class RecruitmentJob include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include Slug field :post_type #type1 => Job, type2 => Internship, type3 => Exchange field :job_title, as: :slug_title, localize: true field :job_description, localize: true field :responsibility, localize: true field :other_conditions, localize: true field :salary #type1 => negotiable type2 => according to company rules field :travel_assignment #type1 => Need to travel, type2 => occasionally, type3 => travelling not required field :working_time #type1 => Day Shift, type2 => Night Shift field :holiday_system #type1 => According to Company Rules, type2 => other field :holiday_system_other field :joining_time #type1 => Immediate, type2 => withing week, type3 => within a month, type4 => more than a month field :work_type #type1 => Office worker, type2 => graduate, type3 => foreigner, type4 => internship, type5 => SOHO field :work_experience_years, type: Integer, :default => 0 field :work_experience_months, type: Integer, :default => 0 field :academic_requirement field :language_requirement field :skills, type: Array, :default => [] field :category field :location_of_work field :industrial_area field :academic_type #type1 -> bachelors, type2 -> masters, type3 -> phd, type4 -> course field :min_salary, type: Integer, :default => 0 field :max_salary, type: Integer, :default => 0 field :filled, type: Boolean, :default => false belongs_to :employer_profile scope :not_filled, ->{where(:filled => false)} def get_category RecruitmentCategory.find(self.category).job_category rescue "" end def get_application_count EmployeeJobApplication.where(:job => end end