require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__) # Pick the frameworks you want: # require "active_record/railtie" require "action_controller/railtie" require "action_mailer/railtie" require "sprockets/railtie" require "rails/test_unit/railtie" require "mongoid" require "mongoid/config" require "mongoid/railtie" require "bson" require 'rails' if defined?(Fixnum).nil? Fixnum = Integer puts "Use Integer instead!" puts "Fixnum is deprecated in Ruby trunk!" end if Rails.version.to_i>4 module AbstractController module Callbacks module ClassMethods alias_method :prepend_before_filter, :prepend_before_action alias_method :before_filter, :before_action end end end module ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper alias_method :org_image_tag, :image_tag def image_tag(source, options={}) tmp_source = path_to_image(source) org_image_tag(tmp_source, options) end end class ActionController::Parameters BSON_TYPE = def bson_type BSON_TYPE end def method_missing(method_sym, *args, &block) if @parameters.respond_to?(method_sym) message = <<-DEPRECATE.squish Method #{method_sym} is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 5.1, as `ActionController::Parameters` no longer inherits from hash. Using this deprecated behavior exposes potential security problems. If you continue to use this method you may be creating a security vulnerability in your app that can be exploited. Instead, consider using one of these documented methods which are not deprecated:{ActionPack.version}/classes/ActionController/Parameters.html DEPRECATE ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(message) @parameters.public_send(method_sym, *args, &block) else super end end def to_h #Migrate from rails 4 to rails 5, avoid unpermitted parameters to_unsafe_hash end def update_values(&block) each_pair do |key, value| store(key, block[value]) end end def to_bson_key(validating_keys = BSON::Config.validating_keys?) self.to_s end end elsif Rails.version.to_f >= 4.2 class ActionController::Parameters def to_h #Migrate from rails 4.1 to rails 4.2, avoid unpermitted parameters to_unsafe_hash end end end if RUBY_VERSION.to_f > 2.1 if RUBY_VERSION.to_f>2.4 module Psych def self.load(yaml, permitted_classes: [Symbol], permitted_symbols: [], aliases: false, filename: nil, fallback: nil, symbolize_names: false, freeze: false, strict_integer: false) return self.unsafe_load(yaml, filename: filename, fallback: fallback, symbolize_names: symbolize_names, freeze: freeze, strict_integer: strict_integer) end end end class Time def new_offset(offset) end end class ActionController::Parameters def any?(&block) self.permit!.to_h.any?(&block) end end module URI def self.escape(uri) self::DEFAULT_PARSER.escape(uri.to_s) end def self.unescape(uri) self::DEFAULT_PARSER.unescape(uri.to_s) end def self.parse(uri) uri = uri.strip self::DEFAULT_PARSER.parse(uri) end class < 1} apply_option(:sort) end end def first add_default_sort_options return documents.first if cached? && cache_loaded? try_cache(:first) do if raw_doc = view.limit(-1).first doc = Factory.from_db(klass, raw_doc, criteria.options[:fields]) eager_load([doc]).first end end end def last add_default_sort_options try_cache(:last) do with_inverse_sorting do if raw_doc = view.limit(-1).first doc = Factory.from_db(klass, raw_doc, criteria.options[:fields]) eager_load([doc]).first end end end end def documents_for_iteration add_default_sort_options return documents if cached? && !documents.empty? return view unless eager_loadable? docs ={ |doc| Factory.from_db(klass, doc, criteria.options[:fields]) } eager_load(docs) end end end end else Boolean = Mongoid::Boolean class Mongoid::Criteria::Queryable::Key def to_bson_key(validating_keys = BSON::Config.validating_keys?) self.to_s end end end BSON::Int64.class_eval do def bson_int64? self.to_bson_key.bson_int64? end end if Mongoid::VERSION.to_i >= 7 begin require 'mongoid/association/relatable' module Mongoid::Association::Relatable alias_method :org_initialize, :initialize attr_reader :macro def initialize(*args, &block) @macro = self.class.to_s.demodulize.underscore.to_sym org_initialize(*args, &block) end end rescue ScriptError => e end end end module Mongoid module Findable def and_any_of(conditions) self.any_of(*conditions) end