSelectionSegsByRow[row], eventDrag: eventDragByRow[row], eventResize: eventResizeByRow[row], dayMaxEvents: dayMaxEvents, dayMaxEventRows: dayMaxEventRows, clientWidth: props.clientWidth, clientHeight: props.clientHeight, forPrint: props.forPrint })); }))))); }))); + }; + // Hit System + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Table.prototype.prepareHits = function () { + this.rowPositions = new PositionCache(this.rootEl, this.rowRefs.collect().map(function (rowObj) { return rowObj.getCellEls()[0]; }), // first cell el in each row. TODO: not optimal + false, true); + this.colPositions = new PositionCache(this.rootEl, this.rowRefs.currentMap[0].getCellEls(), // cell els in first row + true, // horizontal + false); + }; + Table.prototype.queryHit = function (positionLeft, positionTop) { + var _a = this, colPositions = _a.colPositions, rowPositions = _a.rowPositions; + var col = colPositions.leftToIndex(positionLeft); + var row = rowPositions.topToIndex(positionTop); + if (row != null && col != null) { + var cell = this.props.cells[row][col]; + return { + dateProfile: this.props.dateProfile, + dateSpan: __assign({ range: this.getCellRange(row, col), allDay: true }, cell.extraDateSpan), + dayEl: this.getCellEl(row, col), + rect: { + left: colPositions.lefts[col], + right: colPositions.rights[col], + top: rowPositions.tops[row], + bottom: rowPositions.bottoms[row], + }, + layer: 0, + }; + } + return null; + }; + Table.prototype.getCellEl = function (row, col) { + return this.rowRefs.currentMap[row].getCellEls()[col]; // TODO: not optimal + }; + Table.prototype.getCellRange = function (row, col) { + var start = this.props.cells[row][col].date; + var end = addDays(start, 1); + return { start: start, end: end }; + }; + return Table; + }(DateComponent)); + function isSegAllDay(seg) { + return seg.eventRange.def.allDay; + } + + var DayTableSlicer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(DayTableSlicer, _super); + function DayTableSlicer() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.forceDayIfListItem = true; + return _this; + } + DayTableSlicer.prototype.sliceRange = function (dateRange, dayTableModel) { + return dayTableModel.sliceRange(dateRange); + }; + return DayTableSlicer; + }(Slicer)); + + var DayTable = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(DayTable, _super); + function DayTable() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.slicer = new DayTableSlicer(); + _this.tableRef = createRef(); + return _this; + } + DayTable.prototype.render = function () { + var _a = this, props = _a.props, context = _a.context; + return (createElement(Table, __assign({ ref: this.tableRef }, this.slicer.sliceProps(props, props.dateProfile, props.nextDayThreshold, context, props.dayTableModel), { dateProfile: props.dateProfile, cells: props.dayTableModel.cells, colGroupNode: props.colGroupNode, tableMinWidth: props.tableMinWidth, renderRowIntro: props.renderRowIntro, dayMaxEvents: props.dayMaxEvents, dayMaxEventRows: props.dayMaxEventRows, showWeekNumbers: props.showWeekNumbers, expandRows: props.expandRows, headerAlignElRef: props.headerAlignElRef, clientWidth: props.clientWidth, clientHeight: props.clientHeight, forPrint: props.forPrint }))); + }; + return DayTable; + }(DateComponent)); + + var DayTableView = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(DayTableView, _super); + function DayTableView() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.buildDayTableModel = memoize(buildDayTableModel); + _this.headerRef = createRef(); + _this.tableRef = createRef(); + return _this; + } + DayTableView.prototype.render = function () { + var _this = this; + var _a = this.context, options = _a.options, dateProfileGenerator = _a.dateProfileGenerator; + var props = this.props; + var dayTableModel = this.buildDayTableModel(props.dateProfile, dateProfileGenerator); + var headerContent = options.dayHeaders && (createElement(DayHeader, { ref: this.headerRef, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, dates: dayTableModel.headerDates, datesRepDistinctDays: dayTableModel.rowCnt === 1 })); + var bodyContent = function (contentArg) { return (createElement(DayTable, { ref: _this.tableRef, dateProfile: props.dateProfile, dayTableModel: dayTableModel, businessHours: props.businessHours, dateSelection: props.dateSelection, eventStore: props.eventStore, eventUiBases: props.eventUiBases, eventSelection: props.eventSelection, eventDrag: props.eventDrag, eventResize: props.eventResize, nextDayThreshold: options.nextDayThreshold, colGroupNode: contentArg.tableColGroupNode, tableMinWidth: contentArg.tableMinWidth, dayMaxEvents: options.dayMaxEvents, dayMaxEventRows: options.dayMaxEventRows, showWeekNumbers: options.weekNumbers, expandRows: !props.isHeightAuto, headerAlignElRef: _this.headerElRef, clientWidth: