en: module_name: recruitment: Recruitment recruitment: recruitment: Recruitment select_a_profile: Please select a profile employee: Employee employer: Employer members: Members industries: Industry Type categories: Job Category industry_title: Industry Title job_category: Job Category company_profile: Company Profile job_description: Job Description responsibility: Job Responsibilities other_conditions: Job Conditions location: Location not_available: Not Available skills_title: Required Skills experience_title: Min Experience qualification: Qualification salary-title: Salary travel: Travel joining: Joining Time worktype_title: Work Type language: Language Requirements workingtime_title: Working Time holiday_title: Holiday fresher: Fresher advanced_search: Advanced Search salary: type1: Negotiable type2: According to company rules type3: Monthly Salary travel_assignment: type1: Need to travel type2: Occasionally type3: Travelling not required working_time: type1: Day Shift type2: Night Shift holiday_system: type1: According to company rules type2: Other joining_time: type1: Immediate type2: Within a week type3: Within a month type4: More than a month work_type: type1: Office Worker type2: Graduate type3: Foreigner type4: Internship type5: SOHO