end end module CustomCriteria def and_any_of(conditions) if self.selector.count==0 tmp = self.any_of(*conditions) else all_selector = self.selector self.selector = {} tmp = self.and([all_selector,{"$or"=>conditions}]) end tmp end end module Mongoid class Criteria include CustomCriteria end end require 'action_dispatch/http/request' class ActionDispatch::Request alias_method :org_remote_ip, :remote_ip def remote_ip if @remote_ip.nil? @remote_ip = org_remote_ip if @remote_ip == '' tmp = env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] @remote_ip = tmp if tmp.present? end @remote_ip else @remote_ip end end end module AssetTagHelperFix def stylesheet_link_tag(*sources) options = sources.extract_options!.stringify_keys super(*sources,{media: :all}.merge(options)) end end module ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper def self.included(base) base.include ::AssetTagHelperFix end end # Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems # you've limited to :test, :development, or :production. already_required ={|b|} if Thread.current[:dependency_gems].nil? require File.expand_path('../set_global_variable.rb', __FILE__) end dependency_gems = Thread.current[:dependency_gems] if dependency_gems.nil? built_in_ext_lines = File.readlines('built_in_extensions.rb').map{|s| s.split("#")[0].to_s} rescue [] downloaded_ext_lines = File.readlines('downloaded_extensions.rb').map{|s| s.split("#")[0].to_s} rescue [] extras_ext_lines = File.readlines('extra_gems.rb').map{|s| s.split("#")[0].to_s} rescue [] orbit_ext_lines = (built_in_ext_lines + downloaded_ext_lines + extras_ext_lines) orbit_ext_gems ={|l| l.match(/gem\s+['"](\w+)['"]/)[1] rescue nil}.select{|s| s.present?}.uniq orbit_gem_specs ={|g| orbit_ext_gems.include?( & (g.source.class != Bundler::Source::Rubygems)} dependency_gems = orbit_gem_specs.flat_map{|spec|{|s|}}.uniq end dependency_gems.each{|gem_name| Bundler.require.push(,:runtime)) unless already_required.include?(gem_name)} Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env) class CssPostProcessor def call(input) d = input[:data] [[':hover','.hover-class'],['\.ad-overlay','.banner-overlay']].each do |s,t| d = d.gsub(/((?:(?!{|}).)*#{s}(?:(?!{|}).)*){/) do |v| v1 = $1 v1 = v1.gsub(/((?:(?!,|\t).)*#{s}(?:(?!,|\t).)*)/) do |c| c1 = c.gsub(/#{s}/,t) "#{c}, #{c1}" end "#{v1}{" end end return {data: d} end end module Orbit class Application < Rails::Application if Rails.version.to_i<=5 class ExceptionController < ActionDispatch::PublicExceptions require 'action_dispatch/http/request' require 'action_dispatch/middleware/exception_wrapper' require 'action_dispatch/routing/inspector' require 'action_dispatch/middleware/debug_exceptions' RESCUES_TEMPLATE_PATH = ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions::RESCUES_TEMPLATE_PATH Rails_Ver = Rails.version.to_f Is_Rails4_2 = (Rails_Ver >= 4.2) Is_Rails5 = (Rails_Ver >= 5) alias_method :org_call, :call def call(env) request = request_path = env["REQUEST_PATH"].to_s I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| request_path = request_path.sub(/^\/#{locale}\//, '/') end session = env["rack.session"] if (Site::DEBUG rescue false) || (Rails.env != "production" && request_path.start_with?('/admin') && (@current_user = (session[:user_id] ? User.find(session[:user_id]) : nil) rescue nil)) exception = env['action_dispatch.exception'] @routes_app = env["action_dispatch.routes"] if Is_Rails4_2 if Is_Rails5 backtrace_cleaner = request.get_header("action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner") wrapper =, exception) else wrapper =, exception) end traces = wrapper.traces trace_to_show = "Application Trace" if traces[trace_to_show].empty? && wrapper.rescue_template != "routing_error" trace_to_show = "Full Trace" end if source_to_show = traces[trace_to_show].first source_to_show_id = source_to_show[:id] end template_variables = { request: request, exception: wrapper.exception, traces: traces, show_source_idx: source_to_show_id, trace_to_show: trace_to_show, routes_inspector: routes_inspector(wrapper.exception), source_extracts: wrapper.source_extracts, line_number: wrapper.line_number, file: wrapper.file } else wrapper =, exception) template_variables = { request: request, exception: wrapper.exception, application_trace: wrapper.application_trace, framework_trace: wrapper.framework_trace, full_trace: wrapper.full_trace, routes_inspector: routes_inspector(exception), source_extract: wrapper.source_extract, line_number: wrapper.line_number, file: wrapper.file } end if Is_Rails5 template =[RESCUES_TEMPLATE_PATH], template_variables) else template =[RESCUES_TEMPLATE_PATH], template_variables) end file = "rescues/#{wrapper.rescue_template}" if request.xhr? body = template.render(template: file, layout: false, formats: [:text]) format = "text/plain" else body = template.render(template: file, layout: 'rescues/layout') format = "text/html" end render_body(wrapper.status_code, body, format) else org_call(env) end end def render_html(status, override_public_path=nil) override_public_path = public_path if override_public_path.nil? path = "#{public_path}/#{status}.#{I18n.locale}.html" path = "#{public_path}/#{status}.html" unless (found = File.exist?(path)) if found || File.exist?(path) render_format(status, 'text/html', else [404, { "X-Cascade" => "pass" }, []] end end def render_body(status, body, format) [status, {'Content-Type' => "#{format}; charset=#{ActionDispatch::Response.default_charset}", 'Content-Length' => body.bytesize.to_s}, [body]] end def routes_inspector(exception) if @routes_app && @routes_app.respond_to?(:routes) && (exception.is_a?(ActionController::RoutingError) || exception.is_a?(ActionView::Template::Error)) end end end config.exceptions_app ="#{Rails.root}/app/views/errors") else config.action_dispatch.show_detailed_exceptions = false end # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here. # Application configuration should go into files in config/initializers # -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded. # tell the I18n library where to find your translations if Rails.version.to_i>=6 config.hosts.clear end I18n.load_path += Dir[Rails.root.join('lib', 'locale', '*.{rb,yml}')] I18n.load_path += Dir[Rails.root.join('config', 'locales', '*.{rb,yml}')] I18n.load_path +={|v| v.source.class!=Bundler::Source::Rubygems}.map{|v| Dir[File.expand_path('../config/locales/*.yml',v.loaded_from)]}.flatten # set default locale to something other than :en config.i18n.enforce_available_locales = true config.i18n.default_locale = :en extra_lang ='config/extra_lang.txt').scan(/.*extra_.*/).select{|v| v.exclude? '#'}[0].to_s.split(/extra_language.*:|,| /).select{|v| !v.empty?}.map{|v| v.to_sym} rescue [] all_locales = [:en, :zh_tw] + extra_lang I18n.available_locales = config.i18n.available_locales = all_locales require "i18n/backend/fallbacks" I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, I18n::Backend::Fallbacks) fallbacks = {} all_locales.each do |locale| fallbacks[locale] = [locale,:en].uniq #all_locales.sort_by{|v| v == locale ? 0 : 1} end I18n.fallbacks = fallbacks config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib) #reload_gems = %w(impressionist) # names of gems which should autoreload #config.autoload_paths += Gem.loaded_specs.values.inject([]){ |a,gem| a += gem.load_paths if reload_gems.include?; a } #require 'active_support/dependencies' #ActiveSupport::Dependencies.explicitly_unloadable_constants += { |gem| gem.classify } # config.paths["app/views"].unshift("#{Rails.root}/app/templates") # Set default to the specified zone and make Active Record auto-convert to this zone. # Run "rake -D time" for a list of tasks for finding time zone names. Default is UTC. config.time_zone = 'Asia/Taipei' # The default locale is :en and all translations from config/locales/*.rb,yml are auto loaded. # config.i18n.load_path += Dir[Rails.root.join('my', 'locales', '*.{rb,yml}').to_s] # config.i18n.default_locale = :de if Rails.version.to_i>=5 config.eager_load_paths << Rails.root.join('lib') config.mongoid.belongs_to_required_by_default = false end # config.mongoid.observers = :orbit_observer require 'fileutils' asset_cache_path = 'public/assets' FileUtils.rm_r asset_cache_path, :force => true FileUtils.mkdir_p asset_cache_path config.assets.configure do |env| env.js_compressor = :uglifier # or :closure, :yui env.css_compressor = :sass # or :yui env.cache = ActiveSupport::Cache.lookup_store(:file_store, asset_cache_path) env.register_postprocessor 'text/css', end end end