contentArg.clientWidth, clientHeight: contentArg.clientHeight, forPrint: props.forPrint })); }; + return options.dayMinWidth + ? this.renderHScrollLayout(headerContent, bodyContent, dayTableModel.colCnt, options.dayMinWidth) + : this.renderSimpleLayout(headerContent, bodyContent); + }; + return DayTableView; + }(TableView)); + function buildDayTableModel(dateProfile, dateProfileGenerator) { + var daySeries = new DaySeriesModel(dateProfile.renderRange, dateProfileGenerator); + return new DayTableModel(daySeries, /year|month|week/.test(dateProfile.currentRangeUnit)); + } + + var TableDateProfileGenerator = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TableDateProfileGenerator, _super); + function TableDateProfileGenerator() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + // Computes the date range that will be rendered. + TableDateProfileGenerator.prototype.buildRenderRange = function (currentRange, currentRangeUnit, isRangeAllDay) { + var dateEnv = this.props.dateEnv; + var renderRange =, currentRange, currentRangeUnit, isRangeAllDay); + var start = renderRange.start; + var end = renderRange.end; + var endOfWeek; + // year and month views should be aligned with weeks. this is already done for week + if (/^(year|month)$/.test(currentRangeUnit)) { + start = dateEnv.startOfWeek(start); + // make end-of-week if not already + endOfWeek = dateEnv.startOfWeek(end); + if (endOfWeek.valueOf() !== end.valueOf()) { + end = addWeeks(endOfWeek, 1); + } + } + // ensure 6 weeks + if (this.props.monthMode && + this.props.fixedWeekCount) { + var rowCnt = Math.ceil(// could be partial weeks due to hiddenDays + diffWeeks(start, end)); + end = addWeeks(end, 6 - rowCnt); + } + return { start: start, end: end }; + }; + return TableDateProfileGenerator; + }(DateProfileGenerator)); + + var dayGridPlugin = createPlugin({ + initialView: 'dayGridMonth', + views: { + dayGrid: { + component: DayTableView, + dateProfileGeneratorClass: TableDateProfileGenerator, + }, + dayGridDay: { + type: 'dayGrid', + duration: { days: 1 }, + }, + dayGridWeek: { + type: 'dayGrid', + duration: { weeks: 1 }, + }, + dayGridMonth: { + type: 'dayGrid', + duration: { months: 1 }, + monthMode: true, + fixedWeekCount: true, + }, + }, + }); + + var AllDaySplitter = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(AllDaySplitter, _super); + function AllDaySplitter() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + AllDaySplitter.prototype.getKeyInfo = function () { + return { + allDay: {}, + timed: {}, + }; + }; + AllDaySplitter.prototype.getKeysForDateSpan = function (dateSpan) { + if (dateSpan.allDay) { + return ['allDay']; + } + return ['timed']; + }; + AllDaySplitter.prototype.getKeysForEventDef = function (eventDef) { + if (!eventDef.allDay) { + return ['timed']; + } + if (hasBgRendering(eventDef)) { + return ['timed', 'allDay']; + } + return ['allDay']; + }; + return AllDaySplitter; + }(Splitter)); + + var DEFAULT_SLAT_LABEL_FORMAT = createFormatter({ + hour: 'numeric', + minute: '2-digit', + omitZeroMinute: true, + meridiem: 'short', + }); + function TimeColsAxisCell(props) { + var classNames = [ + 'fc-timegrid-slot', + 'fc-timegrid-slot-label', + props.isLabeled ? 'fc-scrollgrid-shrink' : 'fc-timegrid-slot-minor', + ]; + return (createElement(ViewContextType.Consumer, null, function (context) { + if (!props.isLabeled) { + return (createElement("td", { className: classNames.join(' '), "data-time": props.isoTimeStr })); + } + var dateEnv = context.dateEnv, options = context.options, viewApi = context.viewApi; + var labelFormat = // TODO: fully pre-parse + options.slotLabelFormat == null ? DEFAULT_SLAT_LABEL_FORMAT : + Array.isArray(options.slotLabelFormat) ? createFormatter(options.slotLabelFormat[0]) : + createFormatter(options.slotLabelFormat); + var hookProps = { + level: 0, + time: props.time, + date: dateEnv.toDate(, + view: viewApi, + text: dateEnv.format(, labelFormat), + }; + return (createElement(RenderHook, { hookProps: hookProps, classNames: options.slotLabelClassNames, content: options.slotLabelContent, defaultContent: renderInnerContent$1, didMount: options.slotLabelDidMount, willUnmount: options.slotLabelWillUnmount }, function (rootElRef, customClassNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (createElement("td", { ref: rootElRef, className: classNames.concat(customClassNames).join(' '), "data-time": props.isoTimeStr }, + createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-slot-label-frame fc-scrollgrid-shrink-frame" }, + createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-slot-label-cushion fc-scrollgrid-shrink-cushion", ref: innerElRef }, innerContent)))); })); + })); + } + function renderInnerContent$1(props) { + return props.text; + } + + var TimeBodyAxis = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TimeBodyAxis, _super); + function TimeBodyAxis() { + return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + } + TimeBodyAxis.prototype.render = function () { + return (slatMeta) { return (createElement("tr", { key: slatMeta.key }, + createElement(TimeColsAxisCell, __assign({}, slatMeta)))); }); + }; + return TimeBodyAxis; + }(BaseComponent)); + + var DEFAULT_WEEK_NUM_FORMAT = createFormatter({ week: 'short' }); + var AUTO_ALL_DAY_MAX_EVENT_ROWS = 5; + var TimeColsView = /** @class */ (function (_super) { + __extends(TimeColsView, _super); + function TimeColsView() { + var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; + _this.allDaySplitter = new AllDaySplitter(); // for use by subclasses + _this.headerElRef = createRef(); + _this.rootElRef = createRef(); + _this.scrollerElRef = createRef(); + _this.state = { + slatCoords: null, + }; + _this.handleScrollTopRequest = function (scrollTop) { + var scrollerEl = _this.scrollerElRef.current; + if (scrollerEl) { // TODO: not sure how this could ever be null. weirdness with the reducer + scrollerEl.scrollTop = scrollTop; + } + }; + /* Header Render Methods + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + _this.renderHeadAxis = function (rowKey, frameHeight) { + if (frameHeight === void 0) { frameHeight = ''; } + var options = _this.context.options; + var dateProfile = _this.props.dateProfile; + var range = dateProfile.renderRange; + var dayCnt = diffDays(range.start, range.end); + var navLinkAttrs = (dayCnt === 1) // only do in day views (to avoid doing in week views that dont need it) + ? buildNavLinkAttrs(_this.context, range.start, 'week') + : {}; + if (options.weekNumbers && rowKey === 'day') { + return (createElement(WeekNumberRoot, { date: range.start, defaultFormat: DEFAULT_WEEK_NUM_FORMAT }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (createElement("th", { ref: rootElRef, "aria-hidden": true, className: [ + 'fc-timegrid-axis', + 'fc-scrollgrid-shrink', + ].concat(classNames).join(' ') }, + createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-axis-frame fc-scrollgrid-shrink-frame fc-timegrid-axis-frame-liquid", style: { height: frameHeight } }, + createElement("a", __assign({ ref: innerElRef, className: "fc-timegrid-axis-cushion fc-scrollgrid-shrink-cushion fc-scrollgrid-sync-inner" }, navLinkAttrs), innerContent)))); })); + } + return (createElement("th", { "aria-hidden": true, className: "fc-timegrid-axis" }, + createElement("div", { className: "fc-timegrid-axis-frame", style: { height: frameHeight } }))); + }; + /* Table Component Render Methods + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + // only a one-way height sync. we don't send the axis inner-content height to the DayGrid, + // but DayGrid still needs to have classNames on inner elements in order to measure. + _this.renderTableRowAxis = function (rowHeight) { + var _a = _this.context, options = _a.options, viewApi = _a.viewApi; + var hookProps = { + text: options.allDayText, + view: viewApi, + }; + return ( + // TODO: make reusable hook. used in list view too + createElement(RenderHook, { hookProps: hookProps, classNames: options.allDayClassNames, content: options.allDayContent, defaultContent: renderAllDayInner$1, didMount: options.allDayDidMount, willUnmount: options.allDayWillUnmount }, function (rootElRef, classNames, innerElRef, innerContent) { return (createElement("td", { ref: rootElRef, "aria-hidden": true, className: [ + 'fc-timegrid-axis', + 'fc-scrollgrid-shrink', + ].concat(classNames).join(' ') }, + createElement("div", { className: 'fc-timegrid-axis-frame fc-scrollgrid-shrink-frame' + (rowHeight == null ? ' fc-timegrid-axis-frame-liquid' : ''), style: { height: rowHeight } }, + createElement("span", { className: "fc-timegrid-axis-cushion fc-scrollgrid-shrink-cushion fc-scrollgrid-sync-inner", ref: innerElRef }, innerContent)))); })); + }; + _this.handleSlatCoords = function (slatCoords) { + _this.setState({ slatCoords: slatCoords }); + }; + return _this; + } + // rendering + // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + TimeColsView.prototype.renderSimpleLayout = function (headerRowContent, allDayContent, timeContent) { + var _a = this, context = _a.context, props = _a.props; + var sections = []; + var stickyHeaderDates = getStickyHeaderDates(context.options); + if (headerRowContent) { + sections.push({ + type: 'header', + key: 'header', + isSticky: stickyHeaderDates, + chunk: { + elRef: this.headerElRef, + tableClassName: 'fc-col-header', + rowContent: headerRowContent, + }, + }); + } + if (allDayContent) { + sections.push({ + type: 'body', + key: 'all-day', + chunk: { content: allDayContent }, + }); + sections.push({ + type: 'body', + key: 'all-day-divider', + outerContent: ( // TODO: rename to cellContent so don't need to define